HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-18, Page 1sa 1' •M ..'✓nwY1,M,M•M!RSR:MMMiMlM, M.1 1NMN } AIYtt+ll l1 r• Vog, ' • ,Asti v 1Sett Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, December 18,1879. No 18, mesa. G`OUNTY COU1i1CIL, • ( e11 , i,l. AN t :X.;, h,T,1 N It ` The County Council opened et G• d- ,.n,u.911,,.:'vL .1,. r, cV1111111/1!p 1 t It t , 11n y. 1 7 liar r 1" 1, t l ` 4 dsr on alta f,ntulon +11-101; no '1'ltbsdtay Dee. 2nd. The roti ,•v;. n1- ,11n 1t' to ;1-n. U V !.]a1a[t11., u'lure ell took the chair. After calling t u, e' .r. ;tet{fust 1,1 1e79. tate lint of members and reading the filo .UL'.Nm yposh A num Oie tl.tiuutee of the last tweeting of the pre- 'rflttne -vat: se -Two letereviettalnts of Vitus Amerou rile 1 y 't, ueebuudre l rubes each, a large bank b:uuand 7 t Wat tlU 1 bel fly rld- otuerltula.liuvsonon•3h•,Ito+. Tuerout must pq d1`ttltifdtheOUlluCilU11121tttter likelytdl tt till iu adl,lu. n or st,tiafnrtory securay given, Claire titin' attuntioll this seat -4011. Lia Spur further n iu ,int-, apply aprem th> attso8 to `v, or at entre r•tti, tot t, .nems, theaer t'. 0., AMU bleat since last Aession the Otto• trait held been let fclr the erection of FARM. FOB SALiL—I. it 6, entubl.+ the nsw Grand Bend bridge. The 0011- trnct was awarded to Mr. Purdy ou the 27th of Julie for $5,000, without em- barsllmc•uta. A M.. Bell was app:riuted in:g eo.or of the woe k, ou the recom- mendarion of the Warden of Lambtou as 152,50 per clay. It was arranged be. twt:.eu the SVa, don of Latubton and leiluef.lfthat tlie 'In eke .11 r of L embtol should pay the estimates as certified b the itrepectur, 33,3(1 haat Huron's oiler-' Amid be remitted to the Latmbtoa Treasurer. Tilie has beer; done to the extent of $1,235. 'rites cur)traoto agreed to have his work com.leleteti by the fat of October teat, and in defitul to forfeit $.1I) per deny data n es fu every day af,er that time .until finished The wurk i•+ lid yet fini..dcd. oeil,g tt a. disglttte be tw'eeu the cQiltt'nelor and the iu •peetor; and the Council will be rc•gtii••t d to d.eag with the Matter this eesslon. Line, Stepihen,511 twos, 00 a(ruN .tlalare.l,19 .0noppodl, good brick house, good ntablu, tt ell tfoneed, Land oxoellent, On lnkeahure, jj of 13 30115 (tole Port Blake, 'where boats ruts throe times a week and ofa mileftolu Grand Dotal, tlo nv.313ielltL]:1•:1 (I ,l anal Cllttrt:.fe3 on good roiol. P11uc, t'6 33), c ar.us easy; Sall SAO U1523J.31t, 1)I.N8,nrownklrp o ltll FO1t :h: :1.i1+1.—list 14, UON• Ce•si011.1(t 4110 )1.en, contai11(113 1011 acres. 70 •eurosclearcd. GGoos11 g house and fru:cebarn, 4Ux1(}. 136x1 young °robet.0, vatted fruit, Too flarnl1ew^eltfuneve and in ul good stetuofuu11i- vatiuu. Thera is e large quunttty td black ash, also a tumor failingwell, $'ur tonus apply to ail iiwt'L 1'1iiLl.it'P1,}. Uredil,uu. une5 - "WARM FOR SALE.—t'II1i SUB- aeriber offers for sale his lame, Lot 13, ('un.11.'1'utvuahip of Osborne County of llurr'U BJ euros ulo:t •a.l, the re:na,iads good built, well tanned, sad to a good state of cultivation; tutdur. drained, good nrolurr,t, splendid welt of water 3111 ram o'bsru ;13x033, log stu.bu - s:le, lug house, 31,+(31 noaveuie,tt t.) 11..101 and three caltrehuu. Pot uttherli,artioular,. apply to Ar.M• 0111\S, Kirk! on, P.O., or 1:11.1'. V.'U1 LIOT.:tttoruuv,Patetor0,0, ' i ARJI EOR SALE.—The ,enbteerib- oroffers fur s'Is tale 'north half of lut 17, 'w. 10, Osborne, containing 00 nurus 44 acres cleared, wen uneerdruieee, nue is la good stet, f ou Osamu. ']Pharr .fro on: the pretl1k'es a lucre:= of suodbush, 1CU rods board fount. a good corn- i Committee was, called together at the• 1 l v e ) e r r ) Ou the 23rd of Jtily the Warden's fnrtable dwelling 3.1 30, frame barn 34xf14, gnun'' request of Road Cott'1Iuiesionel's, ae In • stable l 1431 4 - they rope(;' H 'hp's bridge so decayed that it e.)uld not b1 repaired. The Committee decided to rebuild this bridge. The ea}Itrout was awe, ded to Mr. Brace, of Viu;shlaln, for $2,500 US finished his contract exdeditiuusl_ and satisfactorily. This matter, hoe' ever, will be reported upon by the Road Commissioners who had the work undo their charge. The repairs ordered on the jail an Court House hive beet oarrit•d ont b contract, nneter,the supervision of th County Cleric. Engairiee have been txtacie ab .ut heating the Cutirt 11)nf, and taii with hot air, but it is ilnposel