HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-11, Page 7D crMB....It 1.1, t879 THE RUSSIAN KIN x -KILL I S, AN INFERNAL. tumour, PLACER ON T1ii4 DIGS tlOw RAILROAD TRACK—T[10 (:Zia P.'t$4 8 '01'0R1 I e IN tie seTTX—I1 s Iilp..osi 'Y WRi CKS 'rind IAGOAGF CAR. il'foseow, Deo. 1&. --The (axiil.,aivee witictt destroyed tete Imperial baggage train tiro stated to have been plumed of Monday evening tinder the rens rat the point over which the ltupelial train would par, 5114 before eitlterinu the Moscow 1'ai'wety Millt,i,il. 'bile Czar ar- rived safely at 11 o'clock M. uttleyt•i;;l,t. .An ex_tloe•iou occurred' un the t,ae age baggage train hall au hoar afterwards. The house from WIl t,e0 thA ,stiffs Oocled lute te4eu <ti,r:•,v,:rettott/l ,t.,earch melting fur the p rp-t rater e The Ozer will arrive at . St. Pete, aberg to mor- row. . r- teow. Rost) nw, Dec. 8.—After the a►rrited of tete `Emperor hist night, whilst a second train contuittin:{ the baggage was on its way hither, an exi,losion ore lcurred. Nobody vitas is tjttr' i. 'Pooley re deputation proceeded to I%rattaiu to congratulate His IIIc►jes'y upon hie visit to Moscow, Previous to the 1!ina- peror's atriv►t in the hall of aateliertate,. the Lord :Harsh,►l grave the deputation tete uews of the catastrophe of the pre- vious evening. They appeared thunder-, struck, but immediately after%verdt tbreke into loud cheers at the '(ilei ;eror's escape. The h;ntporer appeared at St. George's Hall at room, taut} catty pre- sented by the ntnn,cip al atathurit.ies with bread and salt, ween i.e stroke las, follows :--"Geutleuteu,--I nada very glad to see yea again, retnembetiag the. Royal attachment which you eviti,;ed on the occasiou of the sea .event of April the 14th. Such assaranees alien ►'enol: - ed use from all parts. 'You are alreetly actteeinte(1 with the events of ye.tertlay. Gad preserved tr»e, as web as thosetravelling wi:h tee. .Ausions for the wr'fare of ;ii•,aasia I $lave placed myself in tla3 lhaud-h of Providence, but audititlumust be extir- pated. [ appeal, therefo-o? to yon and ail right-minded people to tasseist m1 in the eradic,.atiuu of this evil which tuts t,akeu root iu Lt:t [sia, 1 address ?myself to parents, ante urge them to conduct their ct'ileren iu the paths of truth end rig..teousuese, in order that 'they may bee lute, not rcniscreauts, but easeful mutt mid good citizens.'. The Emperor's words were received 'with loud. cheers. WIT AND HUM-OId, The ll:it•Lt of 'Threes -113:4 \This A dads ii that eeftet, sopatI tes friends '----Saneteem, lG o as: oe•Islease is x :good gait, biz Vey •as yell go is [►leetter, Goniitritey $tli4 t ,'chug en eats oars' tt'talf has much Al he is ,Icing about his Ii)oat. Upon a. arncr(re-et gravestone in Vin- FOe'nus;s care elo- ry tq pears the plain b Live degeud: 'Lis ueiglibors played the years' subscription unpaid, The editor appeared at the grave and deposited in Alto coffin a palm leaf fttu, linea coat a d ti thermometer, 'Shall I help yott to alight,' asked a goring genylomen, Addressing :t bonne - tug country gtr1 who was preparing t leave a reilwav carriage. 'Thank yo sir,' s eetly replied the girl, 'but li(tu't smoke.' Jeems--'I see, It, bin, that the pa pr states orae tae etas anither ®tor ',Mt Monday.' Robin --'plan, its to rible ! Sauce the Yankees slide gotte the weather in tae their keepin' we' a. storm every ither day.' An exchange says ; 'Striped parasol have oaken the place of striped stop We don't believe it. The ids of a woman holding a striped 'Odindiver her head to keep off the sun, an wowing parasols nn her—Oil, no ; w don't believe the story. Kitty, who, having seen our por trait, ]las evidently mietaken us for Cu pid. writes to know 'How to open love -letter.' Why, the same as an other, Vitale ; hold it op to the ligh and tear cvou the 'nest transparen end. It wag an Irishman who remarked o a mise►• who had died and was treate to rather a pretentious burial. 'Faith and if he'd lived to see how moixht expensive a thing it was to doie him self, he'd giver ben born.' 