HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-4, Page 7THE rmiEs D.p AI> 1x11 4; 1870 SPECIALTIES. DIS. Wm 's Ley'reit,—We &root the at. 17,dxtttunds, D. A., DIr, lV IrwitL.and lieu, t=, h. 1ant when bisakill way *coed, to#thou of the people llt t9#ia l°onlity to. last let. I Mit011o11; B. A., with B. B. exorois,;e. nab,10 iota tl:ianlay 110 touted ter of Mr. Alfred Willson, of the °minds Com- ! session, Fridy,7.30 p. m. opeuiug exercises— iii, That ac venal sat his Lairds • CHRISTMAS NEW YEA($+ GAROS pang, The pilled of the Credit Vltucy Eng_ (lienaliug minutes • B lis IS, in., Gt#nirruuu's ad- C, ?t u4itoitlo of the Letitia- • ramie° variety. Thirties of'remember- lug their 1 n•'lish'or foreign flicuds ebonles/ism:et therm • Ser il)k)lin ; Books. n, n Infant Ue utrtln sot LvcasiotsitchL 1a ;dye one, the wraps r ion 'to slochanwa and Rttt:touta. lfrieee 5,7 and to. °Acts. LOV1 LL'S MA.`1'HT ATIONL GEOGBABB.X Vres)t siMpiy rep sivud, will, he pleased bp,for• war t saunl,l,, collies 00 aprilioaclon of teachers, wn • is nut stead, it n> )ears. What has been I_ : •au Rev. G . Clark . lite(ture •+ (lite abulic poem vets lnu)d•11 no for pnbli- 1 l dress ; teurpex co, e a , I clone iij the Committee appointed' to confer t Bev, ,f Sieved„ht; Inoslo,llev, �..A. \Villimes, t e:itiou 1Ic. 11•ay.ww,o, says 114+ wilt Write r� with the Bayfield and Ztlraelt people, with A • shorts for it, at,/ will 110%0 it 81►1i.1 to some regaicl to the oxteusiou of the Grata'Crriok s 1 popular stir, u# if •.th:4t he. fotttul µi)Itossible, 1i S (Shiley leader o the Lnt1J has 1tIu,i y i i'.1' nl : A t R4 • tn. IL i r @ # 79C 1 f t L atf.l 1 # '` � amiss for them Il l learned, but' it would not co»zu a i,l a f t t to know Wiltit pi() , a's each Cnmpa �y° is pre- 1lns refez•uu' to a Mott Itev.1;, J, Boole, 1 tht31're sops, or riche• vapor, desire, to pnb- pared to Blakc, si) thnt the people may be in a. 8er,Inotunbent of Christ Chnreh,Lxotar,ivho !lis s it; lair, Heywt1,) t 0111 mance ie, charg3. 3Va . position to know whish toad, would bo rho ,cceiltly left the C'nn;;re�;ettiozial itiimistry awl: 1 may add thea tin • +.'ntir•e. 1,..,111 11•;48 e,iuzlr08(:(1 from souse point of the nude line, we rave riot T'nl^ follewitiq extract trout "Church it ark Of r:,` i , y cheaper and offer tilt: more advantages. joined the Cherub of l ugla'id. It will be in. i iuexie ut 1ltrei a mutates h•i,. i 11u:s. • �Xg1,-zaa.r Holiday yy, .QQI ,p,..:... Buono! 1'.tvstetrr,--2he late W. Hodgson had •Im y/ s i , 2 Ids lifelnantFcl fon a2 000, of whiell one policy Scoreml'novelties atolley Toilets -es, /onetime et wits impoecod to be erompletcti and arrtauf ed by the ill ,000 in the Tiondinn Life, On:Friday last Mr. J. W. Ferguson, General Agent of Lmudon Life Insurance Co., was in town eT d. C� R IU' ' and handed the Executors a cheque/or the full Main Street, r:xotri, nut. 1 amount. The Lornpaay wore entitled to with - i) he (,"„voter 7 .jf °F! . 411o1d it for twenty clays, Mr. John U. Hynd. Cr ,`� t y man is agent for this Company in Exeter. Ur. _ — 1' e c and other leadin TIilfltS1)AY, NOV1+.1t131ilit 27, 1879 I' Gliding, Mr. Jas. l lel all, a 6 leen of the town aro iusnredio this Company : r•”-__-_--..... ��ry, To •tile London Lilo Ineurenoe Company. LV 12 Y Y S. . LOCAL. .tUth December. To-UUnnT (Tirtsday) is the first night of tho Assemblies in Keelson's Hall. Tne Centrtil Drug and Stationery tater° Makes its Cll'istmas annouueelneut this week. Wel and putehaso, Gi=.s u.1:atsa;—�i e hereby tender our t1iaulls for