HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-23, Page 4.e Motsons Bank /11G40 1'011,datSD, lax AOA'otr leacL1anaitxr,18054 Uttfaitcal, $2,000,00.0. li'ret, $400,000. BEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Jura Jlonsox, Rs4., , - - ^ ^ ,Yrestdef¢,'. k(ohr. Tuottrwm Wazinscnnt, - rice•.t'reo., '1` x ,Or,exrou, I••iee-Pros UUR bilttudl 1U3 ( i kion 1) S1 Wm/suitor/30u. Senator, it W Silepher<i,i res Ottawa RiverNaylat Co H^•rat o Belson, AI P P, Milos Williams, F. Wolin/Ai/TAN Tlxontas,114Q,, • Ottsllder.. Pal. 1-111.11:0X, bibq.,^ - - - Zn pect0'r, .-xete Br�izl�;lir. I1ENET C. Bit EWER - MA.NA GED., T&O.tNS TO FARMSERS. Money advanced to farmers uneasy terms, on their own promissory uotos with ane or more good eu- tlursars. No mortgage required as saourity. SA1'1NCid SANK DvPAILTMENT 37?or xt2terest airataed o4 t,e")osite. Gold and currency drafts bought autisold. Steri- iagExuhaagebought, and sold; Collections made in all )arta of the Dominion ..cud returns promptly remitted at, lowest rates of exchange. 'Exeter, August 15tlt' 1$T$ ti•1n t f/idt 't . THURSDAY, OCTOBE1t, 28, 1879. A WISE STEP. It must be gvatifiying to the people of Canada to notice that Sir L. Tilley. l?itlance Minieter.is ttakiug a tour through the Provinces for a purpose of seeing for himself how the bu'<iuess of the oou*1try is prospering under the new tariff, Iu this way Mr. Tilley will he able to satisfy himself as to whether the tariff liras (teen beneficial or Leiuri• nus to the country, If it works satis- flautorly llewill know it; if it has defects, he will leant of their existence and be prepared to apply a proper remedy. • Ile goes for information, he does not wish to get his knowledge secenti-hand. l.e itishes to see for iliin elf whether the results he expected have beau achieved. This is the spi^it that should animate every public roan; this cable statement. To this the Mail re. plies with a, number er of figures, proving that Sines the inauguration of the N. P. farmers heave got a better price for everything, except, barley, than provi. ously —ia fair 'enough argument, as a reply to that of the GluTie, hot equally foolish and inapplicable when used to jtietify the statement that the present high prices are tine to the N. P.. As we lAave said before, Legislation can della things, but that t'oet) not meat ti.mmig the passengers, luauy of whom that it eau do evetytbingr. Tile stir, ware snooty enjuyiog a Sunday after. 00o11 a eursiou 011 the river. The re. ou wheat and flour helped priaoy hast solutions the Liberals had prepartcd be• spring, but is not helping them further forehand were tort) up by the audiuuee, than to help to even up the price of who erftm d to pass thein. spring, as compared with fall wheat al i TjiLI TI. OQ'1lOIilrlt 1870 P. for Moutmagny, a Conservative. Mr.111ereier then addressed a meeting, con- ducting himself in a most extravagant ;style, challenging any one present to fight him or meet bine. in any wannerwhatever after the meeting, dr. lira, dot, the diver, the late local member for Bellechasse, met Mr. Mercier on the boat, aeoupted his challenge, and a fight ensued, which was only put a stop to by the pontoon, interference of Mr. July. The scene was a most disgrace• fur one andcaused considerable