HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 5satin,.*..e.wn(rm..r,muRx mewarr Letriaee THE ti * 1,+4 H.. ►.. ;aa a C1tiLITY Having, .' bought outi.the iaterctst of my late partner, Mr.: L. Thome, chased in the chs apost, market, >"' to offer goods that can Liquor 'o; ;es .e " anktt+1 1 Ilea. 1.1.2.Street...;. .: (FLOUR AND FEED.) THE, . Tr t`ASUR i',1l IN ACCT"WTI-I SPECIALTY. and bavi4 addocl largely to the former stook, and leaving pll - bot fail togive satisfsction as regards both price :and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Jozn\T mazucrixt.. z=ete .ir% ilk Doe i1L T'S wtli .T, White N heat 2 31 1'o1 07 Scott 1 :5 to 1 2l1 sexot t lVI31:AT 1 0ito127 . ,. 13to 1 0 ,llto t 30 d:3''! to:nat Dn 4 75 t) 5507 17 8 to j (11 To balance. froni last audit 0 10 to 3 + 1011001 kssessntent fer'78 O '1 i to 11 10 Ire{{isi til (i(t-raut 0 •i0 t0 0 00 Assessment '70 .,. 70. to 1 71) lou-tonnlellt Fees and Dont 005 tp 015 15• OIiC l +1!I to 5 t'O Audited and found ooirect, 7110 to 850 i,♦.°' 8 q0 to 8 t' •' lett 'u 1Juitlarl 15,1870, Fire Mott? 11ti'd h ea rley {lots ('lover Seed Peas Kmts . • • Butter 1?leta per b1)1 1'ot,ltoos, 31)'1 bag , Apples, per ba{ Drivel Apples pr U. „- f1ngs, dressed pc) 100 ,,. Reef . Bides, rough ,,, , dresser[ ... Sheens( i 1+•, onoh . /Tay per Son .., ..,. 8 00 tole ,00. ',Micas per bnsll .,, ,,, ,., ... 0' 50 to 0 70 l,Hrd 0 O0 t0 0 10 \t'npl,per Ib ,.. ... ... o 18 to :1 e0 Turkeys 1;;1' 1b.,,.,,, 0 07 to ,0 n7 Cntieso " 0 04 to o 04 Ducks. pet' pair 0 401 to 1150 r • 1 e Exeter Fob . • • ST.1t1AIZT'S • Fall,whent,per bushel., '1,.,,...,.. 1 90 ,01 ^_01 Spring (heat .. 1 07 to 1 30 Parley,. 90 to 0 00I Peas ...... ........... 11.1 to 11 011 Oat; 0Ill to0 3.0 Rag 0.10 to 7 50 Ilutte ,or dozen ..... 0 11 10 0 11 Iinttnr ......................... I1 to 1) LI Elites por lb ....................... 8 50 to 9 on )tressed hogs 5 75 to :; &i Pntatnox per hag... .,, 41 to 0 00 Sheep skies ..... 0 50 to 1 25 HE-1MM,L 1((AFZETe White wbeat- ....... ....... $-1 93 to 1 00 Rod wheat, 1 18 to 1. 931 '�g� spring wboat 1.17 to 1 11. 1 „9C�c111" LINE Barley.. ti 95 to' 58 '1els 050to055 Ont; ................. 0 35 to o ».i bags respectfully to announce that be hos purcl)aaecl from lir. F. G. Sparling, of Soaforth, Iiis entire stock of Staple and Fancy 3)17 Goods, at a .y-.,wan-.-...r..rue.- Tae•. YEAR 1879, S 78 70 'ley Paid Teachers 34N 50Other School Mears '117 00 I hent and Repairs, 1110 00 Other, Expenses 7 10 Balance to next uocount Cit. $2,0119 30 $1,sse 01 107 (1i 1 85 13:3 40 1031 39 $8,009 31 JOI•IN McI ONS:LL.Auditors. CHARLLIS SNELL, 1 : XT: NSIVE,..PUROHASE -Or- taple &PancyflryGoods Readymade Clothing, &e. -- 0 This (;rent uo11nehb1d 3felicino ranks amongst the lea•iing u0ccssarios of lifcl. These famous Pillspnrify tll0JlLonn, and act ,ltostpo •ertull;,-• yetsoot:tingly on the Liver, Stomach; Kidneys, crud Rowels, giving tone, Allergy, suet vigor to these great Ill un spring: of life. 1'ltey are con- fidently recommended as it never fsaing remedy in all eases whole theuonstitation;frunl llhatover canna, has hucoue impaired or weakened. '.1'lwy are wou.inrmliy efficacious 3n all Laimonts incl. oefooll to females of all age; and as a pito al Fatuity medicine, are uusnrylassedj. • •k-v:rsa; it I Its searching and he Cling pr°lperties are known ti rm1 hnmt'the world.,' Pox the cure ofInt dlegn,b:eii breasts. old wounds S( res nndDleerr, itis tui iutaUtblu remedy. If ciTotnally rubbed on the neck and chant s.5 salt. into cleat, it cares s°,re throat; firnllchitis CM,gli3 I'0ade, auQ eve113,nthula. For (3lan(lnln• Swel- 11nos, A.1100.4401:,,,^:lea, 331 hulas. C on tllhnnul n ti `110 and every kind of Skin Disease, it has nev.