The Exeter Times, 1879-11-13, Page 2It1�NNY i.+ENWICK'S FORTUNE.
'E ublie opiuton was against him,.
Ileavy rewards were offered, nidi no
result. He was supposed to be dead.
In fact the rumor came that it was so.
Waiter assumed the title anti estate,
',Now this is a knotty point you have
to solve, lir. Blunt;' the lawyer said,
'Fenwick has sased largo sums of
money, some for his daughter, the
other for this purpose. Spare uo ex-
pense: Do it your owu way -only I
shall offer you advice---•-•-'
'Which 1 shall receive with thanks,'
the detective answored as ho glanced
with unuaigated astonishment ab a
cheek for five hundred pounds that was
placed in his Laude,
'Cr.) down to Eastwick Hall, the res'.
deuce' of the Earl of Rainham,' said the
lawyer ; 'tty and make acquaintance
with some of the servants of the old
earl. I ►Milk Dawson, the butler, is
the wife ono, 1 will give you a letter
to Lien.'
It was written.
'After that pursue your own verse,
and keep las well informed,' continued
the lawyer. Be very enigmatical iu all
yen ask.'
'It ilt tho best way,' said the' detect-
ive, with a dry quiet smile.
That night there went down by the
express to Darling, near which was the
seat of the Earl of Ilatiuham, a middle-
aged gentleman, who wanted a month's
rest after his arduous duties.
He took up Ilia residence at the 'Rain-
ham Arms,' supposing the servants
woeld came there.
was right --the upper servants
'1Ir. Dawson, the butler, do come
every evening about eight, when Le's
jnt the wine on the table,' said the
landlord, 'and site in the parlor till
ten,' Foster, rising, tend then e�al'tieg back. suppose you have very pleasant'
company ?` asked Mr. Harding,
'T• I'1'thearlor after my ' 1' ' 1 h 1
he said, 'Cttu you give me an hour
this evening in your rooin ?'
'Yes, • with . pleasure ; but the inn
will be shut. `You must stop with nae,'
said the butler. 'Go lack and. tell
'I shall sleep at the Castle ;0,1 -light,'
the gentleman said to the landlord, and j
was gone,
The two went to the Castle. Tho
butler took his companion into his
private roots, ordered wino and other.
ref reslhnlouis.
As eoou as the'y wore alone, Ilardini;
'Mr. Reginald is dead, 1 am sorry to
say ; to is his wife. But his daughter
lives. I am here to look after her ih-
'Who are you,' gtisped the o1d man
'who tells Ilse these dreadful tidings ?'
'Read the letter !' was tho answer'.
The butler read it with deep atten-
'You aero ti [r. Blunt, the celc;brated
detective,' be said, with deep reepeet.
'That is what I aria oallyd,
'Then 1 am your man. Command
`Listen to this,'
Aud Blunt read the statement made
by 1�Ir.Feuwick.
'He is rigl`t,' easpeCdt Dawson. 'The
roaster did it or that Ulan Stephens.'
'\\'e must prove it,' said Bluer..
It was late when these two retired';
belt they had set the ball rolling.
Meanwhile, Fanny Fenwick had
reached the oottago where lived hiss
It was a pretty enough place, thong
humble. It was tcenpied by Mrs. Fos-
ter, au olil, deorepid lady, and her
daughter, Amy Foster, a flee girl of
three -and -twenty.
Mrs. Foster sat iu her chair as Fan•
ny•entere(i the room, a small boy car-
rying her small valise.
'What can 1 do for you ?' risked Amy
have a letter for you, if yon are
!lies Foster.'
NQyEaIn1 B 1 �'3, j:''7
4.1443k1 ' 4.144..k_:.;.._.�:P_:_:......._ ... M_.:.._ 4 1414....:_ 4.1 r �
thousand a year It gasped the earl.
