The Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 6Trfl Timms GERMANY AND FRANCE. AN INSOLENT WARNING 'TO TIM,. NNW FRENCH CuuINET.—ONR OP BISMARCK'S PAVORITS JOURNAL CONCERNING 'ri PEACH O!"8111tOpit ANDA y'RANCO•RUSSIA1: ALLIANC7L. London, Deo. 7.—Tho Cofogn6 Gat- tta4 referring to the epeeoh of the Ger- man Ambassador on the occasion of I'rebident Orevy's reception to diplo- matic representatives ou New Year's Day, declares the peace of Europe it threatened by Euesie only, and Ger - tneny and Austria are determined to hold Russia in cheek. The article is remarkable for the insolent and threa- tening tone toward France and hoetili ty to Bessie. It declares that:Isis• Mara only authorised Hohenlohe'e speech, in which is expressed the cor- dial sentiments of Germany towards France, after the French Premier, in reply to Biemark'e inquiry, had given a eatiefactory statement of hie foreign l olicy and adds:—'No Ministry in France will last long if Biemarok op- poses it. To such a purpose, Heaven be thanked, wo possess requisite mat- erial, force and mental power, which stands at the head of it. No slate eau stand on good terms with Germany which enters into political intimacy with Russia. After his explanations. De Freyeinet, like his predecessor, will prudently regard any to close connec- tion with Roods as dangerous, and will decline to play with fire ; and there- fore, so long as he is all right with Bismarck, he may for the test be in his political ideas Jaoobiu or not at home. The French may manage their affairs as they like, only they must not threaten us or the peaoe of Europe, -or which for the moment is the same thing, they must not by :any attitude of theire encourage Russia to err ter in- to new adventures. This is what Bis• marok has let Parisi know, and that he is assured of a satisfactory cortespon• dent attitude, on the part of De Frey. Binet in reference to Russia is a tact he has caused to be declared to the world in Paris, on ;New Year's day, iu the form of a testimonial of confidence in the new French Cabinet. this ex- planation, acoordingly, is in an enit• nest degree a message intimating con- tinuance of peace in Europe. THE RESULT OF A tTACHMENT. Court was in session, and amid the ntulitiplioity of business which crowd- ed upou trim the deputy sheriff stop- ped at the door of a beautiful widow on the sunny side ;of thirty, who, by by the way, hyd often bestowed mel. ting glances on the deputy aforesaid. He was admitted, and soon the widow appeared. The contusion and delight which the arrival of her visitor oc easioued, set off to greater advantage than usual that oaptivating mauner of the widow M Hit ,obeeke bore the bsautifully blend- ecrtinte of the apple blossom, her lips rerfembled rose buds on which the morning still lingered, and her eyes were like the quivers of Cupid, and the glances of love and tenderness with which they were filled resembling ar• rows, and only wanting a fine bean (pardon the pun) to do full execution. After a few com.nouplaoe remarks. 'M 'dame,' said tete matter of fact deputy, 'I have an attachment for i'Qu•' A deep bush mantled the cheeks of the widow with down oatt eyes, whose glances were centred on her beautiful feet, half concealed by her flowing; drapery, gently patting the floor. Site with equal ardor replied: 'Sir the attachment is most recipro. cal. 14'0e some time the deputy maintain- ed an astonished silence. At length he said : Madame will you ! proceed to court ?' 'Proceed to court 1' replied the Indy, with a merry lough. Thee, shaking herbeautiful heed, she added, .No, sir, even it it was leap year I would not take advantage of the license therein granted to my sox, and, therefore, would greatly prefer that you proceed to enurt.' .But, madame, the dustier) is wait. 