HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-30, Page 4The o!sons Bank. zczaolarODATsn n1r 4OT OP PAxtaeazENT, 1.855. Qafli,tab. $2,U00,OQp, Rest, $400,000, HEAD. OFFLCE MONTREAL Joirx blor,soN, Esq,, Vresitient. Box. TatonrAs Wo2L]a;1,xAYe,.. - Vie -Pres„. J Qi};ZT(N, Vico-Pros Slip Mutual las Co tion D L Macpherson.. Senator, ,L WS11op)lera,Pres Ottawa River NavIg Co Rom -fro Nelson, ltf 1' 1, Miles Wiilhuzie, Z'. War,sraBsTArr TuontAs, 131sq,, - Cushier. AT:1113A•rox, l3eq., . • -. - lna pector. :Exeter Bruno] ., HENRY C. BREAKER MANAGER. LOANS TO FARM1ORS. Money advanced to farmers on easy terms, on their Owl promissory n.tofl with one or more good en- dorsers. No mortgage required as security. SAVINGS 'JANE. DWPART,UIEI`T 8;por.cent Interest allowed. O?GiZevosids. Gold and mummy drafts bought andsolda Steri, ing Exchange bought Land sold, Collections made iu all parts of the Dominion and returns promptly remitted at lowestrates al exchange. Exeter,August 15th 1878. 0-m g fieivelezi i1110. THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 80, 1879. Carrenev Betorne A. oonven ion is to be held at Toren. to to -day, for the purpose of adopting a series of resolution that will secure the united support of all Curreucy Re- formers, and, if it is thought advisable, for establishing a Natioual Currency League for Ontario. The trot is not a little singular that while Canadian Fin- ance 1llinistexs go to England from time to time, asking the finauoial world to lend them a few millions upon Cauadi- an bonds, many persons fail to see that in taking up a hostile position to a National Currency they call in quest- ion Canadian good faith among our- selves. A National Currency would be made to operate as a :National Loan not bearing interest, at the same time serving a double purpose of acting as a much needed means of exchange for do- mestic, 1. 0., Canadian transactions, !looney as a repreeentative medium' is now scarcer in Canada than is any oth- er progressive country. Me. 1.1. W. BURK, who has repre- sented West Durham for the past six veiare, has resigned to make mom for Hon. Mr. Blake, who it is said desires to reenter publtc life. It is under- it, uphold this man Letell stood Mr.Blake will be ttieLeudexoftlia tyr to liberty and conscience ! Could .Opposition. There can scarcely be fraud go further. ? any doubt about his election, West • I?arllaul being one of the preserves of the party, and lir. Blake the most able Ina/1 they hate. Mr. BI.ke's eourre iu the House will be regarded with in- terest, but he has allowed himself to fallinto the bad habit of acting in a way that cannot be reconciled with his professions ; he :has been dt•fimet one hour; and submissive the next ; in short„ his career for the past balf•da :- ea years has beeirmarked by such glaring inoonsiatencies and contradiu- tions that the public are not surprised now at any step ] Ir. Blake may take. He bas not shown himself to be a very practical statesman. Tuere is no tell- ing what he might do,.,if freed frons the galliug chains which he allowed George Brown to throw around him. Udder the circumstances, he might:ins. tify the high expectations which hie ad- mirers have forrned of him. However, '4, 'he is.all able debater, and as snob will be a welcome addition to the Opposi- tion side' of the House.. on which there is a deplorable paucity of that talent. At the time of kvritiug the• Conserva- tives have not announced their inten- tion to oppose Mr. Blake. It is alto- gether unlikely that they will oppose him, as the oonstituenoy being a stronghold