HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-4, Page 66 THE TIMES D ZM?2lgn 4 1879 The Capture et the Rumor. as TOLD EY THE CUILIANS—TUR SMALL REMNANT or ADMIRAL GRAD, Panatna, Nov. 22, --The Milian report of the capture of the Huasoar differs but little from; the Peruvian reports. The only part of admiral Grau's body that ootild be found was his foot and leg, identified by his boot. Taking in- to consideration the prisoners and wounded and dead, over sixty of the Huasoar's crew are still missing, It is believed some were blown overboard, and many annihilated. The Haas - car's engines are in good order; $80,- 000 will put her in fighting order. It is stated that Admiral Gran's note book seriously implicates many people on the coaste,icteresled by nationality, in the war. At the time of the Hues - car's surrender it was difficult to find anyone to run the risk of coming up to lower the flag, four in sueoessiou hav- ing lost their lives in the attempt, un- til it was euceessfully accomplished by a negro. "NOT A SOUL SAVED." LOSS OF THE LAKE STEAMER WALrnUNO.— SHL I5 SUPPOSED ? TO HAVE GONE DOWN WITHOUT A MOMENT'S WARNING NO TR,A.CE oe THE CREW OR PASSENGERS. Collingwood, Ont., Nov. 2G.—The tug Mary Ann returned 'Wednesday night from the scene of the wreck of the steamer yWaubuno, with portions of the upper works, several mattresses and other articles, all of which belong- ' ed to the ill-fated steamer, ;after mak- ingathorough and diligent search of two days, aud fiudiug nothing of the crew or passengers. Mr. T. Long, Secre- tary of the Georgian Bay Tl•anspora- tiou Company, who was on board the Mary Ann, gives it as his opinion that the `STaubnuo has foundered between liope Island and gone Rock, and that all on board have perished. The fact of not finding the remains of the three b rate leata.s it to be supposed that she sank almost simultaneously, and be• fore the boats could be got vut of the davits.' Parry Souud, Nov. 26.-.\ttwo o'cio k Wednesday afternoon the tug Ddillie Grew, accompanied by the tug Rescue, returned to Parry Sound from the scene of the wreck of the Steamer 1'daulenno. The captain reports hav- ing examined a number of o•lt-tying islands, lint not the slightest trace of the passengers or crew was found, nor is there any probability that a soul es- caped. A great quantity ;of pieces of the upper r.wurae of the steamer were strewn along the shore, and also a quantity of freight. Several oars at d life preservers were found, hut no trace of the two woodeu boats. The tng Mary Aran arrived at the islands from ColIingwood at about nine o'clock Wed nesday morning, with ;Mr. Long, the Secretary of the Georgian Bay Trans- portation Company, aud several others lairs. Wm. Clinton, an old resident of Peterboro,' fell tan the sidewalk on Friday and injured :her head eQ that she died an hour after. The fisheries on the Labrsdorlooaet have this fall been a failure, the, her- ring catch being the worst •that has been known for many years, Beautiful black and white marb le, which is said to equal either "Vermont or Italian marble, is now being mined about Beaver Cove in British Colum- bia. Two firms of Selena, county of Wel- lington, Ont., are sending one, a double oe;rriage, and the other a set of single mounted harness to a customer at Natal, South Africa. The old warship "Pyramus," cap- tured by Admiral Nelson fromthe Danes in one of his famous engagements, and which served as a trauhingship tit Hali- fax, N. S., has been sold for $7,000. Port Colborne and St. Catharines papers complain that hardly a vessel a day has reeen tly been going down the the Welland Canal, while the Erie Canal has been crowded to its fullest ea paoity. At Carleton (N. B.) three persons have been poisoned by drinking gin, which contained strychnine. How the poison got there has not been discover. ed. The poisoned people are recover - The managers of the Prospect Park, Niagara Falls, aro improving the con- nection of the electric lamps iu such a manner that they