HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-11-13, Page 13 may.+' - • ReiiY'at�rrsm9 ralai37m. t l'!OD+0. .arietoerm ra!sserre . .. Fc An _:..� CCG .4f2T Vol. VII Pi or;31orr ral x. 'iFti lit S 1.,1$ •- A )B. 6• of �rttR } tt 1'"',+t �urrHR r)tl'ilt'> It mtQnu rt.�,l eta,erarua1'>1uIsevile., nesa Las vain., 4.4"T: .t ICY • •).11,4 t l Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, Nove ber, ' , 1879. COLLISION AT MIK. • The ship Lacey Wavle, from Break .10 No. 13 seater for Now York, collidef with the oft n t artist to "1 11, V, 111 5 1 vtoamel• from New York to Chartesten, "' ```'l strikin{ the steamer amidships Ilea enestelal o :was ewes.: 1,t ;.+lrieo; barn sad tll(>r'd Mat 2u of her liaesorgere ono i , i otm•r hetil.!iur^a On Cn.r':t 14.010. '1'lu, ren- must l,e crew llttVe bbetl 6tit'ed a la 82 lost. The aisle Of elle Taft to Svllisli Moller citing wonia go down, and the boats were got reedy. The second mate, '11u11er, was 1'ouso(1 frau sleep by the collision. • By the Captain's ()Her, be cut away. the lash- ings of tbo life raft. ,The' 000k helped l• i0 111,1 1 FOR r 1 I l.. I 01:sleek.g her In ave minutes. It is Iu hire, and, just ani the raft was free the A CCI 141 II d, T+rn lm,+)cunei1:woo of r Ship went down head.' foremost r l e cl<1 in athai r c or sati„ leder• security gi, TU. Co 0c011r1ed 3� uliles cif the was clragg6d under water 1V, or 1t Qiil\'a N, btt 1, ecn,S, meteor Y. r).. • iiu . )r further ,t4rtic-11 tr.,, sItiply 4)^i tlto pl'"nt'sos to list as Clipec at four on 1+'rida4y morning.The ailluller was about to give tip the strug- f1>� FOR SA ) 4. --Ler b, littl:ble r.ino, Sitnptieu,50:aores, 30 acres eroaruc1,i3 • bopq;,l, ,load meet house, gond tsta1zlo, xer; K•Uaae 1. Land c.. o11c.nt, On lake -ti(n)e, of n 11 410 rtulu Port 131:4}cr., where bents •run throe. Yia1�r. w tc64 k• WW1 'tt 01,4 'nile11'11 ('111)11,1 1181111, (:nut'Jiti''111: 11i,oi'Col ,4)1t1C11nreil0)4, mtt(t,u(t 14 Mot tlti, 1•,0) t1),114 twin.liitiUlt.1C 11114.1411, 12Iti:,,1tr10 .,tltp i.:IlA.tl:1l Fait 8:1,.tott.1.---L•tt 14, (JON• ie aware)) h!,Ntonlu, euutninint; 100 soros. 76 acres eLlal d (io'Jtl 1,g hons,> 44nd fnua„ barn, 14x0), (1(444 i 4 mill ctnna4.d, grafted frtat, Toe farm h,w.',i f. n .011 said in a g4) .d stnto •1I coat. wuiou. 'Cl ern to a 1.4r1;o rynantlt� of 111)0316 4st , also a navuz Pailina 4+',111, 2'ur (crow windy tu. I'U1. 1tY 1'ILI(.L,(t'l'EI (lredit°it. Juno 5 1 a fl li I3 011 SALE. --Lei; 8, enuoes- sine 13, (;:(heti,. Seventy acres more or ens, sixt>-a.. vs 1loar0l nn,l iu '4 good s ate pi uul- tivtstiau,g fr,t:no home and trait„ lt•trit, Lug 0a11101, 140 0,1 W,.4101 4v ssor,)tprin5 ol• c< 1; minting: .c110),;,1 11:14pia: e,l"+ult',ra,g,n,l f:'nc.' 14'or 'Ptrt r„r111 t i) v01::'01 taw 4)400)i00) 014 by. letter t•) d atr N Kiln., ll'irlcton T. 0., Ont0r10. AL0V 2'. 1`(1(1. If. T,t 1I;,:(I Fi:31) S.?,.LE..--TH1l SUB saril>,> o for sate hi:1 turn, Lot 13, Con.11.,'1'n , usltip of U,llnt'ne Coauty of Huron tl) •4^•)41)4 ale:v.1d, Vito romnia4ie ,€'1)441 bush,,c.111 I tuoel,, u'1 in a t,o;'d st,4to of cltltivat/nm• dr.41n140, good orchard, splendid well of water. Yr cute hart, ;i6,00,log ,t0.l:leaIs;l,,ing house. andd'>nn i:ti4'tt to selioal nod throe 011ut•e11os, Fol Luther ()•4rttculars •441 ly to I '1114 ANS, rirktnn, P.O., or \011. E. V. Ti LLIOT. 9ttoruuv. E rioter F.0 4 ,`,i if E013, SALE.—Tbe .eubscrib- er eases tar alio the north hall of lett 1.1, ,sen. 1'1. 1 `Jonie, containing 50 neres 44 acre„ rl 14ro)1, x >t1 unaer•lraiural, and in a rood state of cultivation. Titer) are nirthe premises r, acre: of 124)n41n:t,it,10'1 rods beard fence, a good cant' tort 4 01.0. dwelling 54)x80, fauna barn '1 t . 