HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-18, Page 6TIE TIMES
USS DODa' PJ. OYEH13S IN' 000I%-
The only kind of to stove ie which
you c:an preeerres a nnifortn heat is a
gate stove. With it yen .can simmer a
lint far a1: hour, or buil it at the same
mite for'eweuty initiates.
A. new dried or preserve..} Cherries,
wie li stones out, are that very beet thing
possible to geruish sweet die11ee.
Singh urttaun is erealu that has st,lud1
on the milk twelve hoirre. It is best for
tea or o'•ii•8. Deuhle create et.cids chi
its milk tweuty.four hours, and ermine
fn butter fi•e•gneutly stands forty•eiglit
hours. Oreatn th.tt is to be whipped
should not ha butter cream, lest iu
whipping it change to butter.
To beat the whiles of eege quickly,
put in a Ouch of dolt. The cooler the
eggs the pricker they will froth. Salt
cools and also Fre: lieu s theta..
In boiliug eggs .turd, put thele in
hulling water. It will prevent the yolk
from colt rieg black.
You tenet never attempt to boil the
dressing of tho ele: r soup iu the sloek,
for it will olwnys ilioculor the Loup.
IL ui:ei;ing any sauce, put tha but'er
and (lour in t; getller, this your sauce
wid never be lumpy.
Whenever you Geo your settee b nl
from oue siele of the pan, y(•u may
know your flour or corn starch is demo..
'ihrouli: ut creatiau nature appears
to delight in. red. It produluivates in
the pleasure of the imagination, for
wtaatever is beautiful, agreeable ou sub-
lime t)artalies of red. Tee rainbow,
the rase, and the uhariniug lip *and
cheek of beauty's sell, the sun. the
source of heat au.l light, are all red ; ns
i-. also the fire, the mighty autocrat t.f
the universe. The most brilliant flow-
ers,tiLe most delicious fruits. the oritltge,
the apple and the peach, are red.
Thrunjh the animal kingdom red pre
dominates, as in the king of bea''te, the
l:vn. Bat go further. A(1(un, the first
of UilLtlkintl, was red. The grettt•ebt of
Oruciaus, Jupiter, Apullo anal Vulcan,
were crLLuu. Sampsonoybose strength
wee gigantic, derive(. his poser froul
I:1d led rair, and the destiny of the cul
.;ire of Athens depended an the red Bair
of Nisun. Q.leeii Flliz.ibeth had red
hair ; B. luaparte's hair was of this col-
ler; Arteulnd Ward had red hair : so
have the Red Indians, or else why an
named 2 etc.
avert' person iu° tbiN cabin. believes I ani
right, lord that ulostof them' ''hire nine
jog to give the poor child a' penny Or
• The paerengere did ttgeoe with her,
and dies be Man dropping ..udder into
until,the (Anisette
i t' �aEto t
.� .idle � to v s a e
the f
proved hie gold. mine. Tlaebont tunult•
ed the pier The boy skipped heroes
'the street to Fulton i\I(arket, The re-
porter ioitowetl lulu round into ].teen.;
tutmt) street. and sate him wait at' the
C0i'ner ; two .flit Cites later be saw the
well dressed lady approach from the
cuter side of the market, Blies the. boy
empty the motley into Ler gloved palm,
and passing the pnir, heard Lor city
(Murkily, 'Well, Dtoet, I guess we'll
try the Roosvelt-street boat now.'
'Now,. you just skip ont 1' snid a bur-
ly (leek-l.sud in the ladies' e,tbla of 1t
i'al.ou ferryboat,. as he c"tu,ht a thiu-
lyelael,• shivering, bare-footed bay by
the ear and marched 11111 tow,etds the
door.. 'Get oat on the deck—lively
now !' The little fellow lead beeu .astriug
fur oeuts,. and the m.anhad taught him
at it.
'Oh please dou't'screamed the child,.
DA the deck band twisted his ear—'I'll
ge—I will.'
