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The Exeter Times, 1879-10-23, Page 3
haToiia±lr 3, 137 yIr''rxxlsxl•Ina'�'rn�r ..:.: .. _:_:_ - . _ .: ... _. _...: :.:..:_ ____ it'A.ThiN 13Y .U1$ 3.+1i,i1 Ti)S. A l air of rats . produce, As a . rale, thirteen litters .of -eight young ()nes Carthage correspondent of the Witt- each in three years, 11.1,1d the young town niqp,,tidt teeth, n ,flue, r story to the once do the same after becoming six +effect that Captain .0. a.,.. Srnit1i, form. months x)1d. The grand total from a Lerle to dtuv., merchant . at that place, ,in,le pair at the end of throe years is wvsa eater by his fri,)n•lr., (after. otte'ting GrA0,808:: 'Beets have migrated to ali Iota, to, escape starvation. <;mitli way ritrb3 of the world. They are fcuud 1ai1 allioer iti Lilo Sec old New York elating turtle an the Island of .&soon. ) ne,uv;t artillery. I)i 1801)or'70 prod- slim. They have reached Indira, China, dont Or fm appointed Villi Consul at !flirt stbuund in Japan. eplyie point 3n th) &moor Rivet., Sibsria.. • 1(.erlg lie 1, tlo ,rent into the fir. bnsi. .A C,Ialab.ier tasdatein was' lately liber. ;lesrs.lu ('hint for a Now York (3-'riutttt tate+i from the gnilaye, wliere lte littd lilua. lle uvula :a fortune four himself Intent for nineteen years undergoing taud.t1.o firm, itt,d'with others sttrt)•3r 111 a junk to i terc')pt tt V(tt,sut stilled for Anerieft. The crew utntiated, 1•.'111)•'.[ him, and thtu1 lett thein iii' eft .a l,slrrtil i -land, they °,till near (}'slate's du'ir, unishment for vltlious luurdurs, U.iri fret visit was to his native Vilhage,Stu1• tnateunn, the inhabitants of awhi. li were far from desiring the pleasure of his oo nptu y, His first meeting iu the vii. vast t •ts to tato i\ ilictl 3,h('ultl be i;illod ` l t e ;,tact with an old friend, whore he and eaten, and f •inti lona the n11a1, clubbed to death at a. single blow ; la fri •u8� ate him and were finally little farther o'1 he stet with two outer i,ll;tett.d.. Smith's wife, wiz ) was with cmitpanions, presenting theta each with f i.3uels iu Onica>,a, after her ,l'and's 0. mortal slab, and still another Pain. tllllottitment, did not Hoar frulu hiat for ears, She was found (iced in bed bo• f,rtr the story becettue known. Wu'sn S111i'•ll was nitttle Consul he was in the stove lin hunts itt'i'rui tllytowo, „Mary. 1.:tucl ary- 1:tucl, The scot.), ui tits death did uut roach hi, friend:, until recently, when a (;hintauatt., who was oa(3 of the surviv- ors, related the f,tetd to a €rived of Captain SI711'J1'4. VIZ LONGEST 13bIA.11D IN THE \V ORRLD, In Norwich. Gn., there is a mean Who p. ebably wt'11,ro the longest beard _at any mac in the world. 1114 11Will 0 is Hairy 0. °tor;, a tailor by trade. He never makes a dupla., of hie beard hat \a•f'rtrti it concealed in a brag iu his shirt bosom. 