HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 2THE Tina 3ANUARRT 15, PSO. DESERTED AND DYING, A GRASS -WIDOW SHOT ST A P'A1a111 LArlOitga' PI.IGII'r AND CAPTORS or tIlle ilirSO 1 ANT --HOW HIS ROPED To. USOAPI4 r't1NXal.A•', Toronto, $an. 7.—What perhaps may prove to be nlnrder is reported from the fourth Concession of Markham, two and n halt mites frail). Unionville, a station of the Grand Trunk, 20 miles east from Toronto. About 9 o'clock last night G'eorgo Ernest, aged 23, a farm laborer iu the employnieat of a Termer- named docking, took a double- barrelled gun and went to the boners of Mary l'hebs, a married woman, whose Husband has left her. When Ernest approached she was, stiveeping ou the 'Verandah. Ernest,` without any pre- liminary warning, said, "!wary, I am going to shoot yon," took aim and fired. The charge of slugs and buckshot en- tered the woman's side and thigh, Mrs. Prehs;acreamed,etaggered and fell. A man in the !solids, nerned Wilson, rushed out and tried to carry the wo- unded woman into the house. While he was doing this Ernest fired the re- maining barrel without,set. Ile then went tu,a,neighbor`a stable, saddled a horse, and.fled. He first went past Toronto to Weston, but returned 'to this city this afternoon, and declared the shooting was accilentel ; that he aimed the guu iu fun, and that it ac- cidentally went off. He consulted a lawyer as to what he should do it the promisee. and in the meantime County Constable Jones received a telegram to arrest the man, and ancaeeded in cap - taring -him while he was in the act of consulting his Iawyer. Tho authori- ties from Unionville are here to take him back to staud his trial. The wo- man is reported to bo dying, "THAT 'ERE TENNYSON." ( I'm kinder lookin' around for a book of poetry to give to my daughter on Christmas,' explained an oldish-. looking man the other day as a clerk iu a bookstore Dame forward to wait on him. Yes, sir. neve you any choice of poets.' Waal, I s'pose they are all 3f the • same piece,' replied the old man as he scanned the shelves. 'I don't know much about 'ern, but the gal she seems to think a heap of that 'ere chap named Tennymoon. Tennyson, you mean.' Waal I guess so, I ain't no band to remember names. D , you know any thing about this 'ere Teeny sou?' ' Why, he's one of the leasing poets.' Married man?' ' Yes.' 'Move around in putty good` society, does he? ever her he was not exactly straight?' Why, Mr. Tennyeon is supdosed to be a gentleman,' said the astonished clerk, 'though of course, 1 don't know about his private life.' Does he use any slang word in his verses?' • Of course not.' Anything about girls elopin' away front home with pirates and robbers?' Not a word,' The reason I'm a little partickler,' said the old man, 'is because my gal is rather on the romance. She's just dying to slope oft with sorne pirate, or be lugged oil` by some Iujun•killer, and .if that 'ere Tennysou is on the sloop I don '1 want his verses.' ' Oh, yon can be sure flint his poems are all right. They contaiu nothing but the purest sentiment.' Nether thing is, one of the gars in our neighborhood sent off after some one's poems, and;thet 'ore;pamplilet come nigh workin a heap of evil. There eras a sono iu it about the boy with n glass eye, and another about flii•tin ith a feller on the corner, and 1 can't- toll an'ttwill you what. 'Twarleu't a week afore cur Sarah begun to say she'd to 'collar ti bean,' and aslrin her mother not to ', ive her away,' aod all arch slang as tslat, I keep her chnrniu` butter front six in the merniu'till ten at night, and 3. guess it reformed her,bul I don't want to set her gnin' agin.' 'I nsinre yon tllat'l'ennyson's poems tyre alt right.' said the clerk. I'm goin' up to tho market n Lust now, and after dinner I'll call and 1 see tits boa. if there's a single Drool ed word in ilI 1 won't have it, for bein't gain' to .lave Sarahaddle' dow t'rom her chamber winder at midnigli to meetit brigand, acid if she ever tet] pia agin that I'm a kicker I'll bock its oars, even if she is going on 28l' WORLD OVER, The Hessian Government has spa $425,000 on the new court theatre Darmstadt, and a very handsome, co modious etruatttre is the result. Th former theatre was blirut in 1871. In the district of'VV'nitlai, in Rues wolves are making great ravages th year, and it is feared that the losses the peasants will surpase those of 187 The bill of slaughter for this year aloe in the above district includes 270 horse 854 colts, 1,658 sheep, 207 cows, 74 oaleets, and 295 goats and pigs, The Dutch Minister of the Coloni has received from the commauder•i chief at Atchin, in Northern Surnatr a report stating that the power of r sistauce of the natives may be °onside ,7d at an end, and that the authority the Dutch is re-establiehad in tb country, though the war is not co pietely terminated. Of the sit hundred Russian exile transported to the Island of Soghalie and who were on chipboard fully tw mouths, only three suffered by sea sick nese, acoordiug to the report of th captain to his Government, It