The Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 4The MIolsons Bank X11coaroii f1SD3#Y Alln".0433.1n*'1143,lbt'19N73,'1855t °Vital $2,000,00.0, READ OFFICE MONTREAL. 'cions Wolum/in, Ta(1, 1 r/afdetit, ,!.H,1R. Monson, Befit •. + .Txio0-14:1/81) , DIRECTORS, Ron D L Mean ]li.e�tson, E W Shephard, Et Alloldloll,q►1 P I', S H Ewing, 8tEEEllos ,xi'illittiu s, F. W eLY one#•A:T'VfSOMAS, 48Q.,.Gen i Rfaltaper, JA9 ET.r,to'1', l;srt., .Alanap/r Montreal Branch; Ai. H134T0N, 1.1844 - . . Indp1/0tor. Exeter Branch. RENZI C..I31i1 YI R • = MANAGER; LOANS 9.'O i'Ait11t1,Its. Money adyawed, to farmers on easy terms, on their ow,t promissory notes with ono Or more good en- dersere, No mortgage required as security. ttii173X11s BANK Drd•PART IENT S 08r cent Intereitalloteed on ttceosits. Drafts on United States bought and sold. Steri 1,R Exchange bought and sold,, Collections made in all parts of the Dominion and rotarns promptly remitted at lowest rates of exchange, i;xeter, August 15th 1878. • 11-01 Elde• ;id'efeil' EZl1:ft',5'a THURSDAY, JANiJA:EY 8, 1880, THE POOR HOUSE QUESTION. As our readers are well award front the op'xi:ons exp essed ,by us when the Huron County Poor House qt e lion was first spoken of, we are utterly op- posed to the principle of systematic public aid to the indigent, believing that state charity when reduced to.a system, is one of the greatest evils of the nineteenth ceutury. It may hat's its advantages -to municipalities.. They may save money by sending their poor to a }dace common to the. county, the expense attending which is borne pro rata, or it may be that the poor we have with us at present would fare better under such a system; but to our mind these advantages—if they be advantages—are more than counterbalanced by the evils that state charity would bripg upon the oomuiu- nity. The establishment of the prin- ciple would in itself do an incalculable a}iinunt of harm -harm that .would low in magnitude as the principle in teased in age and became more firmly ?`rooted as a part. of ,our Oivil. Govern- nledt. It would teach the people that they are not required• to labor any len• ger than they fi;r , it convenientto do so. -;t would destroy the national • liabit 7if saving money fur ofd age—a • habit that would .become even more characteri :tic of the peop•e than it is, if allowed to develope unhindered by the pernicious.influenee of state aid. Many would argue that, saving wes un- neeessary as•the state amply t'prorided for, them when unable to provide for themselves. Many people now work and sltve money and become a credit to in- stead ofa burden upon the country in 'their old age because they know their • chances of being supported by thepub- lic are very precarious, but establish a system of public charity and the tenor of their life is changed. The incen- tive to labor is removed. They would nnly live from hand to mouth while they possessed the vigor of manhood,' feeliug'secure in the knowledge that a haven of rest is prepared at other peo• pt•e's expense for their reception when they are no longer able to work. The principle is bad. 'It fosters a I spirit of dependence, and makes; professional mendieanoy;respectable. It enervates the people,and robs them of their self= rpl auoe. -They become whining sup - Ocala for assistance, instead of being strong\nlluded, and courageous; They ffll,.befc're, difficulties because they know.theyy:wille slistained,when they fell. bat take away this assurance from a man, and obstacles that under the system of state °parity seem in- surn:onntable would b,e resolutely over- otime apd make the heart the stronger, and the self, reliapce the ;firincr as a ctonsegtzerieef W,e commend the, fol- l?wing seesil)lo,remarke, frono;',the Globe on the• questieh. 