The Exeter Times, 1879-11-27, Page 2LEFT ALONE.
An old tenement in the High Street
of Edinburgh, where in the days of
' the Stuarts had lived some of the tuxbu-
lent cables of that disturbed' time. Now
the spacious halls Were divided into
flats and buts and bens for the humbler
toilers of our pacific sea..
John Blyth rented a whole fiat in
that timeworn building, eking out his.
small income by letting the rooms, and
to hien went Jennie Ashton on her ar-
rival in Edinburgh. Sho and 'Mary
his wife were cousins, and had been
playmates in their young clays, when
the troubles of the time to come cast
no shadow on the brightness of youth.
In later years when earning her liv•
ing in a millinery establishment she
which she wat;hecj tho twain with
intense interest.
'No more Until you depart,' said the
the younger man, 'I have reached the
turning point when another glass would
render me careless of my own safety
You understand, DIr, ArScrew, eh ?'
After dopreoating the idea of taking
any nuduo advantage, the lawyer told
how a largo fortune had been left in
Australia, and that the heir seas a poor
man -in foot none other than John
Blyth. railing him, was a relative of
the deceased by the mother's side, 000
Peter Whytock, who lived in a semb-
lance of gentility but was hard pressed
to keep up appearances. He had de•
termined at all hnzards to possess him-
self of this property, and if unable to
make of it at present John Blyth must
had lived there, and at that time first be prevented from getting possession.
met Waiter Ashton. 'Ilaving employed me in the matter,'
A. hearty welcome was hers from the continued the lawyer, '1 saw no other
twain, whose sympathy with the sor- means ot'delaying this than the pnr-
roes of their relative was sincere
though wanting volubility which jars
in its effort to pass as the true metal
'Your auld room was ta'eu yester-
day,' said Mrs. Blyth, 'ilie ane yo lived
in for two years after yer faither dee'd ;
- 4aR'Atr�ara,tall�ram' ., ..
the parting of the beams from the walls
which had, supported them so long. On
the stair she was safe, its steno work
remainingintact, whits tho building
lay a herterogenoons tunes of hue e'•
hold goods and crushed ihumanity, en•
voloped in masses of ruined alit: onrv,
while (Ivies of terror arose from tho.e
who had escaped, standing aurid clouds
of dust 11a11f-dressed and Ehiveriug in
tho bitter culls,
Jeannie Ashton waited not to learn
the extent of the :disaster, her object
being to reach Liverpool, as she iiew
westward, but hours must pass before a
train would leave for the town, and she
crouched in oa common stair till ti e
dawn dappled) the eastern sky when
she took a seat in the barly train for
the s(>u'h, \%hien glided out of the
station as if ashamed of breaking the
quiet of that Sabbath morn, with its
rumbling wheels proclaiming 11, broken
loiniug of the papers, which I disovor- In the glare of the torchlight which
ell were being forwarded through Scri• lit up the ruins ]y ng far into the
vinton l4 Gash, Liverpool, to a firm of street, )nun fought with desperate ef-
lawyers hero who were instructed to
complete the transfer. Haring heard
you were accustomed to dirty j''b —'
an' I dinna ken vera weel whar tae pit 'Hold on, gnv'uor, civility please.
R110 farrer The pot calling, the kettle black, you
know. Well, I have done the job after
making half of Sarivinton's clerks
break 300113n es by filling them drunk
ye, unless yell tak' the
'That'll maybe doe the neo,' obsorv•
ad John. 'Ye see, we're no weel ail' at
the praisent time, an' Vary has
Iran's foo, 1 can tall ye.'
'I am only too glad that yon can
find room for me at all,' Jennie said,
a gleam of comfort coming to her ach•
iuo heart throngh the cheering influ-
euces of the kindly faces beside Ler.
Alone in a little room, and the sha-
dow fell again. Gazing at the gloving
fire, which had effectually dissipated
there the chillness of the winter night.
she sat thinking of the past, with its
joys now in the yellow leaf,aud its sor•
rows yet so green.
Soon there leapt into her eyes a look
of eager inquiry ; a word uttered in tbe
next room had caught her ear. A. slim
wooden partition which age had chick -
ed and creviced, and over them a cover-
ing of paper, was all that divided the
two apartments, and what passed on
the other side she could hear distinct-
'Don't drink so nntclt of that whisky,'
a shrill cracked voice said.
'My nerves were so shattered in that
confounded Middlebury collision,' that
it is the only thiug I eau get to steady
them,' was answered in a tone deep and
unsteady, like that of a toper in a state
of partial inebriation.
'A lucky job for us that same colli-
sion,' said the jerky voice.
'Yes,' said the other, ,it saved me
the necessity of commiting murder,
and destroyed all traces of this packet.
