HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-23, Page 8hL et
THURSDAY, S)CTVnI:1, 23, 1879..
• ,A IONVouias' wt.lkina match ie talked of
sunned town.
Me, V. Ttartrl?,N, solicitor for the G. W hail
way, ryas in. tovVtlou Tuesday,
Mo. 0aii$I0A 's store on. Blain street rias.
been raised and a' now floor laid in it.
Tne Son of Temperance have removed to
their naw hall rn'Sauntsell's Block, and: are well
,:;itisfiecl with the deluge,
TnrA:YI:sOIvtNo I)Ax.-Tiluretiay; November
t;th, lies been appoilitedi ee tinaultsgiviug day
for the Dominion of Canada.
S. S. [ansate;[: -A spori a sermon was
reached to the children of the C. M. Sabbath-
yehooi by the pastor on. Sunday morning,
BEAD 'lV,':ld,. Trott's advertisement on the
last „pogo. He has a good stook of booth and
races on hand, which will be sold verylobeap.
PaasaeraeloN,-Oin Tuesday evening last
;fr. L, Thorne was presented with a handsome
d1d ring by the members of the. Odd. Fellows
All the ninthsand Organs were in process of
uniform development, When 1alr. Jtibltborne
left 'diirioh .after the .operation tho mare wse
tloiug well, The fa.tns was placed in alcohol
by Mr Fisliborne for preservations. We believe
it is his intention.' to Send it to the Veterinary
College in Toronto,where it will no doubt be
very acceptable, as we believe it is the young-
est that has ever been secured.
lsxrltA P1uzus.-The 'fallowing extra prizes
wore awarded at the Stephen ds Usborne fall
ehon ;. Silver polauds, Win, Bre au ; blus-
covy Ducks, Win. Brown ; Muscovy ducks
Boli[. Pickard ;. eollootiou of pigeons and ool-
cottou of oh'cl:ens, Peter Drew ; oil paintings,
and Rome i0 oil, Chas. Senior ; collection of
woodwork, Dyer to Howard Bros. r collection of
plaster of l'aris fanoy work, W. E. Howard ;
ease: fauey dry goods Banton Bros. ; squash,,
hob[. Moir ; Assortment copperware and
stoves, Bissett Broc. ; collection of fancy work,
Miss Coruish ; Flax, Patton tS Dorwood ; 'eol-
leetion of oopperw are and stoves, McDonell c&
Waugh.; Pigeons; Pobt. Kellaway ; case of
hardware, ()'.Byrne & Co. P. O'Brien was
vended a special prize for a span of asses,
,utd JoLui Hodgins took Second prize for a yoke
forth: two nooks, four legs, two wings,; erre hotly
but no tall, while, be it known, the court
misinformed there nae but ore chicken, This
looked. bad. Bore avero two sleeks and four
logs, just 'precisely the nutubor of lege, and
nooks whish wore lost. A, remarkable aoiuoi•
doitoo I --one that would be sufficient to hang
a luau in many loss iutelle eat "communities
The soup owner was diamfonnded. Ho couldn't
explain away this oddlooking ohielceu. He
Could lia`vc acoouuted for one, which ,he had rc-
oeivea from a neighbor, but the presence of
four legs and two noire was undoeonutable.
Different authorities ,were consulted, but all
agreed that nothing of the kind vas ever heard
of before. This WAS a time; ;[;;,tures with a
vengeance. Audio think of the transform btiou
oeouriog after; death I Faaliu;; something like
snporstitious awe fastened itself upon the court
and spectators. • It being seen that nothing
could be merle of the ehickeus themselves, and
the bereaved lady not being able to identify
the )uaugled'remains, orto swear to the color
or texture of the skin; or the exaot taste of the
soap her chickens wonld have had, the eeurt
came to the conalusiouto dismiss the ease for
want of sufficient evidence to convict. It sub-
sagrently transpired that in the preparationof
the ohiokon, whioli, by the way was a present
from friend,the [goons was severed in twaiu,and
the wings wore amputated. Tho moral of this
story is that no man or' woman sheen boil, a
ollioken when a neidlibor is mourning the lose
of her favorite brahma.
of oxen. The above itts not published iu our
lodge on the evo of his cteparture for Blyth, ` report of th 'rose
Looter Lost. -On. Tuesday' afternoon
small oval-aheped gold locket was lost on Main
street between, the market and Mr. Senior',
photograph 'gallery. The finder will be re-
warded by leaving it with Mr. Geo. Willis on
the Market Square.
