HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-18, Page 2TH:Ji • 'T" f M 4.s, ' CL1AltI13SA.'S CHOICE. • Georgy rises slowly. He is still weak, :ted finds to difficulty iu sudden move - meets tt look of perplexity anad (]is• comfort pervudee bis hstiudetrne face he trifles netvcinsiy with a paper kuil'e that lies beneath hi,i hand. 'You di,trese me," he said at length, Addressing both the suitors. 'I hardly linos)" what to say. Of course, I shall tell any *deter of the honor you leave (1011e her, and—anti—you mast abide by her (1,cieiflu. But it grieves ale to kuow that oue ofs'oue-,must—' 'kbo lotuses, and nuounsciunsly eta his emberr.temeut, he fixes his eyes ou Dugdale. Clive groans inwardly; to hiul it is a simple matter, the 1rattbltL- tion of that regretful look, the finishing of that broken sentence. 'Otte of you lutist go to the wren—anal you,Dug(lale, nee the man,' So he reads it. The brother, knowing well the si=ster's feel- ngs, lied thought ki 'idly to give bin) gentle warning fur What is surely in store for him. That glance was au i11 omen ! Well 1 well! He throws up his head iu angry dt:fiauce of cruel fate, .aud draw his breath a little hard. At this moment a light and well known step crossing the ball nut - side neakee itself heard. It conies near- er; the door is thrown open, and tiler - boa, fresh and sweet as the 'perfumed flowers iu her hands, steeds upon the threshold. 'Why, what a solemn conclave,' slie ssys, jestingly. 'Whet long, tong faces 1 I:ut that the silence of the grave seem, - to reign. I should say you were all in- dulging iu tt battle royal. What is it, George ?' laying her had hand Upon his bhoulder wi ll a soft, careseiug touch. ' Tatting clown the hand, Carew hopes it closely to hid own and regards it witli t,ileut scrutiny for full a minute. Then .glanciug at the ttto men, he says, ae though decided :— 'a1y sister is here—she will speak for herself. Clarissa, Sir Wilfred Hauglhtou and Olive Dugdale nib') to tell you—that they --love yon ; they have corse this afternoon to ask your hand in marrit:ge. It is for ,you to ei- ther refuse them both—or—Bunke your choice between thele. Ile has evoke!) disj,•inlly, but to the purl ose. Clarissa, grnttiug white as tue trembling lilies in her fingers, shrinks away frutu bite, and letting her flowers hill, euvera her face with her handl. '011 1 why have you done this?' cries she ; 'it is tortible— it is cruel--' 'No --.it is the wisest counts,' whisp- ers be, hurretlly. 'It will cud at once all doubt ante suspense. Believe me it is better so—and kinder. Looking up, she glances Bret at Sir \'irilfred, who is evidently auxions, lint l•erliape a tittle too assnred--uteri tim- idly at Ditdale, who is rather iu the background, with his hsad bent Joa'n- viari, laud his hands crossed upon his breast. Feeling the intensity of her regard, he raises hie head, and meets her gaze full. In his eyes there fs a world of eurrowiug, a paasiouate regret, a dumb agony, sad through its hope less lunging. 'Clarissa 1' says Ilaughton, entrear Keely, attempting to take her hand. 'No, no!' she exclaims, haetiiy, wav tug him back, her heart beating pain- fully.. Ther, 'Clive, will you not speak to rne ?' she says, moving a stop or two iu his direction. The effect was:electric. At her words Dugdale starts violently, the sadness disappears, and 111 its place a great gleeen of joy arises mud illumines his face. Yet even now he hardly dares to believe iu las own gond fortune. Going up to Iter, he imprisons her herds. and wales, in a voice so charged she ec,t,efly lino Ars it to be hie:-- 'Am 1 your choice ?' 'Yes,' faintly. 