+r been known to (1111 The Pills l,nd Olntmont are innn- utacturet hly at • 533 OXFORD STEET. LONDON, And are sold by :111 Ven+lvrsof Medi eines through- out the civilized world; with directions ill nattiest every inngu•tge. The Trade 'Marks of these Medicines aro regis- tered to Ottawa, Reece, any one 111 the British Possession 4,wiln nr1,S 1tleh th0 American C3oun- serfeits for sale. ,willhe prosecuted. - t.. •Purclntsers should look to the Lobel on the tot; 1tn(5 Boxes, If thoatirldre8H to not 533, Oxford Sroot, London. they ale Spurious ATCI•roo, CLnCIis. Sewing lfitchincs. organs, Aucordoono, 1111(5 Umbrellos Lep-.(rod. agent ,for'the Warmer series sew- ing 1!tncl'inos. Second- hand Sowing Mach iucsInt . su1" cheap,. Alt kinds ut boodles Mid shuttles for SewiugMechines kepton Saud (Shop-ItlainStreet, J)ashwood: 70Rl G. n:1LDON, Proprietor. 11ay .15 1-y. '(:TAY PUMP W011T s. CI'EOLTON ` PROPRIETOR. 1,1ving`l dilad to ntt• p :mp ,n nob Merv, and pro. cured a large quantity •,t 11, t -,:lass pinup loge, 1 all[ prepared to offal an article Superior,,,to any .Faatdiy'in't'he Ooittlty: and nt prices' that ctefy e.ont3lotit301t,...Wbll4 nod Cisterns dug'en tho shortest notice. -11ofo30 parohooingcall att)te Hay. 1'aunp *OTkr tat,'Hfisp-+lino quarte 131(10 .nor( of 1'l,eter, 1,o,°(illb noM kfav i , t; ' T3 a neia✓ veno htedieinocur�q pm mrttorrlrena IM 'O•TENCE, nur11131 ne.rs'oaeconl#,laints ro. to -tiff itlmops(af:3Totatory,.teeriohn;i eillvi anile to �Pri1a 4o , Qct ;doprpesioin etc,' 75c poi• tient : t etTl '•'>y . Sold .b druggists ercrywhero Wholo- s41e--1?YMA1$ l' Eill" ' CO., Toronto,, Sant by ninil,enewel eealed,onreceipto! rico Address .I lutyor l lt+ Cine enev„&ti.069P O.. Torbnito ectT.ttli"i7i. ,ilpoil the premitte Ofthe 17Isubsar'iler, is t ta, ri. T. RR., ebollt,:'fiiovemb0r i 1131 v. spring ip1(110. 'ilia owner i',.r,,:ti.Hes Led to. prove property„ pay ezpeyt,,p,, antt;tuxu. them(, Large Reduction on the 'Original Cost, and has removed. it to SOUTfCOTT'S BLOCK, EX1'TEB, The stook also consists of Roadymade Clothing, lents' Ties, Scar fs, .Coll ars! ouFFS, GLov :s c SHIRTS, Also Dress and' Mantle Trimming, Fringes, lnserUon, Braids, Tapes, Spoof- • The Tho Goods have boon (rarefplly: re -marked, every lino reduced. and ale now offered at snail Tricots as .eaunot foil to give entire satisfaction. RE3IE SIBEit THE PLA0E-bOUTrICOT2'S BLOCK EXETER. eT01IN : L NZ. GREAT 01JE..'c1-I0R oOOU13RErYT Have commenced the first of their annual clearing sales. r.t his iy no sale of goods out of season, but FALL AND WINTER GOODS► which you all want. The winter is just beginning, so l,u' some of our ` Woolen Scarfs and Squares, AT COST. I� lai;li,h and American Btdnkets, Al.' COST. Ylaiu, 'Twilled( and Checked Wrceys, AT COST. The latest Patterns in Dress Goods, AT COST. (Wotton, Wilkey and 'all -wool. Shirtivgs, AT COST. Prints AT COBT., Rernen ber -30 Days: only. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Don't forget the place --North Store, Fl13nson's Block, .Exeter. LEATEORN & MGCOURREY. GO TO JAMES PIOkA.ED'S( anti don't nlise..tbe chance, fast iceeived- , 3r4.1 Let or those Cheap Mink Setts; lard Lot of Ilol)013, Jim -ken ling prices, Dress Goods and Wineeys-dirt cheap,, .Blankets aL1d.Jatoffc1 at job prices, Grey, Scarli t and Fancy 1 I)I,111e's-mill price,• For vtt11(t) and latest Styles, don't Eitel to set Air MILLI ((.chis lrnd 'TWec la; me 301' better selected;elia it, bosh (.noel' iu 1)3 county. } ,Ji' • he UNIV, ���• AL SUSPENDER Q�'1?Ilw'Ort P, ,.. , t f,''dl' ap;Ortlncnt n,n([ tlr:,.c;°Pitta°y ,l.rind •,, Q 6Mn RE/WOWS why these Suspenders. • B,9OTI AND SNOT:IS k7 are better'than,otherr Bought,bofore tin: bit; advance, and env olnetetyneiv 'f ' ref.--NoEfaatio required. get (1(0 Mtnntage not 3113V (et.eeleetgng fromthii 2nd..49 Slack when: stoopingg,. largest Stoz,k.m town,' but 1 , , •. , 3rd. -It neer (pipe off the S71ouldere:AI , , OTif07,1)1, 1, - , r •' "' 4th. -Sold at.prices.o6,commoa tuspendef111,... 1tIpS�g. OuroL set is to boy end sell sk.Tllr44teinlBriees. Try a Pair and Secure Comfort, and 0, 1110 way p('nlilcl are Clocking rrovald,, w) goutfiletured by O E. RAMAGE, ' tl,ypk we are (irti. g it. 208A44°l t,' ' 00,N '4t4,; .. 4UalE. All) kE.Tu, JoikX 1',ICIKA'RDP ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR. THEE. CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup', Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of tile' Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTLON.. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN maims: '( It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allaysirri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by' articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CBERRY, with the signature of "I: BUTTS" on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. Fowan & Soxs, Boston, Mase. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. s; A Protected 'Solution of the Pretoalde of Iron, Is as easily digestedand assimilated with the blood as the simplest. food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency con be supplied by the use of the PERI/ PIAN SYRUP. It cures a '. thousand ills" simply byToNING Dr, INVIGORATING, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching; out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon.This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea., Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, • And all diseases- originating in a bad .state c the blood, or accompanied by debility, oz' ti low state of the system.. CAUTION. -Be sum, you get the "PE-' RU,YIANSYRUP." Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any: address by Ssra'.W. FOwi.E & SONS, Proprietors). 80 Har- rison Avenue, ,Boston, Mase. . A AFa T O I./.Vt B R+ O T S r oa, 23LAC Z c'O.ODS. 'Black Lustres..fur-12 0E1.. Black Lustres for 20 Black Lustres for 25. Black Lustres for 3Qi. Black Lustros „far 35. B1.o1i Lustros for 3>' • 13laok Lustros for -45' Black Lustres for 50- B1tbAi Ltstre'or 65 Bla;k. Brack. j31a1k Black. Black. Black Black Black Cashmeres,for 30 cts. Cashmeres- ler 45 - Casl'llneres for 55 Cashmeres for 66 Cashmeres for 75 Cashmeres for.00 CCasl: lneres for $1,1:3, Crape Cloth:fort 45 .c'ts. Grape. Cloth for, 75 .cts. •Far,anythina,i 1Bls,cl.;er.anyy,(Alter, Clods, `try, m -aV+ O.N,' .B'„a,.'<THES 1. { t o iFdacrett's I31oc1s.1, ESetsp.., hgleWeb : :'iletaj1),1 111 i'tUYr. M•.�5.,w' 1 Ih. VL4 �4h.il •