The Exeter Times, 1879-12-18, Page 3DEM non. n 18. 1879 11UMOROUS. Ice water k no longer a Ineery,, A colored seutinel is It bkok f;n txil; A sell f tr enrols --tine baby' wild yt I1. Now beat. year byte bell : bats into t3UOW tthr1Y31S. Lightliterature—ta bauk•nu,e With no balance. A smile en the face is worth two in the tumbler. S people run over before they are 1iu1f full.. fxirt,:vaotn'i w -,Lt; 580 years old when elle was marriod, Styles are conshutty changing, but thtt turkey this year will be dressed in the seine uld tray. Vohn1t3' says : . Trani: about your pr.t- eut`base burning stoves, but mother's. old slipper is a trot enough base burner for ate. We buried hint slyly on Monday night the raffle with ottt' Shooting sticks turtl- ing, for he ,vrote a new poem and read it with il11g11t, in spite of the editor's w'ttr e i n g. Ween a. tramp Was offered hit din ner if he would wield. the scythe for an hour, the soiilotluieed, 'To dine—no mower. Ay, there's the grub.' That was a vie colored mar•,wbo,iu speaknee of the It ruttiness of married people strict, '1):a ar 'poi ds altogedder on hew day etjoys dOit eelvi),. another fart of the °ba unt:letl, ' ,;frit she, as they gingerly (centered down the slippery street. 'Yes,' ittuglled he, two second; l:Ltet',when a Hair of tl:tinty. Humber nines shot into a space close to bis uoee, 'another fall of the beauti- ful.' It is dark ensu h fur the young peo- ple to owing ,'n the gate at htt.lf past five naw. Itis a siugnlar feet that nes matter flow nitwit earlier this business is commenced t; takes just as long to get through. Two hien started oat on a wager to see who could tell the biggest lie, iNo. 1 o:ttallneuced, '.. wealthy •c•tniita•y edi tor -- whereupon I'To 2 stepped hint right there and laid the foil; it. A country correspondent sends 'n- t'ie gout -harrowing conundrum do ii<igs thrive better on sour mirk than on sweet ? And the answer is--bt.cause they get more of it. The play was at its height !its tl•e card room of a well known club, and from a distant corner was heard 'We are two to two l' 'And we are two to two tic. 1' respt.nded a ltleyer at an at'. j,ainiug table. No wonder that a Ger- man there present likened our lag- gua,e to a French horn. This country ii. full of dofferinti carts- ed by unpaid labor. An ittclu•ltrione mon in Uluentt o last week pried off the lids of six de ks, lroke the lacks of four money elrawers,aucl blew rip three nates and netted less than ono dollar. . Yet we are told that times are improving,. A cnrreept'ndent wants to know if Wearitlg a hitt Wilde to make a person bald. We belie,e it sloes. \Vomeit don't wear hats and they are not ball --at least they don't wear theta on their heads, so they are not baht there, Hats destroy hair. A woman's het is worn on the back of her bead, and that is tine reasou they have tc bny so 51tncll back Iiitir. A colored man was asked once why he did 1101 get married. 'Why yen see, sell,' said he 'I gut an' old mudder, if I don't buy her shoes, stbekit:gs, an' bread au' butter,she wouldn't l;et u we. Nnw of I was to get married, l w told he,b to bny dem begs for my wife, nn' dao would be takin , de stn res r73' stock- ings an' bread an' butter iiebt out of my Rudder's motif, oelebrafed rnilwrw tunnel of La Cinla which is boing bored through the pea of the 1'nortnteirt. The tt1'ntel le 8,84 feet lord;, and is located ,600 feet abov the litre el pe' netun! snow. Alfrl'.SIAN Wene.s.---Tile slaking of the deet) artesian well near Ruda I Pesti, Hungary, is now' compieted ; the works were commencea as far back as 180i3, and luring their progress many interesting facts relating to geol- ogy and iindergroun 1 temperature llttve boon brought to light. The total depth is 3,200ftret, and the tempera - lure of the water it yields is nearly 165 Fehr. The temp''ratnre of the mod brought„ up by the borer wile taken every day, arid wasfound to increase rapidly, in spite of the loss of heal rinrtttu its n.teertt, down to a depth of 2;800 to 2,700 fo t. Beyond this point the increase was not so ruttrkee. TSE 11.IANu8ACTIJa1; OP TOB#CCC PIPE4 BY :Ileornerew.