The Exeter Times, 1879-11-27, Page 6• TJ{[{`i TT11r'1. l+roni the Gazette, Montreal, Nev. 13. atOOK 1.0 COURTNEY. VIE SUGAR QULi's`I'IOlg. - r* THE UNION bPEINGS SCULIeEll PLATING The agents of the American .sugar lrefiuerca ;have found, nu organ la the Giebe, whioh is laboring with desperate l A correspondent of the 11laft. tele• zeal to create prejudice against the graphs as follows from Rochester, N. policy whioh has glade it possible to do Y., udder date of 10th November :- our sugar refining in Canada. The I Have at last been able to interview sued between melt and monsters; in rise in the price of sugar in the coup- Asa T. Soule, donor of the six thous- which the former were vietoriunu, tuies of production, and consequently, and dulhtt prize. He arrived in the many of theegnids being killed, while the rest escaped into the water, " Two of the tenteeles wound around the bull were soheavy that one man alone could not carry theta. One was 12 and the ether 6 feet Wig ; the larger of the two was subsequently boiled in sections at different ttwee in a big ket- tle. Some years previous to this bat• tle cattle had disappeared in a myster- ious way from the same shore. The tight between the eephalopoda and the brill enlightened the proprietore as to the cause of their loss, "I would ncivi.e anyone snfteriee from sum - of these, stronger and -braver thing his fellows, his limbs- swathed in, straw bandages, and a shat p knife in his hand, boldly rustled to the rescue of the Dull, and on through Atte teiataOle'S' which enclosed it. Other pouipee then attaeknd the fisher, to whose aid his fellows hastened, and a flares fight en. generally all over , the world, !is seized city some time last night or this morn - Upon with avidity to help on the pupa- ing. I met him in his office a little t iotic campaign. The question., how. after noon. Ile greeted me cordially ever, in wflich the Canadian public is enough, but followed the greeting with interested is simply this : Would the language more forcible than elegant, price to the Canadian consumer be any whioh showed his opinion of Courtney less than it is, if the Tilley tariff had to be far below zero. ., Champion, did not been brought in ? There is a sin- yon say* ?" he replied to a question. pie method of answering this question. He's The price of Canadian relined yester- CHAMPION RASCAL day was eleven cents, less trade dis- and coward.. It is a clear ease of mill - count of two and a half per cent, mak. ialhness. Why, I spent all yesterday ing the bet price 10.73 cents a pound. at Union Springs trying to see hire The price of Americ=an refined vitas 11- and get hila to re -consider his dotermi- 12 cents', fess drawback, of whioh our nation, but, no, he wasn't to be found. readers have heard so touch, 8-16 ots,, making the net price for export to Can- ada 7-97 cents. Adding the fluty, under the Cartwright tariff, 25 per cent., and one cent spocifie, and we have the price to the Osnadia.e dealer laid down here 10-98 cents, oe nearly a quarter of a ('taut a pound more than is ohe,rged by the i1ontreal refinery! That is certainly conclusive as to the fact that relining our sugar in Canada, " Then yon cannot think Courtney a -which has certainly resulted in groat very brave man ?" advantage to the country in other re- " Why, sir, he hasn't any pluck at spectq, has not increased the price of all. On. llfonday,' when we Were all the article to the Canadian consumer. trying to iihduae him to be a snail, he Then there is another view. Are the hard many excuses to offer, and ,as fast refiuers taking advantage to the full as one was answered he had :mother