of the party and Mr. Blake their best man,. would prevent the re- sult from being taken as an index to the feeling throughout the country ea party questions. Bvssee seems to be preparing for war, the Abookhoff Steel Works havit g been ~adored to suspend, all private contracts in favor oftheGoveinrst•ent'e demand for cannon and other warlike itn:ple- 1rtsuts, The hessian. Goyornm;ent'e vest orders for steel guns and muni- tions g m 1 tion of war show that it clogs not rely wholly upon its dipliotnaoy. Indeed, the latter appears to be. failing in one. very important point, if it ba true that Russia's influence with Persia is being aavradtlally supplanter) by that of Great Br eau." For years. Russia has striven to tn;rke P'ers'ia what She onoe.hoped to. • Make Alxetrirt--a useful tietttral,, 'by Whose aid she may secure her .corn. muzlioations chile advancing towazds India, Azad now, just when the time for decisive action seems to have come, the State which Banks. her whole lice of )niaroll upon 1\lery and Floret is said to be leaning to the side of her ens• miss. If this be really so, it proves that England has appreciated, more fully than the world supposed,tho value of the Shah's alliance and the wisdom! of .lir. ] astwick's counsel years ago. "Find of all secure Persia." Weis,; a subsidy from each country the proposed line of steamers between Canada and Brazil will soon become an accomplished fact, At the present time the principal articles of export from Brazil aro coffee, sugar, cocoa, hides, horns, tobacco, India rubber, while they have unlimited quantities of motels and gems of almost all kinds, and dense and boundless forests of woods, such as rosewood and nlabog. any,oapable of a very high pellet), They import cotton and woollen fab - ries frem England, wrought and un - wrought; iron from various countries, agricultural implements, hardware, lard, flour, piue, timber, petroloam, biscuits, coal, ice, hangs, soap, boots and shoes from tho. United Statex, and codfish from Newfonndtand. It will be seen that Canada can oolnpote fair- ly with its more southern neighbor iu several of the articles enumerated, and consume a oonsidorable quantity of Brazilian products. ANENT the purchase of Speaker Tur- cotte after he was elected to oppose Joly in Qubec, Hon.11lr. Baker, ex -Soli - offer -General of the Province boldly teinpiating a visit to Australia. lin .' T` M ETIa aoTo2st1� 8C), 1 supplement it with all the uze('hanioa1 improvemeuts whioh contribute so groatly to Hanlan's "powers, he ought to be able to defeat Hanlon with stone amount of ease. No opposition is ex-. 'petted from the trustees of the challen- ge clip to Elliott's request that his ar- rangements with Boyd be, sanctioned, tts Haulier) deolinos to accept his ctial' 1enk3o. L+'llihtt's claire for the oup is to be made immediately. In the soul "apt match for :k200 a• side between Elliott and Boyd, to be rowed on the Tyree course, the feet de- posit of R5O is to be mads on the filet. �ilao date of the race is not yet fix- ed. - • Boyd has accepted Elliott's articles. Tlie race will bo rowed on the 9th of February. Mr. A. T. Soule has forwarded du- plicates of the following letter to'the two celebrated oarsrnonl- To Clothes E. Courtney. The Hop Bitters Manu - featuring Company willpay the origiu t! Ilushi Oet. 26,-G°nlo 1'a lire Patio uuwon $0,000 prize to the winner of a > l single scull five -hila rags to be rowed has arrived here to succor the frou Shut - by you and Tldlvaril Hanlau at any Molding the outreached camp of tittand place and details you both t(rgardlan, the colnknai)nnnciuf trh;eli ra ma agree upon, ural will pay in I(ddi ports that be Is surrounded by ahail- Y p elude of Mongols. He eigtiale (!late lie tion $500 to each for expenses if you eau holt! his own, but from 11le heavy w 11 fix the race at • �� eshington, D. firiu r it is o1eit 1)(; is hotly engaged. C,'ma tole tithe and as the iefereo lVil ; 1iu' •n oro s rrestb' Ke to Gough will march fur Shutargardau on blalkie, p3 p 5 last, . 