HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-18, Page 8The Hohday Trade. 1 am pleased to announce that tit, tock of Goer tfloridity rade fox fin t'74t�fatstms and 7 Ices fulcp arranged and open for inspec• tidal on SA.TURDAY, THE 18TH IN ST., and I shhall be pleased to''receive all v'isit- tor& 17ta -variety is much larger than during previous season,and fifers ample choice to intending plltrahaser:'1. Supplies for 8. Schools and Christmas Tres tnticliced at a. liberal reduction. J. G J„TIG G-3 Bookseller, Main Str,et, Exeter, Out, er O�c y Lh11r `ttiiit£ THURSDAY, DJ O13 BERR 1I, 1870 -__-LOCAL NEWS. Wanted. Shertnan & (toe Marshall, Welt., want an agent in this conetle.at once, at a eaters of $loo per month and oxpenses pale. Vox felt eartiouiare 0Aldreas as above. Owlxc to the extended report of the County Council, most of our eori`eepundenco was crowded out. PULLETS havo already commenced laying Easter eggs. Rev. Mr. Rubinson rats a Brah- ma which began business with a doable yolker. Saturday Iltst, Mr. A Boyd, miteter of the lhoundts, Mr. Enetureel 13 lseett,litlutst1uta} Bobt, Henley, whipner•Jn. The fox wee stated. in the rear of Sweet's fa: m,a short distance south of JSxoter, and ran south u$ far ae Solan Spell's farm on the 31111 o succession of Steplhou where ho doubled north stud rltu serer as lair, Down's farm, then donblo.l east as far as stir. Clarliug'a barhh, at whiolt point lie was turnocl by tonne of the limiting party. anti again toe , to the 2inl concost:ion, mere he ,was void closely chased by' the hounds, and after several ,;turns linden oxoittng rtut of t]ti'tse or ions' miles,he was at last captured on the farm of Mr. Stanlake, 2nd concession. Mr. W. Bissett and Mr. H. Billets being first at the death, the trophies of the hunt were awarded to them; . The hunts• man and whipper -in received many congratu- lations on the masterly wey in :which tuey ruaai aged the hauuds. At tho oouciusiun of ,the hunt, the tired party regaled thetuselves with cider, which w.as liberally supplied by )1Ir. Stan ake. There was a largo nt`imber of the eitizous of Exeter and surrounding couetry on hand to participate in the sport. Among those who particularly distinguished themselves were Col. Elliot; who, in the ouihuslasm of the phase, fairly outdid himself in minims, skip. pingover hugh logs, rail fames, ditches, oroeks 'and oil other obstaoles Frith tine nave and grace of au antelope, kir. Wm. Whitlock, a gentle. man who, although woll ha years, proved 011 this day that he had not forgotten his expori: muse of the fox hunt in Englaue,besides otuers %%buss names we oauuet at this moment recall.... A1togetl•er• the bout was this. moat exciting that has taken phlox la tlieee, parts fur some time.—A Hussese . a - - . SI COMAL Seuvrelb.--A special advent sermon will be preached (D. V.) in Christ Church. on Sunday truing next. Sabject; "The and of the world, or the second coming of Christ.” THE open meeting of the Exeter Young People's Christian Association, held in the basement of the 13. 0: Ointruh, was well at - touted. An interesting programme was pro- vided and a very profitable time spent. AsStexltm.—W 5 regret to learn that the • firm of O'Byrne st Co., hardware merchants, have been forced to succumb. The. place of business was closed -oil Tuesday moruiug. We ttineerely trust that the easponsiuu may bo only lenlpor.Ty. , fl sow A sten ••Stow has again fallen to the •depth of eevot'ltiiiiiohes and the merry jingle of the. sleigh bell is again heard in the laud, It spoils a good local, as we had thought of writ. ing," Oh; dust, still dost thy fly." Tiro SnIPItENT.