The Exeter Times, 1879-11-27, Page 88 SPEC ALTI E I Psi 'bin boy who loscii't leas) over sure)) hitch - log posts, lock a primo dog, snatch a handful of CII f"ISTAM S cis NEW YEARS" CARDS navy bean 8 ill front of every grocery storei.. huuek over a bob or two and work the handle of every primp on the siilt:walk ou the way Thome fail school, is either tasty or dosen't feel well. Chuiet)vat ittl, t':.rti,'s desirnns of rputeitlber- log th•.1L•.tb1 lisle: or fose scat h tends hoe old talc set teem. Every scholar above the Wino iaepttrtluen 640,110.ave hun A vdltL.4bl0 VOLltlta HAM i u a1Vu,tant;4 and 1st ado hits, 1,,riuea 5,7 wadto cents. LOVi LT,'S' MATtlE:,L TICAL GEOGRAPHY West st1i, sly tyaretacii, Will Ilse plea Spa, to for- tt",rel swains -wines ill rtpinlowulou aY teachers, L itiLLSTAt-.tit ..tND kIOnw.tt GOODS,. Soy sr. uiu,}velt,eeahe.tdyso.etve•t. Atssertatoet eXpuoa."1 to be el/enleted ttu1 arranged by the tstbt 1:)ce. eseer- ,44.4,4444,444444444444.4440 Stow S•rortu,--On \lreclaes..ay night last snow emu tueneed t0 far. Thursday morning it MIS novena iuubes deep, and it continued to fall, with ocoasiouul iuterutissiona until llou- clay morning, when it was about a e.unple of feat ms the level. In. sultae neighborhoods as numb. as three feet are reported. 'T11c cold was GR ay- f"'+ pretty severe. At times a blusturiag wind cJ , CJr J- to A. t} �::6-., sloth). 'ut:l 'moll the • o • l tw a tt ;tItliu Shr'lct, a';tidt.l, OaS, 1 6.,d FRsl :F Mier irate 1. Sere eniNe THE LOTTERIES. -^People W110 hose beta ht the habit of sending their money r, 1t Ell '2 $7< over to assist. in maintaining lottery swindles 11,iL1�iai).lY, NO\ 1.,1Il3ult 11, 1or.l in the States may understand that they will 0 C r i T ThT , + nut be allowed torob themselves its future, The U. S. Postmaster General has just issued sweat orders to postmasters that all letters addressed to persons in the lottery bnsiuess aio to be stamped "fran,lnleut" aiul returned to L a item MILLER is visiting the schools, the senders, Money orders are also to bo re- _ turned and not paid. Tal "I.K,U.I .,'s" continence tripping:the ligat fantastic toe about the 4th of December. TS you want a tip-top Over Coat or suit of Clothes, go to uawweilet; Piekard's. li)c.w the Cvutral Drug atom new ativettise• mutt. SArTnu)Av was -a very brisk day in .town with the merchants and graiu buyers, A COLLECTION was taken up in the churches ou Sunday last in aid of the Bible Society. 1 ni Usborno Council will meet for the -de- spatch of business on Saturday, 29 It inst. Tres merry jingle of the sleigh bell is a plea- sant ohan•;e front the rattle of the wagon on the street. Sons: one predicts that the coating winter will be warm and wet, with a few cold snaps sprinkle:. in. Av exchange remarks that the fall bonnet resembl s a squeezed cabbage with tomato trimmings. tins sets aud caps can be bought cheaper thou ever before offered at Samwell LL Pickard's. A'r)ur three hundred and fifty of the boys wish to see another hotel sale. .A. anon many people in town are wondering why T. 13, Carling keeps that new house of his empty so long. T. B. sass ]nt'1`. show them some day. Aw.v.—Misses Flora aucl Lizzie Verity have gone to Port Hope, where they intend spend- ing the whiter. RENIE1raEs the sacred. concert which takes place nutlet the auspices of Exeter Y. P. C. A. in the 13. C. Church ort Tuesday eveuiiig, De- cember 2nd. Hahn Cur.