extent of the tariff to put up the price rea.iy. First, he Objected to ilii'. of sugar ? In other words. have the 131aikio, and when this was answered, duties been added to the cost to the he said that if he were defeated in the consumer? Hare are facts: The cost race, his wife would for export as above, of American re• DIE OF n1sAPPOIv'r1rl;NT. fined sugar, is 7-97 cents. The duty, Then, when his wife urged him to row, thirty-five per cent. on the grows price, and showed herself to be twice as grit - and one cent r.er pound specific, is ty as he, he said his health wouldn't 3.57 cents, making in all 12.81, or 2.11 admit of his rowing. When the family cent:; more than the present price of the sugar at the Canadian refineries. From which' ii follows, first, t.h:.t so far from the tariff having increased the price of sugar to the Canadian con- sumer, it i•1 actually lower than it would have, been' had tl.e iUartwright Just before I came away he sent me nisi oolxtplatuts to give Ur. Fowler's Extract ui word that if he had anything to say lf'ilci StrawLe•ry at fair trial."-OAndr-tx M. he'd send it up iu the morning. I iu. Gelurn,'11 U" (i rletHu. "Dr, 101clrr'5 if vestitr tract of it'lid .St awbcrvr/ gives perteoE saris. �tLted the assertions that ills Pachon "-'1'aanAs Douur,AS, (autbiay. "Uttn friends advised hien not to accept 111r•.I tacos'umcidDr.Fowler'sE,xtractotW..ldStraw. 1;llaaikie, but found no one not in, favor berry with ooniideneo,"-,fuvon S, S. PEO)[, Minden. IlIy customers bear high testimony to the virtues of Dr. b'va,lers, Extract of Wild .Strawberry." -=1' STn1"4\So', Orangeville. Fur sale by all dealers. See advertisement iu an- other column. of slim fur referee above all others. Even his wife and -all his near relatives Waged him to ataud by the articles and row the race." physician, Dr. Fordy.:e, said he had never been in Letter health in his life, i ' TraThitS C f-E1_1a. Courtney Said in so many ttords that \VATCFilns, CLOC11R,_ Sowing Mti0hiues, organs,. ACcerdeeas, an11 Umbrellas rur'sirelet Agent for filo 1Vauzer series sew- ing bblct(ines, Second- hand Sewing Machines for sale cheap, All kinds of hoedles and shuttles f1r HewiegMttchines kt'ptnn Sand Skop-IdIlin Street, Dashwood. JOHN G. ii.a.l)ON, Proprietor. . May 1.:i 1-y. • J t xeter• N Ort] FLOUR and GRIST MILL Being in good working order giros every accuul- elstion possible in rnistidg and limning. Fleur tnt,1 mill feed oeliveree to parties leaving their orders before ono o'clock etJ.131:LL,'S ]fakery, or O'13Y33.N l S C0'8, or at mill seam) day • -O-_ -__O-_- he (li,ln't wait to row at ail this fall.7047 . IXT I 0 It7 He had all the time been playing biuff. E -VE m•I;R En o. tie's made the greatest mistake of his life." tariff remained in force and the refiner- "'.Pilon it wouldn't be very hard to lea remained closed. And tbat rho re- tell who sawed the boat ?" flaeis, so far from eha)'ging the full " Well, no, I rattler think not. Courtney is how sts dead ata a man Could be. I told hill he could never recover from the effects of this blow, bot he only laughed, and said he guessed the newspapers would get over it. They bad been dawn on him be. fore. Why, even his mother, a woman figure that the tariff would permit them to charge, are charging over two cents a bound Jess. 14ith these ample facts, it is surely not nacesllary to say any- tiuug more iu reply to the arguments of the organs of She American Sawa►• refiner;. t.«.