HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-11, Page 1Vol. VII. My - Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, December, 11, 1E379, No 17. PROrratrey LIST. FOIt SALE ---AN 'EXCELLENT ''UNP'1HY L/F,S TITE BEAD THAT WEARS A FARM of ono itnueteeet acres on the London Clio;;'i3, '--TfIE CZAR'S ENEiMIE^S—TH1 x dial , r4 0111.1014 .• 'tt a 1' , of Ree er Apply to 1Il„ 11, V, ELLIOT, s0kei• l,xoter, : Ant.0 st 11 test.. q1() LUtl l"t' FOR A. 'TEttAI •01.+' TR 'YE AUS. --Two improved farms of our ".nutth•nd ,cores 04011 a large hank barn and other buildings on each yl wn, Tho tart tuustpe paid, iu ndvaue a or kiatintnetorysecurity given. For further ther ,.rtrttentnxi, apply on the ttrontinesl to \V, or it. Q-1INT.FN, lot i, coo, 5, raxetit l', 0., ARAI SALE.--L)r 0, Snl:bk' ring, Stn ,hen, .50 arses, no neeee elr+ateel, l'l ehoppee, good ht•ink bongo, good stable, irell (witted, Land excellott1, 011 ln,ke shore, *of It 1>1ilo 1tenn ''ort Make, whore bon is rust throe titans 0 week, tuitl ofd nolo from (lrtoul Lend, Convenient to se1m tlaudc1lur•chus, 011 W10(1. r,tatl, 11Yico, --till'.', terms easy;i ED RAO I)ldSJ,11t, DINS', Brewster 1> 0 FARM FOR SALt+l,—Lot 14, CUN• ceaat,inu en Stephan onntaittint 100 pores, TO acres shire,. fxo c 1>g ht so ani fest eta barn, dllaGtl. Good young orchil cl grartterl f:nit, '1'no farut Is wall fenced azul to ti good. stats of oe,tif- vattou. Tllere is large quantity of black ash, alio tL nt,v;tr failing well, Pur terns apply to HEN10Y PlfILL' i'k1i1. Crediton. Jame 0 TilARAI FOR SALE. -1'U ii SUB. scriber offers for sale his farm, T,nt 13, Con.1t, Township of Usborne Comity of Huron Sr aeres'o1on. •e,i, the >•emainele good ,tush, well fenced, and in a good state of oniti,atiou; under, clr.tino,l, gond orehar1, snlnulid well of water. frouncYbarn 3ex10,log stable31x.10,1nt; llonse, and onnvn,tlo'et to school and three cIturolles. Por urtiler p,,.rticnlal F apply to WM nilYANd, l hkton P.n.,or MR.li.y,1,, LLIOT, ittornr, ,l.xeter F.0. FARM EOR SALE.—The snhseiib- er offers for s'lo the north halt of lot 17, eon. 10, TTsbarno, containing 10 tierce 41 aores- cloareel, well und,rctrained, and in it gnn,,l st•rte 01 cUltivati0+t- Ther, are no the prolni4or 31 aeras of good hush, 300 misheard fence, n gond coin forta d,. dwelling 9,7x30, frame barn Axel, gond log stable duel shed 27xi7,g"m orounrd, roots w'sdl of wtttor with p'tuin. Tit's property is situnteil six and a hall utiles from Exeter tnark^s aut1 &boat � •a t• shat awl c ,1 ,F tticYtt to t tllllt fl YI1 1. tL t 1 ,t, t n 1 , •] rstn' schools. For fnithrl lLltiwlbtrs. G 1liT(.h ant u1 &play on the preulisos ox to :Farquhar oast ciao JOIN leerier on IMPORTANT 1VUTICZS. %" ONEY LOANED IN LARGE OR 1yi small mins on first -veto security at a mo- derato rate of interest. Apply to 13. V. ELLIOT, Solicitor, Exeter. 201x,November, 1879. t'f TiA.AIES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION ter neer 0 ties proxnprly a tteudod to. Days of sales arrnn_e,l at this office J. CLARK, Agent for the Ue- .L i • burun ant Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company, Residence-• t''arclttliar. Orders by mail promptly atremled to. 1':A� 1[. C:AItLLNC > •1. W. ARM - .1. • STR'YNC , Licensed Auctioneers for the Conutylees of Rayon, and Miecile:Yex Sales 0011 thtntnl with'satisfa.ction, amotou libern1 terms. All orders I�cttat ttin'3sti•'s Mansion Rouse will receive prompt attoututu. sept. S. CAM L'13EL.i. PROVINCIAL D. Laud Survoyer, etre., will to at the 11 yal Rotel, e!xoter,n•u the tiratYuesday in each nnott'th:. Urclors for work loft with Mr. John S t,aektuetn will: eceive,,r0Ytlpittootttion. 1 OHN Ji.`IiYNDJiAN, e. ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT, rc(moV to loan on mortgages, notes and other smart thus. Renta and ti000uuts collected oh Y011* 0011111)10 terns. Insurance efreeted in fitst•cle s tionnpa les at reasonable rates. 0.,tee—at t)r. I£\Tldlnnii's, Main S root, i0xocet, �JLAKli,- AUCTIONEER FOB • T1110 COUNTY Ol' H'IIIIOY. A LARGE AiIOUNT OF MONEY .1C tnet remove ator investment on mortgages at 8 sur cent, ..