—While a couple of little boys were playing - at school, one of theta, master Ramsey, received it severe cut, . a knifo going almost through his hams. IiolNcr 1Vi r.r..—We. are pleased to learn that Blairs. Luther and Albert Manning, who left Exeter for Manitoba in the samtuer, are doing well, lasing ploughed 35 sures, and got a house and a stable emoted. Tony are prepar- ed for a winter's siege. COLLAPSED.—The accumulation of snow on the roof of Mr. Joh it Drew's lumber shell pres- sed so heavily that the posts sappurting it spread out, and thestrueture collapsed. Bone. 1VArT1 , tectal editor of Inn Timms for the past taro years, has gone home on a trip. He may have a matrimonial end to view, Who ORO tell? Mr H. White, also of this office, accompanied him. At the Ttndson Bay sales of Buffalo Robes, this season, there was a great advance, owing to the small offering, but Samwell (ii Piolcard, having bought their iatock early and direct from the North West Agency, still sell at old prides. Timm ate only three home printed papers -that is, papers which have both sides printed in the town where pnblisllel-in Huron, viz., Exotor TruEs, GAirieit Star, and Sialorth Expositor. Baum tie. Ito.u,s of maws eight to be plea - Wel through the coma! y at this time of year. Wo hope one nitnarOUS corresiottdeuts will see that the are kept properly posted. Send the news along. Well fax it up. OUT. ---We aro glad to notice Mr. Edwin Davis oil the street again. Ted had a surgical operation performed on his leg a short time ago. Ha will not be able to return to stage driving for soma time. 5 ribers 1. � nl'' elft e "'1— ti Of O \tiitot) \V.a ra:.. lu e who were b) pay for the `Cakes in. wuuel 11t4 wi;lL;r bit n,i41e.:to1 to bring ib along{, should d., so now tiitt we have ixeeliont. sleighing. It lu.ty not last long. • 13 : Ctrl..t"itr, 1.3)rs.--N ns that winter,] and ale:,t'.ria ; has, eat 1.1, t'rl b)ya iv:io 1g. Ike iv hat. hit o:'•.1 ai,ittg. an ivory singli that ptoses ;;gond ba earefnl to save their parents the e:tierse of it fittteral. Suclt things have oe: cn.,:ed, you kuovr, I1sxunN 1r, A yclnug merchant lit town requests us to inform the young lady who put•. loured itis Si. Bernard mast"1'f that if it is not returned before long, he will be outupelled to do something serioiis whish will cense her to be sorry all the rest ttf her life—probably propose to her: Ho says if 'she keeps the dog she must keep him too, because he is a bachelor that hackers after company, and the Canine, he says, 1s his only companion. Let the lady be warmest in. tituo. Scnoon Bourn—At a mooting of the Sohool Board lleltl on the Gth of (Metier. tate account fur publishiug atutitor';s report was ordered to to be paid. The Board also ordered it copy of the school law. At it meeting on Nov. Soar, weeouutsfor ()lettuing well and piling wood., 115, were paid. The following teaeliers were en- gaged i -T. Gregory, Principal, at 6050 Miss Butcher, room No 2, 2b0 ; hiss Strang, room No. 13, $27O; Miss Taylor, roots No. 4, $2G0; :Hiss 1-100ders"', roma No. 6,$24(1; Miss (..owe, room No. G, 4p'225. 1\Ir. A. Robinson was en- raged as euuttaker at it salary of .5150. PnolroTitc.