1louday. If the position should prove have no pal'~ or lot iu privileges or in untenable it will be evaollatecl bat if come -from any source, or nharge of ar- rangements. rrialy�yours, A. Stvx.n t e.eteruS dlsplree tho force will re,- Preaidant, main at Shutargardan and Gough's brigade return to Chbnl. Buchester, N. Y., Oct. 28. -Courtney • Cabin, Oct. 20. -The K twal of Ca - states that nobody but a lunatic would hul and 'four others Levi) beet huuged sign 1115 articles of agreement submitt-1 fox •(nn )licit the1 a ,' eco by :Haulm). Ile returned then! an- •c I y in nal lar (! the Sii.(u e(.. Ilanitan'wants the conditions fighturg bet tweet Ati.i1he 1 end Shutes'. play or pay, The Ihlfo'ta and rldearti ei'i ardan in which take enemy ~Wile de. ubliehes a six•eolutllu stattelneut by I fe , .y t hatted with heavy lose. Gtlt>7lruurict(- t.ion has since been re -opened. London, October 28.---A despatch from Iiushi anutiuilces the arrival of a couvuy frotuShuteri: Arden. There has to Mr. B1aikie declining to place tole; been hard firlttiag at the latter place, Money in his hauds, as requested~ by and. 1tI'alt of' the enemykilled. Mullan, giving reasons ther'efer. y Toronto, Oct. 2,3. --Harlan id con- la hili is „!ready beginning to 6111 in the 1ii11s. out the .fate,, turd Orem) /staggered avowal auaong the crowd hi a be,�st13- state of intoxiaata.)i1;'when 1 saw the engine come I said, ,'George is. in a big hurry," but lily Mate staid, "she's r'111I- ning away from him," and just then she tore past 0 3 at is tremendous pito; if we had two more oars on the ougii)e would have run into us, and if it bad not been that she was full of water she would have ruts right through a house on the street. The evidence of James Brown, the fireman, aktd.Geotge l3urdatt,"' the en. gikleor Of r'Tlio Otl King," wale of a cot'ruborlative character, and lathe 00(1- olusion the prisoner was eientuitted for trial, ole said ho remembered iiothiaig until be wake up iu jell. seeses...r .. THE AFGHAN TROUBLE. Cabal, Oct. 23. -'Tile tribes guard- ing Shutargardau have dispersed. Bute -di eulbassy'. Ti ,re lords brei Hubbell, Courtney's judge, exonerating Courtney, and explaining his previous failures. Soule''s Compauy publishes 11 letter' makes this statement : 1 says 11e will go if the people of Toronto, "Mr. Pacaulbrnught Mr. Tureatte-Ao i^ou ; or the then Who have made money out SITTING BULL'S SICUX. know whore ? For the sake of our Canadian i of Ilia rage: , subscribe part of tele ex- name I silts!! tai name it, ~anal i11 the Manifesto 1 RETURN OF S1:VRR1L Ohl' THE BAND TO TELE we Sent to the Governer. -General we 11510 neat penes Of the JQUrnoy. He woni13 al- f'rreo levees -now Titer UtE say 1t ; but they brought him to the remit with low Trickett $1,500 for expenses to theIriuntonatt-Governor, and theta Was com- 1 cr.Ulo here 4,11a row for $10,0J0 a• slue, • TO nL TREA,TED. poet d the palliation o conecio.lae, thepurellaso ,batt the Atletl ~~lilt declines to allow a of aman and a constitnetwv under the ev " of j cent for the cllalliltiall t0 go there. t `�Ta`11i131 'tf1T1, � 1: tl_, Out. 2#,=mhrl the representative of lie: lLa) esty the Qum, t Colunli,sioner of lil(liau Aft':aies ester- the fountain of honor, justice and greatness in i 1lanima 3.01:lares that he wili-not Utli.de y 7 t' t t1 8 dray sect lVed. a de:,patLell from rho agent t• • r } OA' 1On I A13Lan REAL 1 E T. TE1 -0� TIM Village of Bxet. x and II,C�„ T'p of Stephen. 