—Fur many years past 'sweets attempts have been made to introduce automatic machinery into the niannfacfnre of clay pipes, It can- not be raid that these efforts have been altogether unoneeessful, as there are tv'ni?111neS for tpurpose of variants kinds note at tvo k. The ameet perfect and complete machine of this kind is at wont in the establishment of White & Son, Of Glasgow. The manner in which this latest development of me•- eltitnteal ingenuity ao,oluplisbed its work leaves little to be desired. Block, of ripe clay are inserted at one end of the machine, a ld they a -e delivered on of the ether oomn'etely finished,, nt the rate of neven or eigl.tt a mine's. It is calculated that the m'tchine will an. eomplieli the ;vorlt of three skilled pip,. ninkere. ip'- ninkere. 16 'is entirely entrnntiric itt its netien, mid simply reenires to br, fed with the raw ntri,terittl as it is della ered from the pugging mill. T.ET ; TIMES taught in then. An effort in the Iden• k l garien Parliament to make instruction 7 lin the netive tongue oornpelsory in the e schools was under discussion some time ago, and was defeated because it Wes feared that it might create trouble with the rent of the empire. A aurae' Wein, UNDER LnvnnN..—But tt Tittle way from Chtu'ittg Cft'o e, Lan- don, a narrow alley descends stepplr toward the river. `1nruirg into thio by -way we reacihe.d an o1(1 b -ick hnnse, in nn respect differing from the Orme- ands that snrreunti it. Knoc'ting nt the basement doer, a maid nppeated and lett us down a flight of stone steps into the cellar. 11cre, penial S fifty 'feet below the level of the Strand, on what in ancient times meet have beep the aide of a steep bill, is what ie known ns the "Old Roman Betio." It is en arched n•ud vaulted al a')bc'r r'f brief: ttnrk, which a'ttrgtari'tns declare conelnsively pr)vos he its cnnetrttc'it n it, 1t,,man iiii'i,t, filled with water so perfectly pore that at first we snpposett it to be empty, it cl that we anw the 'obit,•' brick work of tht' b tto it through no o her median than that of air. The bath is thirteen feet !one, six feet bread, and the wrter stands al a depth of 'Jervis, five f; et. It isnot only nie - v lonely (deer brit dt'licinnsly cool. 1 do not wonder that in fide land where ice is a costly luxury people throng to the nil Rnm n spring to drink. In the same bnilding ie anntner bath, evident ly of later eonstruotinn, which tradi tirtn,attrihttteS to that Earlof l saex whe watt the favorite of Q•ieen Eliz't- beth. The letter is need for bathing. Re niitnernns limp garments on the wall bare witness, while the former is kept as a reservoir of drinking water only. `Ven ON CIIuucis Gametalllll. ---- Rcar. Henry Morgan, a preacher of Soule, note in l3otson, failed last year to se cure the oouvictiou of twenty gamblers, because they pleaded that there W..1,9 1 s much gambling in the Cilnrcbee its anywhere else. He, therefore, made n public vow to prosecute the first church in Boston,nf whatever creed,' het sho•utti advertise a lottery, and now he wee felt called upon to give notice, that tf the raffling by which ttr.i,1 is a -e to be disposed of at the Oathedr II Fair, is coumeuoed, according to annonnce- neent, he will prosecute those under whose auspices it is laid to the full ex- ent of the law. . If the tarn is enforced, t will bear heavily on the money -mak - ug schemes of inttny a congregation. ACs1xAatex oer OnI,A,—Charles Ar Shows, a Uhinnan,becante a ten mer- chant in 13nston thirty years ago, mar- ried an American wife, grew wealthy, and noised in cultivated society. Late. ly he visited hie natte° land and on re- turning says to the Boston Hervid ;-- ',very thing in China seemed strange to me ate it did to me win l first catoe b Boston.' IIo fottud a few social changes, however. 'Individual taste, if it lends to a deviation, from the set fol ne of srciety, ie frowned d wn, and, so long as that feeling is prevalent in Oltine, its people are slaves to custom, opiltinn and ueunge. , 111TNG>ARIA,t,--The lInti triene are evoeepingly,jeaalous of their identity as isttnet and soverigo people, and care- fnlly preserve their national ttsuages. tiitft; the letter, however, they have beach trouble, the teodettcy being ti its rn.dnnl extirpation before that of the 10r0 nm uerous fled pewerful'Teutonic, nee,tvitlt which they are eo joined'• hat nue or the ()thee ixinst give way. Cfiertnan is the official andjudic,tl Ian - WORTH I(NOWING. THREE Means or Boceeensrevns,-- Some idea of the capacity of the .