4 good Fn; t 4hl`• i4 Jul sh,t.( 'rs47.gnod orchard good well 0( 4v (tit r•itit pump, no property is nlln „l six 11211 a half utiles fro, . I xat.i market ti ,writ ,i of .4 10411) fr ,041 Farquhar, and convenient to •e.lnrehe+ wt'1 sr.Lnuie. I`.Jr further par'cic'Jiars. apply cu the premises 01 to F argnl(a4. 1x,•;4 office J01iN • I1IPGP•TAI'lT 1VUTICE s. • 'TAMES OKE, COUNTY AUCTION- 11801: UCTIO -1184)14 14111'0 pre111}1tIV 11 headed to. Day's of sales urr'4nged at this ulnae 1\,:f J. CLARK, Agent for t114( U3- • boruo sand liihbort UutualPire Insurance .0nutpany, itssidenee — Farquhar. Ordora by Chill promptly, attendee} to. r 1I, CARLING 1C J. W. ARlI- s S21L 11 G, Licensed Auctioneer.: for tbo .ouutytes of Huron, and Atied1e11ex. 5.41011 Coll 'dieted ccit111Ratbd..ctien, and ou liberal tern(.. All orders loft at Christie's Mansion /louse will receive prompt attention. Sept. 4,1-y. • S. C Al.11'13F;liL, PROVINCIAL s 'Lana :Surveyor, del, will to at the2: yal fl otcl,rlxoter,oathefirstTuesdayiueach mouth. Orders for work left with Mr. John $tiaukmu,n tvillreeeive protupt.4ttontio u . OHN H. HYNDMAN , ,ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. moneytalnauon mortgages, notes and other -securities. Rents and accounts- culleeted ou rca- tunable terms. Insurance 11Yocted in, drat -class 'Comps, ins at reasonable rates. 041:00—at Tu. Iivu4iman's.'Maiu S 140011.214<0(01, AUOTIONEElt FOR TEM COUI TY 01! I,UISON. tLARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY j�.. jnst receive O. for investment on mortgages ..per Cent. EEDS,WILLS, ETC., 1)BAWN on reasonable forms. iter It.A13I3OTTL. D. S.,Il3.7t.C.17.S ,Graduate ofRoyal Concise of DENTAL SURGEONS. Office oyez O'Neil bank, and opposite Sam,ve11 'l'iokarcls. FARM BELLS .1 • • :LLS! . i'ARM DELLS ;Iron, Hardware and Carriage Goods Moi chant;, 1)LNmO.N. edill i'l badly damaged and has been filo fur life, 11e gave a tremendous push tolvc 1 to PI `I 1 1 hilt. and the raft was 'detached from the There were 12 cabin. pagsentzara .wreck and rose to the surface. Ho and Aboard the wrecked steamerCbttiliipicu, the cook, who was olirgiug to the other 10 from Olill,rlestuwnawl tree from'.13oi' Blde, eli1nb04 on two raft and saved two too). 'The vessel was laden with a goo-. captain, who was swimming :bent.oral cargo BM (1 W415 bleared, She wits ilio nil' was frill of awful senilis. V4>ic- v)4lnttd at ?OQ,O()0. Captain Lock.es io to directoius Boreamed fur help. 11Onr1, of the (IIitiuipion, had been in Some or these were women's ^Oiccs. the employment of the Gnncllcly for They peddled rotund and picked up %bent twelve years.. Ile live(( in several persons, but failed to find otil- Obarleetowu. A good neatly of the ers whom they heard crying for help. crew wore. oolarad. The stewardess had a presentiment 1'110 C11ntn lou was nese of the first of the disaster, and so laid down to p sleep with het clothes on. Second As - iron steamships launched in the United sistant Engineer Foberg, only 2 5 years States. bite was built for Commodore Yanderl,ilt 11.U) originally ran to Pana- ma„ The vessel never met any seri')ll6 mishap before, and was considered tt r'ernaricably lucky strip. tier valine was estimated at from $f25,000 to $200,0110. She wag amply snppliOOl with life-saving appliances for 168 per- sons. She had 5 morel life -boats, 1 life raft and 163 life preservers Tho Captain reports that be left Dole - ware breakwater at 9;80 on Thurstlay morning. At fonr,on Friday morning, 40 nlilea east by north,half north, frons Cape May, the steamer struck there just aft the bow. The steamer sank en four minutes. Thirty of the crew and passengers wore lost at)d twenty-fnnr were saved and placed in other vesoels. The first mete of the Oosavie, bolos Ferguson, was iii charm of the deck when the collision occurred,. Crtptain Johnson, Master of the 00 taci)i, states ; "About e quarter peat two 4'n Ftiday morning, when we bail sailed about three inilea, 111e collisicu occurred. The night vias clear 2111(1 warn:. The moon was shining bright- ly. We hada man on the lookout con- stantly, but there icould have been no tookeut on the Champion. 1'.1115 in- Coruic'd the rain who Should h:tve been at the 14)012006 wee loo'leoing sail. The ship sank four initiates after the colli- s;.en, A terrible pante enema. I at once ordered the boats to be lowered. In' feet they were in the water before the steamer went (sown. Two of her crew jumped aboard my ship at the time she struck. Thirty persona were lost, Among them the first mute and five women. Twelve of the missing were passengers. Tho steamer came at us end on. There was no poasilile means of avoiding her. It was impos- sible tel tell the extent of her iujnrina, Captain Lockwood gave the follow- ing account of the disaster :—Wo had a remarkably quiet voyage up to the time of the accident. \Vhen we left New York the weather was foggy, but t11fs cleared away before we were ten hours out. On the morning of the colliBion I left my roam about live min - notes past three and returned to the pilot ilolaye for a few seconds. 1 had hardly got back to my room again, when I begird some one sing out 'sail ahead' and 'hard by.' 1 jumped into the pilot house, rang the bell to stop the steamer, 'then. to back. At full ,Sneed I saw a ship oomiug down upon us and a collision was inevitable. The strip had full sail on and headed right at us.. We were going under ateaw, and had jnet sot the foretopsail. She struck us right on the bows of the cat Bead, ou the starboard side, and brash - .ed right into us, staving in our whole bows. 1 was afraid my vessel would Sink in allnoot en instant, and at once ordered the first mate to go forward,. nod see whet water the Champion was making., but before he had time bo tee turn, I funnel lay ship fest sinking. I then ordered the second mete to get the boats in readiness, that is to cut thorn loose from the ship, ati it was fast going (town. I also ordered ltitn to have the life raft out adrift, so that it )night be rendered useful in case the steamer went,duvrn under foot. 1 was afraid she would give its no warning. Itiy next work was to worn .the pass. elegem of . their danger. The Cham- pion event down bow • foremost. The boy hays the people in the Uctivut sulci fall:thofflllt lay with who steamer. The ()Wahl bad a crew of twonty•fonr hands. and 'they ',wellt three tittles to remote. the passengers and crew of the Champion. It, was thought for a tithe the Ocatvie, old, is Hupposed to be lost. He lives in Brooklyn. \V1ien his wife hoard of the diameter, she declared that she dreamed on Wednesday night that tees hu•+band's vessel had foundered, and all lost. moo+. General. The star of Roumania bas been con- ferred upon Archibald Forbes. the fam- ous war correspondent. A. St. Peter ,berg letter says if the new British Parliament Bi18ta141S l3aae- otistlOII 's policy Russia will occupy northern Afghaliistttn. There seems now little doubt of the A. jeer's treachery. The general opin- ion is that he will be smut as ar state prison to Iudfa. News