The Exeter Times, 1879-11-27, Page 1i 1:- • S .' rr•su staricessrcc!reAr `•-vrrx! ;F, (xrhratrt, i"�Y. . . Vol. V I; I p1tf11'l3itTS' letter, • .1OU rieli,lr'- ---AN EX(11;I,IaLI ,I' 1•'ali:+l` 1f in•rl 11,znilr„tl rlCr,7Kitn t1ij iillta(1.oli root.), firKL ;1011/1,,,i• 1 tl if Att,l Jt 111 ltt'Ll the t'ltlattle eh llxn or :wlat•l to iiia, lt, y, P11,LIti l S••l ci- Yv r :terir, Arrhnst11 1,79. iiU;NT b{1Lt A '1'ML?rOFt li. 'L Ft lil•;1,1 w'L.11..,. `i'wn ita.t+ralvc!tl farms of tine incl h +d a.rre, furan, a lario. inter k l rit lurid 1 L.t'lor hulk tia s ntl tr-11111 •11 u 't 1 tont uln:ll'pe. ,j it,tlrt iU txrlYll to xt 'l a F,,LLIKltL,tor ttu !tt I:t1•("al, i 4`ur r LrOt rr ; a:t to. hots, apply ou tit:, p r n r,:•s to 14:', nr it WTI 'I L' t`I, lot 1, tun, >, 11.'x:ate ;'. ta., 1.1ft,\I FOR SAL1't L at h Benin., tine, (itawa1teu,30 (tyres, so nett: elearc,t,i rltol,psd rood bat :k bowie, good ,vtctl.,lu, IV oil fouou:I, Laud ex.:0110M% till lake show, { of 'h. nl::tu item Piirt ntaxJte, tcJ_eli 1.oatct iuu three tines a WrOok,n11(1. u;fct toile from 1}raid laud, t inY:3re1 tktt ,a;•r.ro�+i and 4 hun:al s. on good road. Arise, -$4,5111, t:ar,,r., umy, 8141) AU 1)1a18Lfall, d)1.`te3,Brewster vo ifhl..R.11 TFOR S ..isel.--1J it 14,•.(.,ON• Ol+,,Merl allStelJ1 n, eoutain.iou 100 eeres. ill acres elr t1ed. Gotta i q Hoose mail fru it. hare, lar [1 l nn,1 young orator it, grttaatl fr uFF:, The ":atot is sv rllfutart•d Marl to a good Htntn n(ut,111- vlLtion, Thera is a large quantity t.f hlai,k also a. uev+r fe141 I, a'rla I ui tains urs a1i 'iy to all::i tY.L" XL101VPIr.. Crediton..1nue i• . Urt,lt POR E. -isot 8, con•uc's- H siou 1:1, T::)nt'ue. Se`mtly tier, s nate nr toss slaty :Loral 00aret1. Raut 111 a good ar.ute al‘ eflb- ,tivai good, ft•:Lula huuss 10 1(1 free o barn, ing. cesul ls,'s.iad w(lli'1 Autltra![tting {l tl:roe:.foulabrat•,!;I+udtacitud„+aria lances, 1, or VI.rtltur ! t , ivatInr n .hats Olt tun h t n,t tee; nr 'lsy l lelt,•r to r tt i v 2f 11:.4, F rltGuti P; U., Lbattrio. 604 .20, 1t: let, 1t'i, �All 1 J?C?Tt SAL1i.-'l'l ltl SUB. I sere r.' Il lfel P. ft.r bale his ilir•3.11, holt i::t,.I Cott. lL, • 1' rw, tShip of 'Osborne Cotau'ty of HuronfI) a the tal t is good, hu+• i, t:rh1� iuttrCtt.WIain ti.nad,ra,i:uof0tltiinttrnr ll Llai(.•] t,ntd ,tr:intrd, Kn, u;111 tall of AVIA 'kV .l 1tatLLrltorasr ftr,1nt'stith1 2,vlt6,log frau '.ted y -t 'etuu It to ,0,ou1 and threechurches. For eramere ort eulen SolPPiw to twr'lt• It ,'raft to11,'tanner y11a.I1.'1 L• LLaoT.Attortiev,11xoterla.O. ..il.1.I1.1i BOB. SALE, -Tho Pnbsurill. 1 t r t l r4. for s," le the north half of lot 17, cin. 11, 1'- it n•ue, containing Fla nit t,1 41 acres wltarecl, V411 tttrrltalned and in a a;on,i stater Alf sults:1Ltlon. Thom tire no ¶Jto 1tYttnl;seg G acres 1 of good Ruin 1911 roasho•Lrti finer+, a tiond imrl-'- rua t .11.' +l w iter *i�a ,n, fra1no ratan 14t131, mein ?ng•,tat lit0 rt ed. aiu ti 1?s.t7.Indd orchard, good well 1 •aaf water With Ill 11111. The -oro l,ertvia sftitn.ted and a il'Llt !..1,1(.,14 !3 0111 \ntul' market and :Iomtt of a toile from r arqulutr, and convenient to lel:Arche teal. Ralaonls. 1 or ['orator ur riienln.rr,. :Lli„1y un th.c. promises or to P aatop( r l t n$.itn9 rort I r: 7 ' • 1Zil'GItT$ T.NUTIC1$S. "MMES OK Eh COUNTY AUCTION 1') aced Silaspromptly attendexlto. Dors of 'sales ,Lar. iitrutt tut this oirts Agent for the Uy - a a borut surd nib]) ert 1Tntual Flee Insurance Company, :lteiirler,ce -Lara uu.r, Orders by atoll promptly attended to, (I'1 M. CARLI31G SrJ. W, AI121.1- • SP'RnNr"•, I,iecnsed Anethonoers for stile +f.;om,tyies of iieroti and Miedkestx. Sales coo Ducted tLith Satbif. ctinn, andoa liberal terms,ill orders loft at ChristiesMansion House will ,rteelve lromr.t attotatinrs. Sept. 4,1-y. 7" C1P.1~P13>'+J1�L,PROVINCIAL . Loma Sar reser, 50., will 1.e at the ib ysi Hotel, 1..