The Exeter Times, 1879-10-30, Page 1rnoamielottimemEtteNaml
o ra,vraaawtrm-eta. rratsmarcaxurn.-ovr t7m�raxnr.^=7. .
`.4101, ALE- ..;a:N €� L
water 1i of ono !hundred acres on the Limn -ton
roe ii,first eonceatien of `, Hear the village
of Else. er A vidy to MILD, Y. I+;L1.AOT, SaligL.
t, r, t')xuer, August 13 1670.
T1l(ME YDARS.--'1wo improved farms of
Due hundred acres ua°lh, 'a 1arg+, back baru and
°titer 1,uildtnl.+a 00 each p1 ton. The rent lnnttpa
paid in adv tut a of satisfactory security given,
_War author . artie:tilers, apply 00 the, premises to
W, o II '1L11V'LtN hit 1, eon, 5, lbXet.+t 1'. O;
iffiAttiel F011 Si'l:Ll:t',-Lot 0, Se tibia'
ride, Stephen, 50.aeres,30 acres • cleared, 12
(+hopped, good brick house, gond stable, well
teamed. Land exeullent, On lake shore, a of a
guile ftolu fort Blake, whore boat•„ run three
times • a week, and i eta, mile from Grand Douai,
t!°nVe11i011ttoscha01 au al churches, on good marl.
Trice, +12.300, terms easy; 311.Dit:10 ))1163-3.11,
DIN 3, Bre water p 0
�I�AkZ11 Fill;, aA.l.ele.- -Lot 14, CON-
ceissiun 10, 8; ceutalnine 1011 acres. 70
:!eros cleared, Goad 1,g !tense and frame barn,
40x60. Good young oralut d, graftedfrnit, The.
farm iStvcll mess -1,n11 in at good state of culti-
vation, Thero is a largo quantity of black sat,,
also n; ntn-er 'failing well, L'or terms amply to -
HENRY I'IUIL1.INpi0 tlreditou. Juno li
F.ARdl FOR SALE, --,Lot 8, ounces-
sion 13, Osborne, Seventy aoros More At
leas, sixty acres (1101,reit and in a good state of eu1
tivatiou,goodfrahne house mad fra'no hard, log
stables, ;;cod' well ot avatar, aiming creek relining
across' the plano,good oreh',rd,good fsucos. For
further particulars, apply on too lhremises or by
letter to Jt MN K11IN, ltirkton P. 0., Ontario.
slay '20,1873, tf.
scriber Offers ter We his farm, Lot 13,
Con.11,Township of Osborne County of Huron
80 aorea cleaved, the remainde geed bush, wall
fenced, audio at good state? et caltivation; hauler,
drains'*, good orchard, solondicl well of water.
frallma barn 361:00, log stable 21a36, log !louse, and
convenient to School and throe churches. For
ur thorparticularo apply to
WM. BRYAN'S, Kirkton, P.O.,or
MR B.V.ELLIO'T.Attornev,llxeterP.O.
FARM EOR SALE. -The rnhscrib -
er offers for Bile the north'htilf of lot 17,
oou. 10, Osborne, containing 50 acres. 41 acres
cleared, well underdralned, and in a good state
of cultivation. There are on the promises 0 acres
of goodbusl1,101) rorl1board fence, a good oom-
fortnble tlwalliuq' 20x30, frame barn 34x04, good
tog stable. and shed 27x47,good °roberd, good well
of water with *nun o. Tho provertyis situated six
and a half miles from Exeter market and about
of 0 mile from t'argn11fl , and convenient to
ohurehes and schools. For further particulars.
apply on the premises o1 to Farquhar post odic°
l Auctioneers, Silos promptly attended
to. Days o3sales arranged at this °nice
110-4-.J. CLARK, Agent for the Us -
1 • born o and ltibbort Mutual PireInsurance
Company, Residence-1i'arq tear,. Orders by
mail promptly attended to.
rel 11L. CARLING & J. W. ARM-
• STRnNa, Licensed Auctioneers for the
County of Huron, and the Townships of McGilli-
vray and Bitiiulph Sales conducted with setis-
f.,ction. and ou liberal terms. All orders lett at
Christie's Mansion House trill receive prompt at-
tention. Sept. 4,1-y.