will be able to use the light on the ice scenery this coming winter. John Dent, gunner of the marine a''- titlery, letter earlier for H. M. S. "13e1- lerophou" for some time, deserted ou Saturday, with all he could lay his hands on in the ehepe ,of money. He He is believed to have gone to Bos• ton. The steamship "Eii•ene," wrecked ou the Labrador coast while on a voyage ;rum Montreal to Liverpool with bread- stuffa, was purchased at auction by D. H. Pitts, of Halifax, for -x170. Divers will be sunt to the coast to save the cargo. Gibson Grey, an old man aged 79, of Fouthill, county of Welland, Ont., ,while carrying a coal -oil lamp iu his hand a-fsw nights ago, stumbled and fell, his clothes catching fire, and was so severely burned tbat he died shortly afterwards. Tete large saw mill of E. T. Bank, Dixville, was destroyed by fire on the 4th inst. The property was insured. Many persons will be thrown. out of work by the event, Mr. O. Baldwin had about $1,000 worth of lumber des- troyed by the same fire and, he es wain - silted. A nuwbor of the members, of the Wiunipeg Historical. Society, arse. n. paniect bee puofessor. Bell and: kis.geolo- gical staff, a ISAR days ago excawated:au Iudianmound, en, the banks of the Rad peculiar and terrible bellowing which' denoted that he was thoroughly arose. ad. It was impossible for any ono to assist young Forepaugh. The least move would have hastened the end, The elephant keepers and train loaders stood epeechlese, helpless and aghast. In the meantime Diok starts for the prostrate form of young I'orepaugh, and soon he would have pinned hint to the earth with his, long ivory tusks, or tossed Lim high in the air, But there seems to have been an- other move in the midst of the excite- ment, and not on the part of the circus men. The other elephants standing near, waiting to be loaded, seem to be come excited, and of a sudden old Betta,the monster elephant of the herd, who had witnessed the peril of her master, ran with a speed that seemed incredible considering the enormous hulk, and threw the force of her four tons weight against the side of the ad- vancing and nlnrderogs Diok. The shook of the colliding elephants was fearful, upsetting Dick and throwing him on his side. Quick as a flash Forepangh's son was on his feet. Old Betts threw down her trunk at the signal just as she clues in the performance and lifted her mas• ter on her head. Every time the re -1 e;ieant Diek arose he was met by 8,700 pounds of elephant flesh against his ribs until he laid down and trumpeted signals of distress in acknowledgment of his defeat, having had enough. Dick was then loaded on ilithout difficulty. but for the wonderful intelligence of of old Betts, Master Forepanl.,h mint, have suffered serious injury, if, indeed, be escaped with his life. _Kt xe'ter T orti L FLOUR, and GRIST MILL, Being in good working order gives every aecunt- dation possible in gristidg and flouring. Ulotr and mill feedcteiivered to parties leavins' their orders b, rm.. ono °Woe]: at J. B1;I,T,14 Battery, or O'BYT(N E & CO'S, or at mill same day o -- TERMS C SEi. --0-- W M. Ca EXETER 1' 0. R. FOWLER'S EXT. WILD Strawberry • 0. Specific Remedy for all Summer Complaints such as Diiirrho;a, liy. sentry, Canada ('ltolmm Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infaanta-in, Sour Stomacb, (wiping Iaius, and all idem ngetneuta of the howcls„taus- ;ed by using improper food;, sucli.as raw vet;etebl1s„ unripe- or sone 1 fruit, bad IA k, impure, waster or ti chango of water, changes of ilho ` seasons, exposure. No matter from 1 what cause or in what form you are ,subject to any of the above coin- 4pladnts, .Ln. EDWID?('SrE]'r:nnM T OF ,' VZ.T.na STRAWBERRY will, reiieve •you,- and a speedy: cure will be effected without in}plty to the system:. It is manufactured from the. Wild Strawberry Intuit, and free• from , opium doth other injurious drugs. 