HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-12-4, Page 1Wit,;+ ants 'V.;,)1 y ,Q r' Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, December, 4, 187 . No 16, vi31)V1::Inn- LIS C', THE IRI T11O S.t.f,l' AN l?4t"l'tr,ltl7vl' 1 \lt'{,f•nt0 11041ento0u11,011tt Lm•.lou 1•11' 1, dr.t ^.,.u;,a 1 ).1 of tit11( 100, otter• tho vih,tgn of .:co•t'i•• .\, h to Jl.t, ll, V. I•:L1..0T, 4 tiiei- t.,r, I•,+t't>r. \ngust13 1'70 f It) .U.1%N 1.' 1+'Uit t1 TI tali Ur' '1'I1 I,11 '1 1'P.43 . •-3,,* tictl'r0Vuit tit nits of `,.,o bon dco,l stag,; oa'li, to large bank blow nod (ItIo hull hone uu ea'tkt 9 -tun, Phu till' tufa(.lr• (:,11 ill nit/1'1410 n or nt•tis. nt to )• •.i tit t ` Ili Poo, Lt,r ittt•tJi11 dirticllam, apply on the prom Nes to Ss', or li. QJt 1'1' IY, lot 1, ,an, I, !lxetn• Y. 0., • 7L�1Alt'i 1hC1i S1L1t,.—I,t U 0 I 11.0 . . Leen, Random, 5e atuas,:10 acres 4t1+u.tt, rllol,p;xl, gond bink hoose, gond atablo, wall fuuee'h Nand. 0<(v11011t, '111 111.10.181101.0. Ilir a, utilt';'t0111 1',irt Blake, Whore boats ran three tt.ita's a tve,'tt, and of tuila from Cram]. ilea, I, C nn•euiuut 11 tilt' 1 idle codas, au good roan, t,ctts 04,13.3 8IiUi1Av 1)I;S,Tdll, DIN.; , Sir.+N trr11.t 1.11Aitll FOR 13 .lens.—Lot 14, CON - e. ne t.,itnt to, Sto14:011, uttntnittiv4 1110 acres. 70 rwr�1l uloarr.1 (;u'al 1 rt linos, and fr.', .to bum, •it(t(11, ttcad rota±, omits Al, gem! Led fruit, The free± to w •11 fc•t1w td. and in a good stato of colli- vatlnn. '1'lturu isis 1IL(( quantity of black !nib, also a lit r••r fu9l t wall, i'ur terata apply to 1' la- ()reilitou. Junes itUtNI FOR LE 11'it'8,cances- :eauu 10, Usbnrne. S'e'venty acres more or 1•ws, sixty 'Lanni 011(t'00 arts 111 11 00x1 4tato of enl- t[rrttinn, t;oa.l fr.t.'no lh new thee Cru• to barn. log :•*ables,;400.1 well of wttor, s1n•inq creak muting a,.ros.the ltl.t•o,:1ualo'lees. For farther it irtiwtL•tr.i, anply 011 tn,t uretn(;es or by totter to T'311N 1S11t1C,it:irktou1.0.,Ontario. tear 311, 1876. tf. i`t:1.li•M FOR SALE. -1'11141 SUB- , ,ovibor otters for sale his iltt•1u, T.at la, 11.)11. 1 t. Tr> nship of Uabytrue County of Unroll s, t rna',lno at, the roTnainde good bush, wall t hnnotl, ataal in a anal vt•eto 01 catltivatian; under, de dues, gond orchid, aolon.lisl we'll of water. fcone 1).13 .11 3,1x60,10e staibluilx30,log Malec, %nil t t tenni± t t0 isho tl anti three churches. For urtiler p:trt'color. +tnh ly to C1Plilt! .N) , 1L)rh+an, P.O., or 3111.11.:. F,I.LioT, kttorney.l:ttotcrP.O. Ti -1A1111 xn11r. EORSALE.—The Fitbscrhb- ar offers is for s,le the north half of lot 17, ono, 10. t S I(rn.:, containing 50 acres. 44 acres elearn,i, well ult'l'lydrttitti(l, and in a ironer Rtlnta of Unit 100. Thera are nn the premise., 6 acres of gond bash, 100 rarlsboard fence, a grind cnm- tortabl:' dweIli ii 30x311, frame barn 341, good lo; startle .cud shod 3Fxt7.e(nod orchard, good roll of water with 111x'xin. Thep proper1(v le 111006d slit 0111 a iutlt miles from Exeter market and abratt >n. tt a. mile from Nargnitar, and houvenient to c tirohcs:rn•1 schools. For htrthnr particulars. apply outho promise, of to I''arquhar Host nflco JOIIN FUt,rON. CvIPGitTANT TICE S. A11IES OICE, COUNT` AtIOTIOli- J Beer S ties promptly attended to.. Dave of ales Orr tngeti at this ofllce 71`seTI J. OLA.RIC, Agr'ut for the Us - Lot • borne and llibbort Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Raaidence-1 r:f9uarr. Orders by Won ltruutptly attended to. rg•t M. CARL.ING th ,7. W. A1n1i- • STR'11fCI, Licoused Auctioneers for the C,mittyxos of Huron, and 1Iie,llesex. Sales eau 'ducted with' atitiu .tcticn, and ou liberal terms. All orders Lilt at Ithrist("s lraushoo 110000 will receive prompt attention. • Sept. 4,1-y. LJlLJ. S. CAMPBELL, PROVINCIAL • Land Survoyor, ,lc., will Le itt the at sal Hotel,c:xoter,ou the first Tuesday in each mouth. 