«. of sevouty-two, said she'd row if Char - A DANGER IN THE JURY (tie wouldn't." SYSTEM, " Then, you won't have a great deal more to (1;) with him ?" r " I wash 11)7 hands ,1 1 So'f't t 'The dry, tit.Cournev I cutting. t i1 I satire � d ItP practised �. Rt) y, �, P Pll , much by the cross examining lawyer of sir, alid l rs:n sure the public will do to nay is sometimes as dangerous in eenrt as it would be on the street. A short time ago a jtlry was siding nn a ease in Southern Colorado. A woman triol; tile eland and way slmewhat rut- Celolllonieusly treated l' the lawyers. .it last a particularly dry and clan -til Palo►(' began to ]practise on her with the Cris examination, Now, ul11•mg the jn'y.nen Was one gentlemen who was drawn with apprehension avid fear of cin it q+tel1de4. Iia Was as fektx, wild inirirr. Wit 1 no tnOl'e idea of the re R rich los of taw and justice than a bnf- f51o. 11e li,Ui twi)chaed in easily while tl]" 5"(1i1ft'i 1`l.l.S being examined, and c ,111,1 .+t ly be kept still by beii:g pro. t )1(,'(i into) a tv.liRpsred et)tivt:rs:l.ti:a/l p:l'h lits foreman. As the Cl'QS4-exa111- i e:11i•)0 re,,(1:Pal at particular point, be 'i 1r e,:hi l the (:curt by jumping lip, t'.1an,1i14,2 hi; halal foto hp; trip (1102k01', ANI) A BULL. end t xzi;,inling to the lawyer : " 11) 111411', 1I r. S iek.in•the•11t1t1 ?" fill-, The story givr;il lR.ktt' wits commit!) from 15 juryana1 brr,ngit every eye 11) icated to the Twin (Japiail) Times by a t n,i'1tr sea astonishment upon !Jim. correspondent to annuli it was 1t15'en as 1L : heeded Illtiliug and pluct:'e.ietl : a1 specimen of til;;ii.a:1 c•aint)oeition by J ick lIt5jubo Sums'1 allow no i1)t)u to a young Japanese soilol)tr who was a talk re a Woman in that sh•lp,2 ; not candidate for the po,ition of transhttor. while he's 1)ruuilt.t." Tile ju•lgo retltilt- "' he 011i•1l0) of ' Slluyultietaarl,' who ('(1 honest Jack, and hn skink into his lived some sixty years ago, t;'ay Once sea t•Ilihai'raesod but n10.1. 'file t uv- travAlliu; in iliutsn, one of the north. tnt•Nii,5, upon Mtn ';with with1,11Ju ern pt•OV)ticoS. \\'7siliing one day near sc''rn, beg'.tti, bombastically : Of the sea heath 11e hoard 51.10 bell w of a what tve•i>ht with 1)0 is the opinion of bull, sail went in the direction of the Ign,r)'a515 jitrvll1re11 ? I "--- "1'1111t'e noise. ll.() turas 1)1011 witness of en ex - wit i til,)14115," earl Jack, as with traordinal;y conebat betweeu. some cut. 1 )15 D'ua'l lin cleared the rail (111,1 tie 6411 slid a bull, An 'ouointom: Avonnd ,1 iin'elf ar('uncl the hiveyer•. 1)oulpe, with height purple eyes anti 11 ,fore aL c sn• t,et,la c 1)111 11'ts li the tentacles six feet t01I, had attacked etre x1;11 ,g pair, J,a0k haft 111 scentte1 the (lnatdr:tped. '1'loowing its ivory 1)u) 1,teryer disc► he Is el ,n give (1e atronutl the b,(I,y, tiio monster tried t(' the Lscl H11.1 l;,) ltninn. on 11 11)5510V. make for the water with fps captive, rT1'+ 11) 'Ilt s''1 1151)1, ' cleaned ')n: the 11eauwhile other octolla, to Tule nn)n C on't I)%t')1', 1)4 C 4)1,1 be 1'1,10 ti mei n• (tors 1511(1 Of great 51'/4, ssvat,•llhed onto a.rrnot, disabling; two C')irstablee and the shore which seemed to be alive l; tt)in t the 0 ler a,.d the ln 1.0 to with thou• big roiled heads.. Some 01. flill)t. Another argument Against '1111) 511003 assisting their 0•nn1'ade, soon like' jdty syatbin. hl •1tts,ct;ed the brill, dragging it (loon, the sea. Their quarry, Isosvev'1r; 1Vil'ian Col( )eau, an old colored tnttn 103tle tt brave rnsil;1111) o. a.lid succeeded belee, Ing t+r Chippewa, was stealing in goring its h.•st f,,e in the head and w' od ti 0111 the C. ii: R. and C'arryieghone u.nd ta1ial(i))g itself free froth it - it nerr,s:,tbe'fridge ov r the %STelfand enlbr1Lc0. 1.;,'fure it (•)111)1 e,calln; how l•tv r, hoe 111) ft 11 nil,l1 ti 415 drowned, ever, it was lirrniy hold by a► still ler J.'