't$ow`to,provide for the. poor is a • gliestion •muol'f,debated fibrin, the, win; tier, when the, cpld weather and Is' k of em.Olnymerit.cause a great dtial,,of, suf• Onus,. g, Propositions to ;aaaitablieI coy ntgal.nihouse ' rt pll.i,"0,lrtiy rade ig rvari,attg paf?tV'1 ,.s Al Q.. 'T • g,lod sense elite petrpte geeeri►lly pre,4euts • r• 7 the oarryibg.olxt ot4snob ;proposals, the, het that ppugi i►:ines rdoi, m+;ri'eJ itartfa• .100 goo? 1b�t�ag►4 widely appreciated in Canada.. TL;ri Qtrt1►•blisbiti'e.uif. 0(4 put =v • lie system of relief dernoral hes a • large portion of the. -class from srlitelt pan. pers are drawn, -.Tho induoenients to frugality and temperance are much strengthened when people know that they may oharaoelto suffer if they aro not frugalaa►wd= temperate. ' if lazy people know,; thin: they have nothing worse to fear than being fed ami cloth- ed at the public'. ipenso, they are not likely to labor and save for their sup- port in old age. The poor law of 13ri- tain is respausible for the perfectly cal- lous, impudent, thankless seekers for charity who are so numerous iu. Can- ada. They have been brought up to take it for grantedthat the world owes then .a liviuq# anpeel, no shatnle in eating _bro,tad")'(hayE,b'avetnot earned,'"...• Ow theeve of the :tine elections, a band -bill was circulated in Toronto, stating that the Mowat Government, if sustained, intended to erect Parliament buildings in Toronto,at the cost of one million aollara, This had a suspicious appearance of bribery, when it 1s re- nnembereetthat Mr. Mowat was a can- didate for East Toronto. But the Re- forni party stoatly denied that they knew anything about the origin of the hand -bill, and charged. it on "those horrid tories," though 'what object they could haveiii circulating such a report was not quite cleft .. But the purport of the hand -bill happened to be tele- graphed to London .and. other cities, 1►nd thence intottthe country constituen- cies', where it' was ` not supposed to work as favorably for Mr. Mowat aR m Teron.o. The wires were again called into requisition, and the following tele- gram was sent by the party orgauizer to reform newspapers in several con etitueuoies where it was thought the prospect of spending so much money would iojnre the cause of the Govern- ment candidate:—"Deny most positive- ly rumor set afloat by Tories that the Government has pr3mised to spend a million for new Parliament buildings in Toronto. Not a' particle of truth in it." This telegram was'sent, no doubt, un- der Mr. •Mowat's 'direction. "Nota particle of .truth in it said the . tele- gram; - Arid yet the erection of Parlia- ment buildings in Toronto is to be pro - deeded with ininletlately. And a false- hood wtls telegrithed 'over the county to prevent gm lie( pie from expressing their opinion at :,the rolls on the pro• posed etpen('litnre. And this is a Re- form Government. IN replying to gr. Meredith, who charged the Government with attempt- ing to bribe East Toronto by promising to erect costly Parliamentary buildings in Toronto, Mr. Mowat said :— The Price of Wile t. aivay 'Perfectly satisfied with 'their gutter'swgrth. We would like to'eee a better -turn out to our 11 MO concerts, and °specially those of the Meehanitie Instilutet ° It the people 'e?tpect ,this. institution can be kept tip without dollar's and cents, they are mistaken,' No doubt they do not get at the tkne the sainc,:aatisfaetion that It Oolbatt gives, but ikl the end it is Vastly stiper- io.rs: , The most snecossfttl festival of the