^.itor, en thefirstTucsdwy lu nrtelr aslonttit. Orders for work left s-itat lir, John Stmeltnlan will reeeirepromptaatteuttion . • t OUN H. IiYND11AN, t?5 ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. money to fuelled mortgages, notes and other CoetIrtl et4 Rents and accounts collected on rea- gottario terms. Insurance effected in first -clans Compsles at reasonable rates. Oriteo-at Dr. IIvinulaat'S,111aitl N rest. Exete1, A LAKE, AUCTIONEER FOR „nets* THE COUNTY 0i` IiURoN. ALARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY eivedfor investment onwor!tgagos At 1 per cent. 1 ti E DS,WILLS. ETC., .UTlLWN Oh reasonable terms. _ R.ABBOTT LA. D.S.,11.1i.C.D.S rradrfate ofrioyal College of :DENTAL SURGEONS. Office ove c O'Neill auk, mad opposite Swnlwell Pickards. FARM BELLS i FARM BELLS! ±ARM BELLS res'<+1 e76:�• rSii 4a.,ki,,`t'cSirG a+i y Iron, Hardware and Carriage Goods Merchant, nwc r rwxra ttmCillY »9«wASitVIVIII ` Exeter, Ontario, Thu iday, November, 2t, 18(9.. . ...,., �,... �,� ..�...- ..�.:. ,.w..�.�.... ( moral. \Vintor lies set iu with in CItn. man) , '1'ht't e iy to lively revulti in San 1)[,liltrsgcl.. The it'idowv (if C,IttLrIes On. Sunda' uorlliti , fix -++i 1!ptct••1 Engem° re1iclte(l '1SIta• drill ult blatenidata n heti her dead fila that's Boase, mittrl;.yed over leer re• ulf fills, �' greet severity lion e;diug ou ti Dickens died The insurgent Ib Tees in the Puerto P1e district OT Cubit' have been dis- persed and driven to the ruuutatrtiula. Aa Itttlire). 11litlietry iota beam forth. with Siemer. Clreiroli its Minister of Foreign Aifttirtt, and 'Signer Depeetit its Minister cif the ,lnteriur. The Spat isle nla`Intrities say. s':i�t:is not touch of len Meer' potion i i (Ju'bti, bat Will tisk I:nazis:atm 11 the Cits to amid 15,1100 troops to metal it. A 13ur1itt letter, dated ft:onl St. Pet- crabtlrg, nurses that iu ollitlittl cirel'ts it is believed that the Br.atislh Govern- ment Unsettle to occupy •';[. erat next epiilaf; fn alliance with Ptrbia. The traffic arrangements between the Wabash. and flake Shol'n Comeitdies, for exeshtluge of ba8itl•eee, has hate Fse tied, but net executed, The Great: Western of Catiada is admitted to share itt the lttivatttagee of the agreetaletht, A. Pottsville dispatch says the Irish- men of the PL:nubvlv,thria (;oral tui iron regions are intensely excited over the recent arrests in Ireland. In nearly every village Irish ilatiolaailets have lodges, and nl'eetinizs were held ou Stun day last to take action. Members of the Ancient Order of Uibernians are said to be anxious for enrullweut in the army to itl'Ctade Canada,. A collision occrlrred at Now Lond'tu, ou the 1Votuteri R,titrond, Monday. meruil'g, at U&$ junction of the Ware River Road, a Mile floral of i'ttlrnar, Kees., between the clown Brattleboro' passenger train and the npfreight train, Both engines sero demolished, several fright ears wrecked, faun 17 persons injured.. The ool 'etion WAS nailed by the freight yenning oil the passenger train's time, the frieg*bt oonduetnr's watch haling stopped. making hitt fif- teen minutes slow. Both trains were going at full apeecl. A. Vienna di(petch says: -It is well known that for some time prior to Pripet) Bisnarck's visit to Vienua Russia was maktllg vast war jlrepaCia• Boris, and massing forces in Itussian Pnlau�l and along the Railway lines. After the Vienna Conference it was found desirable to effect an apttrouoh- mont, if possible, with Germany and Austria, but phare is nothing to prove that Itussia is guided in the matter by any other considerations thau those of momentary expediency. A complete change in the present regime will alone convince the world that Russia is peace• fully iuolined, The nuptaintmeut of Prince \Vatoujieff as Gortsuhaiioff's successor would be all efficient guaran- tee that ;lith ae changes contemplat- ed. Captain. Westtlott and, two of the crew of the schooner lblinnehalia, lost in Thursday's gale in Chesapeake Bay, brought to Baitimore Friday nigiht, three of the crews, Win. Leidy, Jas. Dodd, Jas. Johnson, who was frozen to death. The schooner suuk with the masts projecting a few feet above the water, The tneu climbed the masts and were soon frozen fleet. There was scarcely room for all, and the men lower down, within reach of the sweep- ing waters, email not lung hold ono. On 'Thursday evonino three of thein died, enoased in iceseverel inolles thiiek. The survivors eking to the toasts the entire night, and were rescued in the morning. it is doubtful if they can recover. Toat reporter of the Atlanta Consti- tution. mho celled on General Toombs to ask hilm about his Clzigaego despatclh, Toombs said: -- "I said that I was ready to fight again fur toy oau;o-that of establish - in; the rights of the States to secede. why shouldn't I say ;it? I feel it -1 mean it -it is in my heart, and why should I"dely it? WVLty should I crawl abo.ttt and begin to telt lies' in, my old egI? t tlon't like the Union.:end they known it, mid I here done nothing to hitless, The polio), of suppressing semi• Ment ie elf preti.i)110ee. Seym,7nr got, it bigger vote in New "York in 1868 than SVC have ever got ;ince; and tte'vo been. cltnlailrg the 'North with bntttr ever Simon, . Th013111011 cannot last. I;tun est Cov.inmeut is 101 lo1lible under the No. 15 Fciurteert suet 'Fifteen. Alihendmente. The Radicahh iujeetcad 500.000 'euwgs hitt) tate belly (tithe constitution, and they di.1 it for the purpose of breakmg dowthotlr institution. They will sue- eeed, 1 hope and believe. Yes, air, 1 telegraphed the Chicago man my Boni est views, I speak for no one but my. self, and I don't care to tell a rl-n lie about itr' The British stoelnship Rathmore re- turned here' on Moudt.y- horning in charge of First Officer Mitchell. She sailed Thence for Lo adoe oil Tuesday last, fu command of Captain Rowles, with a cergo,iilcluding '807 head of tat- tle, and First Officer Mitchell reports. diet on Thursday night, in the Gulf stream, she eneouutered with a heal chop sea, and was struck by 11 Wttvt3 white swept tier forward deck:, carrying away liar cattle Bells and' abeut a iit,,s;• en head of cattle. 111itehell was ku,ocked down and so badly injured that he heti to be taken to his room. Capt. Ilrowlee then 'canto on (tech, and while statudiug on the bridge, the gin- block over the forward hatch fell and struck Rowles on the head, crushing his skull and killiug hit( instantly. A half•ituttr later the ship became un- manageable, and was eu buffsted by the sea that the cattle became uumanage- able, and many were killed. Finally the ship was got on a level' keel, and rut buck for this port. The wily dam- age to the vessel was the loss of her fore -boom. Many of the cattle re. idratting alive are crip0101.1, Boatswain Tuns:emu silys that Capt. Bowles, 06 - fore he was killed, expressed his deter- • ruination to return to Baltimore, as the cattle pearl, piled with loose bales of hay, was not fit for a voyage across the A tutttie et this periioLls season. Tti.E IRISH