• Land Surveyor, 8m., will to at the
Nal Hotel, Gxetor,on the first Tuesday in each
Month. Orders for work left with Mr, John
money to loan on mortgages, notes and other
securities. Rents and accounts collected on rea-
sonable terms. Insurance effected in first -elates
Cmnppa.ies at reasonable rates. O,llce-at Dr.
Hyndman's, Main Street, Exeter.
just received for investment On mortgages
at 8 per cent.
on reasonable terms,
Graduate ofRoya1Co11ege of
Office oyez O'Neil bank, and opposite Samwell
Hardware and Carriage
Goods Merchant,
CT4T.N` '`iC)N ON.
Exeter, Ontario Thursday, October, 30, 1879.
.A quarrel 'occurred ou Wednesday
ui;rt.t la -t. in the Grigg House office
which Iles • bruegh t -inieery and ann..
grace to one of the) partioipalts and
death to the other. The oaso in a pe
culiittrly sea one, and oarriots a burden
of teserniug to those who are in the ha-
bit of striking people with canes and
clubs in a foolish, thoughtless fa-
A. young main, possibly 28 yetere of
age, by tee name of Franc L. Gund-
lack, of the Dominion Reporting Direo-
tory and Collecting ;;Associn.tion, Dame
to tins City on the :Ind of 0otober last.
He engaged a room at the Grigg Ilunse:
aurcl endeavored to make himself gener-
ally agreeable with the guests. His
=miler i': said to have beeu somewhat
offiuions and. rather fatuiliar,.but, how-
ever that may be, he seems to have
created a number of friends in the pity,
who all speaks' of him as a most inof-
fensive gentleman. He was accustom-
ed to d ink, and even to excess but
it was scarcely noticeable, a fact which
was, no doubt, due to a continued in-
dnleence. Wednesday night about
twenty :minutes after twelve, .Gund-
lack was standiug in the office of the
hotel, when a young man by the name
of Drought entered. The latter asked
somebody if that "big s------af a b-
The scarcity of small change bills and
silver is complained of. .
Decks aro said to be going over the
Falls ,in great numbers.
A company at Sussex, N. B., intends
sending trait trees to Manitoba.
A pine trop has been cut in Caarnar-
von township, Algoma, measuring 14ft
4iu in circumference.
The rate of taxation in Fergus this
year is aver twenty-three and a half
mills on the dollar.
The potato crop is almost a complete
failure 1n .Muskoka, and many of the
people are buying a Whiter's'supply of
tuberous staff of life.
'T, Wilson Bell, proprietor of the
Park hotel, Dorchester, N. B., was
found drowned in a well in the hotel
cellar a few days ago.
The Lanark County Council: Commit-
teo have directed a by-law in favor of
a bonus to the Toronto and Ottawa
Railway, to be submitted to the rate-
The Lundy's Lane public school has
been closed for two weeks, ou account
of the prevalence of malarial fever in
the neighborhood.
At a meeting of the Irish citizens in
Montreal, it was resolved to invite Sir
Francis }Becks to stand as mayor for
the ensuing year.
Duncan McMillan, thresher, lot 5,
Wats oat an American commercial tra- can. 6, Westminster, threshed,' on the
yeller." He eafter wards accosted farm of William Partheoary, of South-
Gundiack and said : "I am acquainted
with you. You aro a drummer, ar'nt
you ?" Gundlaok replied ,that he did
not kuow him, and furthermore wish-
ed to have nothing more to do with
him. Drought continued indulging iu
opprobrious epithets, till finally the
clerk requested them both to leave the
office. Gundlack was about doing so
when Drought foliowed him, and re-
newed his attack. Grundlack turned saying whither he was going. His
and requested his persecutor to keep landlord and several others Mourn !lie
away from him, and finally shoved bim sudden departure,
against the telegraph counter. This• Dennis Hynes, a laborer of 'timbre -
action so aggravated Drought that he al. was found dead in au out -house by
struck Gundlaok a blow across the the police. He was addicted to heavy
left temple with a ebony walking stick. drinking, and his death is supposed to
A. dish wound was inflicted all no- be caused by excess.
thin'$ whatever resulted at the time to Dr. Charles Clarke, homceopathist,
create any appreheneion of the terrible of Aylmer, administered a dose of
event that followed. This blow ended ether this morniug to Mrs. Newton El -
the quarrel. Gundlaok wash,repeatedly lis, 25 years old, of this plawe,to extract
seen afterwards and appeared to tliiuic a tooth. Sue became insensible and
n -thing about the affair, though he never recovered..