set son was field a few nights a„o' in the :Presbyterian Church. at Ailsa Craig, Itev. Mr. Reuuie in the chair. Speech- es by Rev, Mr, Ridley and Rev.. Mr. Mo.hcIlern, Rev. Mr. Ridley aid Rev. Mr, Higgins, Reeitatiolta, singing, Music, &e., by the Sabbath School. The ch nr, under the Management of Messrs, Deans and. Rt bittson, gave sonhe'exae'll'ent. sel'eebions. The ohureh wag, well fille(L 'nd every one was de' lighted. The proceeds go towards the funds of the flourishing Sabbath School here. We believe that several paokageli of the Ailsa Craig Salve, for the cure of Canner, King's Evil and all running sores, are note on the way to old Ire • lana, designed partly for hospital nae there as well aR for the afflicted. Tbe Rev. Thos, Atkinson, Ailsa Craig, . re- plies to all inquiries about it. Twelve teams tore up the ground in grand style at John IITotwen's. 7th concession, McGillivray, on the 8th of January, It is a tie between Colin Campbell and Alex Fraser as to who did the best ploughing, W. K. Atkinson's establi4inisnt is open again, tilat,�.gentlernen hiving ma'de:ite'atisfactoly•settleinent with his creditors,: -"Sparks'' is on his legs ag13i►i. , We regret the, record the death of a very fine young man, Mr. James Camp- bell, townliue of East \Villiarils, on the 6th January. Aged 22 years. Throe fine young colts were lolled by Bostwick's night express on Friday night, half way between Parkhill and Ailsa Craig. The beasts kept ahead of the train for nearly a mile, when they halted at a culvert fearful of tak• ing a leap. The locomotive soon de- cided the question for them. The public iustalhtti•)n of tbe officers of Saxon Lodge. No. 121, I.0, 0. F., Ailsa Craig, was held on the 7th ins., when the following officers were in stalled : W. Allan, N. G.; Caleb Lang - for(:, V. G.; W. Robson, R. S,; W. 11. Novilis, P. S.; JoR. !tosser, Tres- urer; R. W. Tweedle, Warden; I). D. Davis, Condi-Aro': D. Stevenson, 0. • G.; S. Pride, I. G.; H. W. Clark, R. S. N. G.; J. Andersou, L. S. N. G.; J. Morgan. R. S. V. G.; T. McKeith, L. S. F. G•; D. Grey and J. Evans, It. and L. S. S.; S. Gillis, Chaple:in, After the in- stallaii•)n P. G. Master C. T. Campbell of Loudon, d livered a very able and element address on the Principles and Objects of Odd fellowship- The sup- per was a grand affair. . "Tbe erection of new buildings was a negessity;, bet that the question wap' first introduced into .the 'Cabinet 'by those members who do not reside in the city. The matter was tot thr,rlyht of before the edections.in June last," • And yet at few bouts before, a mat) named Mowat had placed the following words in the Lieut.•Governor's speech "As long since as the year -1873, snd again in 1877 the Government arcni• teat had called attention in his reports to the Commissioner' of .Public Works to the necessity 'on the grounds of bealth, safety, and eoonomv, for the early erection of 'a new Legislative Chamber land ;pulblic Offices.” WE imagine • 4hat there has been a gond deal of hypercriticism of the sneech from the Throne. There are many ex• (Aleut measures forsbadowed in it. If they are all planed on the statute 5ook, the.eessiou-•cannot well be said to have been a barreu one. Justice where justice is clue. North Middlesex. The 5th annual entertainment of Wildey lodge, No 153 ,L 0. 0. F., took place in the tetnperanoe,H'tll, Granton, on .� rtdav evening last. , Ainew feature in the programmts, wars'a large supply of oysters, •mixed up with spine excel- lent music; atipplied by .Mies' Ford, who was frequently encored. R. S. Wil- liamns &'Co, L n'lotl rettpt;#ied the pia n0, o The'skating rink at the Flub has at last arrivg1,at,a states -of .complet'ion, mlioli'to`tlie delight of our young -,poo• ple who have beery ywait pg randy for Jack Y! •. ftl t.