HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 5r*OT031ir n 20 1879 THE TIMES THRI S'LAJE..L Gpoci TEAS A. SLEC1ALITY Having bought out the iLterc'et of my late planer, Mr. L. Thorne, chased in the cheapest market, I am eugbled to offer goods that can Liquor Wholesale and Retaii. teL F ,gn. Main. Street. .(FLOUR AND FEED.) 1.417-CY, EXHTERJ. TEAS A SPECIALTY and having added largely to the former stook and having 'pur-. not fail to give satisfsction as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GBOOEBIESS ALWAYS ON HAND. T 110 OU♦+� a n.d� , Exeter. TALI. w111,1AT. White Wh0.at 30Qtt 11.5to110 ... 115to110 8P.11INO 1V111(.tT rife ,.. 1 15 to r 15 Red Chaff .. .,. ... ... 5 3.0 to 1 16 Malley ... ... ... (1 •48 tot 52 Oats0 28 ton 8 0 Clever Seed3 75 to 9 57 .. 0 58 to '11 60 0 111 to '1 It ... (ll:l to 01.5 lelour,porbid. .,, ,., 5 nil to :i 00 rote to es, per bag ,., ,.. 0 00 to 0 60 .Apples, ler bag ... ,,. ,,, 70 to 1 75 Pvied Apples pr b.,. ... 0 01 to 0 011 Clogs, dressed per 100 ... ... 5 00 to n nn Reef ... .,. 5 00 to 0 19) HiclOR ... ... 5 00 to 7 00 Sheepski a F, each .,. .., ... ... 40 to (1 70 11 O>. 1)01' 0(11 ... ... ... 81.1 to 100 C,,(nns per busu ... .... 0 55 to 0 75 Lard ... ,.. ... 11 (5) to 0 10 Wool,pev Ili... 0 58 too 2(1 Tarkoye par fit........... .... ............ ....... . .. .........................................0 07 to 0 117 geese 0 05 to p 03 'Melts, per on it 0 4.0 to n 50 ST, MARY'S Pall ;client, per bushel 1 09 to 1 2e Spring wheat 1 38 t0 1 22 Barley .... 40 to 0 r,0 fens 61) to0Ri That, . 0 34 to 0 54 IJtw .. 700 to 50 1111 Better'° Boron 0 5(1 to 0 37 Better ,,,,, , 14 to 0 14 Hides per Th..... ..... .......... ....... ..... ... a 05to u '0 Potatoes Pro: bag...! ....................... . 45te 0 (9 Shoop skins 0 40 to 1 00 1ILNSALL :11AF1i7113. Paas gga nutter White w''Dat.................................... „1 15 to 1 1.1 Bed wheat.114 to 1 11; spring wheat 1 10 to 1 le Barley 1t 41 to 58 Pees .,. 0 50 to 0 .iri Oats 0'27 t0 028 ACHER WANT.. D. --Male, sec. JAL and or third class, for S. S. Nn. 7, Usbeine. 7lutiee to cnnenenco 1st T• titian., 1879. Tessimn- ninls required. Apply to W. TAYLOR, Secretary of Trustee -Board, Winchelsea P.O. 3 in. Oct. 9, 1870. :P.1Es4Ni0VA.L. gay B;'•s.1.) would remind his numerous NJ. Customers thnt ho has removed to the shop formerly occupied by Mr, Rona, where ho will be found ever reedy to atte..dto all business in the BOOT endSLJOL Liuo. C. RAU, Orediton. DO NOT READ THIS. :raving reoeive(1 a lot of new machinery, I 1.1_would inform the farmers of the sur- rounding country that I am prepared to manu- facture all kinds of Horse hakes, Barley Forks, Grain Cradles, Snaiths, etc, incl having secured the services of a first-class Turner, I ala prepared to do ALL KID£! OF TURNING an the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a !irk - class stuck of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Exeter. A. COTTELL. i\. Lecture TO YOUNG is//EN. We hnt'o recently published a new edition of D31. (1r1LVE1iw:fT.I;)4 Wel ,EBRAT(D 1d»SAY on tido rn.dicttl and permanent euro (without mc- dieine) of Nervous 1)ehi(ity, Mental and physical Incapacity. impediments to Muniago, etc., ro- sultimrfrotn excess. t-oo. Price in a seated. envelope, only 6 cents 0: two postage stamps. The celebrated anther of this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' emcees - :Cul practise, that alarming consequences pray be rudicully cured without the claugernue use of in- ternal n1e<liciuee or the use of the knife ; Puiut- o•it atno.:e of euro at Duce si>nple scrimp and ef- fectnn 1,byy means of which every sufferer, no mat- ter what his condition may be, may euro himself ebea;,ly, privately and radically. This Leeturo should bo iu the hands of every youth and. every man In the land. A ddrese, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL Uo., 41 Auu Street, New Yerk. Pest Office Box 4580. g a o' A� w -c ; C 4, (1 ° rs d }dam �' I (1rad ea 'W � d y O O Z s:' o Fa; - d �0w U fn ,'.'.. O Ft • F.O is m'2 'O ,34 g ,r 1-'. Y .a Q f.'�.1 O , .... 7 0 Ct W l r, 1.-', p.. •• II d 44 r-,� P g d • .1 R, <4.. Pq J7 � az . 0 A +' . We., 0 C 41' 4.' :n;i a i F4fi a A " U H q re -, 'd '- � Q E-4' 0 r,(3 ,Qt'.fN6v -byaS 2mspy?rn • �, .4A ea% A, H Q 1'1tA,YED.—Strnyed from toe prem. 1 0500 of the subscriber, lc,t 6. con. 1, lii,h111101, Du or boat the 15th of August last, a en all year- ling heifer; feel, Aay person (;iViuginformation en t0 bur tvurreabmlts will he suitably retv1t(10.1.1 R'ta. FItcOP151i,Centrulla Y, 0. 2 iu. Oct, 0, 1879. N 7p 1'10E. Wanted, in ozchnn00 for Canadian grown fruit trees, 40 curds n>faed hardwood. Apply at the Titres ofllce. et (iATARR1 ! CATARRH 1! USE The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound. The ouly positive onrofer Catarrh yet discovered. • Fon SALT 33Y ('. LUTZ'h CENTRAL »Rile SPORE. W. L. SMITH, General Agent, Arkoua, Out. HAY PUMP WOIITIS. G.tO1TO'3 - PROPRIETOR,. Having added to lav punto reachinerv, end pro camel 1) large quantity -„0t 11(8)• class pump loge, I alp prepared to offer en article Superior to any Factory in the County, and at (10(00s that, defy competition. Wells and Cisterns slug on the shortest notice. • Before purchasing call u : the Hay Pump Works, :—,9bop--One-qu;trto mile nort of Exoter, London Read. Hay./ . 44. H q p HENS ALL. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES• Why go abroad fpr your Fnrniture when you can get as (Toot Value for your money iu Hensel]. as in any other Town in Canada? S. 17 .6.,X11.1.l rI:S,inI Has now oh hand a splendid stock of FURNITU1-tE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which Ile Will Sell at Prices to Suit . the Ti,iles, UNDERTAKING In all Its branches promptly attended to. Also a FIRST C ASS HEARSE, Which ho will furnish for FIJNERALS oe reas- onable terms. Contracts for Building Wesleyan Female College OF HAMILTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladies College in the Province, enters on its •'ineteoutb ;coir ou Sept.8. For variety of Departments, exteet of curriculum, thorough. (low8 of instruction and excellence of accommo• nation it is iii the very front rank, For eetaleguo apply to the principal, A, BURNS, D,D, L,L,D NOTICE. AU n00011110, due to the Goclorich Foundry and mannfactu:ing Oompuny (limited) roust bo proilhptly settled to avoid coats. No persons are authorized to receive payments or make settlements 0,1 behalf of the company except the undersigned. HORACE HORTON, President. JOHN CHRISTIAN, Secretary. Godoriclh, Ju`4me 13, 1870. tf THE FALL ANDTER TRADE C. S' out1 cotk c Son TAILORS and CLOTIllEISS, Take pleasure to it (3ormtbeinhabitant; ofExetcu add eurrounrlillg cue iry, at they have jn�t opo.lod out au eacolloutassortlncutof lt''eeds, Coatings, Test i)! yset e., in thel utcat styles an(lpatterns,and fea) assnrc,l that [tittle matter of elet'5ing,:tlley can suit the Inostfastidioustaste s. PERRY'S Condition Powders ThiR is the beet :preparation ever placed on the Tristykot 0,510011 for 01(0 purposes of (1 Condition Powder, PERRY'S Cough Powder,.• the ,>r, Illus ultra, as a caro for the .epizootic, colds and ..11 coughs in horses. TERRY'S Heave Remedy, Tho most certain and parma- ue 0relief for pcovey and Brok- en Winded horses. PERRY'S HORSE AND tattle Feeder 1 The only truly scientific Feeder over introduced. Greater in effl- carp. larger in quantity. better i?> t71t> qitynharkutAan. T(01%111YIT lPnoxh551' oeedervl:ITL in ualt. PE)IEY'S CARBOLATED Sanative Cil, For (11'd'onn(s, Harness and Saddle Galls aa1(1 Seratehee, this Oil wt. a never equalled. No stable cal: afford tette without it. PERI<T•S CASU3OLA.TTD White Oil, Far ahead of all other Lint' moots for Strains, Lameness, &c.' dm. (1111nreee. NOTE WELL I T71r•Ra are 110 QtTOCK CURE- ; but truly Scientific, Pre- inrnti0ns, each ac7n.pterh for t)(11 sgeeif)e p>(r12ses indicated TO T117' THEM 18 TO 4PPIZOP21. ONIZIMM MIDEIMM-1 GO TO JAMES PICKA,RD'S The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. SOME REASON'S why these Suspenders are botter than others :— • 1st.—No Elastic required; 2nd,—Is Slack when stooping, 3rd.—It never slips off the Shoulders. 4th.—Sold at prices of common suspenders, Try a Pair and Secure Comfort. Manufactured by O. E. RAMAGE, 282 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. and don't miss the chance. Just Received - 3rd Lct of those Cheap Mink Setts, 3rd Lot of Robes, Hudson Bay prices, Dress Goods and Wincoys—dirt cheap, Blankets and Etnffos at job prices, Grey, Scarlet and Fancy Flannels—mill prioes, For variety and Latest Styles, don't fail to see our MILLINERY. Cloths and Tweeds, never better selected, and the best cutter in the county. OVERCOATS For assortment and price unequalled. )300TS AND SHOES Bought before the big advance, and our onstomers get the advantage not only of selecting from the largest Stook in town, but AT OLD PRICES. Our object is to buy and sell at Bottom Prices, and by she way people are flocking around we think we are doing it. ; COhME AND SEE, JAMES PICJCA.BD It Will pay you to call at M'CI�! LLAND B .OS' D Z EW'S 3LOCI For your Dry -Goods, Groceries, Etc. Bveryth.ing reduced to suit the h lyd times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. Be sure' and call before buying Suits, to order at startling figures. M;,CLL {LAND BROS. lawsmim1 FOR SAFE—A YOKE OF GOOD wnrking oxen, nine years old. Apply to )';+5��:1 NOAH FJt1,ID,Dashtrond, FOR SALE ONLY AT THE DOMINION LABOPIATOR? Alain Street, JOxeter. 13ISSETT BROS., EXE'.CER, ONT. BROS., EXETER. ✓7 50 w c.l Of every defier prion taken on most reasonable 1 to terms. Material furbished if desired. Remember the Reiman Furuituro and Under- taking l4stabli,lhmont, S FAXRBAIRN. ►7 G,v +' T. M kRY'S LIME WORKS, ourdrawn1c110R beim grieve 1 l full eperatiee.ane turuiugnuWally a large cluuntit) of ed .14 P4 LIME that tor all lltirpotea dAnnot , be surpassed in the Dol lie• 1011. Partieetriitn 't iitteuct.Oen 8itaaysbes.rotted either at the kilns or del iverdby teams atii'W eat renilfnerativerntes. Orders rota o distance t —GREAT--. EXHIBITION -- AT— EiSSETT B EXETER. ~•, Co 11 0 .1 STOYESH FRESH ARRIVALS OF .�1�.• ETO., ETC.., ETC, V 16,ILTr/.c-�i.�'in14�+ . 11711110 some predicted that the Nnti0ual Pulley would 1110001180 the pride of over article, still we are enabled to announse that We can sell till kinds of stoves 10 per cent.oheaper U s 1-g H than has ever been offered heretofore. 'tiro a have sold out our business in lIensall, G` and addedlargely to the stoekin Exeter, t'F, which is one of tho largest iu tho phaco -—ALSO-4 Agents for Verity's Cele - braced •Pint . yramptly e.ttonA,n<I to. . Wr'13tTs(1N & SCL,ATEII Pi 'SETT B1106., C X.wre...ii3ON'T. c TRAYED.—ABOUT 1st SE PTE her, from lot 6, con. 7, -Osborne, J steers, one brindle, one red anti one spotted ; 3lteifers, two red and one spotted ; all spritlg calves. Last secu at CVluebclsla. Iuf,rn>atioa received at the Times ofilee. The finder will be rewarded R. MARQUIS, Lumley P. 0. se,!1'itAY 4I) from Lot 15, S. 13. Ste - /thou , te- phou, on oe about the 5011 August last, one white ether with red ring on the nese and red ears, 2 years old ; one greyish atoe" 2 y ears olid; one gl eyish heifer 2 yoereold ; one yearl.ug steer, rod and white ; one 21100/05 heifer, light rod, with ',shite, Any information leading to thuirrecov- ery will bo hu>ldsowely rewarded. JOHN DOLFIIIAY,Offa. TAX NO'1'IJE.---Let all who are concerned tyke notice tint the Collector fur the Township of Stephen will be at the following places on the followiue dates for the pr. •pose of receiving taxes; December 3, et C1ristie'e hotel, Exeter. December 4, at elolfatt s hotel, Centralia. December 5, at W. Elolt's,Iiheta. Doeeneeir 6, at T. Lewis', Urecliton. December 8, at H, tict;aun's, Dashwood. December 0, at H. llockeuhaur's, Grund Bend. December 10, at Mr. Wilson's, Boston Corner. December 11, at Mr.Etull's,Limerick. Decembor12,13, 15, et home, Crediton. Ail parties who flail to pay tltoir taxes on or befom i, the last of above dates may expect to have costs added. JOHN LEWIS, Collector. Stephen, November (3, 1870. 20. Groceries!i G'on/ectonary. Smo✓ina Tobacco 25 Cents per lb CHOICE TBOACCOS AND CIGARS always instoek. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. School Boiks, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST Hews N.B,—Sowing Mocha. Needles oievery hied. A, BOYD. T7 AVE YOI.TLOST THE SENSE QF X1.1 TASTE Olt Sbil1L L ?If so, itnlay he from the Ittuotosr of the 10th century, OAT.vintl. TM') CONSTITUTXONAL C.'ATAnnT] .ltr:MCn'hC will restore you to enjoyable 11001011. It net only euros Ca. 0%0011, but all other diseases at the sande time. Price 4,1 per pottle. Pot sale by ail druggists and Medicine deniers Send etanfp for 48 page pam- phlet containing treatise on Catarrh, and eerti(1- oates of the cared to T.7. !t. IEAUDIN1l, Domdn• ion Agent,Bruelcville,Ot't. CONSTITUTIONAL CATAnitFL nzit1EDY. The only certain, safe, and effectual euro for Cat( rrli, blonde tip the systenh and ures all odder • diseases tatthe same tl(n0. Asthma, rites Cold, nayl.over,Nervous Debility, till leave together when the COnstitutntionoi Catarrh Remedy _is takce 11. (directed. Price $1 per battle. For rae by all di'plgiets au('EMoil bole dealers, rEACIIERS WANTED — MALE PE Teacher for the Hensel' School. Also an Assistant for S. S, N0. 10, may, Applies."ts to ,:tate salary and furnish teotilnonials. Apphc.a- ti0ns reneivod till lot Decembei by ROST PAT- TE1tSUN, Sec.-Treas., Hrn5all P. 0. RE IIOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVALI P. PRAYNE has removed to hisnew shop, lately occupied by Perkins d: Co—two doors north of 7. Grigg's book storo,wh ere you will find everything usually kept in a tirst-class harness establishment, which for quality of material and slyle of workmanship ItI NOT EASILY SURPASSED Call and example my stock bef ore purchasing elsewhere. PETER FRAIN.E. FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Bay our ]3eac11ville WHITE LIME and 0 Star Brand Plaster Paris, and you will be pleased with your work. Frush Lime al;rity un hand. GLASS, NAILS, - LOCKS, and HINtxES very oheap for cash. White Lead, Oils, Tur- pentine and putty at bottom prices. hope Chain, saws, Planes and other tools at prices that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, pall and see Our Dent Goods, made from dry, tough timber. Cheap for cash O'L''Y'RNE & CO., The Farmers' and Mechanics' Hardware Store, Exeter. Money to loan on Mortgages. MAIM STREET, EXETER. MILLINERY AT MISS, GARLIC K'S A full line 0001 in, of FALL and WINTER Hats, rind Bonnets, all the latent etvlee. New Flowers Feathers,and.Ornaments. ; Trimmings in great variety. GIEL'S HATh NICELY TRIMMED, from $1.00 up, Everything will be sold as cheap as p30ai1110. Taney Goods, Resift' Wool, Mottoes, etc., n ful took alwoyskept. 'jackets made or cut MISS GARLIOK, 1,68111 80n Etoter. Sep