— est week, h egal's. to 'art A Lana Daoxsrux,-,A deeisiou was given on Toealay last in. Exeter by Judge 'Toms, which may be of interest to the spurting fra'. toruity, It will be remembered by our readers that early last summer a foot -race for 050 u sine was run by 'William Ba lkwill, of Exeter, and A. Meisean, of I;:teau•. .Tho decision was given by ouu of tins judges that Balkwill had won the rune, but the second judge dissente. Tn.a xu.tuoy was demanded by Belliwill's bac;.- Or;, sad paid over by the stakeholders, agaiust his iuul.ivatioi, Wo believe. kioLean's beckon maiuttined that the rase wase foul one, and sued•tho stakeholder for tile; ahnunut they had np, 511. The second Judge teetitied tiuit he oou- siclured the race, if governed by horse -racing rales, a foul ode.. This, coupled with the fact that the juke who had -given his dem:elan in. favor`of 13ulktvill had motley Q•1 the race, which was established in 03111.1, o nis13.l Judge Toms to decal that the sta'suhul.tur shoald pay back the ,050. We learn that an application will be made fur a liew trial. Exen-The -•The1 oomtuittce appointed to confer with the citizens of Bay hell and `Zurich` And thin Grand Trunk aathurities with refer- ence to the building of a- brauch of the Grand' Trunk from Bayfield via 'Exeter to St. Marys 'Wiito next did tri' to slaughter eattith Arid drovo'itis wagon with a rattle, And troubled you with all his prattle 2 The eattua$e 2Ua11. • Who next did (dive 11150 pouts to write, Ana labored et it with all his luigltt Dal:Ave hie twaddle come in right The nasnaee luau. Who used to make the printer sweer, Atul stamp atounl and tear his hair, Because no poetry encs theca The apusage mein, Who (tries oat through the 1ti11iUg 8110w1 "My sausage buy before Igo-•-• Good breakfasts now on 11(51 Rua tic P" The sausage man. • Who'd mourn if tit' sasuage man was dead, And scalding tears drop retina his head, Hue eyes with weeping tarred quite red? The village euuetable, f-' Uebor>le. LEO Bnolra.r.—OuSaturday e�*etling lust, es Thomas Shute, of the 5'h 3011,, was riding on horeebaok along the boundury between lisborne autl (lib• bort, the bores stepped icito a hole, and fell upon the ground, Its,riider frill dna der it ttnd had hid leg broken, Oouv,cLtx MEETING. *001.100i' diet 011 the 29th of lNovembeie according to ad• joucnnteut, Alt the rnenlbtlratturesent. Miuntes of the prev'iutl'1 meeting read ,and oouflrinetl. Moved by J. halls, seconded by A. IIt:;:bey, that Joseph Howie reuelve $5 fur relief: --Carried. Move(1 by T. M. Nay, se„ undo., by J. Shier, anti resolved that it is expedient to disountinue the changing Of the township library amoug the differe:ul itv of tl school seetions, as the lnajot 2e • books aro worn out, and thin the Clerk uetify thaliilrasiau of tho leaolutioa.e- Ceti•ried. Moved by T. M. Kay, second 811 by: J. Suter, that the uotuinallan fir Reeve arca Coanctllors to serve for 1880 be received at the towu,IIalli Rl.i�flville, on Moeda), the 20th dayof December, 18'70, at the hours. of 111 o'clock a. 111., and. 12 o'clock, noon respec ivoiy-=that N.J. Clark preside at such ttoiuivation, and that in o:tse polls be deivantied they shall be heal. 