'Thu heard is six feet six 1>alll•>tl ill are itiboi)lin)t thorougfare Was lnea by. lith, au l hilled. He filen went Lome in search of his unfaithful wife, but, not fording her, he vented his spite by killing u baby that she had given birth to shrills the hast three months of his imprisonment, besides. lsla(lghteriog a god' many sheep in the. back yrd. After this he went into the country stole a 14.year-old-boy, and then ininot,ed as rtndmn on his head, sant}, on being attacked aby the police, killed the boy in order to make 'a free ii'sbt'with his assailants, two of whom he wotuud,cd and was himself thou cap- tured. T TIMilS '0TIO1{l. aeueunite due to the rinlerloh Foneary anti meeeeeitu:ine 4;01121041y (131 inoit) nowt be proznptly settled to avellcodts. No pnrrous are watt, )rhes tn, receive pep—emits or melte fl 1'.e,nlnt4 11.1 beil'(11 of tee Colnott1(y 01900 tate uudursiftnod. The general athletic et;ti.aibion=hip of Aln trie:a match. crone oft Monday at Critelpll between E I. Johnston of Ham.- 4nc :ea ill L'urtl., and when allowwe3i to Ilton, and 0. 11. 13i:;;ar, of (xnetpb,: fa 1: its itolgth it will reach to his tour with unto ov(Ilt•(; stakes, 500 _nod sand streteh on the floor ton inches, and ltuii+ 1111' i 1101;9 11(litl of brown silk. It was six inches longer ath.►n at pres- ent, bat n short t•iirlu ago lie tritn.ned it (rill to itif iregant length. -1Er. O"olt gap, it he-. been growing for:twwenty-Utile air. 2, T. 13 truu:o has Patted u,l nidi awl tried to indene loin to [rlsv•.1 with his „110',1' but ;lir. L,tak'fi Championship M'diol, 'firm first event u•gl,4 100 y+lrlls flat race, and was won • by Biggar by for tea, in 1t) seconds, The second. !Vent tva3 standing long 30111t); Biggar 11 ft. 5 in., .1o11113UU, 13 feet 21 iuohe This julep was di:tputed on behalf of .11)11'n ,44. on, 3311 Biggar stepp- eel b(atk after tt}1:btil.lg. The reforee allowed the j:3 'rp. 11uru 1i0<g long jtimp—Bigg r, '23 feet Si niches; nx''(w,=,\ n=ui hi( ,•'it<e'd desire .their 1133 + ' Je)hl3stun f)1 feet Ga iuchPs, t�tau(ling should not accept Barnum'a librate of. hop; step and jump -Johnston, 84 feet ler, iuuue3d hien to reject it. 1(11 laeu,k• 1' Biggat, k incites. 11 niches; j) ), tt , 33 feet I01 lueuta ill'' Of (i,'t'i 111 ((stun, P'rU11 1:•1111 th l' 1 , ' 1 num with the ion beard in lliUili •nu, tGgh kis;t—,f (.1 it ou, S t'oo't 8 i.nehes, :13aruulll says thatCool;'s was by fats tate r'�stnr, 8 feet G inches. r,IIarclie+r:t,ii 120 vnrd , fi hurdles 3} ,lot i1i,L lti ltl 101t,..t ,;iltiI11113 of tn(11ro'), i13.r_ C)u+ik,• by 13is;.ttr by two f13(ft, 7.uue, 10: often lila :+•w., led beard' to visit ,rd, eat i tc3enncta. lluuri'Ig )litrh ju1111.t—Jaffee `Maier in the habit of makilil; to greet its- tont, 5 feet 8 inch!, ; 131; 'ter 5 foot S I'lt1[tt rivet' l.t.. 1110 trial of cosh! stat%0. r a 3t) ttC.i!'.1. luno 0 yards fiat race was Went::canbe au.�tttiu�+cl by c<tltina oil. ' t ,, OndSS. + 131 Lt1ar iv.ttl alloww'.1 to use limn at his place of business. won by Biggar by 8 foot; 11331 ., 31} .,,.c VrlltIL'1'. Eu. weights in all jumps, Johnston not availing 1>unself of to like privilege. _&31 aristocrat whose family had ra- Johnston's running junto, 21 feet -6 'flier lith (own boasted to la 131•olspert)na in01)031, is the beat on record without tra.11.'3tn1ut of bis ancestors ; the latter weights, hOlattngA. 0. lteitles best on re- re:uttrluui : "yon are. 1'rului of y.,tu' cle- 2'cl 11 t: 1 sill ('n the opposite track, anti 'Etiei pr0utt of 111y a.) 