\doll, well 1 ;fetter than a living death,
1\Ieet the at ten o'elook, in the small
library, and wo wili.conie to terms.'
Jones, aleus. !larding, alias Blunt,
went sway, :and had conference with
flow it exuded will be seen..
The earl was very moody all dinner-
time, and hon it ►lad ended, began
chinking rather heavily. Ilia cou.'in,
Rupert Gordon, kept his company as
tome as he could, and then retired.
The earl rose and sought the small
lib: tu'y.
Stephens was there,
'Give inc wide 1' said the earl. 'Now
Steplens, 1 want to know ottco for all
ww'lty yon heel) the diamonds, ww hen
have offered you thein' vela() more than
'ouce ?' asked the earl, speaking tliiek-
'13,toanee,ones the diamonds Teetered,
as if by thieves,' said the luau i(lsoleut-
ly, '1 lose'toy power over you. Bssidee,
1 am saving large sums of annney,' he
added, 'and when I have enough will
poll the sparklere.'
`.1)o not goad sue too far 1' the earl
cried in 1 meuaciug tone of 'voice.
'\\'hat clo yon want rascal ?'
`1 have saved ten thousand pounds ;
give Me ten tllousaud more, with a
went nn
�; man re 1
thousand a year,' the ah)t.a11
1 y ,
'and I nen rnatry So`eu Bradford with
her ten tboueand, told be a rich man.-
You can then hare the �'dia non de and,
m it lh theta back in the safe, all trace of
the murder disappears ?'
'!.lush 1 tie 're was no murder 1' gasp.
ed the cart. 'I never meant to !till hint 1
]-[o war about to pull tike bell. All was
Lost 1 waeu 1 struck him -and Le -
01) 1lcaven 1'
At tlxi moment there war a rush.
They turned.
F A ciorrylnao, a. magistrate, the but-
ler, and Bluut ammo from au adj(iiantg
';,',1u are my pt'si.nier 1' said t1i'.
11ower(1, the lnaaaial rare.
Stephens drew a pistol, Blunt knock-
ed hien down, and had the ilaudouf e
011 in a uiit.ttto.
'What metaus this outrage ?' gasped
the hal, wildly, 1� GW York Mi liner Store
,. have heerl all ; your confusion of
murder (tad robbery 1'• said the 'nazis -
'I have the proofs in my possessi ,11,'
he answered, sotneWh,tt si;;udliuuz tl .'
'Give then! to ino, she said.
'With plc aolll's,' 114 11.11 w ;Cci ; 'on
one condition.'
'What is that ?' wtlo ached,
'Be ray wile,' he alp -Teruel:
'Nevar 1 You are as old as Gray 1'V her
sl,o exclaimed, rai�i,lg her voice.
'As you please,' he said' ai •luri. 'You r't
are Lady Frailties ilemi 001(1011, city dl1U I1 -
ter of lielxivaki, kart t f 1;t:iuburi:.'
Fau1.y clots 11(,l. Fl a:ali.
13eauenamp walke. awvey, ww MI 1a
5L0e1' ala lite pale 111.0.
hiss Fe het saw .loon to the duos,
'She aril' be what i ,tLi:t' eny:, • in
s1'ite of you,' the ;..hi arid. "Mother
Knew her at (met,'.
He lied as rough c:lat on, 'ted a stick
under !lir arm. lie pulled eat a:a long pea
'Never without this,' he said, sneer-
ingly, 'can Ledy Frances (lorden prove
her case, And this oho amu.. l t:,y,;Lis ,
or 'lever be my alio.'
'!leg patd.att--stolon gu)10,' sei11 to
calm voice, as the 1 a eel -w as tttkeu
freta I,is !hand,
'Who are you ?' ex0;uitn:LI the in-
to:elaat,;'d De :chu Ip.
'1!hut, of Suotlatel Yard,' was ti:e
Henry Beaucbalnp kttow the ;:ane
was up, and millet! atony, tt hilt. t' ac•,w' 1
0ll ins face, not pleasant to !nidi
Blunt 'went iu ant! 4 xl'1a•ined.