'Torn', said an nctquaietance of hi who nt'et ltitu one evening, 'who di yon say emir Friend B —married ? -'Will, he marri,,d $440,000 ; I forgo her other name !' Young man, a (iiannond pin font real nice and glistens brightly, but when 'four dollars a week supports a, man and pin both, one or the other is not A young men in Nebraska sent an offer of marriage to a girl whom be fancied, and in retie, received a tele- gram: 'Come on with yottr minis- ter.' A' contemporary in the farming in- terest says at the last fair there were about 1,O(O stead, and adds that all 'wane frond a'Cll'Cie�tei� ,uileB square.' There art lots of men who have .at- aimed at- 1I 1 (d high repn,iatiou for strict alteu- 'lotr to busirese, but the trouble has tteert it wnsn't their own business, George R. Weudling has named a Dew Iecture 'Tete Problem of the Ages.' if he means the . ages of the fair sex, and has realty solved the problem, be is a genius. Teacher : 'Feminine of frair ?' First right buy : 'Hasn't any.' Teacher : Next.' Second bright boy ; 'Nun.' Tllitt'e right.' First bright boy indig- antly ejaculates : 'That's just what said.' The only time iu life when women ,,sews to be truly happy is when she calmly sets down and attempts to trim a new bonnet with old trimmings. She +eeme to be truly happy, but what a Vesnvius is at work in her heart.Y 'outig men,' says a gun -int writer, 'myna are to be married, your future wife is now living ; therefore, pray for her. And while you are about it, don't gorget to pray fur her future husba"d ; he needs praying for as much as she does.' Almost the sentiments recently pub fished is a ballad, wide!)beuinee— 'Wlao will come above me sighing, When the grass grows over me ?' We can't say positively who, but if rural district it may probably be the Cow. They have found a big lot of ancient Roman coins, gold and silver, near Zutieb, nod you bet when the ancient Roman hears of it, hewiil''be dreadfully sorry that be didn't spend the money instead of biding it. Nobody will find any 001014 we bile. The average small boy's ambition is to he a trapper, or pirate, or song and lance man. 'When I wath a 'little boy,' lisped ht very stupid society than to a young lady, 'All my ideath of life were thentred on being a clown.' 'Well, there is at least one ease of gratified: tanbition,' was the sharp reply. An ntom'is indivisible and is a par - of matter ; nothing is indivisible, •herefore a ' particle of ,Trotter being clnlpr•se1 of particles which are noth- ing is neees�arily nothing, therefore the World and its people whin, are 0 t1, T m r - n ve B k - a g d e• a y t ti f d y s d t s t Largest dealer in Austra1inu hops -11.; 'The I>:angaroo. What is stronger than tis wc•tn:an'r I 'Rill ? A wontaue wO.ia u" 1VIty do women seek am -bands Darn- ed Wil .aa i ? Se they rata haye a TP7,11 'orrthcir own. •}Now :us5y 'hearties,' said a Yankee letptuitt,., youwee-atoeizll battle before you. Fight like heroes, till your pow- ptl,.t 'd gene, than run. I am a littlr flame:nnd I'll start now. 'The Use of Alcohol—Alcohol was (first trml(entecl and used to stain tilt 'cheeks of ladies of Arabia, 9SO year, men. As n cosmetic, the use of alcohol is 'new confiued to the human nose, 'ii.e Iriebnlan had a correct apprecin,- iion of the fitness of things who, bllint asked by tht judge, when he aoplied :f it a Iisencereto sell whiskey, if he was 'of a good moral character, replied : 'Faith, yer honor, I don't see the necessity of.a good mural charaoter to sell whisltoy.' On being s!ae'wn a real Dulce,a young otrehin sail to }lune : 'Cao ye as®ant 2' ir'No, any little fellow, I oanns ',loom.' 'Weal, •weeI, mac, for a muck '1&s ye are, I rttiadna gie aIle o' my fel t,hen'e .dult,ee for ye, for they elan both moot:,, nod ,00,14,:'' Pit District Piety,-4Villnm : ,'Hear - ed ttboot Pesky Wilson ?' Betty : 'Naw.' 1VilI'tm : 'Ben an' full tOO feet ,down the mine and killed herself.' 13et sty : 'Well, aw've known that gal must fiver she wor a child, an' though she be !dins careless, aw river heerd on her a, dewing such a thing afore.' : .'Perhaps thus 'ull be a cau'inn to her.' 'it A tub, crise(, ,01 a Sont'J-Wester, pewspe1;er died Keceuttly, leaving fou, • THE TIMES are nothing. "Hence we are but crea- tures of the imagination, which is a faculty of beingsof !nothing and con- sequently a creature of nonenity and —131ofessors Fltlxley and Tyndall, will piekse take charge at this point and finish the train of thought. —e CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from practice, hay - log had placed in his hands by an East In• dia missionary the formula of a simple vege- table remedy for the speedy and permanen- cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarh, Ast thma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous De- bility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in German, French, or Eng- lish, with fall directions for preparing and ne- iug. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W, Stamm, 149 Powers _Block, Rochester, N. y. CATARRi1 ! CATARRH ! ! USE The great Sierra Nevada Spooking Compoitnd. The only positive curefor Catarrh yet discovered. FOIL SALE BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE. W, L. SMITH, General Agent, Arkona, Ont. HAY PUMP WORKS. G. BOSTON - PROPRIETOR. Roving added to my putnp machinery, and pro cure,} a !arse quantity of first-class pump logs, I am prepared to offer an article Superior to any Factory in the County, and at prices that defy competition, Wells and Cisterns dug on the shortest notice. Before purchasing can a ;the Hay Pump Works. m,Shop--One-quarte mile wort of Exeter, bouton Road. Hav I . O N i+IY LOANED IN LARGE OR smell Hums on first•rate security at a mo- derate rate of interest. Apply to B.,V, BLLTOT, Solioitor, Exeter. 28th November, 1879. tt -----4...••••.. ntercoloniai Rail- way. ; RIVIERE DU LOOP BLANCH. QEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tenders for Engines," will be received at this office, up to noon of Z'I5.ID. Y the 5th of DECEMBER next, Mr the supply of Twelve Locomotive Engines. Plans, specifications, and forms of lender can, be hid at the xechauical Superintendent's office' at Moncton.: The Department not bound to receive the low- est or any of the tenders. By order, B1i.W N, -Secretary. DEPARTMENT OF 11.1ILWAY AND CANALS, t Ottawa 7th Nov.. 1570. ST. M 1I; Y'S LIM S WORKS. our,lrciveltlInsbeinenow in full looratinn:anti turuingout daily a large quantity of LIME thatforall pr,rpoecs cannot be surpassed in the Do.min• ion. Here to be had iu Overcoaiin7 Fall -cloths Broad -cloth Partiestrom a bate -ace can always11e*-rplied � • f eitheratthekilns ordel01:delboteams atlnw Doe skins, Silks, wiuceys, Delaines, and everythingestreunuaerattverutes. 0rdereo .raue distance t,rumptly'attendecrto. noededin the Dry Goods line. The Grocery ►htHLTSON Sn ,ATFL Department very Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to slimy goods ISAAC CARLIINTG JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER. GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE STOOK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLA.CIC TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, - LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, MALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WHISXTFS, TOB,AOCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. �_-A, MACE Main Street,Exeter. 1' DO NOT FAIL TO $l CUT TRIS OUT. $ . Good for ONE DOLLAR in payment of par. chase of goods to the amount of ten dollars. Only one accepted ou each purchase of Ten dollars, LEATHOEN & MCCOUBREY. s1 LEATHORMcCOUBREY" North Store, Fauson's BIock, Exeter. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, • ISAAC CARLING is prepared to give all his customers tae bet efits ;that will accrue from its adoption, and has on hand elarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be • sold a Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter Inarket,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Immense Bargains ILLINER3. AT MISS GAR.L'ICI'S A full line .,OW in, of FALL and WINTER fiats, and Bonnets, all the latest steles. New Flowers Feathers,and Ornaments, Trimmings in great variety. GIRL'S HAT:: NICELY TRIMMED, from 5100 up. Every thia, will be sold as cheap s possible. Fancy Goods, Del lin wool, }Mottoes, etc.,afal tack alwt,,ys kept. lockets made or cut MISS GARLICK, Sep Main St.,,E refer. FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Buy our Boanhville 'WHITE LIME and * Star Br.tnd Plaster Paris, and von will be pleased with your work. Fr,.slr Lime alt ay on hand, GLASS, NAILS, LOCKS, and HIN(,ES very cheap for cash, White Lead, Oils, Tur- pentine and putty at bottom prices. Rope Chain, sawn, Planes and other tools at prices that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, call and see Our Bent G oorl ,nude from dry, tough timber. Cheap for dish • O'T3YRN.E & 00„ Tito Farmers' and Mecltanies'llardware Store, Exeter, Money to load on Mortgages. MAIM I STREET, EXETER, SPECIAL NOTICE! :0: SAMWELL & PICKARD Are now offering at OLD PaICES a completeassbrtmrant of DRY GOOCS, including Mantles., and Mantle Cloths in Great Variety. Dress Goods in all shades and colors. WTNCR'S CHEAPER THAN BLACK LUSTRES direct from the man uacturer, FLANNELS ata BLANKETS very low, READY-MADE CLOTHIING CHEAP. CLOTH & FUR CAPS ALL STYLES. .1fILLINERY IN LATEST STYLES. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY, Also full lines of BOOTS Si SHOES, HATS Gs CAPS. & FRESH GROCERIES. We have also a special offering of LADIES' MINK SETS & OArS Be sure to call:and see them. A lot of BUFFALO ROBES at special prices. o,o , All the above goods will be offered at the very lowest /»rices. SAMWELL & PICKARD. EVER BEFORE OFFERED