01 (1.0)13 for work lett with Air. John Spackivauwillroculveprom pt ittoutinn. } OLIN II. TIYND1IAN, e: ACCOUNTANT CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. money to loan ou mortgages, notes and other sec cal 00't. Rents and accounts collect±d on rea- sonable terms. Insurance otloste:l lu ilrst.olass Comma, ice at reasonable rates. O.,Ice—at d)r. .i1yn(wan's, Blain 8 root, Ilxecoi, A7,A Lr, AUCTIONEER FOR • THIO COUNTY 01' II011011'. ALARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY fust received for iuvsstment on hnortgages' at 8 per cent. ' L EDS,\V1L LS, ETC., .L)RAWN e i en reasonable tonna. R.ABI3OTT'L, D.S.,11.1t.C,L.S +G▪ radnato of itoyal College of DPNT.A.L SURGEONS. Office 01'040'11011; ask, aud opposite 9auhwell Plckar(ls. IFA.R111 BELLS! FARM BELLS! 'AIZ11x BELLS ! R •M. MLACE7, (iron, Hardware and Carriage G-oods ivi et chant, )101/33LIDS. ±}LANs rote. En .ihtikiiNO TUN ACITA•1°S8-•- 131:eI1' 4liI1 \.1 LrI1 t1N 1{,i)L »Aim --31;.. 01T10115 SPI.ICC111•:a4"!1.1D CLA\Ioitnus a mi: ICRINt}a STILL .1b tILAR—DA VITT AND DII,Y AGAIN 0d. tV.STUlIP--PAtiliELL 1ill,;IRt M$ TIM LOYAL 81't':1&c:}t1.0>•' 11(11 If 11.1f1at. >:' ' LivE'rpuol, Woes'=40.-.A meeting at- tended by 15,0001 taoret wee held nl- puitite St. G0urlc'e1 tell today. 1'ttr- ue (l ,, 11 ft. rite . 1 t9 the t si �! y le ecu s for � le W111Lrt riOtut lures*. in It'ehaud. He l;tVO(t))ly deuunl)(,(I 't the taotiou of the Guveruuteilt, WIlichlie predioted,lvould utterly fail iii Attietrbject, Agitation egttitst litndlordralli, be said, would, be eotttilluett, 1 tti4ulutiotts, moved• by Mr: Parnell, went (tarried with'euthuei.• 3e111, that the t1rreite`are arbitrary, uit- C,.enatittiliuuit1, audreetllculltte't to weak- en the coutide: ce otithe people of Ire• roto u ill 1 tliptubialitY of the laws of that Government wit'lr~lr, squanders blood anti treasure of tuff people in unjust were abroad, while winery anti famine are unrelieved at hotno, a feet which. stands c'ntlanluel2' to tl'e eyes of all right -minder(, •ttrrttlhtt'uI mei:. Fut. Megan (ubstrnotioniil, rnotnber of Par. Kamera, etroci;gly `tl'luuuullceil the. Gov- ernment, No tii:ittir.bence. TdLe auttl- ctitiee leave ±irked ',etrettg precuatiotls. The committee it t@ 'IOC meeting I 311- el an appeltl to the':'Iri:ii to maintain a lirlt tett lieact'(liltttttUde. A. turohliuht llr,iess.•lint of 4,000 per- sons at Rilruso, chunty Clare,last night was witnessed by • 11 hnlnelrse eroutl who cheered cite ptrl vers and. O'Douo- vr' a Roasrt, q� A. great tletnnlli tra}'t'tott by tlnetllpl(ly eel laborers tetra ttalteh place at B,allintl, °entity !luso. ESTEEM:I::8TI0 1iPsJN'P'uoN TO .DALY AT CAST40A1t. London, Nov. 294—Daly the Irieti agitator, ilea arriped at (lihstlebnr, county Bayo. 1.14twao received with enthusiasm,.., • , L,111(1011,.1' o, 30.a—There were at+1. ttttien anti sympathy meetings alt over the county of Mesa, Ireland, ou Sun.- day.- tln-day. At Bellghaderian, Daly was en- tblsiestically greeted by 10.000 people. Daly sibs he did not advise non•pay- rnent of rents, but non-payment of ex• orbit/tilt rents. Devitt addressed a crowte l meeting! it I' 3 voastle•ou•'iyne. He spoke temperately. . London, Nov. 30.—The gathering ao Hyde Park today, in response to a cell for a do'nnnstretion in favor of the Wish agitatorei consisted of an ito• ttlentie mob. There was great enthu. isasm. Speeches were made and reso- lutions adopted. The speakers at the sine meetings used Most• seditious lan- guage. . The authorities apparently took no precautions for the maintain- ance of order. It is estitnated that 50,000 were present. Glasgow, Nov. 30.