'You love in f, 01.u'issa ?' elinost ve• Hebb en11y. •Ye,' retens site returns And then rieereorne by her emotion and the sit - '7t nation generltlly, elle bslrst into tante; ; svheu'ee )on.CiivP urnniridful of lte • t r 1 bYO= tber'n presence, nr flint of his dioem- n •r'ted rival, catches her in his arras ; and with a sub,she )etys her head upon Lis beefed. Leaving Weston about two hours late• er, he has just reached the entr,.vnee gate, when he feuds himself, for the second time to -day, from to face witb the valiant Major, evidently bent on sl augh ter. 'You see I have kept my word.' says; the warrior, iieroely ; 'I nun not to be frightened, even from a frown from Venus 1 I have come to reason Clarissa about this talked of engegernont.l 'There is no need. I can tell you all about it.' 'Well,' impatiently. 'Itis only too true. She is going to he married.' 'And who, pray, told you that pretty:. piece of uewe ?' 'T heard it front hor own lips.' 'Yon don't say no 1' exclaims the Ma- jor, staggered : then plunking up his ennrage ngain, he nclvnnoes a step. 'All the more cause why 1 should interfere.' he enys, with much determination. '1 am afraid it will bo too late. She and he seers very mush nttaohed• tc each other. I nal almost sure she will not give Mini up.' 'She will when I prove to her what a despicable scoundrel he is ; and open her eyes a bit about his doings in Lon- don.' 'Ole, 1Iajr,r 1 that T could live to hear you say such things 1' 'Say them! 1 have said them a thou- sand times, and I say them again. I tell you;tbe man she is bent on tnarry- ing is a villaiu of the deepest dye !' Duednle laughs. 'Ah 1 you may make a joke of it:, Dngdale ; she is nothing to yon, of coarse; yon don't care nbont her fut- ure hal'diness, poor child ! but I do, mot I can't Fee her enter on such a wretched utarriage without feeling grief.' " 'I don't think,' says Clive, modestly, it. Rill he a wretched marriage.' 'I hope you may be forgiven,' ejacu- lates the Major, solemnly. 'Well,' in an offended tone, ' I shall co and ful- fill my duty, anti see what I Can do.' 'Don't pot an end to the engngement 1laj •r,' t'xelai ne Olive, in a torte of af- feeted dismay ; 'hecanee, if von rlo, yon will snake Dierissa and—and me cter- nelly miserable.' Ile has pieced leis hands nn old Hyde's shoulders, and is laughing light- ly. 'Eh? What? You don't mean to sae —bless me! What have you got to do witer it?' 'In rno yon behold the orming bride- groom,' says Clive, with an hit of the profoundest triutuph. The ;4fnjur is struck dumb for a furl athlete. (4 Menet nnnsnel 0000rr'PI'oe with him), and then gives way to it wild rept ni e. \Iv deaf' Clive—my dente ,leer boy, can it be true? my dear fellnlr. I em re- joiced.' And then he fairly gives way and frilling upon the uninspected Dug- dale treats -him to a hearty= ling. 'Bar, 15'l;jnr. considered ; wnuld ;von wed your peal arnnng women t.n a'des picahln scoundrel,' a 'villein of she deepest (lye ?' 'When are ynu ening to open her eyes to all my soauctatoutt 'digs lel London ?' 'None of yonr chaff,' enye the Ma. jor, threatening hien with his stick, 'brit come srr •fight home with me, and let IP; drink the fatnre Mrs. Dugda',e's health in a glass of champagne. IRELAND. • 11Ir. W. Wilson, Conservative M. P. for Comity Doueual, died on the Srl, inst. Passett, one of the two men charged in 1)uoliu with uttering forged bank notes, has been discharged. During the Irish fareitle years, 1847- 49, nearly All the minks of hounds were put down, bnt this year hunting 13 anbrisk as ever. The egitatiou ie fever of devoting the snrplu; Irish Chnrch revenues to relief