HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 66 NAPOLEON'S PA.BENTS.. The frtruily of Bonapartes were of p ire italiau race there was not a drop of Pouch blood iu any of ,them.. Their anoeetora had' mite from, the mainland in the eltrly history of Coracle, eucl their names are found in the 1'e - Mote annals of Ajaccio. Carlo Bona- parte was spoor gentleman ofexcelie> t breeding and character, who married in his youth a young and romantic girl named Lettzia Rtamoliuo, who tole lowed him hi his campaigns up to the moment of the birth of Napoleon. It is impossible to say how niuch the hie tory of Europe owes to the high Heart and indomitable spirit of this soldierly woman. She never reNuquit:hed her authority in her family. When all her children were princes and potentates, she was stall severe, stern 11Iaclaine Mere. The beauty and grace of Jose- phine Beauharnais never conquered her ; the sweet Tyrolese pl'ettiuess of hIitria Louise won from her only a sort of contemptuous indulgence. When her mighty sou ruled the continent, she was the only human being whose ciiidingR he regarded or endured. She was faithful in her rebukes while the atui shone, and when calamity came, her undaunted spirit was still true and devoted to the fallen. Tier provincial habit of economy stood in her good stead in her vigorous old age ; she was rich when the Empire httd passed away, and her grandchildren needed her aid. It must have been from tier that Napo. lean took hie extraordinary character, fur Carla, Benap arae, though a brave soldier and an ardent patriot in his youth, was of an easy and genial tem • per, inclined to take the world as he found it, and not to insist too much on having it go in bis especial way, After the cense of .Corsican liberty was lost by the sueceae of the French arms, he accepted the situation without regret, teed becoming intimate with the con- c:cerors,he placed as many of hie family 0e. possible on the French pension list, His sous Ntepoleon ar:cl Louis welts given scholarships at L'rienno and at Antn, and his eldest daughter, Etiee, entered the royal institution at St. Cyr. While yet in the prime of life, he died o" the srme deadly disease which was to finish Napolen'a days at St. Helena; 'and the heroic mother, her responsi• bilitioa becoming still heavier by this blow, lived for eight years' longer amid the confusion and civil tumult which Lad becenl.e cilrouic in Corsica,;, and then, after the capture of the island by the English in 1700, she made her es- c.tpo with Ler children to Marseilles, where she lived several years in great penury. re-+o•oa IRELA.N D. The Corporation of Belfast leas' de- cided to open the public baths autl ccs bbouse on Sundays. The Dublin Go:.tte offers a reward of £100 for the apprellen:lion of the mar- derer. nr inurilarere of Junes Beoeman at Pilgrim, Listowel. Mr. O'Donnell, M. P., has had a serious snnatroke at Boulogne. The'hen. 'gentleman was nneoneoious for' two dayR, end is to be 'brought haute. Mr. Parnell, the leader of the Irish reut agitation, is a landowner in Wick. low, end is said to be none of the hard. out of landlords," exactiug unusually high, retlts. Lord Normanion contradicts the re. pert that his teaatrts in Tipperary had demanded a reduction of rent. The offer of a reduetiee was made by his agent,but it appears to have been re- fused by the tenants. Mr. William W illia>rl Pr itwot'tli, rnenleer tor Newry, will, it is undlystood, not stand agate. Mr. P. J. Oarvillo, 3. P., is to c inte.st the borotigh in the Liberal in• terost, tend herd Newry on the part of Cie Coneervatives. lir. Ceineron, the seni.er public b septi officer of I.>•.ibliu, a 3l'ibes' its 11 iheaithiness to opeti eowers, over- cre.rdi ig ;defec'ive draining anda rna1- tipli ity of private slaughter -Houses, and t ronatural tlainpnese of the soil. The Cautlnieeionere of Dublin Police have c eripellc•d a•.police constable to resign, end have lowered tho'ratik of a sergeait of their farce for having ar- tested Mi,Teyler,'a tentnerance lee'. • THE TIMES Novl:11unu 20, 1870 arm,. on a eharge,of drunkoneee,it'hav- ing. been hav-ing.been proved that he was perfectly sober at the time. A proposal to confer the freedom of the city of Dubliu on Sir Stafford Northcote daring his visit to Ireland was made at a meeting of rho Corpora- tion, but the motion was frustrated by the refusal on the part of some of the Members to agree to the necessary aus- peusion of the standing orders. Sir Stafford Northoote, in deolining an invitation to . attend a meeting at Cork on the land question, pointed out that landowners and farmers may do ox7 oellcut service by a candid examination of the best methods of turning their capital and skill to account under the conditions of the time. Notices have been posted in promi- nent places throughout the rural dis- tricts of Ireland, calling upon the ten- antry, net to pay any rent without they obtain a suoatantial reduction from their usual payments. The no - goes conclude with threats of condign punishment for suoh as may remove the placards from the poets to which they are taxed. Mr. Bernal,auctioneer, was oouduot- ing a sale of household furniture in Mallow street,Liuteriok,and was about to otter throe worthlesslooking boxes, when an intending bidder kielced one of the buses with his foot, and it yield- ed up the sum of &40 in :silver. This led to a eearoh of the second box, in which Z20 in silver was found. 'Tile third was next tried, and in it was found three gold watches, jewellery, and diamonds in antique settings and other valuables. In consequence of the prevailing dr; tress in Ireland the following landlords have reduced their rentais --A. Loftus, Tottenbatn,Lsq.,Leitrilu, 50 per cent.; Mr. L. i1urrogll, Wexford, 20 per cent.; Miss Moore,20 per cent. ;. Mr. Winder, Arivaab,15 per cent. ; Mr. E. Church. er, Galway, 20 per cent. ; Cot. Cle- ments, 1liobill, 20 per cent.; Lord de Clifford; 5 to `.0 per cent.; Charles U. .Blake, Esq., I3allyt lass, a variable re- duction. A stranro incident of the rent agita- tion in Ireland recently ocottrted near Mallow. A landlord offered his tenants a rednotion of 15 per cent., and they refused it. His treatment of tslella lu the past had, they: said, been so gener- ens, and they had been such g.ti>ms in prosperous years by hie arraagt:tnents with them, that they were determined for this year, at lear•t, he should not stiffer from the existing depression. Several of them emphasized this de• (Aeration by paying in full on the spot, and the remainder off'`redto settle ac- counts by the end of November. •A providential escape was that of SVilliam Hebron, who was condemned to death for the muscles' of Policeman Cook at Manchester. some two years ago, but whose sentence was reduced to imprisonment for life, en account of his juvenility,. The confession of that areleneud Peace, the Sheffield burglar proved thr.t Hebron had suffered inno- cently. The Heine Office released the tieer fellow at once, and now £1,000 has been handed over to trustees, es a solatium for his loss of liberty. Halt- ree's father,a tenant farmer in Ireland, wits so upset at the time of the. trial, that he died in consequence. PORK An/ING HOUSE ENGINES AND BOILERS. room i to 11 Horse Power, for Farm. Ors, Dairymen, Butter and Cheese Factories, Printers and all parties ming hand or horse power. Best and chrapast in the ,market, Scud fur circular and price list. John meaty, Esplanade Street.. 