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The Exeter Times, 1879-10-30, Page 5
( 1.cTor EI1 s0, 1879 THE AS STAJR GROCEFTY, EXETEH. EC1 Having bought out the interest of my late partner, Mr. L. Thorne, chased in the cheapest market, Iam enabled to offer goods that can. L ga. r W o1„e a . , and. "`'' e ail. . (FLOUR AND FEED.) mad. iF, 21.,, Main. Street. r3.+„u eay.....,.w�.nag..v....+..+wv..e,..v,.+,on.:,w.�•r+Ta-,�.+—-,-�.�mn T14A8 ti SY'FCIALTY and having added largely to tiv former stook, and having pur_. not fail to give satisfsction as regards both price and quality, ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. oT©I T AR i . M=eter. idle Wheat t'octt " S Fife 115 tox18 Boil Chaff " ,., 1 12 to 1 10 Burley ... ,.. 0 45 to 3 58 Oats .,. ... 0 28 to n 80 Clover Seed. ..,,,.....• 3 75 to 8 57 Pails .,. 0 30 to 0 53 1:t;i;s 0 0 to': 1C nutter ,,. (3 0:4 to 0 13 Moue per lcb1, .,, 5 00 Co 0 00 Potatoes, per bag ... ,,. 0 30 to 0 (1) Apples, per bag 70 to 3 75 11 5 bo 0 00 Dried b.., .., 00 Hoge, dressed por )00 .., 5 00 'to S 'd' 1(1.0± ,,. .., 5' Col t0 (t e0 It ides ,. 4 50 to t (10 ke11oopskin3, each .., .,. 40 to 0 30 Fla, per ten 800 to '000 C:nions or bush ,,, ,.. 0 50 to 0 71 Lterd .,. .,, 0 00 to 0 10 '\Vc 01, per lb 0 18 to 0 2(1 Turkel'++ por lb 0 07 to 0 07 (;eoac,.,..." 0 05 t' 0 05 Ducks. our noir.... ,...... 0 10 to n 50 Mrd, id ll3i E 7'8 1ALL WILIAM% 51')(I150 wlriiAT 1 18 to]; 15 115 to 118 QST. MARY'S Fall wheat, per bushel 1 02 to 1 08 Spying v;iatat ........ 1 18 to 1 21 Ree1•tey 40 to 0 00 Peal 38 to 0 83 Cats , 0 32 to 0 34 Slav010 to 750 ht*ics,per dozen • .........................0 13 to 0 1.1 L`ntcer 72 to 0 15 13.M33 Iter lb 0 oSte 00 7 I'nttitteis !tor bag... i, .. darn 0 50 Sheep skins ........ ....................... 0 40 to 0 SU 1IEXSALL ).1ArlC1 T$. CD CD w --t id CD or-rr1,CD 73 0G. Cto, p h 0 rc3��' Wbitewheat....,.., w1 1.5 to 1 14 a lb t1 wheat. 114 to 1 10, 0 . sprier wheat 1 10 to 1 14 I3 a loy 0 45 to 58 "r, Potts 0 50 to 0 5.5 Oats 0 27 to 0 28 Chancery Sale —OF A— VALUABLE FARM'. —IN THE— TiMICHIP OF STEPM. . DL?RSUANT to the decree made in a certain Cahn) in tho Court of Chancery of ..runes vs.lIelltud, dated the 13th day of October, _1. D. 1570. there mill be sold by ' '" L2 C AsUCTION, • with. the approbation of Henry Mac,lortnatt, j 4111.1ro, Master of said Court at Uodorieh, on. t Saturday,, Bth4day of Novem- ber Next, at THREE ()'CLOCK in the afternoon, by James We, AuotiuliOer, .tT TBI: CENTRAL tto.rnt. IN TILE 'VILLAGE Ol EXEETi11t, in one parcel, the following valuable property, v'z., Lot Number 15 in the Ord concession of the 1'vwuship of Stephen fn 'he County of Huron, containing 100 auras, inure or 1038, of ltitich about 8') aeras ar3 cleared and iu a fair state of cultivutinu,and the remainder is wall -timbered with beeoll and maple. This lot is situate about 2l miles from the Til - lag.) of -Exeter, wiiieb. affords a good market for farm produce. U eon said lot there is a frame •dweilh.ghouse with brielt cellar uuclerneatb the 1:icelzeo, frame barn 8.53.10, and large frame shed: and stables, There i,3 also a hoe 1 arohard con- taining about 80 trees. The $OU 03 of a riuh clay loam. The lot is also well fenced and watered. There are 18 soma of fall wheat sown and between and re acres of laud fall plowed. Title perfect, rhe property will be sold subject to a reserve bid fixed oy 4.4a saidmas'en. TiOIt31ti :-Pen per Dent. cash to the vendor's soileitarun 3.110 day of sale and the balance into court within One 113.e111illtboreal tar, without inter - In other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions ;of, the Court of Chancery. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. Dar- row &Mle�yer, Sott .lr et Aortae, and .Oavisou tt Johnson, boliei tors, Godorieli, stud to the auction- ear and Vendors' Solicitor, Exeter. Dated tae 18111 day of October, A. 1). 1879. B. V..CILLIOT, 1:L. 51A0.01113MOT'1.', Vend0ra' Solicitor, Master at Goderich. LJsete.r. td Marble " ' i °ri . :0: W. D. WEEKES Dealer in MON UMENTS, HEADSTONES,.. MANTLE PIECES. FURNITURE TOPS, &c. ,;.,"Cemetery Work of all kinds neatly executed. n Doors North of Drew's .Call, Main street Nati ssnal Policy PLOWS, and SCOIOH DIAMOND HARROWS eonstantiyon hand and made to or8ez' • McMILLAN & McBRIDE having now greater facilities than ever, are pre- pared to supply farmers with Iron '.seam Plows, Steel Mould Board, made by oursolges • • Chill 1' cans, Iauao3doo.make; Scotch Diamond' Harrows Cultivators, Gang ,flows, C triages and buggies on hand, .and made .to or- d xr, /fors • e'loeingg attended to on titesshortost 1.otico. Horses shod to provent,inter1er fag„ bic1dtLLAN ek rdentido,'$tug 3.t„ Rental. t . trl (1 :ri 'NSAILI 1 PORK PACKING HOUSE ilHaving commenced business for the Fail andWinterT rade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, snbj.'et to the following regulating We will take on two pounds per hundred if dry, and three pound If soft.. Shoulder stuck, twenty -live cents. If any of the bung gut is left in, 2.5 cents extra will be deducted, At.) per will be bought at an price it warm. SA.LTS1ACr- I-i�'S Pork Cuttings on hand at reasonable rates. We want all Hogs • Cutting aright through (guest to head, and .Eialus opened out to tail. G & J. PETTY. dae This great bouseholcl Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life.. These famous Pills purify the 13Loon, and act most powerfully yet soothinglyon the Livor, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these groat noun ,spring+ of life. 3111ey are eon,% lldentlyreconmoudect as a novor failing remedy 8.11a11 cases whore the ooustitation,froin whatever cause, has boeo'.me impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully oillottcioun in all eillnents Mob dental to females of all age; and as a general Family medicine, are unsurpassed. Its searching and healing properties aro known. throughout the world. For the Duro of bad legs,bad breasts, old wounds Sores andUlcers, itis 3111 infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the nock awl cbest, as salt into meat it oilres sore throat, Broncllitia,0onghs Colds, and oven Asthma., For Glandula:: Swol- lings,,Abonssos, Piles, N'i,tttlas. Goutl1lzeitlnatistn . and every kind of Skin Disease, it has never been 30 ,known to fail. The pills and Ointment are man- W ufacbured'on'ly at 533 OXFORD STEET, LONDON, 0 CATARRH! CATARRH! t un (LARGER THAN EVER, AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. �J I }IAT 18 ? DEW'S STOCK OF FUR- ! }'ITU13E, Be(lroam and Parlor Furniture 'a specialty, and t1,o cheapest west of Toronto. Loaves and all Upholstered work greatly re- 'li±ct'diu prices.. The great Sierra Nevada Smoking Compound, Tho only positive ourefo0 Catarrh yet discovered. I'OIt 9ALII IOZ C. LUTZ'S CENTR, .L DittAt STORE. W, L SMITH, General Ageut,Arkana,ont, Wesleyan Female College t 08' HAMILTON, ONTARIO, the oldest Ladies College in the Province, antero ,' h n Sept, 11 F 3 on its inetoout year o 8 1 of variety of Dopttrtmeuts, extent of curriculum, thorougla- de•ti of instruction and excellence of accowuuto- nu tion it is in the vory front reel(, 1`or catalogue apply to the principal, A, BURNS, D,D, L,L,D ENGINES AND MILERS, From r to 11.IrenePower, for Farm. Sas, Dairymen, Jluttrr and C1,cose Factoria+, hinters and all parties using Ltuul or bona rower. 1:est and ch• repent to the market. Send for circalt(r and (ricelist. J01111. -.??oty. Esplanade Street. 'r'osIluTo. • M O V A .0 . RAO would remind his numerous e Customers that he has removed to the shop (00000017 occupied by Mr, Tiered, where he will be found ever reedy to atto id to all business iu the 1300T •f lid SR OJ; Lino. p. RAU, Crediton. PERRY'.3 Condition Powa.er^s This is the hest :preparation ever viewed ent:to market for the Purposes of a Condition Powder. PE11RY'S Cough' l'owder, the?Leplus1ltra, as a cure for the Epizootic, colds 011&14.U00119115 iu horses. PERILY'S Ileave Remedy, The most certain. and penna- nt) trelief for iloavey and Brok- en Winded horses. PEE10Y'S I0011SE AND Cattle Feeder The only truly scientifcFeeder ever introduced. Cxreaterin (ffi- eacll.lamer 'in 7lealitif1J. better is clualitj than any other _feeder in the Market. TUT IT (PROVE 1T; P1:I:RY'S CA1113OL ITED Sanative c 1, 'For all Wouucls, Harness and Saddle Galls natcl Scratches, this Oil wa s never equalled. 