HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-30, Page 66 THE Ti.M.a s INTERESTING ITEMS. (' AN : NOASTEI; BQi1IAN01? VOR SALE --A YOKE OF GOOD 1 wor,dug assn, niuo years old, Apply tri John Drown, Queen Victoria's favor- One of those strange and startling NO Alf k'liLIl),ustrwoutl; ire servant has laid by $85 000 fora events in real life which often eolipseb prospective rainy day, , A ton of gold Makes a fraction over half a ulillicn of dollars; and when a tnitrl says his wife is worth her weight in gold, and she weighs 120 rounds, atm is worth $ 80,000, named place commenced paying fatten' The E•it'!i Englishniau, Thomas Ilol- to a respectable young lady also of the lowety,is erecting 'at his own expense sante hamlet. 11IRttera progressed so ;tu institutionfor the higher et-llocation farotact cluourt.e h• g sipsrabiy seta ruminor a ieuaet to ttatee eifgosoot of girls, Tide building alone, which that the two young persons in question has been began; is to cost $1,835,000 , were on the verge of formiug a meta - it is 410 feet in length. tho wildest produotions. of the novelist occurred recently iu A certain pleasant little village of \Yei,tworth. It seems that about a year ago a brusque, but well Cleaning young man of the above menial ethauoe, and even ventured no far as to name the day on whittle the Archer, lately Lord Fal'mouth's jock. ceremony MLR to be performed. About et', is ill the happy position of having this time, however, a lacy of nameless Made his fortune befure he is 25. He age appeared in the 'neighborhood, and is now to receive $5,000 a year as first receiving nu inkling of transpiring jockey to the Duke of ��'eattninster,aud events, armed herself with a pocketful of documents, paid a hasty visit to the young woman, iter niece, and in the course of the private interview mane known to the horrified girl . the morti- fyiug fact that the young man to whom she had pledged herself in marriage was her own half-brother, and the in. balance pole. No net is spread to dieputetble proof of the truthfulness of tweak a fall, and death would be inevi- table if he tumbler]. In this respect his feats are more dangerous than at Niagara, where a drop into the water might not have killed him. Worth, the Paris n3an milliner, has a forewoman called Miss Mary, who is almost as widely; known, looally, as himself. She is a brunette, with tween then, and flat] it trot boen for light and very Igraeefnl figure, and the timely interference of their aged tekes orders with the air of a queen. She is always: arrayed in ono of -Worth's latest inspiratious, and an all. iinirer says that if she were clad in a tow bad, with a hempen cord around Ler waist, she would; impart to the garb an air of subtle elegance which would render it attractive. In d'auuaryr next a postage stamp of a new design is la be issued, in Great Britain. It will bear a portrait of the another $5,000 a year from another source. D•londiu,`in. his Vienna exhibitions, rises a rope stretehecl ata height of 150 feet, add walks blindfolded, without a the statement was laid before her., 'Of course, there followed a scene resultilrg in the sudden collapse of the marriage eugagoment, and the presence in the place of a rather sheepish young man, the observed of all observers. It appears that these two young peo- ple had been brought up within a short dietauce of each other in total ignor. au a of the relationship existing be - relative, a brother, and sister would, without doubt, ere this,have been made one ill the holy bonds of wedlock, and living together as lln.band and wife.