�BEDS,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN en reasonable terns. R..A.BBOTTL. D.S.,MI.i1.C.D.b Graduate of Royal College of DENTAL SURGEONS. Office over O'Neill auk, and opposite Sanxwell riek,trdbs. FIRE PROD' SAIEP IN PERFECT ORDER. GOOD AS NEW. Half Price. .6.0E'S , Mu: ' e and Build- ers' Carriage eres' Hardware, C '",ATN''T"'aV. GRAND ARMY FaR t1BEIllA TO BE LARGE' LY REINFORCED. St. Prltersbnrg, Deo. 0-,—Datectivos hove discovered the re'-dczv, us of co- operating Nihilists in Berlin and Aloe - co w, whence et—urinated the conspiracy ereinst the We of the Czar, whittle Caine so near proving successful at Aloscow, ''These viatica were in con- stant oomtnnnice; ion regarding the in' vetneute of the royal train, and had pre -arrange(' tau almost perfect plan for the explosion and for the escape of de;3puracloes on hc:l'yebaok. Tlie police have already arrested a fom,ilo confect - ante of the conspirators, wlio has re- vealed the mnsderous conspiracy in all its rauiificetiens, tracing the plot to the very doers of the Iwperiet Palace, nod itneltotthng clist.iugutshed person- ages standing very near the. Throne. The revelatie ate, so far as known. have treated the in cert Intense ex&itment, aud when niarle pnlllic will startle the en- tire. country. The Government, which hed lately evinced a Ieniont disposition towards offenders, will henceforth pro- secute all su:apeeted enemies with re- morseless vigor, 8.tld the grand army o nrchime toward Siberia wilt be heavi- ly reinforced. ROYAL 41;T.AYCROLY. Berlin, Doc. 0. --Non's from St. Pet- ersburg reports that the Ozer is ex- tremely depressed. The, fits of melitn- t. cllnly ..true returned. It is thought that he does his hest to shake them off. Advices from Canvas state that the Empress is in the same depinrahle c nn- dltion, sonatan try nprHeoi tlg intelli- gence of the Cee 's assaerdeetion. Al- though two arrests hover been mode in Conneetrnn with tho Moscow attempt 011 tie Czar's life, yet the perpetra- tors and t anlitie'ttions of the p'ot 're- main niuliecovered, Ad. it is _belisvecl, always will. The Berlin tress speaks sarcastically of the lutempt of the Russian police to auppre•is the faete of the attempted assnssinatioli. Dominion. ianlan is agaiu agitating for that $G,000.. i Another advance of one cent, per Ib.' s reported in sole leather, Wocdstook, in 1870, has spent $1509 000 iu buildings. The shooting on- the St, Clair flats is Wail to be better .than ever before. The shipment of iron ore from (tta- s'a to Niles, Ohio, was begun Monday, Lumbering operations aro being con- ducted upon a mach larger scale thou usual in the Belleville district. 7717Selkirk elootiont case will come on for appeal at the February session of the Supreme Court. Charles Payne, a Bowinanville tav- ernkeeplr, has hseu committed for trial for shooting at Columbus Soper with a revolver. lIr. Thomas 11'.[cNangllton, barrister, of Cobnurg, anti at one time pnblieller of the Sao newspaper. died on Tuesday, the 2nd instant. - The note-derouch Atlantic oahle was l landed at BigLorraine, two miles east ward of Isoni.iburg, C. B., at twelve o'clock Saturday. An outertainwent will shortly be given in Montreal for the benefit of the sufferers in Ireland, owing to the poor crops in that country. A. valnnble sea'. -skin cep, was stolen. from sir. Lenner while he was at his devo'i me iu Notre Dame Church, Men. treat, on Burnley. l It is thought that the next grand military review will be lield at Q:t bee. II1I 'The General is said to be favorable to the cor,ee t ltutlOn of t1O l s there. IWaller Paine, the Fall River stn bezeler, haus been di charged from cis Cody, int iM Yntre'Ll, and is u•,w flntting nstylewith family n 111 h13 f till at the Russell Y IHouse. Leonard Perigee, jun., One of the I whiskey iiiformers, trete 'elierged at Yorkville 'Mond ty with offt:rine to cone- , hia testimony for $20, 'The case was adjourned. A boy named Rollock was drowned icx the Gatineau Itiver 'Monday after- noon by the upsetting of a baric canoe. An Indian made r► desperate attempt to save lhim bnt could not.. Out of 72 emigrants ex•stoarnehip Aloraviltn, wlio arrived at the B tn.uveo• tare depot Sunday evening, 30 