The Exeter Times, 1879-11-27, Page 7NovrAtm n 17 , 1870 1)AY3 Oic' 'TRAINING, Philo \Vilkius came all rho way from Yet 61)1t1,tobetipedeettten. Front hit, outwits' i aPl Gettralloe it tr'r, ("41 thea t he had tvp,lkod ovory steel) of it for prat). THP TIMES Dominion. A DOG'S INTELLIGENCE, , George Harrington, n trump. tinker, A. Naugatuck (Coen,) restaurant ease pelt iu the ,Cookstown look Up' fat hotper owns four two -n oiath9 old pups stags-►iiy. AVhffe irl _clurauee the took of a caplets+ breed. Before Fia,yligllt the emelt little: acid, and .lied. ei'lteslti}tm(ut of sti eti from Belleville cellar Morning ho no An tunnel el (lee. Nu weeder that he was dowel• hitt vearto the Uuitted States was about guise stud cliscovOl!,t1thorn on the rail right moral t. heti his }alert of being a Intl- 2,000, or nearly double the number rontd tr'tack in oompeny with an old bird fF;s iouttlftaked to test hitt admittance to the tvalki-g uttttrll, will that ho tell Up s(Hne capers Ilett c'etieetl rt toes[locale eitj iuu in a cell ttfthe "The Tweetty ing ace:ideut at Advocate IItt'rboc, N. was almost time for the three o'clock elude' Ile hadnot given ever his ;'3. n train. and the old dog inns nearly tali -bark ptt;ittli.t'e+, thoutlh, v h.» tars 1 ho SF 7,,I1r1], N. ,>.., customs %IF frantic in itis endeavors to got tho its. r Patios; i . tholities y'dterd.t) told ,t etlantily of took Mtn to the 1,, ios; 0, art yesterda•y. smuggest cl trctcsd. seizrd tsithiu the ltidt tie ones off the track. He would seize' t,yt� yeti went to be it leerte triat:�" fF,,v rne:r�ths. The salt: realized ttbont one by the nape of the 1►eck, parry tt lily ltniior suit!. (1f.10.. off the track to the middle of the street *'Yon bet," suicl the prite,tier, watt, The preeent output in the :1lit,cioo and then return for another, iu elle ectioa:,ly as he frees telt! the floor stitit n11toli IS 120 toner per day, and nett metitltilne the first would be back again tlinntit,e, scrump it will be largely inorea:,e'l. L'rospectore are numerous, and. several and all the pups seemed to be enjoying "You have a hard of teal to pia• use dieooverlow are reported. the sport hugely. At last the old fel- 13ITTRIt BAUCH AND PICKLES, BRANDIES. GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RIE '11UALT Nhroagb. Our system of trttic.in;; hers' \ vattitt: mutt 11>itnad Dian, of Pt. jots set down apparently in despair, SCOTCee, 11ISI1.AND COelei0N WHISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, is spite to severe one." to Williams, N. S., while ont shooting, but it happened that be:was only de. The pii:suuer said lie 5110h't utindTuesday, his gun wont off accidentally tat;ktiog it," but th'eug ht hes we tild and :ilk uttered his arra so btully that it vising a pian to get the little rascals like to hear the bill of fare Liget lead to be ttutltutated. Ile diced the home, for after a minute or two he ran tdirttngh. same ;d 'h. rat) to oho of them, seizing it ns before, "First," raid the Conte. ',you've got The Guelph Ii;trrel Company will, en -and bore `;',it off to the street. "Ton to st'e,tr off lignnr, give seseiksttg awl Time its works• when he pat it down he watched it a olsowiug a 'tyke besets ttn11 i11 telt' 111e ysus' Sett Obatn s, of Beverly, got his mind to tis yonr alefpirg afoot," , hack broken the other otty tvl_im° pull• few second.), and when it started back The palmier nodded and went on mg stumps. for the traok again, he grabbed it, bore fre000ing. The Baptist congres:ition at A.yl laer it baeck, and putting tit down gave it "As ler exereit;e," the Cosset went ors extea'tetl a call to the Rev. Robert a sharp bite which treacle it howl ►vitt tewe levo a cheerful mud txhiiaratiug TlnitneQ, Mioesing, Simoe.o county, fl 1 regrtuxnne. Yon get tilt tet d,tvbretsk late