—The Home Rule symp.Lthizera' meeting to -day passed resolutions eoedeuining the action of the GovertlOlen t. Loudou, Nov. 80.—A. Rome (Impale!' stays it is untrue that the Vatican has written .to Irish bishops asking their interposition to quiet the agitation. The Archbishop of Lublin iufurmed the Pope of the threatened disturbance. The Vaticau replied, advising prudence on the part of the clergy and people. Dublin, Nov. 80.—A. great sensation has been °tLueediu Ireland by Glad - stone's reference to the Irish Church. He said the jail in the heart of the me- tropolis was brokeu open ander °honor• stances which drew the attention of the English people to the state of 're- bind ; and when, in l6faualiester, a po- lieeman wits murdered in the execution of his fluty, at once the whole anuutry became alive to the question ofof the Lista Ohuroh. The Irish Church Act followed as a neutral inference among opponents of landlordism in Ireland. Perhaps the blowing np of two jails and a few landlords would pass the land act. . The agitators fuel greatly encour- aged by Gladstone's language: They intend to parry tine movement' into. Eaglaud, the next few weeks will prob. ably witness °'great development of agitation. More org1 l))zations exlet iu the west of Ireland thou is generally believed.. It is stated seeret organize- tioua and drilling ate going on con - steady there now. It le stated that Parueil will rehab!), go ko America in O'tttsegnenee of the arrests and coming • D0tXI'NI0 7. ±turning of the Grand 0pertt.t otlse, Toron- to. Toronto Police Court had it harvest ---�s M.oudwy. Fifteen htul(ired dollars iu Poeonto, Nov. 29.— le' pf the ntnst fines Were Levied, and $800 paid hi. tleetl'active time thea )1 talent place 111 It is rumored in Ilitlntreel that the Toronto for some tiule'' roko out this itnpertal Government iutetide estnbliett• t.loruing at 3 o'c11ck+. ill the Gritud fug a reserve of 10,000 mon in C.anitdtl,. Opera House, and beffeeo. t 41bdaed had composed of the 0111itie of the DotWm completely destroyed the refer Part of ion, for active service et Borne or 'the 'buil:Hugs-and some of the front of - abroad, if required. A rongh•cast'dweIling owned and oo. ()Ivied by Mr, Irwin, Jubu street, Ostia. wa, together with tlte,coutents, was de. stroyod by lire at two u'clook Saturday moraine, The linneteS el8.tped iu their night clothes', L)sa,$1,200; par-. tially iusnrctl. 111r.. Patrick Boyle, of the IrisiL Cana adirtf, bee entered action. Itgaiilat the Globe for libel, phtoeing dalnla.318 at a very high' figure. The action ari1ea ant of an article in the (ict,bt+, Saturday Morning, nu the priutiug c•hutract, obttrgiug Mr. Boyle, AAIr, \Leal iutoslh, Aldermen Sta,rrt',:tad others, with:, be LLug ounoerned ze au arrangement Where- by several of the lowest'teuliurs for the Ottawa Government printing withdrew, and the contract was secured by Mc- Lean, Rogers & 0o. The Toronto (lily Fire Department has 00 1.0118.80(1 a 11080 rani, ultl(ie in To- ronto, for $375, a lunate lower fi,.Sure than s113ilar articles cast to be brought •.t the the States. 