'For sale:by all dealers, atls. on- 3 Bottles for Ill/4.0&n I?Ra7eAnun DY ,1IikInBIIIM„B.E1 TLEY & PEARSON TP3i:YtO.YTO. - ou board. She left for Collingwood at River t.bout seventeen miles =nth. of '+ ri• CRO J1.'Z t se ow• nnipeg,.. and found a large number �? at about eleven o'clock, taking the me- of skeletons,, several Atone implements, tante life -boat, which had formerly Iral'row heads, speeiinens of pottery. SMALL PRO;<7a7tt,AND UIPK,If ?;LJJififJS. been found, bottom up. A party nro lisped,• bead, ornameuts„ Lite of champs Q red ochre, ect. TUSSLE MITRAN, ii:LB13AN•T.. TEAS, sTJGARs, TEAS, COFFEE,.C,OCOA, COFFEE,. One of Forepaugh's e1aplinnt'a,.Dirall,,. NUTS, S,PICES,.ESSENCES,. is, occasionally troubleso.11e,. and' yoiuig trainer .ueariy lest his life by one RICE;OATIIEAL,POT BARLEY of his freaks. OYSTERS, SALiKON, LOBSTERS, Recently, MLancastereN..EL Diok . again got into the tauAsams, aud after A). usual performance, in the arean,. VINEGAR . reftul}ed .to embark. and. take his place iv.ill> tris mates iu the Elephant Palace (Cast o.fi•Forepaugh's own, train.. Young Foropaugh, who had, remained, ate the exhilp,tion, was sent for,, aud. galloped down from the tent on, b,orsebaak:,.and after eaityin;g ttbe keepexs,, who ware putting a safe distance between them and bluff, Dick, proceededa to order the refraetoryauimal into the ear,.. Fur thea nonce, Dick stubbornly stood, his ground, and refused to. badge all inch, suet trumpeted and threw his tusks frogs, side to site iu a threatening. manner. Yottug 'Adam realized the situation at once, and riding tr1;r ta,; Dick, he ordered him to 'rni le nen; -irilhenndersigned.woulcli+lfoam t.heinhabi- tbat is go furwavdeand at the sarne•tiane•.1 tants of Exeter ands vieii iitythat he hatff. tapped him with his whip. raid seem, :OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP ed to be a signal "ou the part of the ani- •oue.toor south ofhis'nlacasinithshopandhopos mal, of war,, and the next instant the thes ante liberal patronage that has bean ac oordedto liiiniuthe now engaged in securing any freight that may be worth leaving. Mr.. Stan, key. of Parry Sound, is on the spot• with his yacht, making a b'.lorough; search fur survivors. Dominiolr The population of Collingwood ie 4,- 336. Peterborough ismoving fur a public• park. St. Thomas is agitating for new ex- hibition buildings. The gold fever in the Maritime Pro- vinces is spend"r,ng.. 0peraitions.hae been commenced on the Iialrfix.. sugar refinery. Rapid City is now to have a regll:1tir ita.ge from Portage la Prairie. An effort is being In1Ld• itu ;Kingston and Belleville to abolish,roa'l'to11s. Coe fanner ra, Manitoba is Beading 1,000 bushels of wheat to Ontario, bhis fia(.1( The Brownsville, Cheese Company have retilizad 12}c• to lac for their cheese, The Ming of Militia has expres- sed himself favorably in, the .,natter o6' laid adju.tar: te, F fur hundred and forty-one hogs-. heads of sugar trek)shipped from aalrl boy leas soeauingly Attained. bar the shock k he hod reetaty A Bind, lacy bu/ a EXCkLLE?.3;;7' 1� O 1 I.GKLL\',G. ORANGES, LEMONS, FRUITS, GENUINE„I,t�i.IAN. CTJAUIIE POWDER.. SCALED HERRINGS, TOBACCO,. CIGARS, ,SNUFF;. 115 A full assoetment of, forst-class Family Groceries in stoak;.cheap-as.the cheapest. GEO.EXMP, Main.street,.Exeters. NEW .BUTCHER `HOP darilitgls y was unhorsed. Adam Fore atA0•$SMTTI( AND WAGON MAETNO paugh, Ir., is not yet 18, years of age, ltnowillboextoadOaltOhfm int}]s uowbranch6 though in spite of his extreme youth,, CaOness, Ills lneatwagon 'wiIioall atthe rosi- hs: ham, no evil,' as an, animal trainer, dents of tbo villagethreetinieteacl woekand it being an iuh.eti,ted, gift. 'e ataautly all wail e:xcitoment it.. The tC a eu fax to Boston Ttiot a r,, it/ elle, sfaam• I fe , feet from, flys, en:iaged D.itilh,, who �liyp "(ittrrolL" I with his truixk,1 igh ib tlxle. Aria,, miulit FRESH MEAT alt k,nets kopt cohstanfd3 >.n, hands at, aria butohorshop., Biacksmithing and wagonm:akingearri.d on as;uai ai,1na al7hit■ bre )1 i; s B... DANIS.. Urntiert:a,kelr f7fTOULD SAY TO YV teoso hate i,ntrnd purchasing to do ro AVM ttte ulanufaoturex, The dealer who buys be soil ngaiu Rntlet ahOCaisaxidy have a profit. We claiur to gtvothe pul;ohaecra the benefit, *blob. oestuot full to moot the views of the Crangore, Our el511elrera3 are leas than those of catty rnann curers oonseqnout. 