stir the present time, d! tl or the lira/ to The Tawe Stock Sale. atgtla that it is doing so is quite as --- foolish as for the abtba to erg . ie that the difference iu the price of barley this year as (totnpared with last is dna: to the N. P. Were it nect.yaudy or de*ir='day last. The sale was, on the wholrr, llingtl Li ,VO bo:ilg ht a rain lamb of the able we could esaily t:Life the figures J" arsine breed for 15 ; n yearling Leioee twirl muoccssful. The weather, al= w thou th wenn, was moat favoiable. The ler ram was putcheaed by Robert Cul - gime by built thesejournlala, surd prove loon, of Gttderiah, for $85, and a Lei - attendance that the otwelusioua drawn atteirdanoe of sp(+ottalnlm was ler therefrom but nester rain lamb by Me. Ohrrles Mo- t animals. A number of nice AyrsltiveIV C sp S 11 cattle front the herd of Mr,Burnett, of"' "' Aare ling Loudon, were offered. These cattle,. however, du not seem to he favorites with our breeders. Although ex. eellent milkers, they are of small size and are short 'of beef. '`file only one avid was a neat little cow, "Healon," which was piavehased by Mr. Mu'.rag- gart for $GO. There was uotmuch amend for sheep. Several very superior Cotswolds and Leloesters from the well known Racks of Rests. Snell and Cumming were offered, but only a few stales were made. 11.tr. Nicholas; °nm ling, of Geo. P. BowE a Co's Nowsnaper Advertising Bureau, 10, Romeo fit.. New Yor'k,can l':t••ii the exact Cost nt acv rro- ponod lbw of Al)3'k L' I Tfalift lu Atue:ioan trews- papers. 4,1 4. l0o•pago Pitxn]'1110t,10a. aw; S6�(Z t�llruhts ell sn oa) s lfYeKtatleuu ()t t r1 ZCiY •--�Oillolal hluports froo.•-- i c+ Proportional returns every meek tin Rtool v,3..u., Of $110, $1;0, $100, • $50, f.,,.ttuue,' T.130TTlalt WIGil'1' St 00., Bankers, :11 1r mi Et. N. Y. 77a nlnuth,anrl o�»ensesguI ,'anteedte egon is a� / cutllt iruo, SttAw :es 00, Augusta, melee.. 'K77,7 niu0A TEAS and oxpeo es to 'agents pm Hallett, °based a air of Leicester 4 , Augustea,lalOstiht, rl'ee. atlttl'eed P, ()..Siel,c) y '. 1� p Lege lambs for j$22. 11Ir. John Cuuunillg; Mullett, purc11U I'cl11 Cotswold yetu•ling ram for ;ii35 ; Mr. H, A. Baiter, of Godeiiell, purehasea a second "rain of the sauce breed alit age for $1,1 ; Mr. The live stock sale, under the arts- William trapper, of kl,nilett, Purchased Hoes of the HawnLive 't'oek Asao'i . i a she:al•liug Launois ram for $24 ; Mr. 1 S e c a Uonhhe D etateehliu, of Grey, trot a two tion, was held at Clinton, ou Wetlues. year old Cotswold rasa for $35 ; Mr. by both are foolish if nothing; worse, but we do not really thiuk it worth the powder. We merely notice the ,subject buyers were einneahat baekwutd, and Iutoeh, of (:Clinton, for $9, A. eattl,le of seemed loth to'•Cn111e up to the prices sought by owners of stock. There was very fine Berkshire sows were with - d raw:t.