HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-11, Page 66 THTi T "1V1 t S DECt Mit U, 1879 A LEADV1LLL MARRIAtiE. There is no doubt that the Rector of St. Georges church,. Leadville, be- longs to the Church Militant. He has just proved tt beyond contradiction and at this moment public sentiment in Leadville pronounces him the ablebt and most poworfnl clergyman for his weight in the TJtlitod States, while a committee of the leading citizens is about to present him with a silver - mounted revolver as a testimony of respect and admiration. The Rev. Mr. Withers earned this enviable reputation a few weeks ago while engaged in marrying the well kuown Mr. Roaring Bill to one of the most beautiful and accomplished dao• titters of Leadville. The bridegroom was a man of most excellent reputation having ]titled three men in hand-to- hand fights and wounded a number of ethers. He was not accompanied to the alter by any groomsman, and the bride was similarly devoid of brides- maidsthough their place was to some exteut taken by her three brothers. Air. Withers, who up to that time had been known as au extremely peaceable man, and was not supposed to have a particle a ability about him, bad been warned that the bridegroom was quick-temperedand exceedingly jealous and that he would do well to "ladle out the service pretty considerate mild" To this warning, however, he paid no attention, being determined to do his duty, no matter what the consequences might be. The service• proceeded smoothly :un- til ;the clergyman reached the point where he asked the bridegroom if he took this 'woman'' to be his wedded wife. To this lir, lioariug Bill remark- ed that he was about to marry a •1:tdv' aud, any nice who called her a'womau' must be remarkably anxious to incur the expense of a personal funeral. Paying no attention to this xeluark the clergymen proceeded, and inquired if the bridegroom would promise to love, eherish and protect the bride. This was regarded by Mr. R )wring Bill as the unnecoesnry asking of foolish ques- tions. "In course I do," he replied; 'what do you. ,take me for ? Do you mean to iiieiunate that I am a playiu' it on her ? 1 wi,nt yon to understand that thishyer's a square deal, and if you don't just go ahead with your inarr'yin' and drop this asIiu' of imper- tinent questions, it'll lead to difficulties. You hear rue.. Still the cor.regeons clergyman„ heedless of the brewing storm., ignoredthe bridegroom's inter- ruptions, and read the service with very steady courage. Presently, lin inquired of the bride if she would pro guise to love, hunnt and obey her bus• band. At this point, the latter di ew his revolver and informed the clergy- man that he was fast ripening for the grave. 'Any more personal cl:mations will require me to answer with. thisyer peapo. I. don't wish to make a row in a church, but if von will have one just continue as yea: leave begun. I and a peaceable seal -sniferin' man, but the holiest feetin'a of this lady's beat isn't'going to. he pried into by no' cyan without he hears from me."' Still the, clergyman pursuedithe even tenor of his way. One might have i nag;red tl es% he was deaf, so nt•terly heedless Was he of the irregular re- spousesrnade by. the b.rictocrroom, The spectators who had assembled. t0 wit- ness the ceremony were waking bets freely as to whether Mr. hall. would kill him at the. first fire, or whether he would tnerel mat khitn• with, a bul- let fur future iilr'1>7tificatiuu.. Contrary to the general anticipation. the bride- groom made no farther int errap tiou, either by word or 1)tnl'let,, and the core anony Dame to an end,. All might have e.)decl peacoat le', tiac} net Aller, Wither, determined to do his whole ditty, sup. the Stairs by wliieli Boni bad reached pietueuted the eoretnorly by kieehlg the the roof, revolver in hand, grappled beide. with. the brigand, whome althou'g'h. vice The frit bullet. missed, i;te mark,. acid 'lenity resisting in spite of hie wonude the bpi learooui, while' panting to ad- and Ions of blood, his adversaryi mas- jnst his arm, remarked Heat "t has pain int immorality ou the part, of the olsrgy uru.it be eheoked." Just stet he was abort) ter flire the1400011t1 shot--- having got the oler yinan' i. piglet ear Fri tiult3 "plioe and leaping over the railing, struck out at Mr: lioariag Bill iu a mostbeantifuland scientific way, A ring was immediately formed. The bride climbed ori to the baptismal font and alternately enoouragect eeeh combatant with such inspiriting:re- marks as "Now, then, Bill, bust him to the eye," or "Hooray, Parson, the eyes of the Church is ou you t Back rip your religion like a little man 1" The eager spectator's swarmed into the church and fought for good positious in the pulpit. The betting at first was on the bridegroom, but at the end of ten minutes large odds were offered ou the clergyman. His courage was un- doubted, and his pugilistic skill was smiply astouudiug. His adversary scarcely touched him, while the clergy- man danced around iiia, near closing an eye and now shaking the foundation of his teeth with a smiling confidence that created the wildest enthusiasm. In twenty minutes and five rounds he had reduced his man to perfect help- lessness. Air. Roaring Bill Dried "enough," the spectators cheered, and the bride descending from her pencil, kissed the clergyman with hearty frank- ness, and informed him that she should never allow any husband of hers to come betweeu her and her religion. Such was the public enthusiasm in Leadville ever the clergyman's victory that no less than thirty leading citizens came forward and offered to be confirm- ed as an evidence of their good will, provided the Rector would refrain from iuterfering with card-playiug and other usual Sunday recreations. As bah been said, the admiration of Leadville is about to be expressed in silver -mount- ed pistols, and there is no doubt that the prosperity of St. George's Church and the popularity of Mr. Withers are fully assured. A BANDIT A'11 BAY, The Italian jou& nate mention the re- captute of the formidable bandit Se- bastein Beui, who after his arrest by a body of carbineers, managed to escape frons justice at the moment when he was being carried off to the railway ,. stati(n at Fabriona. in the province ofk 771 Ancona, by leaping from the bridgt f , of AIolieaccio. One of the carbineers h"�1 broke hie leg in his endeavour to pre- vent the escape. After several, unsuc- cessful attempts the pursuers at length discovered the brigand's new illallt,f place.. It was a lenelyt hoiree iu the country not far from Fabrioua. A lieutenant of carbineers was direoeed to conduct the operations for his recap- DOMINIOR. Sir. Samuel Tilley leaves for Quebec next Monday and on Tueedtsy he will inspect the industries in that city, after which he will proceed to New Bruns - ~rich, where he wilt remain,for a couple of weeks. J. O'13rien, twenty one years old, be - toughie to et. Patrick, Charlotte Coun- ty, was drowned by breaking through rhe iee on Pye's Lake, N. B. A tire alarm telegraph is about to be oreeted iu St. Catl:arine's, It will be 00 the automatic priuciple, and at first have six miles of wire and fourteen sig- nal boxes. A household iiecemity, Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best re'aedy iu the world for the following complaints Cramps in the limbs and stomach, pain in the bide, rheumatism in all is forms, Colic, Neu- ralgia, Flesh wounds,Spinal complaints,Sprains aid Bruises. Don't fail to procure it. Its equal was never known for removing pain in all cases. For internal and external use. Solei by all dealers. Heal£ his Happiness. Nxarousx)ass.— A very groat number of those in the middle and liigllor classes of so- ciety, who, without ever being actually sick, never know what real health is ; whir live con. stanlly in a lower plane of living than is nor- mal in man, who are weak all over, though not speaial:y and constantly %%cal: in any one or- gan, who may not experience piercing and grinding pain, yet suffer at times, if not al ways, that profound exhaustio u winch in nlau,y respects is worse than pain. Those iu that lamentable state have always been relieved,aud molly permanently so by using the Victoria Syrup of .Hypophosphites, it being pa'aotieelly adapted for those cases. For sale by ail deal - ors. GRaMAN SYRUP." No other medicine iu the world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Bosoane's Ginn t i SYRUP. Iu three years two millious four hundred tll')n,and small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by druggists in this country to those aflleted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pnenumocia, and other diseases of the throat and lunge, giving the American people undeniable proof that GrnxAN SYRUP will clue them. The result has been that Ilrngeists in every town and village in the Ca- uadas and Uuited States are reconnneudiug it o their customers. Go to your druggist and Ma • �' ask what they know about it. Sample bottles.,aim 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Mr:), doses will relieve any easy'. C, ct S. GIDLEY, Unclertaltor-; aucl }t &rnitxn'e WOULD SAY TO tilos,, who intend purehas;.,); to do so from the hiaaufaoturer. The dealer who buys be Belt again must tweessarlty have it profit. We nlaiw to give the purchasers the benefit, which o,uutot fail to Sweet the views of Cho Grangers. Our expense* ere less Clan those of oily 1081111 'si'tui(' •iuusoti"ent. y We oast selloucuu�r. Emblems .t� LI II 1 141:1 E; ; TIT e rs TIt1 WOULD \A cullepocittlatt a tfun • : ▪ t0 oat' .l lint. lS,K1151; I;ep5,1'Ii (neut.))hioh is more 0001 t1i t! SI/ os•er,uawehave ,(laud several hew designs f late The bent coatis.,, el:shuts shroud:1,mM eve) y neural requisitc et the Ioo Mit lime, t., Our new Hes rt./.. is 'pronounced by cou)iititaut jnoneudtei, to bo a,cn" to i0 Uro- provinces of all the Different Soola- cs. AN THE EXETER 0 poErri �g113E Sabecr'ibel' begs to e)inonue to the inhabitants of Renter and the•s 'r'ratouding ooun- k try, that he bits opt' ,en a TIN flail S 1'0 Vi; 1)IEPO"t' i.lr the tet re nearly opposite Mr, 0- .. U'aces.xrouery ttnd tligoor store, ,Main street, Excite), where lir in l,.oparetlto fill allordo.a iur Gook, Partor and other Stoves .b .\1a11uftl:Cturers'• Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by prtt.e'tieal wol'klneu, on the premises. Eave-l'ronghin#e+loue to order. ('5rrir, Platte; a imetialtyt. very best and Crone Cheaper. lnteucling purohnsers will alwey" find me Im ri)y poi: raters teoettertel tap trry own bus/nese and prepared at all timers to treat cresto11151l 000r'tesmsiy iuc,1 supply them with a good unit aheaparticle. Depend upon it that nowhere can you get b.rtter value fees your money. The very hi,„ifa st. price its Citca'li paid for Hitless and Sheep skins. E I -L SPAC1 MAN. Cue/lea Clieluuteys, the Exeter P 0, Octoi•er I5 R. FOWLER'S EXT, WILD Strawberry tare and: to secure the culprit. Toe 13th ia)sL, when a violent storm. war ,ratriug, which, euablcd the earbiueers to surround the house without giving an alarm,. wee chosen fur the execution of the enterprise.. The lieutenant,,having posted his teen around the bandit's lair, entered thebottse.. Baiii, as soon as he caught sight ei him, tn)tde a hur- ried retreat to the roof by a t caret staircase,, when he took; iu est a glance the hill meaning of the rather i+esper- ate situation,. Seeing. he wits besieged he resolved, to detend himself to the Inst. Loving no firearms, he turned the• tr'Sies•of the house into weapons of defense,.aud replied to every snminons to surrender with an uuiuterrupted shoees'of tiles and pebbles. Stell was his skill that his projectiles hardly ever tailed to bit some assailaut. 'Three or four of the caliineers were already wounded', ant! c ne of them• rather seri- only,. when the commanding officer, to avoids needless rick to the livoa of his inen, ordered there to Fre. Beni was hit in the breiest and stomach, but none the less contin,aed'to ttealle•a very Ilotermined' and desperate. defence. At length a oorporel,.ha.ing discovered GC A Specific Remedy for all Summer Co uplainks crash as IilStrrhe it, Dy - sentry, Canada C111Ie1 a, Cholera Morbus, Cholera. Infantile/, Sum. Stomach, Gripioi Peaus, autl all ' derangements of the bowels,.c:vus- e,1 by using improper ftwtl', emit. as raw . vegetables, unripe or sou fruit, bad: ic,Uk, irulrure water or change of: water, chimps of the ser.cona, exposure: No matter front what cause or in what form you are subject to any of the above com- plaints, 