HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-18, Page 5DEr,>'aa;* .r•B 18, 1879 moan,.)■• : .,' THE AS STA P TBfl TIIV rI.B GHOCT�W, EX 1TF'4R. TEC1 IST Having bought out.tlle intere'st of my late planer, Mr. L. Thorne, chased in the cheapest market, I am cn'?3a''--•ti to offer ,goods that can Liquor oIe 1 nd netail. .g.^ ,, Main Street. • (FLOUR AND FEET.).) .,'r, I$a"d'k(1 T$ YALL 1VIi1.AT. 1Vltita t( float 1 08 to 1 27 SOutt 1 9,i to 1 97 s ?1m cl 1VII1•:AW Fire1 21 to 137 ilea Chaff A. 1 29 to 1 •5 5I Co 1 CN Oats 0 9' to Cloi'or Seod...... .1 75 10 (&i halts _ ,tt 08 10 61) l) gs .. 0.14 to 1 15' 11:1(ter ...........0 15 to .0118 r1otir par h111. 0 '_;i t•n 0 PoLemnos, per hb)tg ... 0 U to u 6) Apples,. lror Leg 70 tl) 17.0 Dri1:t! \ppl0A pr b.. 0 0. to 0 t'.i ltul(r,thts elyur(00 I tn.to5 73 !teat 4 50 co 8 00 Hides, rough ... i 00 to 11 0': • dressed .. .,. .. 8 (10 to 5 f)•t 1heepskito.,oaull ............71 to 1 140 • lluy per ton 8 00 tole ua *Iowa); per baso ... ... ... 0 50 to 0 73 1 • 0 1(1 to 0 10 • per lb ... ... ... 0 18 to 0 11.1 TItekeyo per lb... ............ . ........,...., e7 to 0 117 0 U.l t., 0 1)4 Ducks. nor Lair...,....... ............. 0 40 to h t0 (,else ST, 11nrS's rt.I111"h.at,per bushltl 1 20 to 1 lel }i,u full wttetat ............................... 1 9:1 to 1 31 111 rlay .. 9e to 0 c(( ... en to 0 04 Oat i ...-. 00 to 8 (r' New F RUI`1 S 1) abundance. Give ins 11 1 o per dozen . 0 111 to1) 17 1;110) .,... •.............................. IL( , 0 17 fail to be satisfied With both, pt 1cA p.w t!t .., ................ ........Rea to 0 no 1, r.s ea ling). ,... ....... .................. . 00 to 5 93 3'otico,(e Por ba.g,.... 48 to 0 00 Slydol) skins .............................. 0 50 to 1 10 III BALL 1,10.01111!0.. .............. ................•f 1 29 to 1 20 lt▪ ea wee.tt. 1 18 to 1 99 s irfog wl.oit 1 17 to 3 91 jlarley (141 to 58 1(31x ....................... ............... 050to055 Ont, 0 95 to 031 pro_rom „,w1) BEGS TO ANNOUNUE THAT HE HAS OPENED A. TEAS SPECIALTY and having added largely to the former stack, and having' pur- not halt() give satisfsotiori as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ,ALWAYS ON 'HAND. ;2GEMMTEALg 7,17i1U Ftooof Oh oioe 1.qavv. Groceries, IN FAITS T' RiLOCIM, WHERE IIE WILL ALWAYS BE AT HIS POST I'LE:1,DY TO DO BUSI- NESS. USI-181+SS. et'.:f�..1V.1.lL.•.lild�„11�f`S,.Ci.1tal AMP to `. Thi* groat holtsehol l:io.110110 rauli.e amongst t ilO l,e.,iiii necessaries of life. rm,so famous P11lo 1 1t'ify late if hung, and 9~'t in 1st powerfully y01 loot 11 n•4ly 0.1 11110 Ide.ir, .'it••111 10;1, Ic.trht0S., mud :ir.a;els, gi1'ilut tone, tulerdy, tali vigor to meso in. , •It ,n Lin s,ria . of life, 1'hoy 0111 con- n .101, tl v r e.,.uttl•,w1:u.i as it n.• L r failing ellie(iy in alt. 1A.,1:3 11 late 111•) ta,iranitu 111 /1,110to whatever 1.1111.., lots be.C..1110 nit1.nt 'd Or we ',toned. .they are *media -fully 1 fllatei.,i10 in all 0M:tent 2 bud- -011.1111 to f•a111le5 of 011 110.':. and as u gluts al Fatuity '11 : I IiCtlla, are tro,urp'tcnl'd. 7 +)tai"' • v11�1 �'11 F�t�lnaljj3?J ,...,..,,,.....,,,,..i ...... t 211r'd) 114 and boili l' properties are known ti 111111130111:1 thn world. For the cure of bad leg.,btl.' 1 ,0112t2, old grounds Soros. and 1"herr', it 0.4 an i'.faiii 0l 1'.•uady. If effector] iv rubbed on 11 n noel: a. .111 r hast. ,w: salt into meat. i 1 e.1 re: sore throat. P,rourltitis,(:ilnahe ('01185,110(1 even lstlul).t. For uhutd:ala- Swnl- li,lgs, .