HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-11, Page 88
Choice variety. Parties desirous, of remember.
rug tW'i' Mogi' cr1..oroign friends
s'ionlcl luspect altetu.
C'1'117 blX71gC)ok
T'Very Sehnlnr above the Infant Department
. should have alto, A vahotble eotnhr.n1ou
to Mechanic + twnd Students. Prices
5,7 and 10 cents.
Fresh supply received, Will be pleued to fors
.vane eemeie (stews an tal+plica,tion of feaelicrs.
w:r�i.Gtte.1 I; t lici, Gooc...
Sevc'val nov-1ties ttl+*eti ly raceivotl. Assortment
expect•+d to ba coiultitrte(,. and arranged by the
lbtl1t lrecunlber,
c , G RIG G,
nett , 'I 1 ik
•!�ika�rtvl iLsf tt�' �f•fk�1�.
1'1l�11t51)Aa'*, fl)1 ()1ta 113LIi 1f, 1870
Sherman &tan.,1\rarsludi. I,.ich., want an agent
in this/ion ,tv at once, tit a saia** n@ $,,ilt.tl per
mouth and expentus 1,.efd, Poe lull particulars
addrt.se us above.
(afro.1-Iyxn;ttt.:t, wito is about to open a gro-
cery store hi Fansoo's bloek,ww'i11 advertise next
(]N 1Uouday, Mt'. John Drew buried one of
hie twin eltildron,:'and ter -day the other will be
borne to the cemetery. 'Creep and diphtheria..
Out of thirteen children, eleven; have died. Mr.
1)i'ew rias alto sympatby.gf the ootutannity lr>,
Ms ailliotinti,
Tun Onstmeiitx.---Complaints reach us iu
reference to alio condition of the cotnetary.
The now tnaile graves till with Water as fast
as they ere dug, Mrs, h'oar'd grave, WO are
informed, had water in it to within a few in.
ohs of the top. This is not a desirable plies)
to bury one's friends. Draining should bo
done to improve the cemetery, A word to the
wise is sufl'iciet.
Awwe.ii; lfrz•: ixo,-At the . annual meeting
of the Exeter It, 0, L., on hriday evening laat,
the fullowuig oillcers 'yore elected for the on.
suing year s—
`;'i W. M. -Bro. J. Howard.
1 1), M. " 3. Spaekman,
Trees. " H. Litmbroolc.
See. " T. Acheson,
. M.
'White. e. r
rpt committee, Bro. J. White ;. 2nd, Bro. E.
Pith.; 3rd, Ileo. G. B. Walrond ; 4th, Bro. T.
4taddou; 5th, Bro. L. Ilardy:.
A. Fox hunt will tale piece on Saturday..
The hotrods will meet at Sweet's bush at 21
Tux Times office is prepared to do all kinds
of printing cheaper than any other office in
the comity. Try us and sec.
Ix Toww t. —llev. Francis iVhit]ocic, formerly
of Exeter, and son, of Rev. 3. Whitlock, was in
town ou 2sonday hast. Looking well..
TIN Boor.—Bissett Biros are Ong aged in re
lacing the old shingle roof on the Mo1sons
Bank by iron, which. makes a great improve -
Brnttic Dowel.—On Saturday last, write a
wagon laden with lath was passing dowu street
it gave way; Another wagon was proctored
anti the load proceeded to its destination. On
tho sane day the tiro carte off tv wagon nu the
station road, and the wheel broke.
Pi.txr ltr•.AnrtGs.—Wo are pleated to take
notice that the first of the above popular en-
tertainments is to be held in Drew's Hall.
on Monday evening next, Dec.16th. A good
programme is provided and a crowded house
expceted. •
err= Hoxons.—We observe that Mr. M. Y
Y. McLean, editor of onr Seaforth contempor-
ary, is spoken of as the coming man for the
Mayoralty of that town. Mr. McLean is a
very gond public speaker, and is well qualified
to fill rho position creditably.
OrrrcI.wn. AssrnxEE.—We are pleased to ob-
setve that Mr. Michael Eaorett, of this village,
has been appointed an official assignee for the
County of Huron. Now is the time for people
to make au assignment. Michael is the right
roan lir the right place.
Enron. Wewere in error as to the number
of papers ie the comity which print both sides
in the town where -unblished. The Blyth
.TRecorrl was inadvertently omitted from the
number. We hope our juvenile coutemporawy
will peep bis temper and not say naughty
things any more.