— i Exchange. SOME NEW YORE. MISERS. The raisers of New York city, writes the oorreepou mot)'at, have been chiefly arnoeg the 1 lower classes. One of the most con -1 spionous of this ranlber when advised by a friend to use his preperby for his l Queen as she appears iu mature age, (personal comfort, his h 1 i dealt of the ]2 eheste De• since ns airs woo c and not, as now, a likeness of her Ma- only spend rep]ted thus : "I taste jesty schen s11e• had just entered wo- manhood, 'Nile stamps at present in. Lae are impressions from steel engray. legs, but them.ow less,) will be printed by the ordinary letter press system, which, though not affording so much protection agetinat forgery as the on. graving method,. is still considered suf. 3eiently difficult of imitation to render the risk very slight. The cook of Emperor -William is a 5okle Pttirieian,. with whom his Maj•csty LAS had several quarrels since the .It'renc0•Gerll1al) war, owing to the evok's irrepres. iblo patriotism. Sever. al times he has been discharged', and elle') tins taken balk itlto favor, owi•og co. the imperial lova of the lrer.ch cuisine. After the last ssrin)mage the ehaef aff.,red to retarn cin the f.aliow)ng cunditious only : ''i'Lij;eety, if I nal) no., allowed my liberty in the kitchen, I &hall !slave your service and for the last ti.ule, beoauee neither my health nor my peace can stand this iacessnut wrangling I'' ':!'he .E.ali)nror smiled end submitted, being really attached 10 the chief,, who ha been with. Lim tor mans yeers,aud; has grown rich. The s, n of a German. farmer return- ing, from, military service,, threatened tt, cowIuit. tnuraer when, he fonnd that his yottngell brother had; supplanted himin th•e• affection of a girl. She laughed at beim and said sloe didn't be- lieve he trans) muster courage enough to drown .lt,imself in the neighboring lake. fie said' he would kills hie self in a m,annes that would make her hair stand on•en(la, and on Suudtty, Sep.tem- her: T., attrmtbed, himself securely, to, a young horsa a.ndt put a lighted: slow match iu its ear., After n, fsanfo• gal- lop aoross.the country.; the. maddened animal plunged into SIM lake. 'Ile More pleasure in sa'Linc the money than they will ever have in suing it." I Several instanees &e all record in New York city of destitution and death in • which large sums were afterwrad found. 1 HAVING SOLD 1n the John Lewis case the estate is ' X7'Ax(nruC s, pcicus,, 'levet g Dinoh1nes. odrgans Aucortleoue and umbrellas rot"tired. Agent for the Vender series sew, ing Machines: Second, hand Rowing Tiacbi,ttesfor • solo cheap. All kinds of needles and shuttles for Sewing5Taoiaiucs kept on halal Shop–Drain Street, l)asicr•oact, 30B.Isl 0. SOL1)ON,Proprietor. Nay 1.5 1-y. DO NOT READ THIS 1.3-Mingroceiyed a int of now =Weary, I wonld inform tho farmers of the aur. reuudiug country that 1 aul propared to manu- facture all kinds of Horso flakes, Barloy Forks, Graiu Cradles, S110111s, etc, and having secured the services of a lira -class Turner, I am prepared to do ALL KINDS OF T'UItl'UNG on the shortest notice, and for style and price I defy competition. Always on hand a first- class stock of Fork and Shovel handles. Mill half a mile south of Itxeter. A. OOTTELL. HAY PUMI? WORKS. G. BOLTON • PR P iETOR. Raving added, to my pump