Ie1e to give a correct eatiivate of the coat The I3oyutou fututtces can befurniehe :or about $180 each. It was found i would require large and expensive ex- etavationB to be made fur 111.: fnrnecee Tf these excavations were made too 6 s t/ a d sited toc47.good omits rd, rtoQA watt of water with, ,3110 0. The property 13 situated six etu.1 a half utiles from Exeter market and about el of n utile franc barelultar, uud canvc,lir•nt to s1.utrehaaariletuherds. Per further particulars. upldy (AL bile lere1111sas 01 10 Fnryuhar post uflice JOHHN r'Uil. raze. ;lama ;,TM.NT LwUTICTS- : if oNEY LOAN LI),IN LARGE 0ll. small sprue oft dr,t-rato servility at a alo- al.'ate rata or 1uterul,t. Apply to 11. V.111T,LIOT, MI November, IRO. Solicitor, Exeter. ARIES OKE, COt TvTY AUCTION No/ neer Siles-proreplly 1e ttoudod to. Days of • 0.31es arranged at thlemlico ,i. CF1ARIK, Aseltt for the Us - AA • borne and ttibitertalutnedP'irelusurauc( Vorupany, Itosidence-13artlauc33, Orders D1 twill promptly attended to. , rti 11I. CAItLING & J. W. ARM- • STld'»(C, i ic3used Anetioneers for t11P (1Onntylee .3f Huron, and MiedIcsot Sales can Caded with,satisf codon, and on liberal tern's. • v 1 r d e e d 91i ordors left at ('hristie,'slrausiou House nlni furnaces would, perbaue, heat the jail .receivel,rompt atteultou. • Sept 4,1-y. 1t would not be so dil110ult to 110111 Gil Court House. It w,uuld, however, re quire three of the largest fnl•uaces ti heat it, at an estimated expense of $2 000 far jail and Court tinu,e improve` menta. These and other 'natters woul came before the Couuoil at this session which he felt sure wuuln receive due consideration st.their hands. A number of communications w r react, among a aiclt elle from the Cuui t Clerk of Perth, in reference to the build ing of county boundary bridges whiel was referred to the finance Committee The Council adjourned uutil 10 o'u; cl on \Vedneeday. '1 l. C a.1'U'B1 i1L, PROVINCIAL eride • Lend Sur veyer, iu., will to at the • 2, yal Hotel,l•.xotor.ou tbu iirstTaesdlayineach mouth. Orders for work left with 311-. John Speakman wilIreeuivepl'otants, ttoution t OHN 11. IiYND 1Ll N , ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE ANL) INSURANCE AGENT, moneet0loan on. mortgages, notes and other Mocurit.ies. Hunts and accounts collected nn rou- zouablo terms. Insurance effected in firntola•s {foesga. les ab reasonable rates. Oti.00—at Lr. Plyndtntin's, Bain S reef, Laetol, I./AKE, AUCTLONI,Eit FOR . :rHII: COUNTY Olt 1IUit01 . , LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY .r ilea received for iul'estment Oil mortgages ut 8 POE cent. ion reasonable ETC., DRAWN vn. reasonable terms. ler IR.ABBOTTL. D. S.,;il.It.C.1j.te Graduate oti3.oyalCollege of DENTAL SURGEONS. Oflico ove.[0'Noil; auk, and opposite Samwoll Rickards, 1.9XAM ' o SAP El7 SAFES IN PERFECT ORDER. GOOD AS NEW. Hal Price, . .24 A 'S , Bar Iron, Carriage 'and.. Built- er5' Hardware, CLINT' CYN . e } 1 14 e 0 WEDNESDAY, DECx13IIRR 3. 1870. After the asseniblulg of the Council and routine bnsiuoss, a communication from the iuspector of the Grand Bend fridge was read and referred to the li oacl and Bridge Committee. This commuuioatiou was dated on the 18th of November, and set forth that tel work was not progressing; as Satiefau- torily as it should; that the stoue work on abutments was only about two. thirds clone; that the frame work is within three days of completion, and that the work wits stopped for the want of stone. Also, that Mr. Purdy, the contractor, had delivered castings which are not in accordance with the epeeifi• cations of the work. The castings for prism blocks required should be one inch in thiekuess, while those furnish- ed are only three-uightbe and one -111 f inch; that the inspector notified the centimeter that 11e would 31)1 accept such oastirgs, while the contractor said he would use them and run Ills ri'k of a settlement, At the request of the Warden of Lanlbtou, lie, the Inspector, had also notified the coutraetor and his 1lU,retice to push the work or that they will be held reepousiblo nccordng to the contract. A motion of Mr. Elliott, seoonded by Mr.. Whitely, setting that the county Council refund to Godericb township the'eutn of'$209, which has been ex. needed in that township in buildinte a bridge on the Goderich and Bayfield road, which bri Ige is properly a COullly bridge, was referred to the Road and Britt. a