'mit." An tri:4l ,egtorlf:r, in•describing a c•t,e of ivlfli,t he called "attempted sui- cide," said. "The poor wretch put m ball t,ltrougit kid breast, bat failed in hi•; 1401 0111,al fere )dc, (although his woo. 11 II01tM()11 HORTON, JOIi:+ C}I1tIE1'tlt��, Secretary. Gotland/1h, June 111, 187e. tf IJ r d eri;l°1.13.. 'r •4 INTOULD SAY TO those) who intend 1)1rohaiing' to do so. from the nianutaoturer. The dealer who buys to sell again must ueoeesarily have w proitt. \Vo Melte to give the purchasers the benefit, whlchl eaunot fail to Meet the views of the (rrallgere, Our expenses are lees than tl+ose of ell Inunu'aoturers eimsoq•,e1it- iy Wo eau oelleheauer. l•r(.V 33 mortal 1 flit morning. A widow, iuteu.lin g to cut:ceed her huat„H.11tl in Cho 1111tl+tgelnent of ex ho - 1i , ta11v03tt es 3.11:x11 "the hotel will b,3 3t rpt 1)0 the widow of the former lattd- lotd,1fr. Browne, who (lied last summer on a new and improved plan." The baolness portion of the Town of " \V id You please insert this obituary Shediao. N. 13., W0.8 destroyed by fire n.)tica2'' wsk,ld an old ggoo(100110 to a oil M 11111ey night twat. thirty-six hc,u.+ea country editor. "1 make bels to a-tk it tcere burnt. Toss abort $0O,00J. b13,'.,33"e 1 know the decea>e(I had a Edward Holmes, a negro, aged lo, of l,f,egki. ferny friends about here who'd 0114110.1 ton, S. C., has beau tlooteaze•1. be gia.l to hear of his t1L:atil." to ba 11iiug on N,vetnb:er 21, ill Union •'1f,uutu0," said a little girl, •f As people get old does their hair grow gat:al•- avid,n)lUj''i wliv,n0, Iny olnii11 �VIl.EI OW lint 811.01! 31 notion in your head?" cord in America by 1f, 11nc13034. au(1ge4- for Biggar, Clow. Smart, Elora; for Joiud8totl, D. C. lass, 13etltimore. Il,tl- fsrt'e—W. .. Buoklese, Go3lpb. AJ:uut 1,500 spectators witnessed the 10411011, and considerable money changed 13101133. Na odds were offered on either of the ellen. 0./1•04.1/11110/MIMOMOOVISIMOMPRIVO The death sentence passed upon Chester illldiro, the 13arrio murderer, has been committed to seven years iia• pridouuleat 10 the ia:iugstwn I)enitcnli- ary. Emblems C. u S..G and ' �) 1'a THE FALL ANDWI..t\T f'IGTIiA1:)1P All c. sOI.t Pott c 0 TAAL°Rh and *;LOTl[IER I 'rakeploneuretoirfolrtithei1habibantrofExet(- oda 3arr(u11t1i00 Conn try, that they havo a els 01)311ea0111 a1i eR(:011011taseOrtment OS `[':seems, C'untillf/s, '1'estitrosfito., in tliel'ntost styles aadpattern a,atulfeel ((13nitred t1„kti11tle, platter of clet!11ng,:t11"y eau snit the ulc'tiastlaieuellastea, IDLEY, l' 1) iilxz'O ANTE \V O U LI) Y V cell epecialatteutier, to Out 'Leder taking deepen. alent,wlttah is more want. Ante stenever, lI.ewehare added several new designs of late The best collies oaskots 0010111v,aud every y 'ttnerel requisite at the lawost piquet.. Oltr now Bourse is 11ron0tnieedby c0unpatent judges to be second to uo_ e i), the provinces of all the Different Soclet es. ..a......,.-,.-n..,,�.,,....�..,.,T. Truth Concerns Is .1.1I O i�©MB.'