student at the Spurgeon College, and put iu a ce.teple of towi of med. London, Engglencl. Tile call has been It's a good tonic and linings all the ►hussies into limy. "You've sett to die it. pretty liveliy, ton, for v'u Hasp to be down at the grain elevator at Sit." "The grain elevtttol?' "los, to double up with a ilof�ting horde. N''tlting iiae it for expanding the chest a it soling the hits firm. After tura yon may try the tl;>wttrd bi- peclalisito movement for an hour or so. I!'ittest of exercise for the thighs and ehouldera." "The bi—what d'ye call it move- ment?" the prisoner inspired, "Bi•peti.alistio. Some valor potpie call it hurrying the hod ; but thus .t is termed in the nomenclature of ath- luted," Pert Huron, Nov, 20.—There were "Ilutn. Any other reoreashnur tibc,itt thirty Bail vessels off the P tints Philo calmly asked• lust night. All triad to make the har- "1Vdlt, You luigllt practice with It t'or at the sense time, resulting in a sleigh hammer or handle a crowbar Lie' general tangle, mitts great damage, a Veil to get in shape f tr the diurnal at:chors and chains being lost bnw- biseuit and water." "13iscuit arta water! That'a the !odd. wades and davits carried away. The er, eh.? ' tow barge Dolphin and lilacs 13irek- "Yes it's light, yon see—removes head of the propellor Cleveland's tow loose flesh and fitcilitates digestion." went ashore on the Canadian side. The '}So it dn." following disasters occurred near Sand. .''Then, After that you'll be ready for beach 1larbor during a terrific gale :— the truck, and von cad skins along The stearal barge Whiting went on a while a couple of fellows with horse. reef and sank at. 1 a.m. The schooners whips to smarten the pace." Ilutchinson and Mania are ashore. "Do they barn you very hard?'' Three of the steam barge Snlina's tow sn so. They do say the die also ashore. Two of them have price of whips has gone up about the gone to pieces. Tho body of an un• ;garden lately. But cowhide is frail known sailor was found on the beach. star anyhow. Well, what d'ye think of our training system?" The prisoner THE TROUBLE IN IRELAND. :served once more Land then ob- served in a critical way:— "It hes its goat p'iuts, and there "ii sloine I don't cotton to, but I b'live our i" Jine plan o' tl•alnin'np to htlmiays all AFFEOTJ';D FIXED POE eATUl1DAY. eov6r it," "'The engine plan 1 What's that?" "\Ve don't stint a feller In his De or 'winks, but we fetches hits ao a railroad !bridge, when an express train Conley along we give him the word 'gir,' and Het hien rip. It has drawbacks I allow. placard wasacted in the comity of Brit some fellers up our wtty has made;Viuyo:— py all -fired good time on the ihjiue pilau o' „Tho hour of trial is coma— our trainiti'," y Philo Wilkins was not detained an- leaders are arrested. Devitt lied Dai - other moment. ley are in prison. Yon know your duty. Will yoti do it? Yet: you will.. WaAT THERE IS IN WHEAT. Biala is the place of Meeting, and Sat. t.l,il'potl last near. ,ling named Charley. The pups ivei•e £leory ',Mieriet John Winters, nrtrl, running up and dawn on the track levo brother„ muted Lovely era sup• l ose:l to helve hetet drowned by it boat_ frolicking; and having a good tiitno. It; JUST RECEIVED AT TW! EXETER AND LIQUOR STORE,' A LARGE STOCK OF 1U EN, JAPAN, YOUNG IIYSON and I3LACI TEAS, iietASINS, CURRANTS PRUNES, DRIED APPLES,' E.. R. 727. CANED FRUIT, SARDINE 5, LOBSTERS, SALMON, pain Find start •foe home, lie pro• peeled ill this way with each separately accepted, and Mr. Helmets will enter then followed after there. Oeoasiunal, upon Iris duties immediately. ly oue would seize it and inflict another The Dominion Board of Trade meets bite. The whole pro;ieediug oeoupie'l in Ottawa en January 2011,. I�tlnriis are n�uju being made to the old