•',,, I .nq• ,�. ..,•r, 4",321. •, neglected. bib Za4 vet at collie off shortly, and it is the first of the sea - sou, We have ns doubt it will be a good one. Corbett'0,0imeCii t Craigs was (tin- lik th'e' Mech&nios Institute .of the iiglrtbefor) (S grvjdd tilleboslr,'the hall Whig br3tfd44; 8131' avrt' r person ca t • 17 . •1 The value of Wheat in the Canadian Market is contrelled to a great extent by the foreign dernand. If °reps•, art• short in Russia, France and India. England must buy more Canadian Wheat, and the price eonsegneutly ad vanee . But the price of Wilson's Compound, syrup of Wild Cherry never chances. A. twenty five cent bottle will mire any ordinary Cough or Cold and give mark ed relief in old standing casae of Bron- ehitis. In hundredsof oases 50 cent bottles have cured Coughs and Cold:,, which have been proof against all Pais. remedies, and the proprietors pesit'ively claim that a $1 bottle will insure .a large'family against any danger from Croup, Whooping Cou611, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, Coughs anti Colds, and all kindred diseases, fur a whole season. This is no empty br,ast, but a fans which has already been proven by thousands of' ,Canadian Families to their entire satisfaction. .DEnTH$. fliws8UAW.—In Exeter, on the .lith inst., Lu- cinda, wife of Jelinklawkshaty, aged 42 Tears, and 9 months. z ' THE , ONTARIO O Loan & Debenture U'om'y -1 ONDON. • •--o— . {Perla saCj.pIs iz, ,. 12470(1,000. o__ • this Company now has the largest Weir - eta; Vapitnt.of any Loan Company iii ;lYcat•: ern Ontario, and are reeeivinet ntoiithly remittances of Britian capital obtained at a .low- rate. of interest for investment in. Illort�auns on heat' Estate, up to hail the Cash Value. 8t a h n at - : per co t. •;Por further particulars,apr11iy'to any M t'r: Opinoanv'sAppraisers. throug[lout Ontario, or to )r11ag • t$4'•.4 •,•It,S.• vi 4'• fond ln, Jansffitty 15,,1879, 3'w, H.E111)EWUtAy. t;agqlte on Lot 17,'aon ;t, tisborlie, dboilt :110 1111d, itle Of Noi'en111clt, it ewe, The ownsi lLi 1'wlitest.rd. to itr&Ye t,roi)bkby, vase +1q nitOs,; ttli4 tithe her Y1it^ y c111(ilt(iJ', H(lls' The Couuoll pf alto County of T1hi'dil will Moot in the 0Suit Hoek; ht tho '1.`n,clt Of i0,tbriall,,o* VIM) aitll day o.f"Jh'L.1ltY text, Ail accolubeforethedrat Sashinn(uiitlso 00 second tlay110 idf Moot, t, lug. P11;'IF A1DAMSON; Co, Oleri Ito/miry 10,114223 QTL'ER ESTItA3t, . 08100 oil let A, cone Seaton ii, 8 sbnrnei about the 8 stof December, a i'tti"ltud whi(o 111151 • 1.'110 owner is regddsted ttt•pruve property oats expcn. sea and t,(ke it t►way. W. g11is'rON, CATTLE ESTRAY. strayed freall Lot A, couaessioh:0, n31)01110; about tale latter end. of Julvlast, 1 ycarliug•,31seri ro(tyearlingheifer, red EEO. white, 1011(u ,calf t f t41L1 '.vl.itr, End white on forehead. Auy post 11 giving information loading to their Q,1i.Vn1'y 1)111 be suitably rewarded.' W. QT`L,\TO I. PElf0VEU—I1. li'•INSl11A.N, DEN- Tls1', lta9 1'elllu Vptt to 1 auson's Block. three doors north ul;'5 stere:ofCariicame/ upstairs. Illustrated Floral Guide. A beautiful work of 1001'agoa; Me Colette t.Flower Plato, and i0'l llluatru.tious, sit11 deovri shuns of the best Flowers and Vegetables, with price of .sods, and how to grow theist. All:for a five cent Stamp. 11i Eu -fish or Gelman. Vi(:I{'S SElt1,S are the best in the world- Five rTA;r,r4. 6s'; 1 ta'b. Allan Line! GLAS(xOWV Short wee, J)Qssaye--Eennowv---C,)»;Flier— Suj'ety, • CAlttti, INTERMEDIATE AND 6I'F,'T:1'CrtC:a , TIOKET$. AT• 'LOWEST RATES... EV ERY SA:I'URDAY PROW ,Will�',DEC.. q'IIrcrrserease; .Aker:. 