��.T 9. You More Than Counterfeit1 el— Therefore, read, parel=a3e, ata u11Sny its 'bargains, Wilou I say 1 tult'1ufo.ctere 311y 0trn furniture I 1110 prepared with my t)root•sheet that the poopilo can iuspoot'atauy time by calling at Illy Ware r00u)13 whore they will see ft superb (1113 pla9-of c.J.Inuty, tor 0,11 QUt•rat;e upon a two year-old child.. �.M..T[•Nw4H Furniture in All Its Branches le menu feetetrel,by !rimer,ln.1 11yoam'n3adr•rtintieskill,wit1goodwertttnnnahip. Ithe tare nal tesetisfeiugthe people with a 01224 or .li'tl•uitnre that ean03)t be equalled for (lu;tlity or price 1;1 1',xeter,all blowlug to the contrary, 1utwithatalutiug. WHEK YOU WANT T 6NV FURNITURE SIVE J• RAW A CA@LI Nearly opposite letup's Tobacco Store, Mail) Serest, Eveter. 1879) PALL! e.�! . (18th 9 I. -n THE OLD RELIABLE ga0USE At all `1in03, 411(1 eartioalat'ly at a period when Trade 113 universally depressed and money source, it 1:1 111 the 111t01'e0t of eV81'y 1)115.01• to 1)111(311:Ise whore he Call got the article he 101.0(4 at 1150) £ 'mot, rate. In caUfngyour attention. to in,� present stock, I do so with ewe •y c(nit:d coca; it bring more ettreIally assorted and selected them tri:tr of any provions season, 0 . n the Dry Goods Reel y,leparttnoot is replete n'i'l) tite most seasonable and faslliauable ti(+)ries, narked At priceswhich ehou'-ctcoreleandthe attentiorl0fthe very closest bayers. `l•lIi i:l:DEit. 1' Ui)0THI1N'astill has M11. wvI`'1`,3 at lt.ilead ' In Millinery [Juts>rti he 'ueen(leinrin•tof Miss McCriogllton,wc eau crit tits most feel idioms. Our stocit el UlOOe_IeS, Boots,and Shoes, Canadian, English and Atllerictll. Shelf and Heavy Ilard\rare LEGAL IL CADDYr,_.. • BAURISTER & �.TTORNEY. At Law, f olieitor, &e. Delco, 1� susou's Block Exeter. 3 1 LUDIN(i 1i1i.111�I Cl, & WHITE, • 134;0h -tors, ett3r00ys. Sulioltore, COM. stonere,1:1. It., 11u, al—Il:11,,3 a'. I1),n('1t. \Vital tract; t•; Ala iy's. 14111N ('1 '1&1(,,1,1,. 1; 1Y..''I.1RI,1XG. II,A,I,,V'11xTL1 NV: pp (:N101)141.10,1liyyi.Ayv. y ({ �T?'rryy lttaT1•ttt . '441 1' A lY rl , l't).1 y'I A1,.: 13 170 (44'„ LUC`.^_11 "NT. RrliDit. ttL. (1101)f tilelargnatau(1Leata(103t•nil 111111e County. Intending pnrcltltar`r33will eenenl,111('11 beet i lite:eet3 by examining 111:'llot:,: Lefol0 going 0l$en':lere. J.Ai�I�1S PIC: ARI) it -,1( 1:11 1`(' 1 1 i'y leON, kit repel' Of t(10 +•.pit ; ,)t i''13 1('(; (('((1 1'1U1'gnnit8 of Crumlin, Ae., •+ . 1)1.1,:. 11.3.14141'to 1. ('arliuge, Main 1tle•vt, 1 :. 1, r. Ji I : 1)1:1A 4w -- C()l ) '5 j,1i FO11 Ili 'n + 1ty 333 iii a1. ( illee,aextdoor 80 Ifni , 4t, ee i' net('I'. T .til 11.1.33\ N1�wU 11 1'•, 0. M. THE EXETE �x �'�'s���f",,'�' rr F"Fi+.'`�i' �� •s� k!1�'..'is e�' Xaa +.,'�z.`.`4�•'� ,~iJ`� a `'t't"*lt, ��a"'�"+yP :x,19. A Li n a�ne,r .a4itL '�3�i" `tet r.�ai, l r 1 t:llw 'Z C ruLm' e • 1'. 11, '•.t , ,3331(, V(.0u,i.L'11 vers. (1• Office toil re:mi..ue1 1,, r r ,n 1 (ante, e, tIxat0r, 0 te 0-1 111 i Subeeriber Legs to adnnOJIOee to the luhabitaris of 17.xetax and the s••rrotedinget)llll- try, that he has oproe't a Tial and S t',J1'1, 1)111POT in the store nearly Oppoeit0 Mr. (x. :1.. liaces:rroc.wa,':t31(1 signer store, linin Street. Exetel,0(11ere his is p.el'aled. to fill all mete, n for Cook, Parlor and other Stoves At Manufacturers' Prices. Tinware, cheaper than -the cheapest, and made 1.1p by practical worlktnen o11 the premises. J41 c. ;,+ )Q .i: Al 1,). G 31._.._ • ti en ..'t'( .cc 11(1*Univelsity,ll:ontreel OC,ecauu,ur,) +1•,f;.,,• er,Ont. flub!