-7S' e1)uxi toe. DO NOT READ TRIS. avingg roceivea u lot of new ivaehtnery, I would inform tho farmers of the Sur: rounding oouutry .that I cut prc'lxn•ed t , maim facttue all kinds 01 horse Makes, Earley Furors, Grain Cradles, Suaitits, etc, and hla\lug secured the services of a first-class Turner,. t am prepared. to au ALL KINDS. OF TURNING f ou the shortest notice, and for sl.S10 olid prim. I defy competition. Always on handl a'f•st- class etock of Fork and Shovel hauulua. ➢lilt hall a anile south of Exeter. A, COTTELL. HAY now to enter our protest ag;nivat the 0 very flee selectiuu of stock offered,"� -"'� "�' •• eeaeaeaall A.I 1'UD'I.L and some reap fine animals chart rad 'FOR !Al Id'1--A YOKE OF GOOD line of argument adopted by teal these 3' h w_tata,3K 0.,e1,, nine years old. Apply to journals. ou this subject, and to express halide. With bile or two exceptions, Nc!4.1 1'Tall11�,T)aahwunU, our regret that the hair. should have stock putchased will to retained in so far justiii,'d the clube in pursuing this and the adjuiuiug counties. There e. sintilac t)uliey when it mt.). tell wi.h wore not many foreign letyers ereeeut. file lannt'ant orbs IIUthlUl(ing�+. ClearlyThe entire stock advertised in the lata• if every rise in the price which has tali - meat was offered for sale, but such if place iu gram since the 15th of mats as did uot rerach the price set upon March last is attributable to the N. P. them by their olvuerm were bid in. Of when falls elle place it must he equal - these it is not ne'eessary to make any ly responsible. As a supporter and ad- vocate mention. The followiug are the bona of the N. P., we believe it is Ale sales made, and are given in the capable of iufivauoiug and has badoorder in which they were purchased: benefical effect ou prices, but to clraitn "Lady of Fairview," the property of that it is responsible for ell and every 111: b{u`Iltaggart, a three year old heifer. purchased by gr. George Fulton, now of the Unitetl,Stlatea,-for $175. ";floes Rose," also the property of Mr. Me Taggart, a very handsome red is the way that every public n:tan change is the bight of absurdity. Had should take to find oat the success of there been an abundnut instead of a auy great s011001e, of nary legislation \chert crop in lfurope this seasull,prvles which is necessarily experime ltal. It [would have gone down as compared is not the place of our rubra to elevate with last year in spite of the N. P., but oow, was purohteeetl by Mr. Geo. Sproat, of Teckersznith, for 5125. "Sir ll'.'g;or," this`'\vas the ' fine two year old bull parehFtser1 last spring by George Sproat, Esq., from bur. Juhu Shipley. He ie a •splendid; auimal, weighs 1,80 pontnde,, to:,d is well pro- poraiouod. .He itt good value for the money. Ile was purehuo ed by Samuel Soatiott, Esq., of 'McKillop. fur $105, "TOl003,"0 llandaoln'3 bull calf, five months old, sited by '•Magnet," and bred by George Seruat, Esq., purohased by 12r K r • Joint Cumntug of Ilullottt , , for tdletuselves upon e. pedestal of hrlulan glory and draw the mantle of superior- ity closety about thein fur fear that they any become coutatnivated by contact Wet would not in our estnnation have proved the N. P. a failure, tuuele leas injurious as the Glebe seeks to make out. On the other hand if it would with the pr(fantpta rtugus. They are slot have bean reap usible for good crop elle servants of the people placed in ill Europe, it i3 equally Clear it Cautltlt claim the credit of what arises out of a oower not to say to the people, "rte bad crop in the same countries. The fact of the 'Hatter is both these journals are running to weenies on this sub. jeer, and as a cousegaeuoe with all in telligeut people are