machinery, and pro- cureda large quantity:of Srst-class bump logs, I am prepared to offer an article Superior to any factot'y in the County, and.atprices that defy ccmtpctition. M'olla dud Cisterns Lille oil rho shortest nutiee. Before purchasing call a: the Etat' Ponr,, Works, 7,vh•,p--Oue-rpuarto iuilo uort of Exeter, T,onduu Road, ,Rev 1 . NE W GOODS,NEW CORDS constantly arriving at W. D. Me(:lioghlon's Mammoth Jewellery Store, 155, Duna,.a street, London, Ont ado. Whenever von visit the For- est, City don't fail to visit this fine estoblieluuent, the only tlrsbela»s store of the kind in the City, and best err,ged Jetveller•y store in the Bondi pion. 'Phe 1i'ur, I).1reGlot;hlun Watch stands un- rivalled. AP who use them roeomnrend then to their fr.enris, i`11 kinds of Watches in stook Clocks of every description, Rich Jewellery of ev- ery style, Uionomls and Pre cinns ;Sinnes,Fanoy (iooris, Speutaulus, and N1 'V eclding Rings, Wat"hos, ciouk', and Juweilcry ropair•od and warranted W i). Afet11.UCtHLON. neatly $1,000,000.. There is also the I inetanee of '"old luau 'Wells," when I the remainder heirs recently tried to prove lira in - .sane. They failed in this, gild hence OUR G ; OC'ERY 00TOC/{ ,tile old, plan is left to still Increase those accnnenlatious which tnusteventu-1 ally tomo into their ha.u.ds. Ons of 1 :he last cases to attraob attention is ;flat of the rag.picker, Samuel Leach, i who died in a tenement house in great I. misery. The coroner found the corpse . he solitary occupant cf a miserable at-' tic. It might have been buried by ! eeed rnr,r!N, I.; ,rni l dolivoy lull s,Inaze deal • :.)ublie ebarity had not the coroner be. i ieg rn e or ret'i.:.•. gun an immediate search. A. barrel ofi dirty rags which stool inthe roc'r. :Se & E. SPIC.ER, -r.txatar. proved to have been a ?ciliac) of ons veal- l neee.,o s'o:,. t,face meek. ment, for it onutalued a quantity of greenbacks and specie, anti also never i A. L G c t u 1' (. ,ii greasy hank books, which. had done , �7 long servieo, YOU -IT On further exanittatiln i TO id 1t3S. .. i it Was discovered that this cltioffonier, •i Isho was clenerally supposed to be iris- ; We have rccontly nul.)iaheit a WMA' c,litint� of Sal+.. (•' L'ewltirr )Li ii t ),l LIR r IQ/ i;IS, AY ei'ably poor, owned two houses. lee ton the reaiet-.1 at l pnr ,i eut euro t:ritiar,ut Vie- t di:.:uc.) ot.;ervous'.`"1 t; , me"tal anti I,hy.sine1 preferred, hewever, to lice in an attic, , I::Capw.c'ity ilnptd,ntouts to blurr[n(;e, afro„ xe- as it was a better concealment of his iet'itindfrurn exet:sa. t-+:. Price in a 'ep led envelope, only G cents or wealtL,.tplliCll id now eslttuatetl al 4G"jdl0.• , t'w . pustagestanrl+s: j 00(!'. Since this fact is known a large , Tile coletrrated auth.dr of this adrd,iralda+essay, olrarIyteuio»etrates,froru thirty years' sucee.s- number of 1'elatives have put in• their fu1 ]:reetiao, tbatwiar'rinFcnnserluevuos maybe claims, and when the Case was @idled radroally clued without the clangl,orous use of in- tor$al naedietues er the use of.tlie knife ; Point• t ue turves& ,le'a 't'ng our whole attention tr the FIrs,r, Teed and Seed Trade, Eve; Lawyers arose, representing an o'rt anoue of cure at onoo simple certain luau ef- fuct,,tnl !+ mcansrrfwhtchyovnrysnfforor non t cheaply, privaUflyandradically y In}I.rty: rellati;ves. a dead man has, if he p Duly ]partes, am estate.. youth antdevuty.mon,ln.the laud,. A clams, yy .