VESTID'I. Dublin, Nov. 22,-A. letter from Balla, County of Mayo, sa}rs:---Friday afternoon there were no extra pollee 1u town, 'anti the chances of anything, violent (-courtin; were extremely few. A. good {lent of apprehension, however, prevails in Dublin. A placard signed by Charles S. Parnell and. Michael Devitt is extensively posted iu Bella .District, addressed to the men of 11Itayo earnestly e011ntieling them to be dignl- fied and orderly. It concludes as fel- lows: ---Give no excuse for violence 0n the part of the Government, and our greet cense is won." Parnell, acoom• ponied by John Dillon and Thomas Sexton, arrived iu Balla Saturday evou- 1 ing. Dominion tee`rSc -let fever is raging in Odessa. Manitoba wheat is' arrivtug in To- ronto. o;ronto. The Geological Society 11inseurrz will be removed at once froze Moutreal to Ottawa. In Manitoba the weather is cold and fine. The Red Eivelitpposite Winnipeg is still open, ,,1,",� Drovers are ,srtalting arrangements for shipping live stock from Halifax. to Groat Britian: during the winter. ;,a. A bogus lord has, been victimizing the public of Paris. Hs chilled to be a sort of a half -way prodigal son. Several houses of evil reputation utatiou have been raided in Toronto by the police during the past week. Port Ilupo has been visited by a "eauglity blonde" troupe-saidby the local papers to be the lowest members of the demi-monde. A Belleviilc physical), on Friday re- moved a tumor weighing. fifty -00e pounds from the person of Mrs. John Trow, of Sidney. A daring attempt was made to rob the Belleville post office on Friday flight, but nothing of valuo was secured by the burglars. One Fort Garry (;Llan.) is to be de- molished next year, and it new brisk boilaiug and offices for the Company will be erected at a cost of $100,000. A w'omanl named ,Srloanes was'seri- ously burned by a ()oat oil lamp explo- sion at ICazabasugar. Ouly a, short tune previous a worittn was burned to death iu the same vi1'zge. A special meeting •tnf trio Brentford Board. of Trade was held Saturday to confer with 111r. Slater from England, with the viewof getting him to start a oottcn factory at this place. Ou Thrnstlay last - 'ens. Robertson, Piquet and Fiyun,mraibers of the naw Conservative Government of Quebec, were elected bye the ...-peotive majori- ties of 636, 882 ant'f-'0. The secretary 'of`the Toronto Typo- graphical Union has skipped out, ow- in,g that association over $100. Women and religon mixed in improper quanti- ties was the cause. Ill Millbronla, Mary Bunter, who is subject to spells of illness during which site is violent in her tem •Fe stabba her , a brother, Samuel Hunter, in the side with a butcher knife. His recovory is doubtful. 1 The agricultural delegation of Eng- lish, Irish and Scotch farmers arrived in Quebec on Friday from visiting the eastern and western Provinces of the Dominion, and left for England by Saturday's mail steamer. Latest ad,iees from Newfoundland give particulars of the loss,off Guirpon, Labrador; of the schooners Wildbriau, Greyhound mud Tidy Susan. Tho three crafts had 128 persons on board, but all were saved except a yonug woman uemec1 Galloway.. In Cobourg. as the son of Mrs. Thomas Dnmble was returning front school Monday, he suddenly fell down dead. Ile wait the only child of his another. His father some years ago fell .dead in the sense manner at Ilar- wood while getting o8' the cars. t Canada has exported to the old country during the past season live stock worth $2,935,730, The value of the forage exported with this for food, averaging the trip of sash steamship at ten days, is placed at $92,690, and the