QnanrsxnvManxxere,•-Tito second religions
eaarterly mooting of, the present year iu con
r:eetion with the Methodist church in thi
risco will be held on Sunday, November 2nd
Tans Mineral Pennons of the late Messrs
Wharton Hodgson and Wm. Hawkins wers
1'reaohed. hi the ).ug1n::h Churell on Sundav by
Rev. E. J. . Robinson. The church was filled
to overflowing.
Tnr finssr. r Ftee.-We notice by the daily
papers that this pestiferous insect lois do'troy-
many fields of fall wheat in many dietricfs, but
as yet we have not heard of any damage of cou-
eequence being clone by tlnern in this locality
Flu fall wheat an the surrounding townships
looks exceedingly well.
Oonteexrovs,-At the Eirkton fall show
Mr. T. liI, Kay, of the township of Usborne
was awarded the first prize for a dilly orgeld
ing, which was credited in last week's paper to
err. its. Mardian. . Mr. W. Ibiekiugham, ro
Winchelsea., also took first prize tor a covereu
SocrAL.-The social:hold in the Methodis
elanch on Friday evening was not very wel
attended, although the weather was all tha
oouirl be desired. Those who attended Spent ' Sour ABTA Cz;roxr•.xs.-A few days ago, a
an enjoyable, time. Addresses were delivered very serious and a ve.,y difficult question was
byall the resident Reverend gentlemen. The l brought for deeI ion before one of our learned
proceeds amounted to ,.o 0.00.
oo-e' .s.m i dispensers of even-handed jastiue. • It seems
SaborutiM4,75.aeltrwtft,th43 score of the that a worthy daughter of the Vaterland, who
shoot which tool, .pf;i ron ,t tiara. r, last be- I makes her living by the sweat of her brow, and
tween Messrs. Toltii ,El"egtvoia'fl/falid A-:'. teike for, therefore lives in conformity with Scriptural
the possession of the Dyer cup. ' Mr. Heywood. injunctions, elle algid, lost a,conple of oliiokens'
was victorious, and holds tlie, cup, this being wul,'h it is.presurned were intended for Christ -
the seafood time e
Heywood............ 1 1 1 1 0 0 "1 0 1 1--7
Lake .. 0 1 0 0'.1 0 0 0 0 1--8
Cocas or RFvisiot.-Before Judge Squiem
on JIouday, in Stephen,only a.few names were
.corrected, none being added or struck off. In
Usborne, on Wednesday. a few names were ad-
ded on the Reform Aide, and a; on. corrections
made. The court was adjourned till let No-
va:nber in (ioderich. 1•Ir. P. Holt appeared
for the Reformers and Mr. Glinn Elliot for the
• Conservatives.
Coceene-TheExeter Conncil met at the
Market House by order of tho Reeve on Salm •
clay,evoning, 18th inst., present the Reeve and
Councillors Drew and Sauders. The minutes
of previous meeting were read end approved.
Moved by J. Sanders, seconded by E. Drew,
that o'•ders be grautecl for the payment of the
following slims : E. It. Bissett, $6187j, for
greed ; Samuel Littlejohn, 8.1.25, for labor
Joon Winsor, 514.00, for labor ;. John Popple -
stone, 512.00 ; E. EdwoLthy, 04.50, for labor
and John Southcott, ItI0o.00, for street water-
ing. -Carried.
' S. S. Ssnitorr Axe SocuAr.-The regular
quarterly S. S.. sermon will be preached at Pro..
videnee B. 0. Church by the Bev. S. J. Allen
ou Sabbath afternoon next, 26th inst. at 2.30.