1'`71da IlSSO•. P11, ticR wlallillg to befog ant futile' friends ?rola 11,11 o'd conin1 y will gave zrutuey by ht viu.g their tickets' at 'the oilleo of the ugent slit Exi'ter- tivery iuforivatiau'coucerniug tontitletc, R,y LW-- plying g- lily lug t0•. CAP'r.. (.1 KEMP. Tixeter. BISSLTT D1;0$., ENE'rER, ONTa ca g gg gg �q I kmst EXHB'£'I ik, N Fes; ;,1)t 1 ra. BISSETT 1111.0':$194. P,t- Gents for postage will buy the Floral Guide, tel- L} 1:71 ,hg how t.i gut then •�' i ��� ]fi �� The flower and 'Vegetable Garden, lie pages, F=, > 1-x Stx Colored Plates, ant 'limy lnin.hed ('u wit E._, i ,•-o ions. For 50 cents in paper covers ;'81 in Elegant A E cloth. In .German or ldngish. Vfnk's IllustratedD'inntbiy I1akazine32 pogo., FRESH ARRIVALS 4P 'r a colored plate in Query number and many firm e--- Eugraviugs, Price 81:1.5 g ,) cite ; live copies tot e" -d ; ,W .•, 1;5 5pooldien numbers scut fol 10 coots. 3 t 1 t1-34 . 0 r„ copies for 33 cents. Mhlreaa JAMES VlCii, 1759 llonbester, N 7 CHANCERY SALE OP A VALUABLE FARM --Irl TF1E— To'nship of Usborne. —o— Pursuant to the dee-eo and dual odor of the Court of Chaueery made in a certain cause of DINNIN Vs. MARQUIS,: dated respectively the 22,,nd October, 1x74. and too 19th D000mber,•1879, there will be bold by Pula1ie A.ucLion ,. with tho approbation of Henry Macnermotta Es- quire, Maxtor of the said Court at irodorieh, BY ARCHIBALD BISHOP, AUCTIONEER, A.T 'rill CENTRAL HOTEL, . IN THE VII•:-- LAGE OF EX•l+1TEIlt, ox Friciagr, B bFeb.. net •AT TWO O'CLOCK. 3N THE. AFTERNOON, in, odd Parcel, the fo"llotving valuable laud, viz.: The 8 outh part of Lot Number 28, in the 7th CoLceesion of the Township of 'Osborne, in the County of Huron, eontaiuiug sixty-eignt acres, About fifty-eight acres are cleared, 021.1 311 a good state. of cultivation, and. the remainder is well timbered with maple and beech. The soil ilia clay loans. . The land is distant about sixmilosfvom Exeter, which Mho ds a good ,llaraet. Thoro is upon the land 41 sufficiency of gods water. . • there will be a reserved bid Used by the said Master, In otherrespell's the odJliditionsof snits ahull be the stau,ing conditions of the Couri of ,Ouaueery. The title is perfect. • TER516—'Ten ner cent o. the purchase money to the,ve•'doror his Solicitor 011 the day of sale, mud the bonelet into court in one mouth Choreal- tor, withoutintorest,wawathepurchasershall ,o entitled to his conveyance and to be, let into post- 90ssiuu. For further particultLrs a pl, to the Auctioneer and the undersigned, the Vendor's Soiici.or. Doted at Godorioh this letn day of January, A. D.3830.-. li. V, LLL10T MACDEIIMOTT, Vendor's S i1icitor. ,,t. Master at l+oderich, A RARE • CHANCE, SUBSCRIBERS, REAL) THIS. • For the... year 1880 we are prepared to make the following unprecedented and extraordi- nary offer. 'We will furnish Timesslid Globe $2 40 • Mail 2 00' t' .trree Press 2 60 . Advertiser 2 60 °7 Witness 2 00 This is the beis3/4fer ever made by aalypnblisher, and wo con- fidently expect to add several Hundred names to clot list by Spring. We can supply any paper desired, tociehtific; vgrieultural or otherwise, at, greatly reduc- ed. prices fro'% ono; third to one-half less ern. usii ill rates, .At these prices ipayment in -advance insist positively b. mode.. ' NGINE „'.:AND BOILERS. •1 From r to r3 Neste Power, for Fafrto. ern, Dairymen,. Butter and Cheese Factories, Minuses and all potties usiirg liMid Cr hose power. Best and cheapest in the markst. Scnd'for circular....