'as follows :—S. W` ward, at the Town l`iall, Elimville, N. J. Clark, retu_nirg officer ; N. W. •ward, on lot 0,A. T. Road, Thos. Allis, deuuty•returuiug (Auer ; N. E. ward. at Farquhar, Thumae Camerou,deputy returning officer S. E. ward, on lot 8; con. 10, James Nagle, deputy returning Milder and that a ley..l,tw be pa ed to thee effet:t.---Harried. Movacj by II. `Tierney, aecouded by T. 1L.. Kay, that by laws 3, 4 and 5 as now read a child time he passed -.tarried '11Iovea, by I, 1 \i P' k 1 7. Halls, seconded by J. Shiet',that the "Willis shipped from the station here, 1],350 or Stratford, to connect with main line, hese Olet•k seud•t11e uu nutels of thiis 011111cil • • bushels of 'barley fort� 'United States. There not been idle. The scheme meets with the ap- since last patileta ion to the Exeter has been a great am Of of barley handled in proval of till patios ocllcerned, and as this road Tr.snto office, and order' 150 copies .to be xetur this season, the transactious in that would relieve Exeter from teeny inconveniencesprinted.—Carr ied Moved by J. Shier, grain being more profitable that on wheat. • THREE Moxrus.—The young man .Kelly, from near St. 'Marys, who was arrested by De- tee:•ive Gill at Dashwood• about a couple of weeks ago, for stealing a watch from a farmer near Clinton, was tried before Judge Squior at Gode)eb on Tuesday of last week, and being found gnilt3, was eentet ced to three mouths imprisonment in the comity jail. be Queen's C(luueels, have Made tao provision whatever fur the '1OteotioU or t'tpilrebotlalean of 0riuliuulsl Unless the batiks tithe the matter` in thud the eo1utry will bo fi,llldutl with Wu, theses paper lllut10,�'. Ooeuiara stt•o •freely r1L ribttted train the United States, of• fi, g tuouey of this de.eetiptton to be l ea.'', sur tt trifi•;t .A paricgcltpii tve, t tl1 yeas i f the jsapol's of it certeie pi.. liailhlg from ,1-liiutltt, v ho dell• berntely tweet to New York for the pal posaof outeliug jute au arraugerstolit, of thie,kind. He fu, uu.ttely heupened to be made a viotim y slim peri, wed returod a mote eorrutrful, .though not a wiser or more 'lienatt mate: The 1luthoriliea Woutcl have been juet1Eicd in arroetiug hid), for his evil lutentIoos If this]. here i3 allud• seconded by T. i1I. Kay, that this coun- cil now adjourn until 'Monday the 2.0th of-Deeeuiber, A NOBBY Seorte.— it P. Fitton ba she now suffers from the Gre1u Western, there 1 can beno•doubt it would meet with a warm support iutbis 11ace. Sttatfurd, we believb, would bo anxious to have the traffic of this splendid section of country as wall as that which Hayfield harbor wonld sand over the road autJ.itour into that towu. It would cer- tainly be to the interest of Stratford to secure tho roall,but the Grand Trunk, whotiolinte:ests would be consulted as well, may decile to at- tend tbebraneh from St, -Marys. We would uuiaeud to the committee that racy con- • into his new jewelry store, '•just northtile "..n. t ' eir hhogotiations and have the scheme Central Hotel. Ile cat now boast of having brought to maturity as soon a pos,ible, so that one of the handsomest stores in the Province.t the people who will be asked to vote fur the The front and interior are uartiealarly attract- I branch May be enabled to disease it inteligntely . • ive. The pais ting, which was done by Ton -1111 We wnp1c1 like to have the, opinions of our linsou Bros.. adds greatly to the general effect of the premises. OI'Elt kfxET110.