HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 2LEFT A.LONE. 'Well, this is providing,' exclaimed IValter Ashton, as he eavtege!y undid his wralil,inge one winter night when the snow ley crisp On the frezen streets and tite wind was bitter gold. 'Wily don't they act like Chriatians iu that country (tryouts ?'' and be threw his c•veroosit froin hinm iu a style so ut terly at variance with his wonted regu- lar habits that his young` wife turned with a look of wonder from the bab She was tucking in its got, saying 'Whatever is the mutter, Welter ? 'Matter 1' he 'cried throwing hiexlael on the sofa, 'tomorrow is Christmas. Day sad I have to start for Scotland by to -night's mail. Sorivinton & Cash insulted upon my carrying a pitolce't to Edinburgh, and when I protested against being sent at arch a time, they gave me the alternative 'of lysing illy situation ; for your sake and that of of our babe there I could not afford that. Why do they transact bnsinosa on Christ'rnss Dey in your enlightened land, Jennie ? I nppose an advanced state of civilization is incompatible with the observance of ancient ens - toms,' ;and a slightly perceptible sneer was nn his face. Any sympathy he might have had with Presbyterieneam \vee shaken by its nonobservance of a Christmas festival, necessitating his jrmrneying nort•hwarde at a seaeou. which custom has made sacred to en- joyment in the mere son wish they lid keep Christmas for your sake, Walter,' said his wife, as she bustled about preparing his even• ing neem. 'And a night, too, th'lt would freeze the breath ont of an Esgnimanx,' he grumbled, attacking the food with a recklessness which hcd• d ill for its di- gestion. 'Sorivinton was kind, though irpera five,' he observed presently, his man• uner softening considerably. 'Here are five pnnnds he sent as n Christmas present for baby ;' and he laid five sovereigns on the table, directing a loving look tit the little sleeker. 'Net a bail sort the governor, after ell,' he continued, 'in spite of his crabbed ways and surly look ; 1 never thought flim capable of such generosity.' 'It must he very important bnsiness,' dreamily observed his wife, the glitter of the gold failing to light the gloom that was creeping over her, unchecked even by the rising spirit •of her hus- band.' 'Ye:',' he replied,"deeds of great valne and as there is reason to fear an organ- ised plot to -tea'thein, they are to he taken to Edinburgh by. special mes- senger. Kin—swing that I am• 'familar with the gay metropolis, they pitched upon me as the unfortunate. If it were not that I fours you there, • I would wish that 1 never ;had Been it,' he added parenthetically. 'Yet you were happy there, and nev- er tired of pruisiligotie bean ties of Auld lteekie,' all tate Scot glowing on her face while she spoke. 'Circumstances alter cases, my girl,' he replied, laughing ; 'and if I don't love the 'land of the mountain and the flood,' I love one of its daughters, a.td that's enough for you and rue. But, come, 1 mast prepare ; qtr. Sorivinton and our manager are to meet me at the station, when the precincts packet will be delivered into my care and a safe start seers to.' Two hours later Walter Ashton had left his home. He had kissed his wife with a 'good bye, Jeanie ; if we cannot spend a merry Clhrietmes together, we shall have e happy New Year.' Ile heal fondled his baby girt, while the little augers had been. twisted in his whiskers, and in: childish glee bad en- deavoredatngonge his eyes out, and he dreampt not that thnets eyes of bright- est belts would look in his nevermore. 'Came, A3hton,' ler. Scriviuton said, a9 they met platform, 'the train goes in a few ininntes. 1 have ongag- eri a compartment for you, so that there shall be on annoyance from fel- Iow•travelleitt, and ata the carriage goes rigtht throngh there will be no 0800 El* city far changing.' They ontared the, firet..nlaes com- partment, when n packet, sealed,: and e addressed to an Edinbnrgh firm of sow hoitorft, wart di livered to Natter, with injunctions to be Quetta and prompt is its delivery ; thou with a shake of the band and a bon. 