+l w le, a tvl'Itrt Wotnntl, orio.5 (11N(1 her. ger lnsitieter, while others took s)h(tt• the sante." "WIrAT ABOUT TXD7I $6,000 ?" tt Well, 1 don't taut to talk about than at present." 11'hgt about the Camel• that you were really backing Courtney ?" " I tail not t.is1h to say anything of that" This brought the iutorviow to a close.. Yunug Willard, the reporter who was to he Couttney'e o4teu-iihle manager, now denies that that 1\•a3 the 0314 0. " `1110 ilea," he says, " of b,'ing tele. graphed alt over the country as 111nlI1l- ger of it dead[ race 1" Public pentium i, entirely a.gaairlst Comemev every srllels, and law 0:5)1 never again gain tbe:e nifideuce of the peepie. FIGH2 BETWEEN A DEVIL FISH, T..rarlh:�rtt-1iter OULD SAX TO those who i•utchui ptirohas;tg to tato ao truth the tutteefactur( r, The doalor wllo buys tc sell tug '(iu 1113APt nets:swi'i•1Y have a profit. \1"e (pial to give the purchasers the benefit, which oauuob tail to most the views of the -*rangers. Our ex • 0 0111 aro less Shan those el city mann in cIorerhoensect"ont- y we eau sellcbeauer,. 1\o yllui3l�It 27, 1LL9 .._..-..._. ... -. �pp�p,���O1C�sR.a.�oae7ltsoi�aOWo.a,R4?#. C. S GIDLEY, CULC1, J?111'Cl•itu].'e, Md :t t11.ffi(J1:11:2'ea� +' WOULD callspec ial:tttuition no our undertaking doJ .i't inert t,uhioh 15 more own. itlete thanre dded sev rala))CW designs tl of lute Tim best coffins. caskets Shrends,aud ovely •uueral requisite at t)u lowest pyiee5. Our now Hear-, o is pronounced by competent rude; e5 to be seco11(1 to aorta in the provinces Emblen s of all elle Different Soolities. DON'T FAIL TO RANTON B OTHER Wo offeT special value in ' MINK. NO TROUBLE. TO SHOW TIIl i1I, w THE EXEiIEPO 0 'FOWLER ( �" ' T3 �i 1H,7 Subscriber begs to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and the s^mounding eons. fey �� tt�i�: R . ,6 . � try, that 110 has 0l)rllod a TEN tied SrOVE DEPOT iu the store -nearly opposite lir. u. A. Maceslirocery and Liquor store, Main street. Exctei, where he is p.epal tanto 111] allorde.s for W -!.Strawberry Gook, -a'lor and other Stoves Ab Manufacturers' Prices. Tinware, cheaper than the cheapest, and made up by praetica1 • Workmen on the premises. mom, Nati A Specifc Remedy for all Summer Co.uplaints ouch as Di:man::ea. Dy• - �" sentry, Canada Chute: a, Cholera ,,.�,,,,, Uorbus, Cholera Infautum, Sour t....immi Stomach. Griping Pains, 15,1(1- all .�i derangements of the b mals, eat -Lo- ral .t by using improper food, Rtich 158 t^..,.�y raw vepetebles, (unripe or sure ,;ave -Trop 'hin);done to order, ('dirties to i'httl• tg al ? mwe.iat]t)'• Coal oil d;iiiutnt ys, the P"�4 fruit, bad milk, impure water to. chomp of ct. tai, changesea of t e very hest and none Cheaper. � exposure. No matter from 0 Intending\1'11,'11 a findinaasinv readyto c i � what (,51,11 or ]a what fol) y01111211 - t , s'1 t1i 5 ono mgine.s L�. subject to any of the above roan- and prepared at all times to treat east oreerS courtenesty ani]-ouPp]S them withal good and 1 plaints, Lit. Eu„Ix 10s tbo cera or cheap article. Depend upon it that nowhere eau you get b'tter'vaine for your money. IN me STRAspeedy will rellie tae effected The Ver highest price iu o ssll )?is' for Hides and iailt?A) S1 us and a spot dy' cure will pro effectocl ,� -p 1 1: 1 .. within. lufury to the system. It is - P- manufactured from the wild. Strawberry Plant, and free fi•oei Exeter PO,Actoi'ar15 Cs�i� opium and other injnriens drugs. For sale by (511 healers, at ls. l u1 3Doti leo for ,°(1.00 1'i511'.'1tt131) )3Y IvIIL13UItN, I31LNTLEY & PEAIRSON • 9'017.0.4'74c. . zP C a0:l, E 