Snrrznn: On. Wednesday evening last,
the Exeter hand- serenaded Messrs. Hodges de
Wiles, the proprietors of the :Mansion House,
where they were right hospitably entertained.
A sumac -mos repast was spread, to which
ample juatioe was done, after which song and
speech were indulged in.
Gown'Aw(r.—lir. John Sanders, one of ear
town fathers, left on Monday for Parry Sound
District; where he will engage extensively in
the limbering business. He willbe absent
for about six mouths, and in consequence will
not be a eandidate for the position of Council-
lor next year. Mr. Janes Willis is freely
mentioned as his successor. A better choice
could not be made..
Sonnex Dreertreen.—A little over a week
ago lIr. Joan Enke, carpenter and bnilsler,
left town with the iuteution of going to Eu -
gland. He is said to have made tap his mind
to leave very suddenly, owing to financial bnr-
dens. The creditors, we believe, intend to re-
coup themselves as far as possible out of what
may be left. Mr. Puke has been hi Exeter
about four years.
Saloon Exestrvertowss..--The Half -yearly ex-
aminatfonts of the Exeter Public School will be
held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the.
17th, 18th and 10111 dost„ as follows:—hairs
Schram's division on Wednesday a.tn.; Miss
Henderson's, on Wednesday p..m.; lifiss Tay-
boort on Thursday a. in. ; Mies Strang's, on
Thursday p. in. ;; Miss 13uteher's, on Fridey a..
ni ; Thos Gregory's, oil Friday p. m. Trns.
teas and all others interested in the welfare of
the school are cordially iuvitocl to attend those
Err wsnnn.—Our excellent contemporary,
the Galt ltltfermter•, canon to hand last week in
a brand new dress and its marcs -up changed
f roma fnnnr to eight pages, each containing' seven
Dug wide columns. Oar potent, was already a
very largo country paper, bat the rccoit addi-
tion -mikes it the largest of its class in Cana -
(15. Moreover it is an t.xeellent journal, and
are notice with pleasure these eviticruerat of in-
crensing prosperity, which we hope it will
aeknowlettge is due to the N. P. lmru.
Colts= 7.11E> Tow... -The visual' met by or-
der of the Reeve, at the Market Hoose, Exeter,
Nov. 27tH, 1870. All the members present,
The nlitentos of tete previous meeting were
read and coi'firmed. Moven by Jets. Pickard,
seconded by E. Drew, that orders bo granted
for. the following sums-;—r•Irs. Conway, $2.25
refund of taxes on aceount of indigence; Thos.
Horn, $7.00 tor gate and hangings; W. H.
Verity, $ 6.250 for soiaprr; White & Carrick,
$2.28 for printing ; I:;ett.e Sandford, $1.00 for
wrench for fire engine ; B. Davis, $21.75 for
wood fr lockup ; 11. & T. Bissett; $18.25 for
ironwork, oil &a,; i ntiiel Littlejohn, $22.50
for labor ; Jolla Windsor, $11.75 do. ; B. Ed-
worthy, $5:2=5 do. . E. B. Bissett $1.67 for
lumber:; (+on. llnttart, 414,00 for charitable
purposes ; Township of l;sborue, $110.00 ou
iud'ebtness : Township of Stephen, $.07.00 do.
Carried. By-law No. 5.--1870—To provide
1 oaring places Mid appoint dopnty-returning
officers, having been reach a first time, was rind
a sec and and third time, and .finally parsed
ou motion of Jas. Pickard, seootuled by 11. Bis-
sett. Moved' by J. Sanders, seconded by 11.
Bissett, that the constable be instructed to
prosecute all piteous guilty of violating the by-
laws of this uinuicipality without farther or-
ders of the council.—Carried. Moved by B.
Bissett, seconded by 3. Ssudors that this aonn-
cil adjnnrn until call of the peeve, M. Esc -
SETT, Clerk.
A lircrzru.-0n Thursday noonlast there
was considerable excitement and amusement
ereetetd near Gould's cooper shop, Main street,
by the Sebes of a ]ticking mare, belonging to
a fanner uer.r Dashwood. At the point men-
tioned it cotnmeticed to kick witb the vigor of
a t,vo year old mule, and `n a short time it
s`•cceeded in nnhitohing the tngs from the
whiffletree. Tire intelligent beast's toil had
an ominous twitch, and upon the slightest
provocation her heels would mark an angle of
ninety degrees, descending and ascending with
a velocity that had to be seen to be appreciated.
Whipping made her move, but it wvas upward,
and as tate farmer was not going in that direc-
tioa jest then, he elite not regent the move-
lnnnt with the liveliest satisfaction, wherein he
differed from the people, who had gathered
by the dozen, anal applauded every kick. After
the performaneo had proceeded for about two
hours, Mr. Crowley, an old horr'eman, came
along and running n stout line through her
mouth aucl reuud her lower jaw, he gave the
mare a few jerks around a neighboring yard,
.4. townsman hid MR ltcrson behind a eouveni•
ent. toying post, and very carefully and slowly
hitched the traces, the farmer mounted the
wagon, andholding on to the rope as a drown-
ing man clings to a straw, drove away, the
only sign of rebellion left in the ;mare being
the switch of the tail and a springy movement
in ]ler hind quarters, which gradually benatne
hiss perceptible as the interesting entertain,
naentpassed 'into distance, The farmer looked
as if he had passed through a shower of mud.
He said very little, but probably thought in
very strong langnage.
Sinew Nil lietrrorr.•—Tato much talked of trap
and handle shooting match, at thirty birds
each. betweon Mr. F. G, Simpson ,and Me. T.
Bissett, both of iixeter,toolr place on Saturday
last, Sidney 'Fairborn trapped and handled
for lir. Sampson, and ,.Wescott for Mr. Bissett.
The mateb :commenced at 2 o'clock sharp.
' There was a large number of people present
from town and country, who appeared to be
particularly interested in the match. The
wind was 'a Iitt]e High. The trap was laid at
twenty-one garde, the bounds were eighty
yards. Mr. .Bissett toed the rail first, but et
tate third bird he was unfortunate enough to
mise, Simpson killed the first nine birds, and
was then two 'ahead of Bissett. At the four.
teenth bird ho wee four ahead; when Bissett
killed four in sueeession, during which opera- ,
DECEMBER 111 1879
eighteenth bird. the scorete were even, 'The
nineteenth Said twentieth wore missed by Bis -
sed and the twenty-tltirel and twenty-fourth by
Simpson, ,vilieli again placed diem oven. 'A7io
oticiteiuent was very high from tine point
to the end of the inaten, andevery one orowd-
eel to apositioat where the birds could be semi
when thoy left tho trap.Out of the retraining.
six birds, Simpson eueeeeded in killing four
and Bissett three, whIeil gavo the mach to
Simpson by ono bine. The scores stood,Siutp-
eon, 21 ; Bissett, 20, In reality Situpson kfl.
led 23 birds, and Bissett 21. One of I3isset's
fell at eighty -too yards, and one of Simpson's
about ono hundred yards, while auothor, after
being peppered with shot, flew away to a 0011
sitierable distance, :and in about ten minuree
flew back into the ground and, alighting, died
within the bounds. But of course ` none of
those three could be allowed. John Sanders aot-
ed as refree ; W. Bissett as judge for T. Bissett
ansa Dr. Sutton, of Olauleboye, as judge for
Simpson. It is In only fair to Mr. Bissett to
state that while shooting in the morning he
was unfortunate euougtt to break his gun, and
was compelled. to shoot with Mr. Simpson's
whether this made any difference, no ore
coned tell, but is only fair to give him the bone.
At, if any, of the oxphtuation, Tho following
is the score:— •
Simpson— 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
Bissett— 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1. 1 0 0 1 0 1
111 0011 11.01 0101
Although the scorn looks small, it was not so,
considering the splendid class of birds which
wero shot at. They ,yore of a lot seldom seen
at pigeon matches. At the conolasiou of the
match, the victor was loudly cheered. Very
little money ohanged hands, the two sten be-
ing considered about equal In the evening;
an oyster sapper was given by the friends of
F. G. Simpson at the Central Hotel, to which
those interested in both sitter were invited.
There is a return match talked of, in the event
of whioit Simpson's friends express themselves
wi,lirig to hack him for any amount. No doubt
I3iesett's friends haveo.inal oouli.icuce in their
The 0ntubor of Bogs received at t he
Hensall pork packing establishment
Ude anatttn is 600 at au everage
weight of 225 pen tills, against 200 loge
at the cnt're:,ponaiva dots of last year.
The price paid last year wee *5.23 for
a given quantity of hogs. The fennel
tills yelte reosives over eight hundred
donate more than last year. This re-
sult to the farmers, the lieesrs. Petty
slay is owing to the N. P.
Triol';;$ Middlesex.
The all sores including ennoer and
kings evil rem dy at Ailsa Craig it be-
eomteg in great demand thronghou t
Canada areal the United States. Write
to Rev. Thos. Atkinson, Ailsa Craig,
about it.
The rued of placing small pox cords
cnnepionnusaly in the windows of weirs
tl+e insiders are violating the laws of
the lend, sometime takes. bat after a
while becomes too transparent.
Ws have it from gond anthnrity that
Mr. john Walker is at present in Lebo,
keeping (inlet—feeling hit way to a
settlement with hie creditors. ()eine
along John, yon will never regret it.
The Rev. Dr. Beentnr+nt, held a very
interesting anniversary of the Bible
Snciecy lately. Rev. W. Iiidely in the
The credit evstem here is nnw a
thing of the poet. This is better for
all parties.
Jessie Coal And John Andersnn from
Hamilton, aged respectively 18 and
23 years, and heading for Detroit as
tramps, walked the track, and were
informed auainet, when instead of a
Snnday'a rest with free rasions tat.
(Ineicks, they got each ten days hard
An immense ernwrrt for Ailsa Crrnig
turned out on Tuettlay at noon to wit-
ness what the fire brigade could do in
naso of emergency. There wae'eertninly
a very fine display of their ability and
energyshown on the oecesinn. Any one
not aware that the Organisation was
(pito new, won1J have supposed from
the performance that the firemen of
the Hub hail been long and well train-
"Our Amhaesednr" ie none to Eng -
lend and Ieelanti,.tn be absent pothape
for two months. What shall we do ?
A. temperance meeting,. W. K. chair -
man, to come afiatMr.Iroee, New Years
eve. Some lay and clerical gents to be
heard from.
A retintnn at W. Anins', Li'enry
aohnnl, to take pities nn the evening'of
the , t 1 rust. K. in the chair.
Professor Deane, 'Caring the Iteral
Dean) hats now a largo singing.elaes'ut
Ailsa Craig,
The pigeon shorrtins; mate)) for an
oyster stinker came off err Tnesaaei last
in the alum arnunda, Wm, Drnalit,
Capt., I. A.nderann, Jas. Alien Wm,
Oneil, 0. 11ieFerlana, 'Col. Stewart,
tiott Sinop lu missed three, tie that at the II. 0 Munro, Capt., 3I. Graham, I.
Drummond, 3, 111.cEwen, J. Morgan,
F. Atkinson. ])rouglit's_tide won the
metal ,by 4 J?igerius, Frank Atkinson
made the beat shooting, 'capturing all
his pigeons, Hector served the oysters
it) ilia retial 513.1e, and every _thing went
off as' happy 'as rt large percentage of
Lite pigeons.
I:fttt0lllu't nutolrinery ht• his grain
twarehouse, Llrettll, takes is Nein term
airs wag 'us,weiglis, cleans, eh�w'ttee, and
plaices tato grain in cars, tit for a die
tan t market, The piece of ulttebiuery
i, 'worth inspection.
The debating club here is now in
full blast, last subject diseon1•Ned, "the
proper are to merry sat." Ladies itt
abundagce present.
Threatening letter writing, an:inym-
oua of course, agnenet the fatiibfnl dis-
charge of duty has commenced at Lit
eau. So Tipperary is brealcieg out
a Some to
`� tether• wbo e be ho sl- old look
after the inanrieible who practicall y
shy, we can't do it.
At 10,30 o'elcok Saturday forenoon a
man named J?urtle wandered ou the G.
T. Railway track near Iutetall, while
under the influence of hatter, aut.( wSti
struck by an np freight again. • Hie
!lead and face were feudally cot, the
skull and cheek bone being broken. Be
was removes to the Queen's Motel, incl
Dr. }lessee& sent for. lie died Slludtay
forenoon eboat 11.30 o'clock.