By -the -by, I hope you have brought
the cash, as my expenses have been
large, and only a few shillings of what
you gave me are left ?'
'Dere are fifty pounds, half of the
amount promised. The remainder I
shall procure to -morrow on,the delivery
of the papers.'
'Then you wont deliver them to-
morrow,nnless the foll amount is forth-
coming. 0 dear net ! not so green,
Mr. ArSerew ! Yottr employer won't
trust are, then I dont trust him. 1
might find another market, yon know.
The address is still here.'
'Bat my dear fellow, consider—'
'No use, glister. Tho whole or no-
thing; that is my ultimatum—speak-
ing in diplomatic terms,' said he of the
blustering voice.
her until they blabbered all I wanted to
know ; then nearly g t killed on the
railway. So yon CLO go now, old man,
aucl tell your shabby employer that if
he does not shell up at once I shall
look up another customer.'
M'Screw arose in evideut chagrin.
'Let us have a partiug glass, Wilmot,,
he said.
'By alt means,' was the ready reply,
and a gleam of hops came on the face
of the old mart which did not oseape
the eye of Wilmot. 'Drink,' he said
holding oat a glass, 'I shall drink mine
when you are on the other side of the
deer ;' and with a '.o id guffaw lie
the lawyer move away.
'Remember to•nlorrow, I will not be
put off,' lie said, as the old man went
'I will remember,' he said, and with-
out a good ifittlit he was gone.
The man clilted Wilmot quaffed his
glass of whiskey, and then tried to
fasten his room door, but it was guilt-
less of lock or bar, honest John Blyth
thinking doubtless that the chain and
lock on the front door was sufficient
protection against evildoers.
The watcher saw him pull forth a
packet which she now felt sure was tbe
one entrusted to her husband, and she
had already formed a determination to
procure it. After scanning the apart -
unlit Wilmot mounted on the table
and reached up to the remnant of cor-
nice work—a, relic of the ornamenta-
tion of other days—where a colony of
spiders had held undisputed possession
for generations of insect life. Here he
placed the papers, and descending mur•
mured, 'safer there than in my pocket;
there is no knowing what scheme M' -
Screw might resort to. Now for a drop
in comfort.' Then glass after glass of
fiery spirit disappeared with fearful rag
pidity, and lie staggered to the bed,
forts to save trio sufferers, whose
groans guided the workers to where
they lay. Many were taken nut un-
harmed, many were ei'uehod almosu to
death, and oh, how many were taken
out mere clods, the spirits Laving gone
up with ttbe crash and awoke many
sleepers to dismay.
Early in the rnorniug the body of
Wilmot was found, the hubs broken
ore look lin
t111d]afi c lingering g g in the pallid
race as if the struggle had been terrible.
M'Screw, who with his partner had
been anxionely awaiting the discovery,
claimed the body; but no part of the
papers was found upon it, and although
a large reward was offered) to any lab-
or er who could find them, it was never
'Thereis one consolation,' said Whyt-
ock, after all hope had gone, 'John
Blyth shall not finger the money.'
'He lost his wife in the catastrophe,'
observed M'Screw.
'Not much loss, either,' said Whyt-
oclf, and M'Screw answered never a
word. Even his soul revolted at the
cailonenose of this man.
A week after they were startled by
the news that John Blyth had inheri-
ted his own ;but they knew ni t how
Jeannie Ashton had carried the deeds
to lir. Scriviuton, who had brought
them to Edinburgh in person, when
everything w. s satisfactorily arranged),
and Jeannie Ashton installed as house-
keeper to John Blyth.
Twelve mouths had passed when a
visitor came to Jeannie. It was Mr.
t erivint00.
'Mrs. Ashton,' he said, when they
were aloin,, 'I am a blunt man, as 1
said to yon once before, but I pride
myself on being a truthful one. I have
come to ask you to be my wife. I eau•
not offer you position; but what is bet-
ter I offer you the love, and the first
one, of an honest man.'
There conies a time in most lives,
as Pruvideuoe bath ordained it, when
sorrow sieeceth; and Je.anuie Ashton
felt that a uew life had dawned for her,
and she gave him her hand, net an un•
willing one, for stie had found that it
was a hard lot, in this world of toil and
whore he threw himself into a state of sorrow to be 'Lett Alone.'
aloholisation which prolnised a plenti-
ful supply of aches and tremblings on
the morrow.
