HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-4, Page 8Drcla>,t'lz_LL 4 1,879 WM TIMES WAR OR PEACE ? RUVCI.LUTIONR i'qtTUD IMMIN1•.N'r IN THi s'rni +'I AUSSIaN aoveuezosee--Ili kernce :n,' w ( Wilt WILL a' ONCE AUUhi.A l v:, Berlin, Nov. 20..—luf:,rinittion of the highest itneorttetioe has arrived Prow S. Petersburg, coming throu;.*i.l privet, soaroea of utoleeettiuuee stateliug. Thi statetnetit to made that an in)ltortaty political conclave ,will slimily be held at St. Petersburg to decide upon the ' future policy of the otnpire. The Czar is not to be preeeut at the cmlckteo, but is t 11e represented iu it by his favor- ite. dviser and vela:lent. The conclave is to (touide whether Russia shall do. etare war agniust England acid her al• lies and seek to push her conquests to the seaboard ou the south and through Central Asia to lndit►,or wheth- er to devote herself to home affi.irs and to the introduction of sweeping politic- al reforms, involving coustitutioval goy- PLOWb, ernment nod the exercise of the elective fr,►uotlise by the people. It ie stated with authority that if the conclave de- cides upon the abandonment of the preseut absolutist system and the intro- ductio:l ofconstitutional and representa- tive government, the Czar will at once abdicate, The situtttion Ince become es. tremly critical. The health .if the Czar i$ bad. !dad the wn..y home alone?" "Yes, ilta'am." "And do you feel as warm tae 'tater big rolled yip in wool?" es. ma'am." "All right, then. We're dead to ig}tts obliged to this man, and I'll black hie bigots besides. You'd better run along linele. Whet ye going to tell vet mother?" "I'11 tell her we conte I ear going to heves, and my little bro- ther thanks you, too, and now we'll go, end thank you, ma'am, ever so many liaise, go d bye 1" The man looked after them through the \tiudow with softer limes in his face than had been there for many mouths. The bay stood outside on the walk and watched until they had turhed a ooru- ,er, and then exclaimed: "Phew 1 but 1 Most feel that I was ingaiged to that gall"—Detroit Free Press. National Policy A SHOE BLACK HAS FEELINGS. How that north wind whistled and stung the other dayl it was the first signal of a long dreary winter, utul even men In OVercJat3 turned sli rp C rues to get out of the biting blast. Two c`bildren, a boy and girt, neither over J' years old, stood shivering in a doorway on Miiuroe Avenne, wielliug to go ou to their 11one1y house, but dreading the wind. They crept closer and closer to ea4l, ether, and their chins gnivered and their noses grew colder. Hun- dreds of leen and women passed up and down without Dare, bat by mull; by alovig came a whistling, jovial lad of 14 wild was swinging his boot-oTack's tut by a strap, and pieltiig tip the steps of some clog deuce. I1saw the shivering hits of humeuity where others were 'blind, and halting before them with a "otig•jigger•riggor" of his heels, and a toss of his box, lee called out : "Kin 1 borry thane 'ere chins o'd'ours about an hour?" • "Yes, nee'em," demurely replied the girl. ',I kin, eh?—hol hal ho! That's a give-away on ale 1 Be you chickens cold 1" "Yes, ma'am," she answered agiiri. "And that 'ere cub is your brother, I 'epose? Well when I'm cold I get warm. What do you Jo—freeze?" "Yes, ma'am, if you please," she re- plied. "lf I please --lea! hie! ha!--'notb• er give.aw+ty on me ! Welt you autumn leaves, come along with me. I haiu't got no iuflue.nee ou the weather, but I kin smell a hot Stove as fur off as the next ebiner in this town. Como right over to this store." Lie led the way acroos the street and into an office where there was a fire. He had placed chairs for them when a =au came in front a back room and 'stud: "What do you children want here?" "Went some o' Wise \vast hotness," bluntly replied the shiner. "These 'ere •cube is nigh froze ttt death, and I lrougbt, 'em here to thaw out." "Aud we won't even look at you, nor cough, nor sneeze!" added the little girl ae she saw a frown on the man's face. "That's rielinees; there's iunooene'1" laughed the shiner, and the men's face cleared and he poked up the fire and •said they could sit nearer, "S'Uose mels and you ,chip in and 'bny'etn something to stay their stom- achs?" suggested the shiner all of a sud- den. "Tell you what some of the child- ren in this town don't have a• square meal any more'is you'll mo wear dia. moods., Little gnat are ye hungry?" "Yes; ma'am, if you won't be mad at us," she replied. The man stood irresolute, but shiner went down in his pocket, rattled around and said: "Here's ten cents—they say they are ilitegryl" "Well, I'll 'give as Much" replied the lnan. "Yon go and buy something and 'they can sit here and eat it." Shiner bought crackers and cheese and the childrenate:until he felt oblig- ed to say "Now you cubs go a little bit slow and save the rest for (topper, Kin ye and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS constantly on hand and made to order 11I0MILLAN & 1NicBRIDE saving now Beater f: oilities than over, are pre, pared to supply farmers with Iron Beam Plows Stud. Mould Board, made by ourselves ; Chill 1'le,w.s, Iina,ip ermake; Scotch DianiomlHarrows Cultivators, Gang blows, Carriages it nd buggies on hand, and made to or- der. 1'0(80 sboeine attended to on the shortest uotiee. Horses shod to prevent interferieg. McNitLLAN & McBride, King St.,HousalI GRAY'S SPECIE C MEDICINE. The GI atI uglishTRAC1E MARK, TRADE MARK., temerlv,uuunfair :C ingoure for Semi- nal •' r,:. nal \Veal:nes^, Sperm ate rrb ea, Iinpot>ucy,audall Diseases tbat fol- low as a segneeee of Self abuse, as loss of Memory, •'1`' •, �• remorti Before Taking kshe After Taking, Back, Dimness of vision, Premature old age, and many other Diseases that lead to insanity or Countunption au el a Premature grave. Y. Frill particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail t:, every one, 1.: -The Specifte Medicine is soldby till druggists at of per package or six packages for $5, or will he sent by mail on receipt of the nonny by addressing TEES GRAY M E DICINE CO., TOn0NTo, ONT., CANADA. r�Sold in Exeterby all druggists, and evert - where ill 'Jana M. ADO the United States by •shote• sale and retail druggists. N, B—Tho demand of our business have neces- sitated our realovinu to Toronto, to which,pluce please address all future ceunnunieatons. THE EXETER Planing Mill, Sash, DOOR AND DLZN TUR ALL KIN D S OF .d.t U R NI N G Done to order. i2 Om ember the place & ©rag? d Fres. arblc Works. W. D. WEEKES Dealer in ;MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &c. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. S Mows North of Drew's Hall, Alain street EMETEIL RHE NEOVAL. CRAU would remind his numerous • Customers that he has removed to the shop formerly occupied by der, Road, whore he will be found ever ready to atte,id to ell business intho LOOT " a213:0L•' Lino. • C. RAU, Crediton. Gt roceries l Vt on fectonary. Smo,ting Tobacco 25 Cents per ib. CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS alwaysinstock. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. InterQolonial Railway. RIYIERE DU LOUP BRANCH. S{'ALED TENDERS addresaed to rho undersigned, endorsed "'''enders for Cars," wit: be moon., d at this office up to noon of TUESDAY, the tkitai insta At, for the supply of.— Four Snow (.'loughs, Three Mangers, Throe Wing Ploughs, Two First Class Oars, Two Second Class Cars, Two Sniosing and Postal Cars, Two 'Baggage Curs, Plans, specifications and forma of tender Dau be had at the Mechanical Superintendent's aloe at Moncton, Nine Deportment not bound to:accept the low- est or any of the tenders. By order, F. BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 7th November 1879. ntercolonial Rah- way. RIVIER +' DU LOUP BRANCH. (SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed " Tenders for Engines," will bo received at this office, up to noon of FRIDAY the 5th of DEOE11BCR next, for the supply of Twelve Locomotive Engines, Plans, specifications, and forms of tender can bo had at the Mechanical Superintendent's office at ltlonctou The (Department not bound to receive the low- est or any of the tenders. By order, F. BRAUN, Secretary. DEPABTsfENT Or BArLWAY AND CANALS. Ottawa 7th Nov.,1879. f ST. M. UtY'S LIME WOitlib. ourdrawn kilns being now in full operation:ann turning out daily n targe uuantit3 of thatjorall purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin- ion. Partiesfrom a 1istancecan s1waysbeerrplied either at the kilns or doliyerdbyteams atlow est remunerative rates. Orderstrotn a distance promptly attended to. WHITSON & SCLATER UP WITH. THE TIMES —0— PARTIES INTENDING TO PURCHASE ORGAN S Ta S EI OULD CALL AT 1 and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN CO.'S. KINSMAN, DENTIST, Licentiate of i the Dental College of On toxic', may be consult'd any day. Mice -- next door to the Post Office, Exeter.Ont. Sehoo1 Books, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news :•I,B.--fletcing Machu. Needier ofevoi'y kind, A. BOYD. CATARREI 1 CATARRH ! ! USE Tho great Sierra Nevada. Smoking Compound. The only positive curofor Catarrh yet discovered. Poe SALE BY C. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE. W. L. SMITH, General Agent, Arkona, Ont. AY PUMP WORliS. G. BOLTON - PROPRIETOR. Having addedto my pump maohinorv, and tiro`' oared a itu'ge quantity of first-class pinup logs, I um prot,ared to offer an article Superior to any Factory in the County, and at prices that defy competition. SVa11g slid Cisterna dug on the shortost notice. Before purchasing call attire Hay Pump Works. t•=.9hop-.eine-cinaito milo port of Exeter, T,onrlon:Road. HCv L. f11`E'Y LOANED IN LARGE OR lr L small sums on erst-tato security ata mo- derato rate of interest. Apply to 1B.y. . JeLLIO'r, Solicitor, Exeter. 2dth November, 1879, 51 JUST RECEIVED AT THE EXETER GROCERY AND LIQUOR IQUuR sToRE, A LARGE STOOK O1 GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES, CANED FRUIT, SARDINE S, LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, MALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND OOIMMMON WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. Cr. A.MACE. Main Street,Exeter. DO NOT FAIL TO $1 CUT THIS OUT. $1 Good for ONE DOLLAR iu payment of pur- chase of goods to the amount of ten dollars. Only one accepted on each pulohaso of Ten dollars. • $1. LEATHORN 8:McCOUBREY. s1 LEATHORN McCOUBRE.Y. North Store, Fanson's Block, Exeter. THE NATIONAL POLICY' Raving triumphed at the polls, ISAAC CARLING is prepared to give all his customers toe betedts tthat will accrue from its adoption, and has on hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines anct Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, 'Alain Street, Exeter, which will be sold a Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trade. The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on ,the :Exeter market,which is'secoDd to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure Immense (gains here to be had in Overooating, Full -cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, aid everything noeded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited Nt-, trouble to show goods ISAAC CARL•ING SPECIAL NOTICE! :0: SA. WELL & PICKARD Are now offering at OLD PRICES a complete assortment of DRY G00CS, inclutliug Mantles, and Mantle Cloths in Great Variety. Dress Goods in all shades and colors. WTNC.TYS CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED BLACK LUSTRES direct from themanaaeturer. FLANNELS & BLANKETS very low, READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP. CLOTH & FUR CAPS ALL STYLES. MILLINERY IN LATEST STYLES. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Also full lines of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. & FRESH GROCERIES. We have also a special offering of LADIES' MINX SETS & CAPS 13e sure to oall:and sec' them .A lot of BUFFALO R013ES at special prioes. All the above goods will be offered at the very lowest prices. S l [WELL & PICKARD.