received at 1'ioaoow from Bak- er says the troops of;tho expedttien in- to Turkestan are in n pitiable oou(1it1on. They lest 'half of their, number, Large bodies of Albanians took 1)p a position at G. sinje ante of the slaws the Porto ceded Montene,„o. A strong force of i1'Iontonegritls has marched to Gusinje pillagiog aucl burning every. think berme th.:m. More than 800 Albanian 3ltissultuans have boeu mer- cilessly slain. District Attrotiey of Renssalear Co., Now York, has informed ex-iliajor BoJ- mow that ancestral claims amounting to several millions awaits his fainly, alis- intg, from tele thonaand pounds left in 1688 by Isaac Bedlam', who emigrated to Now Amsterdam in 1609.. Auother secret printing office has been discovered by the Rnerian police in 51.. Petersburg, and this time one of tine most fashionable quarters of the capital. When the police entered the house they found about twenty persons, some who are enpposed to belong to the best oleseee of society, engaged iu print- ing a forbiddeu pamphlet. Among them were three woman. S. D. Phillips was brutally murdered by his wife near Buffalo City, Baxter County, Istat Saturday night, She waited uutil .he old man was asleep, and then with an axe Mangled his bead and body in a horrible manner. After the murder she dragged the body into the yard, and thele, after trying to wash ont some of the bloody evidences, wont to the same bed where her husband was ]tilled and went to sleep. Therm t,ho was arrested. Pieces of skull and bloody clothing, were found on the bad. The woman states that Phillipe treated her baldly and she killed him for re- venge. • A terrible disaster occurred Ii the corner of Second and Main streets, Kansas City, On Friday Inst.. The ex- tensive cracker and candy manufactory of Carl &- Sons, occupying fc'ur brick three-story ouildiurys, tumbled and is completely wrecked. One hundred/end seven persons, mostly boys from twelve to twenty yearit, were at work in (the factory. All escaped except sebou. The cense of the explosion has not been date/vitned, but is supposed to tas a repetition of the mystoriontf Barclay - street explosion in New York last r,. namely, a starch explosion. t as the walls fell the building: ook The firemen were on hared i ..i ve in: nags, and by.their efficient ser','°es the flames worn kept from extending to the baildings adjoining, As 130011 as the news spread the parent() and friends of thoseemployed flocked, to the scene. When thefirefneu nail subd.tetl the flames they comtneucod digging for the dead. tdastatifetatt DANGERS OF TRE DEEP. rue1. GUYON STEA\rl:R ARIZ01 e, STRIKES AN ICI DU1tCGG-SOi1t4% OF 'WILD TEA'. 110R, BUT N0 LIVES LOST, The steamship Arizona, of the Wil ltatn Gnion lino, had' a harrow escape from destruction on Friday uigllt,while oressing the Great Banks, She was regarded one of the Dost nppeintod nes- sels in the world,and on Tuesday sailed from. New York for Liverpool, having on hosrd 109 cabin passengera, among them many prominent people in the States. Everything eveu:t well until alien( nine o'clock Friday evening. The t)1 bit was dark but licit foggy. The steamer was in charge of the second oilicor, and keeping a 'wooer ceurse under fill speed, when andilonly and without warning there was a terrible crash, every timber in the vessel seen- ed to quiver, while almost at the same instant the deok became strewn with masses of broken ice. It quickly dawn- ed upon the minds of Capt.Jones and the crew, by the preseuce of the huge, white fioating'objoot ahead,that the ves- sel had run on an iceberg. An exami- nation