64. It 13 t 18 fir's± hone reel ever made in Canada. On MolldtLy last lir. and Mrs. Rob- ert 73aitey, of 011111'1, celebrated their guldteu wedding. Thoy etre the oldest ihlhwbitellta of the town. Through an intet'prater 11r. J. B. Anderson, of Port Elgin, i•1 peettcllit,g to the Iudialts of the Peninsula in Bruce county. His work is meetiug with nooses Several clays agi George 13. Nichols, of Cobourg, aged 5J years, jninped off 1t train 11110011(.11, .4.11(1 sustained injur- ies from wbieh ho, is not expaoted t.i re - ()over. • Two Frenchmen who left a gang of • choppers itt the Feneluu Fall dietlict floes as well. The ft::*i of the build - jug on Adelaide street has been n stv ti. Iobert Wright, I tattetalie1; Mr 4. Weight and one cilitligk Children, Mamie egad 5 years,•w•lt,in a morn at the top of tilt fl I g, have ueen burnt to death; arae a Irian nettled. S. Scott, in Ins attecnlit td save Wright, got severely burned attempting to, jump out of harm's way. The first alarru was sounded at three o'clock, by which it wao seed that the interior of the hightail as hue glowing ftuuace, with fltitnee r sing from it hi cue vest cd. t t t ola•si t ae mass It be - p 1 , came at once apparent`to the firemen, who had by tlhie 1itne reached the steno that nothing coal(' be ±lone for the rear pert of the building, sins accordingly drrected their otferts to save the front ofcee, which aro the ;mut valuable portion of the struetere. Notwith- standing their efforts the flames gradu- ally sought a wtty for'themselves into the front, and especia v in the roof of the building r11 t 1111 tris Dol. rabic thio w d ds,m e. g A. terrible scene tats being enacted while the firemen were bn'1y at their task in the room kept by the oare•keep-. er. It appears that, till first %yarning. they got of peril was 4i1e crackling of the fire and the (heavy smoke which rolled from tho burning. mass iu the rear into the frout apartment. Con- sternation seems to have completely paralyzed the unfortnntate . creatures and rendered thein ihcapebloof moving. 'L'hornas Scott, who was in the place along with Wright, who is a stage oar - pouter, was roused by the smell of smoke. He rushed otrotlL144lte' build- ing in all dieeotion if it td. i .eaud to nearly it month ago, have not sinoeiescape, but there were noire. He rush - beet: heard uf, and it is supposed. that • ed up -stairs and maxed Wright, but they have perished. that roan wad so terrified at the terrible All old gentleman of In:liaatowu, N, position he found himself in that the 13., paid his taxes ($328) to Treasurer seemed not to comprehend the position Moore about three Mouths age. lie- he wax in. Scott• coaxed him to get a ant, but the unfortunate man, probably o Y b from a desire to stay by his wtfe and td. 1 had child, would not stir. Scott had no more time to remonstrate, and after shouting, a last warning to Wright to letter cautioning lion not to gonut aft- get dire out of harm's way, he 'rushed er night or his life wonl'4 be iu danger. down stairs. By this time the flames The Mitchell papers Bay 141r. Rowe is t lied caught the stairways, and he had au inoffeui(ive men, and wee snpposed . a hard job to get down at a11. With a gigantic furnace roaring behind him.and an iron door itt front, Scott found himself in a terrible predicament. The flaming tongues of fire were alread y linkiug his face and singeing his cloth- es, when, as n last resource, he went to a side window and boldly jumped to the ground, iu his fall hirting ltimself considerably. Wright, his wife and child, all i erishod. The first of their bodies was recovered by the firemen about 0 o'clock, and the ()there., there later. They were burnt to a cinder and not witty he called again to pay his taxes ver ageul. He had actalall for gut let 1e rat paid. Mr. Authouy Rowe, of Mitchell, a few dxye ago, receive'± an anonymous to be without au enemy in town. The last elopement story come from the vtllage of 'Yorkville. A young •city chap' won the