- e n lin!)er Of contestants. Ilow for what his eorrditionna' be,ma eurelrimaelf q t equal, Thrs.teetureshould be in the. hands of exery >�URDI';R WILL OUT.. ;TEE CULTI luvI F4LL MEDICAL—We., u n• Post office Box MO, covered Ana Street, New York. A, few•years ago, August Flower tans• die - to be a oertain, cure for Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint., A, few thin d,vsb.:ptics made known to theit friends,how easily -and quickly they had been cured' by i s use. Then; the gr' at merit of Gnrsav'als vovsr 1?'t owsn,beoame heralded throuihathe country by one. sufferer and, auotb,x, until, without advertising„its sale • yonng mane body, was trakeA. int. air- , became inl,;uenso. Droggists,in (ivory town, in {lilted beyond; recognition.. ( the Oauatles. and: United. States are• selling it. A lady drank encloses, to the. Lon • Headache, Costiveness, Palpatatibu, of the C,an4r47 Parti iGs dr i fay, &in times a letter dented Septo,tmber 17' heart, Iudigestiou,,Low Spinite,eta., can tike No person. suffering from, Sour. Stomach, Sick ' tliree.deses without 'relief, Go to. your Drug from her sous agent, deeming` i11 of in • gists and get a,bettle.for 7 . cents gird try. sale- terest to thole.'d.epention,t out Irish ple,}lottlos, laments. pr''or erty. The writer says lie. has !:ears. he. Cannot raise&: till; entire n.ul:out ofi her j future due at ll'ichaol- nISo, dud, prooeedIS :; '•',Liven those ten. untag who are wettable topay, are afraid to pay,, as the resolution; arrived; at i.-, to shoat the tenant,tvho pays as. well as anyone who tabes a fermi bone which ti,„ tenant bas been Ejected for lilts-ptiyneetlt,. If fear much that mat. tees will end badly., Ttlia, is the wort vela I recollect since the famine., T1. Char that few of pile smelt ftu,rtapra..oan "Q t1YL N SYRUP."' ill-) other medicine in tho worlila MIS OVOZ. ;firer) such a tot of its. 4uratibe. finalities as noscernu's tiu>ti+rnn S'ancn, Iuth>.ee years.two, millions four, hundred th.msapd stnail bottles of this'modieine were distributed, Brae of charge by druggists in this country to those Acted, with Consumption, Asthma', Croup, severe Coughs, Pnenutnouia, aud, other diAeasos, of, the throat and lungs, giving the Areriean people undeniable proof, that GenHax ,g7tAD8 will euro thews. The rr:sult hes been that: deugeiats iu overs' lawn. and village in the Ca.. b +1(l• „heti' f,Ltad',A 6t Amy teub 0oiO4, 1 AdtIA and,U'uited -States %re reeourmendrng,it. 14 ,alle$p are unsal,t,b1 • grid as for the '4'o'44eir cuslotnprs,, (ria io, your dru,'g' gild: e ops,. they are all lost 1 t e)n'ieglience 10,ocptth Bleular eiee,,70eszete'f'irre dal erg,, What they know about it. Sample bottles, , (4t: -4,4X-- k. 4,inz j�o,," ' ri'tll;:.tltka'V nil�.:,its gee TE1' D11Its. x'OB,: WOItIi I'M B11,ITISa 00- T IIZvt73IA',, �t��,r;EAtL 1) TENDERS. addressed to LJY' the undersigned and emiersed, "Tenders Pacific,13aitwayw” will, be iretteived at this oeice up to noon on &MONDaX,. tate 17th day! of- NOV- PAM Mt next, for certain, works of construction required. to be executed on the lino frons near to Lake lf,'Itn leaps, in, the following see- tions,Euiory's Bur to Bolton Bar ae,miies Boston Bar to Lytton ........ x:1 mires Lytton to Junntico,kda,t "84 miles )unction, 1,10 o S, woua's 3lerry,.., . 