A cordial welcome to all; eolleotiou at the close
in behalf of the S. S. fund. On the following
Wednesday evening, 29th inst., a socinl will be
meld. at the same place, commencing at 6.30;
stt 8o'eloek the hair will be taken, when the
Bev, G. Webber will deliver his popular lec-
ture ; subject, "Oliver Cromwell and his times."
Adnriesion to tea and lecture, only 25 cents.
Music • furnished on each occassion by the
school. •
DrvrmroN'Coinar.-At this court on Monday
lost before Judge Sgwer, a curious suit was
dooided. From ;the evidence it appears. that a
widower of a neighboring township made love
to the daughter of one of his neighbors, and
took his (lead wife's clothing to her house, in•
ten ling that she should wear them after mar
liege. Tho course of true love was interrupt -
al, however, and they were not married. The
scan demanded the clothing book, but it had
bleu used. He then sued for the price of the
garments, and received judgment for $40. • We
'believe a little event which came into the fern,
;„vwhile the ooirtiug was in progress le the
carve of a snit which is . now pending iii the
County (lour[.
1 1 1 the foetus fit
Turuipe-.1 et,',Stt►nnel Carnoohan,.TI1olr,. '
e]•suiith. 11Ia 1Rca1d5-let, Samnol Oar-
noch n, Zed, James Di;►lceon, :3rd, R.
OLnrochan, Teciterenuith, " Celent:
Int, James I)iokson 2tti1;_1' obt, Oarno-
uitans 3rd, Samuel Craruoohtan. The
judges report the oul.tivetniu good. The
following gentlemen acted as jgdges
Goo. Walker and \Val. (llatrray, Took-
ersrnith, and Geo, Anderson; Stanley,
Tan Fzrra or Novenesn,-The members of
the Dashwood Loyal OrangeLoeige hare decid-
ed to celebrate the fifth of November, and ex-
tenil'a cordial invitation to neighboring lodges
to join thein in the celebration.
Stephen -
James Uudetwood, of the township
of Stephen, wa- thrown from his horse
iat Greauway the other day, and receiv-
ed internal injuries which proved fatal
in a few minutes.
On itIo'nijay slight Mr. Grr•eun,ayte
'last party for this season lett Centralia
ettttion', on the L., H. d;, 13. Railway.
The passengers 't hu had decided to
change their abode wore mostly fiuI.0
the"] ire:mud Bruce district, and nutu•
herd sixty-five scenls. An immense,
crowd of friends R'a8 at the station to,
bid thorn Godspeed. Mr, tt. Patter
son's party, which etnbarked Fiore Par-
te, Jollied the Greenway party lot Lo:t
don ',here were about one hn11(1) red
lawn four persons in 1r. Pattersn,i'e
par' y, besides about twenty who took
passage from ;London. There were
tneuty.oue oars of fteigh•t, oei)npottetl Ot
etook (horses, cattle ole.) agrtoultnrel
itupletnente, and ewi; rt.nte- effects.
Below aro the names front this Di.att•iet,
.Messrs. William Smith, 13', A. Calder,
A.. D. .Campbell, George Ahei, L.irulen;
•Misses l3eactle, do,; Aliso Fletcher,
Clinton; Lenie Arnett, wife and eight
children, Koweed; 1?r. and Mrs. Dnuoey
13russels; R. Sweet and. family Exeter;
W. Kirk, Kirktorl; Wm. Morrow and
family (3) Stephen; Jane P 11118, d ';
JohnElliott and family (4), do; A Ir:nz:e
Fee and wife, Kipper,; R. j)-twr:ie and
wile, G1wtou; A. Taylor; Brgwsele; L.
Sweet, Exeter; :;Mrs. S. Rumbnll, Ohs: -
ton; P. Murray, Westfield; Jelin Broad
bent, Lnudeehoro'; idr:e. l4tanuie'eg `and
Shill,, do; George Kirk and wife. Kirk -
ton; Sarah Lentula n, Luc dttsbnro.