the prompt manner in which you, trough }•oar obliging and eillnent General Agent, Mr. f, W, Fergnsnur have settler} our claim, winged by the death of 1G'. Wharton Hodgson, with- out doing as we believe all other companies din d0tlneting the interest elnoluting to ;120, for the ninety dnya grace Which yon aro outitled to before raying. Jane Hodgson, ,J&xeoutr•ix, James Oke, Executor. ez•ee Man n our rete an.r, Sul rspe0u►. y ld 8@ 1 The Proposed 40 A. Mieye Credit Valley who be=long to the last named elinroh ; -''Om and :i'x_on hallway." Monday evenit g, the lith inst., the 11, v. 11'. ----- Robinson, lately pastor of Bethesda Ciin;;re. 20 the T;tfit,u' 0f the 1,;4.00,7•tuz, s. gational Chapel, linncorn, preached on his 'cnncientintis teasels for leaving Dissent,' iu Trinity Church, Boncorn, near Liverpool, W1zia11 was oron °led,, Ile took for bus text 1 Cor. x• 1f : 'I speak as to wise nlen; jiulge ye t`Ict,-As ltttlt' lifts of littc.bt'ett heard of the nb. ve 1 '1 Jyat, it nlzty b,i htip �• posed( b1' 80111(1 of 3'Ut11• readers that it had boon dropped. ( beg, thel•et'ure, to any that such Is by no mottos the what I say.' In the course of an- interesting Casa. AlildiCntjnn Fcir a chant t,rl 11)11 address, Sir. Robinson said he had entered the certtainly be ninth' et the et,nnlrtg hes• Church because, she lens sotnrily scriptural in slop of 6110 Lneai Itullse-811 1133; pre,. iter Articles, her tormiilnries, and Liturgy• liuuitu'V stops to that end hath,;; h0,:r1 If men proved trnito's within hor ranks, it %as taken. The early u.)ustrnetiun of that. not the Chnroh'a fault, bat her sorrow, IIo pnrtion of the w k lyina bet weer, loved the Murata, because by her system and \Voodbtool( incl St. 11ttr5'ti ttatt ttlrrntiy organization she leas bettor fitted to spread. been assured, 1111d Ra Noun 118 p"s�ii,lc: and maintain 1110 0001)01 of Christianity' after the charter ham beet obtairl0tl lits than any other 'division of Christ's Church, e'ateetion westward from tl4p the 11111M for while there was nothing to prevent the town will his aettvell' promoted. vo1nutarvirim of the peoelo being developed to A little refl. 0)10)1 01 i ll 1111 doubt con - its utmost, yet her ministry was not dependent vin co the people of Exeter and vicinity Bcsixnes is rather (hill in town owing to the Nest rear beingleapyear, the Ottawa Citizen either upon the accident or caprice of the that tt line of railway passing 1liruuoh scarcity of snow and the (loilsequent bttd con- states that expressinn8 favoring the fair sex Ivolantary principle ; ho loved the Church, Exeter from the eastward and maiming k 1 '1r i' 11 have seethe b• clition of the reeds. . making the . ow. 'car cane 1n 4 beets meals y both, soxlaa in that oily, rind that it does net pecan improbable that the ladies 11i11 exercise their leap yeah' prerogative end do the calling on the gentlemen that alae, instead of the gen- tlemen 1•isitiug them. Wo would place this matter 'taints 0nr readers as one lvorilly of panels soddenly npun nn man,bnt choose right eo nfiideratiol, and as a "lively departure” men.; ho loved the. Church because her parn- Ten Comity Connell meets in Godench this weak. Messrs. Ilardy, Hunter; IKa3'; Hogarth a11°1 Uilber left here on Tuesday lnuruing for the County capital. CRa.