The Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 7av rim 20, 1879 TIRE LINOS OANA.DIAN NEWS. Niue to the Canttitlian dealer laid (down. here 1.0.08 cents, or nearly a quarter In Toronto the raid against' iniprn- (la cent per pound more tho.* is per honsee stillCO:ltilnea. Thepollee court ie errtwdeil by;0. "great anwnsh• ed." nation has been appointed De- pnty C'.ileetor .of Inland. 1 ventre at Windsor, in plaeo of Mr, ]'reties, e,aa, takes the C )1leetership of Hetniltfn. The hist tow of lumber barges for this season, left the Chandieire yesterday, and navigation lel virtually closer(,. The water in the mina will not be let out, thonglt; until the enol of the month. Mr. Rebtirtsmi,llenager of the Bank of Oitiawit, teak rill ovrertlose t'f leant. annul Wednesday night, and had a narrow escape from death. It is stat- ed that he as in the lotbitnf taking the drug, and accida,utasly tonic au aver•Livor Complaint. A few thin. dyspeptics made (lose. known to their friends how easily and quickly A. IIagersville young. Alan went to they lead been oared by i+s use. Then the IIs niton on Wrtlnestlas uigtit,got full, gr at merit of OauitN's AMIDST i nownir, becnwo hipped cab, woke up yesterday morn - heralded through the country by ono sufferer ulnarged by the Montreal refinery, The same paper continues; an•, ether view. Are the refiners '.taking advantage to the fell'eeteut of the tez• lit to out up the, price of sugar ? Here are the fats t The cost for export as above of 'American refined sugar is 7,07 cents, duty 85 per cont. on gross prices and one cell( ' per pound spe'oifio, ie 4 87 °cuts, making in all 12 84, or. 2 11 cents more than tile. preseut prices of sugar at. Canadian re- fiueriee," ,t1IIUBDEB. WILL OUT. A few years ago "Auguat Flolvor" was clis- eovered to bo t' curtain cure for Dyspepsia and ing in a bravely house, watt over $25 short, had a •headao'le and was itfraia his nettle would set in the papers. It is the old programme, with till the mod- ern imprnvetnonta. At a meeting of the St. John, N. B., Common Council Wnclneadey, a Cotn- Illlttee was appninced to consider the q*iostinn of obtaining the establish. mast of a line of steamers, plying be- tween the port of St. John and (frost Britain, with waver to apply to trip .anninioil Geverament for a snbsidy, and to ccerespond with tho owners of stearneltip lines upon the snbjeot, With reference to the Toronto mayor- alty it is rumored that 1tle4srb. 13e'aty, Manning, Angus Morrison, B'itt',n, Turner and Close will coetait the poli: tion, Manning depends open the Property U+vnere' A•lsouietion ; Beaty, upon bid last year's vote; Britton and Close, upon the Catholic veto ; Mor. risen, on his old time popularity ; and Turner, on his Services in the Connell. Wheat bring; soventy.five cents per bu,thc't on the 'Winnipeg market. Hon. J. H. Pope, Miuiator of Agri- oul-ure for Canada, hag sued the pro prietor of the Sherbrook .1.:Area/rer• for libel - The standing Committee of the Nationrtl Cnrreney League met Thnrs- day in Toronto. Hen. Dem I3nclran- ae, lir. Wallace, lI. P., told uthol members being present. Measures were adopted f 'r prosecnting a vigorous ort 1paigu throughout the country in the i terests of the movomont. It was strongly urged that the agitation should be kept free from party politics. Mr. Rasa Wood THnntington, eon of lion L. S. Huntington, and ono of the editorial stat of the Montreal Herald, died Thursday, Chief Constable 1loDtrnongh,of Dun- das, died suddenly on Tbuistlay last, of oot.gcstion of the lungs. Ile had been ailintx only a few days. At Bak Bay, N. 13., Joseph Haw- ley ehot himaelt because his girl dill not love him.. Jimmey Ellis, of i\rooes Bay, pulled his gun over the fence by the ,nuzzle.. jimmy's funeral was the larger of the two.' A. freight conductor nam -d Iter, of St. Thomas, wag killed at the Air Line station ahnnt eleven o'aloclt Thursday night. While attempting to get on the rear car while backing, his foot caught between the riiile, and the train pased over his body, completely erashil'g all tire life out of it instantly. ,He•lea.ves a wife and one child. Dr. A1cLay, oornorer,, held an inquest, when the following verdict was agreed upon. "Tat the deoeased carne to his death by being run over by his own truin while in the act of attaching. cars. Sir Charles Tupper leas arrived at Ilaliffm. 'It is said that he intends to *give evidence in the libel case brought. by Senator Biller agiaiust the pnbtisber of the Merging CIra'onictcl,. If the whole y cease is gone iuto it is supposed a large amount of seoret history of how Nova Scotia went into Confederation will be brought out. Francis Peiffer, of Ottervilte, Ont., about three months ago opened a cor- rospondenee with Charles 0. Brooks, •of New York, is regard to purchasing o unterfeit mnnoy. He was induced 'to visit New York, and in a room in some house, the location of which he is not able to point out, be received a package, which, he supposed, contain- ed $1,000 in counterfeit money, for which he paid one hundred and fifty dollars. When he opened the package his scheme to . make money by pas. sing spurious bills was stopped, for the package only Contained a wad of pa. per. A statement hat~ appeared in a Mon• treat evening paper abort the ;prices of sugar, concerning which there hRs been a good deal of discussion'. The price of Canadian; refined on Wanes.' day of last week wait lie., IDSA trade discount of 2} per cent,, making 'the. net prico,10,78 cents per pound ; the price of American refined -was' 11.12 'cents, less the drawback 61 8.15 cents, making the price for export te' Cana. de '7.07 coots. Adding the duty tinder the Cartwright tariff of 25 per cent., and one cent specific, we have the sl _ and another, until without advertising, its sale boeaine immense. Druggists in every town in the l;anatlas and [United States are selling it. No pereoii sulieriug from Sour Steinaoh, sick Hetkhaollo, Costiveness, Palpitation. of the heart, Indigestion, Low Spipits, etc., eau take three doses without relief. Go to your Drug- gists and got a bottle for 75 cents and try sam- ple bottles, 10 cents. "I would adviuo anyone suffering from sum- mer eomplaiuts to give Dr. Fowler's Extract 0 Jl%!d Strst'lerrjj ti fair trial."—CAIor .;t 1I. Gaunn,M. D„ Castleton. "Dr. .b'owler's 13.v. tract of ;Vild .S"tt•arcb•'rry gives perfect sable. fstetioll."—J nou.ts 1louor..ts, Cambrny. "Can racomueucl.Dr.l!owler's Extract of Wild Straw• berry with coutldeuloe."—.Tynan S. S. Pitch, 1tliudeu, My customers bear high testimony to the virtues of Dr. Fowlers, Extract of WIN Strawberry."—C. SNuysYsov, Orangeville. For sale by all dealers. Sue advertisement in an- other Quluurn. health is Happiness. Ni.:nvorsxass.— A very great number of those in the middle and higher classes of so- ciety, who, without ever being aotuaily sick, never know tvltat real health is ; who live con. steady in a lower plauo of living than is nbr. mal iu man, who are weak all over, though not speeial.yti.uti constantly (reale in any one or- g.w, who may not experience piercing and grinning pain, yet suffer at times, if not al. ways, that profound exhaustion which in many respoltts is worse than pain. Those in that lamentable state have always been relievod,and ivany permanently so by using the Viotoria Syrup of Hypophosphites, it being practically adapted for thuse,cases. Fur sale by all deal- ers. WATCUlts, CLOCKS, Sowirn Machines, organs, Accordenns, and Umbrellas repaired Agont for the Wanner series sow- ing Draohinea. Second- hand Sewing Machines for • sale cheap. All kinds OP hesdlos and shuttles r)r Sewing Machines kept on Saud Shop—mato street, Dashwood. JuliN G. n:ELDON,1'roprietor. May 10 l -y. Ji etor aN or ti FLBT'f and GRIST MILL, Being in gond worl:ing,nrdergives every a000tn-. (Lotion possible in gristiclg mud doming. rlour mud ,will Peed etoliverc 1 to parties leavn q their orders before ane o'clock at J. BISLL'S Bakery, or O'L' YitN E. & 00'11, or at mi11 same day TERMS e ASH --0-- °Ia 7 El IT v Z O , L�' b :' 7"w: 1T° 0. PRFOVVIElli'S EXT. WILD Strawberry PAq rLin A Specific Remedy for all Summer Complaints such as Diarrlicea, Dy - sentry, Canada Chaim a, Cholera tiorbps, Cholera 7nfautum, Sour Stomach, Griping Pains, and all derangements of the b.nwol,, ceas- ed by using improper food, such as raw ve geteble s, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure water or change of water, changes of the seasons, exposure. No natter from what cause or in what form you are subject to any of tho above com- plaints, 1)8. Eowni,n'R Exrsacr ow WILD STBAWBNRBBY will reiieve yon, and a speedy euro will be effected without injury to the system. It is .iueunfactered from the Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injurious drugs. For sale by all dealers, at Is. 10}d. or 11 Bottios for 01.00 Pltl;i'.iliSD 1lY MILi3CURN, MOTLEY & PEARSON TOR' .iYZ'O. 013.0021.1r SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, COCOA, COFFEE, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES,. ItICE,OATIIEAL,POT BARLEY OYSTERS, SALMON, LOBSTERS, VINEGAR, FXC1' LT.FYT FOB PICKLING. ORANGES, LEMONS, FRUITS, GENUINE, INDIAN CURRIE POWDER, SCALED HERRINGS, TOBACCO, mars, OM, fa"A fait assortment of first-olasq Family Groceries in stook, cheap as the cheapest. OVAL O. KEMP, Mat stra►t, Easter. M,. .,,441411,,^-44.,, EXETER TIMES NEP 0 ►. CADDY, BARRISTER e4 ATTORNEY At Law, Solicitor, &o, 01 oe, F'aiason's Block Exeter, AIMING HARDING, Sc X111 TTir3, siouors,B llaristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Ooni- , Lt„&c; tlakcc's—Eta/voles 3aocat, Water trent, St bTaeyrs icmN 5.IIAltnri:o, Fi . W. IT.utnIws. iI,A.I„ IS'Rlau Y• MoDIABMID, B.A.., It 1 tttt1T,R,NOTARY, CONVEYANCER &C•, LUCAN ONT, MEDICAL, R, HUTOiIINSON, Member of the College of Physicians .aper Surgeon sof Ontario, &c., &o., Office next door to I. earlinge=, isiain,Street, Exeter, R. HYNDMAN.—CORONER FOR the County aileron, Oiffce,nextdoor to . t r.I.Carliug'sstore,Exeter. rfW. BROWNING M. D., Q. M. • P. S, Graduate YiotoriaUnivorsity Office awl residence. Dominion Laboratoxv, Exeter. C. MOORS, AI. D. 0. M. • Graduate of il:cGillUnivorsity, M'ontretil. Office and residence, Exeter, Ont. Office I. ours— eto ie a. an and T o 7.on. m, Tis'. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. 2. S. 0., Victoria Sb. Crediton, Oxtt, Office flours rein 0tol0a.m.; 5to5'p.m., LUTZ, M. D., • OSloe at his residence, Exeter. T T R. IRVING, GRADITATI; UNI- V1iB,SITY TrinttyCollego�temt.erColleg.e Puvsioians and suraeouc Ont., pftcoliirkton. HOTELS. All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch. Order you work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored . Work a Specialty I The TIMES OFFICE has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS. IENTBAL HOTEL, CREDITON 0.J —Win. Baker proprietor. This Hotel hos been newly furnished and Litten up in first-class style. barge and convenient Ehow Rooms for Comm erciul Travellers ; best of iicl1,uorr• auct cigars at the Bar. AttentiveHosfilers always on hand M 31—sm. WILLIAM BAr.1ii, PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. CLIN CON. G. SWARTS having purchased the above hotel, and fitted it throughout, now o. - fors first-class accommodation to travelogs, Good liquor audagars at the bar. Good stablingan•L attentive hostler on hand. Every attention paid to guosts. S-4 CD .14 Ce•G'1 mn M � d S°i to "si Cg • reqFla ja x;541 1 63 I g m 91'4 I 2 g V P— 8c S a� 4.4 :45 sl 5,3 AO a a0 P. C�' 42 e;