of the vessel proved snoll to be the naso. Tho boats were found brok- en into a thousand splinters, while the forward compartment had bean crush- ed in. In this conipartmeut were two sailors, who were almost buried alive and somewhat injured. They were rescued by their comrades, The great- est consternation existed for a time nmeng the passengers, who, startled by the tremendous shook sustained by the vessel, ruehec1 on deck. Through the coolness of Captain J017es and crew, aided by Mr, S. B. Guion, one of the owners cf the vessel, who was on board, a panio was prevented. The damage wasfound to bo of a nature not to immediately imperil the safety of the vessel in ordinary weather, and it was decided to put into St. John's, Newfoundland, which was reached early this meriting. It will be a mouth bofure the steamer will be iu a condi- tion suitable to resume her place on the line. The passengers are being well cared for by the ooulpany at St. John's, and all express their gratitude and netpreoietion fur the enptain and the Drew. They will resume their trip across during the week on•the steamers Caspian and Nevada, which will call at St. John's ou their voyages. The cap- tain, crew and passengers all agree that they had a very narrow escape, which was clue to the strength and seaworthi- ness of the vessel. A. Fearful Fall. STOCK TRAIN GOES Tii1t0UG11 A 1(IISSO1:1RI RIVER tRIDG1&—T.IZREL 11:EN KILLED. St. Louis. 1410., Nov, 9—The west span of the St. Lonis, Kansas City & Northern 11'It. bridge, croesiug the Mis- souri River at St. Charles, full last night with a stock train of seventeen ears, which, with seven men, were pre- cipitated into the river. One car, with the conductor, engineer anti fireman, was•eaved by the breaking of the con- nection between the cars. Three are dead and three badly injured. The meu were recovered from the river. The cause of the accident is not known, although there are several theories. Tho killed were: Josiah Wearon, a wealthy stook raiser, and President of the First National Bank, Malvern, I•awe ; ?ver. Hyde, a resident of Montana, and George Barnhart, brakeman, end Jno. Snmmer, drover, had a leg broken, Fred. Davis Ras slightly injured. J. M. Str'atan, a stook raiser, sprang oat on the floor of the bridge onty a few feet from the el]ltstn, 2123(1 saw the caboose plunge down the awful abyss 80 feet. Chert.0S Irwiu a b'trkom%n on top of the caboo- se, went down with it, and was so ter- ribly mangled that he died today. Be- fore the coroner's jury to -clay the con- ductor testified that he had taken many heavier trains aoross the bridge, and that the bridge was recently inspected and pronounced sound. The total loss will amount to $100,000. The Evening 11411)'aid, an Ottawa Catholic paper, has been riiliclllint the services at the Basilica rinririg the Oast week, which were belly .i11 honor of St. X11.1i1ics,whose'bones were recent- ly brought ae relics from .Moine, Tho Bishop Imo come out in a letter de nollnoing the Herald as a non Ctatholtc organ, and it is oxpecte(1 that the pap.: et s1) e.Pllatted udder ban „t• ii THE LAW OF JUDGE LY 0H. VIE REGULATORS OF I{I.2T11011Y WILL CTT JUSTICE OR MAZE ' XT—A STRONG ANIS DETERMINED 011GANIZATION—WARNING), TILE COVETS. Grayson, Ii ., Nov. 8.