HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-1-15, Page 11
Vol. V1 I.
PROP EAT ,..14ST. ] 1J
FOR SA.L +' 1'
• . FARM f of one ..Iniud1'tld acres on the London,
•I,sll, first coltea4,iotrol Stephen, ;foal' the village
A l:xelei AS,pLy to Mit 13, V, ,' Lr.,IoT. s..1-01.sur, Exeter, 1, August 13 1679,
po Itk�1� T FOR A '1 'E1ZM OF I
.11- 7. ti SE•.t, 1EA31S,-'two intprovud farms of 011
ane ltuutled mores sash, a large bank baro aucl
Amer bat ,dings (in ouch p; duo. Thu rent must pe 181;
itaid iu Easton.0 or satisfactory security .hiren.
L'et• farther eai•ticulers, apply ou the premises to tin
W,' or It. QUL.\'IUN, lot 1, con, 5, Exeter Y. 0;, Tl
VARM FOR SALE. -Lot 6',bauble of
ILLitre, Stephen, 50 ascus, 90 acres olearecl,12 ou
!flopped, good brick house, good stable, wo1
funot.l.. Lund O\00110 t, Ott 10,k• shore, # of a no
mild faun Port Blake, where boats run three
;imus a week, rout ofd mile from Grand Mend WE
'. ell mac la t'1 eeheeL an d churche s, 00 good road,
i'riee, rt, :1,590, terms easy; 111111)114(1 D17SJ411, int
DINS, Brewster p o '
i,11Ak M FOR thi -Lot 14, CON- rut
IL cession 10 Stephen, etintaiuin4 100 acres. 70
acres cleared, Good Good house and frame barn,
0x.60. Good young _orche,d, grafted fruit, The
farm 6 weltfencecl aid in a good state of Bulli- tat
vatiou• There Lea large quantity of idea ail,,
.ileo a never failing well: For terms apply to Ili
HLN1117 PLILLLWPI{,. Crediton. June 5 all
IL scriber offers for sale his farm, Lot 111, es
Cou.14„'Lownship of Usborne County of Huron
SO urea cleared, the reuvtindo good' bush, well dE
fenced, and in a good state of coltivation • under,
drained, good orchard, splendid we]1 of water. 1n
frame barn 36x60, log stable Olr90,log house, and
convenient' to school and three churches. rot
natter particulars apply' to
WET• 13BY.ltad ICirkton,P.O.,or p
MB. B. V. ELLIOT .3,ttornev, Exeter P.O. B
1ARM EOR SALE. -The eubscrib- t'
er offers for s•tie the Horth half of lot 17, P
outs. 10. Usborne, containing 50 acres, 41 acres
eloured, well uuderdrained, and in a good state
ofeultivation. There are on the premises 6 acres
of good bush, 100 rodsbeard fence, a good-otrtn- `
tortable dwelling 19x30, trance barn 34x04, good 1
log stable and shed 17x47.gooil. orchard, good well tl
of water with pump. The property is situated six
and a,hnlf tithes front Exeter market end'about ,ti
i of a mile from Farquhar, and convenient to
chureltosand schools. - For further particulars. t
apply on the promises or to Farquhar ,est ole
JOHN FUL',1!o1.; • l
• a°"""
1. eiixe.1L sums on first-rate intensity ata uto-
5orato rate of interest.• Apply to •
•..' if, v. FLLioa,
.Solicitor, Exeter. Itth Novetnbcr, 1979. , , . t$.
' !J tee 911es proMPtiv,4*tended to. neon of
salsa arranged atthi8'oflice ' '
1 J. CLARK; Agent for Elie Ue-
.borne and Ribbert Mutual Fire Insurance t
Cotnpany, Rosidsnoe-Farquhar, Orders br •i
Mail promptly attended to.
ri1 M. CARLIN.t..& J. W...,AR11. 'e
1 . STRONG, Licensed Auctioneers for the
' 'Conuty.es of Huron, ;ard'•1. iedlosex Sales on
ducted .with1.satiefaetion, and on liberal terms.