A fasiloriably'dressed woman stepped
forward,, an(1 her silks rustled.. And
leer eyes flashed Are as she elide `What
has he done ? why do you treat the
(Mild t=o harshly?
to yon•ng begater, main ; and
DECEMBER 18, 1879
'-So ugly wee the reply, Vietor� C. a S. GiDLEY,
Flinanuel ]'elated ibis small feculent
eitb the (:retetest gusto,
i:41 PILO„.E I"T FOR , I,4.
Send for oireulurs explaining our.
New System of cawassin'
Agents keys wonderful success: 100 straarms-,
lsltsl•o 1,000r mtiteteeetes, Our public attune aro
stnutlarc1. Ad(treas,
Tho Uienry Hill Pub. Co.,
41,43 and 45 Slietucket at; Nonvioh, Conn.
1pou SALE.
A 13o.0 Roo Ilrashineten hand press, In good,
order; Apply at.this onion.
.DIG ESTI1AY-0lone nn Lot 17,
... eon 8,Urberne, Nevelnbur 07, a large sow
The owner m.cv have her by provJllg urop'r y
cud p}iyillg cxpdusos. T. C. CLAWS.
-=-.- �-=- The moat pet: ilous hour of a persou's life is
Fritz Bender, very fat and very fin-
ery, toddled into Essex Market Cunrt
yesterday. The excitemeut he was un-
der lett his voice in the weakest ooudi-
tion. He mounted the witness steed
with the aid of his stout stick, gasped
once or twice for breath and then con
trontetl the ulagrstrrete wir•h a frt.roe
'I tva5 doubled and insulted. You
don't get no summonses ?' he asked.
'Yee, a great many. \Vho insulted
you ?'
'Yeekey rranse. lie called daze
named on me so mooch itemise I vas
itt mid c'en't catch him. So many'
(troubles he vas gut we in. My life vas
leo go.,t nil he don't get himself arrest•
ed. Uud so I asked ul.uesele for doze
'Make out a summons,' said the Jus-
tice to his clerk.
In a few minutes Bauder wee smiling
gritn satisfaction. Ile; was on the point
of leaving court; when lie turned, and,
with au expression of doubt upuu his
face, asked the tn1Lgl:ltrate :—
'1 haint gut L.rttuee paper 2'
'Uud he haf to dook it
'Ulf I bull his nose besides, dot vas
all right, ell 2'
'No, all wrong.'
•1 able to rued his ear !'
when. he. is tempted to despond, No out
Shuule despond -not oven the young men who
is enfeebled bulli mentally au,l physically by
habits of early iiidiscrotion, as Victoria 13ttallu
and Uva [fret wid erre the most (lis,rossitn;
oaso of kidney disease, etc. For Bale by all
dealers, at $1 pie• bottlo.
limit his Happiness.
Nerivorsi Miss.-- A very groat number of
those in tllo middle. and higher classes of so-
ciety, who, without ever being actually siek,'
never know what real health is ; who live con.
staltlly iu a lower plane of living than is nor-
mal in man, who are weak all over, though nut
special y,lud constantly weak in any one or-
gan, who may not experience piorciug and
grinding pain, yet suffer at times, if not al
ways. that profound sxltanstiou which in. rummy
respects is worse thou pain. Thos(, in OW
latuetttable state Have always been relieved,au(l
mealy perIluLuelltly so by :.Ring the ram lit
Syrup of Hypophu•pltitcs, it being practically
adapted for thnm cases. Fur sale by all deal-
No other nledic'ehle hi the world was oyez
given such a test of its curative qualities as
Doetente's G merest Srltue. In three years two
millions four hundred tll',tt-stud small bottles
of this medicine were distributed free of rhnr,ge
by drairgists in this country to those affict,'d
with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe)
Coughs, Pueuuuinuia, and other cit' -eases of
the throat and lungs, giving the Anie ionn
people luulenittblclproof that (;11:at set SYai:1e
will cure them. The result hits boon that
drew -sista in ev1'ry tarn and village i)1 the Cs -
malas and United Stades are recommending it
0 their cm:tumors. bio -.to your dl•tlgt;ist :1(1(1 I `iliiO ,'
•ts1(wh,'t they keow about it. Semple bottles, i6 b r
111 ('1(114. Regular size, 75 cents. Thre , closes
will relieve this east,.