Tho School Board trouble is not yet
on the wane, the bringing 11i:agisterial
help from outside shoes a want of un-
animity even among the gentlemen of
the Peace, the Grits and '.Corr'ies here
keep apart, and a dead look sometimes
')('seers, when e.)tllrnou interests are at
What do the juveniles care about.
polities? The all ubsorbiug matter to
them is when will the aktating rink
(50x150) be rowdy. Well it is pearly
reed)•, and when Jack Frost pays his
next Fteru visit oxj7ects to eee the place
at full blast.
The Sautile is very high overflowing
its banks. A number of cattle,sheep and
hogs, together with a Targe puantity of
cord wood, have unused by the Huh at
the nate of tan pules an hour.
A $3.50 hand sleigh was taken from
the shop of Mr. Jas. Allen on Monday
and c,tteeeled in the Grand Trunk
woody area. ,tome boys trapping pigeons
for the slioetiee nitt,tch, di-covere-i it
between tivo piles of wood. Tee would-
be thief no dtubt itrtended nloveitng it
to safer retinrters When the proper time
GI taglw has 'an improved tone on
best beef, but no improvement tvntton.
Store crattle'sh +ev ',f sale. Nearly one
third of the number shown remained
res country has bononetod by Protection, bot
wishes to protect the wealth and pookotsof the
Public, and has one ui the
nest ani, Chealest Stocks
and is enabled to sell at prices that tisfy corny%
talon, Ho \wall tal�:o 'rewind dross in want of
I'IitHT-CLASS 1IU.wfeeelA])t] •
Moo's gad Shoes
that he is annealed frr.zn 1'ntg oxpminne t' to sop-
p•y them with wheat w.rl give srtkklttcti,tl , as he
nus nlotbb.g but tbo bast of stock and t uiploys
none but tato best of workman.
To be convinced of these facts, call and see.
F ,
� . H. 2.k! )TT.
Exeter, Ootobor 22,18"c. tt
tared in the neiehborhootl•of 'Bann
tilers Roost.' We are informed that a
lad named Bell captured a grey, fox,
which are very scarce hi . this part of
the country.
Winn DTJcxs.—Several wild ducks
Boyar been seen on the Afix Bauble
River lately, some of the sports say
they are very wild and bard to hill.'
AN OWNER AT LAST, --Au owner fertile
boar pig that was sold by auction out
of the pound. alas' turned np at last..
Ile comes from Summerhill a little
south of Busseldale, It cost Mote noar-
ly $5 to'get his pig back again.
CoNcitt;r.—A octncert.will be held in
(the school house cil the23 Dec., uoder
the anspicis of the Lumley 1)ramatie
club anti School. The programme will
oonbist of comic dramas, songs,. frtrdoe
&o. .Tho lurnlev sttinii baud/ will be
in attendance. Proceeds, to buy prizes
lfor the children of the school.
1Ir. Marriott, late of the Exchange
Bank, is gone and hie absence3 is re-
gretted, but frtnn Itis successor Mr.
Thompson lore of Exeter, !mush is ex.
tented toward filling up the regretted
The weather is very unfavorable for
the tukiut, in of dressed hogs and fend
pnultty. Iff young duke Were now in
existence they'd have a good time, but
deed ducats to rainy mild weather is
another thing. :So some dealers and
shippers of late think.
Another Bank is about to be added.
Tha'e will thus be four banks iuthis
p'a're. No scarcely of money here.,
The hall of the Orldfallnws is nnw in
elegant order having recently refitted.
There is a grand hail snnuito come off
When the band master recovers from
his temporary illness, he is to have a
concert given him.
The new post office and the mon-
treed telegraph office combined, makes
all ilnpoeiL'g appearance.
Donald McLean is beck again but. not
John Welker yet. 1t' is said if the let-
ter gets a settlement at 50o on the dol-
lar he also ie ready to come back.
Jas. McIntyre's loss by the trnmp last
week in 3•t -t Williams is said to be
ever t1Q0 instead of $45.
In this township Thos. .Elliott, is
likely to contest the Eeeve:;hip, with
Mr. Stewart, and John 1.3nrritt is likely
too be deputy, all old council omen are
to reappear and, are each considered.
the men for the place.