Hugh Moore, • )iliutnn; Thos Sunder -
peek, Londesdoru ; John. Sterling and
family (4) do; James AVennaui and
family (3), do; itLuy Rude, Corbett;
Mrs. R. Currie and Sarah Currin,
Londe b) ' Tl II C tra-
' Hay
]3'nuc,-Tho frame barn of Mr. Wm.
astride, Lake Bowl, township of Hay,
was destroyed by fire' on Friday night
est. The barn contained. six tons of
Id hay,. forty-two acres of new hay,
tllirty.two acres of second crop clover,
for send, eight acres of oats, a quantity
of fall wheat, a wagon, two sets of her-
ness and a lot of farm tools, The loss
to Mr: Harris cannot fall short of
$1,000'. `Tilete -was no insurance on'
the barn or contents. There isnot the
slightest doubt that the fire was the
Work of an iuoendiary, ae no person
has been livingmettle plane since last
Tuesday.. When Jr.A"Harris left on
Friday evening there was • no sigh of
fire in the ueighbnrhnod.'
mas or sc?1ne other festal day. The lady hada I''.7-7-- 1 Vinetitit and titertce b the Oanatln
strong suepiiion that eke knew where the
FAX Iir*i n.n. f 31t'. 'Wm. Pes hale, t ' yi
of Usborne, lame,rented She Johne :'oral I Pacific Railway, to St. Boniface, oppo-
fuwl were gone, and acting on the faith which or site AVtnsti{)Pg. ` It,nscxtrected the trip
II is t Sutra] of IMO per annum.
such strong suspicion naturally inspires, she , , will be made in alibut saveuty-two
procured a search warrant which authorized a 1 UitegAs>Ln ,r r J hotnae A1eI+'ax
N e.1'O; 1Oines 'hewn) 0n. •
lia; A Cudrnore and rife, de; A. Cooker -
lin. Londesboro; W. 11IcFadren, 'Wo,tt•
fi Id . H ff ,-• 1 AI
James Sulu 1Iag haul; •' ri;,
Keuuedy mid two children, St. 1•Iery's;
Mrs. Walker and two children, 1♦'iu: a l;
David Dick and family (3), Hensall;
'Ches. Luke and fatuity, do; Mtys Ls-
ide; Lnoknow, and others. The party
go from Detroit to Chicago by the
1fiobigari Central Railway, and their
efficieut Oanadiian Agent. DIr. W. E.
Wiley, of 'Toronto, a accompanied the
party- as far ns Chicago as their care-
taker. •lUr. W. R. Barnes, the Plas:ten-
ger Agent of the Cl.ioiago S; North Wes-
tern Railway, will neo to the wants of
the ptassettgers s.a•far as St. Pled, (rain
which,poin,t tlu'y will be t:1,1;1:;3 !)y: Aho.
$t. rata. anti Pacific 'Il sir,vtiy ' tot St.
ac1To li .t? 1 , 187:0.
" 1? .
4'ha oaitntry has time -fitted by Protective, bot
1,1 • ' hours.
properly -appointed person to make thorough 1rt110, has purchased a farm of 150
search ler the abducted fowl on the premises
acres in th9 township of Grey for the
of the suspected person. With all the dignity stun of $4,000.
which we like to see borne by a' person who 131?mor 'ro Rt; ERECTED.--GVe are
executes the commands of Her' Gracious Ma informed that the eon tract for the ere()
jesty, Chief Constable Gill promptly repaired tion of a new bridge a little way south
to the dcimieile ,of the supeutod person, and
of Lumley will bo let sometime this
with; the "good Morning," which he iu variably fall.
utters. in a.gilea ant way that is, charaeteristte aper - MX. Peter ,Lowe,
ofriizu.wht, .qui imported private and pub-
brotherMr. and business (and this was a case of life and .forinerly teacher of Lumley solaced, left.