alft.ctions of tt vii. lige girl whose paternal jip:dent objec- etl. Otte night the 'old man,' who is . a widower, Was away, and the young people fled, leaving a note explaiuiug things. Professor lleconn, who has just re• turned from his exploring tour in the Northwest, seems to be in expellant (health, and 1s euthusiestio iu reference to the o'enutry which he has explored. reooguizable. He declares that I1erl Beaconsfield alone has shown a true idea of the Northwest, when he spoke of it as 'a laud of illimitable poaeibilitios,' We :are pleased to see our old friend at I•home once more. An interesting and delicate surgioal operation way recently performed on Mr. Stetvart Milsap, well and favor- ably known in Jiarvis and vicinity. 111r. Ninety has been ill for more than two years witbl'a targe collection of neat. ter known as pus in his left chest, which cotnpletely compressed and des- troyed the left lung and displaced the heart entirely to the right side of hie body. The only chance for his life oonsl,te(1 in removing the ft aid•—an operation of great danger aha fregneu try attended by instant death. Ori the 13th instant. Dr. Laurin, with a newly invented instrument, called an asperatnr, remota ;ed thirty•five ounces, and again on the 17th Ihiryseveu oun oes more As a large amount in a putrid state Will re- mained the doctor on 24th opened the ehet;t. and inserted a Marge tulle, through wIiioh the enormous quantity of one hundred and gistjr-two 00110es of the most offensive platter at onoe drained away. Another opening Matt matie in the side on 25th Inst.; through which tete cheat is washed oat each dao, and additional matter removed. The total The Guvetnnr'Creueral nod the Prin gtttntity so her taken 14 over sixteen meta Louise will pay Manitoba a Vida }Mitts. .Dr. Dallabough, of Caledonia, gaily uext summer." sad Dr. I'Iayes, of Simone, were pro - 111 -4.1114-4 Tile banquet to Sir John Macdonald. At the banquet to Sir JohnMacdon- aldtonight the hall was fiilled with those who had gathered in the city to pay honor to the leader of the Govern- ment. At 8 o'clock the guests num- bled, Among those who oconpied seats at the table were : Hou. Jas. Skea(l, chairman ; (light Hon. Sir Julrn A. Macdonald', Sir. L. Tilley, Sir Charles Tupper, Hon. Mr. Aikeus, Hon. Jae. Mead:meld. Hon. Lotan,rer, Hon. J. O'Counor. Hon. dlr. Bowell,Uou. Baby Sir A. T. Galt, Hon. T. N. Gibbs,Hon. W. Maodongall,Hon. Mr. Mortis, Hon, Sullivan, Premier of P. E. I., His Lordship the Bishop of Ontario, Hon. Landry, N. 13., kion. FraserN. B., ex - Governor Trntoh. Hon. Neil NcLen(l, 1'. E. I., Del3risy, P. E. I., Hon. Wed. derbnrn, N. B. Tlie vioe•ohairs wore occupied by tleesrs, E,ohester, 'M. P., Currier, M.. P., Tesao, 11. P., Alonzo Wright, 161, P. and P. Baokervillo, 111. P. P. After the usuel loyal toasts }tad been duly honored, the a:linlrman pro- posed the toast of the guest of the even- ing. Sir John apolte in response. Bon. Mr, ",angevin, also spoke, 0.1211 ` was presented with a piotnre of himself. Hon, L, Titley teapondetl'to the toast of the"National Poliov," end Sir Chas. Tupper ppoko refering to the Canada Paoific. Railway. sent, lied eesisled at the first 'and thil't. opertttiofla. " Althouglh very low, and itt a critical etato, we understand tbe doc- tors have still 801110 hopes of Mr. Mil - sap's recovery. • The Welland Ctwal clooea .for the Reason on Friday next, the 5th instant, Last year it °Insect ou Dep, 14t1a. A woman, while entering the Opera House a1 Kingston, was jostled by a rough crowd; fell and broke her culler bete). The Government has, -it is tluder- etooil, to ooufiketat•e the hose entered at Brantford under value. A flue of $'?00 will also be imposed. to Tl0tlifax,'N. S., John Nurthrn1', the foamier of the old mercantile house of Joseph Northrup & Sons; died. Monier in the 80 year of his ai:o. Tho lobster•osnuing business bits in- creased enormously of late years 111 Prince' Edward Island, the quantity canned the past season amounting to 2,272,825 lbs.. Messrs. Sullivan Auld Gilbert, of "Pinafore" fame, are to be the 'Joni - nor -General's guests duriug the Christ- mas weak. 