—\\•e use glad to notice that ons genial young friend, Mr. E. Doherty, traveller ;or Mr. It, M. Rattly, hardware merchant, Clinton, has been engaged by a firm in Galt at ail excellent salary. On the occasion of his departure from Clinton 3m was tendered a complimentary supper by a uumbor of friends. Mr. Doherty has done his good judgment just. ice by taking as the partner of Ilia joys and sorrows. an estimable young lady tvho formerly resided in. Exeter. The interesting particulars will be found under our " harried" heading. IN PARR Sounn,—Dr. Dottie, who recently practiced medicine in Zurioh and latterly in flit, hell, iras gone to Parry Sound to com- mence the :practice of lus profession. The Dr's many friends in this seetiou wish him the utmost success in the frczeu region of the north. Since the above was put in type the sad news has been reesived-that the Waubuuu, au which the Dr. and lady were passengers on their way to their new house, wee wrecked, acct et1 her passenge,•s lost. Them: were altogether twenty three persons on the steamer. We trust that tidings of their safety may yet be received, bat there is no hope expressed. The Dr. was an intimate personal friend of otus for the past ten years; and no one regrets his untimely slid more than we. His family have the deepest :sympathy of all. SOLD Our.—On Monday last Mr. E. Christie sola the Mansion House, of whiell he hos been the Int dlord for about two years, to Messrs. I3o.lgt's Its Wilds, of Mitchell. The newcomers are both yuuug mien, and will no doubt soon becoinepopatar. They entered into possession un. Monday morning. -The price paid was ;36,500. Mr. Christie takes iu part payment a livery stable in Mitchell, and wo believe he goes to t.,ko up his resulouce ia that town immediately. We commend hint to the good will of the people. They will find iu lista an honest, good-hearted fellow. All the harm we wish him is that ho may accumulate heaps of gold in his Ilett' occupation. "Art HONEST Ilotaen."—A few clays ago a slice turkey was exposed for sale it1 front of : o .,, After a tinge was McClelland Bios. store, missing—strayed or stolen. Constable Gill was informed, and was offered"a handsome reward to discover the thief. But he was saved all trouble 10 the matter. A few days after the theft the Messrs. McClelland received the following letter, winch shows that its 7Jelsorne. author is either honest or was badly ", slceert" at the prospect of a sojourn in Goclot•icli CoUtrort PP csMDINGB.—T110 001111cil " !dn. MuCrvtnAND -You will find Sixty-five mut on Saturday, the first inst., pur Conte for a twrkfe that I took front your place snout to adiour'1.merit. . All the metn- wlteu I was in need and lead no I4lony," THE IM S .'.. _.. �.. -:' s�,raecnc+:la�a�ratm?�Asn'?Reric'R`san,Xs:ae;�"ryre�;sxs4waxc .: ,._,:�..::> -.. ti n,:.aruwrk•�,:x:�:,�a:.+ix��cs.�we•.,awg+ML1 Novi x::s..i 27, 187) Tho managing committee is composed of tholnunicipuiity,--Car iet1, lI"• i•ti.l by following getttietiiall •—Mr. Jas. Pickard, Mr, I J, hall , secotelt 1 by IL l:toruey, that Melt. l'ieirard, Hr. 13. V. Elliot, 1\fr, J, South. U. llrlydy's asst for plan at,t1 sliet�ilii• Gott, Mr. Geo. Kilpatrick, Mr. John Back, nail ( eatiaus of 1)111110 en Glh con,, utitl for Mr. II, C. 13rowor, Thi folltuv"sig collectors; inspect iitg 1130 cuuot)uttli•tit thereof, wereappoitite,lc Ars. John Kilpatrick, Miss! amounting to $10,;'bu J01111.-•iir1 ruin. 'l`tt .1 1 Kilpatrick, Miss E. Julius, Mins L. Southcott, I Moved by J. (.tails., eecoltdt'ti :1liss Hyuduian, Mrs. Trivitt, AIi .7 Oke, Mrs. 1 M. Kay, that Joseph Hewitt, ri 01 ivt T R O T T Geo. Sam well. The tuuouuit culluoted last; $10 for feller'.