'Under and by virtue c,f tho Powe of Seine .00h- ta rood izr, each of certain Registered Mortgages, 1t hicn -evil~ be predn0od at the time oi' sale, and uta de by john 111ei)oualrl and who, and Simeon' Ellis Jones tui wifo respectively, will ac dolt. by 1'ttillic Auction, by A. LAKE, Esq,, AU0'11011u B, elf the Gent,"izl Hotel in the Village of Exeter, -ON TUESDAY, 4th NOT 187 At 1.80 o'elockp,m., t110 following freehold prol)- er'tios, namely;: lst. -Tiro Jones Property, l,ot N'uuber.Ponr iD the Subdivision of 1,ot N um- ber Ntueteen,ill,tele 1',llageof 11 ofer, elmo- said, as hid out in a neap or n1ao thereof, made ty iI• 3:1 Boulton, l' L S., for onoThuulas Wale regi -t. rod ).)rd August', 1575, which 1,ot Ntn':t,'un is n part of fait 8333:001 , to the First (nncotsion of the township of Usbml , 10 $hol,n on the 3(1at1 of Surrey made for 11illb1u Kell, end others, which plan 113335 reg1steroo 011 alio gird Augna*, 1355, both of sai,1 plans llama," butni rt g- tstnred on said (hates i1i 0131(1 county. '33(10 vada- ablo property is 1itunt.(1 711 1?rinclpal ('3 liuiu Street -in vet• it: the said Village of Exeter, and is in Idle boot l,usiue•s5locnlity in l,.yrter. Thom is a frt,ne store and residence on the lot (nearly net,) 2-stnri e 1(1(;11, 9513-10: eot, and i 11o0tl shat. of repair; also govt! yeti, &c. 2nd. -The McDonald Property, $.i noros, more or less. Tho north hall of the north ball of Lottitamber Se1'1tltot't1 In the Tltir- teuuth (ott4`eSeinll 0f the i 1,31(1 1;:unw11 u11i • of Sto- en r lr11311,3111(.1'12 , t , 1h i, 1 1 h t 1„01; nbcut ti acr•�5 e1 ,teat, 1cniltru, ,.1 t1t,ll•tiulb,ro(1 with bt,(th, lua110' do 3 141 f(,ir.(t(; 115 !rat 01' stem. land; coca reads and ularlota, Distance from Exeter !1111111,',, 1. tea of tho above lots will ba 50111 to the high- o't bidder tharefer,at alto time 5utlpla.'0 above rn:•lttiolt d Enbject to tbo o3ttiditioos of s1t1„ which will 'ti en 1111(1 tlu'rt) be pubIISlled, or wllieh.ulr:g 1)13 11soorta nud on application to HARRIS, MAGEE & CO., Vendor's Solicitor, Loudon, Ont., or to A. LAKE, Eve., Aide ti:11(1r,l.:Cetor, 0.09, Lon,10 n, Octob or 17th,187a. Mor iage Sale Or ydI,>st1iLE -37 REAL St A T. >v Tis TOWN of CLINTON. the 1 f atti the coneit one 03011 it vie& In d rdrinee. , E y at lI (1 )1',11(1 A�elicyea:tl'illn :-rl'tle.nty And yot the Pteformers, must we say i articles he sent Lutlrt.uey. He irii! South„ Bull ;.neutee aro jilt ill, with for as a rliar-' certallly not; go*to 1lirtasbit4,t0tr,. a.n(1 lilies from ii11(jer V3111Sb, B11tieb officer et the ueereet post across the bnrdu.r. !Marey will 0.,i110 when the Miosourl fr.eez:=•t;. 1)0 you want th011m 1,41 ? To will in'iot upon Mr. Blaikie being the referee; he Will hear of no other being rho„e11. 'Ile thinks Courtney vert' much overrated, and is fullypaesaitled Courtney-4anlen-Elliott• IIS he has been Ercall, the bt?ginniug, this the 11a17a1,tiiOI)O replied :-lie- - that the Union Springs elan Ilryr>r quire the Sittit.i Bull Indo -ata to ser- l`!on York, Oct. 25.-Courtuoy says menet to row. lie thiuks Courtney render arils and ponies, place thele by in answer to Ilanlau's letter:- nI have belungs becly and soul to Soule, 1 h.