HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-20, Page 1\foie V11.
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, November, 20, 1879.
l.'ItoPEliTV. LIST.'
soola,Aa a (sauce:440n of Stephen ;tont 010 v
70.1.11 11 of ono l lin li ed acres On the Louden
<'3Exo,or' AIipLy to 11111.13,y, ia.ascr1', Sel'OL.
tor, T;xeter, AugUsb 13 u,79.
rF1(> lt1+;NT FORA TERM OF
a. THERE YIaAI[S:—Two improvedfaiuis of
»t'foblinutitvt1 Hetes emeh,-a largo hank barn ane[
Utter buihtiuts ou each i11)0o. Thu rout must pc
'sae iu aureate o1• satisfactory security rayon.
,L'ur fufthor r,atrbicolars apply oa the, moll?eras to
1 \V, or H. QUINTON: lois a, eon, 5,14 .cter P. O„
T Alt.hl FOR SAGE. -Lot 6, Stl;bh>
)slue, Stuphen,50 acres, 80 acres cleared, id
cltup1)OQ, good brick bouso, good stelae, well
*mutat. Land excellent, Un lake slior'rl, { of a
rniltlftont Port Bioko, whore hoots run throe
tunes a week, and ofd 101101rnnl (draud newt,
'louvoulentins<1aoat mud tllturcLteR, 011 good road.
t;+t:ut easy; AS,LaL;1C 1)i'I8Jd1t,
DENS., Urowster Li u
1.t1r.R 1+`cl1t ;i:ltrl+l. It a4, CON•
sassiest 1(1,8'6)1)144u, containillf, 101) acres, 70
acres cloaked. (foot1 g house cud fiit•,1., barn,
.40:300. tl•oott.:young Grein\ rl, grafted fruit, Tho.
i,nrnt ie well Conned •anti iu m good. state of rash l
vation. There hr a lari;:+ quantity of block ash,
'•180 a ncv,:r failing \yell. For florins apply to
11uNIa'11'FI1T.LiPk'I1. Crediton.. ,lune 5
1ARM FOR SALE. --.Lot 8, conces-.
Sion 13, 'Osborne. Seventy aerss more nr
lees, sixty acres cln,troil and in a good State of eu1-
tiv,ttiuu gond frame holl.lu rand frame darn, 1o;1
stables, goof wtllof water, Opting creek' running
a•:re83 the ttlft:le, good orchard, i;.'u,l fences. Por
farther parttunl tn,, apply on tun uretnisos or. by
LAW): to Jo LIN 1.11 Mkt., 4.1x1r.ton P. 0., Ontario.
Aircy •33,`1870. ti.
4-1,111J£ FOR SALE.—THE SUB-
-a.. scriber offers for Rale tris, inrin, Lot 18,
Con. 11, t r.vusiti3sof Lisburne County of Hnrnu
9) rt•r et •1ro.f, tan rem:Linde good 1 11sh, won
loaned, and in a. o.,1AG:ttuofcultivation; ;ut,inr.
di tinf•+1, ';•,nsl molted, 9111011111rl well of water.
Irauiob t r )'3.tf;d,11,^,etel,lu3»4x36,log heave, o•ncl
eln.vcnie tt. to rrauro r1 Rini three ullurcilos. For
Ar tliOr particulars rnlply to
t' t1 I311YA \S, i irklon, P.O., or
12:1.15. F 111Eacne,. Atterr1or. Eaete
• L1 LR11 EOR SILL,—The enhscrib-
'{ er u'T .r,5 for s r]o the north half of lot 17,
•cnn.:n, ron colte,i,.fng rel acres. 41 retni
ct+areal, 1ru11unrlmrt atlta,l, marl in !. good stain
o f rirltivatido. Tiler aro on the promises n a01'OS'
cif 1C OC1bm11,108 rodsbo0.r,i •fonae, 0 good eosn.
f \•,1111, tl,rclfIn( 21x:10. frame barn 114xO4, s(aott
1 ,t•tola wart''.t. '27,07.g leacrr,'f aryl, gond :roll
.,n''!ante\ nataltroop. Thr: nopertyissituatedsix
.1)11.1 rt half suds:s fr.nn tleator 11,tr'.tae ar.,l tb' nt
,f n. mil (. from t. at•Qa110r, an convenient to
•O! IOW:11C 1.lisriho010. Foe ineth"•r irart#eal•ars,
apply on 1110 i,romi8o8 el to 10:er<(rt71a7. )teau)eat n
9\)11\ 1!'t7ltrroN.