—(3tirriP(I. tlbtvt'd by year was t.1.11.12 t • Shfnr ..col•t1 •t1 by 11 Harney, that T cotuttry bus benefitted. by vett ectinu,,tsut �"�.,.. ' , wishes to nintt'r1: tsar 110,111 anti poaicutsaf the Mrs. `1•rtitith 110 Ittwid (110 011t 11 )1' 1�4i O t'ulillc,,udrucsut.0 ot'tllo• for boa! (.1 of \Veil. umiliie 12 Weill. It mit Tuts demonstrates the raetioaI iu love- tt "t dao ��^.d' rr- Mh making:.— p lithe 1st of Nov,•-�Uurriett. linvi,;l '�' a�� s��7. ..•t.•tat t� 1,a Cut my tlariittg wash the dishes? 1 by 3 leirdl"t,' seconded by H. R rney, Elias OSISPEitpi) LIS Ex:B.'rit, Can site scrub the Mitchem floor? that liiobrtrll Qtlilatolt be pa1t,1 ,i; i1 r) f:lr , '\Vill site peep uax luentliug stockings r When shelttsare the baby roar? extra wools :on bridge ton t)th- Oath-- 1)ites, her nose dotectilbad batter; Carried, Moved' by 1, M. Kay, st•u 'with which grocery stores abound? outbid by J. halls, that $10 be ;;routed luted m 11'LI,11t1 to sell 0 t ptieos tl.at'dnfy writes- ', at a if.'wt til talo los W.10:+0 iu mathot 1'11.1:,i.t i,ARS no311.-3,LtDIA .fell tun darilu do your shoestrings shoes �' �e bi•tilhu b to the Gilwvtislril:, 1)llau'iu`, ferules arc eva,� Fasten neat, or t ground. Next year, beingleiapsear, the Ottawa waren 1)rilctt, -Oar(.' all. ()u I.' tic It Council expressions favoring h• lir, adjourned till. Sat llr(116w, ibe 29th day t1tt be is en4bhe.1 fr,a.0 1.1.g evosrieuee to sups States that sal tL i s f t I, the fl sex making the Now Year calls have: beeutuade by of November, at 11 0 (deck a. 111. both sexes iu that city, aucl that it does not N. J. CLARK, seem improbable that the ladies will exorcise Gleets. their leap year prerogative and du the calling on the gentlemen that day, instead of the gen- tlemen visiting thele. Wo would, place this matter before our readers as one worthy of eonsidnration, and Its a "lively departure" from the old time state of atfairs. As far as we are concerned we will be most happy to p t sh in. wltit wilikt w.11 give sati4ttctioa, tit, 1,0 uses norb11.44 bat tae bout of eetuek and emi.lo) S, unto tett till, 1)e:.t of wur;nur,n. 1 u 1.e eouvineed of these faits, oa11 c:utt sub. W. I1, 111ROPT. l fe tor, October 1110, ly;a• tf Greaten. .ea •-,,•x;:.rsaamen.essi nasau,srsessFae..Fa .sasses a=ss, Hicks & Co., of Loudon, England, Mr. IIoory Martin, who Left 1r• reI{„taw triot the low prices of the put w•Fek about two weeks eillce for (.x11(411)(1, 113S l)la stopped the usual largo sunnlin1 remain at prune An that dry, curl make it real returned. Disgusted 1 suppose with i '!'hero .( 1 L of nlieep asst' oxen to market. business to remove wraps, bonnets, sic., and the city. wild it healthier tulle and a Condoncy to all advance 111 rates, there bttil.g no fresh arrivals. Qut.tatln:us are Merely nominal—beef, 13 ; ;mitt on,.10. 'I'ho m whers being, Islington, 3,590 cattle 1t`�,090 steel); Deptford, 1,030 sheep 7,t'iel (rabttle. l'.xpet2t au advance in niX't repurt. We have not beard tura. G,a"ow or Liverpool yet, brit no doubt they each will follow up Loudon, make their owners as comfortable as possible,. Ladies show that you flavor women's .rights, Meetings to take the subject into consideration It is i'nulnred that. the tliuittlers will be busy tytug the nuptial lcn t the corn.. advertised free, ou ooucli.tiou that it is decided tug winter. A certain willow silt' hurl that coffee be the only beverage offered to the fair visitautt. .