HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 44 The Molsons Bank. 1S:CO1U MUTED DY ACT ok'.PAlar,IAazl;aiTg 1855, 041)404 $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Titoeres Wounstex, Esq. - ,1'rOfgelent. d. H, R. ntoeeoN, Ewe, Viee-Pree,,;j' DIRECTORS, Hen1) L Macpherson. R W Shepherd, el A Nelsen, At P P. 5 H E)Vine, elites 1irj11eauls, F WoLeturi mit `,Chews, I' iso., V Sas Er.nto'r 3ti cu , Manager Mo71t AI; 731.AT0N, ESQ., • - - (Veal blaaa(7 real Vrcinsh. - Inspector. 'Exeter Dran^1:1, HENRY C. BREWER. MANAGER. LOANS TO FARMlEES. Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their owe promisspry notes with one or mere good en- deniers. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS BANE Dcelei 11TAXENT 52)cr cant Interest attowect on deposit.. Drafts on United States' bought audsold. Stan- tieExchange bought and sold, Collections made in all• parts of the Dominion aud retires promptly remitted atlowost rates of exchange. Exeter, August 15th 1878. 0 -nn Eke : •efei Punts. 6 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1879. SIR LEONARD TILLEY AT GUELPH, On li'riday last, Sir Leonard Tilley visited Guelph in the capacity of Fin- ance Minister, and paid a visit to the r various nlauufactul`ing industries of the city. These were all found to be in a fiourislliug condition, thanks to the Nate:mat Policy. In the evening a banquet was given in honor of the dis- tiuguiehed visitor, at which their wild a vary large attendance of re- presentative men from all parts of the county and neighboring countries as well. Sir Leonard delivered au elo- quent and able speech justifying the National Policy, and refuting the prin- cipal arguments which its oppoueuts use against it from day to day. The eager armouopoly,"as It is Balled,—aud, iu feet, as every enterprise which has Clad its dying embers fanned into life by the N. P., is named—h:ae received a large share of atteutiou from the bar- piea of the Opposition press, and upon alis subject Sir Leonard 'Vouched brief- ly in has speech, Be said; But lin.ve the Government ruined the cuuutry as is alleged ? How have they ruined it ? It is sail, look at the en- ormous taxation i:npo-ed on the people by the auger monopoly. Let me say a word with rest.eet to this matter. What' has the change of policy done? The ituperts of sugar from the West Iudie:t in Jttly, August, and September, 1878. were a little over one and a quar- ter pouuds weight. During the same inouthe of the present year the quanti- ty was tweuty-eight million pounds. (Cheers) What doe3 that meau ? That before the preseut policy was adopted the whole of the West Iudia trade with Clauadta was detn'1tro:yed; that the vessels wuictl earried Or fish and lumber of tue Maritime sPt'ovillees to the West Iutliee had to take return cargoes to tlhe• United States instead of the Do. minion, and we ;lista therefore to pay a higher freight for our exports. The The West Iutlia trade has been revived, aud instead of our people purchasing sugars refined in' the United Satates from raw sugars imported front the West iudies, the iiadu,try was revived in Canada, aud the labor transferred hero. it is quite true that during the past year freights have been hiller to the Dominion than to the Uuited States. But what clid that moan ? Tue charge eifeolecl in trade had not only clheapeued freights from the Mari. titne Plot -limes to the West Indies, but gave better freights to onr vessels. Employment has moreover been given to hundreds, and, incidentally, to thou - sande. But, say our oppooente, look at the increase which. has taken place iu the prtce of sugar, and elle prise which the poor *nen has to pay uow compared with a year ago. True, he hits to pay more. But has the Nation- al Polley iuereased the pries of the ar. ticle ? (Cries of No.) .0a this question 1 appeal to the c.,luneus of two Ceuta- diem Opposition journals. • The Maine real Herald, of the 8th inst., points ant that eu;,ei<r Id hiller itt the Uuited States than here, and that Atneriaan,s have sent in agents to 'perollase sneer in Canada. In regard to the rias ill I.ttgiar ail Oppoeitioa journal in New 13ruuswiek declares tliawithin the fast month the teased sugar h:tc1 advanced $2.80 aud raw eager $8.' Now then, it the iucrsetee oil the price of rawsng- ar bad beets greater than on refined, is hell: not been the refiner who has tak- en advantage of the �°,p dile, for he iy giving us Our refitted 'Huge at a. retia• lively lover prise than raw sugar iN sod For. • New we know perfectly well whit reference to the sug;t • trade that (here never was • •ith the history of the whr:d, sugar prodiireed at so low a rale• an it wa'� produced for in tilt Wast Indase nine menthe ago. Patent men lav 1 � tLlayo .wt,rlruei g to use, bnypUed. themselves with large stoops; whieh, wbe);i sold at the advanced price, put a large euni of money iota their pockets. 1301 we must remember that if we had not a refinery in the Dominion of Ca' nada, we would be paying more for it, from the feet that the price is higher is the United States than here. THE NATIONAL POLICY JUSTIFI ED. Thi +' Trio Ls ship of the county buildings, the oqu• alizatiou of the aseesenent reals, and the construction and repairs of certain bridges. The first of these duties the Kepositor would relegate to the Local government, the second to a small committee, and tho third to the ;town- ship Oouuuikk, Our contemporary be- lieves that this wank! effect a targe saving in munieipel government, and Ever since the people of Canada de•. that the County Connells—,—who would Kms' Parties getting their Sitio Mile printed above, free of charge. ovlE,afliLlt 20, 167g DIED, 1ticLueu.-.-!In Exeter, QU the 18th :lust., Cleo. Melet!ua; Esq., aged 83 year and three Menthe, 'Tlic feiteral takes plisse to -day at at 2/$O p,' m, I rene.telliee.-1n V..:alters en the 18th iust., ellizaueth Kirkpatrick, aged 78 years, Sale Register. Tliarsdity, Nov. 17 —F nrlu stout:, and imple- ments, the 1 r sporty of U. liaslterville, lot. 8, S. B., Stephen. Jennie ()ate, auctioneer be eutitled to respect,for the good work at tins office will receiee entice shuilar to thetermiued to adopt the experbnent, known, as the "rational Policy" the J they had done --would never be miss. ' •s,; e____._.:._...._.__ erecta e. _. _....__._. f1• SPENCER/AN CER/AN STEEL PENS. Gloie has not caused to t1iarepresent its scope as well as its effects. In re. sent issues at eudeavored to show that the woollen imterest at Woodbridge had had suffered as a consequence of the new policy, but Mr. John McIntosh, proprietor of mills there, writes to say:— "1 have now fifteen bands constant- ly employed ; any slum is running from Suudey miduight till tSitturday mid- night every reek, and 1 pay now as high wages as I have ever paid. Be- fore the new tariff came into force the largest number of hands that .1 have had working was eight, and a less num- ber through the winter months. Now I have orders in that will keep my mill running night and day till next 1iebru- any, while during previous years I had very little work at this semen of the year, I don't know where you got the statemeut that 'before the tariff, was al- tared the same establishment was em- ploying seventy hands,' as I have mere hands at work now than have been em- ployed iu it at any time for the last twenty years." Nor is Mr. McIntosh alone on rebutt- ing the untruths to which the Globe has sold itself to in order to found an argu- mentagainst the;National1)olioy. Mr. John Abell, another manufacturer at Woodbridge, denies its statement with reference to his enterprise, aud says, among other things:— "I way here mention the fact that. the men, itt spite of the reductinn nam- ed in the rate per atria, have this year earned on an average of two per cent. more than they did in the previous year. The hierease of wages earned for the nine I:tenths, let February, to 1st November; 1879, over the stone period in 1875, amJnrts to fourteen per cent. Their as regards the woollen mill and the axta:tat mill (or shoddy, as yon term it),; your iufotmation iy strabgly aytray. You say the entire force is nine hands, dt'vided hetweetr the two mills. Nineteen is the proper number. The average wages of' the extract mill last week were more than double the amount you state, namely. four dollars ; aud the jeurueymeti at Messrs, McIntosh (� S'ou's woollou fact- ory are neither asked nor expected to work for four dollars per week. or any- thing like it. The woollen twill is run- ning night and day, and the extract mill about eighteeu hour°sldaily." e WI; are glad to sec that our .Post- tnaster•Gouerel has requested the post- al authorities at Wasllingtou to seize all iudecent mail clatter posted for Ca- nada. This is intended to keep out of the country eneh publications as the Police Gazette, which, hailing iuto the hands of boys, cannot fail to do great dealer hum to the morals of the tie- ing generation. And the tastes of a large circle of Grown-up people are vitiated enough already without the stimulation of the iudecent publica- tions which aro issued unrestricted from nearly every large city of the United Stater. There is no telling how much of their pernicious habits, their disrespect for woman, their light regard of the marriage relations, t&e., may be owing to the teaehiugs of the indecent literature which floods their country, and Bort opts the pure form. tain of morality whish springs In the breast of innocent yontlt. The publi-- shere of these p titers which our Post- Inaster-Geueral has placed funder the ban have beeu notified that they roust not forward any more of 'their Lula: polluting publications to Canada.. Cowardly q ourtney. ANOTr3CR39ACIi-DOWN EXPECTED FROM TUB BOAT -SAWYER, Rochester, Nov. 17.—Courtney was here to -day, and in a long interview With hie friends expressed a deciltad dis- inclination tarots the rage with Haulm], according to the articles of agreement elected on Nev. 13th. He claims he never gave-Sall'►vau authority to attttcll his name to the articles, atl(l'ltlsiste, as they now stand, they do not give hien a fair chance. Ae the news of his posit- , ion gained publicity punsirlerable excite- ment was oeeasioned. The general ex [needn't of opinion strougly condemns the course the has taken. He returned to Uniou S1lrim s this afternoon, with the understandiug tihat he would make Itis Halal decision 111 the morning. If Ito concludes to row his $500 forfeit honey will be mailed at cure, but in ease he Close not, of course the matter drops.- It is not yet known what course the donors of the prize will adopt, but it seems probable that if Courtney fails to come to time, they will order the $5,0('0 be paid to IIanlan. An Eventful Lite of Nearly 100 Ycara. Baltimore, Nov. 17.—Cil. John Fre. derick Van Wonder died last night in the Axed Men's Ilome, aged 99 years and 10mouths. He was one of the old guard ; was with first Napoleon in his retreat from Moscow ; served under Blucher at Waterloo, and fought against Abdel Mader on the plains of Algeria. He left manuscript stating that he ,Join- ed the Prussian array, and at the battle of crena he was made pl'Iaotler by the French, afterwards joined the service. In 1807 8 he foaght iu Spain, and in the latter year he mrreied n daughter of a Spanish grandee, and was made aide de clone to Gen. Murat. In the Spring of 1812 he was appointed aide de camp to Marshal Ney, and„marched lets Russia, entering Moscowith Napo- leon. At Bersgin be was twice wound• ed, snit afterwards jellied the Fruseian army. Between' 1810 and 1817 he led an adventurous iii'«; its Greece aud Tur. key. and from 1527 to 183G he served in Africa. In 1849 he clone to this country, and invested -1r10tley in anur.e. ry i11 Virginia, whiclh was d-stroyed by a flood. Three sons fell duriug the late war, and his wife. and daughter died in 1894. The public will learu from this norre- spondence' how useless it is to pay any attention to arguments whiclh the Globe' may advance on this matter, sexing they are not warranted' by the facts. What the people are interested in jest now is to see that the new policy has a fair trial. They do not want toprajndge it, but the Dominion as a whole determin- ed to see if there might not be some good in it, is now the witunes of the re- sults. Sir L. Tilley is making himself partieulerty active in perfecting the eystetn be has been the moaus of in- eugnrating, and il will require solve. more cogent reasotas than those winch 1'Jessrs. McIntosh and Abell have so ruthlessly overturned to convince the impartial that tl e expi(leut which has been adopted has not been successful. It is just such unwarrantable state- ments as those which the Globs has been making, Land the minor organs e(hoitig, that have done so mush to de- stroy confidence in the Grit party. Btzt it will be impossible for them to lie themselves back to power.—E'rise Press. SnveetAL of onr ueighboriug towns aro agitatiutl to have themselves made county towns. We remember that at the last election, • Mr. Bishop's friends circulated a curd endenvoring to make the ps((p10 of ale section believe that Mr. Jackson intended to ttse 131(3 main ence to untie Seslforth a county town, instead of lii'soter. Their did not oir ^^.elate this caret ill Sdaflrtl though, This oartwtrily imnlierl that bar. J3inhop would have a county' town at this end of the riding. Let him now conetnet,00 an'tsgitation stud ahow the people that they Were not deceived iu file implied promise. The ' Seaford' J rjsers1:ter argues that the itsefnlneas of County Councils is gotle. It inty's that'the outs work now' left'or clottntll' Cotli3Ciis1Cho ottttrdiltn• General. A dispatch from Sackett's Harbor says the tog Seyn►uut' lett Cape Vin- cent with three dredges, twn dormice rind seven scows, owned byH. B. Elder and Arnold, of • Buffalo.'' lind tine weather uutil after passing Galloull Islands. off 'Sackett's IIarbor, when a gale from the north-west with a heavy snow storm set ie.. The tug acid tow got within five or six utile» of Oswego, When she lost the lights, turned around, and eu(lcilavored to hold the !loci until daylight, but the fleet broke away and was lost with all hands -excepting six, tvinoh was rescued by the tug. 'Thirty. ono persons, including three women and one girl, were'deai,lii'ed. 'Tito fla.8t';it total 1l.01 Superior Eng- lish make. A scaupie card oteule each of the ^1't1".L•,rir numbers for trial, by 1113111, all rocuipt of EEC TJLA T1ON itespeetineeth l)tspestl of cer'nfn t'ittiiiir lautde for the purposes ee tale Canadian Vacate anosarte ni er OF TIM I11110"000„ Ottawa, Ot.to9er 14, 1879, Public notice is hereby given that the following lu•calclsioias,whiell shall be 11e1(t: to ap1)1x'to Clio ands in 51)0 i'rovinee e55Ttutttoba, and in•the niidoties t the W0131 t8Ud north-west thereof. aro steb,stitute311 for the it0gala"iuus,. dated the 31(113,1 goverulag tno mode. of tlispossug of tit* rt[(',Er Lamle oatsatte within 110 (one handled and ten) ttaui.es on each sieteof the line of the thindime° Pacific 10a:f:vray, which said RegulabIO3lO are hors by wry ot•tcdeti:-- 1. 'Until 1Luther 'and final survey of tite stti(1 ” railway lnls been m)tde west of tato '.!Leri Rivet•, and for tau purposes of these provision, the lhto lee et3t:,t,. i of the railway towel be assumed to he (1!) the ,°'condi b1 se •,westerly tattle uuterseetim el the seal t ALXE'. BUNTIN & CO, ,l+Tlontreat, b,Lso by the live besween xanges 2l tend 23 west ant polo 11 1, 111$ 5131 ra a'lierall:ll. I the arab prir1Cilatl ill grid:ill, Luna duras, lna dir,os ' 133310 to the 0011501700 of the Shell 11irur and as- sbi0bo(uo. Abe cOtll; PLAN . e'n nnitln0 anctoporalihgwrwordorai 33 "Teo country leeens; on each side of the lino of 3 i on v n1 o lu 1,01 ot , n rvie 45.1.,1 , i9 t. w111 I'll i'Iwtuy 811111 he trespeutat•ely divided feta 1 mate, Cls. 11'ul aateaa.awar, 1n.. rt, of.. d3Ytael p twrorr tial 2c11,0\i',i-'+-- I 1 i.t n t e'aa Pr 1tla,13 1 1 lerulYr, mi(t, r. I .•,.• ' a,000iol,.how oil coswat+e liemurk i141}10,m a Isco, 1.1.). A bolt u# five mites on either s'dn of•thtr 1,AWIILver,1 CO„1 w•ntt Ie (ri. I. 8.w Tara, railwety, n nit imeledieteiy 1•1(1)uining the same, to. t2(3 called belt ::I, i.nvMt'u.l, In \Nall '71.'4'1 1.'4' 1 'tti) A bolt of Sfteeli'11i1)rll (11 eitlh0r stint(of the= toe -e 1103:0$ or ILtmkn +Cul way „a( nntnog;' le sante`, 0 l l caned tilt hs_ ev ry rrxnnth. llookseut (Si 1 beet of twenty miles oft either bide of the 00., Pauker, 7 Wellfree explaining overy(tilt.r,nY. H - ib3veee leA.L Eli 5 ) ra"il(lwAay,Gaa0tjoln of tiwgeneteyltn 11 o13 bcoo caekfiiebd rbsoildt C.o f, the 1ntllway, adje)kiimg belt C, to Ile tailedbelt li, rind "5) A belt of ;beefy smiles Air either lido of the railway udiobningbelt 0, to becelled, belt1C. 8. "'rhe everm-ntunberotl seet10.11s 0n /etch town- ship throughout the several bt•ltesahove ;lescrib013i 01133111)0011811 for entry eahi,mostberle an(ipre- empteme.of 100 acres 500`1 reep01tively. 4. 'Thu oslu-. unibere d aectious in each of soil) townshi,rs sball not be open to hemp .ntend o -r- - onnetio1( but .l.tt11 be ep.let ally )l1erV'er1 tmd,#es- i3uated us hallway fxan,la. 5 " The Puilwey 3xta1•18 within the leverai belts shall bo solo at thte:oliowing rates, vin, —.In (Belt A,; ;5 i0vedo11tu8y,pur11:(e o; in Belt 11, $1 (lour dollar;) per a. re ; in Belt 4,508 (three 0ollt.rs) per Wanted. acre in Bolt 0.. 2 (two tlullars),oel acre; in Belt arahall, Alicia., wont tin agent jet GL (n6 0)1113x) Iter acre ; 1114 the Milne of enle ncu et a sitlar of :nue lel Meech Muds shall be as;feIlow:I. eh;:-011c-teut:r 3t cash et too bane of purchase ; the bi3lnllce:in Mlle 0qual aun1,1) installments,Wlvithinterest at pp Elegant New Style ChroluoCletreis,witl memo .1. lec.pest-paid. Goo, I-Itee0 1)'Co, 1Jtessau,N.Y, t$e 171 Ilunith,ouO Ortlelta0r fpm., , re:ntee(1to AtaOLts ,t S 1)1311)11 00. Szr913 ,'eVe!u,Allgusfitil%nrnn. $7,7 7 A. Yiu:5.11 and, expenses to tweets Outfit free. Address. 1'. 0. 'Vickery Augusta, Maisie. 6 ee Latest Style C Lr.ia. with neme,1f ei s. Outfit Wets. V.3NN fi 00., Aorth Chathttul,N Y Sherman se Co., 11 in this (emote at o y 1 month and expeuses paid. ' For full partianlars address as ubuvu. thereto etsixpercent per Amami on the balrnee ofa purchase money from time to thee roln1ei01115 uu )aid, to bo cul 113thoucls instalment. 8. e" The Pre-emption Lands within the severall The Council of the County of Huron will meet belts shall be sold for the pricioesnd (02 the termsin the C 1111 t House in the 'Tomo of Gode rich, on respectively as follows: lit the Belts A, 13 one C',. T0'N11SD 1Y, tlio 2119 day of DECEMBERDECEMBERnext. OTICE. 1 . P13PER ADAMS' Co. Clerk, November 15, 1870. 31 EXECUTORS' NOTICE. , Pursuant to Chapter 107, Revised Statutes ;of Ontario, notice is hereby given that Mb 0=..50 (two 11011015 11110 flay eenta).per mere; fu Iielt 7), at 52 (two dollars) per acre ; and in Bolt 11 at a1(oue dollar) per acre. The terata of pur- ulent to be four -tenths of the parches° money' together with interest 012 tt the It:Unrest the rate c li six per cent. per annum, to be prtitl at the end of three years from the date of entry; tale remain- der to be paid iu six equal annual lnsttllnleets from anti after the said date, with interest at the _rite above mentieued, en such hal/me/sof the pur- All persons h1(vin i claims upon the estate of statism money as may from time to tune remain WIl•1It'LON HODDGbti\, 1rtt0 of the Village of uup1i5,te be paid with eachinsta,nlout• 1 eeeer, in the County of Bran, Auetiemour, do- 7. All payments for ItnilwayLands, auel also frr Ceased, are required on or befoul the 'eel' Pay of Pre-emption Lauds. within the Revere: Belt.. Delef ISI13 ,;ft, A. 1). 18711), to send tt)0rtienlars in writtug of such claims to 11, 11. CADDY, 1;sq., Foliciter for the l 1nl-nters, Exeter, 0155, ; (.fter «heal day the leseleUtOrs will be at liberty to dis- tribute the asset.)' of the Estate; having rogned only to the claims cf which the} shall Have had uot1ce. And all ,10r9oa1 indebted to the sails wayLands.' Estate are r0(1008t10 t0 pay the it1(1e1111t of then' U" These provisions shall be retronrtave so far a11101et6 to 11, 11, CADDY, Solicitor, !Exeter, as relates toany and all entries of iIomestead aud Preerftl,tluu Lsuuh, orsalesof 16ilwa.}y Lisiels obtained Or 2111Lde under the 12e3nl..tie'S1e of the Ot310, July, hereby superseded; auy pay- ments made ie. secees of the rate horei,y 91 .oil shall be credited on 1uco1nt of ealee'of sued 1132178. 10. "Tile Order•iu•Council of the tith Novem- ber,1877,re1utiugto the settlement of the lands 111 110,11ito110 13,111131) hall been previously 'with- drawn for r.tilway mlmposes, having been cancel- led, all cla{rns of persons !rho settled in good faith ell lanes under the seta Outer-iu-Council •h1:11 be dealt with ander those provlkboi s, tis to the price of Pre -e mptions,a000reing to the belt ht which eucillends Ma,/ be situate. Where a per - 501 May 115(1.5 tltke11 1111 two quarter sections un- der the Order -in -Council, he may retain the quar- ter suction upon which he has settled, as It flolno- stead, met the Other en titer section es a. Pre-emp- tifnl, under these 11u•u1'181uns, it raspCdc{v0 of wile tiler such Itomostoad and Pre-emption may be found 1130117131 ev011-uulubered 86151(ii or ether- wis0. Ana' Maness paint by such penton nn er W)37131 of t act lands entered by biro nn(1or the 6101). Urcicr-ll -Council, win be credited to him 011 ac count of his 1'r° eruption purchase, under those. provisions. A person who may have dalton npi�t eine quarter section muter the Order-in-Counefa, mentioned will be allowed to radii tae 8117)10 116 !u 110011:A00tl, 0101 will be permitted to enter a sec- ond quarter section as aP20-anlption the money Iola oat ac:ctautt rrf the laud previously entered to be credited to pial on account of such Pre-emp- tion. 11, "A11 ent,ies of lands shall be subject to the. followhig provisions respecting the right of way of the Caaaili,tin P11011lo ltailnay "t any tlov-- emu/AA culouizet1o11 railway eolmejted there- wit11111' , lir,: .3 1n t)10 .:ase of railways erossingtl7nd el'.ter"li as 0 lulmos ten ' , tai e right of way tllore0n,.nmd 1801 any 1t12t1 homey, 5 1n''y be required fel' etatien pus - poses, ehlr' a flee to the Government. 1). Where the railway c oases pre-nlnntions itr Rell'.v113 Lauds, entered subeesaent to the elate hereof, the Guvernaleut may Citic. pose vision .of such portion thereof 01 may berequlrec for right of way or for station gi1 ant&' or bellasr.l)fta, (Ir d' the rwner shall only 370 entitled tr, claim pee - 1 Mont fa the land so taken at the same rate per acre es hemay have paid.the (}overnment fur the �5i)2110, o. "In also, on the final location of thoraiiwav through lauds unsurveyed,.or surveyed. bat • et y� L�q� of t9�{n -t gig entcre5 for at tate time, 11 039014 i9 Fennel in 00- i 6G 6 CO�©b13�� �Y6rL� YV (�,�%. cupatiOu Of lanclisliielL it ntlay ho cl,.. iraLle lit tn0 tr nul)10c 0nterest to retain, the GOY. =meet reser- urs the right to ta.l(Oh)i1ssession of.Fuch 11114, nay- RIV!£ E DU LOUP BR NC'1, inethosquatter the value of any improvements 110 army 11)310 1na(10111ur0070 13'Ar q r ri'FND't'Po0 oda reseoa t0 12 ` 0101ms to Public elands arising from the undersigned, and°read "Tenders for settlemeet,after the dote 'hereof ,0nterrit, lyur- n surveyed at 1110 time of shell settlement, aud Cars,"win be received at 111i.e o'f loo up to 1loe11 of whictrmay be embraced with 'the liulits affected TUESDAY, the 25tih instil, et,501: Dile supply of— , by the- tlbove101icy, Or by the e1Cte1181On th oaf � shall be in cash and not in' scrip or lnelitery „ police beim by warrants, 8. " All moneys received in payment of rici- emptioll Lends she 1 inure to and hum pelt of the fund for railway eurposes,111 a similterultlt- aier to the Moneys received in payment uf ifu(1- _ortbwith. Dated tilts 1Obh day of 1 ore bel 1879. JANE le011CaS) i,Execubele. ti .IA .1.Ele (11iF., Executor. inthrco ordalRail- way.: 1a - way. : RIVIBIIE DU LOUP BRANCH. esEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tonilern for Engines," -will be rea.tive/I et this other, up to 'mule of FRIDAY tate 5111 o1 DTc 3,.Rf13seR next. for the supply of Twelve Locomotive Engines. Plans,1p0mf0atious, awl tenet of tender ran bo hod at the 1eclhauical 1aperinteudeutei of1leu at elorieb011." The Department not bound to receive the low- est ur any of the meters.13y urger, F.13101U 15, (Secretary. DEPAnTMENT 023' ItA1ZWAY AND CIANAL3. t Oatirv0 7th Nev.,1379. 1 Four Snow Ploughs, Throe Plexors, Throe \Vele Plkaghe, T 1101'irst C1ass.C,vs, beaten which such settlement maybe found to be Two $ugonr1 C lase Oars, situated, subject to•to0 oper0lion of. 5llb-section 'Tyro Sum eing earl Postal Care; C of section 11 or Caress provisions - 13., 1 }i91(1118 Two Baggage Cera, 13, "All entries after the date hereof iinocoup'e'1 Plans, spoolficatieus aud forms of tender can 11t1,58.ouAbe Saskatchewan Agency, will 'beeon- be had 01 -MO lleeha1a01 Superintendent's office shirred. as pr0vist8n11I trntil the railway line i0ncton. through theabpal't of the for itories' has bean 10- catokl, lifter wince thesern:e will bo finally dispos- ed ispos 0(tiof iu aceerdenee with:those previsions. as the sluts Inlayal)1)1ytothe pa1•110111arbelt iu wl Joh 91101) laud strath i'0 found. 10 be situated,. subject as al/0a•e•to the oglelmticnsf su&lm b-sio110 ofsection 11 (Atli Oaf) 1/11111,6 i 1,010. til the f attire overlt(lclztional territory, will ti 'al- timately dealt with 111: uceeraltueo with the .stria prl1)0)1bod above i0r the lands in the particular X6-•'1 he Department not bound to :accept the low- est or any of the tenders. By ceder, . F. BR SOorotary. Department of`Raiive-,0 and Canine, 1. Ottawa, 7t11 November 1879. ff NEW BUTCHER R' SHOP NEW A fgslotl w Ii•XOtOr i of Lis i 3.l 01 pu;br ardsd to 1lie ttnder6 ouldiwtforztt Class i1111a1ri- I..tantsof said V10ililtythat Uel1as OPENED) BU'1'C1i:Blt SI16P 04,0(10018 south asetstuit1leltop 0ndl1dpek the/ ni liber onag3e net hits been at o him n. the 5LA0ft8118Ttr tom, WAU0:1 AttETK0 1(1,9 wi1)hOoxtcn(i((1'tohilrt 331 his now bx121210. o 2204111/9s, His meatweg011 Will call at the rest- dcuts.ol the vtllagetiireetimeloaei lvoek7nd +~ Vii,''F:.Sal MEAT ,/311 lteldb kept eoustapt1Den hand at has hate110I8hop.. • r r Meek snethlnk.,rund;.wmesa eaail lu' caerie d.gL lk." With a vie•,v to ementrrs,snor• sottlemont by cth.e(poniu5 the cost of bveil(ieg materiel, the Gover•un11)111 Y06011' La OA eight t0 freta lieee90, renewable yearly, tittles section Ne of the 'Do- 405ni07t'Lands ,.Lct,.187J ".to clttreerchant(abto tin bor 021 a2157 11L11(19 .'ititntanl within the Rivera!• bolts above described, and oily kottlement upon„ car sale of le 11(18 tvithiu the territory covered by such licenses, 611x11 for' the time being be subjeee to the noerati1u of 9Ue1a licensees, sees, 15. " The above pr0yieions it will, of loolrrso,, bemieler,too(1 1vi11 not effect secants Rif find 20, which are enblio school' lands. or se3tions 8 and. 28, Hudson's Bay Company lands. "e1,ny fertile)• turfornatfon neeessaeyinaybe ela- te -Mee 020 application at 1110t)01111010111,anrls 00- flee,. Ottawa of from the agent o33 le. minion Lands, W{nrlipog, orfrom any of the 1oc al, agouti in MLlnitobao1, bile territories. By Order of theJ 5110iate.S.Dr al5 til° ENNISDnterior. 'Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. Lr24nsAx Rrlsssls., • .. - . Surveyor'Geheerdi, OR SALT OR To 1 1iW1--.A. qts in central In, m•dornor nt Smiles red Meet Streets, Well lined up, aired ettieuble fpr Dry DAvi rtrtrewers erelatO 1 It '10141,1111d'N,I ff ti5tt 1 as us,' at. u,p},1)kts, , irrieLt'Let i hoods, Grocery or. dot ,.tore. Ion nrther C0utrilia.