•rnx anal Hcnsallco•respondent° crowd= e' r chi . week. Onr North Middlesex bticlget wilted ti little tete, because the oilmen, the refinement, tee to Grand Bend and I.ot•t Friuli,— the edneation, end the ability of alt iter thence CO be ultimately extendeil to clergy, were gnnranteed, whilst the Bishops re. Saguia to connect with the United mafnetl faithful to their solemn trust to lay buttes System- presents to (hem rntt011 re}L,1r.t► cant e6 t! 1111i•Iit er.alic Louse urn extremely scarce in this town. Not even n dog fight, an elopement, a murder, a broke( leg—in foot, nothiug of interest has deemed. this long time to break the wearisome :ru.,uotuny of every stay's experience.. from the. old time state -Of atiair'4. AS fru' a= °hint network_ embraced the smallest village *bare concerned, we will he most happy to ,and the largest town equally, 01111 this might remain at home on that day, mull snake it on1 htltMess to remove wraps, bnneete, 4:c., so be amplified andl extended as exigency might mance their owners as comfortable as possible. regnire, while it was lint °cinched to migrate Ladies show that yon favor wometi s rights. w'th the better class of the population to the Meetings to take the subject into consideration advertised free, on condition that it is decided that coffee be the only beverage offered to the fair visitants. Trims For:4n.—Last week we expressed n hope fret tidings might yot be received of the Oa Satmrtlay last, Mr. John Willis, of Ere- safety Of Dr. J)oune and wife, who were pas- ter, Snipped a number of cattle totlte Bourne sengers on the ill-fated Wembley) which found• market, end on Monday, ,111•. WW'illiann Balkwifl creel in Georgian Bay. But there is not the took several head to ;,Io)treal. The sltipmeut Slightest doubt now that they with all their fel- of Canadian cattle to the United States ante 10W-pnseengers, as well as the crew of the boat, prohihite•1 on and after the first of the present have perished. A telegram in Monday's po- lnonth. pens says : -The taints of °entrain Bnrkott, of the'VVaubuuo,was fnnnd thin sidle of The Hay_ A.joint stock company composed of a noni- siaelrs by one of the men s:'arehing for remains her of the energetic young ,n 11aniee 'of the df the wreck. He deposited the trunk on of Place, has been formed fur the purpose of the islands clpse by, and went back and resnn�l- ereeting and running a large planing mill, 0d the swell. To his surprise, he found on whl011 will be halt nearly opposite the Station 'itis re=turn that the tz'tutk had bean forced. Street. Tho foundation US been built of open and everything stolen ont of it. The brick, and the establishment is expected to ba rem. who found the trunk offers to give the complete early in the next year: names of the parties ivho burst it open if the proper persons will come and look after thein. I7oitnr Douoe's trunk, containing his stook of medicine's rind .some other things, has also been secured, and it is in possession of the man who found it, who is willing to give it to the proper parties as soon as they claim it. A 1renohman living in the French settie'nent Y. P. 0; A-. Covcriv .--Tne sacred concert hid iu the 11. C. Church on luo5dny night, 11(18 well attended', considering the Very in• clement weather. Tire programme was well i),trriatt out. Tlie singing of Airs. J. N. Hooper, 'Hisses Verity, Messrs Roberts foul Southeott Was very acceptable, as was the reading of I near Pouotaugniahene,lvho.lids been gathering Miss Butcher and ,lir. H. C. Brewer. I up some of the wreck, is snit) to have obtained about four 1111n,11•etl dollars worth of iinnr and T.n1 Scow. --The weather has been rather other staff. The Indians and half-breeds Iiv- eecentric (luring, the Last week, Last Tliurs• tag on the islands near the wreck are having a g` rieh harvest. iiaj• there was a good depth of snow, with a prospect of permanent good sleighing. But on Couwrl' nF Honox SAARAlii SCHOOL Amer?, that evening a heavy rain set in, and on Fri- TIOS.