hard in foot told Mr. Griggthat he was The YorkI3rraltl wants the County
seriously injured. Sllortlyafter twelve Council to tweet 'the proposed new
he retired to room 27, after which uo• Court House at Richmond Hill, and
thing was known of his condition till make that the county town instead of
the events which trauspired this morn-
orn- Toronto.
w T. W. Gilmour, of Port Hope, Deco. Mr, G. Dawson, the G. T. R. freight
pied la bed in the name room with checker at Nepanee. folded his tent like
Gnudlaok. and when he arose Thursday the Arab, and silently skipped to
morniug ho discovered the unfortunate the States a few days since, leaving a
man lying on the floor by his bedside. number of creditors to mourn his de-
His eyes were wide open, and his parlors.
breathing ;heavy and labored. • He A survey of a new township in the
spoke to him first, but on receiving no
Free Grant District -the township of
reply be examined him and found that Brett, lying uertti of McOraney and east
he was uuconsoions. He was lying as jand is ref fportied to be of goodn egttaThe
stillhhad hangingea from the with some
feet better than the average in the district.
to the side, with some of
the covering still clinging to his body. The grocery store of Mr. P. II.
flood, of Berlin, was entered by bur
Gilmour at once . communicated the fare a few ni hes since. The maraud.
facts to Mr. Grigg, who summoned ars attempted to burst open the safe,
medical aid. The poor t;fellow was but the door being hollow, the powder
'placed in bed, but ,he physicians could fel! to the bottom, and the safe did not
administer no remedies 'or bring him burst. After helping themselves to gin
back to consciousness. All day his and� cigars the burglars left.
condition has remained unchanged.
the health of,Mr. D. Galbraith, M.
The Doctors have given up all hopes of P. for North Lanark, is a cause of great
recovery and momentarily expect death sextet to his friends. He has never
to ensue. The wound on the head has recovered from the effects of the aooid-
swolen considerably and during, the
,night emitted some blood, as the pillow eat that happened to him last,summ �,
is saturated in places. The attending when he Was thrown from his bit
physician states `that the immediate A man named Peter McDougall, a
De -
cause of his condition is flowing of mason by trade, and hailing from De-
blood'upon the brain, induced probably Iron tried to drown himself at Amherst
burgh:the other day, but not
by ;the force of the 010x. But, of withstand
course, no certain solution can;be given tog he filled hie- pockets with stones
till a port mortem examination is and j umped off the dock, his body re-
made. Gundlaek's friends have been fused to sink. Lae thou came back to
telegraphed for, and will doubtless be the Gordon Houseand told his exploits.
in the city shortly. The affair is a sad When Rimer, the forger of Toronto,
one, and has cast a gloom throughout was being, taken to the penitentiary, he
the hotel and the many friends ofthe informed 'the, constable in charge that
two unfortunate yonng men. (Tuna- it was lucky the cab to take him arriv.
lank died about 6 o'clock the day after ed an hour earlier than the time set, as
the injury. a well laid scheme hao been concocted
to help him to escape, while circum•
Mr. Justice McKay gave judgment stanoos, unfortunate for him, had pre.
to -day in the case of Grant ve.ex•Mayor vented.
Beaudry, which was a claim for dam- It, is said that the contract for the
ages for false arrest on the 12th of oanal and look work at St. Ann's htte
of July, 1878. Judgment was for de- been awarded to O'Connor & Cassidy,
fondant, chiefly on the grounds of in of Ottawa, their tender being the low -
formality iii plea. The 'plaintiff, who est, et something like $207,000. Ten,
is supported by friends of the • Oraugo. dere following close upon this wore these
wand Lodge, will immediately appeal of Mr. Bowie and McNaughton, Charle-
to the English Privy Council bois & Co. and F. B. MOamus.
wold, 15 bushels of grain in 6e hours.
The Rev iiir, btookmau, of the Logan
Lutheran Ohurch, has caused a writ
to be issued against his predecessor,
Rev. Mr. Shoultz, for defamation of
character. He claims damages to the
amount of $5,000.
A. man named William Phipps, who
lives 01.1 a rented farm, lot 9, con. 8,
Downie, left rather suddenly without
Ou Wednesday last a stallion belong-
ing to *tr. Denholtn, of Blyth, known
as "Highland Rover," was •found dead
in his stall. By 801710 111e848 or other
the animal managed to get his fore legs
into the manger, and being uuable to:
extrioate itself, the horse threw itself
in the stall, causing a rupture of the
stomach which produced death.