'reneNTO. • REMOVAL! BEMOVAL! BF MOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL!' P. PRAYN.1-i has removed to his new shop, 1a ielyoeoupiecl by Perkins R: 0o—two doors north of J. Grigg's boo store,wbere you will and everything usually kept in a firat-olass harness establishment, *which for finality of material and slylo of tvorklnans111p IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED Call and examine toy stook before purchasing elsewhere. PETER FRAYNE. FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Bay our Boaohvillo WRITE LIME and * Star Brand Plaster Paris. and you will be pleased with your work. Fresh Limo away unhand. (CLASS, NAILS, LOOKS, and HINuES very cheap for asell. White Lead, Oils, Tor- pentiue and putty at bottom prices, Rope Chain, saws, Planes and other tools at prices that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, call and soe Our Bent Goods, made frutn dry, tough timber. Cheap for cash O'BYRNE & CO„ The Farmers' and Mechanics' Hardware Sture, Exeter. Money to lutes on Mortgages. MAIM STREET, EXETER. AILLIN ERY AT MISS GARLIOJ6':'S A full lino now fu, of F.tLL and ',MTER. Hats, and Bonnets, all the latest st; les. Naw Flowers Feathars,aad Ornaments. Trinlrniugs in great variety. GIRL'S HAT NICELY TRIMMED, from 1.00 up. Everything will be sold es el/oar ak podaible, Fa icy Coeds, iimlin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a full , ttel. tawny•.k'pt. Jacket; mace or ent MISS GARLICK, Sop Alcan at., x i iter, i` 7-1 Ei ,1• st 1 s •0 co o 0 0 P �A r - g C) N I'g • o a� l cd El b 11) PA at, ✓ C' c3� • rt. .t., e3 rie N 14RItilt) • r -t 0 Pana r7 -F; mi rC�..l•1A{ "D r3 r•a ,H P4 1:31 Ca Iral EAU ›6 !w� LJ CO l.ENSAL.Li Robert Tuuntles sent the following in ,tuswer to 0.11 invitation to Grant's re. ee;}tio>t :—'I decline to answer, excop: it) say, Ireetuit my personal cotagratn- lations to Giant on Lia safe artival to hie country. Ilee fought for his eoltn• try honorably and w,,n--I fonuht for mine and list.. , 1 am ready to try it , again. Death to the Union Stop that io agh. Ii ar,tnn'e 1'r.l'roa.tr 13,u.sunt is composed o tit most heals 1g balsams and gums, The Balsams, which enter into its composition, were -used by natives when America was fiest di,covcrod, thud tcao eou:tbinetl with otitcir tosliO4, so blended. together, that it is a specific fair all a'freti,)rt of the titr, .t azul limo. Thou- sands of bottles aro sold annually, anti it is considered one of'the ,sstauclard preparations of the day. I'or Coughs. Colds, etc. For sale by all dealers at 25 eta, per bottle. 1444+44-:4. Ht household rice city Iit gyttrd's Yellow Oil is the boast remedy in the world for the following complaints :— Cramps iu the Iinnbs and stomach; pain in the side, rheumatism iu all its forms, Colic,. Neu- ralgia, thio h woturds,SpLual cnmplaiuts,ttlpraios and Bruises. Don't fail to 'vacate it. its egad. was never known for removing pain in all cases. For internal sad external uso, Solan, by all dealers.. J • C. < S, GIDLEY, trader taltor -1 a>i.ic, 1-11t4,a'uitur'e � T0ULD SAY TO those whc intend 3u�c {t,:;•nn� pureliaehtg to do so from the uzauulacturer. The dealer who buys to sett attain must uueevsari>y Clave a profit, We olthu to give the pa:whasersthe benefit, withal eminiet fail to moot the views of the Gangers. Oar espouses tete ISIS Chan those of olty mane fate toren con sown:Alt- y we eau sellobuapor, Ala I1'u.l' �'.t cs1 ill X' C'T'S WE WOULD callspoolalattontien to our undertaking depart mout,wliiuh is snore cunt• plot than c vor, an we lin vo adduct several' now designs 4. of lata The best oohin,. caskets shrotuis,aud every 'aner'nl requisite at the Hottest price!, Our new 2'Iearse 1spronounced by o•,tnpoteut judges " to be second to smite 1U 5110 pre vinous Emblems of all the Different Soolvtwew. FAIL TO SHiP. NTON Oi.'N R`YY' 11 1 Ea:J5 rem 51441 7 1,1 L„,., va We offer special value in 1_'_LeyNl-'. NO TROUBLE TO SEIOW THEM. .tu a..,� •r.'a da TO 7.311tO ,..`c. al, L11�`5ay'tt "TN}7 "k" k <{ tM A �7,w,ails.z► eiwlus THE EXE TER I- -o T2 u Min, Subscriber beg to nrnou:tre to the: inhabit at: tc of Ex' t t+r and then !rronsltlinl• corm - 1. try, that he bus epr.uon a TIN soil S revv, PEPO7' in the store nearly nl't ti ire A. Maces (4'O e'ry and hither store, 'Alain street. I.xutet, where he is p.si,utt.dtu till a1, ur,t..s fox Dock,-arlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers' Prices. .t'inware, cheater thiu.i the cheapest, said mash) up by ri aetie.'tI workmen on the premises`. Save-Trcughin,•doue to order,. Cot'rfiiirt i'hathor sa Specialty. Coal en uhiuit:c'ys, ti;e vet'3' hest :tail 110 110 Chea1:et. 0 Intending purchasers hnR.1F trill alwit2P4 Rena st try pus, rue<ly to attend to my oilnburutcss altd prepared at :ali tinx's to trout onatowe'rs courteously anti supply them with a gored run, olieaparticle. Depend. upon it that no .v.hare can you gut butter value for your motley. The. vary, tai, :fast price in Cush paiiI for Hides and Sheelpskius. E H. ,.SPL- .CTi.11 1. Exeter P 0, Ootci•or 15 Piano an OF TIIE I , r7� A.: f• e >`wiy-�*bra 4a't r f.(' ll �i II ' •ate _--•�tl rl'+i.'�•• �,-, J ' e tv into* MaeMn t , ,i j - p„> ti„,>, , 1,, lir' , fillII. { {' +.l�� i, G ,lt,{ I_�lr v1f� { l; {tl i;l• Having commenced business for the Fall andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any .gv:eutity Of Pork, subject to the fhIlowing regulations: We will take off two ponu,ls per hitnclrod if dry, and three pound ;Psoft. Shoulder stuck, twenty-five cents. If any of the bung gut is left in, 25 eonts extra wilt be deducted. • No per will be bought at ah price it warm. S A IT SAGES AND Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. .We want all Hogs Cutting aright through breast to head, 1%)111 E1611114 opened cirtto• tail. G c J. PETTY. I tl ii U a iI �t roll. !'`bi t1mehasjnst opesodouta 1CW antioomplotras- �. 1 i a "1 1lt?11f' l,, It �f i I k Il 111 NI sortttlent of Cliva, Glass and Stenewo.ros. A wl; kAi li{ t largo stuck ofLtuupsjustarrived. 0all audsatisfy I I i Ii a1lj yourself as to duality and cheapness. Como and ” `,�. li 1 it !�r is . try our instruments. lituuic Teacher ritill on a f 'tsd h'� �i i t eaztd. Services at lowest figures. '""�'TaLY C.,$,$ ,r r s.,IL kl±•n 1,1.. a.u' Special attention called to Che•iiaytntcl Sowving asst "-14/'x+ :..r, ,,a ,-,tirz ' K i' ' .l;inline. Organs and Pianos nus •tresses for ' uuaut, of design, and quality of ton'''. FIE LARGEST AND BEST 1 TOCIS OF Silverware, China and Deif ever seen is tieW4est,at =MEW'S paL'. C •. 'P --r oris '•-9 -. Mr.Prow has jest received an oxnrllent stock o Silver Tea Setts,i3utter Coolcrs,Duubtetutd`Single Pickle Cruets, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, 0 on1- utuuion Setts, etc„of the Bost Quadra Ale mid Tt hits Plate, andisoffuringthcsnmeatpriocsthat oltlu AST43N1ll,1`li YOU I'4'I{ CI31:.i.PRESSI, I�I,V 11 i 1879) . E. DREW ...,-,-..a......m,.r.>e...,.... ..,.,-.,, PALM (1879 'THE OLD RELIA]3LE I-IOTTSE At allthtttes,%nd,,artioalarly at a periost when Tracie is universally depressed and mons scarce, it is in the interest of every buyertopnxahaae where lie can get the articlr he was.ts at the lowest roue. In call -lug your attention to my ps'oseut stock, I do so with evcs.t'y coni d. (itce; it !} uasg utorooarofulty assortett and selected than that of any previous:mason. 0 Iter the Dry Goods FVery department isreplete with the moat aeaeonnble and fashionable fabries, marked at prices which sllun:il command teho attention of the very close+tt buyers, THE ()BLEU"): OLOTHIN. still Las MIL "W'.I'Vi,l3 at it.itoad In Millinery Underthe'np,.ngsinentof 14, CissileGloghton,we eau snit the most fastidious. Oar stock of. G'recedes, Boots and Sllaeg, Canadian, English and Am,er'ican. Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of tiro largeataud beet assortedin the Outuaty. Intending pnrehasor'swill ot}asulttbeir' hen.tiutereste by examining my, stook hofot'e wing elsewhere. JAMES PIC: AED