--The first of a series of monthly penny readings was given by the S. of T. on Monday evening last, in Drew's Hall. Rev. E. T. Robinson occupied the chair,,nnd delivered an address in whish instrnotion and amusement wore admirably mingled. Owing to circumstances whish the committee could for au act to revive the act incorporat ing the not prevent, a few whose .nalnes appeared on St. Marr and Credit Aalley Railway, and to the programme were suable to he'prosent, but extend 118 ohne for the commencement and their places were taken by volunteers. Tb8 complotinn of tits said railway. Our own committee will endeavor to prevent a recurrence opinion of the road at present is that it Will of thi misfortune iu future. not be v •y popular with the people of this -------- din QA'ing to the letter which was publish - A WANTON BLOW.—On Tuesday noon a in the:Toronto papers over the signature of young roan was driving a' teals at a rapid Mr. Daidf{tty, the President of tbo Credit Val - pace down Main Street, and while passing a ley L'ouphuy, at the time the road was first couple of boys who were on their way home ment]ouod here,and which letter most certain-. from school, be raised a large, long whip and iy was, in very important particulars; directly struck the larger of the two,boys, one Lanita antagonistic to the statements made by Mr. Harrison, tt most unmerciful 'Cow on the legs Patterson, the engineer n( the company, when —e blow which a hnlltano-.person would not wisiting Exeter in the intarcet of the St. Marys give a beast without the greatest provocation. Corllpany. The people here would lila to see The boy's leg, we are informed, was badly out, kir. Laflialv's statement that the Credit Val - and bled considerably'. As the sobool'obildreu (110 in the habit of jtunpiug on passing sleighs --a practice which injures no one except it Y P may be themselves—it may be that Mutthart the driver; thought'tliose boys intended jump- will reserve thou judgement until the expla- c,^i ing on his sleigh and strnok one of them to nation is forthcoming there can be no doubt. let them know they hied bettor keep off. But n. >+ar+�,•. his thoughts offer no jnstffli at]on for the nu- The 3aU 8o i, , merciful and: cosearaly blow he strums. the boy , — \\ he tried his hand at every trade, from his standing Place in the sleigh. Ho x•Gr which, iladee8, mankind was made; will appear before Squire Gic1ley today at And altva %s failed? Hawlcshaw's court room to. auawec a Obarge of 3 The ammo man. 1125 n t preferred by -lir: Harrison, the boy's el , Who tltotiglit that Ire cord till the ground - -).her. More vie° than all hie neigilbars round, C " Srr1: ta+lX xtvxL.---.Ciro fox ltttut which Ila � Yet al;ta3°a Sailecl2 beau uxpeetol for 3o.no time took plain on Thesasttageran. , Strlttfortl contemporaries on this important question. TnE•CnEx,TT "VALLEY BaILwAr.—We lied not time to refer last week to and advertisement whirh appeared in these columns giving notice that au application would be made at the next. maetiug of the Ontario Legislature ley Company did not contemplate spending any meetly or any uusurvoyecl route, explained awaybefore the can be expected ected to take mach 1111101 et in the proposed rnew road. '.Chet they • N. J. CLAIM. G,erk ed to euutiene, many of the Idle awl worthlese young num will be tempted into this sees:114f- ly harmless] way of gotti.ug a voteel livil g. A VIOTI :. Would our eorrespundeut he aurpri• sod to learn that after this seine Luoan man was victimizetl,a, ptickago of some thing= -•we day not what—was b0ut 1111.11 to Port 'Iltiroe.