°' ours'- 8 tt, to at. 10 . 1 ;17 133) TAR, J. A.1wOLLl 8, 14 T. 0. P. S. o '+alt i S' Oredit.1 ,1, 0tit. Olden haul's rue ')i:,l:'it. 211.; 12t,)11" ),L t5':tt'e-'Iiroughingflora'to C2'(1er, C'ai'rie:leTilting a,.`Saecitalty. Coal ell Chimneys, Ile very best and ,lone Cheaper. , o— lntending 4)nl'011a'01'1 will always foul leo at :03' pov., ready to attend te, my ownlonsme.ss and prepared at all tinier to treat customers courteously mud supply them with a gond and cheap article. Depend upon it that nowhere cad you get bettor value for your honey. The vary highest price in Cash paid for. Hiles and Sheep skies. E Ff. SPACEMAN. A negro who died recently at. Oxford, Exeter P0, 11111"? t i 1-i'i. •'•1 tliought it must be so 'lll.t. baclause N. L•,wa33 f,1u0.)us for hie great et1'wlgth, I heard that old people's hair was con- lis could rift a barrel containing thirty I `'1 A lamentable mistake was nude by a bout/; could throw an ordinary anvil girl in St. Louis not long sill%,. She Married to loan tinder the impression that 11e wits ,ler father's 00uchl3a0, and. he Mimed out to be a Mexican no- bleman. She pronounced hien a shin, frao,(l, and waits adivorce. '•'1:1y darling," wrote a husband to his wife, "1 shall net,be hone till late ,this evening. Do no;,h wait up for me. It's for thy hear sake ;1 work by tiff light of a male efulgent :moon, as if it were the bright, dazzling sunshine." film wait, she wont anti got a .detective) and hunted him up. Oue of the :Fairhaven girls, .with '.outeof a bridal trosseau before her eyss,. .other column. ,has receutiy given the gentleman wile lis paying his address:to her gentle hint tin the line tnatrrirnonal by prsentiug Mian with a neatly worked motto. upon villa)) 1 is insetted, '" need thee every .hour." Au inveatenble bl 1. eliiclten.tla,11ef, who •hada inarvellone faeltlty;for gll.lting otic of a close corner., was .t+t deter 'caught with a chicken ;in 11'19'13.1. Ito denied the stealing of it .and on being asked tlloav Mott it got into his hat, Ile selene. ly said, "Dat, filariae,, is (jes' wllr,b 'stun fishes me; but I''spee's rn3,1 •' ilttb.orawled p tier leer 8411111y faliiug out."ur forty gallons and drink from the 1 �-i- lt,t �y •i,,-l-rPT8 twenty-five yards, and could pull down. f(t,1r r113U with 0handspike at one time. He oilee killed a deer with a rock. over- took and, dispatched a bear with an axe, and ctuglht and hamstrung 8ferocious bull. 3l11r.11r,� oUr. A. f1w Sears ago "3.11gust Flower" was dis- onver:d to 112 a Partain oust for D1spepsia and Liver Complaint. Jo few thio dysbeptics 100(10 known to their trice:is how easily and gniekly they had. been. cured by i s u:io. Then tilt g;r• at merit of G•nrt,r'd AU(fusr.Lnowsn became legal led through tin) oaaotry by ono sufferer :tea another, until without advertising, its solo became iutinten3e. Druggists In every town 111 the Oanad1l and United States are 30111113 it, No person sintering f1.Otn Sour Stomach, Sick' E•itavlttette, Costiveness, i'a(1>titati0ll of the heart, Iudigosstiotl, Low Splints, ore., eau take three dusea wit50ut. relief. Go to your Drug- gists mute got a bottl0 for 75 cents and try stern. pie bottles, 10 cents, • "1 O•nul(1 aclvi3e 511y0130 suffering from sum- mer 11itlnjsiaiuty to give Dr. Fowler's Extract of TVi.