—Theseventh manual Convention will be day morning thnro was not a trace of the snow held at Wi.ngllatn, on 1+h•lrsley mild Friday, December 111.11 12111, 1879. All Sabbath School workers, of r.11 dnnominatoins, are invited, but each school in the enmity is expected to send one or more delegates, Billets for homes will be given to delegates rind Visitors on their ar• rival. A reception committee will be at the Canada Methodist. Church for this pnrptwe, It is specially requested that those who hate nd being present, send their 110,nes to John Bec- louds, loud Secretary, baler the 8th inst., that it may be ]shown what nnmber may be expect- ed acid provided for. The following is the programme 1. -First SesSion,Thuraday, 2 p.m., devotional exercises ; 2.30, p, m„ verbal re- ports of the state of the Work in the county t 5.18 p. nn, what can the Association do to °s- tout and perfect S. 8, work in the county ? Mr. J, B. Miller ; 3.45 p. m., what difficulties are met with in the S, S. weak and how they are overcoat°. Mr. D. 11. Wilson ; 4.15 p. in.. what enootragetnouta ? Bev, A. McLean. Ap- pointmentof committees, and P4esidents ad- dress. Second Sessiou, Tliiirsday, 7.30 p. ln.. devotional e3ereises. Reading minutes ; 8 p. m.,the chains of the S. S. upon the beat: talent of the church. Bev. 11. Thomas ; 8.30 p. m., the duty parents owe to the S. S. Bev, J. Pritchard ; 9.00 p. an., what has S. S. work ne- anywhere to be seen, Saturday. a considerable tlnantity full again, butt the soft roads and the rays of the ani soon cleared it all. Tanneterrt Orau eon vs. Doo. -011 Tuoeday Morning hast an interesting discussion took place between a Ndwfolundland dog alai street and our worthy telegraph operator. The ermine seized the operator, probably mistaking Hiro for a piece of beef. Being musat,lar, the operator in turn seized the dog—liow ho got away wo don't know, brit he thinks people in towns should keep their cross dogsttiod upt especially when they are so immoral as to attack good looking people, WE have received on invitation td attend a Sunday School Convention in Wrngham on the 11th and 12th inst., cnn»led with n request that we lumolince it from the pulpit next Sun- day, and remember it at the weakly prayer meeting. The Secretary of this Convention does not seem to share in the general opinion that editors Are 0 disreputable lot of fellows, but rather nssnmes that their time is divided between editorial and ministerial labors. ,Such is the "fitness of things" anyway. ViStro I TITxer CAeTttm:n.—On Monday last, compelled. Red. D, G. Suther'and, B. D. Detective Gill, of Exstar, received a telogram I Third Session, Friday, 9 a, m., Bible reading from Clinton describing 0 man who had stoleu a watch from a fanner in' that town and re. t eating him to look ont for the nam. Mr. Gull thettght he had observed a Ivan answering the description get off the train in the morn- ing, and after ascertaining that he had gone in the direction of Dashwood, the Detective start. t+d'+tttot Nihil and 8nco0edod in effecting•hiseali tntvint one of the hotels. 'the prisoner, who The loountry has bemfltted by 1'rclteotinu, 1,11 W. I. T R O T T wishes to protect the health awl pnuit(ta of the l nhi.e, Dud has cue of the 'Best a s Cls ^st Stocks I FI,It Of. i?..itaiss IN 1;xl i'fsIt, and is anebl l to sr 11 It p,t 's. that ft'.fy.oninp^- t4twu, 11c, wood also. vetoes; e,lt those iu went,,, A•'11tsT-('L.tSe ITuilli.