HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-30, Page 3OcT'ol .,0, 80, 1870 CLAWED BY A CEN'T'IPEDE, The Beretta (0a1.)l,catler says, Several Mexicans were•in'Amp at the mouth of liletephis Creek, U. "3'„ acid wire lying'abotit the t w11ou one of dicast, Toleetto Crude, saw a huge cen- tipede, fully eine inches long, travelling slowly over his leg. ICtloaving that the least Illation would make it sick its deadly claws into his skin, without neeving his log he got out his revolver and waiting until the insect bad almost reached his knee, when, sl e,ly pattiaig the xnouth of the pistol to hs heats, he pulled the trigger tied tlio centipede was gone. But the centipede's claws lire gelekor than gunpowder and Cruett begau to cramp i.0 a few minutes and the traek of the ineeot along hie leg tame). a brownie11 yellow and the plaoe whe•''o it was lulled swelled . up fright- fully. Crusta rapidly grow worse and iu a Little over four hours afterwards he died iu great agony. But the most eiogiilar part of the story is treat the bullet final O ttc,►'r; pistol cut to small nick in the fore 1eg of a mule that was tethered near by and at daylight next morning the mule was also dead, with the le;; so swollen that the skin had burst in many places. A. woman who opened. a small mil- linery store i,a the western. p trt of '1)a- troit engaged a painter to paint liar a sign. When it carne Come the other day, 8110 sawthat it read "Ursa. Blank, etc. and called out, "Yea have an extra "y" iu 'gin., and you must paint the sign over agaiu," Tho pain- ter saw the, error, but he didn't want the job of correotiug it and replied, "Madam, haven't you had two line - bands ?" "Yes, sir." "You were Mrs. when you lost the first ?" "I was," Do you think a woman can go on marrying for ever and not lengthen oat her title ? "Mrs. means a married woman or a widow, 'giros." means a woman who has been married twice and is .young enough to nearly again ; and o ily yesterday a rich of I "coou" wag in our shop and said if he had any idea tinct your Heart was free,he'd come up -", "tali, well, you can nail np tl:e Sign I" she iaterup ted ; and there it is to• le fe. • A GI13.L MIDSHIPMAN. "Tlie Lady Midshipman" is the title of an oo;:an romance in the files of the last foreign mail. Fourteen months ago a good looking Irit'h girl 17 year old took it into her head to go to Now South Wales or Australia. She accordingly went out as au emi- grant to Queensland, whore she obtain- ed a 'situation as bar -maid. While there she reoeivod a letter from her mother begging her to return home, and inclosiog In luey to pay her pas- sage. With this she bought men's clothes and obtaiued a situation as second stoNara ou hoard a steamer snaking short trips between Newcastle and Sydney. She remained on this vessel two or threo mouths, and then she thought she would like to go to Englund, and that she might as well work her passage over as pay for it. She sought and obtained a situation on board the Strathdon, a clipper ship plying between Sydney and Loudon. The new hand did duty es well as could be desired and became a favorite with the ship's vernally. 'When the vessel had been out Torty days, a cum- munioation was made to the captain which araueed his suspicions, and he aooarlingly taxed the suppcsed appren- tice with being a woman. She admit- ted the soft impeachment, abandoned the forecastle, changed her uniform and returned to Ireland like a laadv. HOW HE WON HIS SHOULDER • SMAPS. It was during the siege of Wagner, and the union parallels were but a fe w hundred away ftom the line of grim Mask tubes that ever and aeon "ern- bawelled with outrageous noise the i ir----.disgorgiug foul their devilish glut of iron globes." A line of abaltis was to be built aoroas a clear space in point hlank of the rebel ;gunners and sharp- shooters. "Sergeant, says the officer in charge, "go and pace that opening Iva give me the distance as Lieut as. ipossible." Says the Sergeant (for we will let hint tell the story) c --"I start- ed right off, When 1'0 to the open• iog I put er like the devil in a gale of wind. What