A. of lodge Young rl'
Orange lg Y u B tonshas
been organized at. Manchester by the
Blyth lodge, The following afficera
were ohosen:-W, M. Bro. Wm, A.
ram; D.1\L,, Bro, And. Million ; W.S.,
Bro. J. Clark ; W.O,, Bro, John Million;
W.T., Bro. John Nagel; D, of C., Bro..
Geo. Sturdy lot Com., Bro. Fred. Win
mill ; 2nd Com., Bro, dames Clarice ;
Lecturers, John Clarke, George Sturdy..
Listowel is preparing to look after
its interest in the new county move-
ment. 'A oointnittee, with. J. W. Scott
chairman, and R.;Ferguson secretary,
has been appointed to look after the
matter. An attempt is to he mi>,de to
have a public meeting held at Harris
ton, on Tuesday, the 28th inst., to dis-
cuss the advisability of asking; the
Government to deal with the question
of county formations at' the first meet-
ing of Parliament.
In Guelph, on the 25th, in the fami-
ly of Mr. John Hogg, dry goods mer-
chant, the cook in preparing some past-
ry fur dinner, put in some poisonous in•
gredisr~t, which was partaken of by all
the family with the exception of Mrs.
Hogg. Shortly afterwards they be-
came ill. A doctor was called in, and
proper emetics, -etc., administered,
which left nothing worse than a decid-
ed scare in the family.
Miss Ida Ferguson, a young lady,
while going along the 0. S. R. track
from Wondsle:e to her uncle's a mile
and a quarter east, was • surprised. to
find that she was the target of some
senseless fellow, who fired' three shots
from a revolver at her. Tho tramp
came up to her, knocked her down, but
the eight of a train Doming along
caused the fiend to desist, and he made
aged 75, was engaged with his two sons
and a Mr. McGee in raising a lug
building for a stable, on lot 8 in the
4th concession, when one of the logs,
abont twenty-five feet long, slowed*
around, striking Mr. Graut across tno
baolr, rendering him senseless. He
was conveyed to the house and Dr.
Ring called in, but was unable to do.
anything further than mitigate the
pain. However, he suffered a great
deal until one o'clock, when death put
an end to his sufferings. ` Ile leaves a
wife and grown tip family.
Board in Winnipeg, a correspondent
says, cannot be had under $5 per week,
and it ranges from that figure up to $S
to $10. The washing of a shirt, 25 c;
a hair out, 25o ; a shave 15o ; coal is
$18,50 a ton. Houses that in Ontario
would not fetch $7 a month •would
rent for $25. Business lof all kinds
aro exceedingly active, but if anything
overdone. There are in fact, too•many
people in the city -more than is re-
quired to do .what is to be done, and
oousequently many scores go about half
idle, and find the times hard enough,
considering what they have to pay for
their livelihood.
The execution of Clarke Brown. will
take place; between eight and ten
o'clock on Friday morning. Tickets of
admission to the jail yard have been
limited by the Sheriff to about fifty;
but there will be ample room on the
house tops and sheds adjoining for
thousands to witness the final act in
the oriminal's life. The Murderer ie
quite reconciled to his fate, has an ex-
cellent appetite and sleeps well. In tile'
morning he writes 'and reads, and iu
the afternoon he is visited either by
the Rev. Mr. Binnie or the Bev. Dr.
MaoNisle. His wife visited Bine last
week and bid him farewell. '
The Knights of the Maccabees, with-
in the past few months, have organiz-
ed, instituted and chartered one' hun-
dred and fifty-three tents, with thirty
more organized and applying for char -
good hie escape, ters. Within the last few weeks Gen -
The following compose the Executive l eral A. Dunbar,Commander of Ontario,
has formed the following tents in his
jurisdiction Syrian Tent, at Hensel! ;
Egyptian Tent, at Crediton ; L'haroah
Tent, at Arkona ; Canaan Tent, at
Ripley ; Babylon `Fent, at Seaforth
Mordecai Tent, at Kincardine ; Bethel
Tent, at St. Helens ; Damascus Tent,
at Port Elgin ; Orient Tent, at Fer-
gus ; Elora Teat atenora ; Erin Tent,
at Erin ; Oak Tent, at Oakville ; Pa-
lestine Tent, at Exeter ; Credit Valley
Tent, at Streetsville ; Byzantine Tent,
Committee of the Y. M. 0, A. of Cana-
da for the ensuing year: -Quebec, S.