dot; upward of an hour, end tn,tl:e Halifax a reinter port, and it is after getting thein -all safely at, home,. prob able that the Government will err Charley went loaf a short distance in ectal large building there at ot,oe for front and. Itty with his head nn his fore the storage of merchandise intended paws watching the little truants till for shipment to the 01d County, dtt li ht. The dieret>ttt'tbte slogs of Brant 3 g County have lately been killing so mauy t.ht.ep that the County (J betel! leets de - HUMOROUS. Glared war, mud commenced killing the doge. Bologua sausage has already taken a tunable. mall. Omit Cleol)atra's Needle on the banks of,the Thames 1 Just wait till James Gordon Bennett brings back the North Pole and sets it up in Central Paris. What's the Needle to the Pole ? A poetess sings : "Tho' 1 were sprit niid boom'; broken, rigging, bol- dead my heart would beat for thee." This won't certainly be a "deadbeat," and it strikes us the poetess assumes too much poetic license. "I am afraid." said the lady to her husband, "that I am ;:going to have a stiff neck." "Not at all impressible, my dear," replied her spouse, iy"I bave seen strong symptoms of it ever since we wore married." He was inclined to bo facetione. "What quantities of dry grass you keep here, Miss Stebbins ! Nice room fur a donkey to fine lute 1" "Make The yourself tit home," she responded with EXCITEII INT OVkXt THE 411I1nsT OF A3ITAT sweet gravity. ons.—GREAT GATHEaING OF Tint 018- Wholesale and Retail, (-1-. Al MA 1 %�VE. Main Street,Exetcr. DG NOT FAIL TO $ L CUT THIS 0T'T. $1 Good for ONE DOLLAR in payment of pair - chase of goods to the amount of ten dollars, Only one accepted on each put chase of Ten &tilers. LEATHORN la .UcCOL'BBEY. L E A'C I-I0RIN` McCOITB R E North Store, Fauson's Block, Exeter. THE NATIONAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ISAAC C A LIN is prepared to give all his customers the bscelits `that will acnruefrom its adoption, and has os hand a large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crockery, Etc., At his Store, Main Street, Exeter, which will be sold a A i:ouse io1d Necessity. Dublin, Nov. 20.—The speeohes for aagyard's Yellow Oil is the best remedy in tate world for the following eotnplaints:— ivl►tell Michael Dtvitt and James Bryce Killen were arrested in Dublin, and Cramps in the linitis and stomach, pain in the aidee, rhenmatisni in all try forms. Colic, Neu - James Dailey, editor, in Castlebar,were might, Flesh worm ds.Spinal coniplainte,sprains made at themooting on the 8u0 lust, and Bruises. Don't faiito procnre it. Its egird in Gullet, t/� ,o, tu'figo. The f(llowing; all asesneFor nternalfor endeeternaluse.ain Sold by alt dealers. The most perilous hour of a person's life is wban 11e is tempted to despond. No one should despond—not even the young roan who is enfeebled both mentally and physically by habits of early indiscretion, as Victoria Bimini and Uva Orsi will enre the most distressing urday is the day. Come in your case of kidney disease, etc. For sale by all thousands, and show the Government dealers, at r$1 per bottle. and the world your rights yon will --- maintain. To the rescue in the might - of our numbers 1 Land grist liter- . ty 1 God save Use people !Balla Bcdlal iiceneli x t�f Saturday next 1 Satuday next !" College of On taxi°, may be A. political speaker mentioned some- day t oIleo- Shylock. door to body as a Shylock. and tau auditor aMk- the Post Mee, nxeter.pnt. ed. NV 110 Shylock wtss. if yon dont know, the or,ater scornfully replied, "you'd better go home and read your Bible. "You don't look well, aunt ; let me get ont that bottle of old port the squire teem you." "D.i you'se, my love, and be o,areful to give it a good shithe to slit up all the soutiniont ; then I'll