Canada some ears ro .o and was, not
death) slid whiob no Other constable need ever y
sup -
hope to acquire, he proceeded to the execution
heard of for several years, and Was,
of the commission that had been entrusted to posed ieby his friejtr"t x' to he dead, until
his faithful Lands. There were -signs of the other day a later Serge frog, the
re -
blood 1 ye gods 1 and feathers 1 oh, ye gods 1 lost one in California where he now The birds had no doubt been slain most fora- sides.
ft .. So far that .vas satisfactu . There was a Baneawalo-A horse: belonging to Air.
yJ. Bowerman, .of the boundary 1ine,ttt-
good prospect now that offended Justice teohed to a buttgy, broke hose from
would have its wrath appeased. Cautiously ,lir. Stacey's wagon.shop, where he had
the constable proceeded.. He knew that he. boon tied. In. hie mad career he ran
was on the verge of an important discovery against a post, breaking the shafts and
which would crown his brow with a wreath cross bar, and started for borne with
of fame as enduring as iuunortality. In thee the whiffietreo hanging to the harness,
he entered the kitchen. He snitied his nose. Luckily, however,•`the,, lines became en
Ah 1 what was that savoury smell, and whence tangled . about ` his legs and he was
cometh it 2 His experience in previous affairs caught before he hard gone far.
told him to iuok to the strive. 'rhe"pot was on
and something therein was boiling. Feeling tf~`
now that the game was run to the earth, he Ilensall,
advanced to the pot, lifted the cover, and
"Eureka 1-I have it 1" lmexclaimecl, while "a ruby as. -Reith the general pros-
smile that was childlike and 'bland" ovorrpread parity throughout ,the Country,
his countenance.' In the name of tite law he .uusmese in }Buildil,',of operationsse, i
took possession. It explained that the pot quite lively. I3ailding are
p tieing Wieldy Carried'uu, tits remark
contained a ebieken which was being boiled ably fine heather being very favnrabfe.
for the;invalid lady of the house. But the nna- 19 esers..Czaitereop ck, Boll aro busy fin-
jesty of Her Majesty's law must be upheld at idling the manse at the west, end of the
all hazards, even if all the ladies ia the conn. village. Mr. S. Fairbairn has been
try are sacrificed. In triumph tbon the pot, awarded the contract for the erection
and boiling contents were carried to the Tent; 'of a eeliool house. For the . bnilding
pie of Justice, where the Goddess, represent alone he {fete $43)7.00. Mr. Kiansen,
ed in. a J. P., was enthroned in its aweome aw- has j tint finished his harness shop op
fulness on a ywooden 'their, while the tremblin ' Mr'Th"'
posito I'eanuie A new bincl.
culprit Stood in dread expeetaney for the de-
capitation which no doubt he felt should bo
meted out to him for his offence against soon'
ety, againet the laws, and against the Teuton
lady for his crime in feloniously abstracting
two spring chickens while their lawful guardian
was laboring 'Intayhap to procure their feed,
and with malice of forethought -la twisting their
County Note-.
The genii -anneal. meeting of the
North Huron To,toher's Aseociatlon
will bo held in the Seaforth Public
Sehoo► on Friday and Saturday next.
Old Billy Whiteford, who lute been
evading the officers of the law for some
tune, was captured on the 10th inst,, at
a farm house ht the Township ofT uok•
..rsmith. He is suspected of having
sets tine to the barn ou the McLeod
farm near Brucnlield.
Mr. James Aicheson, • who has been
au employee of the Senforth Expositor
for the past seven years, has gone to
Chicago to push his fortune,
Air. Grummet, well -digger, of Sett,
forth, found a Spotted Beard 37 feet
underground while digging t, well. Tile.
reptile did not livelong 'after being ex-
posed to the air.
• Mr. 'Phoning Adams, of Seaforth,has
shown the editor of the Expositor a
blanch of fall wheat 241 inches id
The.Seaforth Fire Brigade intend
holding a series of daocidg assemblies.
this seaa00.
Mr. Wm..Elnnter, of Nawanosb, has
invented a drain plow which'only be
worked by either steam or horse.