‘,! themselves notier the 8111'vtrlll: Ileo of only cue position. I alt willing now, is only n,in hila a'. a 7,, nna of a'lt'er- the pall's, leu feed their. the Culu- , its T always have been, to row a fair, honest race to decide which is the bet- ter oarsman, and this virtual postpone- nlont of the race which was to have been pulled on. Chautauqua Lake on the lath inst. meets with lily cordial approval. 1 01tiy ails fur five days after my new shell is finished, and an impartial judgment of the race upon its merits." Courtuey's fiiends object to j31aikio ars referee, and it is probable they will insist upon another to fill his place. Courtney stands ready to row l aulsu upon any fair a13(1 neutral wa- ter. Courtney, iu ;Interview with Soule at Brighton,. fixed next. Thui:.sday as the dray for the race. 1Haula 1 will at:- cept the proposition, and the race wilt uedoubto(ily oolna off at Washington. Courtney Is informed that his new Pa- per boat will be ready 1n a day or two. He will give jd.anlan no guarautee tha t be will row except his word, Toronto, Oct. 24 -Harlan is op- posed to going to Washington to row Courtney over again; but if the latter will pull him nowhere else, he will even go there, providing the necessary- guar antees are foitheaming that the Union Spring scalier will row and that the man Soule will pay the purse. lian1130 is so determined to meet Com tney that be would even travel to Aastrulia to do it. Ile recognizes the fact that he might oato11 a T,3rtar«but he avows he i would eaun.er bo beaten than have mat- t teal as they are at present. Laudon,. Oot. 25. -Elliot!, in reply to oris notification tliat Iianliw i3 wil- ling to allow $.500 for expenses, and row ban an Toronto B'iy, 51378 that 1 should hewinthe rape with Boyd, howill fivoept Hattlan's. terms. He was about forwarding articles to laoyd, bat the. uewe form Toronto altered tae posi- tion of affairs,. as Fdanlatt,, having re- fuso(t 10 uon3-pet•e in E:ligiend, forfeits r 1 the tr01hy. Elliott therefore Hopes tbe match with B. ,yd will be for $1,0.00, a side and the trophy, and he appeals. t0 the trnsteee of the trophy to sane - tion these e,rran•gements. Elliott eitains that he has greatly unproved the stv'lo of his rooting, and is confident of tieing able to render a capitol westronger man,, and if he has really (Us- . covered hOw to utilise his strength', and, - °emelt of himself when he again meets Hanlon.. Elliott is undoubtedly the tieing bis u' .res. llanlall will street d• lni•sit)ner, by order of the Secretary of er the Sportsman cup sooner than go to the 101011or, alba telegraphed as fel England this winter, but ore will pro- lol's:`Sii,tillg ball's ln(liaas );Cturn tont Elliott's claim to it uutil he lnrov. i int trust be 91aole •5i1 upon virtually as ell himself the best man in Englandprisotlers of lvlir; they must ellrreu(le by defeating Boyd. their arms and ponies. rl. ne idea must Thal Pont Engine Thief. The young man Crowe, who was er rested by Constable Aldridge of Londou on Thursday afternoon last for stealing a G. W. E. pony engine, and 511011);1 1rrepnrubly dainaf;ing it, ,was brought up for examination before Reeve 1Va- teranan and Squire Belton in tbe Len. don East Tuwn Hall on Monday after- noon. The prisoner was 1)188eilt In charge of the constable. Mr. Donald Carrie, wno laid the in- formation, was the first witness, and testified to the ownership of the engine by the Hendrie Cartago Company and the probable damage. Wheu all the necessary repairs hacl been made, be expeoted that ;1,000 would not more then covor the expeuse. Robert Turtun, sworn -I am an en. - gine -driver on the Grand