'l'nn W1,:ATIITR.—The Weather has
. been very changeable fur the last two
or three weeks. rt seems as though
we are going to have a very open win
tete- Orting to the leis snow core rain
that fall the roads .aro in f► very `''bad
1 1fl 1 W II ' 1
_BIRD STvrlrn u .. ,Our'., naturalist.
ktr. Joseph Dhiniu i:+ stuffing a very
large` owl for Mr. A. 'Bolton of the
boundry litre, which the latter shot a
I few days ago,
Pox HUNTING.^Sevornl sports from
neighboring villages bavebeen ont here
trying their hand et fox hunting.
Several Mr. Tteyrlttrdd have been cap. ,
0. Y. B. ELECTION. -,-At the annnal
meeting of the. Crediton 0. Y. 13., the
foliowinS officers were elected for the
ensuing year :—W. lI., Bro. Thomas
Adams ; D. il''I.,'Bro. Samuel Brown ;
Chap., Tiro, Isaae Wilson Sus., Bro.
Peter Stahis ; Tres., Will. 1.Wiutzel ;
1st Com.. Joseph Andrews.
Co**Nava Pancrnnlhoa.—Thi enuneil
met in Crediton on the first of.Decem-
her. Al members were present.
Minutes of former meeting rear! and
signed. Tyle following were appointed
L. It. 0. and places for holding muni-
cipal elections. Divieinn 1 Daniel
i+reeeh, cahoot house No 1 ; No 2 C.
Prouty. Town Hall, Crediton : No 3 C.
Brown, patient hoose No 6 ; No' 4 A.
McKenzie, Shipka P. O. ; No 5 Irl.
Armstrong, school house No. 8. Or-
ders were grunted to tit" folinwing per.
lies L. Krafs, $4,5(1 ; W. Holt, $8
T)r. its Milan. $10 ; 7)r. Hvedmen, $5
De. Lutz, 4$d ; W. W. (intk. .516.84 ;
R. Fulton, 57.59 ; Charity, $12 ; Linn
her, 828:1.48 ; Mr. Afeilen, 515 ; T.
Felber, $1.19 11'fr. lieyee, 75e ; W.
Hnnpen=, +5 ; T. Sanders. $8 A. Ianrrise
$4 ; C. Zrvicker. 05c . J. B. $ 5 ; T•
Parsons, 1340 3. Perenn, 8, 4,06 ; L.
Stanley, $6.50 T. illlintt, $05 ;, T. Tar
lor, $85 ; I1. Either. $5 ; Taylor mord
and Elli-+it, $10 II. Ctastlemarr. 'T12,-
27 ; 0. Stot,hen, lu 10 : B. Mitchell,'
w3f315 ; J Pirliari,'•$i1ffi ; "start ori"t-
nti $12.45 ; T. Wilson; $G : .I. Hill,
$13.25 N. Tinker, $2.50 :.A. Krnnstt,
$5,50 ; W. tikrahnney, ,5$1.80 ; T, Car-
ey...30,80 : L Stephen, 51,65 N. Ile -
Lenten, 810 ; T. Lamport, $10 ; H.
Lemonit, $1 ;. H. Doyle, .$4 ; A. Leary
81.7.50 ; 3. Ryan, $18,50 W. frill
38.50 ; W. Hicks. 8 U. Trevithicir,
1,50 T. Clarke, 1,25 ; T. Quarry. 2,15
C. Prouty, 38 ;
.. .1.�e. �y {
COUNCIL 111FNTING. The Council mot
pursuant to adjnernment on Saturday,
Nov. 2Dth. All members were present,
the Peeve in the chair, liinved by
Mr. McCn11,,seconrtetl by Mr. ltinrritz,
that the clerk be i"nstrncted to draft a.
by-law to enable the trustees of school
section No. 10 to borrnw the sntn of
700, and that debentures to be issued
tor the repayment of the Fame.—
Unveil and carried that Mr. 70 fit be re.
fended 1.00 being an error in dog tax.
A number of grevcl acnrtnnte were pa a-
ced and nrderar,,ranted ° for their pay-;
mann:—Movt,d by kfr.ltoColl, eaennd.
ed by Mr. Mnrritz, that the fnllnwwing
deputy returning nfisera be appoileterl
to onuduct the municipnl elections for
1880, viz., for polling enb, Div, No. 1
Tames Bnnthron. No 2 Alexander ltTc.
Laren, No 3 Samuel roster. No 4'
Charles Wilson. No 5 .i. H. Schnell.••--'
Carried. ()nritteil adjourned in meet
on Tuesday Doe. 30th next at 10 a. m.
S. roster