"'All orders left at,Ohristio's Mansion House ivill t
receive prompt attontton. Sept. 4,1-y,
• .. Land ' Sur veyer, dm. will 1.e at the jrai Hotel,Exoter,on the ArstTuesday in each
Mouth. -Orders for work left with Mr, John ,i
Spackneau willreceivepromptattontioa.
e1 OiIN'1H. HYND1IAN, 1
money to loan on mortgages, notes'' and other
securities. Rents and accounts collected on 'rea-
sonable turves. insurance effected in., first-class
Camppa:.iea at reasonable rates. OSico-at 1) ,
llvudman's. Main S root Exeter•
1n.. just teceloed fel-Investment on mortgages
at a per cont.
1 Fon reasonable torma. ',
14 'R.: LBBU'r'TL. D.S ,&I..1t,.C.D.S
Cirn,d)tateofRoyaldollegoof ,• •
Office over O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell
„,,, f'
Half Price..
V • : R.t� CZY,
3ai Iron • Carriage aizd' Build
Oia' Iia1'dwitue,
Exeter, Ontario, 'Thursday, January 15 1880;
E O��iPAFIU LIJGISLATUIiL sure designed to protect the public in -II am likely to ocoupy. •the position of
terests iu these respects. Lieut•Governor of Ontario,the work ao-'
THE srltsex. The depressed condition of the agri- complicated way be^""of so permanent
culturalist• of Great Britain leads to and Bo.useful a character as to leave in
entle1Itett of the 1(lfuelattve Assembly: the expectatiou that a considerable int the minds of all wl o e engaged in
rave grant •pleapure to meaning you migration of farmers and farm labor- or indeutified with a a feeling of true
lasting 8atlefaatTon,
this the first occasion of the Leg -
live Assembly being outveeed eines.
e general election of :the past year..
to deep interest manifested iu. the
pertunity then afroldtd for,adull die -
ton, of public afaire and the quiet,
so and order with which elle elections
re everywhere conducted, were dtrik
proofs of the intelligence and pub -
spirit of a1t3e people of this prov-
I am happy to be able to eo igratu.
e you on' the boihefioief efforts upon
O country arising from last year's
undaut Mary s and on the fact that
L increased detuand for certain choir
of lumber has indicated tonne ten -
nay to revival iu that long depressed.
ere to Canada may be anticipated dur-
ing the preeelit year, Care will be talc -
en by my Government to pines the
claims and advautages.of the Province
of Ontario favorably • and prominently:
before that portion of the•,population of
the United Kingdom, In .yiew of the
satisfactory reeulte that live attended
past effort° toward the. fnaion of law
and egaity procedure in this province,
you will be invited t0 .consider a mea-
sure which, by consolidating the Su-
perior Courts of law and equity and
providing tor tae adoption of a uniform
and improved system of practice and,
pleadings will oornplete the work of ae-
simitatien. Some extension with due
safe guards, of the jurisdiction of the
Division Courts, appears to be called
for by public opinion, and a bill with
that object,will be laid before you.
From prooeediugs in the Dominion
Pariameut, at its last session,tfie early`
abolition of the Domit,im Insolvency
Law appears to be imminent, and in
view of that event, it may' be desirable
that a measure for the equal distribu-
tion of -the property of execution debt-
ors should be placed on the Statute
Books of Ontario, without delay.
'The frequent serioaa accidents, at.
tending in many instances with lose of
life tobrakesman emp'.oyed on railways,
suggests the importance of Dome legis•
tenon nulling it Ouly of the railway
companies to providemeans by which
the dangers of the neoeaserily perilous
occupation may be dim}nisbed.
I invite your. exilies# *tendon to the
subject of certain etatn►orr ere rmptions
from the burdens' of ntnhigipallexpendi
tures which have .been Telt io be a
grevieneetin some of our mllnieipalitietr.
A Bill on this, tubjeot will' be proposed
for your acceptance, .toy at the carne 1
I had the pleasure last. eiirnmor of
tying an ofacial v}eit to-tlie Thunder
ay diotriet, and to the territory declar-
d by theneee award to be part of the
rovinee of Ontario, lying between
Lalre Superior and the Lake of the
Voode and I have reason to believe
tat my visit was not without public
dvantage. commenced to' your at-
euticn the reports relating to the re -
ting It to the reserve of this and other
Si • of the north-western And
orthern pot tions of the Broviuoe re.
eived from the Stipendiary Magistrates
ppointed under the provisions of an
Aat of last session, and whiott; ,vrill be
id before you. The exatten• of gold
epopit in the islandarepf the'. Lalke; n
A Narrow Escape.