—•ED. Harass. Dtan11I03a. 011ijr two eased (civil) at IIalton. Caunty Clara. Large shipments of turkeys ale be- ing made 'for ,1 uglau8. Another desertion from Battery "A" 4t Kmgetou, is reported., The Dniniuion ['arlianoeot it is said will meet ou the Gtli of February. A. shoo fauroey, with a large ertnitai, is Co be built ice Frederiukton, N. 13. Two gentlemen high up ice the civil scrvioe came near being drowned in the John ilfeEvoy, aged 1.5, in :t',aterti�'7m,ort Monday went to work at the V'liIu 13o111Vorke. He crawled under the circular eats ice the aftertiouu for saw- dust, and his head' was rsTinost literelFy Ohne. Gardner, arrested at Brant 'sawed in two. The paw bad run from ford on Saturday, for robbery at .leap- uenr the back of the lift ear across the twee, - was taken to that place to -day. top 01 the bead.down'tbrongll the fore' Six" B. L. Tilley was preeeutect with fore- head, between the eye 'and nose, tti an at lr.eha ice Sc. John, N.Ii., ltuncli •, ont injuring the eye ball,' anti think -mit tlnd delivered, s 1$ngthy speech. tlteepose, scetllrtt nue nostril was. suited • Forty Ion's of dressed ponitry pasaod over 'tile river at Prescott Monday, •fur New l;ari1and the Eastoru nearkete... t;t ,:1i 1$, 1870 teccived anew Red ►ityetelioue ; dovelopy hoots, 11t'Hr Deiti',uluther of the yululg wets wise Wino tried at the ]lt•tede1Z013 tto ssititrt tt of 1ritlu 1llping liobt. Jeffrey, (aft her beet. .(3 uta J. att1 110 eet lit, or wettoo l'p! >allllitt lust it utile snort ett+V(I1 3'1,1111 plfi.,;ellkL7:ltr,e} ltuly tstucet;iletl tit few yartle,;w en] Sue not ced ,t bo , r ataudtli} it't ' Jta sidewalk..tut+ twit • eminent altelte'yeletwl, wee tlarutvl• over her meta filet'. bellied, new she wits lift-, ed lute the ;lilt. g,r•, lltsr •hands wvc•re pi'lli011ed to her esislest, trod tho sweet, sielcly 5trlell that she (x111aledl frets :the shawl, informed her that rhe was, being.' drnggt:d. She soot) belnnnte ieseatteibla. aLtt when she rcouvrred Ce12,20ioustie,it5 she ftet•t,(i 1,t 1 Deal" in s field 1111 tt tt r)3I1.0 and Wt11111111, 11/061',4/t 1:16 s 1)1pueeil, 11 Innis in it Yiulnitll'r, dyes(, they '10(0 dragging her al+Fuer bt:ttieet] then:, ]torr 0 riots being tail together lith It rope. 1Yl:en about hell across the field biter :. made a break Isola them, mud snout/ed. 011 Ill freeing list' beetle. She rang, screaming lustily,bnt 1148 soon overtalt-t,.-• e11, when t1 deeflertste struggle emitted, during whish Mit. Deans erase hilill all her olothiug except bor pettiunit and uutterwsar,Wbre torn of. StilE.eurettin iflt;, Ilhe fled towards a ligleted itch(, til 1 tvhou"Uetr it iter pursuers stopped. When she reached the house•eecnpioli by, John Made ieuj. M. 1?., elm fainted on the Dtep.l.'but the iurllatel1 bend to uuise, end' she. ('21s taken in snit curls ` - for, and ltd baton us 6h0 was sinf':dcieutly • reuov'erod, conveyed buine. She Fane ,v s i (tee efory as above, : :and 'tdecle,.1 the t• one elf 111e assuiluntw said. he wioliekl tie `Gtfd they heti her dam ueti tea yer, "' •Niuhulas hf'urphy,ias w. fl as Mrs.. Leea1, al,d they lvntil(1 stop his u,tefulu0n$:" Tits case has been placed iu the bands of the tleteetives. DOCTORS 1 YSTIFIED. A BOY'S HEAD SAWN IN TWO --1107 ran BE* TAINS cuisauxouii:rabs. Jersey City, N. J., December 10.--- Chandiere uu Sunday. Thirty-three °envicts Are being tak- en to Kingston, gas the Neva Scotia tted P. 111. 