810 stable can afford tubo without it. PERRY'S OABBOL:1.TED White Oil, Far ahead of all other Lin.' meets for Strains, Lameness, etc.• tkc.inhorses. NOTE WELL I These are no QUA(.E G'iliRE- ALLS; bat t)nly Scientific Pre- parations, each adapted. for the specific parposos dndfeatadl TO TRY THEDZ IS TO 4I)PIIOVE. i.' mamma= ggitwilmmi REMEMDZIM ralt7NEWAI =r4 7.; itiY'Zs� seewe iaSSIMWES Ccie FOR SALL ONLY AT THE DOMINION LABORI,ATOPtY, Main Street, .Exeter. , BISSETT BROS., EXETER, ONT. W And are sbldbyall Vendors of Medicines through- out the civilized worn•!; with directions in almost every lnngnuge, Tho;'Trado Marks,of those Medicines are rogis,- tered to Ottawa, nonce, an one in the British P0q1seaelons,who mayy keep the American Coun- to1'felts for sale, will bo prosecuted, 10Purobesors should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes; If the address is not 583, Oxford Street, London, they tine Spurious! cJ,2- U —GREAT— EXHIBITION —AT— BISSETT BROS, EXETER, I'RE SH ARRIVALS OF STOVES ETC., ETC., ETC, VEM.V. CI-ZA,P. While $1017,0 predicted that the National Policy would increase tbo price of every article, still we are enabled to aunouace that we,can sell all kinds of stoves 10 per oent.cheaper than has over been offered heretofore. We have sold out our business in 113enoall, and acldocllargely to the stockin Exeter, which is one of the largest in the place ---ALSO-- ti a 34-3 54 Agents for Verity's Cele- brated ele I Spring Bods from F2.75 up; woven wire mattresses for invplios and sickness, to prevent beg -sores, at remark ablely low prices. Parties desiring to furnish houses would do well to 3al1 at Drew's, and examine the stook before purchasing else. \vie:Ce. Uuclortaking,piromptly attended to at low rates, et kinds of Trimmings, Shrouds, Gloves Caps, hc, furnished. Emblems of ail the different Soeiotio also kept in btook fox; tunnels, The hearse is the hest in the county, Feathers for sale at DREW'S Furniture watoroonls Exeter. The Egyptian Embalmer used to prevent the cliseoloiiugof corpses and offensive ocloz's. SPECIAL NOTJCE! DIWELL to& PICKARD Are now offering at OLD PRICES a complete assortmout of DRY . GOOCS, including Mantles, and Mantle Cloths in Great Variety. Dress Goods in all shades and colors. WINCT- y;S CT RAPER THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED BLACK L ISTRES direct from themanufactiuer. FLANNELS & BLANKETS very low. READY-MADE CLOTkILNG CHEAP. CLOTH & FUR CAPS ALL STYLES. NirLT,IN) RY IN LATEST STYLES. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Also full lines of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. & FRESH GROCERIES. We have also a special offering of LADIES' MME SETS & CAPS Be sure to call:and see them A lot of =PALO ROBES at special prices„ 0:0 All the above goods will be offered at the very lowest prices. SAI1WELL & PICKARD. DO NOT l F AIL TO ' S CUT THIS OUT. $1 Good for ONE DOLLAR in payment of pur. chase of goods to the amount of ten dollars, Only one accepted on each pm chase of Ten debars. LEATHORN & McCOUBBBE. $1, $.' L`EA P HORN MoC0U R E Y North Store, Fanson's Block, Exeter. 1879) THE OLD RELIABLE HO USE At all times, and particularly at a period when Trade is universally depressed and money scarce, it is in the interest of every buyer to purchase where he can get the article he wants at the lowest rate. In calling your attention to my present stock, I do so with every eonfid enee : it being more carefully assorted and selected than that of any previous season.,, PALL (1879 - o In the Dry Goods Ent ydepartment is replete with the most seasonable and fashionable fabrics,' narked at prices 'which should ennlmand the attention of the very closest buyers. THE OBDERLD CLOTHING' still has MR. W, IVES at it,head In Millinery tinderthemeangenientof bliss' cGloghlon,we oan suit the most fastidious, Our stock of Groceries Boots and Shoes, Canadian, English and American Shelf and Heavy Hardware one of the. boot assorted in the ()mint/. Intending purchasers will eensnit their raa Plow. b t d Pl r bestinterests by examining mystook before going elsewhere. BISSETT BROS., .t1XETER,0NT. c 4. iu.;4 ;Ys JAMES PICEARD