estimated sum paid to the various steamship lines for freight is $$88,900, About 2, a. m. a fire was discovered near one of the furnaces in the base• mint of St. George's Chur:oh,Godorieh, and but fora prompt arrival of the I steamer the whole building would have heen destroyed. T'hedittntl,ge is about "5500. The origin of the fire is it my - story, Asn:) fire has been it the fur- nace this season. A year has now elapsed since Mar- garet il[GVey disahepsaredso unmeant. eddy front her father's :residence in Yarmouth, and still no clue as to her whereabouts bne developed inset:. A detective from New York was- eti'gaged on the case, drawn there by the large` rewards offeree, but after 'spending a few weeksin the neighborhood, conies- sad himself befi$etl, anti returned hoino. It is £eaaroa the girl's fate will ever re. matin a mystery, It has no parallel in Canadasinee the Arthutmystery of 1865. - The girl wvho ilisappeerecl - from that llaco,llas never since been heard of. A GREAT IILEETING NEAR BALLA-- PARNELL I ONE OF THE SPEAKERS. Loudon, Nov. 22.--A great meeting was field on S'ta mealy at Loonamoore, two miles from Balla. The chair was occupied by John London, Prwsideut of the Nationel Land .League, of Mayo. Chillies S. Parnell anti Edmund Dwyer Gray, ant' several other nreminent gentlemen, were present. Resolutions ware passed protesting against the re- cent attempt of the Government bo stifle the voice of 'constitutioual agita• tion, and drive the people into ants of violence. Also, calling upon the people of Ireland to maintain the attitude of self control which has hitherto oharao- terized the movement, and to oarefuily )ostaia from giving the Governmeut any excuse for inaugurating to policy of coercion, which the meeting teels oon• vincotl they, have in contemplation. London. .Nov., 22. --Later advices from Bella indicate that extraordivary precautions haat been taken by the Government. More than a hundred policemen were stationed near the piaee of meeting, and some cavalry were in the: vicinity ready for iulmedi ate action. Periled spoke. On Friday, a woman giving her name Julial Curtiss, of Portes:, Monroe county, applied at the polict3 office in St. Catharines for aeeistaanee to recover from a malt named Wm. Henry Lewis, of Hainer'e Milli, it quantity of fnrul titre and effects, which she load belong- ed to cteL;e.ased sister, Ann Jame Thiel). It transpired, subsequently, that I1rs. Bush died suddenly tot lief residence on Ila, iiar'n hilt last \Vednesdey from the effects of an abortion premised, upon her, but whether by herself or some other person eoTlltl not be ascerteilted.: tTihe woman before ehti died said she had been martlered, 'bot gave PO par- tienlare. hire. Curtiss notified Coroner Comfort after the 0urlal, but the state- Inent carts eo meagre that he had not deemed it advisable to hold an intluest. The Montreal and Quebec steamers went their last trip on Saturday. Most of the light ships on the lower St.' Lawrence have gone into wvnter quarters. At St, Anne's the river is frozen up to the first island above the rapids, and down the Grand '1'ruule bridge. Four etetanlboats with tows are frozen ie. A. dariug robbery was committed Ct=bourg, either on Setui•dny ' or Sun- flay night, in the store of P. 1\IeOallura & Sons, dry goods merohents. , :i.'hole . had been out through the floor froln the basement, through which the burglars entered, and raueaoked the store, and 'when they conte to n package of sine they appropriated it and left. About $1, 500 worth. of goodie were stolen. There is no trace of the robbers es vet. 11irs. Paton, on the 5th line of