Mr. Nina 13IcQneeu, of the rid con-
cession of Stanley, ,has rnangolds grow-
ing on his farm of the Long Red Vari-
ety, which measure from 20 to 22 inch-
es in eireunlfereuce. They were pleat-
ed `about the middle of May.
wishoa to erotect tiro bran) and pockets of the
1^nblto, anti has One of the
fest an`I Cheapest Stooks
EVER OFFERED IN )xtal-1 le,
auil' is ienrablod to sell at, prices that defy compd..
torten. :XIS wnulri nl;o rnmiu l tboso ,want of
itItt .i'-UIJAss 110511':-1i3D't
t Otgiad ,. .el-,1063g5
that ]tet is ona,Uletl front l'n ,experience to sup'
toy' them with what w.11''give satisfaction, as tie
n8e8 notllit.g but the best of. stock. and motley
nuuo. but ttso beston workmen.
'ib be SOnvitteod of these facts, call and see,
W. a
Exeter, October 7.6,1870. ' tt
Ko-:, mustrnK, Ks.au +rraereawnwa e
l-fer Royal highness the Piiuoons
Loniee, neootupitnied by 111 i.dy l\icN
trfa, left ;Monday for Qti:ibao, els route,
for :England, Hie Excellency the l. ev.
ernor•Generttl will see her on board the
Sarmatian. after yl)ich,he will return'
to thecily. The PrinoesaLoeiee Dra-
goon Guarde eeeOrt.ed she Viceregal
party to•, the St. L. 8t Q. li, stti,tioni.
tCllel,'- to gft,rtl :tt ilnnnr"lovas Atatln1ie• nt
There wag is largo crowd' t ) t+ed the
Princec,e off, and farewell cheers were
given as the train Started' to Move off.'
'There was u: t•cene tat, the i'iing> tort
Police Court ;tlnoday [Anile the case of
Dr. Steward tt' !dainbt Mr. Britton, for
psrjelrZ, was ie'prngrese. Di. Ste Nardi
ill milking some remarks. n•i,liellt:'e1 t11e
idea of the P rico Court being 0 0.1311 t
of ran.. Ile said it waA . r oonr•t of
,19.-t•atsetee.' 'Tho Pollee Magi •.
strafe, addressing the p,.1ieo vignt onely,
said: ''.['tit him not I Put ,ting out 1 Put
hitt] not 1" and turning to Dr. Steward,
said: "I'll commit you." Ile then ad-
journed the ester., and the doctor loft
bile cues.
'flue value of the exports of live gni•
male of all !dude from th,' 1.1oiteti Stitt -
es i creaked from , 5,845,000 durinsr
the finical year ref 1876, to $11,:180,000
enuring 1879. or exports of live ani.
,gals 1 at year, 71 per cent went to
Great Britain, Tho value fo the ex-
ports ,tf 0,1115 increased from $3.89:?''
000 dnrin, 1878, to $8,370,000 In i$"t0,
OF exporb)e of cattle last year. 70 per
oeut..we re shipped' t:, Groat Baitaiti.
The v•ehle of cattle s ported. to (4reayt
Britain increta,ed from 2,409.000 dor
1. tr 1878, to $ e,61 p9,jit
believed the> , Itti4fit'oriz enb , e 'od Ira
the t'r'ansl)ortriIfo?l "of fertile wi11 coii-
stsutly %ucrease the exports,
The British ship Naturalist, 259 days
out from Ualenitte, for :San rt 5001600,
is given tip for lost. Insurance Coma
ponies having risks on her paid them
11<'rtd'ty, aggregating $11.6,500, divid-
ed among twelve Companies.
There are reports at San Antonio;.
Texas, ofiucliarr uutra•: a shocking in the
extreme. Nearly 101; moil, women and,
chilelreo have been murdered, and the.
people are tinder arms to protect them-
selvee. A n'unber of bands of Indians.
are raiding the country west of there.