withgrape, canister, round shot, 'Moll, and a regular bees' nest of rifle balls,, I just think there must have been a fearful drain of ant - munition on the 'Confederate Govern - meta about that time. I don't know how it wa3 bat I didn't got so much as a scratch, but 1 did get powerful sear- ed, Whoa I'd got under °over 1 couldn't er told fur the life o'Ino whe- ther it was hundred or a bemired thonantli paces ;' I would sooner or guessed hnudrel thoneaztd, Says the eaptel , "\'troll, sergeant, what do you matte it?' Sumi's as 1 Could get any wind says I, ' "Give a guess captain." Ho looked a'aross the opening a second or twa, and then says "A hundred and seventy five paces say." "Thunder, oaptaiu," says I, "you've made a pretty close guses, It'sjtatti a hundred and seventy -Ono, "And," added the ser - gent, after the. laugh had subsided, "that's how I .tot my shoulder -straps." REDUCTION OF RENTS IN IRE' LAND. Hiss Moore, who owns large proper- ty in Tipperary, has given au abate- ment of bate-Iuent,of twenty per cent. Sir Robert Keno has made a reduc- tion of twenty per cent, Lord lnchiquiu has consented to make a telt per scent. reduction on the tenants whose rents were raised. John G. Tatlow, Esq., The Rocks, Crossdoney,!.aas notified to his tenantry that he will allow twenty per cont. abatement. Mr. R. N. Batt, J. P.,of Purdysbnrn, has intimated his intention of making a reduction of the rents upon Lis pro- perty falling due ou the ensuing gale day. • J. G, Richardson, 'Esq., Bessbrook, says—I shall make a general reduction of ten per cent. on the rental for the present year due at the lst November to all who pay their rents on or before the 1st of January, 1880. To the list of Cavan landlords who have reduced their rents may be added the names of James Henry Pay, Esq., J. P„ Maybrook, Cootehill, w110 has made a reduction of twenty-five per 1 cent. ; also James 'Unary Stator, an English gentleman, who owns property 1 at Iiilnaereeve, Ballivagh, has notified to his bailiff his intention to make a similar reductio::. Lord tie Clifford has authorized his agent, Allan Tt, A1gie, Esq., to grant the following abatements at the next rent collection :--To all tenants under a rent of ee0, twenty per cent. off one year's rent ; to those raying from 220 and under e:ei0, ten per cent. ; and to to those at and over 2o0, five per cent. Itis Loxtiship's hand is rather low.- The ow.-The following liaudownore in 11Toney- more district have,witllont solicitation, signified their intention to grant a re-! duction on the year's rent clue ou 1st November, 1879 :—Madame Debille, twenty per cont. ; Mrs. A. Millar, Messrs. John and William Bell, and Mr. William Eakin,, ten per eei t It wag; recently announced that Co- lonel Clements would for the future al- low his tenants half the poor -rates, not- withstandiug their agreements to the contrary. Colonel Clements has DOW instructed his agent, George r. Steward Esq., J P., to remit twenty per cent. to his tenants on the year's rent due 29th Sebtember He has also intimat- ed his intention of compensating those tenants whose croppsin low lands have been damaged, by.+ths la$ floods; and it is understood that 'tbosi Ibnsele who paid their rents last year and gave DO opposition to the agent in managing the estate while it was the subject of. titigatiun,will be further leniently dealt with, The concession made by Colonel Clements is a voluntary one, CONSUMPTION CURED Ari old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East In- dia missionary the forrunla of a simple vege- table remedy ;for the speedy and permanent ore for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarh, As- thma, and all Throat and Lung Affections, also. a positive and radical cure for. Nervous De- bility and all Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its womlerfel curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it lois duty to make it known to his suffering follows.' Actuated by. this motive and a desire to relieve human snt- foring, I will send fame of charge to all who de- sire it, this. recipe, in German, 'French, or Eng- 1'ish,with