Eiin, eotn111ttttel suicide by hanging herself on Saturday, the 22nd, to a tree in ae swamp adjoining her hawse, . An in- gtiest was held by Coroner 11TcNangh- ton, aryl a verdict of suicide under in- sanity was returned. Mrs. Paton was a woman about 86 years of age and a mother of six children. A brother of hers prit ail eud to himself in. the same way two yen,rs age. There was a disgraceful fight lately at the "Wild Cats," a tow den near Welland. The three young lieu, Jas. 11IcGuire, Wm, Rosette, and Riley Vas - binder, were returning from the. Junc- tion when the girls calied them in, and the fight resnited. Knives, a sword, elutes, eta,, were ussd, brit the rno,t. serious wound was sustained by Mc- Guire, in a portion of his body whiilz he has since gnir, using for sitting on. The latest report relative to the boat- ing accident at Spencer's Island, near Paireborough, N. 13.,nn Saturday night, 15th inst., says :-Seven persons were drowned. The people on shore could see seven persons in the boat, twoof there women, one of whom had a child in her arms. Pitch darkness shut down on tbett,and when morning oiun°. the boat was found bottom up, hbont as mile, from where they had anchored. Four- bailee, were washed ashore -.-three teen and one young woman. I\ii. Brentlsy, the Brazilian Consul, ieleln Ottawa to consult with the Gov- etitmentin relation with the establish- ment of a line of steamers between the Dominion and Brazil. It will be re- membered that the Government voted $10,000 last session a3 au annual sub- sidy to a litre of steamers to ply between the two countries, the Brazilian Brent - ley has boon authorized by his Govern - moist to complete the final arrange- ments. About thirty laborers were engaged on Friday iu lightening the schooner Samaua, ashen) at Port Colborne. After lightening her of about 7,000 bushels of dry grain, the lighter came into the harbor, and a south-west gale clime up, carrying the Santana further ou the reef. the riming sea until it broke over the vessel, endangering the lives aboard. The 1i''e boat was called out for the first tihue, ronzlted, and sue- eeedetl in !slinging all littuds ashore. The Samane will probably be a total wrck. The shipments of live stock from Moutrealdurin2tlte past season are con siderably ttthead of thuse of any previous year. The number of cattle shipped in 1878 was 18,665, while this Year they foot tip to about 28,000 all raised in Canada. while in last year's exports were inclnded' 900 cattle brought frotu. the Western States. We have ;export ed this season about 75,000 sheep, against 41,200 last year, and about 4,• 000 hogs, against 2,000 last year. The shipment of horses and mules to Europe amount to 821, against 690 last year. The total value of live stook shipped from this port dating the sea- son now about closing is estimated at about $2,500,000, as compared with that of 1878 of x;1,900,000. The enoln•eers of the Marcus Smith Canada Pacific Railway surveying lair•- ty reached Ottawa on Saturday night. They were sway five months, and lo- cated lines: One from Fort Ellice east- ward to tela ttanitoba boundary litre, 110 tulles;:and one west and north frotu the hoendary in the direction of Fort Polly, 150 miles, tnn,ltin t a total anr- vey of 260 miles. The letter 'liva will likely be adopted by the Government as a portion of the rnainof the 0anadla. Paci tic, continninl; front the 1\in,nitobra eectinn,` upon which work has 0,Ireesiy boon begun, The Itivor sestina is described lv .admirably ; Felted for 1 sottIenlezzt. The ootlntry l:a part 1il�F!i- j rie end part rolling land, with, telenty of wood and water.