UI1rlertn-icor C :Ilii }1'1L1'U1Cnye 1%Irrr'i'tititsytV1T'er
those who intendy,c,,
lurebsee t to do so from f ^ I
the tllttnufacturor. The
dealer who bnt•s 4e soli
Again nittst uuua'lsartlt' �r
hard Rt groat. It'd feeim .eeett*Oeee ewe
to give the rutrohasers the ;fir
benefit, which 0:.10101 (1111 .,..:
of tee
to moot of the views
eirceeters. Our exneus„ s
are 1 ass than tboso of city
10a00:aeturorr eousegeeii.t.
y we oau selleheauor,
al ea Ykr NA' 0 ULD
i” . call speololettentien
,'�• ,,,�yy. „� 7` Gu (term l,.h/lce (lomat
.J.v�a,a tttetlt,wlltdll is more 0001-
t'lett tea 1 0 s er, a t we hat. e
.,dined several new designs
1 of lute The beet eof0u.t,.
unshed, sitrancte,:tee ovely
00011,1 requisil( at 116,
tnee:t pt'i:es. Our new
ReDri c 1s prolfc•ltucell.,p
00011 Otetlt 211(1001. to 1 0
se0000 to mire iu tl.e
pro %Moos
Emblems of all the Different, Soul:,acs.
Arm S'T DEPirr
• 11 er labsoribor bogs to ancon:toe to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s • 1.11141)411m 00n0-
try, that he has ()prime 11 .1:1ti x111 '4 % 0Vi', 1)RPM` ill the store nearly opposite'lr.,(a.
:0. ilacea.a•raeere. atnt Litium. stere, 'Mein street. Exeter, where by is leop eedl to 1111 a]1 urde.s
Cook.2 Pard car and other Stoves
At ,Iauii;faotnrers' Prices. •
£'inwaro, cheaper than the cheapest, and made lip by prttctic.'t1
guve-•'i'ron;hiltgdune to ordol', (-Ante 12 ;'.atilt;:; a Specialty. Coal oil t't►itun4•ys, the
WI best Mid outdo Cheaper.
•Intending pnIobase1'8 will 81W21 1. find 111P 1151114 p05 ready to attend tc my Own Ulslnens
and prepared at all thews t0 ire, -7 castoemrs c:O1u'terntsly and supply .hent with a gond said.
cheap article. Depend. upon it 4lntt nowhere can yell gut b.'ttel• value fur your money.
i (3 } 1'l i •r 1' i Sl n } 11
wor'kmou on the premises.
Exeter P 0, Octoi•or 15
1 -11,..o2: -.a, 1. ff 3" th9
clan choke him von leotle pit ?'
'Netbing of the kith.'
'Sohl tp der face off him
'1 tell you nn.'
'I vas. tillutwed to say by dot mate.
'`.•_run vets You taus'( lifer,' eiuut I 2'
'Nn. sir.'
licit loeok sn bard of sial 1' da I
scare hitt. very 11]01 ch, eh ?'
'Bender, approach Li:n gel•tly ; look
friendly and smile upon l.itn sweetly.'
'Shuffle on Krause 2'
'Soy to him, excuse me.'
'Oxeuss ute, Shudile ! 1st) set suits-
mousee dun dat tray 2'
'Yell, riff I talo claimed Ben-
der, greatly r'xeited. '3I n, Sbugde,
dook pack (loze surntl.onses and serve
dem yourself. 1 vas fat, but not
Alexander leinglance, who is still
wonting on his 'History of the Crimea?.
War,' is 74 years of age.
John Arthur Roebuck, a Liberal
member of the Imperial 'Parliament
and a prominent peliticlal writer, 1.i
Mr. Tennvsnn, Mr. Fronde and Prof.
Tyuci ill have j Zai been eleo ed 11 inch
1try Follows of Trinity College, Lon,
don. •
The Prince of \Vales' sons receive es
claval cadets 20 emits a (lay, which will
be rstisoe to : •J. ciente when they becvorne.