Ile telegraphed for lengeu odes Com
pally, and llorgaau ivied C.tinpauy eulile
duwu, -
Tlte new Earl acknowledged Fauuy,
or rather Lady Frauees, aat dose.
She is Countess of 1'taluhanl now,
[ 1►nd happy, fur her father's honer and
:a nne are ail sleeted.
Stephens is (loiug penal servitii.le,
while �1r. Beauchamp ie on the con -
dowel tryil,g fur a uewv rieiiiu,
(CONcn r DED
e1 IS Igo
The latest L't•wre, 0l1 reeorl et the
n r-•
21, ' P 1Lc(..4 ,i',Zl C3.w:i�.S ib A
a_ .a
1101110 Strawberry
A Snctille Iltn.t•dy fur al] Snumer
co:.11e:to fuel, a,: 17i:nr1l..u, .Dy-
Etaltlw, C'anacI. C'htleia, eho'c
'iO1:bus, cholera I)1 tUitttl:l hair
Svuivach. Griping !'.tins, atnl all
derangements of the b,twweI.•, Daunt.
0.1 by ruing illtprul1t'•r toad, bu(::1 ns
YttPi vt i:etebles, unripe or Satyr•
fruit, bad 1111110, impure w+Itt: r or
clhauge of wrater, (• 011'', of tho
seasons, exposure. Nu wetter from
what Cattle 01' la1 what f40111 you aro
sui:j,'ct to any of the above com-
plaints, L1t..k;owt,rr's Ex';s OZ'
i:nAwn1:1t11Y v 111 rciirv(' yor,
trot! a sl)retiy cure will bo of:' ett('
without injury tc tin' cyst: m. It is
iunnufaetdred front the N)iitl
Strawvl,erty Plant,. alit f:'re from
ottitan and o.lwr it jurit.r,:; dime:•:.
'- ' 1•'or• •sato by till ac.ilrrs, tit 11.1'. d.
or II Rutile,; ii t $1 J0) -
I'1tL11'.Ueene err
trate. � i'MIL13UflN, BENTLEY & FEA1t CN
'You arrest tie ?' 1 -RS. 0. B. WILLI&MS will sell TO5,:2A.,3r' v F3.
. r w the Next thirty .lays the remainder of „E,y�tmA-t r..,.nsa:. MIOWP3tiw,.sG:rs,:^kCrc�.tr1nsr•RaX9
her aum:uer ,it.)c;: of
nen i go in p
early supper at seven,' said the traveler,
who spent his money freely.
At eight lir, Hardier!, was smoking
iu a chair near the table, when one or
two dropped iu. They wore very' pu-
lite to the stranger, and he pleasantly
accepted their c/vilivi(ls. Ha saw which
was Dawson, the butler, at a glance.
Ice contrived t) speak to Inin, and
made some allusion to tlae grandeur of
L',astwick Hall.
'We a fiche place,' said Dir. Dawson
with a eigh.
'Yes ; I haven't been in this Neigh,
bnrhood till tow for -many years,'
mused 141r. Harding. ':\h, yes ; let me
see -not fur twelve years.'
'It deed 1' cried Dawson, turning
pals and looking uneasily at the others.
'S)methiug dreadful. had jest hap-
pened and everybody was higgledy-
And she invaded the epistle. 'At your pet.' or et t e 1,•tr ,
'Mother, tootles 1' she gasped, '}our snetcllilhg fat toe pistol winch the other
nrrse child has c01110
'F Lanny Fenwick,' s
finger on her lips.
'Oh, yes,' replied
discharging the boy,
ductei into a seat.
"Tie her mother
girl went -on. 'Bat we ,dust be cauti-
ous, I know. You must stop hole and
keep very close.,
'I will be guided by you -my father
said I was to do se,' replied. Fairy.