doing the side they espouse more harm than good. decree that you shall have and be eon• tent with. a certain condition of affairs; u,: know what you want; and What is better for yon than you know your- seivea; yuut opinion roust be uubver- sive to ours." Nob at all. But they have a right to consult the wishee of the people, inquire into their (:ondition, end intake adequate provision for bet- tering that cotiditicn in the way that circumstances point oat as the most feasible. This is precisely what Sir. L. Tilley is now doing while travel - hoz tlhrough the country, and we aro glad to see that he knows his duty to the people, Tarry though ho may be. That is a kind of Toryism that the The Ianlan•Courtney Fleece. 4u' TEE OIJLITI± RWELL MEDICAL Co„ more disgraceful than the ...agile -wee," a nice red and white 41Ana Street, New York. result of the meotiug of thus two soul frost Mao Box 458e. ler* at Cltautauqua Lake would be hard coy, the property of Mr. John Iiit.shen to imagine. The, mutilation of Court- of Staeluy, was purchased by Mr. John uey'S boats was evidently done either Sliepheid, of Loudeebot'o, kr $, 5 by Courtney or his friends en one hand, "Sir Rielitted," a beautiful nine in order to have the race declared off, mouth_' old bull, ria color, mired by or by Henlan or his friends for the per- ' HAVING SOLD the remainder of OUR GROCERY STUCK we purpose devoting our -hole attention to the Flour, Feed and Seed Trade, Good goods, prmapt Oolivety and snraro deal - Ing is our motto, P. cti E. SPICER, Exeter. Next to Post 011ice Block. .A Lecture TO YOUNG- .L�i EN, 'We 11�tve recently published a no t• edition of 011. (T:1,V311: tr .:r I':; O1 I,rIi1.1T.'.1) ESSAYou the 0, dui and permaxout aura t,rith011t tlictne) of Nervous Debility, Mental and physical lucatlacity fltpod tnients to lia.liago, etc., ru- sultiu= flfromexcess: . t Price in a t.ealel envelope, only G cents e: Iwo postage stumps. The calibrated ,tuthr of this admirable essay, ol"urly demonstrates, from thirty years' 5000.1.a.- ful practise. tout attire:lug consequencesnluences may be radio illy cured without the danger ms use of tonna medielues ur tllu use of the hl ift- ; Puiut- cut 311noao of euro at once simple curtain end er- reotun 1, by xu tabs of which ov.,ry sufferer, no in ,t - ter what his ouuditton may be, may cure himselfchea,ly, privately and raliical:v. This Lecture /mould be hi the hands of every youth and ovary man In the land. Address, pose of segueing for the Chtaull.ioo to "Baron Liman 3rd," ttud bred by Mr. walk over the course. The truth of the 1 AloTagg:tut. This was one /of the finest chatter will probably come out yet, hat'auiwala sold, and was Purchased by rueintinle it seems quite unroaeonuble lir. Alexauder Mitchell, of Stauley, for $180 people eau;etraud a great deal of. It to suppoes that the Cana naris, who anew departure which will be hailed had confidence in their ohttuees of via - with delight not only by friend, but by tory, eruct had staked odds ou their foe, as it is convincing proof that the (- tvernmeut tire in earnest in the ef- forts—and sneeessful efforts too—that they are ulakiug to bring about a more prosperous state of affairs. their way, but, if the interviews are oerectly repos ted, they show the extent Ttxz Loudon 'riser