•�.A1,t ZS 'Dots wad T•v s that he is enemies from 1 ant experie)•^e to sop- lr'} th4*n with: mutt W .1) )$ivt' rtri,lnt ,lens : s hu itd4h m„tltfl.r, h;a'tbP t, .ht ra' 8)0 11 anti Plnl,to\•rr hose l4.tt-rho best of 1)' j mnu , Tobecuuviucoal of bless Setts, wail slid see. 1 ii', H. TT1tf)TT, hxeter, October »'3,19;0. tf ,�yLt4�tllL�95II'CQ•.3..61�[•tAw+i.nn.YYl 19L1'4� I?. -ley, 155; Maty Bella -Jit. TWEED. Att;lrosv Ii'.cld, 815 ; Gen, Stacey, 300; t+itl. Eilteaingtu,1; 280 ; `Vilheludlla1 hjtld, 2130; 11Iiii��a 'C•ntn, 180 ; [:1, 11ttrris,145; Peter Mt'Flrinne S;Ilcolix Donn. Enoltro iiu Ev ld, 470 ,• Cat hot illy F,, re, 46t): ; \regait' j; Heti n.g• tnt1, 13110 ; r ktnr ,Elo -iley, 835 ; 1.r-0 Be ley, 245 ; .7e•:sii' Mex. ndoi, CO ;; B. i eslr'v, 4 ).—FIuwr Fl11ttiI, Ilam To BR s1I ,;1, —A few: clan's ego Mir. Horton, • of the hound:try lino, 1st Itis hnr4os pmt hose to neater when one f diene, t► mare hi'uvy with foal, Ruth• ped incl fell end broke once of her lege. She hail *to be shot. sy.fief g t ti tages, b •t t 1• summer, than any line terminating at North Fficld;eeex. Bayfield, or even at G101erich. Truly :tours, A L3'H1?D WVlt,r,8 11 . lltitcheit, £ 43V. 27111, 1879. sahul•ba, and desert the laboring few in tile ('o t/te 1';rlihrro/ £/ou 11rxr'8. streets of the Morn who could not afford to live outside ; he lovedrtbe Church becanse of the Sfe•--Will Von kindly allow me metrial organization to carry ont the command 1.8 R0: ill 3'onr p.Lt4er to call the atteu• of the Saviour to feed His lambs ; he loved, tion of the village authorities t•) a by - the Clutreh, among other reason:, for the derp' spiritual fervor and comprehensive penning of her Liturgy. He shonld be thankful for all 1ne bad anffered,for the hart study, for the eecee,'- ing difficulty which it was for a Nouconformi t t to get into the the Chn-eh, to the privilege rl for oxen, ns 11e gas that morning, to read tbr,t wonderful ILitnrgy. To him it Was n precious thought that no •Southey dawned without mil!, lions, in all Darts of the r•orld, reading the � 'dontical same portion of Scripture, pourirg out their .petitions in the pamo language. It concerned him very little whet the world ont- side might say ; but he did ask them, as 1''s congregation—nay, he appealed to them. as wise men and as Christain sten, to believe' that what he had done wad conscientious y done." and prayer mooting ,conducted by the Presi- dent ; 9.46 a. m., rending minutes ; 10 a. in.' the teaeliere mental anti sp'ritnal preparation. Rev. ,L. Caswell ; 10. 45 a. in, the importance cif normal classes and how conciliated. Mr. 1,. F. Moore 11,15 a. m., the Bible the S. S. text book, Bev. ' John Gray. Pottrth Session, Friday, 2 p. tn., devotional exorcises—Beading minutes ; 2.15 p. m., election et officers, and gave Ills name as Itoily, from near St. lttary s, , arrangements for next convention ; 2.,15 p. m., Wa8 taken before 'Squire Gidley, ,and after a haw to Beoure'a deeper religions feeling in the prellnninarr examination was Committed 10 S. S. Bev. W. Baugh ; 5,15 p, re..mass meet. Goderioh3 ail to await his trial. i tug of children, to be addressed by Bev. P- G. Ha+a — A Song of Triumph. Coninnsed by John Heywood, champion of the Exeter Chin Club, on the oceasiou of winning the Gun Club cup._ There was a shooting match at Exeter, It was for the silver Cap. These are the defeated, And ihow they were wetted