'Both dead -father, mother gone !'
cried the oitl woman.. _'ileaveu bless
you, 0)5 bairn 1'
And silo was conducted into a charm -
u g little room, which, as a rule, was
let to an 000a410111,1 lodger, bat which
Wats 110w devoted to the new coiner and
lurid dl'(allpeal.
hack -Miss -le aimed 1a'. th' m'igistrate,
aid the girl, her 4:`.....o,' be said ; 'nut that, '1 '
And he turned the pistol on himself,
Hiss Foster; and, and fell bleeding on the fluor. He was
Fenny alae coo• mort1111y wounded.
`Sand for la doctor,' ehnuted Dawson,
and.r'an away a0 give an older. -
over again,' the shall be dread before ho 5'wtoes
back !' said the false Earl. Take d )tvn
my o lnfessiou 1.
It was taken down.
Desperate at having no money to
I pay heavy losses, lie h 11
ad asked 'gi•
mold to iuteroeed. Reginald tried. and
failed. 'Then he determined, with the1 aid of Stephens, to have the jewel b. x.
The valet was weal -at plotting lucks.
I He ol'eued the dressing ronin c.)or.
He had got the key of the jewel cheat
, and left. it open.
, While they were rifling it, the Earl
caller-' out.
' 1 Fronde. with €:tie, II alter. seta ohed
lhigglecly,' remarked Heading. called !lies Fenwicks rooin. '111, a (1ta;ger with three educt', an(t ,ratty
'Yon allude to the death of my late We return to the castle. lii• uncle iu the act of rtuging the
dear masts:•,' said .Dawson, solemnly. Die batter had unlimited. power at i bell.
'1 really beg your pardon,'resnouded ►the castle. 1V1tt1e liuewv n1'f, but the
Harding iu an apologetic tune. .a earl feared him. When, therefore, he
had 11') idea I was touching ori a for- complained of his rhe(lmatics and gent,
bidden snbject,' furl asked fur help in the egape of an
'It is no matter, sir,' replied Dawson, iilitlor butler, he was not refused.
i 'Thief ! cried the old earl.
I Tile other struck hint at osteo a in tr-
tel blow.and fled, preceded d by this man.
Stephens h:LtI tht' jetruls, which he
secreted, and never would give them up.
Ila kept them ani a hold on his nate.
'We often talk of it.'
"Was the falsely accused nephew
never folwnd ?' asked Ale. Herding.
.'F.ilsely accused 1' cried Dawson, in
a tremulous voice, 'What made you
ere- that ? I thank you for it.'
'Because I never did suspect him.
was down here on budinesa at the
time,' continued Mr. Harding blandly,'
'and came to the conclusion teat there I
wva' a mistake somewhere,'
'There was,' said the old man -'a
said and cruet mistake. But there 1 it
is 0) ulge talking,' and the converse, -
tin til changed•
presently the stranger and the but,-
at-let were drinking together. Precisely
at ten Dawson ro e to go.
Mr. Harding pelt on his hat and
e'wlt and made for the door.
'.1 will walk. a little way with you,
11,1r D,Lwv -on,' he said. '1: always e en-
j'ty smoking in the open air,'
'Very good, sir,'
They walked Some little distance un.
til '►111 of a.igbt of the ion,
'0136 moment, 11r.,D twson. I have
a letter of introduction to y''n from
Mlsett), BiorBan & 00,, the rlioltors,'
•►loo tho ream:1u1,'r of her Att•Cl; of fancy Goo,ls
at (:est 1:u 0(3 to 1,1.1,'.e room for the Cu1111ngstuek.