full directions for preparing and us- tug, Bent by mail by addressing with stamp, ' naming this paper, W. W, $aattue,14% flowsrie X Furniture and. Undertakine. • iuoonneetion with the 'Undertaking Business, lie usos the Anti -Septic Fluid, whichreserves tho;bodyand destroys all offensive odors, and prevents contagion arising from dead bodies. A call re s zae c tfully s olio itc d, S. 1PAI1113AIIIN leas on band at IEensall as ,large tied as handsome a stock of FUBNIT'Ultl't as Can he found in any establishment in Huron, all of which he IS PREPARED TO SELL CHEAP UNDERTAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Having procured a handsome hearse, he is prepared to at$ cud to UN1)E1tTAI4ING, On the Atosf Reasonable Te,'nl6% S. 7 IRE,AaE,w. THE EXETER TIMES till IPA PIIRTIIG 111 +'AME,R WANTED.—Male, see - owl or third class, for 8, 5, No, 7, 1'8b—cure. D' tioe to common:8114J'llutarv, 1870, I'essivao- Male required. AL1 1'y to W,'rAYLoit, Secretary of Trustee Board, Wialchelse.l 1'. 0, 9 in. Oct.'9,1879. 1 TILAYED._Strayed front the prem- . ora about tiles subscriber,. gustOlast,1 su 811 vlw ri ting better ;.red. Any person giving information ' kis to her W11L•renbouts will be suLtably ri:melded. i%Ar-f taL>x'1'`it.Ceutralla V, 0., 214. , , • \TO'1'ICE. , Wanted, in exchange for Canadian Frown fruit Krebs„ 40 cords mixed hardwood. Apply at 8110 2'.tnazs offloe. 28 1J1( ter J o1' at FLOUR anal. GRIST MILL;. Being in god working•ordsrgives every amnia - dation possible in. grlattclg and flouring, Flour and mill feed doliverod to part fes leavin,: their orders before one o'clock at J. if Ni,f.'S Bakery. or O'1iTla1\ C: & CO'S, or at milt saute day o --- TERMS ( SI -L 127 WC. ''E � a EA ETll rl At' O. TE N1'E41CENT. • OFF FO1 A• S Hp on all our present Grocery Stock except SUGARS, ---010 "faxs IS IST O SIZA.M. 1 GOLD 18 UP. 2'bo latestuews 011 record at the Nety York I�illznery Store 1" RS. 0. i33. \\�ILLI,L1elSr skit sell zor Lite Next tlrirt�' days the remainder of her Sommer Stock of MILLINERY at COST Also the roma:rider of ber stock of Fancy Goods at Cost so as to make room for the coming stock. Now is the time for bargains, Hats that sell for Si, are down to $8; Hats x13 9e, for 51 25; Eats worth 81, for oocts. This,ohanco is only open fnr 00 days. Don't forget the place—O'\oils old and, e'arison'a Block,1,ixeter. FARMERS AND BUILDERS, Bay our Beacltville WHITE LIME and x Star Brand Plaster Paris. and you will be pleased with your work. Fresh Lane always; on hand. GLASS, :AILS, LOCKS, awl 1I UES very cheap for cash. White Leal, Oils, Tur- pentine and putty at bottom prices. Rope Chain, saws, Planes and other tools at prices that will astonish you. Carriage Makers, earl and see Our Bent, ( oocli, matte favor dry, tough timber. ('heap for caste O'BY.RNE t CO„ All .gilds or printing don° neatly cheaply and -with dispatch. The Farmers' and Oft' haauics'Hardwaro Stare, Order you work where you can get it done the Cheapest. Exeter. Money to loan on Mortgages. MAIM STREET, ENETE1',, • Colored Mark a Specialty The '.LIMES OFFICE has excellent facilities for turning out CARDS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS. jILLINERY AT MISS C-.A.RIICK.'S .t full line cow ill; of l FALL and WINTER, Ilats, and Mullets, • all the Latest styles. New Flowers Feathers,and 'Ornaments. Trimmings in great variety, GIRL'S HATS NICELY TRIMMED, from 51A0 up, Everything will be sold as cheap ' as possible. Fancy Goods, Berlin Wool, Mottoes, etc., a took always kept. r Jackets made or cut MISS GARLICK, Sep, '78 , Hain 88,, H aster. .6311;3P caocnic4., SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS, TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, COCOA, COFFEE, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES, RIOE,OATMEAL,POT BARLEY OYSTERS, SALMON, LOBSTERS,. 1 VINEGAR, .EXCELL.Ea\'7' FORPICKLIN'G. ORANGES, FaE)fONS, FRUITS, GENUINE, INDIAN CURRIE POWDER, SCALED HERRINGS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, II 'A full assortment of firat.olass Family Gr000rioa in stook, eheap as the cheapest. GEO. KEMP, train street, Exeter.