'voyage the meeseng- er was left. The door was locked, and in the slamming of many doers iii laid ears, then the shrill scream of the whit• Me, a sharp jerk, and a sense of onward motion, and ho leaned back iu luxuri- ous 'ease. A sharp click, and the turned to see. the door open arid a man jump in, while a purser ran gesticulating along e side ; but he heeded not his shoats be ,yond saying, 'All right, my friend here's my ticket. for Carlisle, holding f lrl> his baud the while. The ofcial was outpaced and the train plunged in- to the tunnel which unites central with suburban Liverpool.' 'A. narrow shave that,' remarked the stranger presently. 'This little friend has eaved mo well on similar occasions. If yon ate addicted to travelling get some firiendly blacksmith to mulattostura one for von ; it woutd be sure to prove useful .;' and he hold nut a key for Walter's inspection. 'But this compartment is private, and that key has enabled you to in- trude on a privacy I had hoped to on - joy, as it is paid for.' -Very sorry,' maid the other, and his manner seemed to deprecate the wish to intrude ; 'very sorry indeed, bet my 1 uuwelevino presence must be borne un- til we reach Warrington. That's the first place at whichour train stops. 1 shall change there.' With a rind Walter acquiesced pith this arrangement, his manner indicat- ing a desire to break off further con- verbe; but the intruder seemed nbiivi- oua to the hint. 'I cel•'greothed fromDublin yester- day, he said, as if anxi'us to explain the cense of his preeence, 'informing my old wom:tu that I should be homeon Chrietrni:s morning, and had near- ly broken my promise. That old tub of a i;teamer rolled and tutnbled like a lame duck in a storm ; and it's no joke oroseing the Irish Sen in such weather, I Oen tell yon. When I ar• rived is Liverpool I fait id it was al- most hopeless to 'catch the train. I bribed the driver of a hansom with doll ble fare ; and if thnt broken down thoroughbred of his hied done what was asked it on the turf ns well as itln performed its task to -night, no nae would have shone brighter in the list of equine heroes.' Ele paused as if expecting' Walter to make sumo observation, andnotie be- ing for'hcoming, wrapped a cloak around him tightly, saying : 'Douse me at Warrington. I shall have a snooze.' A short time and the slackening speed showed thet the junction was ntear; and now to arouse the sleeper. Yet it was oruel, Walter thought, to disturb a wearied man, worn •ont, doubtless, by being tossed on a stormy Bea, and harassed by his race against time throngh theLiverpool etreets; and the train was stopped before the souse of duty, being paramount to such con- siderations, nerved him to shake the sleeper, and shout in hie ear that now was the time to change. Incoherent utterances wore the only answer tc his endeavor nntil the trail, was ag in in motion, when the mein aroee with a start, and seeming to real- ize his position, apiilugized with appar- eut fervor, and threw himself down, attain inveighing against; his own stn• pidity. Tneu away with a rumble across the open country, and with a crashing rattle throustlt rocky enttiugs they sped ; throngh darksome tunilels,erbere foul gases like a choke damp obstrnet- ed the respiration ; now twinkling lights would indicate some town or vil- lage. end deep rhadows where a etretotr of woodland shrouded the blue to the etnrlit sky. •The eontnie by repetition grew rno• notonons, and Walter's eyes grew dim. Eto made an effort to rouse nimself, bnt it was half hearted at best. The 'sweet restorer' cattle unwooed, and things materiel faded from his •sight. Then from the corner a pair of eyes shone, and their glitter spoke a fierce purpose, and a voice unuttered in a, low harsh tone, 'At last.' The man anise stealthily ; a small bottle was in his banal, which he eppli ;ed to the sleeper's nostrils ; then rap. idly the packet wee abstracted frothe breast pocket of the helpless messeng r. '''What ehitll I do with him ?' said the deeperstdr', with clenched teeth. Must I open the door and yitch him out ?' and he because awareof the shricicing of the whistle' and the less coming speed of the train. 'Why we are going to stop !and---- ' There was a crash. The oal'ringe seethed to double no,and he knew no Iriorti until, andlCidtito ruins of the train," he' awoke. to• Ilillt' oons.eiousneas that there had been a oolli'tion, and that he w'ae onvered with debrts. Ile stretched out his hand to feel for an opening, and it came in coutact with a fent, the touoh telling that death was there. He ehnddered, knowing that his victim lag by his aide. IIe •saw lights flashing and heard the groans of with the sorrowing, and shall be Mad if yon can think me your friend, 'Von have been very kind,' .she re. plied, and tier looks spoke her thanks more than her lips, , 'Titke this,' be said, putting a purse iu her lhantle ; "nay, .do not rerutte, 1 Omit deduct it from the insurance money.' Then they parted, one to purene an unknown course,. the other to watch the removal of the wrecked, train, and to watch in vain. the maimed and the dying. Freein himself with a desperate effort,he fun that, beyond bruises and a severe slink ing, no injury had been received, and 1 he stunk (may into the darkness, whi- ther I knew not, only anaions to leave behind that scone of euffering and death. And Walter,Asltton they found with a beam across his breest, and with etaring eyea, whence life bad fled. Rev- erently they laid him on the bank he - side others past human eid and when the eters went ont.and the light came np in the•eastorn sky on the Christmas morn the kande that a few hours be- fore had fondled a loving wife, and tile line that had kissed the first pledge of their affction, were frozen on that bleak railway embankment, while the news of the catastrophe was being flashed to homes where expectation was turned to woe. With the first train from Liverpool came lir. Sorivinton to Jeanie Aeletnn. A terrihle won was pictured nn her wan face and shown in the burn of lgrieif that gnivered throngh every limb. "dlr. Scrivint•on tried to eeinfort her in his irrnff war, but condolence wee not his forte ; he know it, and gave up the attempt. His own anxiety c'incornint; the safety of the„pnoket mate him rest- less and ill at ease. The journey seem- ed interminable in him impatience to rent the scene of the disaster. 'When they arrived at 11i«ilichnrry the evidences of the calamity were seen in the ehattereil corriagltm heaped up where strung hands had piled them to clear the line. No souude of rnerry-malting were heard in Mitidlohurry mat Christmas Day. Tho belle in the tower of the gnaint old church ted been silent nn this feetiaal for the first time in the memory of man. A shallow had fallen there, bxtinguishing the mirth that had blazed forth the night before. Hushed voices remarked and eyes full of sympathy saw the passing of a middie-aged gentleman with a young woman by his side, in whose acme nes- tled a bah', as they wended their wn.T to the ancient host!ery of the 'Dog and Gun,' where the victims lay awaiting inentifhcatinn. The sad scene was over, and the wi- dowed mother slept the sleet) of ex- hanst.ion when the body is fall of no. rest, and the soul lingers on the bor- der•laud of reality. Itlr. Serivintnn had ewamined the clothing of his (lead clerk in search of the packet he had entrusted In him.bnt the search was fraitlees. Nothing else was missing, Money, railway and in• durance tickets, which he himself aro• cnred were there. IIe too retired, hop - mg to find the pepers among the wreck to•rnorrow. The morrow brought another grief to Jeanie Litwin. She awoke to find her child in its firs' sbrnegle with the grim destroyer. The calla winter wind bad chilled the young life, and in a few hours the end woulct onme hnnrs in- to which was concentrated a lifetime of anguish for that helpless mother, and when Mr.. Sorivinton returned in the evening cold, weaey and nnenocessful, he learnt that one more floweret was blooming in the better land. They laid father and child together in that quiet corner of God's Acre where many generations ot Middlebnr• fans sleep, where the snow -drops were soon to peep forth with their 'promise of spring, and the lilac and hawtlhorn were soon to scent the breeze in the glorions summer time,. But winter was in the heart of the willow as she was led gently away by Mr. Scrivin tun, who was strangely touched by the silent sorrow of his companion. 1Iith- erto he had ben but little interested in mankind, but now clinging to his arms one who wakened sympathy which is akin to that rias which sooner or later domes to the majority of mankind. 'Yon had better return to your peo- ple, Mrs. Ashton,' he said when they returned to the inn, 'and I shall see to all yonr boniness matters in Liverpool.' '1 Mtge no people,' site anewered,and a world of deadness was in her tones. I am lett alone, I shall go to Edin- burgh.' she snip rafter a while, 'I know hat plana best, and shall be likelier to am my bread there than elite/whetted Se it was arranged that she should opnrt by the night train.' '1 an entirely b'rslnees pian,' said Mr. Sorivinton on shying goodbye, 'and my manners may seem uncouth, being unused to the gentler influences whish make smooth the exterior, hitt I hope I have none the WS ft oympt•11:y [TO BE OnNCLUDED NEXT WEEK.] ijNati�nal Policy • e d PLOWS, and SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS oonstantly on hand and made to order I EoMILLAN S i cBRIDE laving now renter fseilitiesthan ever, are pre- pared to supply fanners with iron Uottlo P1uwt Steel Mould Board, outdo by ourselves ; Uhilf Plows, Huauper make: Seotoh Diamo„dHarrows Cultivators, Gnus ''lows, Carriages anti buggies an hand, and made to or- der. k: orse shoeing att.•tida.d to on the shortest notice, Horses slim] to prevent iuterferiug. Dio\IILLAN tC Ilist%rido, Ring St.,1 unsa11 GGItAY'S SPECIE .° MEDICINE. TRADE M..4R;C.'VileGi.iat.EnrlisliTRADE MR,RR. ltomodv,nn nnfail `c' ) , Int! curt. for Seim.- _ °^��`� nal ' iVeskness, '41.1;;;'.5,F. J Sperms t,rAieit!,} Impnt nt.y,and'itli .;.t/ Diseases that fol- low a Abuse, �t of Solt Abuhuao, na loss of Memory, �,\ Before Takiugt n'e rain i Law- After Taking, Baok,Dimness of vision Premature old age, and many other Diseases dint lead to Insanity or Cnusumptiou and n Premature grave. t-i'I'till partiocilarn in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free hymen to everyone, F. -"The Specific Medicine is soldby all druggists at 'taper package or six packages For i;u. or will be sent bynntil on receipt of tho money by addressing TE11; GRAY 11I.) (i t'E CO., TOBa T0, ON r., CANADA. 5 Sold in Exeterhy all druggists, and evorv- where in Canada :inti the Uuitod Statos by whole. sale and retail druggists. N, B.—'she demand of oar'nlefuess hero neces- sitated our removing to Tnuonto, to whioh,place please address all future communicatons. THE EXETER Planing Mill, S ash, DOOR AND tx B ALL KINDS OF TU -R NING Done to order. Itementherthe place ;X"tr'ea' newscl Eros. Marble Wow ks. W, D. WEEK ES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, t&e. Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. Doors North ot Drew's nail, lain street dila E T E,FL UP WIT 1 Nov MB `. 20,1ST >r II KINSMAN, DJt,N'Tlti'P, Liooll4iate ot1 n..'1ansz�tTnt the Dental College of on aeric, may be eonsult'd any day, Office -- next door to Clio Post Office, Exottir.Ont. TJaiA9'\\1'tT BLA0KS1I4TIl ti1-IU I' IN• ea W. 13UCI{IN et. O!It'i l a 1,A- 1+lxetst li it s HAM, ctan I , Cntnninllne�l. bitsinersinthe "0Q'- W.'retinal e't at\VIncheIsee ."+^" and Is ore - pa lid to do alt;•4�sea,,kiwiothihtok siuithingwork Nome shoe- fng,pe daily attended to, Promptness cheapness audgood work guaranteed, A °allsolic16eti. 18.3111W, itUOTiIN(,''alit. NE W GOODS. GOODS Constantly arriving at W. D. adeG'loghlon's Mawututlt Jewellery utero, 190, Duttdlti, atroc.t, Hendon, Out rio. Whounicer you visit the 1' or - GS o Utty uon't fail to visit this lino estaultsttuiotit, the only first -Macs store of the kind iu the City, and best arranged Jewellery store in the Dom? nom. Ulm W, L, Metiloghltm Watch stands' un- rivalled. All who use them reoomtneud „them to their tr.onds. A11 kinds of \Va.tohts itl htock, Clocks ut every tksoription: Roth Jewellery of e- ery style, Diamonds and Pi scions Stones, Panty Goods, Spectacles, and all W odding taint s, Wateuos, Clouts, and Jrweliery repaired nu.l warranted IN 0.14lc1iLuC*HLON. Allan Lino! LIVERPOOL, LONDONDI•RRY, GLASGOW ,Short secta passage-._F.rnnoiny—Cow fort— St f ety.' CABIN, INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES. •EVERY SATURDAY PROM Q Rabic. Moravian .R+"ovemfirr SfTr. Parties wishing to bmiug out their tri nes fromthe old sone ry will save money by bnging their tick.ts• at, the' office of. the agent at ..Exeter. Every information concerning route,ete, by ap- plying to CAPT. G KEMP, Exeter. Rig tlQ0profrts nn01'do80 nays lave+snfneuu ot(�tq fy^1 —talltopnits Prem— v Proportional returns overy ac eek on Stool ei,,,w,.w 05 : 3a, ` m 50, - tAleO, - ti Soo. Adone. T. POTTER WIGHT it 00., Bankers, 36 wail St N. Y. $1O to $1000 ell Rtrurt inrt:inrs act ry mouth. Jinnk ••eat free explaining everything, address BAXTER 5 CO,, lhaukera, 7 Wall St.,N, Y. 4e1 Elegant Chromo Cards, with. name, Dot paid 10 coats. L. Jones ..5 CO., Naesao,N. Y. 1.8 Tilrgant New Style Chrome C.!ards, v,•ithname 1Oe.post•paid. Geo. I. Reed h Co, Ntessau,N.Y, $717amontli,and o'nensesgunrauteocitoagents t[Wi Il f1 nutlltiroo. Srttw do oo, Augusta, llIainn. t!p? Y I A YSATt and expenses to agents �kti�� ()atilt free. Address P. O. Vickery. Augusta, Maine. $5oto$„0�9tltlyti nCntctonnly linn.totl 0 Wall t.utouuaann- for Ca1,i ,%evrr y utm nwul:, a%ri p,ye lem+n p, na n b• t \ he,.+v 'alireti n ttynt rim of over/Wog la . a.okx. 1`en oNidnnatlnnpin rnn••pr'•u- ttutt. to. A„e US, lntuwr .b CO., tiatakora, Rd Brood St., IS. Y. AGENTS READ THIS We will pay Agents a Salary of $100 per month 1 and expenses, or allow a large commission to sell 1 our newartdwonclorfnlinventions. We mans what wo say. Sample free. A,1dress, SitE1tt\tAN ,5 CO., Mar hall. Mich. % �V 18 stole. 8 set Golden Tonrfa E SORGAN;a } 13 sto s zea 3 kueo Swolla, Walnut Case, warn -Vet 0 years —o— P.IRTIES INTENDING TO .PURCSIASE ORGANS SEIOULD CALL AT tr rrT' and Examine hie Stook. the Beet that are Made. DCTh1I11I0N OII$AN OO'$, Stools & Books, only o388. Now 7 Oct. Pianos, Stool, Cover, & honks, only 5143 75. Latest illus- trated Newspaper sent free. Address DANLBL r.BLAT1'1, Washington .N.3. "AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE" Selling s reliable patented article. A. good honest business that pays. Send two three-ceu- Stamps to L. C. Benton, Se, Thomas, Ont., For circulars and instructions. Write at once and secure et good agency. SPENCERIAN STEEL. PENS. Superior kIng Itch make. A sample card of one oaah of the TwitiTTir numbers for trial, by mall. on receipt of 20 cents. ALBE. BUNTIN & CO., Montreal Sole Agents for Canada. •�e`s{sxc�V,mar m,umuy.-nrrtc do s ^�si_ly,rtydtT.,y�ilC ;'rr:.i r1 Advertisers addYsing Geo. P. Rowell & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10, Sprneo St., New York, can learn tho oxn.et cost of any pro- osed lino of ADVERT/SING in Autorioan News- papers. ta#, 3011 -page PAmuttlet., tOC.,tE't