work for the Irish peasantry con- tinnes to find fever. The Cork Cnrporatinn have adopted a nletnor•ial to the Lerd•Lieilton„nt, praying for the initiation of public works for the relief of the distressed. In the Comity Rnseornmon notices have been posted in Yellow' places warning tenants to pay nn rant unless they are re laced to (erlilitll's valua- tion. The Town: Commissionere of Mind- en adopted on November 41.1) the irta- moriial to the Lord Lieutenant in fever of the ]netittrt]un of productive public w01'.kd. I3:u on Dowse, speaking treeently at a tneeti'rff of the College Ilietnrical Society. Dublin, coinplaiited.nf the tette of rile ..li glisli heroes tnwtlyd Ircininl. 'l'8e canalise et Olortnnrhill, County Deitrim, on Mr. David Diciest estate, were vlhited by about NO mer, who. threatened thele with violeece if their rents we're paid, Gu us were fired ou leaving enroll !longe. M1. Mitchell Merry, an Irish mem- ber of Ila• littment, informs his oonrttry- tnen that Inc propose,' of the L mien !i)les that they rutty seek relief itt cM- igration is "one of the most monstrous and iullname proposaltt that ever dia• placed dtatesmaubhrp. Stop that Co sgh.. HAolARD'e PECTORAL BALSAIII is composed of the most healing balsams and gums. Thu l3alstuns, which enter into its composition, were used by natives when Americawits fist discovered, and were combined with other tonics, so blended together, that it is a speeitie fa all affections of the throat and Inugs. Thou - quids of bottles are sold annually, and it is (=shifted one of the standard preparations of the day. For Coughs, Colds, etc. For sale by all duelers at 25 ars. per bottle. Allan Line! LIVERPOOL, L'ON DOND1i'RRY, GLASGOW Short sea, p assarys--Eco)lo» ty—Co» fori— Srfety. CABIN, I.iTER1tEDIATE AND' STEERAGE TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES. EVERY SA'1'UIRDAY FROM QUEBL''O. Peruvian Dsceintiier 271h. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from rho old country will save money by baying their tickets at the office of the agent at Exeter. Every information concerning route,ete, byep- plyiug to CAPT. G KEMP, Exeter. lEN SALd_.i PORK PACKING HOUSE tffr Having commenced business for the 1=a1 andWonterTrae'e We aro prepared to purchase any quantify of Pork. subject to the following regulations: SV. will take off two pounds per hundred if dry. anti three pound :f soft. nimbler stack. twenty-five cents. If :tuy of the bung gut is left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. No pork wiil to bought at an price it warm, S L.J S A. E S AND-- - Pork Cuttings nn hand at, reaoonable rates. We want all Hogs Cutting aright through breast to head, and hams opened outto tail. G & J pf,'rjTY- HAVING SOLD Ilio remainder of OUR GROCERY STOCK we uurpose devoting our wbolo attention to the Flour, Feed and Seed Trade. !loon goods. pr)mpt dellvoty and square deal ing is our motto. R. & E. 'SPICER, Exeter, Noxt to PostOillee Block. National : $'obey PLOWS, and SCOTCII DIAMOND HARROWS constantly o11 hard and .pied')to order MoMILLAN & i oBf.IDli� laving now.q•cator. fteilitiers than over, er•n pre pared to Supply farmers with iron" I3entn flay. Steel Mould •Board, 1nado •by ourselves' 013i11t>iows, i{uauporinake; Snatch I)iatno:.cl1larrows Cultivators{, flans 3 lows, 'Carriages and buggies no hand, and made:.to or- der, Parse sbociu•( alb •uded to on the shortest notice. Ilursos shod to prevent ittorioriog. Me3i1LIrA:i .k Atearide,Isting St„1:Tonsall. • IKINSI%IAN, D1t;NTI8T, T.ioouttute of tela Dental. (foliose of ()n tario, may be oonsult'd any (lay. Dille --- next! (loos' to the Post Ottioo, EXetel.tio.i. \1 +' W 13L14.01).SM1TR. Beene 1\ Al WIN- (l�);nFr;t, Exv. eter, a8 HAAT lutea 17xener, his )) cola me+t,cr, business iu tin 1r s' .` �j '- a 'vs.rana at %Malietsoo. /' toll is , Feel pa ad tet du tilI f ldii 1 OU Incl elutthitigvv0rlt 11orY:: Shur t11giue nobly attended to, Proinptili s. all imps Oh audgood worktivaranteed, A e,111 0deit.•d. 16,Jta W,13LTt;I,1.N(iHalf. • ENGINES IJ D BOILERS. From t to i3 Flt rse Power. for Pana- ma, Dairy ltator arm- etre,Dairynen.ltatt• and Cheese l'netorie•. Printers and ail parties wing hand or hare. power. rest nail eh. apes, ut the market. Send for eireular and Brite list. John ]Doty. • Leal:nnde Street, 1 m(UN•ro, FARI\I:LIIS AND BUILI)EES, i3tty eta' Beanllville \WHITE LIME and Star Brand Plaster Paris. and .you will 1. pleased with your work. Fr, sh Lune alr,ay on hand. GLASS, NAILS, LOCKS, and HINirES very cheap for cash. White Lead, Oils, Tor peutine and !mtty at bottom prices, Rope Chain, saws, Planes and other tools at ]trice) that ,ill astonish you. Carriage Milkers, nal and see Our Beni Goods!, made from dry, tough timber. Cheap fel cash O'BYRNE & 00., Tho Farmers' and Mechanics' Hardware Store. Exeter. Money to loan ou Mortgages. MAIM STREET, 'EXETER. TIE EXETER, Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND MD NITTA!! ALL KINDS OF TUB NING Dore to order. 11omernbet111e place 1..) 17c3.i'lb ,r6ie+»t'i"�'f� r�`.'.,a''".l.,J 'Ea,ETn Marbi Vee Bks. :0: W. D. WEEK c- 3 Dealer in 'fONUMF.NTS, H.EADS'J'ONES, i1tANTLI+J .1'T1?,CfreS. FURNITURE TOPS, des. Cemetery Worlc of tall kinds meetly execnt P(1. 1 !).).r:'- N,hrth nt Drew's lf:al, ::ale street LEA ors'ut v..40 14: Vat REIVIONr C1 R&U wonld remind lits nnmernn, Chstnulers that ho has removed to the (hop formerly occupied by Mr. Bund, whore be d .vill bo founeverre tdy to atte..d to all businos, to the BOOT 'nil sROil Lino. 0. RAU, Crediton. GroceriesilUorleotoriary, Smoaing Tobacco 25 Cents per It IIIOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS alwaysinatoek. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. ichooll3ooks, Stationary, illagazine, WI'1 H ALL TIIE LATEST news NMI—Sewing IllNoodles ofovory Irirrl. A. BOYD. A L e o t it r e TO YOUNG .DEN. We have recently published a now eriitiolt of Dat. (MIXES WELL'S CN1,1,ril1A'1'l1) 1')SSAI' on the ra.dical andpp0r1naY.o,t. cure (without 110- dicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical Incapacity impediments to ',Vantage, ore,, ro- nailiue:from crease. t -"x,. Price in a sealed envelope, only n cents o: two postage stamps. The celebrated, antltor of ibis Mtn fr1Tdo essay, claarIyRemonstrates,from thirty years' an1om's 4n1 cradle), that al erring consequences may be radically ",prod wibhont the dangerous use c,t in- ternal medicines or, the us0 of -tete itnife; Paint. ant amo..m of aero at once simple certain islat of teethe 1, by moans of whichovory snffer'lr, ttn m tt• for what 1115 conrlition may be, may cure bimselt cheaply, privately ctnttradically. This 1,ecture should be in the hands of every youth and ovtlrynum 311the land.,' Address, THE CULVE WELL,ME)ICALtie„ 41 Ann .Street,tfew'St' 3.k, • j . Post OlYlceaiox 11$8 1)1:0E161 11 18, 1.&7) ,gE Vel C-;00)x,MriW ' GOODS ennatlutilt arriving at W. 3), T+redloghkm'ti Iti mauth Jmrel.er• Store. 3/3 1, Thirds r street ,,,anon, Out rig. Whenever you it. the Ver- •s,. Cite don't fait ievirit this /1,,t• n'il1t li•}1lnent, he only nr,t tlu sFture of the Lime in the('lt*', nil brat ori mated ,levellery store in tite mord urn. Tho \V1).nl't+loahlon Watch rt i ds tum •tvalld.l, Al' wInlisethem tee(' Impend them 10 heir fr,onrie. n11 isirds of F1'ctt'lu'e 10 tttook, 10o115 of eve^y (tenetIpti,•n, 11.11)1) Jewellery <;1 ov- ry style, Diamonds and Precious Steven. Fa any tends, 11peeta01"s, and 011 li odclil'q Eines, watches, • Clocks, incl Jewellery reuttirati anti aurraut0d W 1).MC(,1,t7(il&L.ON, b ,tercoionia .rel,• R/VIERE DU I.OUP BRAND'!. • POSTPONEMENT OF TIME. The time for meet ing tenders for Cars, Sunw '1011ehs, 3 c., has been extenUed until the 0111 of .)00elnber next. Ey order, r,rsrArv, Secretary, • )epartment of llailwa, s and "auals, t Ottawa, sntu November 1910, REMOVAL! [REMOVAL! RE l'lOVAL! REMOVALS REMOVAL1 REMOVAL! P. PRAYNLi =removed tohisnew shop, latelyoccupicd by eerkina.e: Oo—two .leers north of J. Cbi-igg's book eters .where you will Bird everyNan gnativity itept r a ar,:t-class harness establishment, 'which for lnality of material and 81)11 of workmanship tS Nt)T EASILY SURPASSED "`all and examine my stoele[hafore purchasing ,lsewl.tere. PETER FRAS'NE. Uentral Drug Store. OPPOSII E CENTTRAL HOTEL, EXETER. Constautly 021 hand Pure Drugs as Cherais , 1'ILPFL'1IEIIY, all kinds, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Nail B: nshe5, Tooth Brushes. In COMES aur stock is complete. TOILET SOAPS IN ENDLESS li4RI�TV Jost arrived the largest Kindle:, Per express, Ii eebfromtnantuaeturerct, of TRUSSES, SES, LADIES.' AN1) (1ENTty' itilOt:L• DEB, BRACES, CREST 1'.I:CT'EC"FOES. Home and Cattle lledici)u'A n Speciality. Thys'cittne' Pr0Orriptinus n+ul Printilv Recipes cnr„fttll3' ening airmail at 30131:13)1•ttg Star a, el Plumy >y (keds 1':3Upor]1t111,. app0s.18 1 t11t, al ,L1'e,tol, l�xetet" LPXECU'l'C116' NOTICE. Pursuant to chapter 107., Rewired Statutes of Ontario, notice is hereby ,nivuu that All perwns having "halos npfu the "~tate of WHA1R'I'ON IieJ1(i1i,)N lab a of the Vill Igo of N:xoter, in tbo (.nu ui•y of i1n;rn , Ana tiot.ver, .1c1- oroteecl, are rerlmir.c1 on or 60102:1 t„0 2.rtle Day of �T•:C. R, IIIt'•:o,,1. 1). 1570, to s0n.1 partieuIei% fa writ,ug of swell c lt,inis to It. II (A1,1) t 1', q., slnlioitur for Om Executors, Laster, rh; t .; after trhi :h stay the l• x •ettt> s will b: at liberty t0 di -' ;ributethe: ass01.; of th.+ ]estate, having1eseexil -,edy to the ontt,tts' wheel the. ellen hive end.. notice, ani they will 1101 after that tbtte 1•e liable or the assets so distributed to uuvkrrson 0r per. .ons of whose claims rimysluttl'not tbsa buve had notice. A:nct all persons in.lebhot toth0s•itl h Sotto are requested to pay the mon/out of their accounts to 11. ii. (Ai)J)3:, Solltntor, 3Sxotu', .ortbwitb. Lute(L this 10th day of Novo ber,1579, :JANE' 13 O,!OSO'N,Lxeeutrhs. ti JAAoIS S OIL b), l :Acott ter. ST. M U3Y'S L• 1MEWOR.1ib. our.lrn.wnkilns beinrnow tit full ryryeration:and bclrningnntam ihy a Large cbnautitl of LIME thatforall Pi,rnosos cannot be surpassed in the Donate ion. P•trtlesfrom a 1istance can ifway tbo'• eidieri either atthekills or del iverdby10031 5 atletr est remunerative rates, 0r.terahrola .0 el%sitaytes, promptly attondeo to, t.'41:HITSON ttr SCIteATE13 Intereotonial Rail- way. Z IVIE'RE DU Lour. BRANCH. BALED T1+TNl)''1.1, 1• achliresso,d tre A the m dersign0,1. and Mrdorsodl ' Tenderaa. for Tnl toed:” will bo receive(' at this other*, tap to. name of I'11ll)AY the 5111 ok*J)lial4.141dtinttext. fo• the supply of Twelve Loceiuottvice,I,atglnos. Plans, specifications, and -forms -,ofr tender can bo h Int at the 111oho, alc•al tupyliuttexdout's office. at Moncton. The 110nal'tht0nt not boutnd to s,•oot:Fvo the low- est or any of tiro tenders. mal order, 1'.1yrAtyNr Secretary. DlerAat'rntr•,xT or 1t.truwAx Arm• d ui,3,r s, j . Ottawa 7th Nov., ir370..