There is a general expeetettion Melt
whenthe time o,, o.es for. Prince Leo-
pold to wish to be created a royal 411100,
rules doubt allow beggars on the. beat, be w 11 chose as his title that of bleat..
' mum.. : Property left for educational pnr-
'Le; hits stay ill lrere,,''said the. It's poses by \Vidian). Home,. of +'tiglane,.
geld outside. He is 1layrefooted, and en
valued in 17,5)1 et $.200e is now asti-
tnate(l at frJ.LU 2,501,000, to. 3,0J0, -
y 'ring too—why, lin can't be more than 1100, •
fire or six years olds,
'Cie can sky here it he' believes hitn-
relf. He mustn't heir—it's again the A a UGLY' LING.
roles, rnnw;' and the big mail l'eb go
lla OWL. ilITS 0li1 T.
A S'ceitin Remedy for 1111 Suluu,ee,
Co u deltas such as Diarrhoea, Dy-
emitrv, Canacla CI 1121 a, Choke a
\lorbus, Cholera Iufantum, Sour
Ste Griping ing .ins and 1
leach Cin P, all
1 .•
daruugemeu's of ,.he U ..rens, cans -
ea by using improper food, snob as
raw vegetables, =ripe 01' sour
trait, bad mil.:, impute Wotan or
change of water, (dumps of the .
seva40ns, exrosnre. No natter from
what to ase or in what forin you aro
subject to acv of the above conl-
phLiuts, Ln, EUIL$R's Exr'tncT ua
WILD S rnawnannY will reiieve you,
and a speedy cure will be effected
without injury to the system. It is
mltenfactered from the Wild
Strawberry Plant, and free from
opium stud other injurious draw;
For safe fly all dealers, at is. 100.
or 11.Buttlo" far e1.0n
Plill12A1tED BY
3'O ItOlir7 0.
i' cl .o oar
the little, ones ear laud stood watehiug. One any a p.entsantwoman tool( a e1A full assortment 0f first-class Family
I,itn. basl((3t of eggs. to the bailee where( the C1xoveries in stock,, cheap es the. cheapest.
'Pior 11thofell'ow.' ntnnsed the lady, royal party teas ecelg'd. At the door
t'nn illg the boys rade, llincht,l feu
etas ly, 'you look tired and hungry, I`v
a. 1011111 to give von something.'
•It's ler NI 01 if yes glee him tt cent, done be reddened with a hau(1fu1 of
nada ; his !elk.( will take it all away' stnalt cairns. Emboldened by. so :..,tach, rime unctersigued vconldi'treeme else inflate.
hill before his foet''s put aelfore C'tnd:''+.Cetteioa, the. good: t:sl,malrt-))t)s-; tan 050f.t;;xete2'titt,d viei11it,that 1t 1109
three (111(111f ee ' declared the clarkehltn terod ay cotii'al;e t'1 mention her greet 1 OPENED lel f W I3�U'1'C1:I111.1e 81l.CI'
13 .t 111e1
she wet all illdiwi(111111 who greeted her
politely,, awl= nn finding oor her errand
ce:,t'rieCl the bleslcst to the kitshen,which (l`T.H. t3.LTGHEE SHOP
ono, KE'IP, Main street, Exeter.
.dust:,' - ,'�'
'a :bi e
1. Silverware, China and Dorf ever seen in
the west, at
Mr. Drew has ins( received all exeelient steel) a
Silver Tea S1ettl,1luttcr Unolurs,Tluubl�r n 1 Sing]tt
Pickle Cruets, Cake liusknts, Cnr,i nedeivars.0 r.nt-
lrlmui0p Set ts,etc.,oftlle 13 opt Q:aa,lr aplettnd P1111e
Plate, and is offering the same at prices that eldu
l ' n 11 teas-
, t opened Ont a new au c e
r e 11
, r �
t II
�i �
11 1
I� 5tnue�t•rres. A
'un GLLss and
t � rt(nout of 6111
1 I I �, frt'11"P so ,
ill �, 1, . 41, large stock ofLatupsjustaxrivecl. gull tr (tsatisi'q
��1 I� (� ' ( t , � yourself as tnrluulitvr.ud l.huap+less. Come and
!If ' .t - 1 j try our PF15.triilnents, 1,Iasie Toucher 5101 on
' i hand. Ser-viCOS atiowestfiguros.