1JR. Eo1P.Li:R'F. EtTaAeT OP WILD S,raAwaiiRtrx will relieve you, and a speedy cure will he effected without iniury to the system. It is )nanufactered from the wild Strawberry Plaut, and free from opium and other injurious drugs,. `For sale by all dealers, at ls. or 3 Bottles for 1)1.00 PalLILBED BY 1IIILBURN, BENTLEY & PEARSON £Dr 'x'49.9 OF THE Sewing Machine rrflE LARGEST AND ]3Et .T STOCK ;OF Silverware, China and Dell ever 'soon in the West, at E. D R 'iW's sT011F. \tr.Drow has just received an excellent stock 0 Silver Tea Sotts,Butter Coolers,Donbleancl$iuglo Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Cardlieeuiverviteuut- m 11111011 Set ts, a tc.,uf the I3est Quadruple and lh;iple Plate, and isoffering the same atprices that ol(u1 ASTONISH YOU FWt CHEAPNESS 1 Be leas j ust opened out a new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stonewares. A largo stock ofLam LIS just arrived. Will tatleatinfy vourself as to duality and uhoapness. Come an d ;ry our instruments. anisic Teacher still on. 'land. Services at lowest figures. Special at [entice) called to tbo Raymond. Sewing dachine. Oceans and Pianos unsurpassed t •is beauty of design, and quality of tone. E. DREW. 1879) 7'01t0.f'7 O. San". Ci.00EY : SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS, TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, COCOA, COFFEE, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES, RICE,OATSIEAL,POT BARLEY OYSTERS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, VINEGAR, EXC1':LL1.±: NT FW.? PJCKL I `G. ORANGES, LEMONS,. FRUITS, GENUINE. INDIAN CURRIE POWDEI. SCALED HERRINGS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, full assortment of first-class Family Groceries in.stoek, cheap as•tlte cheapest. GEQ..I.r,EMI'; Ir 15in:street, Exeter. NEW BUTCHER SHOP �he nndersigned w,ouldi'1zt'arra the inhabi- tants ofExoterand vioinit.,1%that. hepar: OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP FALL (1879 OLD /TEE At atltimos,vucioartieahu•ly at a period when Trak:, is universally depressed and Money scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to, purchase where he can get the at tide he wants at the towel( rate. In calling your at.beseticeal to. 10.3 in'esent stock, I do se with eve'y ecuf tl, ecce; it being uiairecieretally assarteit Saud; seleate+1 thaie theta of salty.pre ionsseaSnir, a. In the Dry G ao:dE Every department k; replete vai'h the merit seasonable and fashioftabls fetbrica, markedat: ()rites whkelesheultl e,>-in)handthe attention of the vt icy olosaet buyers.. TEEO]1DEftE1) f"LO:J c. u still leas MR. Av. IVES.at ;t. head In Millinery Unclorthe'na.agetnelataf :fins McOlogillon,we can snit the most fastixtbous. Oar stock of± Groce ie4,-Boots and Sh'oe's, Cainadialar English; and American. Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tile largest and best aiaortod in the Oxlnty. Intending purchasers will eonsulttheir, best interests by examining my stock before going elsewhere. It Will pay you to call, at M' C LEL SAND BROS' D E V V 's 13ilc i0E'M For your it Dry -Good's; Groceries, Etc Everything reduced k snit the h .rd ono'toor, south of his rtla01ce5nitils1101, ra))t1110pet CaT T l NCS thosaule liberal patronage that. has 1.000 ac corded to hIin In the BL.t:tl7Sen)IT'Ei AND WAe0i1 MAX Mo .newilaheoxteudert to him Ili111s tleav ()rancho wittiness, 13.15meat wagon wills:ail a1 the reel. lents of tbo villagethrootlmeeeesiwoekaed t'enar, air hist. 1'~atni WM eemcsved' to t .hnspitrtt at I+'�tbriona', whexa his 1 wi)ttd)dta wero.prenonneed very serions. ' A,stem of Harney: amounting tie about FRES H A/ 1.1 T t8.1.2h was fnunci upon him, probably Istel hersl ater; kept oonet'an41) bur hand' at his the brother of the brute spra,.ng err hitt, what was heft of the produee.of'the nob• and took away his pistol,. 4 t. the sanaae bery for which. he' lied' baso sxteatedur kemi illfi krptt blf.n )Lei .seekegoarieee en 1 IJUWMS, Ill', 'sVitliess t01b of, 1118 bier- j tike Dept itietttnotlt;. It,. DAVis•. OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT W . OL.ES AL E FRT OEE.J. `..' 13e sure and call before buying $:fits to order at startling figures. LCLLELA.l D BROS.