'Let him wail. I am not dispelled to hurry matters in Ruch an unbenom ing mariner ; and besides, sir, when the ceremony is performed, I wish you to under.tand that 1 prefer a minister to s The ioo of Peace,' *Madame,' seta he, riving from hie chair with dignity, 'there Ihae been * mistake here. My languttge has been mi understood. The attachment of which I speak was ic!ued from the of. Ace of E. . Qetee eetoew, 1` oo!41WAJMA' Me to bring you before him and auto Chard a very bandoomerillg, as a mark war to a owarge of contempt of court of hay appreciation of hie heroic eon.. in disobeying a eubpoeua iu the ease of duet at Book's Drift. The gift !io ao. Brown loner. compelled by an autograph leiter. The ting is a valu bio diamond watorloof. The English Unitarian, have ar. 110M'INION. ranged to publish 100,000 copies of Dr, Chantling's complete works at the no. SStretferd, Out., had six news• minal price of a shilling each, iu nom• moration of the hundreth birthdey of on the Charming, whio& falls on 'the 7th of April next. The Duke of Rutland reuentle, at. eepted the notices to quit their farms sent in by fifteeu of hie tenants, mid when rent -day came directed his agent to return the whole of the rear's rent to every one of his tenants sheep$ the fifteen who had given notion I The groat preaching bishop in Eng. lend nowadays is Magee, of relerbti• rough, translated front the Irish to the English land—an almost unprecented diatinotion—by Lord Beaconsfield. He is an excellent speaker, Dr. Magee is rather Low Church, The celebrated Tewnty collection of sculpture, for which parliament paid $100,000, has remained for lweutV- 1ve in the cellars of the I3ritish hlueelltn, and has only been viotred during that time, by lantern light, by a few pet); le who insisted on seeing ib. It is stated that the abolition of the .Royal Marine Artillery alt a distinct branch of the Royal Marine forces halt been finally determined on, A preli• urinary step towards this end has been taken in the shape of an Admiralty or. der directing that no recruits be raised for the artillery branch of the corps, Bishop Coleus() hat just issued !D address to the "Christinn people" of I3rit.►in to aid him in inducing the Government to depose "John Dunn, the polygamist Englishman," who has been made "Piing of the largest of thirteen satrapies into which Zululand is divided. At a Grand Lodge of Freemasons on the third inst., in Lend, n, the Prince of Wales was nominated Grand Master for the ensuing year. Mr. Hervey, Grand Secretary, on his retirement in consequence of sericite Omens. was vet- nano ed a pension of £500 per annum and a gratuity of X300. It will be news to most people that two sone of Robert Bloomfield, the t poet, aro still alive. One of them, Charles, has jest completed a book for children, "T1►e Bird and Insects' Post Office," which his father left un- fit:ish'd, and which was included in the "Literary1Remaius,'- published in 1824. papers. Shrimps are very plentiful toast of British Columbia. Counterfeiters nese been operating in Kingston and vicinity. Ottawa has decreased in population during the last four years 3,575. Highway robbery is not an unfro- quent occurrence in P. E. Island. Dig(idh oil is coming in use in Bra- tieh Columbia as a lubricator. St. Thomas Gun Club will nerechase 200 quail for breeding purposes. The vt►lue of church property in the City of Toronto is estimated at $1,- 948,535. Prince Edward Island exported 1,• 200,000 bushels of obtain the month of September. George Gallinger, one of the veter- ans of 1812-15, lute died at Galling - town, Dundee county, in his uiuety third year. A seizure of American coil ni! wits recently made at Georgetown, P. E. while being smuggled astlero from an American schooner. Forty-five oitizens, of Toronto were summoned before the police court on \'Vectuesday for not cleaning the snow off the sidewalks. The Ogdensburg Customs district received 25.017 sheep and lambs from Canada in November ; value $55,017 ; duty, $11,003 40, Mr. Angus Morrison, of Orillia, has received $2,000 from the G. T. R. for injures received ou the Credit Valley accident. Up to date one million three hued. red and fifteen thousand bushels of oats have been shipped from the Proviuce of Prince Edward Island. Five hundred miles of the Canada Pacific Reilway will cost au average of $100,000 per mile, so great are the engineering difficulties. The first frost of the year at Lao la Bicho, Northwest Territories on the 55th parallel, 5 degrees nwtll of Win- nipeg, which is ou 50, occurred Oct. 4th. A New York paper saps : Circulars of a lottery iu aid of the erectiou of La chapel in Quebec in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes have been detaiued iu the Post Office. Mr. ttrtn. Harris, fermerly of Brus- sels, Out., writiug from hie location ou Thessalou River, safe :—'We are 22 miles from a doctor, 70 milds from a lawyer, and 14 miles from a school :Ir church. But we are not troubled cr disgusted with drunkards, or any bad- ly behaved rascals, as you are in Bus - eels. A Lincoln County Attorney is about to indict the county for failing to pro- vide a suitable Court House, the City of St. CaLhariues for allowing $ho door of the Court House to remain open at night, and the townships of Grantham and Niagara for outlying to repair part o the St. Cathariues and N gars stone road. Last Snottily at Windsor a Iwo -year old son of Mr. Evans, au employee of the Great Western Railway, residing ou Goveau etreot, innocently broke a twig off a flowering cherry tree which was standing in a flowerpot and began eating the leaves off the brauoh. The action eaenped the notice of the other memters of the family. 'Unfortunately the tree was a poisonous one, a ept'cies of the deadly uight•shudo, and a few hours later the child wag suffering the most intense agony. Dr. Carney was called in, and on examination diecov• ered the cause of the trouble ; but the little sufferer died early in the evening: ENGLAND. The Princess of Wales has passed her thirty-fifth birthday. Eberle's Hotel, Liverpool, was dos- troyed by fire on December lot. Loss, £75,000. It is proposed to send another Ans• traliau cricket team to Euglat,d next year. The Oxford and Cambridge beat race will tt►ke place on the 2t`th of March, 1880. There are in all England hotweou 50,000 and 60;000 Jews, of whom about 80,000 live in London. On the 29th ult. the Queen invested the Duke of Montrose and the Earl of Seafield with the insigua of the Order Of the Thidtle. or. A. No. i Hoe Wathineten hand prose, Ti good. The secretary of the Stonemasons' Society of Viotoria writes a letter of warning to artisans not to emigrate to that colony from Englaa i. It is announced that should Sir Ed• Iain Johnson aooept the oommand of lirSOLUTION LS ySOLUTION OF PAR'ENER- the Madras arm ,•the a 1 I ointment of RIP—The p pip hese military! member of too Indian 0 tnoil f1nV1 e4ohef Reiasdlte, this woyrlyirHar IS to be filled by Col, Si, Richard solved, by mutual consent. Thehsssiuess will in tuturobeoonctuoted by Mr. t4, Bawden. All c.c. Itleao, K. C. S. I., Bombay Staff counts ane tuts late term must be Nettled before 04rpe. I the 5th la unary, 4.iiUfA41L' H ,{ pl;tt, leer Majesty hob torsed Aloe be MAIO December 4.,1611‘,.4f. IANVAAY 1S, ts& C, Lt S. CiIDLEY, tiridertakory aid irl&ruiture Airtn'uthetiirers J OULD SAY TO V those who intebtl, Purchasing to do so fro,111 the utattutaoturer. alts dealer Who buys to sell Again intuit nice..prejf have a MAILWo 'taint to give tan purchasers tltn bonoflt, Which Cannot 1411 =` ";� to meet the risks Of the (}ramps. Our et ndlttee arc lids than thotb Of city nlatlU!aNtorare QdileipteltI. ly we iib eeileneeper, UTIs} WOLD call gleeislattonUticrr to our unourtakit+g depart teeitt,ehi, It it more coin, plot, then eear, as we havtl addq, severe] new designer et Into 7'hs best coffins. easiest' tbrouds,und every users1 requisite at the. lowest prices. Our new. Hearse to pronouneaali.yr eout1oteut juclses to bat second to nota an, (dice province* Emblems of all the Different Soo:dies. THE EXETER TIN 'Aran SIPOITEDEPOT 0 op 3nbserlber bogs to auneunce to the iuilabitanisof Exeter sulci t s:maxnvd>' l; tetra - try, that he has opened u 1 LN and S l'OVE D1iPOT nxi the stems caarly O-pptati Mr. (1,.. A, ManusGrodory and Liquor store, Main tweet. l xeteitoelrra he it. g.oseatidta fslil,tellordo,s: for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manna 'rtetliirers; Rees.. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest,, t ulsl I1oat1liJt It? paat.tii ta2 workmen cn the py�>al ams. to eave-'rroughingdone to eruct, CMrrhazePlat telfeaSpecialty . Vaal el tbia ys,.tb veru beet 0aa51 new ens eueer... 