, ,+11 I 1 ,11 l .l Special attention. canoe to the 'Raymond Sowing
ti""t`'-+ ate+,-ayak , ;, ,Lachine, (.roans and Pianos unsmrIassed f„s
beauty of design, and quality of tone.'
AL � (1879
— c
THE 1„ OLD RELL A c.�'_4. 14.1 �TO V SE
At at] times, end 'tarticularty at a period when. Trade. is,universa]1y dopreesed and money
scarce, it is in the iuterest•of every buyer to purchase whore he ate get the attiele he wants
at the t0lreet rate. Iu cltlliu;� your attention to my present stock,1 du so with eve^y (Anita
encs; it being moreoarefuhl.” assorted a:td selected thati that of any previonbseason.
In the Dry•G-o'ods
. Ccelydepartmeut is reprote with the most seasonable and fizslrionable fabeies, 11(tr1(ed rt
pri'eeswhich should cvttnmaudthe atttentionofthe very eloseet buyers. THE O1ODEiUID
CLOTHINerstill has &iii. LU.IVPS at it. head
In Millinery
U'ntlerthe'ne_agementof Miss \ioC;dogl,,lon,we can suit the mostfaetithous. liar stock of „
((roce.ies, Boats wad Shoes, Canadian, English and Americaim
Shelf ant;( Heavy Hardware
one of the largest and best aisolted ie the County. Intending parcilaserswill consul' their
best interests by examining my stock before going elsewtiero.
It Will pay' you to call at
Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etr1,
Eve.r'ything reduced to suit, the, h Ird times.
e tone coltish ,,t(' eittexemetllithee tencliiot.. 007-7-01110,
(iJd lady handed the elrild desire to set. eyes aft the tan,' Fendt- I �11t l b
et (' of t; nnJ" t ani's seri• tt f,ft aces . clot. "Why- that's me ." btei,d the ger-. iea.Lu,e 1 ern. ed 10nage blurt has been as
�'7 l 3 u , I emceed hint tithe
p,01ni es 1,1 toy hereafter, shying,, 'Ile elle with wham she, tylia' speeking.. r;tr,tatesiLtenelm w.taox: A(Alir10
eon(,, 1111,1'. il((h1•• fella s Land, son.iethtngg_ te. Site looked. et hits so, utin.izineiv ; _then, 41as.'viI7he ,)1O,)(1('0 ((, flim rtifiie uott•bxa.neJ•o
ea,,' tarter 0070 se0ntlfld 01 0.1(11e .et0tltdlaap 1 tennc'se, r308 111c1ntwatnn tvillca1111tthd i'esl.
• '1E4:11ipn oh tli''r,'t»''-is'ta(1' the vi tatirin,• she exclaimed: "011 never! Yet ensure of t1 o villatebhroetintetoazl wddllaud
ars euiployt'r. 'S,Vo know 'ern r:11'. won't get me to believe that eueh a, ,F Isd ji IIAl L' A 'LI
11,11 got, no good ht the manes'.' sweet and be itttifill women as the ,Lit itinrlw kopt aollgtnntl, in toad at hie
`I1e's wo'ourne to the little I gave Queen would ..neve marries. 1t man sa tl;ttehdl'-illop.
i.1... she nue%er ed ttn,1' rr"bio'• alf ilial heart." The Ki .bf (fn. 11 was he,) then
'he lla•s�eugera avo►�e l'rerrrrflin;r tier with proceed -al in all hest tn, ask seinepea.531acicasimi t eUi rad tvagent n1ciltingearricc' oil
N u+1 tsaul ill uel,li,tb brat.(] c,
ar ..ter':''', • lie h.4lielte tbtat 06,141,13 *bat wads the. meaning of .1 bin i t,. Il..)AVIS..
Be sure and call before buying
Suits to order at startling . gurew•