Committee. A cornniunioatinn froth tine Secretary -of the Clihtou Public Sel.oel Trusteo Board, in reference to.the ,grant to the Model School, was read and r::ferl•ed to the Fivauee Committee. NO DISMICHIIHRUSaT. Moved by Mr. Dane, peeve of How ick, eeooudud by Mr. laogarth, Reeve of Stepbela, that this Council, viewing with 'dissatiefactiou the action takeu by several towns and villages outaide of the Ccuuty of 111lron, with a view to detachie,g several municipalities from the County of Huron to make ne.w cuttittiee, Resolved, that the Warden and Clerk be authorized, on behalf of tide Counctt, memorialize the Provin- cial Legislature,reciuestiug that no act - bridge was . -built fourteen years ago, sod some of the titnberes ate so rotten that it will hays -to be rebuilt next year. I would alto) recoltxmeud Haat all large eoutracts be let in the early dart of the year, so as to en. ble coutraoturs to get their material on the ground during the winter mouths,as I haveno doubt That buoh a oeuvre, if pursued, would prove a great easing to the county. L. HARDY, Commissioner. The Couuoil met pursuant to ad- journment. After routine business the fuliowing reports were read and re. ferred to the Road and Bridge Com- mittee. ;1111 %vita that end 1u view be taken, to THE GAOL AN.7...COURT HOUSE. the people of Huron are well satisfied The Gaol and -Court House Com - to remain as they are, and require uo mittee, J. O. Deffor, Chairman, report- eli anue--Carried tulaluiulouely. ed that they had. visited the saol and 1h., douneil went into Committee of found the general mauagemeut saris-. the Whole, Mr. Walker, iu the chair:, factory. The officers apparently do all to consider a cupular from the County in their power to maintain eleauliuess. Council of Simcoe, recorurnending a There are at preeeut iuoaroerated four- meeting of the Wardens of the reepeot• teen prisoners --thirteen male and one ive (manlier; of Ontario, to be held an- female. Three of the prisoners are nuttily, to consider amendments to the awaiting trial,- With reference to the municipal law and 'other similar plat- female prisouer, who- is .insane, your tors. After doe consideration the (tom- Committee recommend her removal to mittee rose, the Council resumed and the aeylnm be effected as soon as pos- it was. - sible. Your Committee ascertained Moved by Mr. Buchanan, seconded that neither Mr. Dickson, the gaoler, tier M.. Black, and carriecl,that althongh nor Mr. Hudson, the turnkey, is sup. the ()munch approve of many of the plit'd with firearms. They recommend sug'rex1ione in the circular, it 'is not that suitable firearms be procured for considered desirable to propose the for- said officials. They recommend, also, tneti• n of a new body composed of the the purchase of the following articles, Wardens of the different counties of the Province to -meet annually in the pity of Toronto, as the Council ie of opinion that the public interests of the country ars a,rettdy sufoieutly represented. THURSDAY, i)EC131rnRR 4, 1879. After reading the minutes and rout- ine business, a 0 )mnlullicutiOn from the churchwardens of St. George's church was read, asking the use of the Court Room to bold shut eh services in until such time as they can make other ar- rangements or repair their own cburoll, which was recently injured by fire. The organization of new couuties to the request was granted. ) Meths of Perth, Bruce and We]I1ng- 110AD AND BRIDGES. 1 ton. viz.: one dozer- suits of clothing, one dozen shirts, and two dozen -of sheets ; also the purchase of a chandelier cont taiuiug twelvelamps for the Council Room. The report was adopted by the Council. A report of the Road Commissioners wvho bad during the season visited the Grand Bend Bridge and conferred with the Inspector, 4Si10 adopted. The CI( r:t was, on motion, instruct- ed to settd a c.cpy rif the • resolxrtion passed by the Commit respecting the The following reports from Messrs.A11END.IfENT TO SCHOOL ACT. fiords rend Wryer', Road Commi13oion- Moved by lir. Curtis, \eoonded by 14Ir. ItleMiilau, diet the Wardell alld Clerk be authorized to memorialize the Legislature in behalf of this Council to atneud Sec. 13, 42 Victoria, Ontario Statutes, so that the said section shall only apply to incorporated towns and villages. ers, were read and referred to the Road eutl 1.'titlge Committee Mr. Hardy reports as .follows: In as oordance with instructions, 1 conium