1. prisous Lire ()vetcruwded. cie1ir fro112tf)o otuor. The ((11ty 'pene- trated the'( rain. to 1115 depth of from one and half to three "i.oelres. The buy, however,' retained tconeciriltt) (3 3j thronghont. 5313(1 the l'liygtetens '(wilts sewed up the scalp contra see 112e pnisse- tion of the brain til onset the opening. Oe the way later to the hospital,tble Litl beolme untson0eiens,' but; after a feel hours revived and 'remained eau8eious all yesterday, apparently feelieg errs , although the upper pr• -t of the hat silo ' •rl'lle Guvornor General has presen4 ed bronze medals for eu rfrtitioa to the Ntdre Daine Convoit, Kingstoil. aced the Ottawa Inblitate. A L',risckitiri ltxe special .says two altildrenlwelo frozen to death sod two men are'TI11sei21g—ellpposed;to be lest to the-•etortn aucl frozen. 1Vhile..erussing the Gatineau Mon- had become patalyz The dotter day a boy named Hercules Hlargrai•e probed the brain 60 4.1.1,t of Ilearly broke through the ice and was drowned two inches, withont -. ig t43e hot - before hsalstance could be given him tom of tho cut made by t1Te a:aw, The Hensen. ' 0111541 notice has been received from,� Y talked lest 1•i'auiug. The phyl i -- Ui•tatYaf`d13r0Ualu,S,* with the services ohm says it will be a touters far him t d s 't tl the Public Works staff in St. John, N e e iset l to is alive.ve. There bs co , ic1t2r - During the winter a setiee 0f enter' te.iulnenta will be held it Purdy's Hall, Hlent,all, in aid of the debt fund of St.' Paul's church A literary and musi- cal et tertIiiuwent will be held on New Yeal•s•iive mustier the direction of Mr. 11. 0. Brewer, of Exeter. Ou 011014t- 111as.' 13ve all entertaipmeut will be given in rid of the Sabbath Suboul. There will also be a chemical and soiop tiou eutertainmeut dutulg the course. Lectures will also be given by 01ui- 05(11 clergymen, so that. the people of Hensel] will have a good programme prepared for their wiuter'e outertain- ment slid illsteuctinn i1)31 2,1?NEY. • • To the Editor of the Tunes. I wish to make your readers aware of a 'very dangerous couuterfuit on the Ontltlio Blink which i3 freely circul- ated at the present time 'tht'onglsout this entity. It ie a well -executed tet' dollar hill, most dfiioult. to detect, ,even by .eiperta. The method taken f Julio Belt .and Edward SV. Willard. to 01)11111 their circulation id as follows : They were sentenced to the Penitant•i- after this: 111011th' of all the members of 'D reeuver, au na more ran a nrrrta 1 l 1 - able exoitelrieet among the phyttici Il': 13., exclrptiul one. of Paterson, who tin not know whet ft: A St, Paul, hien, despateh:—There make of, the wondeifal vitality of the has beim a severe storm ice the Red boy, the OaseenPSettine ell ku'twn riot; Iatver•ebuntry for two days, the .fiber- rie8 under similar ciroulnetitueee. mouet00 falling very low. Reports . , from dif west pointe indicate 2.5 to 40 degrees below zero. John Ross Robertson, proprietor of the Torouto Telegram, on Weduetiday night last purchased at Coates' auction rooms the Masonic, diploma. of Sauter Joint Mit Burns' friend iu Tam O'Shan- ter, for $178. Iu the corner of the di - 1 ploina is fastened a luck of Highland Mary's hair. The certificate bears'tl:e seal of;$t, James' Lodge, Ayr, Scot= laud, itod Oth October,1700. It.is look- ed on tits the uldeet ktatouio relic he ex - .8 SU x- The;. Dtreember Sessions of 'Bruce, held 'Iii. Walkerton before Illy Honor judge Kineatuilt, closed there Tuesday ovei.ing, after sitting einco Tumidity' moruing last week, Fifteen