-►erg-+ A Piece of Poetz'y. HOW A PRISONER ESCAPED Tito3r THE ExET)Blt 10th -1;r. daughter it is sand, will butte be tauter l- ed on the saute clary.. A few of the malignant members of Rev. Mi-. Dlanti'a congregation have been persecu'ing hint for about a year. They preferred charges against hits The following. lines we publisli at the request several times before different tribunals, of several people in town,who heard the author butt be strife unscathed out of the eon - recite then, caul, admiring theist, desired to see test every time. The last charge was tltetu in print. It is: a piece of poetry. It dors investigated before the i'reobvtery at not pretend to any finish or literary merit, Stratford, bob right trittlllplietl. .(.lis It is all entirely new creation in tho poetical line. There way be some slight imperfections Sytllpa, tit izers hurried bon .fires in 1118 ill it, suol1 as where the constable is said to ileum' on the 2lst hist, which were bays. brnng]•t the prisoner's breakfast on his'ti eptblazi11g unlit 11 o'clock at night, la el and toe. Of course the constable brought Most of the cuugre`ralion au11 all of the the breakfast illlti:+ ln111(18 Or arms or maybe uuGsitlirs are wibit biro. in a tin pail, but to have said this would have would have spoiled the rhyme, Poets are of- tentimes compelled to sacrifice the English to the uecesity of rhyme. "They all do it." The mitre is, maybe, a little free from the era0tp- CCy1 e.l rules whish make poetry look as if made in . BOVI'n vessels were driven ashore at a machine : Point Edwardduril� the late gala. air—"I want to be an anger Point Robinsou,lteeve of .McGillivray, til is s Norms Miduj:,€sox. There's a man lives in. Exeter— We all know hills swell - He travels up and down the country, liriugiug prisoners to leis He hada noble prisoner Coneeali d for a while ; He was going to briug$him to the jail Tu wait for his trial. But the Sabbath Day it was between— It was good fur the mau— Making bis 'scape'frons the prison, Leaving his keeper in a stand.. 'When Monday morn it slid arrive, The keeper then did go With the prisoner's breakfast, On his heel and toe. Then to the lock-up lio did come As marry as a bee. "Clean inorniug, .Sr. Prisoner, How is it with thee ?" " I have brought yoir breakfast, 0 tate it now in stand, , And after a short time In. Goderielr you shall stand. But when no answer die. retard It changed the keeper's mind To search the lock-up, • But no prisoner could he find, A holo was cut through the floor— It was plain for him to see 'Where the prisottor had gone out Anal left the prison Inc.r Them the keeper stamped his foot, And in the street did stand. " Wuat shall Ido ? what shall I do 7 I'ur I have lost my man. ";sly prisoner. he has gone -- He leaves no trace behind-- But ehind— But I will try my boot The prisoner again to find. And if I find the rascal I'll shoo hint what I'll do—. I'll put the cuffs right un. him And straight to Goderi li go. Bat I will mitral for the time to comp, If prisoner., I have more, They will nut 'shape this lock-up - Bat through the open door." ..�. .m.0 This is n kind, of business that might be prae- Lined ecce too often for safely. Meerut; SOCIETY llan•rrN"t.—The annual meeting of the Exeter Branch Bible Society , Christ lrnrd;h on ' u Sdrt evening evils held in G lets C ,C e v o g bene were [resent. Minutes of pie- vir,us meeting read trust :Confirmed. i\tuoved by T. M. Kay, seconded by J. Slticar. that Alex earmichael receive $5 for rolief,—Carried. Moved by 1[. Horucy, seconded by T. 13. Kay, n n for la t'eott of�Vm,i'1 d t the }tumult tt i tha le last. Tho meeting was °;)sued by singing and I boric l for Wit. book up to the 3r tl A prayer'. Mr. B. V. Elliot occupied the chair.. 