1' we can sellohoaper. C. S. GIDTAEY, r u d IPIA.rni.ttare Ada r ti l 1, c tri i' a a.' s 7 as WOULD' call siaoelalattention. to our undortalting depart cuont,wlaieh iH 11101•e (:0M11- 1'lOtO than e't•er, r, wo have. ,tddod 80'0510 DOW dosigne, of late The best coffins.. caskets sltrouals,and every.. 'nnoral requisite at the. lowest price~. Our new' Hoarse is pronounce(' ley,' competent 1ullos to be. second t0 nor.o in,. that. provinces Emblems of all the Different Soo tie TIN THE EX.LTEi STOVE R if ' THS 3nbscribcr bogs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s'tl;roundingloonn-. try, that ho has oprnod a TIN and 8 POVill DEPOT in the store nrrardy, opposite Mi'. G.. A. Maces Grocery and Liquor store, Main street, Exeter, whore he is p. epaered tu-fi11 aliorde,a. for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves' At Manufacturers” Pices. Tinware, 'cheaper than the clie tpest., and lilt:adie tap by l raeticri} workmen on, the premises, Erivo-Troughingdnne to order,. Carrie te Mating a Specialty. Coal eil'Ghitazitys, the, very hest and none Cheaper. u Intending purchasers will always find me ns rrty post, ready to atter al to rag own business - and prepared at all ti:mos to treat customers courteously and supply them• with a good and.: cheap article, Depend upon it that nowhere can you get better value for your money. The very highest price iu Cash pia for Hides and Sheep skins,, E H. SPACEMAN. Exeter P 0, Oetol•er ka" nano and NI l�Irt,rin rI �, �� -k�� �:� � ,�-•ter;` _ . etS I Tali I,i.IId' 7 OF THE t J. Sewin Xa 1r� Machine, !THE! LARGEST AND BEST STOOK :OF'� Silverware, China and. Reif ever seen la- the West, at .• loa.mi�+'�l' i ETC $'.. lir,Mr.Dttewhasjast received an excellent stock o Silver r, a Setts, leu t ter Coolers,Douhle an d Single ' Pickle Ciutets, Cake Bas1-ets,Card itecoiveret,ern- mullion Set ts, ete.,of the Bes tQnadruplu and Tr iplo Plate, and is offering the saute. atprices that alit. ASTONIS11 YOU FOU CHEAPNESS: Re has j ust opened out a new and complete as- sortment of China, Glass and Stoneware. large stock ofLalnpsjnstarrived. Callandsattisfy: yourself as to quality and timeliness. Cornu lint`. {+t,ry our instarneuts. Music Teaoher still on #llama. Services at lowest figures. Special attention called to the Raymond Sewing. 'Machine. Organs lima Pianos uusurt tssoit fuer beauty of design, and quality of tone. I b'` r II 111 .a; esus•ewe. 11 iI E. DREW. 1879) FALL, (1879 — o OLD IIELIA131,11 HOUSES` All aMimes , and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money, scarce, it is in..the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the nl ticle he wants - at thelowestrate. In calithg your at.bention 10 my pt'eseut stook, 1 10 50 with ovosy confid, anne;,it; beim, nhooecarafut]y assorted and selected than that of any previouesoason. 0 In the Dry Goods Every dopai~txrian+b e-oopplet'awith the most seassonableand fashionable fabrics, marked atr. prices which should, oenimand the attention of the very. closest buyers. THEORDERAD CLOTH!F Ci•sti11 ales MR. 1,17. IVES at it..11ead' Ins Millinery UnderthemanagenoutofrM s•slibGloglilbn,we can suit the most fastidious:. Our stock of Groceries, Boots and: Shoes,,, Canadian, English and; Ateriaan1 • Shelf anal EIeavy Hardware cite otf:tate largestand best assorted iri,tbe County;. Intending purchasers will consultthein 1 best interests by examining, mystock before going elsewhere. It Will pay you to call at- I't °LELLAND BROS' r. , " vi rS ELOCIE, 0 For your Dry -Goods; Groceries, Etc;. • Everything reduced to suit the h ird times:. a • COTTONS OF ALL. CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. Be sure and call before buying Swots to (ardor at startling figures. McCLL1i LANb EROS.