Indiete- mente were disposed elf, the most seri- ous of which were those of two, Tor- outo burglars, wilt] gave the names of respectably dressed young Iran, with *try for seven yeare each. In the it moot n iuooeut appearance, gots aft County Onurt there were ten defended .tie'traiu,_ saw at Brueefield, (liras a )saute and ane undefended. Tile ehltrnrtiousliip wrestling match between D. 0. l.i001 11,11C1 J. C. Daly. on Saturday night, in Belleville, proved to be uuoet• in tereetiug : and exciting.. The first fell, catch -aa -catch -can,, (tae won by Pitiy, after 1s, severe struggle of 2 boo's laud 21 !ninnies. The se - amid 50141.1'11 style, woo W0L1 y Bne,e, after another very severe tnss1o. o The third, Cellar and elbow, 1111111 etykir,. 150.8 11/01) by Ross, 'after a brief cone tost,•and the hien wers'engsgsd in the ovorutr,en't whose (tut it is to • att.et,(1 second. fall of.'tlae South style 'ween tx y Inic1l4ht (arrived, and the conolfsioll to (hetaleliUiitla (01101justioe111tliougll of the contest was postponed. • horse and l;uggy, drives to some neigh- boring village, buys 60110 trifling arti- cle and hands a eptlricns ten dollar bill in l3aylnellt, getting balance of good 03ol:oy in change. Irl his return be pnya for Lis rig with another bill, and. fistellate purultnesse a ticket for i1 short eljet inoe. lint els a •conoterfeit in pay 11ieti't, whieh'id accepted without sus. piston It appears' that the Ontario �• spel,dhig Annually large SUMSltiuollgint Tito recent D•Itl kidnappingease, I their;fat.{ti(ul friuuii3 +WhoIran+lieu to tvl)ie>il caused tie .iiltioll sausutiou, lute NnnTII MIDDLESEX. Manrsn7s.—Ail611 Or,tig:J)ee. 17th -While wheat,$130 to $185 per busts.; rod wh at,$130 to .135: spring wheat, $120 In $125; bible., 45 to $50 ; oats, COL-) 35; egg,, 1G gents; per c}oz. butter, 13 0511 per pntlnd ; '- potatoes, 45 cents per beeliel ;: apples, 80 er nts ; 'Wool, 2ir`ceuta; cordwood, $1,25, to $1,50; Lard, fI to 10 collie • per pound; Tallow. 5 mute per poteed;,' DIED. • BEs.(,—Tn Exeter, 0.1 the lath inet., Giorre Hci b; rt Ball, yoniugeet son of Julia 131.1., •aged :3..yenrsand 8 months. •.. ; Caocxcra—In klixnVille, ort the .13tlx• iltst., . Clara ?aux, eldest delight & of Ju11n Cruel., Or, 58(115 years. BIssit'rs---1.ui1xetor; on the 14th inst., Robert ° � Bissett, agecl47 years: '' ;.p Saenniese-ln Exeter, nu the 14th inet„ Rebate: sun of joins Souders, aged 7 years. >r: .-:3 Setie Regiater". Saturday, December 27—Ftu•m stock, ills pro- perty of Jul.n Ivor& lot 15, N. B. Stephen-, fu5 cash. 10 mos. credit. H. Orth, ett10 CONSUMPTION CURED . An old 0(13 81eittu. retired from pra'eticc haw, ing ba11'plaeucl ice 9lauds by au Last Ice diti,uhseiorutry the f01111111tt of: a simple tebte remedy for tits speedy .and pernitu en-, 1, (10(0 for Collstuuption, 13ro0e11itie, Cattail; Asti tbi(itt, 211121 all Throat, and Lung -MP, ations, alslm §, a positive acrd radical care for Nervous 3)0- 1111233'and,allNervous Complaints, • after haw iii i1,g :(steal its wouclerful curative termite iii tbousaui'ls of oasee,has felt 3t his linty -to tnaku it Iwo nt to h1s sufto,•ing fp11osys. .Actueted 1}y- :. this emotive aria'a desire to relievo hnrnaau 1411f- feriug,1 will send Inc of glut' s to all wile des she it, tide recipe, i11 Gorman, P'roneh, or Enb- lish, with full direotiona for preparing and ten 'ing. Sextt by mail by achlrO5'sieg with stamp, standee:tlhis paper. W W. Suoa1n, 110 Poulos', illuek,Avehe8lux, : \ . 1',