HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 3Novvil3ER 20, 1879 �yi�!tM¢...._•_. ... ... .. _� ..-_, Yom.. _... _ _. _ -. _.. TILE HON. PE'T'ER MITCHELL IN. prononuciug leis word.rt with a Certain TEluVllME D. musical flow which quite captivated Ida be4ri;rrs iu spite of the absurdity of .' l.uw RACE zea rretaT $;.(x,000 PRIZE. he 8ituatiOn. ;Impromptu poetry he T.E f TIMES IIIb OPINION OI DfANITOBA AND MIiNNESOTA —WISAT k[P1 TaINIi4 t)1 TUE INDIANS Tan OPLRA'rlON OP TIM NNW }1Al'tIl•`C-- ANNLxAT1eN. Tlie Hun, Pater Mitchell, o'` 111ontre. n1, has been ititorviewod,in New York by a f.k'ruld reporter. ,Speaakiug of Northern A innettotaa he said the rail. WUy between. St. Peel and 'Ninuipvg passed through 41'0 index of laud' reedy, for the plow. ide did not thick the country ear ad rapidly north of the boundary as lit 1Liunesnttt, as it was more expeneive to get to 1llttiilt,lb. . and the Anlrrioas;us wit•il it sharp eye to business endeavored to i ltereept tall. they could to got them to Minnesota. 'Oen thtnterilhv of eettleneum, mail re. cantly v e o more favorable iu Northern l\linneeata and Dakota, Stich ot' the • lediaus as he had seen were pe4,ceable, iint.iVN, rale indu4tr•iorte. That was.. brought by the I ]ian4 having cenfid onus its the Crtnvelian G•uvernineut carryine out. their promises which they slid. With reatpt et to RANT AN-COUI1TINEY. —AN AGtaI IENP STONED FOR A CONTEST ON DEC. 0TII, A'r WASITINGTON.+-NO delivered ail easily ae if from armory, BOAT•SAwING, DAOICINO DL)wN, Olt OTII15Ii she Rockland look -up where he had °noorcul)xuss To DE ALLOWDD—BI+UUKtE TO BE ltll7'k1ti::>;, -- Rochester, N. Y., Nov. lir.-After eine hours' dieeuseion, almost every point iu each article having been ob Nab the fa of that he was educated at jested to over and over, articles of the Uuivereity of England. 1Vliat agi•eeineut were flually signed ab `nticl :tventuselly became of him we were . un - night for a rade between Hanl;tn aud. linseed the previous night forming the 'abject of one of his Words, ` This uiau 'Hast have prate a retnarkable hi8tory,in- terestiog to know, but the only item .he disclosed iu retard to his previous life able to learn. Our friend Goldstein, t.ppreciatiug the patent worth of this character, and with au eye to bu8wees, offered to take Mtn into hid store, (Ire:,s lint n(, in the best his etore affurded, surd pity hila a liberal salary to clerk far him, but the p.,or renegade Nem :moiety (e,jected the offer, preferring his present mode if life, sayiug that not Fur ,$1,OOi1 a day would he give up his Heuer. His 0480 ie rt•1ntalLOW, inter- esting and sorrowful, HUNTING A TIGRESS. Courtney on December Oth nt ,Wash- ington. The reef) is to be 2a miles and return, for a puree of $G,OI'0, of- fered by Soule, awn patty ` deposits 500 with atm referee. The referee, in case of any outside interference during theeraoe, if it affeets the result of the race, or fur any good Cantle, may order the moil to row over again ou the first favorable clay, ander the origival con ditious. Haitian agrees that from the moment the word"Go" is given in the 'run COAL or Ji,tNITOD.1, �-- he had seen tiolne good' sl'ecinlenib :iia+• It is not often thaat the inhabitants of I trace he will waive his present claim covered La Pembina \luuiltaut.t. The asu1.'urb of Philadelphia are favored with the iu,00), provided both he and Cuuttily chart at the word "G3" and the $0,000 shall go to whomsoever tit referee shall decide to be the winner: but in ease either he or Courtney fail. to start at, the word "G3," it ie dia• tiuotly agreed that H..ulan does nut waive his claim to 61te $0,000. With lir five dtaye train the lath Noveulbel there is to be placed in the hands o the referee a certifivatai for $6,000,' da posited in the City Bank, Rochester. endorsed with iustructlona to the bans! to jay the same. ou the presentation of a certificate bearing the eodateeulent, of the referee and the winner of tie race. In no Caa'Se shall the referee de. liver the eertiflcato to Dither Ilaulan o C.iurtitoy unless they both start at tit' word. "au" but will return the starve t, the donors. Any cominiziiona. per- eoutagee, donations, or harems of tan sort whatever from any ratilroa ls, hotels or outei1e source whatever, shah go to the wiunor of the race. Judg Wheeler, City Attorney, Ruoheeter, was 'FIs there any desire on the part of tet.ror of the Last Iedieu country• subscribing tvituaas. Courtney left a the people of. Cianncla, or any consider- Atlee B. Eckert, bar -tender at the kraal �tile tanrtien of thew. for the annexation Lion, was aimed with a heavy duck of the Dnusininn to the United States?" "ye,''said are. 3liteheil,enci his oyes gun loaded with shot, and just as the twinkled, "there is a desire to annex tigers creamed for;aa sprieg he led, on the intelligelioe, enterlari,se'and ca- the luaal sthikil:g a vital last Anil water cutumenieatiuu was, being nporteti tip, and steamers were on tete Aseiui- ln iuo for 000 hitless and 000 up the Saslltatultcsavun. Then, ihi sana\VAt• to a query, Mr. Mitchell said he did not thick the new twit had been in opc'rtai• inn long enough to produce decided re curs, Tito effect of the tariff !vas de- cidedly felt iu the foreign uratic,, the first direct imoor1atiuo from (Jt11na far some veers lied beet] made tbie summer, 00(1 tea. sales llaa•t been reenmed is 'Montreal. The increase ju the twill' lied not prod1toe1 a eol•respending iu• &.ease in the price of the artieio4 pra- t1 etc11. He Coll anuetl:— "as a Matter of feat, until the suln eubsequeut rise in the price of raw Su- gars the sugars relined in Cauada sold as tow in Montreal aa: tdeo sane grades ward the Bwd Lion :lapel near Ter - Held in New Jork. With regard to cot• tames, while they have not increased Loreaai.oie, wham 111011 giving an alarm, a price there leas been v rapid develop- hooting party Was soon orgaulxed, 1n..ltt iu the manufactiure of them in armed with revolver,,, Pixies, shut -gulls Canada. Gapitul id seekin:r investment sand other offensive *weapons. The ti- ie i-i h that line of bneistene, The principal groes waaa found back of a small teue- f,ietnly at on is doubling* its ca. a, Orcitv this year and new fact lies are meat near the hotel, t1u,l, while uuboily being erected at Cornwall." Wile ready fur a close asequaiutance-ship ANNEXAT/c.N. all were anxious to get a 8lhot at the as hunt. fur the .king or gneuu of the l3et.galese jtaliglee, and Turreedale was yesterd ,y tuorniug minimally excited 'Ver the dincuvory tit a royal Bengal tigress was roatniug around the neigh- borhood. The diuonvery of the beast was tn.tde by Mr. Ilaatrauft, who lives uu the lice of the Penusylvatuia rill{• road, who heard a uuie.e about 5.30 ,';duck of a pt caller triad, and search- lug fun the cause of it 11e unexpected- ly share apult her 1najtesty with a strip- ed cant, erouulhed ante ready for a spring a a,tete ouiinoue gtollis, which indlleed the discoverer to drop his Dantean and wake quick time to - 8 00 to meet an engagetnont at ChaLiee Oapt Sullivan, of the I -L eliestor polio( signed articles in Courteeys steam The race was fixed fox Daceinber 9, is order to give the leen three weds' trial of the A(nericane that we can get cautina ultuost instant death. The training. Haman leaves on Friday 1'o into our country, 1)ie want them to castle over and make ell the mnney they can wider the new tariff. There 18 T10 political desire for antiPxation. The people of Canada are eati$fied with their 8y:.tem r,f government. • There no feeling of diuloyelty to the mother c' entry ; but. in my nOnion, tete main beast weighed 205 pounds=., nioa:tured seven feet nine in OLes fiatn nose to tail, anti alas about three fent high. The body of the animal, vhioh wars as- certained to have e:,caped from n ctrl{e belungiug to Fureirangh's (Areas addle Toronto. Both 1Lanlan aul Uuurtne; expect to start fur Washington earl; uext week. 1'Ltulan will be a guest o: the Analostan Olub and Courtney the Putuulaes,, Ca'N r M PT:,ON CURED tendency, barb in polities and 00m. on the way from Elizabeth, N. J., to An old physician. retired from practice, frac merce, is to do what is best for the in- Frankford, Was removed to the Tied ing had placed in his hands by an East It, teeests of the Dominion, irrespective of Lien, where it was viewed by a large whether our policy snits English or number of people. Tim tigress head American ttaatesman. 0iir proximity to this country, with jai immense stn- left her two cube behiud her, but how Pulaatir.,n, great wealth and unb.;unded she escaped is still a mystery. enterprise, mustaalways make our po- licy, to a great extent, subservient to theirs. It hay been the case, as I have explained to you. in our land pulley x1.1 the Northwest, raid tte have bad to imi- tate yon in framing ons tariff. We have copied your proteetiv8 policy. which hes beer) ao sneceSPfiil iu build- ing up your industries and rrgmntin?r your general prosperity, and flus Tariff Act contains a clause by which we can, whenever you are disposed to /Dost us half way, renew reciprocity iu trade with the United Stater. A REMARKABLE TRAMP. A very highly educated "trernp" says fie Bath (Me) Times, remediable for IL vorsability of thought ar,d fine,choice language, Dame over from Rockland on the excursion train Tuesday evening. He was somewhat inebriated, and his personal appearance v. es rongll and 'coarse to almost the last .degree, show - log him to be a veteran tramp. Yet, drunk as 11e was the fine and at tunes beautiful language which fell from bis lips, the ready quotations which be gave from leading authors of all kinds of literattato and the great range of thought to which ho gave expression, there' being nothing uttered by those who were attracted to hien hull what he was ready' to enlarge upon and show it to be a fatniliwr topic with hila, all showed trim to boa tramp of no coin- • mon order, Oiz arriving in this city, 11e entertained •t nurltber in front of the atgadahock House tolate hour with ilia Missionary the formula of a sitnpie vega table remedy for the speedy and perineum. cure for Consumption, Brouebitis Cattarli, Aa thole, and all Throat and Luug Arlectiuns, els a positive and radical euro for Nervous D. bility and a:1 Nervous Complaints, after has ing tested its wonderful curative powers i thousands of cases, has felt it his fluty to nink T1IL PRONOUN '`ISE." it kuuwu to his sulfsring fellows. Actuated 1 this motive and a desire to relieve human sir; • Highlanders have the habit, when feting, 1 will send free of charge to all who d, sire it, this recipe, in Gainful, P renuh, or JE.m. lish,Wito fish directions for preparing ttud u: ing. Sent by mall by addressing with stalnl satiating this paper, W. W, SukmAa,i49 Puaaer; Elsek, N. 1', talking their English, eueb 83 it is, of interjecting the personal pronoun "lie" where not required, sueh as "The Meg helms conte," iustetatl of "The klieg Its collie." Often, in consequence, a sentence or au expreseiou is rendered sufiicieukly ludicrous, as the sequel will show. A gentleman says he has had the pleasure of listening to a clever man, the Rev. Mr. -- -, (let his loc- ality be a secret) and recently began hie diseuurse thus : "i\Iy friends, you will find the subject of discourse drie. afternoon in the First Epistle General of the A,pustle Peter, fifth chapter aux] eighth verse, in the words : 'Tile de- vil he gueth 1.boat like a roaring lion, oeelaictg wham he may devour.' Now toy friends, with your leave, we aid, divide the subject of our text today iuto four ].leads, Fleetly, we shall en deavour to ascertain 'Wtto the devil lit wast.' Scouudly, we shall inquire into his geographical pubition, namele 'Wiese the devil lie ttae, and where the devil lie was goiug.' Thirdly --anti this of a personal ctilacacter—.'\Vlio the devil he wile seokinir.' And fourthly nod' and lastly, we shall endeavor to 8ihlve la question which has never been solved yet, 'What the devil 11e Was roiling atbeut," • COO l (Ws The latest news on record at the N6w York Millinery Stort 'T RS. 0. B.1\'ILLIA.A.TS still sal Tor thu Ne'•t tet City clays the remainder u tier Liulnrner altoco of .I IhINERY atCOkn. Also the remit:ruler of her stock of piney (800.1 at Coit so es to wake room for the coming st.,el Now 0 the time for bargains, Hata that sell Io 88 are down to en ; lents 80 ;,;,, for :$1 *L, ; flat 'worth ,el, ler au eta. "1'llis eh tome is culy open fv 80 da; s. Don't forget the place—U'Aoil s al, anti eauson'„ liloclt,JOttetur. Tho most perilous hour of a porson's life is when'' be is tempted to despond. No .one should despond --not even the young man who is enfeebled both mentally tau,1 physically by. habits of early indiscretion, as Victoria J3utihu Lis remarkable conversation. Elis skill. and siva t11st ivid euro the most ilia; ease of kidney disease, etc. !for Salo by ali u 1 elocutiufiint iia rare_ equalled, dealers, at $i per bottle. HAVING SOLD the remainder of OUR GROCERY STOCK we otrpoao devoting+ our whole attention to rho Flour, Feed and Send Trade, Mod goods, prtmpt actively and square docs lug to our motto. R. & E. SPICER, Exeter. Next to Post 011Ioe llieek, ;UST REOZIY14D) AT T13E EXETER G O AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARGE ' STOCX OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG l-IYSON and BLACK TEAS, RA./SINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLE , )ANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, SALMON, 3ITTB1t SAT.ICE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, itYE,;11AI.T SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON \y'HISfrr1, S, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and: Retail. -. A. MACE. Main Streot,Exeter. DO NOT FAIL TO $3. CUT THIS OUT. $1 Good for ONE DOLLA3 in payment of pur- ehasc, of goods to the amount of ten dollars. Only one accepted ou each pm chase of Tea dollars. LEATHORN a 11IoCOL-BREY, cta Lu Er LII 10 R 1\1 C O tr B • North Store, Fanson's Block, Exeter. VatMilwanirne NATI SAL POLICY Having triumphed at the polls, ,ISAAC L A7 Prepared to give all his sus torYiers the hat oihts .that will accrue from its adoption, and has erx hand alaree steer of :dry Goods, C-roceries, Wines ..arca - Liquors, Crockery, Etc., t his Store, Maiu Street, Exeter, which will be sold a Which will he sold at prices unheard of under Free Tracie.. 'he farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad- vantage to sell their produce without paying market Mees, ou the Deter ivarket,wliich is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and'Sec. are I'm rpsMargelms •ere to be had in Overcoaiting T'lill_clotlis, Broad -cloth Doe skiu .s, Silks, VTinceys, Dentines, and everytning needed in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Deplartmont very Cowplete. An inspection invited If, freta Ill a tai S1 goods • ISAAC CAILLING F SPECIAL tdOTICE! ,w RI E L PICKA 134 Aro now offering at OLD PRICES a eornpletc nasortmout of DRY G00CS, Including Nita/Ales, a.tl es, and Mantle Cloths in. Great Variety. Dress Goods in all shades and coloi;s, WINCE -VS CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE OFF.BBED 131rAC1-i T.,USTIIES direct from thernariefastar8.) . 'LANNELS & BLANKETS very low, IEADY•111ADE CLOTHING CHEAP ;LOTH it UB CAPS ALL STYLES. fILLINE12Y IN LATEST STYLES, )RDEB1D CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. ,Iso full lines of BOOTS at SHOES, HATS a&CAPS.. a FIRES[ GROCERIES. Ve love nlso it special tearing or LADIES' MINI SETS its OAPS Be stir co LC) Ca 1 :Dila Sets 0h1c3rn A lot of 13U61'ALO ROBES at special tutees, el 11 tree above hoods will be offered at the VCJ y 'IOWCSt prices, SAM WALL a mum >: