HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-23, Page 6SELF-01Ji E 100111INEBi.iIFeTY. A. person afflicted with a craving for alclaolio liquor, Says the Boston 2'ral'et• ler, clan eaaily supply himself with the •remedies used at nearly all the ince briete &sylIuis, :and be his owit phy- sician at hie own house without the ne pessary expense and ltublioi y of Nisi. tieg isi- tiiigen reformatory institution. His. Y Ilabilre,tory used contain only a smell quantity of o'ajeilue pepper, a pot of concentrated extract of beef, and a few grai:ts of bromide of potassium. 'When the desire for eleollolie driuk- reoiirs, make a tee, from the cayenne pepper, es strong as can be taken with auy de- gree of comfort, sweeten it with Milk rand sugar, anal chink. This tea will supply the siitue phage that a glass of Bettor would fill, and will leave no its- jnrioos effect behind. Repeated daily r as often as the appetite returns, ib will el tkje (A. L. 80?). The United States be but a few days tltefore the sufferer adopted the eagle both alta cymbal of will have beeome diegli;tad with the empire and ass native of the country. taste of the pepper, mutt with rho ap- pearance o£ this dieg'ldt disappears the WISE AND OTHERWISE. love of liquor. This fast is proven every duty. The extreot of beef is tit) be made into beef tea aeoerdiog to the di- eeatinns on the pot, ingaantities as may be needed for the time being, atilt far- uialles a cheer), earthy digested and healthy nutriment, it b.:iug Made, "to stay on the etomaob," when heavy articles of food would be rejected. That bd bromide of potassium is to e nee Tata. �i"Isms tract to golden. nue. The sign of the numerous examples, such Ai a. bead golden is lallaeioll to the Emperor t, leror of found at Thebes, which bite the Items in the Bast. Since the time of the Bo- of queen Hatttsoo or Hasllep, of the'I leans almost eves State that las as- eighteenth .dynasty, Of the same peri - sowed the designation of empire, has ods are mases, goblets alai want, ?rag. r,t taken the eagle fo i s ensign. A.uetria, mento, It can not be tionbted that the ltnsei i, Prussia, Poland and France all, story preserved by Piiny, which assigns took the eagle. The two -headed eagle the credit, of the iuventliin to the Phoe• signifies is double empire. The Em nieiiane, is so far true, that these ad rerors of Austria, who claimed to be considered the successors of the Curers of Bowe, used the double -headed eat e. whiali id the eagle of the Eastern Em- perors, and that of the Western typify- ul,n, ' the "Iloly, Ruinaau Empire," of which the original Emperors' of Ger. nosey (now merged in the House of An - atria) oensiilered theinselves as the re- presentatives. Charlemagne was the first to URS it ; for when he became master of the whole of the German Eta- pire ha :tailed lila second head et the carefully, and ouly its case of extreme liervonsness,tho dose: being front fifteen to twenty grains, dissolved its water. This is a public, exhibit of the method of treataueut adopted at the inebriate asylums. In additiou thereto, the drat king ne au should stlrrouad himself with ;,infiueuces which tend to melte feb the h d rteding associations of lite orgg the bar -room, and lift him upwarl. He should eudeavor, s<) far as hid bridle nese vouat.ious will permit, to sleep, bathe, and eat regularly, and obey the !ewe of h ).tlth. By the adoption of this course, energetically and sincerely. i for gave i1t." no man who has the will to reform oars Did you ever notice a poor chap that fail to do so, Hundreds aud thoneaud5stands its the first pioture of the alrnan- eau attest the truth of these state- tie with the flail, and t+ileep, auii scar- i pious and bulls, twins, etc., around' (;erecters° Work of all kinds ''early hien 2 Dtd y.)u ever notice that he w 4d uutked and had weaning itt his stomach 2 Well, that pour fellow need to edit a paper. The retie whose gineerbreatl is ata- nuttily stolon by the elephant was at Barnum's circus, and when the ap- petising comfit was snatched from his hand, he shook his fist at the huge thief and yelled, while the tears conrsed down hie cheep: "Dare per, yo dou- bled -tailed fool, give that back here or I'll knock your two front teeth down yep old throat." The lots Charles Lever, Consul at Trieste, had accompanied hie daagh- ter to London. Lard Lytton, hearing of his arrival, invited him to dinner. "Ah, Lever l" said he, greeting him, "so glad yon were able to seine. You will lueet your chief, Clareudou" (then Minister of Fareiia Allies). Nov Lever had omitted the formality of ap- plying for leave, "I fear I must retire; my nose is bleeding," he replied, mak- ing for the door, which at that iu.ttant opened, Lord Clarendon being announc- ed. After sbalr-iog Ilttnd4 pith the host, his lordship espied Livor before t ho could make good his retreat. "Alt, sir. Lever 1 I didn't know you were in England. I didn't know you had ask- ed for leave." "Ns -o, my lord," stam- mered the witty novelist, "1 thoneht it would be more respectful to your lord- ship to oome and ask for it in person." venturousinerohants brought specs glens to other countries from. Egypt. 1 Dr. Sohliemaun found disks of glass in the excavations at IV(yeonto, thongh Homer dose not mention it as a sub stance known to him, That the moil• cru art of the glass blower was known long before is certain from representa- tions among the pictures on the walls of the tornb sat Beni Hassan, of the twelfth :k;gvptiau dynasty ; but a much older picture, whish probably repre- rented the same nu uufaoture, is among the half -obliterated scenes in a cham- ber of the tomb of Thy, at Sakkara,and dates from the time of the fifth dyna- sty, a time so remote filet i• is not pos- sible, its spite of the assiduous research- es of neatly Egyptologers, to give it a date iu years. t'1. ilou't know anything about your Tycoon," said an old Illiuuidan to a mats who was discussing on Japan ; "but when you come to the raccoon, you'll find me at home." The papers have much to say about iutelligeut cats. The only intelligent oat ie the ono that knows enough to go to sloop at night, laud haat oat has been detail sinus the Deluge. And now the returned city people "trite to their country. Conains, ivltJtl whom they have been staying, that they arrived s'tfely, but found the city iuff'eted with suiall pox n'hich is likely to last all wiuter. "it:taditrne, your boy can't pass at half fare, lie's too large," said the con- ductor of a railway train which had beeu long detained on the road by tho snow. ''lie inay be too large uow, re- plied the matron, "butt he was small enough when we started." The oonduo- , v{ GOODS,NEW 0 O IINSMAN, DENTIST, 10 Licentiate of (loller;e ul ()n! �". , r • s: 'sv' tarso, ntn.y leo oontu1t'ti arty day. i) hits-• - next dao to .the Post0illoe,.Exeter,(nut. constantly arriving at Rt. D. Dlcclloghlon's Mammoth Jewellery Store, 1911, Dundee street, Len.tou. (uterine Whenever you visit the For- m. City coni fail tovi:lit this Ane estatlieiinteut, tho ouly 'first -tea -s store of euo kine in the City, and best arranged Jewellery store In the Dome Mon. The W. D.111cGio,ihlun 'Watch stands nal - rivalled. Al' who Use tient recommend then to tit-ir Trends. All kini1i,s of W.'t.hes in stock. Clocks of ovory doscr•1pTinn, iiien Jewellery of ev- ery. style, Diamonds and Precieo Stoues,I ancy Goods, Speetaeles, and all 11 edding hinge, Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired and warranted W O. fro„LOt4iiL,C)I . Marble Wlx rk W, 0. WEEKES Dealer in MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, 1EO1 /( MANTLE 1.nES. FULtNkTU1tE TOPS, &e. • lt,iU would r('mincl, hie nurnernns q Oustoniers that 10) lots removed to *lc shop forttrcrty ecetpied ley tir. Ito,ttl, when, bet will be found ever ro lily to atto .d to ail bop:aions lathe BOOT "tidSEOi Lino. , C. BATT, (;rceliton,. XTAeertes, OL Coss, �V V rectus ettiebtnes, t trona, Actnrdeaus, and Uuibrellns top^heti Atont fur the 1t ant,er series sow- ing Machines, hcennd. htund:ii)wh 1;' ;4raolitnc' for sale cheap. Alt Mods of needles itlnl shuttles for• Sowing Hnelthlor k'pt on hand. Shop—Mein Street, Deeliwocd, Jt)IS N G. Sl)LDON, Proprietor. May lu 1-t'. .G'bV BLACKSMITH SIiOP u0I11E FACTS ABOUT SC ARLA• TINA. It is very infectious. The poison has gloat tenacity. It is known to have clic; to clothing f ,r years, and then communicated the iufectinu, II rtees that have been carefully disen• fected have oommunieatea the disease to families moving into thein. The poison can be fully dedbroyed only by dry heat as high as 212 deg. A per- son inay have the disease very mildly, or very severely. Yet the former may give it to another in its most ninlit;naut forte. ' Oue who seems to have it mild- ly may suddenly die with it, through a paralysis of ono of the chief nerves. There is a groat difference iu predis- position to the disease, even in the same family. Some whole families are • strougly predisposed to it ; with others it is the reverse. ii person, however, who may be at one time exposed to it wvithjimpunity, may at another time t , ke it from a slight exposure. The suscep- tibility of aclelts to it is generally slight. The deaths from it is generally persons hailer 15—inoro than uiue•tentlis of all. The most fatal period is from the 1st to tbo 5th year. Hence if we can guard citildreu from is, they are com- paratively safe the rest of their lives. Al a general thing, aperson can hrtve the disease but onc•i. Still, where the contagiou id iutense, b )tti a tutee . an 1 thoeo who have oune hail the disease many have moderate throtb symptoms, though without affection of the skin. THE TWO -HEADED EAGLE. The origin of ins device of the ea;le on national and royal banners may be traced to very early. times. It was the eusign of the ancient kings of Persia and B sbyton. The It )mans adopted various other fi, ures on their camp staudardt, hub Mertes (B. 0. 102) made the eagle alone the ensign of the legions, and confined the other figures t► the eohorbe. ' After the division the bear inscriptions of ,the early regyptiau' Emperors of the Western Roman Em• monarchy are beedt, probably of the pilotused a black eagle ; blliode of the first flyaway.�Of later glass there are ekeellt.Prl. OCJTOlellit o, 1879 r tEAC II'L{ilti 'WANT. U.__Allate, e50. l olid, or twat oats, for R r. Aso, 7, Usi),ttw, Patios to commence 1st J lrnuurv, 1575, 'lraseifnn- nials minima. Aptly to ay. 1AY1,011 Secretary of Trustee Board. l i toholeoa 1' 0 l an. Oct 5, 11170. C l 1tAle E1). --St uyor) from prem. k...7 tees of t is subserlber,1„t 5 col. 1, Si1,i+1n1i1t, en or ,'heat 8110'15144 of /invest taht, a e11 till year- ltu;l heifer;•reri. Any person gtvlre;; larer tatlon "II to our wn.,leabouts 8:-111 bo suitably reweided, '1 Wu. 'iftIOPl;ll,Centralia k:0, 2in. Uc8. e), .1570. kTOT1Ui.1. eyeunt ot, la anthem) for owl I eat grown fruit trues, 40 crimit mixed Marc''' uOd. Apply at tlw 'Plaine aloe, . 51 N FLOUR 9 f:t MILL andt,i • IS � MILLS ilei„,* in 1;00(1tivurkinc order ghee (::5(7. ele00ire- tiatiou +)ntteildt+ in grL.ti,lg .ud intul,F`. Vtorr stn t ural ieor:,,rlivlri l to i)arlu'.i l(Iavint tbtlr orti *tt',•fnol.nouitr,i; atJ luLL`tilak ry,05 9'BYRN1: ,s e. i, or ;0 .101,1 .ouuer iitty ----1J--- WM. :” Z,., LWITH- ore et, see. aEXETER #D ,. W. T(TTI Ii ING it Iranian) of leAlettlE .tS AND 1f U1Lifiel:tS, Bay our Beachville 'IP:iITb3 LIME and- * b3 Star •nnd Plaster Paris. and you will be pleased whit your work. Froth Lune always on laud. hxetea, liar Ji+ commenced. buoineseitttb9 rit' ..• a::'vobran01 atW'lneltolso,. _ r ,7'` and is py 811 to c1 1 _ ... - - .. TLnr ofthitne1c srnrt i1'e work ingspesielly attended to, Promptness, cheapness aucigood work guaranteed; A call snlioitud. 10.8rn W.Il OCRINGHAM. 5 Doors aorta of Drew's Mali, Tail' street National Po1icv R. FOWLEIVS EXT W.LD Strawberry con A S ,ecifie Remedy for ail Summer !Com •Iaints such as Diarrbaaa, Dy - rent -•y, Canada Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Mantuan, Sour Stoma 'h, Griping Pains, and all derangements of the bawds, caus- ed by using improper food, such as raw vegetebles, unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, impure water or change of water, changes of the - seasons, exposure. No matter from what cause or in what form you are' subject to any of the above com- plaints, Ln. Lowx1eu'S ExmA:'r OF WILD Srs.twasltliY will reiievo you, and a speedy cure will be effected without injury to the system. his nuurnfactrri:d from the Wild Strawberry Plant, and free from opium and other injurious drugs. For safe by all dral:rs, at is. or S 13oteles for $1.00 PLO WS, and SCOTCII DIA:IIOND HAIIR° 1 i•'S constantly on hand and made to order T�Tc ZII.iLAN tai i'!cBRIDIi) Leaving now Ere atei'. fstilities than eves, are pre- pared to sappl.y fanners with Iron Team Plows, Steel iitmtkl •Beard, made by ourselves,. Chill ''lows, Knitepeibn,l te; Scotch Ditrno„dHarrows Cultivators, Gang Plows, C!arxi.a;;es and baggies on hand, and made to or- der. ;,ors; shoeing att.auled to nn the shortest notice. Horses shod to prevent iuterferieg. .Veit tLLAN do McBride. King St., 'Hens all. IIOtV OLD IS GLASS 2 The oldest specimen of pure plass besting anything like a dote, is a little moulded lion's head, bearing the ntune of an Egyptiian king of the eleventh dye asty, its the Slade e•)ileetion at the British NIuseutn. That is to say, at a period which may be moderately p140 - ed ea more than 2,000 years B. C.,glass., was not ouly made, but male with a drill which shows that the art was no- thing new. The invention of glazing pottery with a film or varui•all of glass is so old that among fragnie its whish PREPARED Br i\1ILBUBN, BENTLEY�I4% PEARSON M V,3O.. ' Q O. 'THE EXETER Pim-ling-Mill Sash 1)OOBB AND This groat household 6tedicino ranks amongst the leading necessaries of life. Those famous Pills purify the,,lt;oon, and act most powerfully yet.aoothingly on the Livov, Stoulaeh, Kidneys, and Bowels, giving tone, enorgyr and vigor to these greatn 01 sprint;i of life. Tiley are oou- tidoutiy recommended as a never falling remedy in all cruses where the condtitation,fr•oru Yvhu,tevor cause, has booms; impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments Led - dental to females of all ago; mad as a general Family 'medicine, are unsurpassed. Its aearchiug and iro•tliug throughout the world. lt'or the,onro of bad lega,bad breasts. old wounds SoresandUlcere, itis an infallible nine y. If effectually rubbed on the nook and chest, as salt. Into meat it cures sore throat, Rronchitis,0ongha Coide, and even Asthma. L'or Glandular Swel- lings, Aucoises, t?;1ai, t•!iatulas. Goo tithenmstism and every kind of Skits Disemse,it has navor been known to fait. The Pills and Ointment are maw nfaetarea only et • 538 OXFORD STEIIT. LONDON, And are sold by all Venders of Medi Trines through- out tbo eiviiizod World; wish direction In almost every is riga to. 0.'he Trude I4farka of those aledicines are regts- terod ta.Ottawa. Hero;, any one in the British Possssslens,who m:ty keep tho kuierican Coun- terfeits for sale, Will be presoeuted. L Purehn;aers shonhl look to the Label on the Pots and lioxes, If the address 811 not 58:3, Oxford Street, London; they are Spurious, Properties aro known ALL IIN D S OF Done L\AILS, . LOCKS, and ' IIIN4JES very obeap for casts. Whit' Lead, Oils, Tru'- peutine and putty at 1;Utrt,fl) p'.. h. 'tope - Chain, saws, Planes auct other tt+• i r:t prices that will astonish you. Car riiig 3Ia.:: ra, esil and see Our Bent Goot1s., made from dry, tough tilubor. Cheap for dash O'BYfNE & CO.. The Farincrs” and Meehan ivs' Hardware Store, Exeter. lhtney to loan on Mi,rtg:tge;. MAIM STREET, E XLTl3R. TEN PER O11rN'T • OFF F0 b CASH 011 all our present Grocery Stock except SU TARS, .Sb . *"u3,:1„at�, >_f5i:�. 'N'C) .v,ti':1tC'.i,v8.a iii *. ��. ec; E. `,YID 1}f, F 'ever... 'rue latest news ou r'.•curd at•tlro V l /?I e 4V" York dtnLl.�.l.���..a?: y Store tt! Air RS. -O. B. WILLIAMS will sell is S rnr t11a Nexttl:iriy days tiro remainder of toe anulular Stock of I 1\T Cr to order. iren)embei tbcplaee I„lver :E3rotes. NEW BUTCHER CHBR SHOP rf'Iheundersigned would i*tlono. the inhalti- tants ofExeter and vioiuitythat bo has OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP one tool south othis Blaessnrithahal, andiaopee theaame 1ib,pral patronage that has bean ac corded to hint in tire noaa* E W= AND WAGON DTAT.IUG line willbeoxtondedWhim Innis new branch of runtiness, ME pleat wagon willcall at the reel - dents of the villagetllree tinte#eacl. weekend FRESH MEA T all kinds kept con atantl)')u hand at bis butcher shop. B1aehanrithing and wagon matte gearried on as urinal in all its bralecl,ei R. DAVIS. ST. ;aI 1P1,I'.'S LIMEWORKS. -� onrirawnkilns heinrnew its full operation:anti tinfixing outdaily a large mom tits of Lat thatfortrll purposes cannot be surpassed in the Domin- ion. T'artlesfrom a distance can.t.iwaysbeer *plied either at kilos or deiiyerd by team at low est remunerative rates. Orders fram n distance i,romptly attended to. �l1H•IT5ON & SOLATEI1 • :LANE BY at COST Also the retnemiler of lu'r stock of Fancy Goode at Cost to as to •mite reran sur the comtugstuck. NOW is tho tiin, for bargains, 'Lits that, sell fur 1 are down to Buts 05 5a., for iii 25 ; Bate w.. v.,h 2,4 for to t,cs. Tiri.: clu:neo Is onty open fer 80 class. Don't tweet rise place--G'\e.ts ol,1 and, *1'airi0L• n Block, Exeter. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS- ERY. Just ust'Published, in a scaled Envelope, 044' trice six 00trts. Alecture on the Nature, Treatment 18fl5348d1. 011,1 auto of $otnj*ipJWOSKflO a, or Spero' atoi"li 0e, induced by Soli -Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotently, Nervous Debility, stud Impediments to marriage generally; Consumption 14pitt.psy, ane Pits; Mental and Physical Incal'acity, d c.— •BY HOBERT .T. OULVJ;1t W1 LL, M. D., author of the "Green Book," Sec. The world renowned author in this admirable Lecture, ulnarly proves from Iris own experience. that the ,v*vfulconseclnences of Salf-Abuse maybe effectually removed without medicine, auu with out ehingerous surgical operations, bnugies,instru. merits, rings, or cordisls ; pointing out a mode M cure at onee'certain andetfoctual, by which every sufferer, no mat or what his condition natty bo tray core bhnsstf clrnaptl•, privately anti raciioall y. t:,,'1'itie Lecture will prove a boon to thouaantts and thousands. Sent, under soul, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six Cents,' or two postage stamps. &driires TInt oifr,wr,r,r. Dt1lllrr'Ai, CO. 41 Ann t.New York. P.O.if x 4i,eit AfILLINERY AT MISS GAR;: ICI S A full tine ,tow in, of . FALL i1:14i 1VI:sTER, !Los, and lhninets, all the latest styles. Nevi: Flowers Feat,h.,r's,aad Ornaments. Trimnniuge in great variety - GIRL'S IIAT.. NICELY TRIMMED, front 5-'1.00 np. Everything will be soli as cheap as possible. Fancy Goods. Bailin Wool, Mottoes, etc., u.full teak always kept. Jackets meds or cut MISS G .RLICK, ep nein 1st., r; toter. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS,. TEAS, SUGARS, TEAS, 0FF^E, COCOA, C 013F101, NUTS, SPICES, ESSENCES, IbIOE,O/t2 tEAL,POT. BARLEY OYSTERS, S.1LMON, LOBSTERS, VINEGAR,. .EXOI,'LLE•NT FOR RIMING. ORANGES, Is MONIS, FAILITS, GENUINE. INDIAN C11311IE1 POWD^1l, SCALED HERIIINGS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, sN •JIFF, riaA full assortment of first-c'ess ramify fir%series in stook, cheap as the cheapest. .' GEO. KEMP, Ken street, Exeter,