1.t,le and interesting addresses were delivered {,y Revs, Messrs. Mitchell, Webber and Robin., ;nn. The hollowing affiears were nlect id for the current year: --Pros., Rev; 1:1..3. llobiitsou; Vico-(.'residents, Rev. G. Webber, Rev S. J. AIIin, ileusall, Bev. sir, Kennedy, Centralia, Itev, Mr. Smith, l ippon, Bev. lir. Edwards, rind Iter. (7•, A.. ,Mitchell; Mr. Wm. Grigg; <t.73roalcs to the ninotuit of $898.7 T'reasurer.audfopositor ; John Melton, Sect. for cedar and iaiau1c fur the use of til November, amounting to $20, be paid. —Carried. twit) vel 1)y T. M. Kay, seconded by H. Gltirrtey, that the ac• eotin.t of 0...K.. liMoLetocl for serving notices of the Court of Revision, aims• tinting to $82 be paid, --Carried, 'Moved by J, Shier, seconded by J. Halls, that ltii under be issued to G. 3 e is calling a mass meeting toIt cu s the Currency question. I\Ir. Joseph Lawton, of Granton, one of the judges appointed for the Northern .b'air plowing mitten, was nn- able to attend, he having broke his leg the day before. DIr. harry 'Wnodhonse, late of Windsor, diet?. Suddenly in. Ittnuituba. Ile was well known in Middlesex.. Messrs, Dela and Fox shot 80 brace of crock ou Latina Smith in the drowueul Wtn. Stanley, Esq., the present reeve of,Lncltn, will have no opposi- tion fors "1530. No one seems anxious fur the position. 11Ir, L. Cuddy teacher of school Nag, Eat Williams, seems to be a favorite, tthd again •en;aued for the third tel l)r, i3rtstts safe lArkona.) wits opened t>y hni'slars night of lOtb inst. and $1203 in cash and notes abstracted. N" else, lIorses, cattle, farthing implements, and much besides, are said to cleared out with Robert Linton of iilriet 1Vill- iaws, The heaviest loss is Dir. Zttvitt, say $300 ; next \Vin. Linton, $1132. Conductor Andrew Iles, of St. Thnuias, who was killed nn the Air Lime, was buried with 1\Iasonic and Oddfellow honors. The pruoeeeion was a mile and a half long. The celebrated salve at Ailsa Craig still continues to work wonders in the cure of runuiog sores, king's evil, can- cer, Sc. Apply to Rev. Thos. Atkin- son. It is a perfect cure for dyspepsia when outwardly laid ou the etonsavh. No snow at Point Edward,six inches at Cainlachie, one foot at Forest, two feet at Parkhill, three feet at Ailsa Craig, two feet at St. Dlarys, and one foot at Stratford. The storm seemed to radiate from Tisa Craig, that spot being the hub or highest point. Noanxi MIDDLESEX MARKETS. —Assns Oraig,Nov. 25th—White wheat,$195 to $200 percer,tal; red wheat, $175 to 19$; Spring wheat, $170 to $180;barley, 100 to $105; oats, 30 to 00; eggs, 19 cents per doz. ; butter, 18 cents per pound ; potatoes, 40 emits per bushel ; apples, 35 cants; Wool, 22 cents; cordwood, $1.50 por cord. Mr. Wm. Hobbs, of Ailsa Craig, while taking a walk along the lino of the G. T. R. on. Sunday morning, dis- covered a broken rail about a mile and a liaif east of the station, and at once returned and reported the same to the agent who sent for the section boss and had a new one down before. any damage oras done. This is a walk right `t direction, snit fol a• o,as- ing you -please should be 011coureged. At Mooresville, is small village near Olandeboye,onesmall boy shot another.. The bullet from the revolver entered and loiigod in that portion of the lad's person best adai,pted for spaaulting. Two doctors have for two 1tys endeavored scow stern) of the 20th. and 21st proven the 1)attviest of the season. So far the (xraud Trout( Itis egeaped well; this ie owlet; to its direction !ruing east lurid west. At :Usti Craig the 1'actiic ixt11•ese and �Chit:ago express going w•'est were snowed up. fir five he.urs. Conti 0cters l:ugore au .l .1Dridge, assisted by the agent, oI ei,etl the road to Park- hill. Sur erinteudeut Larinour arriv- ef1 from Stratford at 7 a. nt., and by making a desperate exertion the lino was cleared by 10 tt. in. Smivsn Him' Eluru�r.-Oce wttnlabove supposed that the bite i;itltltllt,h tims of the swindlers of Grand Street, 8) extensively wade known by the press of Canada, would be a sufficient warn- ing to aril Canadians ; but no, irttucie Peipper must hove been out of the country—or else not a newspaper read - lug tutu—for be also recently ex'hnng- es in. New York $150—good -gam-Winn bills—for at nicely mad: up', ;tercel of old paper, said to be x+1,000 of elegatut- ly txecuted bills of vltrit;ua riertt)ntinitt- ion—but cputluus looney of ,D;)ininion Clanks. Souse of our people eager to get . uddenly riot) etre giving tt4-o musts ellrpieymeut to the New Turk Police, Lissa AND OLANDu13OYE.—A deadlock exiete at present Intim Lncau school board as to a Ito is to be master for the cowing year—three (31118 vcrilus three 'furies. Wm. Pulte has held the position of postmaster of Dusan fur 22 years. This is longer than any other vili;;ial Middlesex. Juin) Flannigan, of Olt3n.eboye, hue four pigs which vast hitt) �act25 ; better have the pigs than nothing. Lhoan, Ailsa Craig and Parkhill are petitioning fors night intuit goit)g ititab ou -the Grand Trunk. Inspector Shoff and Dr. Sutton, of Claudebuye after an exciting chase Of seven miles, shot a large dear atpicee near the lupe in. Stephen past week. Lumley. WINTER.— Winter iiae carne RI last with its usually storunyw Cather, Thurs- day East was extremely rough, in feet, equal to any we had last winter. Some. lances the snow -drifts were level with tIte fences. Several inches of suow fell: rr iday. Disnrrnrers. —A child of lir, �ti'.Stety art flied on Wednesday, the 01It i sti.,nf diphtheria. The funeral passed through here on Friday last ou its wry' to the. grave -ye rd. AnOUND AGAIN.—We are glad' to here. that the Rev. 11r. Spurgo„ 1:.. 0 D1inL suer, who bus been siek of the lever for some time, is being attic to/get around again to take his appointuients. Fnons DIAsrroaA.—Mr. John Vasey has returned from Manitoba. He looks, hale and hearty incl speaks well of tlte. country. -He intends going back again - in the spring. 1i1AItisiElh. Detteterr—•Swans—Fit the residence of the; (.bride's father, on the 13tH, NA., by tins Rev. Mr, lJntthow, "qr. 1(3. Doherty, to, Maggie, oldest daughtor of Me. °coree: ''t r.• SwarLi all of (.h iia r •SVnn li---.IIAsxrNGS—At the residence of the bride's brother, Capt. 11. B. Hastings, ort the 25th inst., by Roy, B. Whitworth, lilt. J. T.J. White, assistant•pest>,rtnster Lemon-. ville', On. York, to Sarah. eldl:st'daugh- ter of Jahn Hastings, Erg,•,. G>f 7,'ornnato,. - -:„.r BOlN. tlta n centime the boy �,ts Gswora1 n -'On "tho "(ttlziarst,., the wife of Mr., to dig the brihet ot1L,btit so bit' witboetl James, Gardiner, jr., Usborne, of a son. pilceess. s:saps--In Usborne, on the 2020thi,tst,, tile, Il keeps cheerful but cannot sit down. 1 wile of .l,ir, Henry Pilsamelo