\:,c.'s••n!s, Pawl. ori •tnl•1 s. flout itti faun a lino. and (r -eery kind of !4lcin 1)i.o!ts•', it has 11,'101•bceu kn•+'-ntof:l0 Thefillo 1130((intin out aro10n11- ufaetnrer. only et 531 OXr'f111'1 STEET. T/1 i )ON, And nrPsold byall irendor.:of:god lein,wthrough- out tltn ci^ilii,•'d world; with 'lir etious f11 al:no:t 0'Pr4 1,og11Igo. Tli'1 Trade Burka of thrive Medicines are yogis - toyed 1a 1(t'.I111.1. lieuun, guy ((1131 ill the British Pncaot"d ua.t ylto MO,' loop thn American (:our. - t ctvfeits for rile, will he prow:cuted. L ('Paro)1'sers shmlld look to tlao hub,+l ee the tots nod. Boxes, If th i t 111:re2(1 Is cot 5.13, Oxford Sreot, London, they (ale Spurious Wj rATerms, OLOCK8, lr p Sowirg hhtebinea. ( 0110012, Accorclenus, said Ulnbrellns rel"eirecl. Agent fel the Wanner series saw- �'u iu Rbl gas. SEWW1- Rowing T'fachi)(esfnr sato cheap. A)1 kinds 'of beadles nn11 clluttlOR 001' Sowialgl2uc)Llltol !opt on Baud Khoo -,1(1100 $trent, ))ashwon.l. Juii11 (i. .11.../1.4)0N, Proprietor. I luy 1:/ 1-y. HAY PUMP WORKS. Yrs. t Ger ll ' PROPRIETOR. OR. P owing n 111811(1 to Inv pnlnp meehincr,', A•nd pro euro. larget('t.tntity of first-class 1(111110 log8, I am .1) °oared to offer on article .Superior to 'any Factory In the County, #ncl at prices 0410 defy competition. \Ca119 nucl Cisterns slug on the shortest notice. ' Before pnrclln9ilig call at the Hay Pump Works (-w.tGitop--One-q'larte mile Hort of 13x1t0r, 1,ou,lon itoatl. Ray 1 . ► iIIT, trial. You cannot and quality. s em.ornber the Stand—Fanson's dock. A• HYNM.ie FILL T.►'ti4ORM arid CLO't'.illIntq, 'ilnito i(lensure to it form the iahal, its ntt of18xet(•1 add surrounding country, that they have just opoJe(l ant tin OAcollelll nssortnoll t of Tweeds, C,nrftiiips,,:T'r)SJ!' 11 tit el+.tent 003,8081,•11 elnnttni'ns'eatitt fool n,asnraci Inatintoe 1n,tttnrofetot'ttnd, they alai @nit tl(9 1(;ntitlltStM(U11a0t1:10 1{I ; E tql N S ALL. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Why go al(r Ind for your 1"ttrnitnre schen you can )Oat (gaud S shit, for your looney i'1 Ifensall as in. 111.y other Towle in (heads.? alas now on hand a splendid st,:c)t of UIt2.4, ITJ ItE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ti'liiele He ii i11 Sell of ].'('i(•es to Suit fltc Times. UNDERTAKING' In all Its brnnchos promptly attended to. Also a FIRST CLASIS HEARSE, Which be will furnish for P'IINi'.Pvll•,S on rens. ((11111110 terms. Contracts for Building or every (1c5cr'ption falcon on. most reasonable 1011us. Mat(•linl ninth bed if do'.ired. Ito -number foie H'(naall k'uruiture and rimier - 'taking Elst)tbliilhlneut, S FA.IRBAIRN. NOTICE. M1 noenu tti duo to (11r0 (8t 1-1t'i1I11?anr ell'y and manalfnetoring Company (limited) •ninst ' be Promptly settled to avoid costs. No I13rvon5 aro notherisecl to r00Pive page eats or 11aak0 setusincot-I (r 1 behalf. of the ciilla(ucuy except File undersigned.. IIORACE 7IORT.nX, President. JOHN clIAISTIA11, seoretttry.: rioderieh,Sone IS 181.9., 41 BISSETT BROS., EXEi'EIt, ON'r. —1r1i11.1AT— �= EXHIBITION —AT— BsS"EiT1 BROW, EXE 1e. FRESH ARRIVALS OF STO and Fancy Gooda Emporium. ',37rrpg td FANCY BONES, WRITING DESKS, • `\ ORK BOXES, BOOKING HORSES, II0fl EF4 -ON WHEELS,. STICI: HORSES, CHINA DOLLS, WAX DOLLS. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, WALLETS, 2ocra T BOOKS., PURSES, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, STRAW BASKETS, DIARIES FOR 1880, TOY BOOKS, BOOK III ARKS, ALDU til S, 'I'OILI']T SETTS, VASES, DOLL BEADS, TIN TOYS, DRUMS, CIIIMEs, TOY WATCHES, - TOY PISTOLS, TOY SWORDi1, Tt)Y C'rUN4. TOY FIDDLES, SATCI1ELS, V E QE .U PO(xR:‘PT1 A.LBUM8, PARLOR CROQUET, AUTHOR CARDS, ETC., ETC., E'I'C, "7.ER, Y. .1,1 „ While sown prnllintnrl that tite National ' 1'uli:,v would increase the price of eve,.; J tl•tioln, still Ice aro enai11..1t to nnunttuae t11,tt We can x011 .111 kinds of stores 10 per csnt•oheaper than hits nver boon 7100 rPd'boret'fnl n, We have sold out our b t lu:r3s UritHall, and nil (lad 4tr,:xl P t + t•,,1 $t nc l,i 1 1, Betel, which 10 ono 00 th0 htl}1.081 11 the pylae —.idsl0-- z1 AaeniS jor Verily's Cell Gra'ed Plow. r. BISSETT BIOS., .EXE1211.1I, O1'P. MILS. FREEJJA1'1rS DYES, PAPETEEIE S, SCRAP PICTURES, LADIES' COMPANION'S, BUILT)ING BLOCKS, ALPHAT3rtT BLOCKS, TIN TRUMPETS, CHECKER BOARDS, CIaECKER MEN, CHESS MLN, DOMINOES, WAX CANDLES & HOLDERS, CHINESE LANTE11Nl3, rEItrU MES, SPONGES, TOILET SOAPS, DYE STUFFS, UNION PA.OKAGE DYES,. DRESSING COMBS, CIRCULAR 003ILS, POCrET COMI3S, BACK COMBS, &c., &o. HAIR r3RUSFIES, TOOTH BRUSHES, CLOTH BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, MUSIC BOOKS.. SHEET MUSIC. PEN HOLDERS, PENCILS, BLANK BOOKS. SCHOOL 1300BS, T.\13LE CROQUET, X MAS CARDS. STEREOSCOPES, S,. CTEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. A)1 the above-stoclthas b,en carefiilly b0'lglat from' Jnr i:;h, (Yrrnal.n and knericau -houses, and cannot fail to give satisfaction iu both price and quality. Remember the Emporium, Opposite ; entral Hotel, MAIN STREET, EXETER. GO TO JAMES PICKARD'S The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. ' OB'IE REASONS why these Suspenders 1.7 are better than others :- 1st. No Elastic required. 2nd.—Is Slack when stooping. 3rd.—It never slips off the Shoulders. 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders. Try a Pair and Secure Comfort. Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. And don't miss the chance. itst Deceived— B1•)1 Let of those Cheap Mink Setts, 3r(1 Lot of Robes, Hodson Bay prices, Dress Goods and'Vtilieeys—dil't cheap, Blankets and Etoll'es at job prices, (Gray, Scarlet and Fancy Flaune's—grill prices, For variety 111111 Latest Styles, don't fail to see •ur MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds, neve- better selected, end he Lest cutter in the county. OVERCOATS For assortment .and price unequalled. BOOTS AND SHOES Bought before the big advance, and our customers get ahn advantage not only- of seloctiu,, from the largest Stock in towu, but AT OLD rr.I(ES. Onr object into buy and sell at Botham Prioes; and by rhe way people are flocking around we think we are (loin(; it. COME AND SEE. JAMES I'IC?KARD riATARIIrI t CATAIUtII I t USE Tile grant b Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The culypositive our.Ptnr Cn.tnrrla:yet'(tisanverad: 1r'13.1 0AL1u l'. utrrz.N0:n lL mu 0 s'V()fl . \\T. I,,. $\xI".C.II,- tteael al Oat, & t(;ona, Oat, °o•a 3a'r.. COOLFJ. .Blae1 L Stres for 12 eta. Black Lustres for 20: Black Lustros for 2,5 Black Lustros for 30 Black Lustros for 35 Black Lustros for 3 Black Lustros for 45 Black Lustros for 50. Black Lustres for 05, Bla ,k Cashmeres for 30 ots. Black Cashmeres for 45 Black Cashmeres for 55 Black Ca -latexes for 65' Black Cashmeres for 75 Black Cashmeres, for 00 Black Cashmeres for $1,13 Black Crape Cloth for 45 cls. Black Crape! Cloth. for 75 cts., For anything :in Black or any other` Good's, try BA:NTO%T Eacrett's Block,, Exeter. ♦t 1;