up. The first was F. G. Simpson, A man of noted skill— Ho Clone his very best Eight out of tentokill. But when t11e referee Declared the match was won, He gathered up his traps, Anc1 to the village run. The second is Mr. Lake, A man of no great skill— Ile clone his very best Eight out of ten to kill. - But ns the 1nat0h in question Drew nearer at the cud, He shot the seeozld barrel His object for to gain. The third is W. Bissett Hismerits is not so high' -- He made a splendid start, But spoiled it in the tie. In shooting off the tie The sun was shining bright, It glittered on the barrels, Aud spoiled the shooter's sight. Tho fourth is A. T. Bright, A tailor very neat -- He done his very best .. His opponent to defeat. But when the match Was over, Aud half his birds got free, He quickly leftthe field, And said no oup fol mo, The fifth was old Sid. Fairbairn From Ihltisal1 village came. There's not a ma in Exeter Has risen to such fame. Altltongh he got defeated, As everybody knows, Ile never talks of shooting,now, Nor seldom ever blows. The sixth is Tommy Monett, He made a little too stare That he could beat the farther As he did old Corky Moore. law whiell as it stands is an injustice to the business mon of the place. I re- fer to the bylaw legulatilig the license of transient trader. I understand the fee iulpo-ed.is the nominal one of $2 a day.. Now, • Sir, I, with the ether business then of the place, consider this very unfair to the men who do a legiti • (nate trade,; who buy and sell their goods in tbaxegalar course of business.• Wo live here and pay our taxes every year., alnonnting to a good sum, and yet on pay lag the small aulcunt above mentioned any. stranger who . has not the steadiest interest iu the place can come il:itt Conn and audios/ off any a'llatint of goods, depriving the regular dealer of the trade which he pnys taxes to do. Itis a first ()lase w11y to keep Sauk a town. Where this is petlllitted, people cannot be induced to invest,. their 'wool. in business, nor Jan they be blamed, and in this way the town i lose more than they gain by the paltry ' fee. The councils of, cities and other towns see the necessity of doing snme- thiud to protect their merchants -from this anfltir competition, and in many places the fee is so high that these itinerant veudora give them a wide iberthlaud make forphicostwhicll careless for the right of their own people. II dp- ing, sir, that the ronncil will see the necessity of doing snfnetlling in the way spokeu of. I remaiu, $Dura Dema, Jtr4Trcr. [The matter tint canses the com- platut of our correspondent is one that has attracted a good deal of atteution. There is a good deal of truth in what he says. It is nefair to the town mer- chants, and as log as the license is email we do not blame strangers tak- ing every advantage they can. Bnt theft interests are riot identicial with thainterest of the town, but, as our correspondent points out rather anta- gonistic, and if the council eau protest those business men who are )sere, and thus induce others ter iocate here per- ?nattily, we consider it their duty to do 8O. ---ED. Trst 8. Lnmtev. EDUCATIONAL.—The standing of the pupils in our sohool,with marks obtam- 1d for good crwducs null gonerlI pro- emency for the month of November, is ae follows 1 Susie Stacey, 590 Katie Elleritlgton, 570; Jessie Anderson, 510 ; Is belle Aiotienn, 800 ; Arnold Iiowertnaii, 875; Thos. Bowerman, 320; Helen Birhop,280 ; 1VIagie Glenn, 140 ;, Aif. Cndrnore, 110 ; 118: Cndtnore, 65. —Foment J'OR\f. Bolt, Ellering- ton, 895 Elizabeth Greenwood, 850 ; Ester I:lurton, 845 ; goo. I:ydd, 810 ; Rachel Bish.lp, 170 ; Jonathan Speed, 85.