HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-13, Page 311`(,yzu. , it 13, 187D D rr 11U 1roliOUS. A. bouncing !st!Ty*--A rubb'r Even the buotlaleek anyllis blisinees io b ir:hta, it,g up. 1.l tttltiten 1'; off Ptl a mirage. i. yacht, enllhiWidOi) a tiaelt without 't^:nut's C;L!ifurnitl,:pilyraiui;tli, alliaut ewe ariug. Lunn c,w t. the time rho wedding was to comp off )Next to a clear t.,l)ttai i(3l.ee., fur solid• the young Man loot his entire fortune. 00 larurt, ef)Ln('s ia11 tLsy. brut' Lro wrote the lady a letter releasing her " lnarrs''c, "d0 tr he"� )(I + )e '" il'e)iTl herherel)g engagement. And what (lees ! Ii A MODERN RU'TIa. A PL'etiy''story was told soma time,tato iu at: exohaege : "A young lady: from the' SOW!),!), 11'a!i wooed and won by.- .f.note to {;u s f vi1 t 1 1 ic y 6OP(!'.atly 911 f L•t)'('te are displaying their fall that dear good girl do ? ' hy, she shits, takes a lamp (d wild which her lover L'\vo duel:, to a fr,rtniul>t have been j uatl smut 11.(+r iu his prosperity as a t' a ilk ,1.1)04t 8.u,e 110:•Ill1r(tt.. ltcl+ltlI keepsake, Hurl, having it ni nufaotnre'd UULotlyIltQ F6 ring, fopit't"ds iG. to 1.iln �1ith, the' it v i man for111• it 'goodness." This is folloltiug inscription : 'Entreat nue 'Isere•. if tt ue. not to leave thee, or to return from fel. 'tills i3,lu4t the solvon of the year 10e1.1a alter tliec: for whither then 141.1,+n It tu, 1L04 a Y01.1/Ig ltil tHt l) �H guest, I wilt go: and where thou 1()dgest, his mother propose to buy hila a win tor • suit. 1' will ludgr: thy popple shall be my "What has erne passed can never be people, rood thy God my Clod: whore recalled"— a e trt'et cat for itistattoe. though diest; will 1 die, and there I be Or n. euchre h)ui(1, buried: the Lorca (10 so to me, and more Hoops aro cowing iota fashion lgf iu. )loops tiro things to putht moldalso, if nnght but death part thee and Woman io kkep them ft oui burbling 'mo.' We may add that fortune again with vanity, smiled on the young physician, and A wan is always wanting some ont that he subsequently returned to the to tell hint how handsome ile 1•,Uke. A South to lived the sweet girl ho loved, wont.) will Inst Amid bcforon glass and who loved hint with suoli undying and See for hi•.rself. Tis the hist poach of the s^Hann, left affection. ltealors, this is • all true. apeelting alone, owl tie signs of decay' Young ladies who read the Bible ,as strike throng!, ii) the Stolle. Pony Closely as the heroine of this incident qourts for ;L quarter.' scent; to have gone are pretty sore to The wort esso of seltlnlines; oIl maize 'good sweethearts, and bettor :Toot. 1 IA t11itt of a youth who complaint Will"'t'1 b(o)t11:o his mother put a larger It is`ar(l 1.1 tstlrr on his younger brother than she ail "Whom can we trust ?"-is the bisalt letter ire+lelirV of an exchange. It is of r1U ct3useryt..nee. "\S hoilt C1111 WO ill. titins to tru.t us is the Soni aguuiz- er. Porous plasters aro now marked down to fifteen 05014. -This is much cheaper than 1111 uuder.hirt, to say Ilr•thhlg tat) tut the 81ri131 in washing. 