94 miles Sraeeifivationa, bills of quantittea,'eonditione of • contract,, tor)ns of tender, and all to totted tutor-. rnu.tion r1ey be obtained on application at the Pacific Gariwav olhoo in N,std S4estreinster„ l,rrtis1Ciotuniaia, and at the ad ice of tlw engin. oer'in'chief et Ottawa. Plans. and profiles win bo open for; inspection at the latter office: No tendo,, will,bo entertained anless out or,e,of the priu t fel mo.and all the oonditions.ar000 •rn-. plied.witth . By,. order,, r. )3AUN, SuCrotery., T, EXuriTsfit i l of B•.1LIvA,T AZiD41.titata,,I• Utttctfa,,'fut, be+ tir,•14,1tiil., , it OC1'aiiEii 84, 1879 0 NOT FAIL TO $ ► CUT TMS OUT. $1 Good for OY:B f10LLAl 3u 'payment of our. chase of goods to Um amount of ten dollars Only one accepted on each pun chase of Tann dollars. L];ATIiQRN (Pc lioCOL'131ta1U. Sae LEhrC'IIO7vN t MoO0T,Ti zrzE. 17 North Store, Fanson's Block, Exeter. ..... -..^••••e,.,;�-._ . . - - .-...._..°ter^'-mow It Will pay you to call at NUCLEI/LAND Big.: A" DIII i7T'S BLOOM, For you Dry'Goods, Groceries, Etc. Everything reduced to suit the h trc3 times. COTTONS OF ALL CLASSES AT PRESENT Be WHOLESALE P IOI-I:S. sure and call before buyin wits to order at startling figaresn 11:IQCLL 'LAND BROS. Allan Line! LIVERPOO�i1,,� LO.ii LrONS)ii•fR.[., CrIJA,SGOW 'Or) ,Shari sea prrassa a--Ei'o ioln i--C'tmlfavt— Sal'et y. CAnI;T, IN'r nrl'i»IATT( AND STEERAGE T1CKETS 4T LOWEST RATES. UP Wail 'THE TI S1 PA TIES INTENDING EVtifl'S SA11111DAY moll QUEBEC. Moravian •.iI('oveinbel• Stdl. Parties wishing to bring out their friends from Ole old country will save money by baying their tickets' at, thea office of; the agent at Exeter. 'E.very information, concerning route,etc, by ap- plying to, CAPT. G KEMP, Exeter. THE EXETER, Plaiiin'llfill, Sash, DOOR AND BLIIB ricunt! TURNING ALL KINDS OF Done t@ (maw.. li;omember theplace =Inn' fS XZo' ardi 13roS gr.a.ItN'S, LIM.E,WOBTiS„ ouadxe.w.a kilns boingnprs tint Dap opera,ttli .nand tasarniugou:tdiaily. s:large quantity of. LIME thatforc,l1a stooges. cannot 11ae 0U31paased in the Doiurrin. ion.. Pattie shots, M •1•lebane° Gee la weyatre►t r ]flied ditheratthe kilns or deliyerd by teams widow sit ronrurterAttre ratios, Orderrtrom r dissent* eromptly attends) to. , WULTSOS & SOLAT B :.o kr1U011A''7; • 52f.OtLD CALI., A:' rarrrrortrs anti Examine his Stock. the Best that are. �ade. DOMINI0N ORf3'AN. COt'S. NEW B LAG'I,S Il1IiTII SHOP AT WTTk C E1Sf. 8);A;, H:93i; late of oornrnenced. a .'Vobranch 8.1u1., is Idro- pa-ed to do kandtifblactt amithing moms. Horse • shoe ingepeniany attended to, Promptness, cheapness, andgood workJuarantood„ A pall solicited. 10 -Ira tri, &IICPiTN6liAM, W. BUCKIN4 Exeter, baa. businessin the at Wincholse'. FOWLER' Mt Strawberry w P ' tr'u'ri, A Spoeifie Remedy for alta Summer. Cons ilaiuts such as 1iarr$een, Dy'. salary,. Canada Cholate; Cholera, Morbut, Cholera Is b1.atuuh; Sour. Stomach, Griping Pains, and all. derangements. lithe ti,,wola,,enne.. ed by using:irnproper food, such as, 43. saw. vegetables„ unripe or sour:' fruitp4a. , hard, milk, impure, water .or, ;ehattlge' of waiter, changes of the• seasons,. exposure, No matter from, what cause or if.what form yon aro: subject to any of the above• oom-• 1plpiuts, Iin. Eowzaties:Rarsacr op. ,'pittrie,S'ratwaptews will, relieve you,: gtettd k speedo dura will be, effeoted. without init./t to the system,, It is, -7-14 ' !mtutufitott'redi from: the : Wild. ,Stisi,wberry Slant, and: 'free' from, *c,PAlliat and, other itijtirieua drugs,, Pox sails- by. ali•'dealers, M 1 or, 3.Bottlbs for JI.00 I'ittraftED BY� MILBUEN, BENTLEY & PEP.II;.S011