remetn- sd in Montreal, 25 wen t to Ontario, and the remainder to the Westsru States. The two men who are supposed to have burglarized Secord's store, at leucknow, on Friday morning, were committed for trial, 110(1 wore sent to the County Jail at 'Walkerton on. Sun- day. Ilieetiues with bile object of forming a new enmity are bring held in a 00111 - bee of townships, but the r!Lbelpayers, as a rule, seem to set their faces against disturbing esi'tieg county formations. Ben Shepard, of B ty City, ,vent to Grrderich recently and purchased a Oa. radian schooner, uante nukllown. The tug Peter Smith has left for G_tdet°ioh and will bring the schooner to Bay City. Iilighteen emnlnyere in the Gnvern ment wotitshoos at Ottac•a wire .dis- charpc+d Sattn•dny afterno-n. It is ex - 'reefed that a similar number will be discharged next Saturday. Thee° is no work for then at present to dn. Hunting hares is good snort in Pus- linch this season. Small pax ire on theinerease in the cast end of Montreai. A. St. Johns, N.B., rlenpatcll reports 150,000 logs swept away and lost. it'ive cerloar1s of iron ore from lIarine for Buffalo, N.Y., left Belleville on ri- day night. The free weighing grain on the Guelph markets l .'es general satisfact- itn. • It is"reported alit on the opening of the C. V, R. 1L fast train will be run be- tween G ilt and Torontn. At the last cause Stratford had 9, 000 inhabitants, and the next ennmer- stion is expected to make it a city. The value of goods exported from the D,rminion of Canada, exclusive of British Columbia, for October was ;$12, 246,700. Iii St: John's, N, B., the LebOrere' Association struck for $1,110 per day. .12he demand was complied with. They fr,rmorly received from si:,tty cents to a dollar. Air. Angus ATorrison, ex Mayer of Toronto, has just been paid $2,000 by the Grand.Trnnk Railroad- On. for in- juries he snstair;ed on the Credit Valley Line in the collision which' took place on their line in the early part of the year. A by-law for the purpose of raising funds to buy a steam fire engine was carried in Danville some time ago, lint proving defective, a new by-law was voted on lately, and rejected by a nta- jority of fifty four. There was a good eltan(lance at the meeting heldin,Larkin Hall, Hamilton on Friday evening for the purpose of explaining the object of the . National Currency League. The Hon, lease Buchanan occnl^ied the chair es Chair- men of the Hamilton Branch. He mule an able speech, es rtlsottidl \iessrs. Griffin, Wallace and Wright. A man named Locke, Operas of age, in Prince I;dttetrd 14300(1. 1111) h fence pole into the fly wheel of a threshing machine one - clay last week. The wheel broke into ft•ngmettts, n portion Mwbiich strnetc hini on the local. Itifld, g hint almost instantly., A few minobes before his son lost his finger in at. temtt" • experiment pugaslwl1orexp orluze u. The enllector nt Amherebn''a ha= re- ceived notice frnm. the Canadian (env.. eminent that the fine impnna,i rnCapt. Grnlmmend's lichter. the Arlr, for in- frinaoment of 0h9 (ln^urian la•vp, is $400, and she can be had on payment of that eminent. The Ovinia, Tinirs snvs:—l4IoTC•>v Bros. woolen factory wee deetrnynti by fi'e last - Saturdny. It caught while the workmen were nwrty et runner, en's hnrneel so fiercely and rapidly that rot- binYz' was saved. net even the hnnl;a, which were lying on a table in the front nffieft. Thit•ty rivoterq from ?idled 'ltihia passed thrnn.h itnlheretbnr,r nn Satnr 'lav marring On the 0(tnerla Southern Railway to wnrlr nn the Onna'ln Ssnth. nen Railway's new ferry hal'ing at. ,Vvetnelntte. The Canada Smitt>ern ferry Transfer is naw carrying a full number of earn, freight • light. While n Canadian nalnerl .Tneeph sT,ettier,-,ogre nhnet, 25, etnployed at llnst"s ,snmp, roar West Brandi), flea•' inaw ()entitle, Minh., was eneetrnrl in 94t'inlr on the 41h, bet"wag s'rrolc be n foiling tree end inetnnbly 13311t1rt. Iris P1;n11 watt fraoln-eta and b th legs hrnk- en. Ile came from dear Montreal., ,Great Britain. GREAT Fxe:ITEsIENr AT OA'1TLII3AR. Ceatlehar, Dec. 0.•—Ou the removal of Th twat) Brennan to prison; from the Court House last night great crowds with blazing tar barrels fetllowed the oar in which bo was conveyed, cheer- ing the prisoner and hooting at tloe po. Tice. 'relit crowd stopped the oro►', but as it was well guarded .norescue was attempted. Subsegneetly, the pones, by order of the "Alagistritto, seized the_ tar barrels and the crowd dispersed pre. cipitately. There is great excitement. at Caatlebar and iu the neighborbood.1 NOT THAT PAI;NELL. Dublin, Deo, '6.—Jas. H. Parnell, who is a candidate for the representa- tion of Louth in Perliatneut, has issued hie election iuldro:rs. He refuses the leadership of Chas. Stnart Parnell, member for Meltth,and;a famous Home Ruler, but 11e declares himself in favor of home rale for Ireland, and indorses the ideas put forth on this alibiect by Gladstone iu his repeat speech in Scot- land. AN APPEAL FOR CONTINENTAL SYMPATHY, Paris, Dec, 7.—An 'Irish member of Parliament appeals in violent t3rma,. through dile Republique Franeccrse, for continental syulpetlly for the Lisle. THE CAS CLI;11AIi MEETING. Londor. Dec. 7.—There was a meet- ing of land ao'itetors, numbering 0,000, near 0 tstlebar to -day. Tho people in procession were commanded by men carrying wooden swords. Proceedings quiet. Some time rlgo. 11Ii'. George Isbell• shroadt, formerly a 'reel lent of Ayton,- While in a swamp on his farm, was shot int the baud by Mr, Fangio), of Allan Park, bemistaking the - victim: for a deer he h d been pursuing. . Aft- er the exoitetm,ent of the moment, they congratulated each other -upon the slightness of the accident, which might have proved instant death. Upon reaching thehouse it was fourth trait the wound had bled scarcely any, and that the arm was fast ewelling towards the body. A (lector: was called' but erysipelas set in, and he died after ten days of pailful suffering, The bark Clifton, erred by Mr. Stimson, and which already taken n. cargo. mainly from Hamilton, will sail for Atrst►-alia this month with a second cargo, She will take a number_ OC 11o11ees, packed like shooks, suer• com- plete from basement to roof, ready to be erected the moment they are landed. They can be rented at about $200 a piece. They can be shipped at a good profit, material and wages being lower lrl Canada than in 'Australia. Tteo bark will take a number of carriages and organs. Lobsters, properly cann- ed, are. much wanted at Adelaide au d the interior. ALtf0ST A FIGHT. L,ondnn. ]](33. 7.—At the land agita- tion meeting on Sondtiy' it Oastlerea, Parnell and D.Lvitt were present. A collision nearly occurred botweeu the police and ,ttzitators, owing to the pre- sence of two Government shorthand tori tors. Tho Herald's cables say the land agi- ts.tien received a.`selt.e blow in the county of Mayo yesterday by and ani -'1 eenditlould surrender of a large bn(iy of tenants, who hold the forms of Str- Roger Palmer. They had demanded a 25 per cent. reduction, but submitted when serval with legal processes. rile rents are rapidly coining in. ARISTOCRRATIC OBITUARY. London, Dec: 0.—leis Grace the Duke of Port,a.nd, whose family name is William John tJnvendieh Scott Ben• busk, is dead. Ile was born in 1800, sneceeded to the title on the death of his bunter 10 1854, and leaves as his heir Lord Arthur Cavendish, who was born in 18.37. The death of the Vis- couttt Chetwynd is also aunounced. • Sir William Boxall, an eminent painter and ex-direoter of the Royal Academy, is dead, aged 79 years. A IIFAVY FAILURE. London, De's. G.—The Henry Brett Company, extensive rectifiers of spirits and wulely known throughout the king- dom, have tailed with liabilities of 40- 000 ponntls sterling. GLADSTONE'S CAMPAIGNING. Glasgow, Deo. 'G.—Gladstone left this city to -day, after having addressed a crowded and somewhat tumultuous assemblage. Gledstone, in his address, reiterated some of the declarations he lied macre in bis speeches at Edinburgh and Dalkeith, but toward the close of his speech he became very impassioned, and spoke with unusual fervor. His own return to place and power, he said Was no part of the purpose of his visit to Scotland. "'rhe conet:itntional privi- leges of people of the United Kingdom have been compromised by the reckless and Llnecrtipulous political adventurer at the bead of lier Alajesty's Govern- ment, with the eager consent of a Par- lialnent which would go down to history as one which had most• scandalously mtsrepreerentect the true feelings and real interests of its cou:'tituents. The country wonted tho statesmen who would be guided by justice, and who worild effect the economical and social reforms so urgently desired," RECOVERY AND seem. Lnndon,Deo. G.