1.1e -ides, you always know where it is. A sund;ly school teacher asked: \\'hat bird is tat _e enough to Barry off a matt? Nubatly knot* ; but one little girl Bug. gest 'd "a 1.ark." :incl alio • explained : :illwnl,a ) (id papa wouldn't be house -3:)ria )tun L1.y 010813 he'd gone off on n The insane woman lost at 11,:ilbridge, • , was formol i110LL 11y 110131. in the woods alive. She ll is been absent ,levee days, and seemed as well as usual, title live.) o:i grail ;and weed. 4. 13 IY1• :i .flit, Glass and wJexli, ea? There's not11ing minima ab.>ut that ; merely a grass witl•)s7. When an entiluriLastio editor deter ib ars a bills ;as "bonny," and an envious fan:opus:tor sots her up as "bony" --as ,vas aolte tot Juak8u)li'i1L(: the other :lay —jlol:e fur a season bi,ls the' Ivor itt farewell, and Freedom shrieks 11;1 the C,)ui (situ)• falls at this '"else," braiu 'd by the brother of the bloutning beide. Ou6 of t:le returned warriors from .ir,d111lan(l tells 111 ;:loll story. II1 was Lt 11Jrlce's .Urift,and was witnebs to the uliowing incident : A zlergylnitn iu eitlieal attire was hard at work hand- ing oatrides to the men, and he dill it with la will. A private near was taking (trots at tile Zulus a113.1 cursing the while in the most Ingenious manner. "Don't 33vear at thein, eh0Ut thele' 1" PA1tEP . AND CARL 1 OSA. The public ellliled at the union be- tween the great Parepa and little Ca11 Rosa, when she might have at least baou a ( ontess. Tile story of the engagement is . characteristic. Rosa was a lender, quiet, worthy, mo- dest awl adoring„ lie never veutnred to press his claims, but his faithful services made a deeper impression than he Lula any idea of. The coo• pally was traveling by rail one day, when PLtrepa seated herself beside her silent lover, and remarked his melon- choly. .)Rosa was blue and down -heart- ed, and the good creature tried to cheer ltiln up. She recommended niatri• wavy to him, and receiving a desponz dent reply that no woman would marry a Ivan in his position she is reported to have patted hila patronizingly on the head with the remark; "Cheer up, my ht,Io man; if that is all T . will marry you myself." Aute she did. A happier and more devoted couple than the big- hearted prima donna and her little manager never existed: '"1 wouid.aCtvlso anyone angering front sum- mer complaints to give .Dr. Fatvier"8 Extract or Wild Strawberry fair trial."-•-Can,r,nr M. Govoo,1f. D., Castleton. "Dr. .l"'otslar's Ex- tract of Wild ,Strulcbem/ gives perfect satfs- f.Lction."--Tno1ras DOUGLAS, CaLtnbt•ay, "Cao recommend Dr.Folvl8r'a Extract of Wild ,Str<t)o- berry with oonfidenee,"—AMen S S. xscrc, Minden. IXyenstom(trs bear high testimony A REGULAR IIA. LAN STROKE. THE moi: Furniture, and 11,1itaortakinw. S. kALI-WM.UN has on hand at l.fensall as large • a)1(1 as handsome n stook of 1''U1tN1TUirtll as van be t:,ulid:Malty c;;ta1libl1111ont in ;Unroll, ell of which leo i8 PREPARED TO SELL .. CHEAP I UNDERTAKING IN. ALL ITS BRANCHES 11aving precurf.cl a haudtiort'e hoarse; lie' is prepared to atltead to URDEItT'A1{1,NU, • On the Most fleasonablo Teams, i 