HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-13, Page 8i
if town evero not behind.lathe observance of the so ,three }lead mettle at 3 o per pound. J. O.
�, "'�e � .1 A"0/0�� ttiIii�0�• daY nlxtc114vas set apart .for retuning thaults t � howl
Coughlin, Loudon,. sold I3 g aft $4.75. D.
to Almighty feud for rhopeace and prosperity aictlltosh, St. Thomas, forwertled si< loads of
`1'1IUBSDAY, NO\'1(11T331±;B 18, 1879 cattle to fres rte t to h v been lughtlpro,
we Lave eujt),•ed ill filo past, At 10:30 n: zu. 44111(!11 aro reported have been bought pros
'-'----•--'7"-'-' �.•'.� t- r1t '{',, 7^t�—•'^"•^. soirieo evn':;liol(1 In the' Methodist oliurcll, �,t yionsty at Sic to io• :.At Vigor lltarlcat, prices
,i,...t 0 CAL �•1 E. Y V S. T 1 this service Lev. A. .', II krtlev r ached all a 4, ranged for beef cattle at Immo at frotu '3:ie to
i • I 1 34o; anter cows brought from 520 to X540,
:..-- .. , ...:_.µ._.- .:..,z�..-_ s.-_:._.= • propraate sermon and Rev. G. LL-tabbce gave a and oatves froua leo to es.
l,aTt, of uuiti; anl, Tnntl . I rentablo and iuterestiug raddrese. The church
Tait leave have needy all left,
�+, I was well filled with worshippers who felt
Tun phrenological reading* in rttnson's`Ifall' utile thankful to the .Giver of all (Good for his
ltrc sometimes very aluusieg.dealings with then in the past. In the oven -
WW. B. tiler ale:l: has erected a haudsuulo new 1 ing tho looter() in the 13, C. ohurell by Rev.
s gu hi front of the Medical halt, t Mr. \4ebier Afforded au opportunity of spend-
Iit yon want a tip-top Over (.oat or snit 'of i ing a pleasaut and profitable time, which a
Clothes, g,) to Sanlwails 1'tokard'e !large number very properly took advantage
F:s sur:ls optuiou uuent the weather is not of All the places of business wore closed, and
more changeable then the weather it�clf,
Gnies : and turkeys ;are cheap end plentiful,
They have been a gaped "crit," this year,
Tucltcrsinitil's Views on the Currency
To the Editor of the.11tutes,
pima Sia, --"Lille Currency or Money.
System of Cratitula is ab 'tit the aroret
and mostunreliable that is at proeent`
�.. �....:_: adopted in any country klaviui; preten-.
'coontl•y 11as bonetittod 1i3-' Protection, but
W. El. T R O rT T
G•LltilIA.11T SYRUP." tions to oivilivaaaicn or elttimiug to bo a *.
No Other medlakne in the world was OYa commercial nat1011. Our pulititrial jjE)• feline). to ernteet the beelth 80.1 gn(•ketn of t: Sg
given such a teat of it curative qualities as - i'nl;ile, :tuft hod ono of the
13asulial:'s (11sn1tAa1 Sxuur. In thine years twq form aseautire, frith weir usual per- 1 1 �+
Oct a C d�, Aa Stooks
isostuillions four lneres (1 til. tl inlay bottles vergeuegs and opposition to any cllauge ° e J
of this medicine wore distrilutte.1 free of a/uo'/e
by druggists in this countey to those aillots:tl flet Oraginetting with tlleli2.c'Ivette no TS 1•;lt ()I'T'.f;1ti.A IN Beeltereett,
with Consumption, Asthma, Droop, sovore . matter :whether thet change he hen a loth is olL)a1'd to o'•ll itt• tt'icoti that lief1 • ' e_'
OOLlgh(i, Pueumnnnia, and other dixUrt908 (if - teem). ltit wuuid it a t• niiutt t13Usu :11wttut et
in the afternoon the members of the band sta- the throat awl ltulgs, giving the Alitoricaau ficial or not, aro already showing the seekerc,:,ares y:,1s11--111:AnL
Veined tllelntsel.vee ou Main street opposite the People undeniable prclnf that Genitt.stx SYuor alert violent animosity to what they " . ,� „„ T , r El ,�,
Central Hotel and. played some selections of will ouz•e them. 1110 re uit has been that a e 1 ..r), n ,�a ..l(y^i. ��,,, , El ,Cd(;
yfteue Sete and Caps tem bo bought cheaper' music in excellent style. lc. LL'o aro ' la;l that �lrugeists in every town and village in. the Ca- r 1 least (1 to tecta 2ho yy.t opt hy." .
than ever before offered at Samwell t l'iok. yUmbel and United Stator are reeetrilxlell+l htr it They oar sae nothingcan under- t11ah lac In Y'i, eblr^1 ft,sit l ,r q exec+cloaca to sup -
an l�n of Exeter spent tho dayin stroll a o ; la 3 t,v.nt with tcu,Lt tc.il mix, ,,,,t;ltec ,1011, V.6 'lie
:ird•,s. p 1 1• COto then Onat)tr1U1'9. Go to yOttC dru �gi;t lL!1.1 tt'0 `t: 1, afire E bet tee hent of latuel( t4,1 1 Ulrijiltl\'H
_.LITTLS more than. a mouth before. .-I11ae, profitable and beneficial way. ask what they know aboat it: Sample bottles, Stand nothing be., erl(i a C'.Y lv(,1•nlnellt �,1;1 tt tie. l,ct 1 t t workmen. •
P 0 Monday 1 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Three doses, office with (xoverument pay attached.
+u 1)( wtl,l:,uutl of these facts, call and 508,
will relieve any case. 1V, II. 'j'1iOTT.
A National (lurrono it is clailuecl
to -44-.1-41 y Exeter, October X43 1870. tf
�V[uilliEti 1;3'11,It0UT. will a000mplish several dot;irablo re- -=iXF'.ructrx u:...::.>7 : ,tit.• t.3srme rn
A few years ago "August Flower" was din firma in the monetary altars of the nation. Ever,' urea its only tis to
oovoretl to be a certain ellre fur Deespeosita and gonutry inetnad of allowing a number pay interest on money borroirec from
Liver Complaint. A few thin deesllepti0H made of companies OOm1)osetl . f private lir('• Y••.
known to their friends how easily and quickly 1 = 1 la eetsidere. With a. proper pr{itectit. it
they lha(1.been cured by is use. `Trial the Vitltl£tls to i sue'a circulating medium 1 .0 our native lU(1118hieta a dovtilnnllient
great merit of (TnIOEx's riu.,v rFanninbe!oarnu to an almost unlimited oxtout. That /
heralded throngs the eouatry by one sufferer of otic natural wealth, and a comr.1G11
and another, until without advertising, its .ale duty should (devolve upon the Govern. trense ruitiiagetuon.t of our monetary
became immense. Drughis;•i; ill every town fn
the (Jauartas and United Stiat35 aro S)iliiig it.
meat, and the whole wealth and re- affairs, this borrowing can Le entirely
No parson suffering froul Sour S tema011, trek ,sou roes of tho country should bo p}otlg done away with in the course of a feta
cd that every dollar bill is worth wtlat rears ae hits leo i '
3bean prllct oa,ly acooru•
when a greet slaughter is to take plaeo among ' lsr•.sl.:� l.t.uax.— u evCnil g lasta
the gt eau and turkey:. nnhubcr of the friowlsof Mr, Fred Thorllpson,
Wet heir that TLolu::s,.aeenway has deter-. who has boon tol]or iii tho Exchange Beak
relied not to bo a eu:idubtt3 for the collstitu- since its establishwntlt in ]Meter, mot 'at the
3ucy of 3Ialwtain 'u Manitoba.
Hotel and preseututl him with a itand-
I t Lt a. — C: o uu L rstan(1 that 211, L, 5')'05 gold chain and soul, and the foklowiltg ad -
Thorne, who recently removed from 'Ratner to (truss, on t11(1 Ove of his departure for Parkhill :
Myth,llu5 fallen heir to 3,u+i0, To Nr. Frederick Titompsoar.
1 , ,1 1 Dl,.tuS1u —Learning withroe :t that von are
Tin; lte•a,aui(.;' Institute .. rat icy Ileum it +
now epee on 'L'needay,. Tharsday anti Satur-
day etetliugs from 7 to t):30. Tfturuulu is free
t., all members,
abunt to take your departure 60in aauo:;;st tts,
and reeo;ui in;,; your many good crudities, se,
ci•ll:y and otherwise, we tette this opportunity
of pr,•stlltiug von with tilt- at•entupauyulg chain
and si ilii as a slight token ul our estooiu and
Tull Excllrnge Dank re -Opened in Exele1, on rid ar,1, truetine that vutu' future weer will be spat at, io, (nsttventss, 1 alp)tr em). of tno
:Monday week, bot on. the fourth day ?Jr. Fred e prus1erous and happy one. -heart, Indigestion, Law Spinits, ete., can take 1
Thompson, the managerni tent, received no- I••. H. 1e,. Abbott read tho a,ldre R, and Mr. three BUNCH without 1'81181 Cie to your 1%1'n • (lt professes to bo, so t It t the money a
gists and get a bottle for 75 cents and try sum- man receives fol' the Price of his farm,
Coo to 01)50 the agency, which was aout+rtwlgly £kzumpsou made a neat and appropriate reply. pie bottles, 10 mats.
dune, The oo1n1 any separated at an (nay hoar after
A Qt enia L.—On Saturday night a row iu haviu ;spent an agreeable evening.
which out only loon, hat also two or three of Vella-emote—We have to acknowledge tho
tho gentler 5133] took 1)1 t, ea:l.eal t10,t,') a come, receipt of a small pamphlet ul,on the snbject of
11t,iti)11 on Maio weer:, near Huron, but no vivisection issued by Rev. John ,?toff:tt, ?Iiufs-
.sue tats hurt very much. tier of the Scotch Kirk, Bayfield, :ma coutein.
SI;TWIC.i. Paris is lug a sermon preached by liimeeli on the aub-
at priesoiet cont ue(1 to the ht.tl51, he ila,ving kept fn warioua places, together with a number
of exteuets Froin 11sw#ual)ees exposing tbo hor-
ri'ole charaetier of the 1i*tctice of t'iVieectiO11.
Below we give one extract fru) the Feterinari-
as, doser'uing vivisciotion as praotioo.1 fn
France :
"101t bnftding nr shed, open to the air on
one „lila, lay Six of :neon living horses, 1153:1 by
had an operation performed on his lag one, day
lase week by a St. Marys doctor. Ito hope
won to see him around again.
- A t tt; Hudson Bay sales of Buffalo Robes,
tail :::arra, there was a greet attrauue, oaring
to the email °tiering, bat Sarn ell ee Pickard.,
hariigbouinnt their stock early end duvet front
the North West 1geney, still 5811 at old 1)110+., every possible) meol1Luical co)li1lraluce by tile,
To C r.—:)n lInuutOy last, John; �`Litu,s,)u lived 0114:fe t to pillars, to pruiettt their drug
Toe luttl np) t 0atuil lasso neza s.z or seven
of the proprietor of this paper, cat ewe of the :,aphis ul),id +� 0d in p..rf,r111iue 1. tr rout opera-
taes of hie left foot with it straw kei u wtlita a' tiOUS. ,1: ,i•d,r. waa trniv h,+ rid 1. lilt,.
The Stanley Cocain mot on Satur-
day, Nov 8011, at 2 p. m., members all
present, peeve in the chair. Minutes
of the last and spooiel llleotina3 react
sand adopted. Collectors bond laid on
the table. Moved by Mr. 0 title, sec
on(led by Mi'. Aikonlioad, that the fol-
lowing gravel accounts bo paid : —Mrs.
Erwiu, $10 ; lIr. Dallis, $15 ; iiir.
.13aird.$11.50; Mr.F. Goodwin, $18.-
15; Mrs. Ailteultead, $7.82; Mr. &[c.
Iuuie, $3.1.-111r. i193Intyrc, ;)21.70;
Logan, $ 25.50 ; Mr. Johnstone, $15.-
40. ---Carried. Moved by iMr.. C!tsile,
seconded by Mr. Donglas, that the
clerk utoify the county treasurer to re
a fartnet's place in I?:,'uurtis. The around was opuratione 11(,1 bane early i.l tate furunoou ; it Mit the taxes ag.+tinitt the west part lot
catrefnll dreseed aid is tloiu wo ]:, aithisu ill waa nearly three o'clock when wu emered the 30,'conoession 4, 58 all erlor by the as.
y S 6 plat)—<0 that the pool til •mhos ae may be sensor of 1870. -Carried. Moved by
tho boy is not yet able to 10.0:1: Withsut ass se_ 5ul)1) ',cd, had c,:,tsatl b e t ; elk) to rl.tke any 111.r. Castle, sec,snded by lir. illeliielca;'
au0a. violent struggles. But the ,k u tlaaaving of the ,
l i still1,4111t111g cheat, and iii+, horrible look of that the Reeve -give au order to Wm.
IiELLAcux.-'LS'ta are glad to sea that St'• the pan, wieu est, nd t -c orrible fn the Qtitlsoti for $1 for his services as 0on-
'William 13ali:will, Who livasa 111118 wily' south Melt,], '. lail.,t the lli'ia l area la•',le tl tun pillar, stable at tjie' etere' List cowl t•,137 0..—
of Exeter, sus sullkuiuutiy reenvered from his was harrowing beyond eu.luraul(x). i'ho stn l
dNuts Latl br;;au t air (1•:y's w)1•lc iu the Ia1a+6 ual•ried. 'Moved by :tie. Likelihood.
hate severe illness to admit, of his being, around seeooded by 1I), C;astle, that tho Itoevo
FitYt%�li+rt8 of tea culla+Ll ; filo trtuiks tvuru
a;ait. 21r. thatlkwill was su:furiug tl•U.I0 811 8f- thole, boa they had lost their tai:s, eau's and give an order to 'Tilos. Lee for $8 for
feitioa of the throat akin wile for severe! days hoofs, and the operators were now engaged 1,000 feet,of lumber.—Carried. Mov-
t.,gULht.t without C'atL 1., or 11113.1) 11., petit clog, the m•Irel 1 )Jporta:it operations, as
ed t;y Mr. Cttetle, seconded by 'Aft.
tying up arteries, trephining tele cranium.,
HEvwooa STILL litnl,a TEE CLF.—Iu a patting down elle mora sall.sttive parts—on Douolai, that the 1l,eevo give an order
shooting huatch on Sat11rth1y fast for the pus- purpose, we were told, th:•tt iii •v Might see tho to the Signet Printing U 1., for $10 fur
ac=olein of the siIvm cul, trllfCll ovary member
' retrileil)n of oartaitt 01030105, by ;•iuohin•g and printing ballots 1879.—Crarl•fe(l. Mnv-
of the Exeter (atm Clr:lis anxious to own, ' Ir. irritating the varioasnerves. Ohm anima] had ed byI Ir. Castle i 'tended by
talc. 111e.
one side of his head completely dissected, and
John. Heywood, of Usuorue. weed again vietori- the siudeuts were engaged 1:1 laying ap8,1 and Ilin ley, that the Reeve a11Ve en order
tell. His: opponent res -sir. , , Fairbairn, of oautcriaug fixe hock of the same side when. n•c to WVrn. Pearson for $9 for two cul-
Ilensall. Mr. Heywood Inas only to win one euter;;d"
more match. before he will be the owner of the The author of the pamphlet says vivisection.
0.p. The score of Stcurdey's snout teas 7 is in dsugerof becoming prevalent in C:auetln,
and 5. autlurges all htnn•eie people teense their 111-
Snrtarz.V IOarBED.-ora regret to learn that most efforts agaivat the;praciiae. The price of
Mr. John St. V. Caddy, Civil Engineer of the the pamphlet is ouly ten cents.
Canada Patitie Railway at Tnuu ler Bay, and PRESENTATION To Mn AND URS H.tnrLrr.—
brother of 311. R. H. Caddy, of this place, was Rev. Mr. }i•u•tley being about to remove to
�aver!''.3 iujnc 01 iataly by being thrown from1ieuall,• was presented with a beautifully' bound
Bible by the inenloers of his Bible class on
a vehicle. He lied two of his ribs broken, be- Fliday utgltt Mrs. Iia t1eyl.vas al_o presented
sides receiving other i:tjaries. He was in a with a lamp. Tile jereseut.atiou was eccainpa-
ffir wee- of recovery a: last enemas, but will need by the following address, to which ;,Ir.
Hartley made a snita1le reply c
be unable to attend to ilii duties for some time DrAtt 1'4>cult,—ecru, the members of yonr
tO conte. 13ible elass, have assembled this evening to
Deers X11.L2D.—Cil T:l:trsda last a com- give expre:ssiou to our regret at your leaving
J our village to reside in Iiansall. Your ne • associe-
liof s )orteenen from 1 88ter wont to Black 1 S 1 lana amongst us tell: sitvaL}•s bo looked. beck
Creek for a haat. After hunting for 80m8 01)011 with feelings of pleasure, and your labors
time they got sight of a door, which they sue - %retreat will not tutee been lost upon us. Du -
0.30110.1 in Idling. E.ic:;i Oce of the sport,•men
elal ns that he shot oho animal, which is quite
r.o:Fees ; batt the majority 1)1 the shots were
creel after the deer wee tai:lel or badly wound-
ed. Mr. Thomas Dissott, sr., also shot one of
the -u )lout -footed tui eels in Hay Tutvui.hip on
Monday last..
CL0.tnao Cur.—Atua:t named Smith, Soho
:hits- been csrryi.11f on the business of batch-
eeiete in Exeter for seine rears, suddenly took
his theft/tare for remove genial nial clilluate ono clary
hast week. Sou): persons in town of too con-
fiding a L•ttn:e aro 81107 that they had. not a
011;010) of iuterriewing hila before lie loft.
- This is. enet]ttir reeult of in•lieerhnfntte orettit, your e3teeol0(1]rellxueut, titre. EI•trth v, cell as-
H:s housahul1 e lf"eot:'re re sell by 013`1011 on I herd of oto• loving reg:tr.is for ha future
Tuesday lest. We have heard it said, bat well L sing. Stoned. ou buu,tlf of dm scholar ,
Whet truth ther.i NM the eta:eluent, we are
not prepared to soy, til,t: the tiaras Smith was
ouly an elm: used by the tnau to cover an 01-
: f: ace :igainet the bees of '.rod and man.
ring your residence here yowl have net been re-
miss in your undeevors to aid atul encourage
us in our study of the •Scriptures, aud wu trust
that although your place of residence be
clmgerl, wo 1011 still be favored with your
veined tuition. We do not propose to it ',opt
the storutyped verbose of a'.inlatory address, as
we feel confident you will appreciate the feel-
ings which prompt na 10 watt 0113-011 this °Veil-
ing. Wo 01;:001 it right and proper to wish
you apltt)Sant welcome to your now home, and
although we do not wish it to be irnaginad as
any -kind ofreturn for your valued 800118es to
us, w3 bug to moiler you las a reenetuburauoe of
rear associations together in the class, this
Bible, which we hope will prove an invaluable
aid to you in studying and preparing spirttnal
foal for year allecrionlate pupils. We ale)
tender, with our kindest regards, this lamp to
Lscrrar.—On Thu!': defy evening the pastor
of the Exeter 13, C. ahnruh,l 8v. G. Webber, au -
cording to previous announcement, delivered
loot :re to to largo find dee;ly iuterestetl audi-
el>ce,'liils subject of the discourse :being "Tho
Ile.etoration and the Revolution." The audi-
t pee :route. of t. ,e ell:trc1 «ata c:amfortably filled
with intelligent p eple, who lietened attentive-
ly to the excellent lecture, Mr. Webber is a
lecturer of more atilt meiteary ability, and the
JOetureme rllvll•a.l t 111 I1t tta5 ti)e beginning
of the rich truer s a:i, h the `i,.+uclq .People's
ebiisti:zu :Lee lei 010)1 it 111 favor rho teeter
people with during tnu'w•iuter.
'I. h1ASi44S':l Vl i} f)Aw,-11:(1I,;Cs„•iring flay was
duly obeervol by the people of this Dou,ini:,n
ou:2uureday.last, sial the ineabi:ants'of this
if. Uiheepie, I- r'uttou, F. Lirmoro, S. Sauter.
Llontreai Cattle Matter..
i4Iontreel, Nov. 10. -the offerings on the
5t. Gabriel IItricot to -day comprised 13 wars of
cattle and fou, (.ars 01 Ju):;a. There was a flair
deemed for good cattle at from 3o to 4e, per 1b
but hogs were slightly utt,iu1, rho snpp!y being
larger tdlau usual of lata Prices for hogs et
this u)arltet range fro it w le5J 55 per cwt, but
Um average figure paid to -clay was 64.75. '!'hero
ems time sales of small lots at 115 to 55.05.
Robert Cushman, Guelph, sold seven head of
cattle to a leading exporter to this city at £e
per pound; two to Mr. Doe for i75 and ono
Campbell, of this city, at $47.50. Geo.
Sptteke, of Ottawa,. sold two loads of 47 cattle
to .Dan Coughlin at abort 1122 earl:. Peter
Timmins, of Kingston, solei 22 head at• $30
Ibtell 10 11 Taillefer. .Ili :leo sold. 22 head to
Sam Price . al 536.50 eacil. ' R. J, Hopper. fe
betteht 130 head of cattle at from 521 to 1337
or for a load of wheat, or salary for
his services should be unqueetioned,
and ought to bo as. solid as the stabil.
ity of the Dominion. lvery;;t'ew years
of tlnancial preesaro those people not
apeoially engaged in',commercial tran-
sactions are painfully reminded bow
once) tltiu, what little reliance can be
Whacked upon toe promise to pay printed
on the paper issued by the banks .The
Bank of Upper Canada bursts ; the
Commercial Bank dissolves ; the Cou-
sohid,ated Bank disappears—all instltn-
tions bolding at ono time the highest
credit. The loss, 111e misery follos' ieg
in the train of these failures ought to
plished by the United States.
I hope to be 11ble to viler to this itn-
portarlt gnestimn again In some future
number of your paper. Such 11uoe-
tiulls mnet nowadays be settled by an
educated public opinion cxpreseed at
the polis. 1t is well that they should
be fully and openly di;enssed.
The Two ITotables,.
"Who," said King Frederick of Prus-
sia at a fate at Potsdam which htacl At-
tracted an uoneually brilliant a.Rl.embl-
:tf;e, ''who 1s that tell, bony, Old mall
diroot the attention of our rulers tot with a heed so full of character ?"
devise some means to protect the pub- "Sire, it is lir. Gall, the famous
lie from being iuvoluutarily drawn into `phreuotogiht,"
the difficulties which onglst only to bo 'l), tho phrenologist, Flt 2 Com-
( ulatacl lorri to (true with us to -morrow
shared by the speculators who created' evuufng."
thorn. N(•xt evening the King received the
(lector affably, and they sat .lefvn t,e
d1u1100 with a dozen other °envious, all
bleziog with d(C0tltl1Dlis and uuif0)•nm,
but awkward and a,netraiuc(l in man-
ner and convertnt 1011.
Tho issue of paper monoy and book-
ing should net be c+)nnocted. The op-
erations of n, banksr or bank company
ought net to extend beyond beim; the
oustodilane of money or securities, with
"Doctor." said the king, at the con -
the loaning and borrowing of ncuey elnei0n of Lilo re]+ltst, "pray let ue see
The making of as lictf:dons capital in something of your ;wonderful okill.
the shape of dollar bills is a power en- Examine these geneleluen'e heads and
vorts on the•Grantnn it?o rraa(l.—Car- trusted to the chartered banks of CEa- tell WO frankly what yna Lhitl'ti of their
cleft. i1:[oveil Mr. ?JcKiule , seconded nada of a most dao eroos and ill advis- iridin characters ntr(t riapositinna from tial
y l3 fziclic:atiuus tiff sr(lud by their cranial
by Mr. Castle, that the snug of $12 be eel charanterr, first originating iu the developments."
expended on the side road east of .the fertile brain of John Law, who figured
cheese factory, under the direction of in T'rauce in the bet Ennio" of the eistll. Gall rase aud felt the head 0f his •
the Reeve.—Carried. Moved by Mr. d neighbor on the •ri;;l1., a stout, power -
Castle, seconded by Mr. Aikenheud, teentli ceutury. fol Marl in a resplendent uniform,, who
that this 00110011 do now adjourn to The use of money or cilrrancy is to had bueu addressed 58 "goueral•"
meet on the last Saturday in Decemberfweilitnte the exchange of commodities, "Speak frankly," haul. the king eco
at ten o'olooli ra. m.—Carried although of no intr ueio value initself ; ing that the phruuologist eoeulid em-
ProuiskIIT. br►rrasseci.
Clerk. yet like a note of hluad, it should Ferre- "His Excellency," said Gail, "must
sent material wealth ; it may be gold, be passionately addicted to -to field
or it may be laud, }gorses, property or sports ;:u11 exciting pleasure -t; he hag a
valuable goods. ,::orcin lies the differ
dooitled fancy fur—tor the battle field
cute between tho exponents of a Na- tua(1 —
tfonat Curteney and the hard moneyTile king smiled, and pointed the
CovxczL MICNTLNO.—Tho Stephen
conn0il met on .Nov. 3rd. All the mem-
bers present. Reeve iu the chair. The
minutes of the previous meeting were
read and signed. itusolved that Coun-
cillo'rs Ryan and Braker attend meeting
of iticGiilivtay council to see what they
intend to do with regard to opening
up ditch, trtking water from J. H,aye+.
Resolved that the Cleric notify T. 141oi-
lard to IIiause t]ie buildiug now erecting
on road r'llowance to be removed. they say file Conradfan money system
The followiug orders were granted :--
G..McLeod, $1.25 ; J. Hill, $3.25 ; J. ie 4313 near perfection) as possible, and
Wicked, $3,00 ; D. O'Brien ; $2.00 ; that. it is the next thiug to sacrilege to
4V an. Sanders, $1 50; Wm. Mitchell, attempt an improvement. Every bill
$5,50 (Y. Fahin, $1.25 ; Wm. I1,-)1• i 1t is true lutist have that printed Oil
lits, $16.25; G. Lewis, $10,50 ; J.
lalanning, $24.50 ; J. Stranlako, $12.-
50 ; J. Handford; 50 cents ; T. Sweet,
$14.50 ; 0, Krause, $4.50 Baker & redeetii the amount of currency in cir-
cle., $5.05.; P. Shroclor, JO cents ; W.
Ityan, $5.00 ; John 111cEaachen, $7.00 ;
Interest, $21 12 ; J. Holt,, $11 ; Win.
Fulton, $5.13 ; J. Rooth, GO cents ; A.
Gravell, 50 cents ; P. Shroder $31'.00 ;
W. Ryan, $5.00 ; Win. Brnuell, ,g, 8.(10; Quebec average about $2;1,000,000 ,
Mr. \yelper, $8,45 ; 3. Greenwond,$5; wheroas the gold held by the banks
G. Willint,$09.21 P. Shroder, $1.00;
mat Mori is, $12.25; Lewis,$0.47;
seldom. exceeds $5,000,000.,000. BesidesJ. .
0, Soetl, $•45.90; 0. Smell, $32.00;'.P the notes in cironlation there is genera
Lamport; $8.00 ; 0. Prouty, $4.00 ; 1.
Oliver, 30 emits ; S. St.nnlalce, $13.00 ;
W. I lniizp, 41.0.50 ; P. Reiman, $4,C 0.
Council meets again on the 1st Monday
iu December.
0. Pennal,
A. letter from a firm in CardenaSSSVS
i)llrennlubitit to his other Weightier, te
advocates liko the G1ube. The latter intuit, alert, keen -eyed man fu the di -
claim that circulating notes should be ploinatic coetaine. •
a promise to pay a certain amount of "This gentleman'" said the doctor,
gold ou demaud, and that the banks "is—loofa—is an expert in gymnastic
should bo prepared with a etif_ exeraise8, an accomplished l:edeltriaii;
fioient amour of bullion in their coffers very neat curl graceful in :ill operat.icatls .
requiring tnauuttl dexterity
at all times to do so. For that reason
the face, but it is a fare representation,
ae it would be an utter impossibility to
cnlation with gold. That amount of
specie slaver was in the country nor is
it evor likely to be. Tho notes in cit'-
eulation in the Province of Ontario and
08011, autl sold 36 head for 5018, or ahont $25.- they ttniicinate doing a large, biesinese
50 etch. M. Belau, fromthe Don, sold throe
heart of 301110 nt 23o. Ilibsou,, (if 81, M13.ry'H,, witll the Maritime Pronate:: this wint-
Cut.,sold eight hogs to D.OUughliu at 114.75; al- cr.
"Enough," said the MIA', T'tapoing
on the table, and a score of soldiers
onteriug he continued, to the stupe-
faction of Dr. G 11, "remove these
gentlemen to their cells. Allow age, to
put iu plain language what yon were
reluctant to say. The general is a •
murderer under sentence, and your
other neighbor is the 'stoat expert picit-
I)n(Sliet aud qua -purse in all. .Prussia,
who has elud,ntl ,capture on iuiluu(or-
nhie occasions. `Examine your .pock-
'The cloctoe did so, and found that
his handkerchief, t)itrse, watch and
enutf.bnr!sad disappeared. They were/
all returned to him next day, with to
complimentary letter from the king and
and a coetly sunrf box bearing Frede-
rick's portrait set Irl brilliants.
ally on deposit by tho Government and .
private individuals in the neighbor- On Thursday afternonafternoona se:lbw nom.
13oocl of $70,0.00,000 in addition, which ed r- Duffy wtae arrested by G.r.e.lia.
ooustablo Flynn and taken to'the Oth -
acooi'diug to the hard money 'theorists tial Polies Station at Toronto. On
they must bo prepared to pray in gold t'ea0lling the latter .the prisoner broke.
What nonsense it 18' then to talk of a away and 150 along a court up Church
street, and jutnpucl aixtr'en fe t,into an
q:t0aVation at the, cornier 61011ttrch and
Adelaide streets, feinting himself sonic-'
what, Tho oiustrablo juanped after him.
gold basis. The fact is gold is a cum-
bersome, unwieldy, [antiquated circulat-
ingmedium and is of 110 ra ficial use
except io doing bookies(' wkh a foreign acct l;eoaled