HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 3414vA1tt 1 r, 1880 TEF TIS AD(b:ItICAN. The State "'don of Con.ni etiont last year paid ;its expenses sod $092 be. •ides, A meeting of the Cincinnati work- ingmen hoe platted reeotutions condom. wing the reception of General Grant lu that city. Charles B. Fisk of Waterbury, Ver. Wont, has naught 27 'foxes and 70 skunks, and gathere,i $19 worth of of spruce gum in two mouth'. The permanent Exhibition Company of Philadelphia hus paid all its debts except a ,nortgage of Y$50,000 on the building, and bee $10,000 in its tree - cry. A Hunterdon -county, New Jersey, t'►rmer, in removing a ;rock the other d uueartlied a pall of live, but par• tially-torpid snakes. He kited twenty. niue of them. A. bill to prevent and punieh the"in- termarriage of whites and negroes, hag passed both Houses of the South Caro- lina Legislature, and has been ap- proved by the Governor. Mrs. Henry Frond -ham, whose hus- band was lynched by the vigilantes at Lealville, Col., a few weeks ago, will bring a suit against the city of Lead- villa and the Couuty of Lake for $24,. 000 damages. Mr. M. M. Lloyd, a leading educe• tionalist of western Masesohusette, principal of the D.tvis Sell.) of at West• field, has betimes insane, attempted suicide, and has been taken to the in. acne asylum. The St. Louis National Tribune, owned and edited by colored mon, charuea that the funds sent them for relief of colored emigrants have been wasted and squandered by the St. Louis relief board. The personality of Satan was die. cussed a a confereneeof Baptist clergy. men, at New Loudon, Conn. There was no vote, but a majority of the speakers were on the affirmation Bide `of the question. 'Is :there a personal being answering io the name of SM - an ?' one of their numbed to preside over their eatiecile, or in other word' *house. speaker, Ho paid high oo►npli'neule to Hou R. b1 Wails, for setislaotory and impartial manner in which ho bad fulfilled the duties devolving upon ltinl in the two tern* for which he had oo. ousted the chair. Mr. Mowat then gave several ireaeons why be thought it arse advieable to rneke a change, and concluded by nominating Col. Clarke, member of Centre Wellington for Speakership. In doing en the Alt torney.Gouerai pointed out the many (years' experience ;Colonel Clarke had as a legislator, and said be fell sure that not only his own friende, but the bon. gentleneu id the House more etniueutly qualified for the position. Mr.tblow at, be resumedhis seatamidet general applanee'frorn both tidos of the Chamber. Mr.' Wells, in seconding the nomi- nation impressed upon the Homo) the necessity of aiding and supporting their Speaker, and paid a high eulogi• um to the iudualry'and integrity of Col. Clarke. Mr. Meredith said that be did not rise to propose the name of any other goutlolnan, but to express his antis• faction with the selection made, and to aseure the Speaker of the hearty sup. port of hid side of the House. Tho motion was put by the Clerk, and the member from Centre Welliug• ton was elected unanimously. Col. Clarke then advanced ro the Spanker's chair and thanked the mem- bers for the honor done him. He promised Ile would aieoharge hie dict. ies impartially and to she boat of his abilities. Aged People. To pass from poverty to wealth is only changing misery, but 10 pass from illness to health is like flying from this world to paradise. Many aged people who aro troubled with derangemente the urinary organs would find relief of using VictoriaBuc)ilr and Uva Ursi, which ie prepared expressly to meet heir cases and cure disea•ee of the eeretory system. $1 per bottle. t a Certificate as to Purity and Efficacy. LABORATORY,UN1VKRSITr COLLEGE. Toronto. December 4041872 1'O the Victoria Chenucal Co. Gentlemen,—I'.liavo examined tin rticles employed in the Victoria Chem - al Works, iu the preparation of the Victoria Syrup' of Hypophosphites. The several Hypophosphites used are henlically pure, and the Syrup is• also rite free f'•om any itnhucrity, Your yrup of Hypoyhosphttea will undoubt• y prove a very valuable medicine. HENRY H. CROFT, Professor of Chemistry, U. C. a A grand fancy•droes ball took place 0 lately in the Midifeses County, N. Y., Asylum. Sir hundred of the patients c took part. Tire woman were in parti- q 8 1 cnlar, delighted, and behaved with propriety, many of them dancing beau- tifully. •R_♦ THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. OPENING OF THE SESSION—ELBOTION Or SPEAKER. Toronto, Jan. 7.— Shortly after 2 o'clock the Lemberg began to straggle into the old Legislative Buildings, in Front Street. The new members wore the first to arrive ,..and all entered by the front door, while the old members leisurely strolled in a few minutes be. fore three, moegy by the bank entrance from Wellington street. At 8 o'clock, when the Attoruey.Genoral and the rest of the members of the Goveru• mem fled into the Chamber, there was * pretty full number, but this being only the preliminary opening for the election of Speaker, the attendance by the public was very limited, and no ceremony was observed, but ell enter- ed the Chamber id the most unosten- tatious say, the Ministerial party flowiug over half way into the seats nominally allotted ;,for the Opposition, whose numbers, however, are too limi.• rod to occupy all the (leeks to which they are entitled. Metiers. Meredith, Morris, Lauder, Parkhill and Bell oc- cupied the front benche.t to the lett of the Speaker's chair, while on the right the members of the Government were in front, all, their old followers being in near proximity, while the new mem- bers ileat behind the retired deske. lion, R. M. Wells, ex Speaker, war Seated on the rear of tion, Messrs. Wood and .[`raver.. Alter o few minutes had been spent xn •hood -shaking, . introduotiona and social conversation, the member took their seat•,, and shortly after that the Clerk of the Houle called she members to fader.. Silent* prevailing, Mr. Mo. vat rote and addressed the Clerk. He pointed oat that the first duty Df ttstrlZ-elected Legietatutre tats to ahead NE W BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned wonldi'iform the inhabi- tants ofExeterand vioinitythat he has OPENED A. NEW BUTCHER SHOP one -too? south othis 8laexsmithehop andbop•s theseme liberal patronage that has bean as corded to him in the BLAOKSMITII AND WAGON MAKING line willbeextendedtohiminhia new branch o ousinees, His meat wagon willoall attire resi- dents of the vL11egethroetimeeeactweekend FRESH M EAT all k:nda kept constaatl3•'u hand at his butnberabop. Rleoksmithing sud wagon makingearried on aS u•ael in all its brandies R. DAVIS. NEW tiOODS,NEW GOODS constantly arriving at W. D. McGloghlon's Mammoth Jewellery Store, 136, Dundas street London, Out trio. Whenever you visit the For- est City don't fail tovieit this fine establishment, the only flret•c1a-s store of the kind in the City, and beet arranged Jewellery store in the Donk nion. The W, D.McGloghlon Watch stands un- rivalled. Al' who use them recommend ;them to th.ir trends. All kinds of Watches in stook Clocks of every description, Rich Jewellery of ev- ery style, Diamonds and Precious Stones ,Palmy Goods, Spectacles, and all V, edding Rings; Watches, (locks, and Jewellery repaired and warranted W 0.lifeOLOOHLON. Marble Works. o: W. D. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, NTS, HEADSTONES, MAN= rfECES, FURNITURE TOPS, &04 Cemetery 'Work of all kinds neatly executed. Deere North of Drew's; Hntjr Malls street 302042010114 EXETER TIMES. • OILIP JOH PI1111116 DON All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch. Order you work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work a Specialty The TIMES OFFICE has excellent facilities for turning ont CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, OIEVtTL US•, $72 Qoweekark,eu+1fldyApdt rbrry GRAa. eusta, tfafno. $66 o dt Aro Ad4reseej,s1IA QLr11 Jade U(!9 Portlan0, Maine. DO NOT BED Tars. 4.Jawouugreicnefoeu ht ofarners noachorsyu,r1- rounding country that 1 aln prepared to menu. facture all kinds of Horse !takes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, and Laving secured the services of a first -Glass Turner, X AM prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price 1 defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles, Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. OOTTELL, STRAYED from Lot 15, 8. B. Ste- peen,onor. about the 5th August last one white steer with red ring on the nose said red ears,2 years old; one greyish steer 2 3 Gera old; one geeyish heifer 2 yearsold; one yearling steer, redandwhite; one mooioy heifer, light rod, with white, Any information leadIi g to their reeov- ery will be handsomely rewarded, JOHN DOLEHAY,Offa. LEGAL R H. CADDY, BARRISTER az ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &o. Office, Fanson's Block Exeter. 11 ARDING HARDING, & WHITE, Darla tors, Attorneys, Solicitors; Com- sioners,B. ti., &c. las son—Ruyro •e Bzoox, Water treat, St tin ry's. funs 5 .HARDING,E .W. MADDING. H.A.L.WRrrii YY McDIARMID, B.A., it t,il:ITER, NOTARY, CONVEYANCER &C., LAGAN ONT. MEDICAL. D. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, &c., &c., Offioe next door to I. Carlings, Main Street Exeter DR.HYNDMAN.—CORONER FOR the County of Huron. Office,nextdoor to 9fr.I. Carling's store , Ewe ter. T W. BROWNING M. D., C. M. ea • P. ti, Graduate VictoriaUniveraity' Office and residence, Dominion Lahoratorv. Exeter. C. MOORE, M. D. C. M. • Graduate of Sic GtllUnivereity, Montreal Office and ros*denoe,Exeter,Ont. O_lice I; ours— RIO lOa. m and 7tolen. m DR. J. A. ROLLINS. M. C. P. S. O., Victoria St. Crediton, Ont. Office hours role 9 to I0 a. m.; 2 to 5p. m. LU'1'Z, M. D., NJ • Office at his residence. Exeter. TAR. IRVING, GRADUATE UNI- VERSITY TrinityCollegeMemberCoilege Puveioiane and surgeons Ou.., office Kirkton. HOTELS. j'lENTRAL HOTEL, CREDITON % —Wm. Baker proprietor. This Hotel has been newly furnished and fitted up in first-class style. Large and convenient Show. Rooms for Commercial Travellers; beat of liquors lad cigars at the Bar. AttentiveHosticrs ulware on hand 18 21-91n. WILLIAM BAKER, PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. CLIN VPN. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of- fers drat -class accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Goodstabling and attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid to guests. 0 0 rn i u s-. CUDO r, tt a 00 da, 0 V w0 e� u 9 E -I O V 0 Q1 pm 1 oe -1•1011-.�a,. y -.4 a+a g aa".'p O o Ga �►f} o c .,.� gwE= -odW^ m.. bmq i•'•1' COM gl a d' d ape .- •r!� o it p•,0 zi s xit is +� Emit it) wri_ ri.�A4 ftt aSq Aa �. Pci cs z an Street, Exeter, w 0 in 0 0 a C Q la wee cei0 m tdeW 1g KINSMAN, DENTtST;. Licentitta,or the Dental: College of On tarie, maybe consult'd any day. Office— nett door to ttgl P.01, 0 I, ZiMrter,tll»t, C,. 1