Now is the time for 1 tLrOLins, .11,.‘s that 90'1 for
lib aro downs to r3: Hap, ;t:1 :., for $1 di; Flats
v:00L• $1, for nu .,; . '1'111:, 011(1110e 1s only open for
1.311tl:,.:s. Don't fnr1;••t the ivaco--U"'.ells old
ells, .ran
Buy our Dsaoh mills. \i'ITITi3 LUTE and *
1 -'tall' Br did Plaster Paris.. awl you will be
pleased with your work. ifr,.sh Lune alway
on hand.
LOCKS, anti
very cheap for cash. White Lena, Oils, Tin.
pontine and putty at bottom p313014. litter.
1.illalal, saw's, Planes and uthor tools at prices
that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, eau
and see
Our Bent (400c1S,
10:0118 from it y, tough timber. Cheap for
The Farmers' and JIaclianlc;' Hardware Stare,
Exeter. Nohow to loan 011 :tlurtgagca.
1 1 I S St
G-ABtI'.1 I C K'SS
'lir. Harding entered the service of ter,
I A full tine oow 03, of
the earl as Jones.
The household consisted of the call
a1111 his wife., teed nnillerons servants.
They wore childless. There had bceth
three children born to the earl, but all
had 1)ltseed away.
The heir was a handsoms youhle
Haut conn.n,' Ila pert Gorden, who gen-
erally resided at Eaatwic1c Castle. IIP
was ti very honorable nets!. 'The enfl
did not like !him ; men seldom do like
their heirs, But hie 1tseolusiou .would
appear odd,
Jones was irlclLstrione, polite, attent-
ive, He saw at 01103 the earl, a man
of nearly fifly,wras saturnine and moody.
1 -Ie was nppre?sed by a secret,
Iltirding's experience told him that,
while it also told hire that the earl
stood ill mortal fear of This valet Steph-
Passing by the earl's own rooin one
evening, bedieard these words
'This crate of things in:i3t go on no
longer,' the earl said, hoarsely.
'1:ua can end it,' was the cola sin•
tLjtusand potsya$ hewn, 401644
The criminal E•11.1 died before the
doctor cause, having sigued his c.)nfee
Stephens was secur311, and 11'•1 roam
searcher'. The diamonds were found.
and all the money in notes lead geld
Next day the news spread like wild-
fire. , Tele whale thing came out, a.nd
was telegraphed to the daily papers in
Mr, Blaot next took a walk to look
After Fanny Fen wick. It was time.
The girl was.getting better.
. That day, after a plain but excellent
dinner, Mr. leeuelven111 was na,nonllo
ed. He wished to see her alone.
As her fllttter's friend she could not
object, end 1 hey were left• together.
'Glad to :tee yon better,' he said, af'
ter rue first greetings were exehang-
'I ttm better.
'I presutele you are aware that you
. Ii. CADDY,
_,t Law, Sulioitor, te. OIIiue, Funucu's
A[1DIM; I1t1ItltIiw (1, asp \\'1IITL' '
Ii.ari stars, ntterneys, Solicitors; Com-
sin.,1rs,1t. 10. Sc.
,bb&t't:-1iU'r'1'O::'SL3LOCF. Wei 03 facet, b't
A1.11.3 's. •
nnax ARDIYo, 3.W.lIenslt oo.1La.X: W1111h=.
ll I.1tJTC(iII3'na)1 , Muhbee Of
the ?eel ee of 1'hly„ic.l lIJs and Surgeon sof
uotario, .Cu., Vic.. °Mee next dc;:r t) i. C',
1\1.1 11 Stret•t,1s1et(r.
11 Nl)MA11.--CORONER F01
tele comae ofHeron. t'tlhcu,ne.tdoor to
r.0. Gu.liltg'sarose,kxeter.
if 1' J. BROWNING 11. U., 0. al, 4..
fte o i. ti,re:ea u:1,t3 VictoriaTT4t'versitt' ;{,lilice
awl mai:home, ilea iiot• ,t,'t w . I;s(1
ve C. MOOI1E, 11.1.1). (.1. M.