11. SPACEMAN. Wtiw3'avb,o 4a+Ta ± dr t1.1,9 M -.5,gn OF THE Piano i iciewing WALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. - TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, CUOOA, COFFEE, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES, 111t)E,OA.T:,IEAL,POT BARLEY 0 ilTEII3, SALMON, LUBSrlilsS, VINEGAR, hX(.. /,;/, PN l 1''U �1 PIC1K:LI.ti'(> . ORANGES, L".i,; IONS, .FI:t1T:i, GENUINE, INDIAN CU..RRRI.E POWDER, SCALED HERRINGS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, 1 A full assortment of first-class Family Gs:Geories in stock, cheap as the cheapest. GEO. KtillvIl.', Maio, street, Exeter. rix 1 �x.r, IC lis l 41) at r rr`TIE T.ATSCIT S T AND PEST STOCK OF Silverware, China a)1(1 Deaf over semi in the West, at e• ..n uta+•' .,-ey ! 2;-°,") (::" C"" .'". rqm.� ^.'q o .l yz. 1/b k� t, r .Z, iL- .. Mr Drew has just received an excellent %toe',o • TSI] SilverTea Set ts,lietti,tCOO] ars,I)ou1,icau(1Siuglo 1100) J 1 nets, Cake 13asket. nerd ltec^Iv(e.8,(,e1i1- 11111iuuSctiS,otc.,oithe nest Quad t 1b'iindL'1iple PI"' :plate, audiooireri).lgthesameu,l•1lccetlu),t rade r(�a1 �\ ��1 'Ill Asss).11tsls $05.1 FOR 1)i1:<1t'isi:i".1`1 11 tlIifi :f v 7 tl i' Hehasjust opened out •t now awl complete es - Ip ai i1 t snrtiuont of China, Glao 11:d Stonewtires. A e I I t large stock of Leon(4 j 1INT ar •fvell. Ca11 11. elAut1sf `. I if�F� �lil� yourself to 1.aalitp• cul awn nrr•s. 0011.1e uusr i n tAls JJ try our iult1.11111e11t1$. mut.io Teuebel still i n rf r II t1'iI�Mand, Services at1°1re:i figure?. -,di'r i .Y4 e- flpceln1attent ion cal1odtotbeltivy inon1Sewi1'-g r > lLLohino, Organs an(1 1'illnob unsurpassed 5, 1' boattty of design, and quality of tone. ;11 FI -5 141. ". L4likyr It h �I t^ l,0�al1 Rli E. DREW. F' . 187 9) AL (1879 NEW BUTC it ETOI'rg•E-�.` OLD IR. i L .A.:1 LT'-; 1 -IO EJS E . 1 llto undersigned wouldinform the illhabi. At an times, s11rta)a)'tletflatiy at a period when Trade is universally depressed 1111d money ►.slits ofExete)' and vieinitythat hellos excreta, it 1R i)1 the ilttel'est of every buyer t0 pitch RHP. Wiled' lie can get the article • he wants JI)LIV'L D A N)' j� BI7rCCLII it SHOP at the lowest rate. In a.Ell;ng your attention to my ores elitstoell:, l do so with ove''y eriufict once, it beitlg inoreoarefully assorted- and solect(1 11150 ►liar of any pre; lo11$eason. .ue tom south °flan 131acicslnithshop andhopes t U Goods hosanlo Iii,arul patronage that has been ac n the Dry v oods (ordod to him in the 1) sc,agsilruAlm145,G0'1 llAraxa Evetyclepartln'en5i5replete wi'11the most seasonable and fashionable fab)"111, marked in tins will heextonare to 111115 in his new brancllo prices which should command the R140116011 of the vel' closest but•el•s. .'TH+- ''i �' lenai)t•of, ills meat wagon o illoall attl,c'rosi- CLO'TBI1II,3 still has IIIc, tv,I`VES at it, head O DLfil b 10415 of the vallaget1 ' etimesoael wookand In. Millinery 111 1 �' � i A undorthe'ns..agotnentof lIiss UaGlog)tion, we eau suit, the most fastidious. Our stoci; of t. nlitJ) 10 Vaud at 1Ie Groomes, Boots and Shoes,Canadian �:zbutioi�ei nia`e ,t .coast i Canadian, English and American 1 , telfht' rl:tervvirlg another colored min ti"' care of the won'Ided eine. The tin• Shelf and Heavy, ITardware rned �C ,ilfe 1110 tiny her husband fOrlt111Rte' UNr►5 t' i)r:)h)winp attracted nlaua-4 ivckslrn it bk"0.0a itliire and wagnil inakiugttarriod 0'11 ,y. is fid 'W'atS dmowned., ort crd of £ kerule•I ke frll(i cot. Ouo R DAVISone of t he largest and hest assorted in We Oenn.ty. Intending purchasers win ionsul'their bestillterests bq eactnlining my stank born going elsewhere.,