'Phe Montreal oral dealers want to advance the prioe of Boal another 50c., bal. fortunately,, there is of:e firm holding. out. The propellor ltfagnawan arrived et ry tLl 1V Jtiltn'ih e an on .aunllny noon, fra11? Parry Sound, having mu through three inches of ice for six miles. She goes ictto winter quarter's hero. The rails ou the Credit. Valley Rail- wey have been laid as far as Orange- ville, and the engine with supPty etas arrived at the station last evening at 5 o'clock. It was not expected that the track would reach this point before J(lly next. A by-law to raise $20,000 by the onrporation of the town of Napanae, Tarnworth & Quebec Railway. woe vot. ed on Monday and carried by a majo:ity of ath•litt*'. The177 in onfstvorolnesof deutiesby.e l ectal at Gnelph for' November tlii.i year were $3,335; for the same month Last year the amount was $2,891. Exports the United States for November tide yeas, $101,057.00; same yeiu', $07,- 449.03. Ili conneetinn with Mr. Robertson's &leme for the settlement of Scotch "'small farmers" iu efanitebe, that gen. tleulan setsforth the circumet(tucee that offer at the present time for a ehance of getting an unpreeedentec'1 tido of emigration from the lilalllands of Scotlaud, where the greatest ciistres8 prevails. The Ottawa IIeralci has the follow- ing:—"The Robinson ',of Mauve, auil other heirs of Hannah and Betsy Balzer, are after 1,500 acres of Philadelphia, valued at $315,000,000; eleven square miles of land tract of coal laud in Pen- aylvemitl, and scattered properties iu New York and elsewhere. The Customs receipts at the port Montreal were $380,279 for the last month, against $244,055 for the cor- renncuiling month hest veer. ' It isnnderetotid that Colonel Stollery, of the 10th Royale, has received oliiciel iutimetion from Ottawa that none of the charges preferred against him at the recent oourt•martitil were sustain- ed, It is. said that the Toronto Grant Opera House is to be rebuilt and toter • ed into it music hall. The Margnie of Lorne telegraphed to Mr. Bwudu1atia that any benefit rho Toronto people get up would be tinder his patronage. 'l'11e Lienteuaut Governor sent a letter of condolence, and Mrs. Scott Siddone, who was at Guelph, teleranhed tin ex- pression of her sorrow to Mrs, Band - Mall (1. Mrs. Carpenter, of Elmira, had a narrow esoa'e from n )horrible death several days ago. A lamp having' been upset the coal oil began to barn, and itt attetnpting to put out the flames • her clothes oanght tire. She lost her pre- sence of mind and ran screaming out of the house. Her tries attracted the atter:Aim: of a neighbor, Mr. Speaker,, who rau to her ass:stanoe and getting a blanket succeeded in extintrnialhiug the fire, but not before the unf(ertunate wo- man was severely burnt. Her recovery Was thought donbtfnl for a few days, but she is eonsitlered out of danger, antd is progressing as well as eau be Expect- dStratfordl as a groin Railway 000.r0 should :00W see to it that Exeter, Thai' field be connected with Otte °entre by a Grand Trunk branch, having its tele nebula rt $I3ayfiel(1. What It slaletltditi country through *Weil to rut±, a brttnoli.