An old physician, retired from praetfeet ber-
ing bacl placed in his hands by an East Ili
din rnissiona 3' the formula of. a s tmpitt• lege-.
table rrened1!;for the speedy and perniaaieuk
cure for Co niannption, Brouchitis,•✓rnttarh Ass
thus, and all Throat and Lung Affeethnis, ensu.
a positive and radical euro for 1' ervons De
bility sod ail Nervous ConipinSata,. ester hav-
ing tested' its wonderful curative, powers in.
thousands of eases, hoe. fat it lis duty to make-
it known to. his suffering foi3 ws. Aotuatecl by
this motive an,l a desire to•relieee human suf-
fering, I will send :rel, of charge to air' who do-
{ sire it, this recipe, in German, F`renelr,, or Eng-.
lish, with full di'ree1tiolie for preparing' anti na-
1 Mg. Sent'bt- mail Cyr addressing with stamp,
naniing dile paper,. W. W, Sasxax,149`Powers.'
Block, Y,
Near Port Hope yesterday evening, a
young son of Mr. \Vrn. Henwood, niue
years: of age, was,]eadine a horse by the
halter through a field on his father's
Dearing,of If;xeter, 11tse. commenced farm, when the halter became entangled
to build lionse for.rent,'which is bad- about him and tlse horse pulled :hiim
down and ran away with him gores the
fields, jumping several low bets on the
-route. ' The screams of the poor boy
attracted the attention of Itis father,
irwho, with another gentleman, tried to
stop the horse: The --boy's head was
ly needed in Ilenall,. ,'Mr. T. 3. '\Vin-
son is shipping large quantities of tele-
graph poles to Ohio.
Root Crops.
.-- ,IT were est week shown 1a (0 ns o
mare bolt, wideh lur.1"ial ata, V. S;, removed. necks, No doubt he felt his position keenly. no judges for root Crops, under' tho I badly bruised, and when taken up he
n, to aids ids mare belonging to Mr. N. Deicit- .1'he pot was handed over to the °are of Jnetice, auspices of the South Huron Agrioul• was tinoonscions, ono remained so flirt
of 7,nnelt, T
• hn fm tns, which, ! was about! and aeaiuf'esttga tion of its contents was p80- i turn[ S''d)Ciety,• hahavingcun7ploteci theirl til he died, a conple of hours after -
.ala ; wards
`'+h weeks old, was shout the size of a rat. Dit' eeded wted the bringing labors have given e ollwing awards .
wigs, which ;shun' th f
ht>,.n-SrAnn,-0n tho o 16th inst., by thea;
Rey. J. W. liutohet, hfr•, Jacob M. lvfet-.
nor of the Village of Now Ldsmbu.g,eonnty=
of Waterloo, to Mrs. Eliaabetli Anna Stahl
of Crediton, Township of 8 tephen.
4,. 131 I).
7ti Ak.--Ito Usborne, on th • 18th inst., Wrn,
May, aged 81 years.
Sant:un --In Exeter. on the lath inst., Mary.
Slieere5 wife or. Mr. John S,be trr,, a[.0,1 6?
years, ar'nd'7 mouths.
Honasoa.-In Exeter,t,a the 5th Witartom
Hodgson, ages'[ iht yearss.avid d. rnontlis.
Sate Ret it tot:
• llisierstIay, Oct. 23rd. --Farm stook end rripYe-
merits, the property of Amos Permit;;north
hall lot 9 eon. A, Stephen.. H. 0rtn abet.
Thursday', OA. 23rd, -Panni shock and maple.,
meats, the property of Geo. Webber, lot It.
con.'1, Stephen. W. clrenway, snot,
Tuesday, Ott. 28th 1879.• -Farm stook and im-'
pieratents the broperty of F. Middleton, lot
13. con. 9, Usborpe. fl. Brown anat.
Tburseilky,: Nov. 661, 1879, --Furniture.. eta.,
the ppropetty ' of Nin. Ball, :Dsahtvood,
H. Ooth suet.
sAr Partin getting tleoir' Sal^ lil,)s prints
at this (dee will reeeirfe 8notice einitiar to the
; above, free: of charge.