Cole; Moutreal, Geo. Hague. 0. Mort-
on, R. Henderson, D. A. Budge; King-
sten. G. M. Macdonald, G. B. Meadows;
Port Hope, B. Gray; Bernier, T. W.
Nesbett ; London, W. J.N,reeman ;
Hamilton, G. A..Young Toronto, R.
B ildwin ; W. Holland, J. Eatles, T. J.
WIlkie, D. McLaren, S. Caldicott, J.
0. Anderson, J. J, Gardshore, S. R.
Briggs. The Convention meets at In-
gersoll next year. at Grimsby ; Nineveh fent, at•St. Ca -
The semi-annual report of the Grand tharines ; Autioch Tent, at Thoroid ;
Trunk Railway Company has been is- and Riacedouia Tent, at Welland.
sued. After making provision for the
interest on debentures and all minor
charges, a balance of x827 is carried
forward witli'the 81.800 balance of the
previous half-year. The gross • receipts
aro over five per cent less than for the
corresponding period last year. The
President promises full information re-
lative to the extension to Chicago, ,The
recent oorrespondeuce with the Great
Western Railway Company was given.
to the meeting.
At Leslieville on Tuesday night, of nothing whatever about the transact -
last week, a young man named Patrick ion, and utterly refuses to acknowledge
Norton was brutally assaulted by a the young man as her husband, let al-
gang of roughs, who were only forced eueher lord and master. Quite on the
ot her hand, she threatens to bounce
him with a club if he comes fooling
around her, and as she has no small
share of muscular development her
threat is not to be laughed :at. Snbee-
quently the unhappy groom got a law-
yer to ga to reason with the obdurate
bride. The girl has always borne a
good, quiet character, and those who
know the parties do not know what to
think of the queer phase of the Matri-
monial g
latrimoniaLcj ieetian presented.
A few,duys ago a young man called
at a house on Division street, Welland,
and claimed a girl who had lived with
the family from it child as his wife, al-
leging that they lied been married a few
evenings before. Phwbe denied the
claim, but enquiry' of the minister who
the young rnau said had married them
confirmed his statement, he saying tate
girl appeared alt right, with the
exception of a little pardonable pale-
tress. The girl presisted that she knew
to desist by the timely arrival of Rev.
Father Riely, whofafforded Norton shel-
terin his house. Three of the men who
were in the disturbance, named re-
spectively RobertPell, Patrick Holland,
and John Holland, were brought before
the Police Magistrate, on a charge of.
having feloniously wounded $Torton.
They pleaded not guilty, and agreed to
be tried summarily, but stetod that
'they were not ready to proceed. Upon
being remanded till Tuesday, their coun-
ounsel asked for bail, bat the application
was refused.
Pursuing their newly -hatched ag-
gressive policy onthe dens of infamy iu
the city of Toronto, on Monday night,
she police to -night, a dozen strong,
made a raid on Bob Berry's lionise on
York sreet, and captured five woman
and twelve men, including the notori-
ous Bob himself. '1'he gang were march-
ed tothe station in pairs black'• and
white buckled together, and they at-
tracted an immense crowd as they pro-
ceeded along the streets. Seeing they
werA surrounded slid overpowered by it
determined and stalwartfposse of blue
coats, the party quietly surrendered
and submitted to have the highly. damaged,
Prof. Johnston, of Yale has found
arsenic in the stomach of Mrs. E. Rid-
dle, of Norwieh, who is believed to have
been poisoned by her husband, a
wealthy manufacturer now in jail.
The locomotive of an accoi nmodation
train exploded at Hoboken, N. J., en
the 28 Inst„ upset, arid was completely
wrecked. The engineer, Wm. Swicic,
was found melted to death under one
of the driving wheels. Tho .fireman
Samuel Hough, was blown into the air,
and landed more than thirty feet dis-
tant, severely injured. He may recover.
The tender and passenger care are nos •
polished darbies, shining .tiles brilliants The official statistics of the inendat
in the gaslight, ptaced on their wrists, ions in Mnreie. Spain,, slow that four -
One day last week, while Mr. John fifths of the arable land is ruined . and.
Grant, an old resident' of Colchester, 8,000 persons missing,