Trnul; hall- way-., and reside in the city of London; I I000gr1ize prisoner as the young matt whom- I saw on the Great Western en- gine that wee wrecked on the 23rd inat;; I did not see the l prisoner get 00 the engiue, Out I saw hitt got off after it was wrecked; 1 fitst saw the prison. er feeble over the tramway . diamond crossing„ as we oat' it i I dt)il't kuow whether he is a prol"eeeionel driver os • not,. alit he was ging it pretty lively„ and the. engine was making about twenty alailea; an hour; as the engine passed me, l saw some one leaning up against the corner of the cab, but 1 0001(111'1 swear that it was the p.risonor 1 reversed my engine when I saw the upset, and after j:(tnlpi.tlg met,, followed g' np after the engine; sten I got ou the spot„ Crowe was getting out !'ou un- der the engiue and woad, and, thinking that he was hurt,. 11auk' hook of his collar, and assisted hienn, to get out, thinks I, "You're not very badly hurt, anyway.," and I coremeeced looking to see ifanyone else was in• the 'cab, I saw Crowe staggering,. and, thinking he was hurt 'internally, "1 asked bins. how he felt; be. called mo a foul name„ and said he conk!~ lia1 anyone of u+we' put net, be permitted t0 spread that they can simply curie and be fed. Enforce this pohey strictly awl keep them well watched. A letter from some Indian agent reports that the Sioux, under his charge, aro exceudltlgly allxlr'lle to et1- fi ~laud 3158151 the "(.1... ^' ut ;(51103 1 the war against the Jtes. The ill•feel. jag between the Sioux and the 'Mos dates bads so many years as to have become traditional. Sale Register. Thursday, lien,. its, 11371, -Furniture.. etc., the ;propetty 'ni. 13al1, ]?,tshtvood. H. Ootll anal. Tuesday, Nov. llth, 1872. T'loroughbrecl and imported stock, the property 01 Leon- ard Bunter, Esq., lot 4, con, 4, Usborne. A. Bishop and Jas. Oke, accts. Thursday, Oct. 30111, 1879.-.1sh and tama- rack, the property of W. (St RR.. Quinton, lot 5, eon. 5. Usborne. SV.,BI•ownlee, acct. fa''" Parties getting their sale bills printed at this office ~yell receive a notice similar to the. above, freo of charge. DIED. SlcObrrocln-At I1i$father's residence, lot 15, concession 10, Usborne, on the 23rd hist,, Irvine, oldest Fon of Mr. Tames11rocnllooh, aged 13 years 51)3.1.19 days.. London F,'ee Press please cop -y. PLIIIICF,TL-At Varna, on the 1503. inst., Laura May, daughter of Milani, and Isabella Plunkett, aged 2 yearn. and 12 days. MAR1i•IED. ' ..11M0011sIItAD-JAC'KNAN..--M the residiotaorg of Mr. Jntn.e Down, nu on street, Exeter, on the 25th inst., by Rev. G. Webber, Mr,, ,John Moorshead. to Ms. Ann Jackman ,, all of Exeter.. 14Ilo ns-�-Drn rN - 5 the n c+, t the residence o _t .f�. ee f t e • bride's feather, on the2S;th inst., by Rev. G. Webber, Mr., John Moore to DM1ss 1V1. J; Dearing, second daughter of 1IV4r. Thomas. Dearing, all 'of Exeter. DUoxax-n irnixoxn, In •T ray.;. rat the. roaidence of the bride's,nlother,•oa the 20th, inst.,' by the -Rev. liar. Stni,th, Mr. John R. Dig - tan, of Exeter, to. Ruth, third .datg1-tter' of. lairs. John Redmond, of Hay'., .Bort$, ;°1oltU31D.