caned wi•b the Reeves of Tuckerstnith and Hibbert regarding the election of a bridge ou the county boundary line be- Under this antoudmou.a 1t person re• tweet] these townsllios,ttud was author- + ;zed by themto t)rooee<1 with the work siding in one school section mama as fast as possible, as the roil bridge I soup his children to the school of any was coua]dered unsafe to travel. The I eut of1ler 25 centsoa mouth, that the m thais, if the o to work was completed in doe time and to trustees wish thire the the satisfaction of the Reeves of the of thio foe. The , q payment townships. The cost of the atructuie tis deoire of the movers was $1550;27, including theapproaches, I of this mutiou is, that where a person h its property iu two sections, he can plan and iugglactiou, „aye also ex- send to either whether lis be a residene %wined the following bridges : Exeter, or not. The amoudluent complained Crediton, two all the Aux Sanbie River of was passed last session and was in- ou the buuntl errs the bolts Hay land tended to remedy a special grievauce. Stephen, and had bolts tightened, Hitherto it wag frequently the c`ise the 6uperstl•uetnres coral -tarred, and that:insections where first-class schools approaches gravelled, ata total cert of that: in i'iIb reference to the bridge on were kept at •uuusiderable exponee, the boundary= between Biddulub and people belonging to outside aectious Ushered:, 1 received a cuinnnlniaatfon t would purchase a small lot of land within the seutiou for the express pur- froul 111e county Engineer of Middlesex -cutin, that he had examined the bridge end found it dangerons, and re- s comending the building) of stone abut- ments and iron supertltruoture. I was .satisfied to build the stone abntmenta, but objected to the iron superstructure, believing it to be ton expensive, and be. sides not demanded by the amount of travel. We finally agreed up to a wood- en superstructure with atone abutments and roeived tenders on the 20tH of September. The lowest tender being ; Moved by Mr. DIoilfillan, seconded by Mr Carrie, that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to Memorialize the Legislature on baltalf of this Council first week of October. The lowest tend• to amend the mnuieival law so as to er was Now Mr. (keine, file $ 350. As abolish the utfiue of the Deputy Reeve, the contractor lives In the county oP but that the Thieve shall have a cumu- lative vote 11.1 all motors when the vote is recorded ou the same basis as the and agreement were prof erly sigued. present municipal representation. These, I believe. have not been 'doneri ' Me. itilcliillen, of Hullett, as mover yet. As directed by the Warden, I of this in tion, made it not for thep1r. have examined Grand Bend bridge. The Bose of haling it carried at tide session, abutinuut on the south tilde it' ready to but so as to have it discussed here, and receive the supersh001nre ;;,the north also the members might have an op - abutment is not quite finished yet, but portouity of consulting their ooustituo could bs in a few days if weather per- nets and eliciting their opinions at the witted, The superstructure is framed domination. After doing ; this, .and and ready to be raised as enuu act the further oonsideratinu,' he hoped mete- abutment is completed. The approach. bees of the Couut it would be prepared pose of gaining the privilege of seudiug their ohildreu to this school. This was considered an injustice, as the taxes paid ou the piece of land so ac- quired would not amount to near the fair proportion of maintaining the school which the person should pay. After o')neiderable discussion, the motion was lost on a division by a ma- jority of 21. REDUCING THE COUNCIL. far tuo high, we made a change iu the plan, snbstitutiug piles for the stone abutments, laud 1•eceivel tenders on' the Middlesex, the Engineer aucl Clerk of that comity undertook to see that bonds es to this bridge' were let, by the Inspen tor, Mr. 13,;11, anll Myself, on the 28113 of November; for $250. With the as. sistanee of the Iteevea,of.kln•v end Ser'.. phew, I have examined lilt«ok Creek britlue between these tu,vuehipe. This to discuss it intelligently ut the jinni. ary'session. Relied long been of the opinion theat a much 'smaller number of members could do the busflleas of county as efficiently midi, great. deal nxvru gtlickiy ' Blau it is now done by the larger body, and that a great