won! be of interest to travellers to aeoertai what means were used by the oaptai to brine. about such a wonderful result Mr. Ruskiu hal long beef! retire averse to give the 'portrait painters ' chance. There are not many goo likeneesesof him extant. Oue, indeed is in the poseeesiou of Dr. Aoland, o Oxford, which was painted some sever and twenty years ago by a promisin young man by the name of Millais, o whom John Raskin once thought an predicted great • things. There is more recent portrait of him by Rich mond. Now he has consented to sit t flerkomer, A. R. A. The portrai. is to be sketched aubsequsntty by .th same hand, mud as 1Ir. Herkomsr is tnanter of that branch of art he may b expected to prod'1oe something particu- larly fine. Mr. Boehm, A. R. A., ha also been commissioned to execute bust of Mr. Ruskin. HOW BOYS MAY IN LIFE. It may be that yon are debarred fro! entering upon that business for which you believe yourself to be beat ndapled In that case, make the best chalets i your power. Apply your self' faithful] and earuostly to whatever yon may uu d"Drinks. Patient application sour times leads to great results. You emphasize the fact of your bein a poor boy, but this affords ni groun d of dieeouregemert. The Amerioen Pre silent, Andrew Johnson, did to leairn to read at d write until he wan twenty one. So numerous are simile cases that it almost seems as if poverty, inste•d of being a hindrance, were a positive help, ;,.Rich boys are often spoiled, and their energies+ sapped awl undermir:e•1 by luxurone habits ; the too free use of motley, and the lack of that discipline which comes from indig- 1 enee. As an element of success, great stress must be laid upon incorruptible integ rity, which of late years is too rarely found. A business man once said to a writer, "1 can find plenty of young men to work for me. What I want is an honest clerk, whom I eau implicitly trust." Scarcely a (Ray pasees in which some dr f �leation is not brought to light. Wide epread misery often resulted from the lax principles of some young man placed in a, position of trust. Let our young man resolve that he will live on bread and water rather than appropri- ate a penny that is not his own. A boy re a man who estahlls'•!'e a reputation for strict honesty will not remain long out of employment. Don't give up all your time to busi- ness. Reserve a part, if only an hour daily, for reading and mental improve- ment. Some hien prominent in bulli^ nese have found time for a wide and varied courso of reading, which made them agreeable and instructive compan- ions, Once at a dinner party an emin- ent clergyman made an incorrect his- torical alln�ion, and was at once set aright by a quiet merchant who sat be- side flim. Last of ail remember that you owe debt to numenity. Try to live and labor SO that the world may be richer and mankind happier for your having lived, A great inventor,,a great pbilenthrop• hit leaves a legacy to hie race. Who can estimate Lilo inoaaoulal)le debt of the world to the inventor of printing, of the e'«+atn engine, of elle telegraph? Who a ill deny that. Washington, Franklin, land <Man Howard honied to make the world trotter than they round it? Will not the memory of Soott, of Dickens, nit of T'iaatekerav live in the fund' of nnocent pleasure whish their wurksare 1. nesttned so anon; tor generations el I Dome? Ail connot attain their celebrlt; u or etttttlate' their great .athievemente It bat tlo one i4 so bumble that be can Is not promote In some degree the hats Ir plum of those around tritti, A. gooil'Mother, when her son we leaving the home of his childhood ant going out into the great wotld, !show ing that he was ambitious, save bin it this '°parting injunction t 'My tion nt reutatnbor that though it is a goy m, thing to be a great ttlnn, it is a grey e thing to be a good than. No sounder, no truer words wee, I, ever spoke. A great than may dax�le Ie bait a good matt is a beacon shining afaa , by whose beneficent light a mnititndi g, are enabled to Walk in safety. The beep o success is often achieved by the hunt a, blest, and an obscure life, well spent Q is bettor than a wicket renown, n' a, r. of tn- n, d B R O t e a e e a n n y eTUR 1? „ i_Remember r a ' COMMOTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, Inv ing had plated In his hands by an East In - dia missionary the fortnula of a simple vege table remedy for the speedy and permanen Cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catterh, As theta, and all Throat and Lung Affections, nisi e a positive and radical cure for Nervous Ile bility and all Nervous Complairsts, after !It'll' ing tested its wonderful onratiye powers i1 thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to trink� it known to bis suffering fellows. Actuated bi this motive stud a desire to relieve human eel o fering, I will send free of charge to all when de . sire it, this recipe, in German, French, or Eng lash, with full directions for preparing =a as iug. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp 2 naming this paper, W. W. Simms', 140 .Power 1 Block,Rochester, N. Y- 1 a National Policy r PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMON] HARROWS f constantly on hand and made do order MoMILLAN & .tt cBRIDE laving now treater facilities than ever, are pre pared to supply farmers with Aron Beare Plows Steel Mould Board, made by ourselves ; Chill Plows, linanpermake; Scotch Diamo.xlMarro ws Cultivators, lung Plows, Carriages end buggies on hand, and made to or• der. aoree shoeing att«nded to on the short° ei notice. Horses shod, to prevent interterieg. lideMILLAN & McBride, King St.,Hensa 1 1 TIIE EXETER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND ram!, ALL KINDS OF NING Done to order. the place Inver tt XIoward Eros.. . L T. M t.RY'S LIMSWORKS. auurrdrawn kilns hein&now in tell operation;ane turningoutriaily a large Quantity of LIE that forall purposes cannot be surpassed iu the Damin• ion. Parti•sfrom a 4Isten ee can always be•rrplied either at the kilns or deliyar,l by tennis Oliver est rwunnerative rates. Ordorefrom • distance promptly attended to. WHITSON dt SCIJATEB rEACHER WANTED, --Male, see - ..L. and or third class, for 8. 8. Pio. 7, Usbo:no. Ditties to commence 1st J•ruuarv, 1879. Tessimo- nials required. Apply to W. TAYLOR, Secretary of Trustee Board, W iuchelses P. o. Stn. Oct. 9 1879. .A. Lecture TO YOUNG MEN. We have recently nubliehed a new edition of DE. Cr1LVI imr,tI'S CFI.OBRATkD ESSAY. ou the radical and permanent Duro (without me- dicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical Incapacity impediments to Moulage, etc., re- sulting from excess. m, Price in a Reeled envelope, only 6 cents or two postage stamps. The celebrated anther of this admirable essay, olaarlydemonstrates, from thirty years'• success- ful practise. that alarming consequences may radically cured without the dangerous use of in- ternal medicines or the use of the knife ; Point- on t amoue of cure at once simple certain end et - recto nl,by means of whirlrever y sufferer, nomat- ter what his condition may be, may caro himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man In the land. A ddroas, THE CULVN,RWELL MEDICAL Co., 41 Ann Street, New Y rk, Pont Office Box 4586 Rir MIOVALI A R '' MOVAL! RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! P. PRAYN. i has removed to bis new shop, hatelyoconpled by Perkins ,S Co—two doors north of J. f}rigg's book store, where yon: will end everything usually kept it a first cin ss harness establishment, which fot quality of material and slyle.of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED Celt and eta nine cry stoeblbefore pnrchasint elsowhet. PETER FRAYNE 1' JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR 'STORE, GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSQN and BLACK TEAS, 1i91SINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES. A LARGE STOCK O1 CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, S, LUBSTE R S, SALMON, a BITTER SAUCE AN» PICKLES, BKAM IE'S, GINS, MINT'S- sTTTPS., RYE; MALI' SCOTC,Ei:,,IIiIS Ta tem COMMCus Wll1'dK1ES, TO+BA4'COS" ANDCIGARS, WAaIesske al,tsd Retell. . (•...&, MA OE,. Main Street,Exeter. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING ispr<eparsemtogiveall his cuetourers sus betefttsltbntwill accrue from its adoption, and has ow hand a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At Ms Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a which winbe sold at pr-icestrnneard of under Free Trade. 'The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vAntage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is secoird to non° in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Immense Bargains here to be haci ;in Overcooling, Fnll.ultrths, Baoad-cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and every !rain;; noededin the Dry Goods line. The Grocery. Department very Complete. An inspection invited Nes trouble to show woods ISAAC CARLING DOMINION LABORATORY. I3umphrey's Etomeopathic Specifics. We have secured the sole agency for these medicines, the merits of which are too well known to require enlarging upon. CALL FOR PAMPHLET Also always on hand PERRY'b COMMON SENSE HORSE ANL) CATTLE 'PREPARATIONS Sign of the ' Golden Martar," Main St., Exeter. SPECIAL NOTICE! SAMWELL J& PICKARD Are now offering at OLD PRICES a complete assortment of DRY G00CS, including Mantles, and Mantle Cloths in Great Variey Dress Goods in all shades and colors. WINO] YS CHEAPER THAN EVER BLACK LUSTRE$ direct from the mandacturer. FLANNELS & BLANKETS very low, READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP. CLOTH & FUR CAPS ALL STYLES. MILLINERY IN LATEST STYLES. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. ,I Also full lines of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. �J V & IRt;SII GGROCEIiIE$. We have also a rp ciai offering of LADIES' MINK SETS & CAPS r.l Be sure:to call and see them A lot of BUFFALO ROBES at specie prices. o.o A11 the above goods will be offered al. the very lowest (rices, SAMWELL & PICKARD. BEFORE OFF13EED