Id. eugaged in at- to which agnatio sport has already been tacking the Beaconsfield Ministry. It affected by the gambling spirit. If one side is to he b liev is uot stated on authors y when the t:d, the mel), on the tither tate a pack of uutuitig, aced seemed- noble Earl will resign in consequence rel*, who would not scruple to eaor•lfide of these attacks, which, owing to the Louour mid reputation for a paltry rnao, would do anythieg to spoil the race and render the lo -s of the prize money all but e, certaiuty. The recriminatory statements of the different parties are anusiug enough in 140400050 circulation of the 'riser b., bribe. It must bo t.ai:l• in flavour of Euglan(l are said to have caused It pro. Mr. 'Yard and kir. Davis •that their versiotl of the matter has about it an 'lir of greater' prubability that' the statist of Courtney, 13eister, and Preachy Johnson, but fltanlan's hack - ors should,reluember and always act ren the mexiin that no nue can touch 1 itch without beiug defiled. foiled dalmatian in the political circles of tee country. The. ft•ieuds of Bea temefield expect 11itn t0 reply in a thou- saud-page. patliphiet, illustrated with portraits of bis antagonist, tIle auricu- lar appeu shoe to furnish the subject fur the froutiapiooa. • N. P. and Prices. .».,..1....1......,..x..•..... The Liberais (aro not inclined to beast much over the success of their Prost the PatrrLaro' Xtet'icty. mass aueetingm 140141 of late. It now 1'110 Lftrii anti z3talie are Ilavin3r, a turns out that a IamIteitiohe nearly half the mules put 05 urevera of battle royal -over the effect of the N. P. 335000ders of the resolutions wore used ou the price of grain, which we thick without consent of the o\rnere. At is eseeediugly foolish from whichever IlarltUr(aMkat, a C'onsorvaiive ALiltdeltly side it be viewed, The Globe threw down appeared and accepted the defiance 0t` the auutlet by publishing, a coullnrl 111r. Joly, and addressed the meeting t3 p b for two hones, and KO disgusted the of Loves to prove that bootieae of the audience with their Liberal Aliuisters N. 1?. the farmers were gettit g less far that the 'meeting was closed a few "Victor," another neat bull calf of the same age as the above, also bred by 14Ir.11IC'1'agyoial't, \V1►8 purchased by idll'f mint the apl,robatiou of Iienty11laodernlutt, s - Donald Murray, of Asllfieltl, for $85. Haire, master of said court at tsull0rich, ou Chsuacery Sale —OP 1— VALUABLE FARM ! —IN Tiro— V_ AYE YOU LOST TE11.3 SENSE Ori` TY4fiNScBiar OF :iEPHEN, theLairuarortie5'hcontury t):n±n1unr.y efrom Tim CoxsweroTiostsr. C,tx.%tutx Ttl:nrrlrn will resturti Potihe tiee,ree torose til 0 i you to enjoyable email. knot -nay euros ¢a- cort.tin 031080 fu Lire i+curt of Clxanec0 0t { Prtcel'i l� l L'r a tbiuo e , t,,a,o7 alilr� ;gists nasi dun«8 VO.Itul1tud, dated thu deli a,.v of Ueto_of Medicine sanious Sand stamp for At: pogo pane It i 9. tbaro will be 8(131 by 1 l fF p phlet coo taaruin treatise on Cn to rl:, and neltia antes of the ettretl rn T. J. d.3: 11.tlil)I1(ti, L,.11tin- loll Agent, Brockville, 0"t. WORKS, Q. BOLTON ,. PROPPIETOR. Having added to my primp auaohinerv, and. pru- aure.t a largo gnantity„of first.310ss barna, log3,1 act pre1•wicd to odor su article Superior to any Factory in the County, Lada at prices that fiery eell/p3titieit. LV ells and 1110(5018 dug ou tho shortest noble. Before purchasing call at the IIay Pinup 'Waldo t=,Shop--Ouo•cptarte mile /sort of l;xetor. r3on,3on Road.. Tian 1. UBA'Y'S SP:GCIJ C IMEDIcINP:. • The G1)atEnglisilTRADE 444AR!; TPAL,E MARK Iie010ltv,au uuf3ti1 .a •. \-1\ 1 ±ug 00001(0 4401311• )N - � ; - nal \Veaknns,, t 1 s • Sreruuttorrhoa, a Impotency, au't•ali•v� , lliseusos thinfel 33 lute as a sequence ,� gr s\ g Ni of Soli A1.ns0 tta�u ",k,:'.� lufl5 of \Loutoly, = air Befo,e Teking't'11V p • • alter `t''tk':ua. atudn.Pain to the Bauk,Dimnees of vision, Premature old ago, and rnetuy ether 1.)is0aees that lend to tnslntty w• ecousnnlption antler Preivaturu grave. pull particulars in our pamphlet, ,which re desire to send iroo • by plait t., Ivory 000. 4.3"I'h" ;ipauifk: :noel 'ciao is Soho by 3311 (Irub.i:tsnut' lira:Iowa ur sis 1Sac kuttc, 400 ea-. or will bo sant b,' nl.ail on receipt of the looney by addres=int; TUE (iiiAT 11r':1)(CIZE ('•()., R unnrr'ro, (tom r.,ceN.308, t .- Sn1d an Exeter by all dl ogcists, ttt3.1 t vorr - Who e lit '1,31333 10. ansa tiro United Statea',y w2ioio. x0113 ttndrt.taildruggists. N, 33—'rhe demand of our business have miens- , sitatoil our romoringthToxaontn,telwelch plana pleaaa address ell /attire commuu4cataos. Iii IIOVAL! RE MOVAL! REMOVAL! Eli ±!OVAL RE o AL! REMOVAL! P. FRAYN,!.i has minov(d to his 31070 8110p, latoly°cenpfed b) Perkins tlr Ou two driers north of 3. Griggs buoi0 stere. where you will tuna uv,.rythi ug usually kept ir a flrat-class harness establishment, which.fer •Iuality 01lnttto:iuland alylu of Woriamnstaip IS NuT EASILY SURPASSED Call and exanaille ply stook before purchasing clsuw here. PETER FItk.YNE. PTIBLIC.1 .LVOTIO T "Led Rose," ra vary fine red two year old heifer, sot ()y "Duke of llxlnilton," .Saturday, 8 h day o N oven - the property of Mr. McTaggart, WISE purchased by Mr. George Fulton fur $1140, and goes to the States. "Toledo," a neat light roan calf, five months old bred by Mr. Geo. ,Spinout 1 ;u 0110 parcel, the follawlug valuable property,brought $40, and was purchased by. VIZ Lot 1Vumosr 10111 the Jrci cwtcu148W0 ut Otto t,uea iu 'he Ouuuty of 411300, )r0a; Inure ur 1.188, of ,vbfah of chores suit iu a falx 1313110 of Alex.Campbell,-- cultitltiuu,uu(1 4110 remainder, is wull•tiutbered Doris Bums ,T, " as very pretty red and bur :►e:t, 8 t'A1110111 O'CLOCK in the afternoon, by Jaynes C .to, A.uutiuuoor, A'1.' TETE Cl':;NT1a.1L ECOTE:I, IN Tan..VILLAGE 4.1a' EXET1,la, \Vlt11 1(00111ant± n13ap1e. 'tort hit is eltuwtu ubu � ru11u Lruduce. U..u.l surd rut tours xs u fiamu Taggart, 3.. lac,gtat, al•Iti got by "Duke of 1.1tti1utl ut 21 miles froln the Vil- wllite yearling heifer, bred by bol', 1�^• Lie). o1 Lxa3tur, nnlcu a iartte ra,;uod {uwrlu,t for kitcuiAg f10ttee tVlt1. brau13. 4811330 uitderiluatn 110 kftcu,lt, franc barn lbx±U, ant± larbu 13'31010 ±11011 311- Th Russell, f the Tt R 1wtning3ete 6 )tr1es. J.'uu 7betise o±aa rteh oay ton," WVaa purchased fur $94 by IIIc. and stables, Thur.) is 34140 a goo 1 d•ou1erll e U8. uS35. , e l0 !lanes calci, uuul. '1' a t 31 s0 wall u11o,1 alt wat00034, 1'ltero aruISwcr0e of fall rvue.lteuw0 (011 butrvesu Usborrhe. Tilly was one of the Cliolo9Yt 15111(45)3111•,11302landlwll ji1JWIJ. Titre t)crle01, a111tn.i13 sold, and Mr. !teased nay well earhe p rouerty will bo sold anbject to a reserve bid11ted uy the saidm:a8'er. be congratulated on his 1]urchtase. Ti.ltlia 1.—.rauiper cleat. cash to the yoltc0or'e 80114300r an, the day of /maenad. the balance ludo "Duke of Athol," a particularly fine court within ono uncurl suerearter, without inty .- eight vduur ra"1,uu4e the Oeroa' slut Cell It 10i6 eight mouths' old roan bull °elf, bred of 4040 willbo flu, atartdiug eontlitiuns ;ul, rho Oourt 0f Ohauuexy. by bur. /'Iut'agg;lart, tau.d sired by "13ar• ror further pwrtxculare, apply t0 )Losers. Gar- r rv'as pu h l by \1 y s 0073 tt:.1�10 er ,74a '.10• tc 1i0t 30u 3(1u L0vl0011 C 1 , 1'C tL.40t 1 r. Jolnlsuu, 0011011003, Goclu114u, a1u11 to rho au0siou- tsrwed Veti±L•i'o' 8,»Laltor s;xotur, G•eotgo Moffett, of Turriberly, for $12O. 1)3.1334 4 13 15111 hay of retabsr,.4.2).1si41, '?)1 ,°. 13. V.2331ult)1', tiux 1a31I01''1'; 11r- Moffatt has already a' very. fine 'Voudurx'taull0itur, 1,018100311 Gutl herd, and "Dake of Athol" wall be a hewer. valuable atiditiou to 1r. It is much to be regretted that the splendid herds of 11Ie,lsrs Snell,' Dusk - son a l l i tis were left itltact ev- l.l�ld �, their gf3'ltiu thou thi�y wonid lt, ave (lona mxlllitfas afat'.r surds, ani1 1ast.ly, e�t ectal oxeel1eut auiulals, both male and It cd it not been ill 6) F9tetJCr', and to Iirs1110l1asee l�It1 tIl,ly, slant>.t 'fiagdt�ad .: fetnate, from these herds were oll'ored, fill scene wFtS enacted, Air. Joly nal • ' which we have already referred as fool- drersed the meeting; at some length, but although well bid up, the prices did A ll, beoause an unfair and i faLlrli and was followed by 111. Landry, M. not most tate views of the owners of the each, td SPEFCEr`�IAN STEEL PENS.. Sitpperior.ing-, ' ltsis.ttuak0, A sample card of one each of 511e TWIITd0V numbers for trial, by trail, on receipt o: 20 mints. 00 lf, 3... '�trt.A.`-a 7FNB o sE•; .l .' •t,rl. LEX, B1.T TTIN & CO., Mantreit, SoleAgents for Canada. CONarreuTION •1L CATABII111(EMEDY Tha only certain, safe, and effeetutal euro for Cat/ rrh, builds up the ayst1 0 and tires 3144 ul diseases at the same time. Asthma, Itc.•se (301,1.. Hay Lever, Nervous Debility, all hum. tog(tltor when the Coustitutntinual Catarrh ii01nody is 181(011 as directed. Prioo ?1 pm. bottle. I'm salts by all druggists autlbi3d ( 34,10 dw11341s, Groceries U'onlectonaiy, Smc,ring Tobapoo 2G Cents pop It CHOICE TBOACCCS AVE CIGARS a1,0ayeins toe k. SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. SehoolBooks, Stationa1'y, Magazines WITH ALL THE LATEST news N.13.—Rowing tract• r1.. Noodles 0±0000y mind. A, BOYD. NEW BUITHER SHOP r'113e undersigned wouldirtforrr the inhabi- .L 11311450± 1!i 1301311 043331 vieiltitythat he hos OPENED A NEW BUTCHER StiOP uue.toot- south of Lie Blaoasnfithshnp31utlhop08 the same Iiheru,l i1tatroungetli0± has beau lar corded to hiu1 in the Dr..301;8Att1I1 all± WAGON WANING lino will hooxtendeclWhim 11 Is 0073 branch of busriness,,I3ismotttwagnn wrllo'al)atthe rosi- dents 0f the, v411agetllroetilnoseacl. wo kand FRESH MLA ,a11 Bunts kelt eo1stallti3.±1 hand at his butehershop. i33aokamitiltn and wagon lnaktingcarricii on res nitre hi all Its brut ileI R. DAVIS..