sav- ing to the people would be effected. Mr..Black, of Turnburry supported the motion, He thought the Council was larger thau was necessary. .It was elle of the evidences of the age that machinery of all kinds was being sim- plified, and was being made to run with fewer wheels and pillions than formerly. He thonght that the time had 'now come when the municipal machinery could be simplified with advantage- He felt convinced thtit it a number of the existing wheels ,,,uloid" pinions were cutt off this man oto* uiacbite that it would take muolfa ss oil to run it, and that the work ;'yvcu`td. be equally well done. : • Mr. Weir, Howiok,Was opposed ,.to the cumulative system of voti•ug:' It often happened that the Reey.t3sesInd Deputies took differeut views upon same question and that the repreeeritlg '' tion under such a system eemet,lilet much leas satisfactory than a 1rf:se He thought the Deputies jun as good as the Reeves, and if the one was to be beheaded the other should also. Mr. Leckie, Brussels, reminded the. Couroeii that the Legislature could nob act in a matter of this kind for Huron alone, and that if any change were made, the scheme must of necessity be one sutficieutly comprehensive to em- brace all counties, and must be such as would be applicable to- the variants circumstances of the different counties, . Ise believed that in Huron half or 1 quarter of the present representation Iwould be ample, and that now there was very little of the Council to du anyway, but be remembered the time, in the earlier history of the couutry when there was a great deal of 'very important business to be transacted,: and he -diel not know but there were some newer counties u the Province which were yet in this couditiu u.. Ise 1 fully approved of thileonatttir- - being; thoroughly disouese'd, b' `'1%`:bouglif they should not be too hasty iu con:- .mitting themselves to the principle, and he approved of the suagestiou of leaving the motion for cousiaeration at a future meeting. Mr. atraohau, Gray-, was opposed to the motion. He was not sure that it was wise to 'educe legislative b.,dlee and that the interests of the people were safer in Barge than in small bodies Beeldes our present municipal iusiitu- tions were the best iu the world, and they exercised a most beode:lel in- fluence is eduoatiug the people to ap- preciate and take advantage of free unci enlightened Goverumeut. Ile thought the great advantages the people derived from our municipal institutions fear outweighed the cost. It has been compleiued that the Council have nothing to do. If this is the case, is is not our oau- fault ? ts.uotLer promineut objection against the proposition - con- tained in the resolution was that it would reduce the strength of the rural - municipalities as as compared with the towns unci villages, and the repreaeu- tation from these latter was all the tine becoming snore numerous. Mr. D. D. P. Wilson, Seaforth, thought the priuciplo contained in the resolu- tion one well worthy of the most sane- fol consideration. It was uow receiviug considerable attention from th3 press and the people, and sooner .or !Ater it would force itself upon the cunei jeru- tion of our legislators. The change proposed was worthy of consideration, if for no other res:sou Chau the saviufl that would be effected fu wages 'and mileage alone. There 'was fro, doubt but our municipal institutions as they uow exist had done good service in the past, but the country is continually ad- vancing and improving, and what wa,s emiueutly serviceable fifteen or twenty years 'sgo might be useless now. There is not now. the work required of our Couuty Councils that there was a few years ago, and be thought that ars the work decreased the representatiuu might very safely decrease au.u. ' ? -ars..-•: Dr. McDonald, \Vinbbam, thoaght ,the leglslatluu of the c• ttetty woe . /meting too trench, and' he the/lent the Comity Council should set the exaatuple. to other ^legislative bodies by cutting; Idown its expense; He telt. coucineed that if the proposition to 10(1'ice the members of the County Conntii by one- half were Submitted to the vote of the people, it would he aappi,ored of. But• whether the boll's were reduced or ant, ho thought all the bnsinuss eould be dune by meeting ti3iee 1a pier. 'l hie would t ffeot a saving; of at least $1,000, which sum would build cue goon-siaed. bridge. ECO-ITINUED ON rot11rH 1'.tLtli.