-eQneen victoria has entirely recovered from her illness, and wili soon appear in public at t' grind ball in this city, A faros of 150 tures in east Wil - limns bas elianged halide, .$12,006. was the Oon.'ride-1Ltinn money, but then the land is of the :nine and honey close fg1(1 a land of spriritzo nf'water. Arin- ther flirin changed bends, say 120 acres for $3,400, but .destitnto of the fine. buildings such as the 12,000 farm pos- ses. Messrs. E. C. Kerr, and Jamas E. Fernside. formerly of IIatniltom, but now of Port Natal, South Africa,; aro devalue ing a trade between Oafaatllt and that Gtr off colony. Already five car loads of goods have beeu got tegotlter in Hlalllilton, by parties represetttin t t es , h a,gentlemsll there. •and these aro to be shipper froin New York in FL short;titno. The consignment consists of a miscellaneous collection of nseful articles i olldin 3 upwards of twenty buggies anti twenty-two boats. Theso articles are complete in every respect, but are to be shipped in sections, so ss to permit to thew being closely peek ed. • The other day two geese flated down Grand 111' r. One lead been killed by some hunter's shot, and it was floating helplessly by, The otherweeuttering plautivo notes of love and persuasion to induce its inanimate companion to de - Kiat from its ouward course. When the data was reached tine dyad one went over. The live one shrunk from tial raging torrent for a few moments, and then braved the danger rathsr.tltnrr suffer separation. Once over, the poor creature was carried raider the data again and again, and those who were) watching thought the two mould tweet on the other shore, if geese ever - get there, When almost e:chansted the poor voyager escaped, antl at once com- menced its fruitless journey down the swift current. Those who witnessed the occurrence wore deeply impressed with the undying affection shown by the widowed goose. Perhaps, though, it was because he was a goose. I'. C. White, a young Englis1in iT, aged 18, workiug for a Hiss Hutchin- son, on a farm a few miles from Port Rowan, when laboring tinder a fit of temporary insanity, it is supposed, el.- tetnpted to take the life of a young ;;irt Aged 14, at 4 p. in. on Friday, who was residing at the sante plus. It seems that she went into her bedroom to dross herself when tiie atrocious act was COM - mitted. He :was splitting wood and started for the llou:se. He entered her bedroom, and her back beteg towards hint he struck her twice before she fell; and once when clown, inflicting serious woundg, fromwhieh it is donbtfel if she reonvers. After doing this he went and hid himself, the tleighbers finding him to -clay. They brought Mini to Port Rowan rind pl,lood hint under ar- rest. Air, Cartwright, constable, bas taken charge Of him, and ha will sae brought up before the Justine of Peace on Monday. Stop that; Coagh. • HA8YAan's 1'EdrouAL 11Aos,ut is comported of the Moet healing balsams sad .gums. The Balsams, whieh enter into its ootnpnsiti:m, were used by natives when America wits first discovered, and wore combined with other tonics, so blended together, that itis a specifi^. for 1111 affections of the throat need lungs. Thou- sands of bottles are . sold annually, and it 13 considered ane of the standard pretp•i,ixttious of tho day. For Coughs, Colds, etc. For sale by all dealers at 25 els. per bottle. The most perilous hour of a person's r.fo ie) Alien ho is tempted to despond. No ono should despond -•••not 05'011 the young nth n Wilt) is enfeebled both mentally ami physically 'h; habits of early indiscretion, ns Vietorisi 1Jire11':t and Uva Taal will core the most distressing ease of kidney disease, etc. For sato by all dealers, at °k1 per bottle,