„_and price list. t r i, ihifiriads StrFet., r ETC., ETC., ETC', 1 ,t s'1 While come predietedMitt the,'Catrbnal;• Policy wrath' iut'r,'u.o the pelta of ever,'' ca article, still wo ,1re erlul>1,dto•a(,uocnce•' ,am thut.we eau sell all 1 in,le of stoves 7 t' 1Gpe. celrt.cheapei' than has,evor'been afrorsd'h+retnfore• We; have said out our boa 1ems iu !I(•n.a11,1 G rind , addedt•ugele to the atnell81 Exet'r,i CI which is one of the largest fn the place I a t ALSO- -a} P'. r1`� e,ats Jnr Verity's Cele- brated Plow ! tit BISSETT B 033., .1+d'X i Ti6:t'l,1 ONT. :ra c 11=3:XY ,,re c v.TnIC1NE- T raj M K.itt1, Gi.sat,n7;1 i1hTRADE. t.)AOK- Itellled�,l,n uui til t _,11r 1 -' • Fri} Ltdm, t•�:' S3'OMlln for 111 ea, L,LIKrt(-11t•,atiltl'113 I)ifieese5 )1, 11301 luwa1 ag i3ltellce of :fell Al utit at � •}X�>` '., �k, blab nt d 0101,, � ,,.::� f (,}_• uiversn] I.nasi- Alter rl.'nkinyo', 1;0.ar8'jaole�tnd0,I'itin in t'r.c ser llack,Dirn fess of vision, P7.4ma1111e old age, and many other Diseases; that lea(: to inselllty or Onnsuluption 4111(1 ;t l'reinature grave. r:z -'I'ull earticul0rni,' onrpaiuphlet which we'lesireto, send free by mail to every. one 1.= The Specific Medicine is saldhy all rirngoixto at -1 per packages or six packages for $5, of will hesent by Mail on receipt of the 111011e\ by a(1(lre.ssiug TUE GRAY Jtt•:T)ICINE CO., f01:10NTo, ONT.,CANADA- in . Exeter by all (lru nistk, and every- where ia'3'tnado .toll Oro Uuiied States ')y whole- snlo and retell rtruci;i4ts. N,B—'rho Aamnnd of our bnsiuess iia: o noces- oitatedlonrrurooviugtn Tononto,to vehieh place Please a,1.lres„ 3111 futnr(1 eelnlnliuicatnl7li. CALTION—The Public ate 'hereby cautioned against givin•t env crl'dit or sus tenancoto my wile,EliZObtth ('ockwill,•ofSte- phen Tncn,hlp, no 1 will not be rospnn•11'1e fo- suell, she 11tving lett my bell and hoard without just cause or provt'cntion. WDI.(JCCKWILL,JP. Stte phen, December 15,1879., �tr� r liar due at home. sa,nples worthi yd'V illi t17f�+•$ufree. Address, Stetson & Co. 1 ortla t. d. ,ct a nie. ill Olt EY MA1CL:: G WAYS C)F WA:L a:1'1'. ii DMAx UAL Bol: £1 VL,1T,0Bs—Sl.o s slow- Jtiy Go111d, Van- derbilt and other.milliou;les make money in stocks- Copy sent free, with oiltcial 'reports of the market. Address T. POT'1'Eli WXGB'T & CO., 95 Nall st, New Yotk. SecretBO'V to bewnaae rieb and W,ttch sent .frog, .U. S-ttgeney, Dfonnt'Nimes„lir. 18 Elegant New Style Chromo Cards with.natne Ric. post-paid. Geo. LReed aCo, essau.N.Y, 40 L'legantCbromo Cards, with name, post paid to cents. L. Jones & 00., Nasse a,X.Y $7711 zuonth,itud expenses gtinrnuteetitn agrn is (/::tilt 3roe. _ SZIAw & co, Angueta, Msiiii . $777 A Yf7AB and expenses 80. fKAutS Outii.3 free- Address 1'.O, Viak-ery Augusta, Maine. ileni3iiamilit natistCSsatish �e 1 ttz, N°TICE. r Notice is hereby given tll(it air e.pnlicatidn will be nlltee to. the Legislative. Assembly. of, Ontario. at its next Session- for 'air flet to.:re- vive and amexta tbe Act incorptxatiag the, St. Marys itnq •Crenit Vnllet hallway 'Coil paoy, 36 Victoria, chapter 74, Statutes o? entry illi td eh,tngc the r,nlne of the sail Complanb,.to ex- tend the time for the cowmen,*einentand ocim- pletioli of the stz1ti Railw,ay', !d!sdd,.::.t ;1 alfiee��a Bylaw poised. Villa. U;rt. • r a,tiarr 4r thti:.t:oAv St, Marys, in the' et�agt „et� liatl><..; a By -lair Massed by file itoljttiaiatfan of811r1 ,Township of West 4erra,, int the •Cnutlty offotii;'ni1A q- 13y -law passed by the'Corporatiou c,3 tite',:'V'4I,” lage di Grube, in the saidtdoilntsi,tf severa3'ly granting a:d:to tfre,ealkltailway, ands for ether garposea . • • JUIfi BtAili3lnpi Dated' at St. Miarys • , lEieotot this tBi'gbata.day', Qi. Decd ber,'L•87lle.. t ;1 r l''