0 Intending pnrebasen •c iU always fi1><i3 ane at raj, p, +:,reaita to atteadl to ray o.we lias;tees.e and prepared at all times to treat eostowecs cosrteeualtx an -.supply thein with a ggltta a»a� cheap article. Depend %ptan it Hetet niLe:ref: Uyosut get bwth evalne-bau yoturwottt$. The very highest priceltn Cash peid for }1ie e's aracll Sleep &Ens� E 11. SPt� lilllAN. Exeter P 0, Oatoier lis GEtiftlAN SYRUP No other medicine in the world was ever given such a test M its curative dualities as BOSOIIRE'e GERMAN Srnux . In three years two, millions four hundred th•,nsand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of chary?" by druggists in this country to those affIcted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pnenumonia, and other diseases of the throat and lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that GERMAN STRUT will cure them. The result has been that drogeists in every town and village in the. Ca- nadas and United States ere recommending it to their enstomera. Go to your druggist and ask what they know abont it. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Regular size, 75 Dents. Threw doses 1879) will relieve any ease. Suri it's. tor the =en OF THE anti Sewing 1 !aehine 1MEE lealt0EST AND REST STOCK Olt' Silverware, China and Dell ever seen its the Wost,.uta E. DR.EW'S TOE-_ Afr•.Hrevrltesjust received an oxeeliontstock o. Silver Teu Se's,Buttor CooZors,Donleleand Sin glo' Picklis Cruets„ *Lake Bnskots„Cad Rollet .ers,Core– m uniktn Set ts, cara:,oi the Beat Quadrnplls tine T1 ipls. Plate, and is ofreaing thesanse atpriceothat oldtx ASTONISH YOU FOIL CHEAPNESS! - He has juut oponad out a new surd completeas– sort.sent of Chins, Glass and Stonewares. large stock of Lampelust arrived. Can w4dsatisflr yourself as to quaIiiity and cheapness. Coyne an ct try our instruments. Music Teacher still oat hand. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewinx Machine. Organs and Pianos onsurptuad fur beauty of design, and quality of tone,, E. DREW. R. FOWLER'S EXT. WILD Strawberry M� A Specific Remedy for all Sesnlnier Complaints such as Diarrhoea, Dy - sentry, Canada Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera 7nfantnm, Sour Stomach, Griping Pails, and all doraugemonta of the bswets, cans_ ed by using unproper food, snch as raw veµetebles, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure. water or change of water, °henges of the seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are subject to any of the above com- plaints, Ln. EowLnn's EITIIACT or WILD S'rnAwnwi ty will relieve you, and a speedy cure will be effected without injury to the system. It is r manufacte red from the Wild Elam Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injurious drugs. V 1 For said by all dealers, at ls. 10jd. sea or 81.00 PREPAliE11 By MILBURN, BENTLEY & P1 ARSON TO ILO.11^70. E.11l'L(DY'orEa' 7' 10'0 It .ea I. L. Send for circulars explaining our New System of canvassing Agents stinermn- Ens To 11,000 INHABITAN'r , Ourapabi�e,tions aro standar. Address, The Henry Hill Pub. Ca., 41 43 and 45 Shetucltet st, Norwich, Conn. FOR SALE. PIG ESTRAY—Camo on Lot 17, eon 8, Usborno, November 27, a large sow The owner to .v have her by proving property and paying expenses, T. C. CLAIM{. FALL (1879 -o THE OLD 1ELIAI3LE HOUSE At all times ,andpartioalarlyat a period whon Trade is universally depressed and mons scarce, it is in the interest of every haver to purchase where he can got the artiicle he wants. at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock,.' do so with eve -y confid, enoe; it lazing moreaarefully assorted and setae:et' than that of any previeussoason. In the Dry Goods Every department is replete with the most seasonable and faandwnable fnlariat+, marked ea - prices which should command the atteution of the very closest buyers. 'THE ORDERED CLOTHIN3 still has MP.. W.IVES at iitr.lkaad In Millinery Underthemaaagomentof Mies McGloghlon.we mot suit the meat falai/pm. Onr stook ca- Groceries, 3Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the largest and best assorted iu the County. Intending parelwerswill consnl:theiit beetiuterests by oxarniniltg mystockaeforegr,iag elsewhere. It Will pay you to call at C L -+ LLAN D BROS' DREW S, EL' UCEE, For your Dry -Goods, Groceries;, Etc, Everything reduced to suit the h trdr tirnl`es. COTTON OF ALL CLASSES' AT PRESENT WHOLESALE: PRI CES.. ore and call before buying Snits to).,order at startling figures., lCL.LLLAN ''i 13180&.