-. Since the Banging of }Kendall ' anti McMillan at Martinsburg, the Elliott county reg,u liters are extending their organization thrcuglinortheast IIentuoky, and are. reported to have enrolled three thou- sand of the better Blass citizens of that region. A large party visited Moor- head, Rowan county; recently to hang James Bnbcurn, for the murder of hie father-in-law a few weeks ago, bra Re - bourn was in jail. They posted • the Following notice on tale Court Hoot; door( oor ;-- Notice --To any court that may try Rabourn for the murder of Hyatt : If you fail to give him justice you will be as guilty as be. Also, any attorney that'reav telre technicalities in"his de- fense, will bo sent an a visit to lien. doll and 'McMillan without Nil. Any dostroyiug this notice will he dealt with according to the law of Judge Lynch. (Signed) :DEADWOOD CITY'. In Elliott county the regulators are moving, and have sent the following notice to the Judge of the Circuit Court; -- To the court now iu session ;--I3e- lcald 4)-e come again, not with fire anl blood in our tracks, but come to thin Court as supplicants at the throne of mercy, begging and pleading, they will not oontiliue any of the oases of felony that are on the docket or that may oome to it during this terns au mere ie - gal technicalities, but give their whet the law provides for, viz., a speedy trial. Bear this iu mind, the country, justice and God demand it, and eve as a baud of over three thousand in three counties say 0.o will give it to there iu three days after Ads Court adjoorus if yon don't. 'We don't want to threaten this Omura, because they are perfectly srfe so far as we are concerned ; but we want thieves, robbers, house -burners, men who slay their wives and are se handy with pistols, to distinctly ander- (stand we mean business. We don't lite this ; it is no pleasure to us ; but a stern and hard duty that we can'por- form if necessary, and all 1)11011 men aforesaid had better be tried here; for if we have to call a special term of our court, woe be unto you, for death is your poi•tiou,and remember the wnl. unt—so govert, yourselves accordingly.. —(Signed) JUDGE LYNCH. Dominion 1Ir. C. Tolton, township Bra:A.plek- ed rile strawberries ' last week in his pasture field. They were, of course, the second crop this season. The total value of the experts from the Dominion, exclusive of 13ritisl] Co- lumbia, for the month of September, will reach about $9,121.949. Anticnapp, who was recently eon- victed of the murder of his wife et Arthur, has been removed from the •Gcelph jail to the Innatiu asylum at London, he being hopelessly insane. A master carter named Wickham was robbed ou Colborn street. Montre- al, on Friday night by footpads o'r 15 and beaten brutally. In his deaposit- ion before the Magistrate no says thea robbers were hired to do the job. Four' of them were arrested by the Govern- ment Police. 'Pito Governor-General, who is a pat- ron of the Scottish Fontbalf Association. and President of the Domininn Associ- ation, received, or should have received by the lest English mail, a hatldsome• ly-bound copy of the Scottish Football. Association's Annual, from the Secret- ary at Glasgow. • The proposition made by Sarnia for the purchase of a .Joint cemetery hat's been rejected by Point Edward. Mr. Hicicson,leanager or of the Grand Trnr,ls Bail<vtt,y, has promised sti fticieut land to the people of Point Edward for n. cemetery. Stops will soon be taken to Nemo the grant and have itouelose1 •. The other morring last Messrs Elijnli and Thomas 'Dunnet, on Lot A, 21st Concession, ]1grement, discovered large Wolf worrying. their :heti}, Ono of them picked 11p a sante and striking if on the leg crippled it,. they then gave obese, 111)11 struck the wolf on the Menai with a large stone t1nd killyd it. The wild brute measured six feet four inch- es from the inose to the tip of the tail.