-Stz. Tillan, Thos, Greenwood, 460; Dorcas Horsey, 445 ; Alex Mc- Farlane, 825; Agnea Simmons, 295 Geo. E'therington, 270 ; 1{nbt. Honey 270 ; Caroline Cann. 265 ; Maggie p'yfo, 220; Geo. McFarlane,. 205 ;, W Mr. Brntltlin, of Tlie,l`fh•rl, is ship- ping lambs to 134f:too and -lige to Montreal. The iarge Slnnlcel'ipn of 1Sr. Carnell's mill, at Thedturti, was blowerdown during the stormnn Thnrednj' l.islftwtl w:Ls considerably damaged. Seventeen dollars in silver was an immense fmtulut to be found to the T1,•ellfQt'd bltrber shop 'et title litno, but it'ail -dist►ppeared on Friday night under the expert hands of the burglar. If you -are 20 to 24 vearx 11141: young man, and ever interrcl to take unto yourself a Wife, alio` is noti, Living. Pray for her every day. Alii at the sante time pi't13 for Tier husband -he play 1101(1 it ae ntneli as she doe.. Several farmers burns have been re- cently robbed of grain they 9onteined. Especially have the Plymptoryftrtners beene111ferors. Art o t►e1011a1 ,nirini;alt visit by the OWTlera to their gran arias, anti a few c'x4rn gnarler dol- lars laidout in good lucks nod bolts might be n pt event aline. %Ir. A. Tiller's barn, Tliedfotd, was burned down on 'Monday hignt. Loss $800; insured for $800. The little dnugbter of W. Hall, of the lake shore, who ltocompaitied her father to the place where lot salted his cattle had iter eye almost torn eat by the horn of one of t11e impatient aus- The Schooner Augnste, haring en- countered some very high winds'otl•ber Way to Sarnia, (Onitnellced. shell a r441 - ling mntinn ati 10 coarse the tackling viotelltly to more to and fro, ecce of the pu11y blocks having struck Robert Fits - :Ewald on the Head, caused Lis death s ten after thin stroke. The new 000felluws Hall at Harriss- rill() was opened on 26 inst. by DI'., Campbell and klr. Stewart of Toondon. After the usttai exercises .a grand con- cert was given. to a cr •wdod house, J. S. .Deans, of Ails; Craig the renowned comic singer was prf sent, tt0 likewise was B. T. oley, M. P. P., who felt hap - rettpeeted ill the towntthip. John Dalzicll's , bartj, Grand *Send, was lately tieatreyed bi'` axc3 itici>,tre4, P3'• We I 1 07 die volt like the last butter I. Fent you in 2 Didn't, like it at all, it conldrl't be good so many different colors in it. Oh that's clothing, if you come ortb, to the faro I can show you a great many more colors in the cows. There is one cow MA site alone has as many colors as there is in the• butter. N0I3TR 11111)DI sss:x 11111C10 (.—Ailsa Craig,Nov. 25th --White wheiCt,$123 to $128 per bush.; red wheat,$128 to 128; spring wheat, $115 to $115; barley, 5() • to $50; oath, 34 to 84; eggs, 17 cents per doz.; letter, ' 113 Dents pot pound ; potatoes, 45 cents per bushel ; apples, 80 cents; Wool, 26 cents; cordwood, $1.50 I Toa Bx.itcg To:tornu.--A. sad calamity' has betatron the Household of lvlr.Mioh- al Collision, Proof Line, a leading 13id- rinrp)i farmer. About two weeks ago one of his .daughters was attacked by a malignant type of diplittieria, errnne- onsly called the block tongue. The pie) tete* trickly , harried away, and three other girls followed their sister to the grave in rapid en00ersjon. At tame of writing Noy.29 n fifth daughter lies at the , point of death. The utnloeti eeneternrttinn prevails in the neighbor- hood, and ranch sympathy is expressed for the nffiicted Enmity, who are greatly