Boston, Jan. 12. -By. `a pecutt'%r
combination of circumstances the end•
den breaking of the bell -wire' ou board
the steamship Lanceister, in harbor.
yesterday morning, came very near re,
suiting in a terrible disaster' to 'a Uaslt-
enver train, on the New York & New'
England Railroad. The Lancaster, u:
largo iron vessel, heavily .luded with
coal, was approaching the railway
bridge, when the pilot rang tt, glop trip
engine. The wire broke, and the en-
gineer failing to receive the signal the
yelled kept on, striking the bridge,';
with great force. The timbers wee'';
billy twisted, the bolt which looks th
draw was btoken,and the railroad track'
upon the bridge bent about sighted'
inches from their proper position. Ng;
one.was near the scene at time, and
on; Sunday morning . the inward pawl -
Anger train was approaching but a few
hundred feet away. When but a train's
length from the bridge the engineer
noticed the 3isoonnected rails, and he
reversed the engine and applied, the
air-brak, bringing his train of five Dare
to a stop fifteen feet from the break.
Had the train peened over it would have
plunged into the water at the .side of'
the track, and the lose of lives 'would
have been great, The engineer is de.
serving of great praise for his watehflil-
neea'in discovering the accident almost
at the inetani of its. 000urrenae, soil for
his prompt action for the protection of
the lives of the:paasangers. The para
were unloaded sod the passengers walk-
ed to the depot.
he 1Voode has lat�lrly at�txisoted mi>sfh.. time, yon` will `'be "aakerl' to oonsioer
attention, and should the iraamstan(le, some other abet:gee in;t}ia',aiitered:ter�
local taxation.
as ie anticipated, occasion gonsitlerdblo The requirements of the Legislature
nfliliL of population, to tttal looa}ity dor and pdbl}o departments have long since
ug the ensuing sring dna? sunimer, outarown.the.acoomodation afforded by
oma additional measures for the prey buildings erected at a time wben the
ervatioo of,peaee land order may be
enalacomprisedawent lit -
I: Some , correspondence has busineas trausaoted was proportionately
akon, place betweer. my Government' limited.. As long duce as the year 1878.
and; agitin in 1877, the Government
architect ,had called attention in bis
t raports to.the Commissioner of Public.
Works to the necessity on the ground.,
of health, safety, and economy, for the
t early erection of a new Legislative
Chamber and publio offices. For some
years it has been necessary to secure
a hiredbouee for the business of two of
the 3epertmefts,titthile that of a third is
transacted at a distance of nearly a mild
t from the main building; meantime large
sums have been unavoidably expended
IIT repairs incidental. to.deterioratien,
I effected by time:: The public records
constantly accumulating have been in
great peril front insufficient insu icient security
against fire and. increasing inoonveui-
1 enoe has been.experienced year by year,
with the view of substituting for penal owing to the want of space demanded
discipline a treatment and influence of for proper departmental arraugeinont.
The reports of the architect, with plane
a strictly reformatory ohhtraoto%, a and estimates for the eonstruotinus of
hili will be submitted to yon for this new buildings, on a more eligible and
object and your assent will be asked to more healthy site, will be had before
an appropriation to cotter some neves. you. The value of.the present site for
sary outlay in connection with the other purposes will materially reduce
the cost of the new structure, while
an.i the Government of Canada relpeo-
ing the award of the boundary abi.
ration. I trust that al the'approach-
ng session of the Dominion Parliament
he award will receive from that body
egislative recognition.