3i with Undertaking Business. lie ones the Anti, Septic 'Mid, which preserves ncnnnccti t x t ., 1 the body )1111( destroys all(J 'Lsivo odors, anti pr0)01101 corittti;ien arising from. (load bodies. A can rospootfully solicited• atti d . a.nz+:aTaA`E , "Bill 1 Pill ! come hero :nick and nos Toddy's dad 0)1101iin' him," said one Keokuk boy to another, in a sup- pressed tone of ecstasy, as he peeped tlirongll the crock in lite woodshed and Now Teddy's father dressing hint down with a strip of weather boarding. "Gewhi,likins ! see hint swing that paddle, through," pnt in Bill, as he took a look, and then danced around with delight. "Bottler old Iranian stroke, ain't it?' added Cully, as he pushed Bill away for his tarn to peep. "Gosh !'' remarked Bill, when it came his time to wake observations, i"gettin' in 'bout forty to Cher minit, 1113111'1 'e ?" "Lenime see," demanded Cally, erow;ling Bill out again. "012 eracicyl that's so. au' T3+d 11ain't got no slidin' seat, either." "Aw thunder !" said Bill, in dis angt, as be peeped in and saw Teddy dodge and the father snake n false stroke, give the knuckles ",of his other band an awfnl whack, then drop the paddle and go dancing into the house, "the ole Gav's caught a crab an' ()nit on their homestretch—fun's over." And they went off to build a bonfire in the hay snow and throw stones at an invalid crit. Stop that Cough. TfanrA 1'S PPcTnnAt. D.r.s r is colnpOSe(1 o 1110 most homing balsams and gums. T110 llal.ta)ns,which outer into its corupositiou, wero used by natives when America wits first (lis^overed, anti were (10111131.118(1 with outer tonics, s0 blen(le,l together, that it is a srooifle for 011 affections of the throat and llmgs. Thon- sands of bottles ere sold :tin)naliy, and it is considered one of the standard pr'ep•)a•atious of the play. For Coughs, Colds. etc. 1orsa'e by ell dealers at 25 ets. por bottle. A household I eoessity liagyard's Yellow Oil is talo best re'aecly in the world for the following complaints :-- Cramps —Cramps in the BMW and stoivach,1)min in the side, rheumatism in all its forms, Colic, Neu- ralgia„ Flesh wonncls,Spinal colnplaint33. Slnai11s tut 1.1 Bruises, Don't fail toproenro it. its °gull 'IIP WIT K TEE TS! --e--'-' PARTIES INTENDING • TO ,PT I1CIIA"a'E ORGANS SEIOULD CALL AT T'S rd f and tsamine his Stock. S t,l fest that are Made., to the virtues °LDP. Fowlers, E.ttract of Wild Strawberry.". -4. BT2V1188o8, Orangeville. For sale by all dealers, Seo advertisement In an- DOMINION ORGAN CtO.' Tl pall.:��, r E T EZ T INT • TT.KINSMAN, DJ 1TI Lioouttatoof the Dental College of oil t,Lrio, may 1)e e01183it'fi any clay. Unice -- next door t,) ti>o D,'ostU111eti. Exit tor,ou 1T' W 1IN'3 LA0ESMITII;3IIO1' A7! WC.,lifiI. EWA. • W. 73UCIiIH (1 y RAI% late of 1i0.er, ii a t 3Ln1Urlued businnttcsintil)s •8o r.� slid,- n';vobxallctt at 1Yilleltels°.,, A" 113"1 14 33)' Palnc1 to do ttllVic. ;1:�...-;._.; bind. ufblttck onit1illgwork• Florae sll0e- iltgspo- it(11y attended. to, Prompt nom, riloal>uosy aud,(ocd work anurau Coed, I call solicited. 111.31n W. I3U(:IIIiv(111.U1. • Marble 'W ricKs. :EJ: W. D. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLE PIECES. FUIRNITURE TOPS, &o. Cemetery Work of all Binds neatly executed. Drs North of Drew's Hall, lila street EMEITEIL AI1a Line! 1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDI+.•BRY, GLASGOW Short sea passerge--Economy—Colnt'urt— Srt fety. CAM, INTERMEDIATE AND sTIIERAGE TICKETS AT LOWEST !PATES. EVERY SATURDAY molt QUEBEC. .'f;'or-avhrre .,ro ettiber Sits. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from the old couuyy will save money by baying their tick,;tsc tett tile' office of tato agent at Exeter. I Every information concerning ronte,etc, by ap- plying to All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and. with. dispatch. CAPT. G IiE11TP, Exeter. Order you ,work where you can get it done the cheapest. y �y!�r� ,rohte nn i3e nays 1llwestl,lent or l At '$L).SG1S,✓NI—OfrlciulRul)urt:s fres. (e Pr,•purtionai retur7ls et•ere31' e,ek y f 80 ie, .100 - SUJ. lust•+ua. T.P01'rJ:it & 00., Iittn:iers, •>o tYn.l 8t N.Y. Colored Work zi Specialty Y The TIMES OFr'ICGEl has excellent facilities fol Qg to (f9 0P10 investu3 iu iCnll Strut t 1� t� 0{ SWCd3 uut:ue sent eruyniol;tll. J3nr.liven� free explaining I'V('i'ytlliilg, 6 1.1.ots BAITt;It.i: Co.. lir tater.,. 7 Wall St.,\. Y. <<' klc•;:tnt Cls±ulna Car.3a. with name, post paid 10 contd. L. Josses tv CU., Nassau,\. Y. f, Elegant New Style C1lrolutl Cards, With I101(13) tagUi1'e., us Irai1. GOO. 1.1.1)131(1.0(113, islae ssu,N.l•. • 11 calor t11,an:10Qnelisosgunr1111t3Mlto apron l t9 ,:ttt t.r J. S>z..w tC co,..Augusts.. Maine. 1IF ' 8' 1. Y i;AR and exne.ises to anent: , i .1 Uatlit frac. :1(ldro�s 1'. U. Ci.•kury Ano Maim:. • o Num. 110• 1, c„, .1.. AGENTS READ THIS p*. Agents a Slory Of $3I!0 181 13)l'3.t m1,1 e .iT,unec•,, .,r allow 31.1311.3)4 oomiui$sinli t., :WI ,'11r 23.W awl wonderful lliventiouo. Ti'' n,( r witty. 3an11)e free. 1ldress. turning out P.if R:i-1V & CO,. Mar$l)alLyiica. BILL 111.121ADS, POSTERS, MRST RS, R UUL A E. 071 4 (1 iD stops, ,"", set 13 13330 To Tr: i useds, "i C)ct'8. L kueu 9twt els `1iLlutltClue, warI,t'LL 13 yours, see -1s x nooks, 01113r Now .7 oct, Pianos. St•. til. Cower, a Books, only 81,13 15: Latest Slab - 'rated Newapttpur scut frac. Address DANIEL 1, Tabbing ton. X..7. "AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE" tieiliug t reliable! Patented F rtic'..e. A goo(1 11n1108t ouniul:as that pay 6. seta rice t,iree-con- st.0.(re., t. L. C. J3r;rton, t, . Tr10111a8, Out., for eiro3ltos anti tll0tr:1utious. Write at (Moe (.1.1111 1,uclre a guutl SPENCERIAN .1 STEELIPENS. Superior E;ng- 11 811 g-11811 ntaka. A s:, utile earl of NOtISE tl+c Twt;NT1 M 1::::=1,14.,g ,• 1lillllll+(�)Y 101 tyhd, b4 luau. en receive ..i so cents. ALXE. EVIZTIR CO., itio0t1 eat, Sulo Agoute for Causeia. �t�:Lv,risers acct. 0333111g Geo. P. Row611 & Co's Ni•tt' (1u r A l,ertising 13tu'eau 1(1, Spr104 ,St., Now S ,11 ,)"1111e 0) tlln exh.ot eo!it of any pro - 11,,,,e.1 lila: 0: )o-po4(1li11:o: ).1),1.1t'11tSINC, tai.1.me, ical3aet:n- vapors, 3'.;;_130.1>.1 ora tintant 1J,.,._.