be eartaiu slate to got the renal flavor." The wheat grain is a frnit consisting Ohl seed and its coverings. All the middlo part of the grain is occupied by ,arge„thin cells ; full of powdery sub - ;stance, which contains all the starch .of the '.sheat. outside the central 'starch* 'mass is a single row of squarish 'cells Idled with a yellowish material, 'every ri'eh in nitrosrsness, that is fleelh- tfortning matter. Beyond this again are iix spats of coveriris, containing mobil ralineral matter, both of potash and phosphates. The outermost coat is but of little value. The mn prodects of these coverings of the seetl are pecu- liarly rich in nutriment, and file than. is robbed of a large percentngo of vstlu- able and nutritious food. illidrilitags not only coutaiu more fibrin ttud min- eral matter than flue flour, but alert more fat. The fibrous matter or outer ental, which is intl►geitib'e, forms one sixlietlh of the bran, .but notuuo-lsn tl redtb of the fine flour. Whet contains the'; roattest quantity of gluten and the jatu;illrst of sterols ; rye, a iuediut11 pro• 'portion of both, while in berle:v, oats „teed corn the lerggeetprelims inn of starch .and :the stn alleet of gluten rare to bo ;;found, KINSMAN, DENTIST, .iealth is Happiness. . Nee ouseess,— A very great number of those in the middle and higher classes of so- ciety, who, without evor being actually sick, never know what real health is ; who livo, coli. stall 1}' in a lower plane of living biro 11 nor- mal in man, who are weak all over, tltottgli not special ;yawl constantly weak in any ono or. gan,who may not ttxperienee piercing anti grinding pain, yet duffer at time;;,” if not el• ways, that l>rofonn:texhaustion which in natty respects is worse than Pah), Tltntte in that lamentable state have always been rolios'nl,ead many permanently so by using the -Victoria S,pritp of Hypophes phi toe, it being [maclic,tlly adap,el for thane cases. ;Per sale by all dea- 1 urs. ATA.EtRJI 1 CATARRH 1 ! USE The groat Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The only positive meter Catarrh yet discovered. roe 8ALli BY (''. LUTZ'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE. W. L. S3fITH, General A;ont, Arko ss, Ont. HAY PUiW? WORKS. Ravingatidod to my pump machinery, anti pro ettre,l al urge, siuuutatity of first.elsas pump lugs, 1 ,tux 1,rouare,i to alter on article Superior to any factory in the County, and at prleos that dory, competition. 'Wolfs and Cis+torus duwon Oho shortest uctice, Before durohaliug oc 11 a ; the I1,4y. Pump Works, t Kt.'inop--onn.'tnarto natio part of Exeter, i,onttun )toad. I[uv 1 . 0 Which will be sold at prices unheard of under Free Trado.l farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, on the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Secure !mesons° Bargains here to be had in OvercoaLing, 1$'ull_cloths, Broad -cloth Doe skins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything noeded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited. No trouble to show goods ISAAC °ARLINt SPECIAL NOTICE! .o. MWELL 845PICKARD Are now offering at OLD PRICES a complete assortment of DRY G00CS, including Mantles, and Mantle Cloths in Great Variety. Dress Goods in all shades and colors, WINO F, YDS CHEATER THAN EVER BLACK LUSTILES direct from thcmanuacturer. FLANNELS is BLANKETS very low, BEADY -MADE CLOTHING CHEAP. CLOTIi & VUR CAPS ALL STYLES. MILLINERY IN LATEST STYLES. ORDERED CLOTHING- A SPECIALTY, Also full lutes of BOOTS SHOES, IIATS tik CAPS, & FRESH GROCERIES, & We have also a special offering of LADIES' MINK SETS h OAPs typ�I`R. Be sure to call and sec; them A lot of BUFFALO ROBES at special {prices. o.o All the above goods will be offered at the very low'e'st prices, si'\r1V1 'i,L tti PICKARD. BEFORE OFFERED a.