• Graduate of ,..actirl'Taivorsit]', 1fOi tr
Oli,ceanti residence ,l1x,ttn•,Ou1. U.11ce: Dorn
1 to 10 at. m and 7 to leu. nl
R. J. A. BOLLINSe M. C. 1'. S.'1'
1J 0., v tetoris S+. Crotliton, Out Ol:icc hero'1
rout 11 tv 1014.311.; 1) to 5 p. n1.
['1 LU'i'Z: M, D.,
i FALL and lr INTEf3, Hats,
and Bonnets, �) o ultice a, his rosIdonee, Exeter.
all t l.: lute,► st les. r r ' :t ,_ 1444
1 s R. IR\'ING, il•flADUATI1 WTI -
1 New Flo 4/31'S Fo tiJ31's,and Orn<2naonts, jJ 1%I'1I1,51TY Trinity College w, (31.1,o' Collet!
L'ayslcitum a11(1 surteula Olt... OL.CeL.11:1ltol.
Trimmings in great variety.
from .0e up. Every thing will be somas cheap
es possible.
Faaoy Goods, T3o11iu ww'nol, 3lottoos, rte., a full
tout► always kept.
Jackets lade or out
Sop, '78 main St., nsetcr,
Ti%AD,E MARKelaolnedv,an unfit'l
int; cure for Semi-
nal Wonitne8',
Spen 1nata r rli a a,
Trop rtmioy ancl'a11
i)iseases that fol-
low as a snrinenco
of Ralf Abuse 1048,
toss of ;!emery
sire of higher rank than you have /lith•+
ert0 supposed ?' he went 00,
believe so,' she replied.
''Tie doughtier of tru earl and a
countess,' tie resumed.
411y father fin earl, my mothera
countess,' she cried.
'Yee ant9
be continued' 'and be rio) and t1+
►lel.' {
'1,i)?; is that ?' sbe exclaimed.
you can. prove it easily,'
Before TakinateaeTo on lu(t'tr c+After Taking,
73ack,1)hnness of vision, Premature old age, and
, litany other ])isoases that load to Insanity .or
Consumption and a I'rotnaturo grave.
Particulars in con p,tanphlot, whichwe desire to
i send tr'by malt to everyone. t?Tito S,eolao
11ledhei313 is snld1y cal druggists at :a' pet i 00110go
or six packages fot :s8, or.wallbe sent hymnal on
receipt of the !undo), by addressing
I'hlla G11,AY will DICINE CO.,
Torrey ro. ON's,; CANADA:
; r.S'Sold11) 1v1t0terby ell druggists, andevery.
1 where in t]anaca .tnel the United States by whole.stale and retail druggists,
N',13- 'tae. (1011111.1111 of our brininess have neoes.
sltated our removing to. Tenanto, towhich place
please address all future eetc luiliontotts,
) -Vin. Baker proprietor. T1a0 Rotel hes
been notw•ly tarnished. and fitted up iu t11'Ft-class
style. Large and convenient Show Ito( els for
(hon:mc•re1141 Travellers 1) of liquor find cigars
at the 13,1•. Attentive posttest it u1 u1•E oil hand
dL 01: -deo. wee,! fear BASER,
-11- OWN VON. 0. 9\VA1:TS having purchased
the ahoy, hotel, and tutud it throughout, now of.
fors accommodation to travelers, Good
liquor an(1 aiher,t ut the bur. 13oodstabliaig and
attentive hostler on !land. Every attention paid
to guests.
aur.lrrwtt kilns both gnaw in Pull )potation:tazfr
turni)goutdailyalarge, guantit;, of
+1414 7 +'it �
• that for pr.rnoses
cannot be surpassed in the Doniin•
V'attiosfrout a;Ltatavcoan 4lway sbof* rplied
(Mhos at tho Milne or deliwerdbyteams atlow
9811 reMllneratrIVO rntoa. Orders from n Matrainot)
nrontptly nt;onded to.