}3rit- i�h I1useum library may be gained from the statement that it contains three miles of bookshelves weer eight feet high, and, taking them all at the ordinary evo size, utero are twenty-five miles of sbelve•e. Tee donne of the readingroom i 1 the second targest alt tine world, the diameter of that of the Parthenon, limo, exceeding it by only d two feet, while let. I'nter's, beim; only 1189 feet. is less by one foot. We have 1 0 e 011 instance of the value' of Iron for, while the piers of the &high Mus- g cunt deme, oecupy 200 feet, those of the Perthettou lint 7,477 feet of area. r Anovr rear~ L,rsvar„---ln this country, t a miner's honse on Mlunt .fiiticoltt, Coloractn, is .14,15.7 feet high. In Peru, a railway village, celled (Ialera,'is 15,- 0,44 ('est high. Near this place is the A I ousehold 1 ecessity. flagyard's Yellow 0111s the best rmaedy in the world fur the following cotnplaiutll:- Cratnps 111 the limbs and stomach, pain in the ride, rheumatism in alt i's, forums, Golic, Non. nitwit, Flesh'wounds,Spinai complaints,S praiiis and Bruises. Don't fail to procure, it. Its egyil was never kerma for removing paid in all cases, For internal and external use. Sold ,by all derders. DO NOT RRAD THIS ri_ axing received a lot of new machinery,1 !Lwould inform the. farmers of the sur- rounding country that T am prepared be manu- facture all kinds of Horse Bakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, ot'e, and having secured the services of a first-olass Turner, 1 alu.prepared to do ALL KINDS Oli' TURNING on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a lira. class stock of Fork and Shovel handles, 14Ii11 half a guile south of Exeter. A. COTELL. QTBA.YED froth Lot 15, S. I3. Ste - alien, on o'• about the 5th August last, ono whito',tee)! with red ring on the nose and rete oars,'9 yearn old • one gtoyish steer 2 yoars old; one gt oyi h heifer 9years old; one yearl n alas, red and 'white ; one ruooley heifer, light rod, with vlate, Any information leading to theirreeov- ery trill be huudsoulely rewarded. JO RN nclr,"T.TA'? net'.,. LEGAL ti H. CADDY, 13A.I ISTE1 61; ATTORNEY As furry, Solieftor, &e. 0131ce, Pausou's Moult Exeter. A LIDING HAIRDING, & WHITE], Barb; LOTS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Cont- $iouers,B, lt., &o, tai rer-Rurro.r's BL.00s, Water trent, Si 1l:+ ry's. Jou N R . 35 &nnrxa,15. W. 1I&Rnr) a. IL.A.L.WrrxT1: 'fir 11IuDIARMID, t lttt t.TC1t,NOTARY, CONVEYANCE]: T,UCAN ONT. tUIDICAL. li. IlUTOLIINSON, 141ernber of kJ the (college of Physicians and Surgeon soi 'ttrtnrio, &c., &o.. Office next door to 1, catlings, Hain Street lSxoner fl Ll•. II VN' DMAN. .—CORON 11:1l FOR the (county of Hu eon. limce,noxttloor to tTr.I. Carling'sstore , F xeter. W. BROWNING M. D. C, 141. �. a P. i , Graduate Victoriat7n yersity Ofilee cndresideuce. a)orr. nion 1.abm•tttoiv..Exeter. lee C. MOORE, 11f. D. 0. M. L �+• Graduate of Bef=all Jniversity, 3ront*eel i)lltceaudresidence,15reter,On 1. 0;1ice 1. ocrs— Sto10a. in and ?to 10n.Irl TAR. 3. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S. 0., Victoria S`. Crediton, Ont. Office born e tour 0 to 10 a. in.; 2to5p.in. LU'TZ, M. D., • 'Jitt a at his residence, Exeter. TIR. IRVING, GRADUAT1i ONI- VPRSITY TrinityCollogehtemi,erOnitot;c i'nvsioians and suruoouf Op:.., olllceICirkton. HOTELS. `iENTRAL 1{OTEL, CRLD1�C()1 J --Wm. 13akor proprietor, This hetet lens been newly hrrnishedartd fitted ni, in first close atyle. largo and convenient Show Rooms for (Rutinernial Pravetiors; best of Minors and ciearc at the Bar. AttentiveISostler, always on hand IX 21-3m, WILL CAM BARER, DRINCE OF WALES MOTEL. CrIN VON. G. SW,t17.TS having purehased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now of. tern first -mass accommodation to travelers, Good liquor and cigars at the bar. Good stabling lull attentive hostler on hand. E eery attention paid to guests. en H" r-,,� seeei Fescc, t, ei-st -t3 IPS QA `�r1 t. CP 077 C) ., a" <1 49p . P .4 E a m. mg eyo� �� VI � a. ,5f Q. c a ,... A.. m o44 ri) riam F,. Co va#1•);E = G_, • ray c ear ae L.9 '&4 m . p..., " epf flntlgary, and some of the . a t;itti 8 ecthools are not oily not enndtieted int 0 fee flus tt,rte tt teat that language is n.ot.l E-ta g,22 •t I 1-4 TII EXETER TIMES OBE r to .� -. - � •t�� . All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch. Order yoti work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work a Specialty The TIMES OFFICE has excellent facilities for turning our; CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS..