HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-13, Page 4The Mo!sons Bank I,NC01tkO,/Ong D e1X ACT Or r tr3L1AAtk 1:'r, 1855. eapitcll, $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Tizetra ti Woniiarax, Esq. - . Preat,lont. J. k1, L. D[OLsos, 1'l8Q.. - Fier! -.Pros., DIRECTORS. awl D Ia Macpherson, 1i W Slzel>lierd, A Nelson, Al P P, 8 kl laving, Miles 'Williams, F. Wor rrIlfrrAN Tuo s,'BSQ,, (ken l Manager. /no 1::1,Mare,ltSO4 zeanager Ate/areal Branch. AI. Iiklotus, Esq., - - - - Inspector',, 1E xe ter Ba f ncll. HENRY 0, BREWER lt*A. IACTI L:' LOANS TO F,AI;1 ERS'. Money advanced to fanners otte,'tsy tortns,ontheir ower promissory cotes with ono or snore hunts 'ell- 1107:$0:6, ll-1107:$ :6, No mortgage required a3seeurity, SAYINGS 13atili Ill• DARTA"[r P;1` 52Jer const Intcrest a2Powett.on aevositn, Drafb9 ou United States bought an 1sol1. Merl- ing Exchange bought and solei, CoIic•ctious made in all karts of the Dominion soil returns promptly reutlttetl att,,lowest rates of exchange. I:xoter,august 16th 1878. Q•m 50,1318.te0 Ehe folet inns, . TFIUItSJ)AY, ,t lr-i3i9,JI1E 13,. 1879, SHALL rl'i-41 1 Hi BE A WAIT IN A vett informed correspondent writ- ing from Berlin on the 8ubjoot of the hatred existing in Russia against the Germans; discusses the probable result of the agitation of the German hating element nog* going on. He thinks it is ultimately bound to shape .the policy of the Government. It is a well known fact that the ltussian Crown Prince heartily dete3ts the Germans, and that this has led to certain unpleasautuesses iu the imperial family, All Russians. whom this writer has ever met, hope and pray for the• cl'eath of the Czar; their faces btighten as. they speak of his age, disease and feebleness. Every- thing is hoped from the accession of his sou constitutional liberties, cle• anxious to promote Chadian industry, or had shown'half as Imioh feeling for the welfare of the Cetuadis,.n manufac- turers 118 Sir Leonard Tilley liar .shown, the .11:Caelteuzie Administration would have stilt been in power and Sir Rio. herd Cti.rtwright would have still been Finance 6liuister." Tun followiug original letter was re- ceived by a wholesale Arm in Hamilton from one of their Customers '`Sins,—Thanks to God first, and Sir John At it. 1ir,te rneetiug of the: ketrolia morning, ,She lead gone to the station Town Cotuleil a. tesol.ation was passel, to meet her pArente off, who wta•e 7'e- nutlloriziteg the 1 illanoe committee to turning home to 1.1artie, . and beanie,. open .orrespondonoo with tho Grand the train to bill tlletu good bye, Tie Trunk Company, stud also the Erie and tri►iu eo) nllenet'd to shove when blas. Huron Company, with a view of ;build- rztr► to the p11tt'fortn, intending to jaw., ing a branch line to oon Got with the oft, As she tyrant; to the griluotl hie Grand Trunk at or near Canilaohie; dress got oti•og,ltt outhe stop of the Glu Itis estimated :that fifty per Gent. and olio -wee dragged under the cltr, more men, have, beau seat up this yeer four of the wheels passii>g over hal to the ,umber woods than last. The luta; severiL( one Almost. ouloplotely most of olein will be engatled, in mil. about Half n'ay between the 11nuo and Hug logs. (1lie wages have advanced foot, stud crn4biug tiie .cuter fright $5 per month, and ,nen are begiu►liag fully, pet 1Lbove the ankle. The Pathe to be scene at that eguro,ft large num- Ives uotified, and -antlearod upon iii arta theT P. next I am ahlo to scud your ber llttviug been iudw,ecl to eoto the e'eene, but, ,lith his nice, cout]eint•d Li dimes, 1176. ttre getting life into n6 all Over. Liliebigall 8hautiea et the rate of $80 J()ttrney to 13arrie, leaving111 tit'.li h.t1,9 It is uo hitte-bottk btiz sig of a fly on the per month, which deed not include wheel now, Oliver oromwell ,used to say he board. would rather have an army of sheep with a liou at their head than an arrny of lions with During Sunday night the boot and a wether at their head, 't'13e Dominion lots aline store of Stewart & ;Murray, Bob- -l; c nrciu ow, ant n e, amp- 4ageo was entered by burglars, who livid stat n a l l 1L 1 sur LLS C up ft hell says We aro no 8110005. With God's blessing in throe or four years )co will have Cho foundation of a glorious 13ritish prosperity. Yours," Jumped the Track. A EUDsCN myna TRi,IN GOES OViIIt AN IS11i13ANK:1iENT-mus. 'mean, A CAi1A- DII,N LADY, INJURED. New Hamburg, N. Y,, Nov, 9.— Airs Collector Holcomb, of Morris, who wits iu the coach on the II. R. Railroad that went over the ernbaulimeut ou Friday Light, and was severely injnreci about the head and shonider, thus des - lying iii tlin station l 'see meek 011, and sutlel•tug the meet aeu e fain He cuelflidsrel he count 110 nothing fu her, and so left her to be carol for b; stiangel's. P. er, Brence 'ee:l, cyst, till All oppress wagon, eon ve,yed Mies .1lake Tlvout sesenstole a � boots a er bolas wore y of s�o d to the General Hotpite1l, Madre, IVO) in the door before an entrance was ef- an eseunivaliou of the iejuti;-.3,' th. feetecl, A cinautity of silver lying in nie(lionl gentleman in. attendelice (eine the Gash drawer was untotichad. to the i e1tiaiotl that anlpatr.a>xion 11'sL neeon e�sart , and successfully t•em •ve.. llan]au has decided to go to Euglaud 1 boli,ui>s from a tthurt tlist>Lnee beim. and ciefeud the ownership of the Sponte - the ldneaa . Sl] ut ho >03 ;Leta Hlator nlrt)t Challenge Ong. The cotlditious thin el that she n11ay reeuyer, bat Lb attached to elle Ctip provide that oi11y I shook to her system must hale boil rho best elan in Lng*laud cost, corlrpetc, gretrt,. for it, and consequentlyIll.rrlllu well eery The re11o3 t that the father and moth wait for a ohaalleil e from the vci,naer of the Elliott Boyd inittoh before Gross- leg the Atlantic for Euglaud. If he ehonld be successful there aI_atin he will tribes the situation :—"Whenthe ear probably go to Australia to meet rl.'riok• finally stopped, after being dragged, I att. li elan received a formal demand was thrown down upon my face. T fur the Cop from the trustees, and sent oucteavored to extricate myself, hut, :his decision as above by cable. could not wllk up the stoop ioollrle, as A colored elan haps,'( Hendersou the car was partly on one side. T started a barber 8h:,p in Merr'ittou heard a vcioe auti,l the shrieks eiia yells lately. Two days after he had opened say t "Get out of this all who can; a for business Ile received a letter waru- train will soon be on ns, and you'll be ing thin to (clear oat, as rrwe, young killed." T was partly blinded by the men of;;,Ierriton, will not allow any blood which flowed fastfrom the wounds nigger to live in 11lt,rritton." lutlli13e3 Interior, and were informed of fr'eceeent in my head, and tried a third time to triuslliredl tturil Mendes laornlnl;, '0°1nel14nts re03ived from LLivadia, that get to the door, but would have failed when Henderson visited his shop and articles in the St. Petereb>r•.r;,> press in. forted it > # ' et rep t f 't •nt - n> le (,u St,lstul rr1 . I 1 aul� lt.tt l u .. e 1 o its (, >. elan not two oe et m a e l .r 1 1 terfarad with the Impede! policy, ,,. (1 l oI1Cv, and wasthentake to the high groluen tents of razors, towels, chair, &c. The - 1 overlooking the trae•lcs, were I wa- joiuod 1}y other passengers. We could velopmeat of the immense resources of Lear the screams and groans below us til: Empire, the establi huieutof schools and cries from the rivet., and I knew a (i,)llblial'1Lble excitement was created relations ofRussia with daltl>i+l' C•f �l e e and universities, as Well as all sorts of cal' must have fallen into the wafter, as at Arkvua ou T 111r-ti.L. 1'tlorniui' by p)W3re n)1' FritrJ'), tmustb: t'1Fiettwwed. y flee 1uititations, which alone are need- another was lying off tllo track nest to the ib Li 13d71tllOt31i1e it that a r cceiafbl relighted 1n113t be dismissed, blit jndiel the 00e We left, and the last OM was herniations attempt head 110en made at std to place :Russia in the van of eivili- er Inid anted harshly in lenrleg ,bei deb11g11ter after the nooident is i>i011:ro . '1'lia reaioe was that the father ILitr mother are very olds and feeble, ant, that they :wore not made stuare of tb a•JCiden.t for fear of sett e:3 e.enee quen0es. A. Berlin despatch say's that the cdi• tors of all the principal newel:a:ors of St. 1'otersburg halve been summoned to the press burealt of the Miulietry (:f Chatir leas eubsogneutly found floating in the canal. Where the goods are is not known. Z 1 1 D that they 11111at not colltiuete In the sante strain neither with legari to Ger- many,. nor Atiatt•tl-.Ilu'ugat}', nor the a ration.. But the first step the new taken up to the palnoe czar further up aas drawn to 111e matter by the f]urliu>t until the Eu11)eror's return to St. Pet- not to be seen. I was afterwards, , t t,nsly. Thele rules will be e•)U'.illnttl the residence of Ur Brett .c\,teutiou Ltnperor is to take in his great reform ,work: will be to purge the land of Ger- ivaus. Asa Russian forcibly express- ed it, ''Ile will pitch thein out." With this feeling on the: part of 1111951,1, a growth of years, the question of war the road. I heard groans, and saw Mrs. Bland, of Canada, who said she had been taken from a °each which went into the liver, her heard baldly hurt, and her clothing drinebed in the ricer. "She was greatly frightened, and she said she had lost valuable ar• of palters scattered It built the flour ereburg, a month nonce. A Berth the morning. Ge investigation it was teyp11iCh 5ayd the 1105172'1,1 of Rnes1,Ln discovered that the safe had 1Jeeii open— ed, and :•�4t:�, he cash and. $800 i?1 Flutes t116v are debarred fro>n discussing taken therefrom. Owing to uusuo- leading politic>>1 guestiol1U. The ilns• still coastal working of the combinationcombinationC'so-•enni:to'ut prol)oses to e -dA )lisp lock, the outer door of the safe leada new ofiloia11• r owspa er t,1 influence with Germany is only one of time. titles. Tier husband was wan her. been left open, sinel the burglar or bur -,tile publie opinion. T le telegrams re - Even no s eetllition ripe lu r and IIe was wet mud cold, and in his bare glans had little difii�sulty in picki11t the porting the recent interview brtweeu W p t I e8 feet, being uuatdn to put his boots ou Gels of theillrll+r doer. Tee sereits B''aennefiel�l an=1 Sell,euv>L1ufT were t;t]n- to the way the different powers will since they were fined with water. situated in t]78 room back O1rthe office, range themiselves 14 what it is st.ppos- There were twenty or thirty passenger:, and 1' is supposed Haat this was enter- ed will be a• general European. war, .in the car when it went over the e_n ed from the bnek ,boor, the burglars The personal friendship existing be - Roved omeinto of' t11e,ilriver, tnttst and have perisl;- passing through to the street. tweet, Williams I. of Germany and his nephew may possibly beep the nations at peace until the death of these two aged monarchs. Thou, at the farthest, the two people will come together with u. Grails whieh will shake Europe to its inundations. Tiro Mom -reel Post very properly ob- e& Two phyeicialls ou the train, +tt- Haalifaax merchants are shipping coal pressed. The Anglo Itagslaau relations aro stated to be 8ouiewhat strained. Sale Register. tended to the wounded. After all. had to the West luclies and are making pre- Thnmday, Nov. 18, 187x9.—Farm; farm stool, 1 7 111 a.111 implements, the 1>801):rty of 'heo11 h i e,. been gotten ont of the wrecked. carr V parsec s to do so in souSiderableA lila- lot t� m tides \ Itlll'n thepast fllrtnl'+115. 111C Graven, 15, coin 20, , tea?hen. . resumed oar trip to Now York. The, h , O1th, auctioneer. accident Was caused by a. brckeo .tollossiug vesseld halve ()leered with 00111 Pariifsgettulgtheir sate is tical.” for Berta in the West Indies : — CHIat this 0inee will rrnrivc a notice ford, 70 tuns Goal, A. t L Jones & Oen above, free of ehtu'ge. Dornrno A. M. Well, 102,' tons Coal, Bremner ctr - llart ; Eureka, 100 tons, the sante A St. John, N. B., party of three firm ; Sappho, about 200. tons coal, G. serves ,that the iloform.grass still ecu- drank gin and nearly died. There was P. Mitcliell ct; sons.. We learn too that tillu°s its unpatriotic task of runningstrychnine in the fluid, but who put it Druniniuud. of the Westville colli• there has not transpired. ery, is making Rrrnur*ifleuts to load a clown Canada and drawing a fearful pie- Iu St. Catharines,a man named number of vessels at 1 .,a]ifax with coat tore of the impoverished stare of the Cain was kuackedl down and robbed of duriug the winter for the s£+t1re market. country.. The reports sent abroad in $40.. The perpetrators of °utnage haveAs to the profitableness of the trade, we g,g g ��r this way are capable of worldng an i>- Lot been discovered. aro absu1'ed that it pays better than fish �H,i'tf �.L-LLAN 0 CANAL calculable ?mount of mischief. I th On Saturday evening last Ales J bills printe 11 Silllilar to.the . u e first p5 miles'lace they aro alta ,Weans of 0811d- `SeSd117;id, living about two miles from c0111 out, with a return cargo of sugar 1 fairly 1• - makes a profitable trip• ENLARGEMENT. Carlin White coming g down stares, iug honest English yeomen to settle sese rely injured he self, from,tire effects in Texas aucl di,erting beneficiel euli• of chill sho diad iu 21 flours. lleceas- gration from Canada in general.. and iu ed was au old acid lnuoh, respei ted, re - the second place they prevent our own farmers and others, who aro• not up to the ''says of political clap -trap, from spi1:diit>n the:r money Or calculating, ite a legitimate way, the profits of our itue 131reeet.'' A mournful procession wended i',s why . through the stl:eets of Marge Atte, N. W.. N&TICJ TO CON•TBACTORS.. Territory, on 'timidity last, bailie the sidetit. funeral of Mr. 1?ranois Goran, a new Mary Jane Neill, a young , and. re -,,settler, residing, "bout four miles from (1 BALED T1si DERb, addressed to speetably-attir d weinau,.SYRS found 1n 1111) towrl. 'I'il,s is the fourth deans �1, the under.dgneO,aurlen5rwnc'fl "'Vender fur tau `Vullaud C unatl " v tllba reoeit ot1 tit t!us.,1'.iro • tuts streets of. Toronto raVILT mad. 11, wllicil ocoiiri'ed iu this f>trnity within un811 sue arrivtl> of t11D E'o,00r11 and Nl'BAttlrn ; ttppealrs that, 11e1' lover had deserted the last three menthe. First, hie old- mails on F1(8311Y titq l•1th DAY OE NOVEMBER MB1:It Tea, fen th0 deepening caul cum,lotion of that. eat son, James. full a victim to typhoid Must OF thci W171,,n,1 Cfauttl,.b Jtlyeun ltatuuy''a Baud trod hurt Uolbull3o,;kuow'n '15 N0081031'1•7"8. fever, apt the taco of twenty-six yetLt'S—� ,3,itllltl ii tutbtatulg t -ie greater part of whatls a Cir n3 iL L tl '. foyer chic carried Off liar eon and 11N1' 111aua nh> rit:g 131 positions of the work, and s tgcil catin11i1 fat x1aG eu>ains o :e < > e ❑ Psis' 'Toronto 1.elegram. says 'jThte Reform papers do not seem, to like the idea of Sir Leonard Tilley making a personal, ins lection of the vatiitis p t factories. ill, the several cities which ho has visited,., If what they have beau saying as to the hence the National Polley has created among the factories were true, the likelihood. is that they would be all the more nnX ons that Sir Leonard should go to the factories and Hee the havae for himself., Bat the fact is, they. have beau trying to pull the wool over the eyes of, tete; publie iu regard to the National L'ulicy,, aud, do n,t like to be exposed. Sir Leonard is ace site right in incpeoting the factories. for leimtelf and ialfia3p notice of the of facts of the great national experiment his Government is making.. 1f 1141,° iar(, eget"••'ight had, been. half es, her, a11d she became bereft of. her rea- son. 1,Yhon arrested she was trying to batter her brains out lagai+ist a wall, and had s d r ' sly' several t10600 td. 1>1 111ta -1116 ugly cuts and bl'uices. iiedf ndd Groom, who forged. the nutnee of N. G. Tonusend to as 11(,t° of hand for ,j50, tend who pleaded guilty to the ebarge, was 11t,tely eentsnced by�Justice then his wife was attacked by,breams )1 1t-' l it 1 I `ti ! 116111,81, bei,11r br'aliell with nueti a and besoouattbisotdtae,atttlat tht RtAtrlrn 1•lnxtn• trouble she 8U I•Jal;ae e 1 I1 W1 Ull' ,, 1 .1ew'1y am, aged 10, was. sleet 018110(1 to his long home—and, text l;'rallois has joined those gone before, at the early ago of Armour: at 1,.rx.ntford to our years in twenty years., Tice subjeot of this sacs the Peuiecuitiar'y. A strung, effort was atfllicsiou, it1r. Cheeks Gowan, is from ocr'a 011iue, 'Welland, off and alter 5L'U 4501Ythe 4111 vet% of N O l IS:l lt1:3a 'text, wh, re printed felons of tinder can bo obtained. Contractors are rorltl;es tett to Bear Ir. mind that. tuudale will not, bo considered unless mew) strictly iu accordance with the printed forms, end —11.1 L410 case of firms, except there are wteau.107, the actual signatures, 11.to nature of th t uccn3,•1- tion and Mace of resltle3tce' of each member of ,tie saute; and further, an tweeptea Ment mica uo is‘TovElst,;,1,B 18, .18'0 HEN E A L L .. PATRONIZE 1111:t1L Why go abroad for y'onrl'arlitttr.•swhen '' you 0,01 g>854 00011 v'1.111n for yunS money in Henson as iu .say outer T.,wi1 in Calash,?' Has tt nv on hand a apleltllie r,t. Ctt of +� U- N. Taw E (?Ir ItIVEflY DEStf1slr"rI()N, Which, Ile Istat Sill at Pr lees to Suit tho Time's. NDERTA KIN: Wall 1819branches promptly Iat'tended to, Also a CLASS HEARSE, .which he will furnish to Tr N0]iALS on reas- onable able tonna, 0onlii'cl,ctta ox' Buil ,in,r >r every 14»' 11ti677, 1 itl.gn 01). 1711,41 reasonable co!, i , Material numb heti If desired.. lw.;>cno:Ix :no ti'lls1lu iu11,itere tine iner- t.ting 1•etnUlislulltrut. rw FA Et1BATltN. .1-�"tUlt ,;:a l';E 011 TO BIi NT- 'i Stare. in Ce1,tral:la, mi o' rani• of Station and '51 1,1. 4trrota, 11'oll tial >1 up, and allatall•r for ly ,r1niR, 0rilep y of (}n>t'lu1' ('tore., sur fro Mor nrttetl1tcrs a11;1rto-4, II, ILY41 )1..:t1,..xeter, or l ,I, hal IJ' 1. 04:ar,111t. - 'IE t1C1= ERS WANTED. — MALE Teai:ur for the ITauA,ll sone el. Alto an: A3+tnnr fc r 8, No. 1!, 11 ey. A> phos='1s to ct.tro sale •. eruct to ra3-'h i•al n',71 i:1>>, \,)1111 Go::a >uesited till tat I)eoel.r:e,, by MDT 1'AT-- 1't ltSi0N. Sens: 71t t , , .ieuoall 1'. t1. .1Oie SALE --A YOKE OF GOOD Ner„kuhtt 0.500, :>iuo vo rs old. Apply tO Zit Ulf 3S i1:1>1,ltrtsh'tvoo,t, Q'1S51AYED.—ABOUT.1st 8E11TE:ti- ent Icor, torn lot a>, con, 7, Ucbarno ,l c e eel n, ono 1lrin,110. o.te rets and nue spotted t :3 i 1(1 4, ttor,, reel awl one spotted all spring ctl ea. La:t /non at t mehol, 1 Inform/dim, r,,, e 1't i ni; tbo• (ilOob 016tt. Thu thiacrlvtll hi vow: ,1 •d Llnnloy 1'.'1. T.lta\.X' t) frt•ni Lot 11% S. B. Ste - int or n ,'tai the rtlt August Tact, one white i.ticer with r, 1 r:pj on the. nose and red 0+1. rt 1vl,,- one gray 1t A1anr ' tt t: nI,i ono , J> '.1 ((' net.,)Bark ni l.. one t' ,art I>'t 4:te't•,� o lttt,I.,tu?,.iye'.t•,1 nt .0. 11,1,40 11>1ttr:•d,with 1.e, Any inf"1>u n11n lr 0rli4•5 t1 their •tcuv- 01•5 v:i.il l,er!1audaumtll' •.,; arfle�l. JO1l\ UULIIILSY,Ciro. mAN., 3+U'1'1(. ---1'.!,•t >111 who aro -11.. o >ito r,ed i .41,c ._otna tire•, t'•t• (os rirr for Lacs '..W ill at 1.._oltlwtalle 1 ,1t,:r%1?v1':its'• pl„ensu-4 1, .,>11u1.acog dates f:.1 .leio purj+osv O . 0o 'ivi a+3. £tI IBJ: 1 eocinlr1,atCit cl>nA nteI.F.•iMCr, 1}u e;nh;•r .1 tt 7tolr, t n h+ to l + ut1.tlia. 1 tcc/ober 7, at 11 E.clt's, T 11t i Deccur t_t 1• at T I-ow.t,', C1, tt,at December 1 5, at 11 Moo:oar, 1 ,Str ocil. I1f oontbLr 0, ot 11 11c t'kenr tit -,, ,.rand Dc/).elr. D'enmbull5 2.4t'\Iv.1VI1cn 1 1 ',Zi0utner,, Dee/or:I:0r 11 at Mr 111)4. l t n L. Deeci.lin t 1:2, 1), 15, n.t botuu,c1n,thou, All panteA W710 f it to - pay ine.1' texts on 07. )01'011,th>,tutof above it:ttfslua, expeett•)have mots 11 (14.11, Jon ;. LEA. 5,00.leetor, k tel'iieu, November 8, 1875. 21. Groomes < (taOn f eotOna/>j! Sroj;nl Tohncco 25 Csnfs per ib CHOICE TI3CACCCS Ai1D GIG1iItS always iusock.'• 1 $POTB:TS IfE.N'S DEPOT. School Books, Stationery, Magazines WITH ALL TIIE LATEST news. \.3.-Sesfag 111a1.u. Needlesofevely kind, A BOYD. •- AVEYOU LOST SENSE OF .:i T•?i,TE 008.tiI..1.L tItso, 31n•aybefrom, Th0 1 eL' 1.r .Y of The 1101,+:r>ltt ei t ('.\T-ettl;IT. t 0 46 1T£ t no.sL (Ar.tlufu] 1'>1 n Will rests re• yen to enjoyablo uoalth. 1t not only cures Ca- tarrh,. but tall ether ttieonses ILl: tlto saute time. Price 81 per walla I5'tttsale by all druggists gists and 51 edidiue donlers Se11,.5 t tautly for 10 page pam- phlet enntntniog trcti.tf4e on 08,11 314 ane, certili-. Gatos of the c 1; o, i t o 'r. e. 13. Ii AuD1.'ict1, .:ea Agent, B,•t ckville, 0 ••t. oceesTrren.LIUN.LL, CAT, 1:11311IEM.EDY. The only certain, safe, and effectual cure for.. • Gat rr1;, builds up the system and thee all0ttte>. diseases lathe saiue tithe. Asthma, 1(1 se Cold,...3- ay Fever, Nt 2V011A 1)cl,tlity, all It ave• t.lge titer • when tele (,oustitututiuuul 0.tt01 1> 1(80100y is taktei (0: dire ted. 113ice 7] per bottle. }1'er solo• by all druggists aManed tome deniers. NEW .U.UrT'CREIL SHOP t he undersigned wouldi'tforni the ',nimbi-. !_ tants ofExetor and vicinity that belies:. OPENED A NEW BUTCHER, SI -10P 0,le loot south of11is131rro1;srnit1sllop ant?hopes. Mies alt10liberal patrmtrfgethat 1; tie beau aa coldcd'to hire iu the rn,T-,Acx6117Tr1 AND WAGON 1>1031I 204 lin ew.id3btuxtondo rltohtnl in his nOR" brane3 0 13011118.6>, nib 1neat: Wati;nll will call at two reel :Ionia of the villrtretllroetil<letuaci.lvoeltaod I.` T'- ' TET 'Xl Ie T >7a Dublin Ireland who served seven 101 Louisan,. of1711'U/:Mincer:Aid.410)12>8> for 5.lctinu asst 1s:1£ris kept coltstautll>n sand made tC•i31(l,1Ce• he j,tlCl„E, to render a , ,. I"o 83 ant, Guo fur four thousand floe ars for 5<ew 3> t I at 11ia thin No.34, must ace: m preyy file respective 'Leu- tt c1to14 ivp.. li.hter f,9nt011 >45 but ' 44 1t>41 li+Igs deal's in the Irish. Constabulary 8 1>4>4'>40. with clava which anon 4111,11 be forfeited 11>» party The [whams!. MIA deeply affected. alai:ten: ton ; and after a' long residence tend 'SVA, dbail] (felines hell tering into tmitt,ft,L fol tno 13lackan,ithirg ra>a,d wagon ulakingcarriocl nu Last week a dtttigbter of 141r. Thos. In (-il)tOrio °cone t0 ittetnitoba oil the wgs, at>theratos stated 1u the offer sot/mitted, as usaal in all its braL>LL, a wig he olieeluu nr uton f•y thea scut ilt wilt bu rem L''>rown, on the gl ave, road, abciut 2'21141 of July lasst,, bringing with.liilu a turucdto too ro::tpeotive coutraotors alto.;,.:. `rete, It. DAVIS. r , del b arae slot tteee)itetl, . r e•. �' S thl'ee•(lnarters o, a mile fl•or:e 1larkdiLl.e, flue lleal.thy flt,tvily,.d.ouaitltiut; ot� F�'ihoa' Forthu cltietulfitnlentor the eontll.et, Aarisfaa• �.C: �I ill]'"u Ill.\1L �'VUl:aI>:u, hearts it Commatt In among the geese mother and total' sone ; aild bright pro- tory security will bo rerlu?red by filo do3,oatto8 1•.J' !y lnunoy to thq anwnntof,ht:asz,a>1• ca>lt, on t11u bra,13: t)11 a pou(tt 111 1'. . It of the 1'.utise (til 8pects IOL' a stleoeHeful.future. Bad to s11m01'tuecol:trall;'rf /tit): sunt sear; i,t r 4 - fila these bright •) • with the tt']lt>01' 11'111 lie 'considered a part... ,going to whets was• the uiatt88- site y, nese b ight prospects have been 15inetypot• ew>t• out ofthoprn.russestit;lutee snow, a' y E( was surprised to field r. large grey, eagle blighted, fall(, ali that now remains of fl olt T nt141r muot>bt.118* orth111> t., c 8)0Ce happy family is the fuller and siTo1aclt Tl>u 7(4 rust l)13 atgrcldetl. TO seise-; its ,the f►Ct, Of EJlol¢llg 'up a goose. 1.,118 i>1 y ,� y ,tuLltnreri of, twee ruspotrsiirle twist Abluent per-• immediately raised a stick awl stt'nek 00. Tho many friends of the 140eser0>i ente,of tlienia 3ipten,wililn>r•t,> 00>401n>0 nue s y sureties tor,;thq carrying fiut,vf; these evnrtil.iunr,, the eagle on the head, when it started afflicted) extend- to thein'their heartfelt a4 wcll.ay,53Suopei'tormanco01 the worlss.uut;. syln )lith in this sad C)et'eavemeut, bracodb., titlecontract, t0: run aere)ss the field,but,lliss l3rowll 1 y2111>Dopartinoutdoos not,ho:Vovor, bind itself. followed, etriking it every ebanee she A. young woman naniod NEargitret331> aeool>t 81>0lolvo4w r a 013'08' >' rindo8. got until ebe killed 1t'. The eagle pea.. Baker Inet with a serious aocideut'- u IT.73ItAUN, suced ris feet six iuclt•Rs frotn, til to the Northern Railway tract;, at the foot Department of itailwa••s and Cannt9 oretar�'. tip of the wings.. } ud SlinA.oc strteet, Torotlta, ou Saturday, (.,taws iioh.oetiber, two, • '• ) our dr awn kilns heiz;g114»v ? n E ell operatioa;aud twriting nuutflatly u1argedl.uantity oi. '.4b z rM that fora]) 554011)oscs cannot bo surpassed in the Doniiu, ion. 'Partici strata a Iistaucoca 11 Idwaysbeetveltini•. either at the kilns or deliverd by teams atltll<a eat remunerative rates. Ordorsfrolu u. 51641166, promptly atter; dedto. til ,Jt l SON &,SOIL ,`W'EI4