/-/"101..Z ;S OHS, . OOUTiTV AUt;rT'tl3N-
nonr S ties prr>wmlltly attended to. Da} s of
solos arran.e 1 at this nliloo
J. Ot 1,It%, Afr('nt for file UR.
i eborne out/ Itib1art gat nal Piro Insurance
Company, laeai1euce —1' troc nnor. orders by
xntti1 promptly attended to.
91 M C kBL LNG f J. \V', APt \I
s SJ�t:'rN.}, I)ioeuered Anettnneers for the
Oonrrtyles of liut•nu, and Alledlesea. Sales con
-4Pietc'l with r+r tlsf tctlon, and ou liber.til tort's.
All 0rtlor'., left at 1.1lrfstle's Mansion House will
'repave proml.t uttoutron. Sept. 4,1-y.
$ Taboo )lorveyee, &o., will le at the
2L yal aotel,Exeter,ou the firetTuesday innoch
Mouth. 0) dere for work left'v-itit Sir. John
id0acklnau wfllreocivoprolnpt tttontiou.
'annoy to.lnan ou mortgages, notes and other
4;0e11Tltiat, .Dents a1111 accounts Collected 011 rem -T
• :ruable: terms. Insurance nirooted in first -elms
+Com +a..ies . at rousentalle rates. O,iicc—at 1)r.1
}Irnttlnan's, llmiu S. root, Exetei,
of 8
per �eceivedfor iuyoet hent on mortgages
On teawouatee terms.
�� •It...B1;fsTTL.
Graduate of Reyna College of
i)9lcO o90� O'Noil',Ia1'{, awl opposite Samwell
,11 .B1'1' SELLS
.M1 fl CEY,,
iron,li rl'Ciw'iae and Carriage
' Goods Merchant,
No, 14
The water in the at. Lawrence is uu-
I-01na11y low..
Winnipeg St. Andrew's Society
has been resuseittate2o
Bliss Cunruy, of Dinnl'nd 'Ilat'bor,
Qtte., \sits ilrowbecl on 'Friday night,
John Everett, of Plymouth, N. S.,
fell from a baitigo Mild broke hid week.
Gribbon, the et;08p04 touchier, frow
\Viuuipee,llad not yet been receptur
ed. .
Vice -Chancellor 13Iakre' rias reached
Ottawa on hie judicial end tomperauce
lecturing tour.
Tbo weather in Manitoba is cold and
clear, an(i the ice bridge over the lted
Rivet' is 113' W- reforming.
Lnligley and Page, 'whialtey .detecti-
ves and nlloged perjn' ors, still iauguish
in a St, GttiTarlue's dun goon,
John 'Young, of Ottawa, an emigrant
who »arrived in WLuuipog lunoug Tay.
lor'rl last party, cried on Saturday.
Jeremiah Kelly, farmer, living in
the Township of 1)rmmmoud, dropped
d rad, ,yesterday' morning. Cadre, apo-
The Brantford Gas Board and the
city committee met this week to 0011-
4ider thin best method of reducing the
price of gas.
The Toronto and Ottawa Railway
bonds by-law Cute carried Silthe town
year the "value of sewn lumber exported been found leaving a suspicion as to
only amounted to $177,541 97, leaving who the parties are, bat it is evident
a balance in favor; of this year's 'bnsi- they are aegaanted with Mr. L'air's
nese of $40,897.49, a,affiairs,
In Napanee a drunken vagrant nam-
ed Simon Snyder, 70 ;soave of ago, while
taking refuge in a barn, was kicked to
death by a horse,
Ou Wednesday last a young man, a
resident of the township of, Beverly,
was engaged in palling stumps, wheu
oue of the.0 fell on him, breaking his
back in two places; There le no hope
of his recovery.
A double scull race for $100 aside,
betweeu Gaudtttlr land .Adair, of L�rt Oron.
Co, and Einllaphroy and Foley, of Col-
lingwood, toolc place let 13arrie yester-
day—distance two miles with turn,
The Toroute mea won lay four boat
lengths in 14.20.
On Tuesday. 3It. Thomas Martin,
bookseller of 131'antford, comtnitted .sui-
cide by alnotiug himself. Outlse sup.
possed to be owiug to depression of
business and impaired health.
Kerby's'ciotbing store, Toronto, has
been burglarized twice within the last
ten days. The.fleteotives are said to bo
waiting for the parties to Dome and
give themselves up.
From the 1st of Oet')bor to the 8th
of November 300,000 bushels of grain
were carried to Toronto and Owen
Sound., the terminal pouts, by the
Toronto, Grey & 13rnce ElttsilwI3y.
Time are at spaesent over 200,000
c1' Perth by to majority of 200. bushel\, of grain in store along the
Castell'. s dry goods store, Belleville. .lin#'.
was entered by b:tn•glars betweetl Satur- The nomtnallon for Nast Durham night Bud 8'4'1443' iTlr,rnirlrr and tool: place at Bowmanville on Monday.
!irks to the value of -from.
3700 to $1,. nate. Edward Blake ,.1411 4111 only
000 stolen. Mate propose[., audile Was consequent -
Mr. Lowe, of the Department of
Agriculture, will shortly visit England
nu official budiriess. It is ur1(terstoo1
that 111S 1nls-tllrl ld ill connection with
the expected teuu1Jt farmer emigration.
I,y declared elected by acelareation.. The
Hon.-gentiemau spoke for about two
hours. '
Ou Snnilay last the Bishop of EZnr•
on, Ur. Ileilmnth, consecrated St.
Geot•ge's Church, Goderich, which, al -
The Q(lebec.eliib will take part in the though bail\ a number of years since,
racket tournament. i►1 New York. Quebeccould ifot, be consecrated on account of
rackets of 1111 kinds are world-wide in a debt which was net. until recently
tI►eie reputatiuti. . paid off. His Lordship was assisted
A. carpenter named Steen, while by Bev. Canon Elwood, •rector, and the
'curate, Rev. Mr. Hicks. At the teem-
ing service a farce number of candi-
grunnd, hull v., as instantly killed. dates were presented, and were con.
Lord Caledon and Lord It 'clued', of firmed Iay the Bishop,
the tat Mite Guards; Finn. C. Alex. Airs. Clark was •foaud+lead in -day in n
molar., midi?. S. Cowan, all of Eaelaud,
house on PD1 -ick road., a few miles
spent Sundaytat 1�tlagllrta Fulls. nein St. John, N..1., with marks of
An Atherton Township youirh •urea anoleute on her person. When the
is wanted by the police, en a charge of door of the [mass was broken open the
attempting to procure au abortion. He
has gone to Mielligr.n.
Johnnie Gm, son of 11r Alfred Cox,'
of Br/milord, while eliding .down the:
stair bannister Friday night, Telt and
bit his tongue half hi .two. He is pro-
gressing favorably.
shingling the r000f'•of a house at Doug-
lass, Ye It County, N. I3., fall to the
woman was found lying .on the floor
aith reninauts of nicht clothing on.
She bad 'been buruod or smothered.
Sensational reports raised a great ex-
citement, end<mused an iuvestigation.
which decided that she was about to
retire, and, in endeavoring to light the
tamp, the oil spilled, and set her
Sir Alex, halt, the •newly appointed clothes ou fire.
Canadian repnese utalive in .Euglancl, Hunlan ]tas gone to Barrie, tat Iris
will probably arrive it) Ottawa in a few friends declare they will Lot go•back on
days se receive instructions prepare- Mr. Llaikieas referee, so "the ,chances
tory to leaving for London. of a race are s1i:n after ail. Everybody
The Ottawa Odeon says:—"We have in Canada is thoroughly'.disgusted with
been informed ou good authority that a; Courtney, and there was but one Rel.
Qeebec firm Ilan obtaiued a contact versal expression when the news of hid ,
fur the supply of a million pairs of latest dee,taratlon got aboard, antd that
shoes for the French array." wee, "1, told you so," meaning that
111is understood to be the intention j they .never expected he would row, as
ref.1he Government to re -appoint somel ftp na reitbrlr •cannot or will net row
of the Provincial Q (:.'s who have lost R .{anlan, It ,is 'possible 'that a teem -
their silk gowns through the deoisioa, paratively g•reenaouiler in Toroaito will
of the Supreme Oo'.trt. challenge him newt spring, and there
A two-year old child of &rrs A;.aGil- are many in this country who think
lots, Oarp Village, ate the sols nue off the latter would give a good account of
of twenty nlatcltes. The parealtd, not LlinM1eelt•
knowing the danger, negtec'eod to sum- The other morning the barn of Mr.
mon [21edioal aid until 17 hours after, MoVieker, Paris Read, waseutered,and
The child died au hour after the doe , a valuable bay mare, meddle and bridle
t•®t arrived, • stolen therefrom. It is almost certain
At Parisapigas ,n shootingmetalthat the thief was a boy tramp, who
took place betee an James Cook and ` calle• d at the house of Air. W. A. Smith
Jao. tiVatsoa, leoth of that town, for and gob his supper. Inquiry the next
o G a side.g morning'e1icited the fact that a boy,
$u Cook won,kinin 7 birds dressed as the:ane spoken of, had rid.
out of 1,0; 'sVataou (l:. match for $a den eastward from this city.
a side between R. Cotter and Joseph 'Tuesday anol�oino, soon after mid.
swell Ltlslllted in favor of cotton. night, Bonle person nr ,pernous entered
the house of James Carr,Esq.,a farmer
in West Oxford, by raising the kitchen
window. From thence they proceeded
to Mr. Carr's. bedroom, and, after rise -
ink chloroform,. helped themselves
fro'n a bottle of whiskey found on the
dressing -table, and then locking the
bedroom door, 'left by the window.' Ou
Mr, Carr recovering from the efft'tsts of
the drug, he arose, and, on investigat-
ion, found that they had carried a bar-
bital from the sitting rnom out in the
yard, and ranettoked it of everything
valuable, including Urs, Carr's jewell-
ery attd trinkets, worth about $100,and
Mr. Carr's pnokiit bnntr, eontau1in g
$425, lie3rix all in gold, besides some
to the 'States., 1u `tate mouth of last valuable papers. No eine as yet has
Small pox is prevalent in St. John's
N. B.
. In future grain is to be weighed free
of chlarge on the Gnelph market.
A large number of men ate engaged
in tailing out iron ore at the Forsyth
Four hundred and .fifty tone of coal
were purchased in Detroit this fall for.
the use of the Windsor waterworks.
A child of William Hart, of Essex
Centre, WAS severely scalded several
drays since by the upsetting of a pan
containing boiling water.
Oueday recently,rtt 1Vindsor,two mea,
Egon and .Daly, had a fight at the
Maple Leaf Rotel,Aylmer avenue, when
the latter bit oil the former's ear.
M's. A. 8, I4IcKny has sold his 100-
acre farm, north half lot 19, con. 10,
East Nissouri, to Mr. Jos, McCaul, for
the sum of $7,900.
Very IRev. J. A,1. Snnlerin, Superior.
General of the Basilian Fathers, who
have charge of the Assumption College
at Sandwich, died reeeutly in France.
1.Ite Allan steamship • Polynesian,
. which Bails for Liverpool on Saturday,
will be the hast snail steamer from Que-
' bee this season.
A. Southampton despatch says the
wrecking tug McArthur left at noon for
Sarnia, in charge of the wrterlogged
schooner Ottonabec.
A woman, 27 years old, named Anil -
la Tusher, committed suicide by hang-
ing herself at the Hamilton Asylum
for the Insane, on Tuesday.
Yesterday, the empleyoes of the Pub.
lie Works Dopertnasnt presented Hon.
1I. Lantraviu with an address in Eng-
lish an•d French, congratulating him on
his recovery. The hon. gentleman
made a suitable reply.
Two boys. named Scott and McOuish,
Lying on Sootarle Island, O. B,, while
Iin their school coal•oelladr, getting coal
had quarrel, and ilicQniall stabbed
fIns companion 1)3 the abdomen with a
Broom stick sharpened at the mad,
causing almost instant death.
A circus visited 51. Catharines last
summer, and during the exaitement the
safe' of Metiers, Kinsman 411 Traver, bar -
riders, was robbed and• -an iron -clad
box (tarried mall. It was found on
Friday by Mr, Paul .Vi.traw on the Mor-
ritton Road, with,ite oontents intact.
During the month of October $21,
(}68,569 feet of sawn lur'r}bet, veined at
$218x439(;\9 1VPor etkippc;[1 from 01 Wall
Tatanitoba, anist_he North-West.
Birtle, N. W. T., Nov. 3.—Since I
wrote you last, we have had a great
many new arrivals, there being added
last Friday nv less than twenty --two to
our population, which now numbers
about seventy, and more expected every
We have beautiful weather just now,.
cold and bracing, with very frosty'
nights. Skating is now the amusement
of the young fonts, and our young
ladies (for we have real live young
ladies here) show in their bright and
winning countenances the ruddy glow
of health after this eehilaratina exer-
Prairie fires have done a great dead
of damage in the neighboring settle.
ruents, near the Petty Crossing. bar.
H. G. Harriaon's house, together with
his bay, was consumed. Mr. G. Wal -
dock lost all his crop of oats. Mr.
Mansost's crop of oats, together with
his hay, was also destroyed. Measre.
Tait, Finch, Warnock, Mollie and Fer-
rier also lost their hay•etnclrs.
Last week aFrench half-breed, with
a large train of carts, encamped at
this place, and in the moriligg started
on his journey, leaving the :fire which
his patty had cooked their meals still
burning. The result was an :immense.
prairie lire, which extended for miles
all over the country, To teach these
people a lesson, they were informed ou,
and brought up before Mr. McDonald
11'. P., at Fort Rice, and fined fifty dol-
lars and costs. This will, !perhaps,
render them a little more carefnl 111
putting out their fires in the future.
There is a great deal of travel on
this \nail', large parties of freighters
passiug on their way west nearly every
day. Shoal Leko Post Office is now
changed to the hands of bar. Crerar.
general merchant, who is doing a lively
business. We have no store in our
"city" yet, lint next season We ' expect
to have about forty, and. Shoal Lake
will then be no where.
Gladstone, Nnv. 7.—On Snni ay, the
28t11 ult., the Presbyterian church was
dedicated to the worship of God. The
Rev, i'rofetanr, Bey.ee, of Winnireg,
preached in the rnor'tiing, and the Bev,
Mr, Molteod io the afternoon, 3303111
services were well attended, and the
eo11eotion aquatinted to $20. Ont Lacon•
day a service was held; and an excel-
lent repast provided by the ladies ;of
the eougregation. The meeting 'was
addressed by Messrs. Lamson, McLeod
'Morrison and McKellar. The respec-
table sem of $46 was realized, to be
devoted to the debt resting, upon the
church. The building is a plain log
structure, I think 22x88, neatly finish-
ed, and,a credit to the settlement at
Mr. David Cameron left on Wednes-
day morning for'Rapid City, it' being
his first trip thither as mail carrier.
He has ceased to carry the mail be-
tween Portage la Prairie and here.
Mr; Wm: McKay has. been appointed
in his place.
The White Mud River is completely
frozen over; the earliest for a number'
of years.
Business is active. A. large immi
gration is moving westward.
The fire at Emerson, the details of
which were given in another inane,
will result in a loss of $21,000, on which
there is an itletiranee of $5,000 Drily.
The following are the losers:—Trios.
Carney, building, loss, $4,000; insar
an(lo, $2,000: Chalmers &Carney, stock
loss, $15,000 ; insurance, $3.000; J. A.
Benson, stook, loss, $1,000; 10 lt]5Ur-
ance; Mesdames Moir & Austin, lose,
$300; no insnranoe; G. ..Li'. Baldwin,
Journal office, loss, $1,000; insurance.
$000; C. Armstrong, photograph gal-
lery. loss, $200; no insurance.
A man named Reid was arroste,l on
Tuesday opera suspicion of having been
the fire hue. and was planed in the
lock -op. He, however, escaped inthe
afternono by digging out under the
wall. The alarm having been given, a
unmber of citizens started after Reid,
who was discovered in the woods near
the town. He again started on the
run, anti was nnly brought to boy by
T. P. 'Murray firing a bullet rand threes
ening to put lip a lightning rod on him
Reid had a preliminary trial yeste+dnr,
with what result we were unebte to
learn, but it was stated that he, buying
a deserter from aeross the line, wnnt'i
be -banded over to the officers at Fort
Stonewall, Nov. 7. -Business is new
very brisk iu this village. The two
stores here are doing a very good trade,
both for cash and barter. The black-
smith reports that he cannot do'all the
work that is now offering to him. He
will soon have to enlarge his shop to
meet the inereasing trade.'
Wheat its cooling into the mill in fair
quantities. It is running night and
day. Mr. Drake is now paying 81 mat
at the mill for wheat, the seller to haul
the sante weight in flour to Winnipeg.
Building is quite lively. Mr. M.e1n
tosll has ,a, very nice frame building
nearly completed the Baptist 'church
is now well under way, and will be com-
pleted iu about a month.
We are looking np in the trotter of
stable accommodation (a long felt
want). Mr. Drake has.a fine stone one
nearly completed. Mr. Gardner erect-
ed a fair log one, with accommodation
for six Horses; and Mr. !tlegwood, who
runs the stone F:tore, has a very gond
one completed, capable, of holding;
eight or ten horses. He is Mao noel
keeping a stopping place, which via
prove a great convenience to the trnv-
elling public, so he can truthfully sd-
vortise, "Good accomiliodation for alma
and beast," •
11r. S. J. Jackson, ' hf Winnipeg, the
owner of the village site, paid ns a visit
hast week. While here be disposed of
sev-eral lots to parties about to build.
Mr. Leslie, of London, nurseryman,
was out last\ week looking for a location
for a nursery. He is 'mach' plentsetl
with this plays, and it is very likely he
will settle in this incality, as he con-
sidered the axil veiy suitable for his
business. He says that he has not as
yet seen any location to suit him a,
well. He will probably 'seas twenty
agree in the village for a term of years,
and also bny a farts in the ueighbor-
The resiclente Isere are anxiously
awaiting Nr. Sandford Fieming's re.
port en the two routes. Th northern
ratite rims right .,throngh the village,
and if it is taken, will make this p1aee
of considerable importance, es we have
n gnarry of the very best limestone in
the Province. The stone cutters'Bey
it °anent be beat for cut stone work.
'ilex Winnipeg. plansterere,• Also, say
that the lune made in the Stnnewnll
111(12 moles by far the best and tl•lriteet
finiolt of any limb that 'can be obt3tnod
.the Provitice.