The midnight hour had sounded era
this from the Trot), and a hush hung
No other medicine in the world was eyer
given such a te't of its curative qualities as
BOSOI3ita's GGInfAN SYRUP. In three year's two
millions four hundred th',usaud small bottles
over the city on this Sabbath horn,) of this medicine were distributed free of charge
by druggists in this country to those 'acted
when Jennie Ashton made preparations with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, sovore
to procure the stolen packet. Coughs, Puenumonia, and other diseases of
the throat and lungs, giving the Atuerican
'Perhaps my word of honor wottid I'' allyequipped for a journey, sae people undeniable proof that GI Ruin SYRUP
satisfy yon,' proposed the oilier, cautiously pushed open the door of elwlnill cure them. The result bas been that
wrists in every town and village in the Oa-
' no word of a pettifogging ia'v 'or 1 Wiliri"t's room with a fluttering heart naclas and United States are recommending it
l b'g g } to their customers. Go to your druggist and
and trembling •stet)—nut that sae had ask what they know about it. Sample bottles.
10 cents, ltegular size, 75 cents, 'Thre4 doses
will relieve any case. _ _
What :to yon take ale for ?' and a jeer.
ing laugh foll med. To what do these
papers relate ?' he queried ; 'I have
not had the curiosity to break the
'They can possess no interest for yon
beyond the amount promised for their
'13nt I am now curious to know, and
Peeing Ilow easy I can obtain the linow-
lard„ e, t he better plan will bo your tell.
tug ins.'
'Here, drink this,' said the old man,
anytiling to fear from the sleeper, but
the experience was new, and all the
resolution she possessed was necessary
to the accolnplisirment oilier design.
An old Physician. retired from practice, hay.
Mounting by 1130 means she find seen ing bad placed in his hands by an Eget Li -
(11m missionary the formula of a simple vege-
adopted by Wilmot, her hand was on table remedy for the speedy and permanent
As -
the packet, when a loud CYACIf and curd for Consumption, Bronchitis,Catterh, As-
thma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also
trembling of the building inside her 11 positive and radical cure for Norvons De-
bilitystaro nervously and glance toward the•
eetrlall s wonderfulr Cmati o after hav-
✓,powers in
bed, but the sleeper slept on. thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make
•it ]drown to his suffering fellows. Actuated by
Witll the papers in her bosom the this motive amd a desire to relieve human suf-
A few years Agri "August Viewer" was dis-
covered to be certain owe for •D•rsponsia and
Liver Complaint, A few thin dyspeptics made
known to their friends how easily and ilniekly
they had been cued by 1 e use. Then the
g3' at merit of Cranknes Aocusr l+ra.\t l -:n became
heralded through the country by one sufferer
and another, 7171111 wit1(011 allvertishl,;, itis 21116
became iul'xleuse, Druggists 171 every town in
the (lnniiilas and United Status too selling it..
I No person su1T"riu7 from Stat *manta, hick
lieadloho, Costiveness, Palpitation of tido
heart, Indigestion Low Sptn7 s, etc., e1111 taut
three doses without relief. Go to 'your Drag•
gists and get a bottle for 75 cents 1111.1 try sam-
ple bottles, 10 00111,1:,
N doll < l >l Policy
constantly ou hand and made to order
11TcMILLAN & 11'+oBRIDI+a
attvinr now g-oator frcilitios than 01'e,', aro pre-
pared to supply fanners with Iron Hoang PhwA,
Stool Mould. Board, 11,act° by eluselve" ; (:1:111
Plows, Ifuauper tui to ; Scut^h 1>iatuo..d Harrows
cultivators, (lath' 1 lows,
Carriages snit buggies 1)u hand, (11(11 Made to or-
der. 1' orae sboetn 7 att third to nn the s10)1'Ost
untie°. Horses shod to prevent intorferieg.
DIc3IiLLAV 8 ,1icBride, King 01.,'Rol:sal1
TRADE M' RK,Menrho u Cxl11117t1(1 u.nglisltTRADE7"ARK.
�Lltc, i1:1curtlfur S'emi-
.'' nal \Vualcues",
.4l; p 51,erluntorrheadais,
Impotency, an
\y ! 1>iee,wcs that fol-
low an It setluoa00 °a 1
of Soli (1117(61 19
" loss of &teu,ot2 -..y >,'
Universal I,tlssi 1. f i t
Before TakiTeeude, Pain in tno �11Cr I"X" g.
Back, Dinuross of vision, Premature old n170.111111
many other Diseases that lead to Ills>lnitr nr
Cennumption and a Premature grave. F.W:'Tull
par tic udors in 0111 p(1nrp1110t. 2/7111011 sen Qeiire to
AO (1,1 free by mail to a2'ery one. Vci. T11e Specific
i(edicine is sold by all drogolitsat per package
or six packages for 571. or will he sent by snail on `•K�'-.w1:+•:,, .¢^' ;Ln' kQ. ;�''.
„t. , t
NGVEMa 11, 27, 1 A7
A'1' 11'IN • ,. (kt''l1, SEA.
1V.IiUCIiIN (1
T;Mett,1, 11 r1 s
at INInchelso„ �w ^,r^'
� M an l 1H 141'1+
1IA \I lute of
01:72 7217110) 1
a`.'Irobr it>e'1
Pit c'1 to (loafs .., ik It a'lof1,llu:':
'totalling work l(r,r•te shoo.
lull+)11 •iittiv.na1on11011 te, I'i' i1'times. cheapness
,11..1 ~(111)1 work gauss) toed, \ o,yll 011117211,•(.
1.U•tiut \V, 1710 1(1 't: f.L4'..\t.
tna11C 7111or11"i- Fr'.
•.� p.4,s,;� I VI. 4E0IL, It
'l.q a,lad Inn• .1111 .0 I t p :•:i f t
•».ttati y1 IIs 1%a'tt• 7 .1 I.1 , t1.
•.1)17,:1.,-111 .111 1nn•q (11)•17 ,
snn.ul 1 Ip: pa : 114(71.1,7 ' o wails f
as:,aq,r 1'172: .1 11,14 'w,'..a is
-'u.,tt;14-ll •40.110,7 0>.7 ' 11 :1 01 1.111(7) �(
'S 9110 O S?.1@ : 43
N.11 vie Cr OD , TlW GOOD
constantly arriving at W. D. Mucloghlon's
Ilaluunutit Jewellery Store, 130, lnuuilas street,
I, ,u ton, Oat riu. Wheuovt•r you t i> it dm Jim'.
010 City (inll't fail to l0i5 flue 1)11:.7 ll+•11711°l.t,
til, only first -els; store 1,t toe knot is 1110
111(1 host arranged Juw,Au, y store 11( the Uuu.L
uu,n, '111) \11oU1ogh1un \Vatted 5tat157) uu-
rivallc,l. A 1'‘.2\,17).10, 1]171 thous r°c0nuuond ;t11c'ln (0
Wl. it friends. 1.11 sians of \\'latches in (.11000,
C1oekP of uvu�•y de:+urlpti•.,n, 1biu1', Je7sollery of e -
erc style, L>iiuiwn�I, 11(111 Pi colons 9toees,Fancy
(1,or1,,, SPeot;tel.:s, and all 11odding 1tin(1,
\\ i,teiln5, 0loc:ts, mud J,rwellery repaired and •
wnrrunt°d W 1). 31ub14ULIIII, >N.
:'alta i Line!
receipt of the money by addressing -
TtII. GIL\Y)Ir1>Ic11�E C0.'
TounNTo. QST.,c6t\.dn A.
ia-Soldin Exeterby all druggists, land every -
sale t� n
where in 1:mna*la,Lupi the fruited States ')y 'whore. LIVL1l,POOL,
and retail druggists
TIIE EXETER f )Chnit secs pnssrtrl_^._7:cottontg —Curl futt—
N. P—The (101111nd of nor 1)1173111055 have (20005-
,itat7d ung removing to Toltonto, to which place
please address all future colmmunieatons.
Safety.P1�c gin 1 Ill Sash, CilnIl4. INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE
If U .: Y d N I N LST
Done to order.
Romemberthe place
317e2.` rpt Iovaa.x'd Eros.
Marble Works.
Dealer in
Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly
5 Doers North of IDrew's Hall, Main street
E .IGTEi'11.
glided t•> the door and undlid it9 futon, feting, I will send trio of charge to all who de- I ��?e
sire it, this recipe, in German, French, or Eng- I /
whoin Jennie 0011111 see, now having ro- 1 ings ; a crackling sound and the floor iish,witit full directions for preparing and us- I
tnoverl a piece of paper which covered was sinking beneath her; with a scream ing, Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, I
naming this paper, W. W, t]usatn,142 Powers
a Crevice is the partition, through elle sprang across the chasm made by Bloc17, 1V, Y,
and Examine bis Stook.
Best that are Made,
7,1oraviesis r'rovembrrf
Parties wishing to b1 ing out their friends from
the old oom try will save money bybny'l)g their
tick,:ts at the ()ince of the agent at Exeter.
Every information concerning route,eto, by ap-
plying to
CAPT. 0 KE,11P, Exeter.
A?��� fiX Y14
Having commenced business for trim
Fall andWinterTrade
We are prepared to purchase any quantity of
Pork, subject to the following regulations:
We will take off two pounds per hundred if
dry, and three pound :f soft. Shoulder stuck,
twenty-five cents. If guy of the bung gut is
left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted.
No pork will Le bought at an price IT
AND-- --
Pork Cuttings
on hand )1t reasonable rates.
We want all Hogs Cutting srigbt' brongh
breast. to head, and .Flatus opened oto tail.
the remainder of
wo purpdee devoting our whole attention
to the
Flour, Feed and Seed Trade,
C3nodgoods, pr mut itolivoty and square deal-
ing is our motto.
R. & E. SPIO'ER, Exeter'..
Nost to Poet OLY co Dlocic,