---!n •Exoter, on the 24th inst.,, ho - safe, of Dir. Ruybt. l tcicard„ of a sou„ "Coder and by 1•irtao of a Hover of salo contained ivacertain 1(,•i,ttred mora age, dated t'lu 31st V D. 1073, and '011'10 ':y 1(110 (esodic\ar 1.A41.1 11nbosialhvI'n1ltu.!notion try .T; 1t ;S 110W80133, ]`: q., Aue1, aur, at S`VAIRTZ a110'T1iL,luthe TOWN o C LIN'1`O\, MD,VDAY, NOVEMBER 39D, 1879, at 2 c clock p.'0 , the following freehold proper - namely, ioper- neem ly, 3-`r11.3 north half of 1;1,1 n11101,er 1`laenty,tllo smith, half of ), ,t numbet ultote0tl. 111 the 1vhole., of Lot 01111b01 Sc v.,ntC (u, all in the Fourth (1,vx'es,in t in the Said 1015 lahi)) of lin llett, 013011111.3: with a coluin right 'ht o1 way 1n,. nvcr; a1.d upon n strip of land 1 1 a, in lnediutely north of the southern 'bunds ry of said 50;3111 half of 5111,1 ,ot Twenty, and u}:tu110111 t:orth+.,rly cul •,1,',111flu, whole extent o3 attl•-I bouututry a ami fort~ distance or width of one rod. for the said riot •ag'.r5, tbelr 5seit=us, their 5aceo,,,urs, ser- vants, and tenants t all times froele t pass and, 11 pulse no foot, or with ho1•• s r xuv, cattle, boasts of bunion, wagons, r alis .161't,.;, crothervehicles (1 Gerrit es 1,11t.6 (selc•r, P 1Tt1'i(I 1 '1)iS tat, The nortjs ]tall lot 20, cn,ltaiuinf .50 ',saes, fur.10 of 1383 Si,iroad run- t ring along wt.st side of 'lb, 4ukl. guo(1 l:tg Ioa1n, ;t11 0iearod. Fr•.tnolumIo,11 stnrl(i5, 11 by (31 feet, w0th 111tch�) 14ii13. ft, 13. a ood state of repair. Smug ,ca•to1: and w,'11, good gravel roads. Dist- mime ist-01 :.t' fr•utlt C'liutnn ab••mt 4 1rti1(ts. earl. Thr, fines., half lot 19, containing 50 acres,, metro or loos. Soil, clay lona,, a1,out ,15 :,.eves 610ar01; remainder timbered with beech, maple,. tt.). Good (00(11 ;. S;11•lu3 crook o111Ut. 3r(l. Lot number 17,100'lures,moru or loss, Soil 0111.113 sanity 13:111)), some clay, 111)1,111 75 auric. ole (ar:1d; 1 r nain(13r t1 ttvprarl with beech, manic, dc, Dui thugs consist of a frame burn, ,!early new, eox.to ft, a log house 211[20 foot, and log stable, 16=10 ft, Al) boundary fences ill good re - Thar. 06011 gravel roads,'s.n0 goud markets at Olbatln and Sns.orth. Distance from Clinton 1)1111,31, about four miles; from Seaforth about eight Each of the above iots will bo sold to the high- est bidder therefor, atthe time and pl'cc above !mentioned, Snb'betto the conditions of sale which will then mud chore be pnblfs000 or which may bo aso5rtaiued on application to .fAS. HOW SON.. l;sq., A3etion0or, C'lil,ton, or to 1(91(1i111,1v14 GEE R C:O., VondOr'u fielicftorS, 877.. don Out. London, Ootober 1710,1879. 11. C, TRAYED.-ABOUT i;st SEPTE 1I- �_ bar, from lot 0, con. 7, Usborao, 3 steers, ono, brindle, ono red and one spotted.; 3 heifers, two, roll and ono spotted ; all spring caves.. Last seen at Winchelsea.. 1a. MARQUIS, Lulnluy Pt 0'.. ' c'tt 9 Canadian Pacific ail' 'ayy '1'7:;7X)1.118 DOR WV011.K. IN ixarrISH do - L 1m113IA.' �I;A,L:C ,( i FJ• TENDERS addressed to. kJ the undersigned and endorsed " TandemPacific Iaailway,' w111 be 'received at tltts.otlice up to noon on MONDAY', the 17th day of NOV- EMBER next, for certain works of construction 1'0q luteol to be exeonted on the line from neat• Y1ale to Lake. Kaamloops,inthe following sec- tions, ections, viz,: o Bar 10• n37e5. L`1u,�1ry'b :13:tir•tn Boston 13 t Boston Isar to Lytton ...,... ....,....,..,.,29 .miles Lytton to Junction flat 28 'miles Junction it to Savona's Perry 40 'miles miles. Specifications, bits of qu,tntdties,, conditions o4' contract, forams of tondo'',. And all .01 intact infor•. ?ration ,may 'be obtained 011, application at tho Pacific. (alto/ay oihce it1 New Westminster„ British (lolatrabia., and at the oflieo•of the engin•• oer-iia•o1ief at Ottawa, Pilule` and profiles w111, be•open rbr inspectional the latter edlce. 1'1.'0 tondo' will be eate'i'tatned unless on ors of f lee printed forms and all the conditions arelconl+• plied with. • R5r order,, r i3A.17 Secretary,,' DYAPARTIV104tOP iteutwiilANDdhSAns,L • rOttAIW41,,O0,4bb0211rd,11$79...