The attention t.{ my Government has
I • been directed to the Reforma-
loip for boys at Penetanguishene more
horoughly iutu harmony with the ori.
ginal design and intention of 'such an
ustitution ; tbo system it is proposed
I pursue is modeled on the improved
method adopted at the successful estab-
istlmente of this :kind elsewhere, and
changes contemplated. the price of material and laboris favor•
The Ontario Agricultural College has able at this time for such undertakings.
been so far a successes .!})' justify, in It appears to me, therefore, to be
lny opinion, legislation providing for worthy of your serious consideration
its permanent management. 1 trust a whether the ereociou of au edifice com-
measure framed with that object willensurate with the needs of the public
service and creditable to the `Proviuce
meet; your approval. The intimate should be longer delayed•
eonnection between the prosperity and The aanu>►I repdrts of the sevorrl de•
advancement of the a1rionitural inter• partinents will be submitted for your
este of Ontario and welfare to all other information. In connection with the
classes of the community is nniyersally report of the Minister of Edcastion, it
recognized. You will- be, asked to pro• is satisfactory to observe that the im-
vide for the appointment of a commis- provements introduced within the last
sioner to enquire into various matters two years into the system of training
affeeting this great i;u+tnetry, . end es- ,teachers through the agency of the
penally to aaertnin by nlhitt means in- Ntt;rmel and County Model Schools
ereesed efficiency may be given to the have•beeu attende dto with the: beat re-
oft'orte of the Government and Legis- sults to the great canis of public 8311001
;:.tare in its ' b\half. Experience in eduoet on. The pnblio accoont4 of re -
the Worlcingof the free grant Kota has 0811)10 and expenditure will be laid lid -
shown that theabsolute relinquish fore you; the estiinates for the current
merits of the rights of the Crown to the year will cm an sully clay be ,preeepted
piste timber upon the issue of the pa, for your approval. They will -be hued
tent bels eneonraged a wasteful treat. to bo framed' with all true regard for
meat of one pine forests and lies been that economy which is entlaieteut with
attended with lass of the revenue,.witlt the rloinanidd;of the public service.
out corresponding benefit to, the locate, I ta'uet that l0 this the hist lesion of
You will bo asked to oousider a.nlea the Legislative Assembly iutieg which
Five hundredMiles of'Wheat: .'
The Illinnis correenondent o► the
Cnuntru Gentleman writes that Jour.
nnleunder date of Deo. 23, 1979, atr
follows :-
Wishing to. dao for• myself the real
condition nt fall wheat in central and
enuthern Illinois and Indiana, I left
Ch,ampainn on Monday afternoon, and
reached Centraha.125 miles south, that
evening. The following morning 1
continued, on the Illinois Central, to
Ashley. 14 miles, and thence, nn the
5t. Louis and Southern Road, I went
to Evansville, Ind., 100 miles, the same
evening: Taking a steamboat that
nieht;•I spent the following day, right
and morning to ten o'clock on the
river, having been something more than
86 hours in melting the 220 miles be-
tween Evansville and .Lonievillo. I
left Louisville nn Friday morning, by
the Jeffersonville and Madison Railroad
for Indianapolis, 119 miles, and arrived
at that eity by noon. Then. an hoar
after, I left Indianapnlie by the Van
delis line. and reached Effingham, 140
miles, that afternoon. Having for some
time failed to Pee that part of Illinois
lying between Effingham and Centralia
by daylight. I went south nn the Illi-
nois Central, and reached Centralia. 53
miles, that evening. Saturday I came
north. and 'arrived at Champaign in
the aftet'rioor. having ridden 885 miles
during the week. 220 of which were by
steamboat and the remainder by rail.
and having passed over and through
so nethintx like 500 miles of country, in
which wheat fields were never out of
A severe blizzard was experienced in
Winulipeo, MauitAbi , Saturday night
Mr. Clarke Hamilton is spoken of in
connection with the Toronto Oilstones
ItIr. Sydney Bellingliaw,now in Eng
land, hes been cabled for. It is Beall he
til contest Argonteu+i•1 with the Hod.`
J. 3. C. Abbott. .
There are some eixty.fivo known
casosof small -pox ixt Ottawa,twonty•five
being in the' hospital. Active meas-
ures are being taken to suppress the
disease. f
Rev. Dr. Castle, of Jerrie Street.
Church, Toronto, ie very'ill. Isis place
in tilt pulpit ware 011 5uufltty last sup•
plied. by Rev. Professor Torrance, of
AroltbiOltop Lynch leaves Toronto
shortly for Halifax' to +amoet the Deo,
No 22.
Dr. Scawella, 'apostolic Delegate, u lio
comes to this country to take place of
the late ltev. Conroy.
A. Hunter, Beverley, got twenty tone
of flay off seven scree, sold it foto $100,
sod then took off a second crop for
seed, which he mild for 1240, or nearly
$49 an acre in all.
A young mannarned Baith, of Thorn-
hill, stabbed by Toronto roughs about
two years ago, was buries a few days
age, having never fully recovered from
the wounds..
W. H. McMullen, of ,Ballantrae, had
a tooth drawn a few days before elitist
mac, The wound oould not 'be uerma-
uently stopped bleediug, and he ulti-
mately died from lose of blood ou
A few days ago Mr, George IL Byron,
of Auoester, who is connected with the
family of the celebrated poet of that
name, received a notification of the
death of au uuole in England, by whose.
will he falls heir to $20.000.,
e te
Mr. W.J. Johnston, Cilief Clerk in
Standard's Branch of the Inland
eveuue Department. left' Ottawa' for
'the West yesterday morning on bum
nese connected with the weights and
measures inspection..
A whole family ellen, residing in the
Township of Eardley, and about fifteen
miles from Ottawa, are down with the
small pox. They are supposed to have
caught the infection in .Hull, where the
people areseldom free from the scourge,
Corney Burns, ti Toronto sprint
runner, on Saturday for a purse of
$4{) hopped 200 yards while au un-
known ram 300 yards. Burns for ano-
ther purse of $50, immediately after-
wards defeated one Hampton in a silni-
lar rage,
Robbers entered the stores of Met-
ers'Vineberg &Tiros, geueral dealers,
and W. IL Duncan, grocer, at 'Corn-
wall, ou Sunday.night, but -were driven
off.before :they LAI; time to got mach
booty. "A -t' the' fotiti'tie'plane they' ware
fired at, bat theshot did not take ef-
fent, and they were invieil l3=before the
second fife,
Ott Sunday morning lately, previous
to the communion service iu the Cana-
da Presbyterian Church in Coburg, a
large platter of paris ornament, weigh-
ing 300 poands, became loosened from
tbe°enling, and falling ou the commun-
iou table, broke it into pieces. Fort-
unately no person was hurt.
An unknown but beautiful woman=
lately placed herself in the mare of Mad-
am.Tolland,a Montreal midwife, She :e-
rased to give her name, and died ditringr ,
her confinement. Iu her, pocket was
found a paper bearing thele words: -If
anything happens to me telegraph to
F. B., Brockville. She had evidently
autioipated a fatal result. The body
was takeu iu charge by two unknown
geutlewen and buried.
The number of interments in To-
rrnto, 'last year, including some 100
fi om outlying villages, amounted to 1,-
600. while the number of deaths regis-
tered in the city was 1,468, showing a
closer approximation between deaths
and registrations than iu any previous.
year. It is also a wholesome sign that
during the year the proportion of births
to deaths was very nearly two to
On the bitterly cold and stormy night
of December 80 th'ee half-breeds, Eliza
141oKenny, of St. Andrew's, Nancy Ir-
win, of Little Britain, and another girl
living at the latter place, started to
walk home from Winnigeg. 11 is
thought they had taken too much
liquor -at all events they appear to have,
been overcome with the cold, for ,theirs
frozen corpses were next day discover-
ed lying on the banks of the river; near
Point Douglass, by a couple afmon,who
at once informed the relatives of the
girls by wham the bodies wore taken
in charge, ...
A party at Gatthby;' goys the Sher -
brook Gazette, owned a saw -mill, , and
to put the mill in good running order
bad to borrow a large eum of money
from the Roman Catholic priest, who,
in tnrn, to scants, himself from 'other
creditors, frail to buy the mill and pro-
perty and a large lot of shingles, and to
sell the shingles chs' ost:tiled to go to
the States, wberelle rat13 envois the
Rev, ikir `'?A ..-,,a Baptist preaolter,
who oleo dealt itl,.• aulnbet', and finally
Pied he
the Bitptiet;gtre]tcr''acooiuptl 1 t
priest eiere ttnd bought lialf'of the trill '*-
and prapiiniyaand now the roil le run.
Hing fluff ttme, tinder the joint owner-
sbinofa.Catholicq.priest .and Baptist