(l Strawberry 8, fair trial." (1.111(+3( M. Ckottm,11..t) , 0astl,3tntl, "Dr. Fowler's ills - tract of 07dd ,' 'tratv1'/rtv gives perfect tntid- faeiioit."---Tltou,ss lltncfr;.ls; Ualnbiag, "Can l•oat)ntltouil 1)r.l,ululer*e Pointe! of IV ill) Strata• MANTLE tel • DOLMAN CLOTHS, 01 1 K �1 3. ? '1 � E WOOL FRINGES, It '.i) • , '_1to. 1.,'. •; r. ,c,3C..:. leseter. (:. 1 1:1 t, i ilei T 1;i- .� \ 1•,i.:+f., ! u:, :•,)•tet College i'nv3le,a L.: '.:• � f:.a'.'- . , .. �a.ee lflriitori. ill 1'4. r 11 Ni'1, I I.li it (IiFF:I)IToN w1 13111, ...,,i 3:43lun,to1', 11:1'. 11utel huts been n(n1 I i .t,t 1 ...t t l it1 lint Vlew; • lt1 , It's for 13(-41...,,;00,1,,1 • I(ri:•(•:44',.3111140: 10Icl eig1313 11,8 tl', :->,.. ..t.. eta, , 31 =,i • ur 11111(1, 9:1 Dell1113, 1)14L\C, tit WALES HOTEL. t t 3 t• t ' '131 t 1 i p ..bereft tale 11..,.. W1 w 1 - 1 11r11••1.,•1•4,111 hew td- '.:1aIi -t ( t.e t(e...:w n 1 t , at" t+ Geed •:,u,•,lu• • :Cu. 1.01_laid ;;.:. 114 1 11111.-,' • we set: 141i p.1 meat, to erii li o )Aral: who 1.. '1 J;.lett. Jl>yltsgrrrtan'1 thorough blood-1uritping proper - :es, Dr. Pierre's Golden Metlical_Discoverr„cures 111 IIeneorn, from the worst Scrofula to a 001nn1on Lietch, Pimple, or Eruption. 33ercurial disease, Enticed Poison', and their effects, era eradicated, lis111"l. EisOD8Tan,rod lalt.r0cuny Paves Born estab- lished. 'or I.outrh bkln, in short, all diseases rau4110 ('3' bac, 1•lood, are congnere0 by this 1owiaf,ll, purlryhlg, and Invigorating medicine. Espl1bdiy 11314 it tuaniftsted its potency -In Curing Tetter, Bose Bosh. Bolls,- f'nrbunelrs, Sere Eyes, 1de101'al0u• Soren sad Swellings, Nikita Swct1inam, Goitre or Thick Neel:, ;ted Enlarged Glands.. 11 you feel dull, drossy, debilitate,,, hue° 13anon color of skit, or yellowish -brown spots on face or body, trauma bend:mho 1r dizziness, bad tart° in 111010:1, internal heat cut chills alternated with hot put•hes.low00irlte.and ginontyf,rehottin irregular 31 [3pctlte.antd teugttn coated. yea are st301ringl'ronl Torpid 11.vcr, or "B:33oubneoa." In many cases al •Ltr. r complaint,' only part of these symptoms urn experieneed. .1s a remedy for ell snub cases, Dr. Piens's Olden .1iu.11r.N Discovery has nu equal, as 11 elferl33 perfect and radical crises. In the etre or llwecb3ttiis, SSever* Combs; the curly tia,v33 nt Consumption, It has astonished the na'(ltettl lheully, and eminent pIly 131111ls pronounce it 1113 g (•(Lust medical dtscul cry or mu age. WhUo 1teareithe seven. tCoug113: itstrtnlgthensthe systeln 2114 npor1Ces the blood. y(•id by druggists. Rua IFti lel s lintel' i ale), X. lYolld's Dispensary ,512E or PELLETS. O • 00 taaStallt AV Oft eV ANT TI vst „l t;z GATI A itO. 1 01111304taktng the large, repulsive, 11anse0unpine composed of cheap, envie, and bulky ingredirur3. These Pellets are scarcely larger than teeter 1 sera Eel's- entirely vcgctablenepralar care ttn qu1rott while thing them. }opti • turbance to the ronstitntion diet or occupation, For Jaundtee, headache, Constipation,. Ire 'y IMosinepa 00erothe Eruct tlone'l'1omht a nein tomach, 13,.p Tante lu the llloutb. Bilious eltnelov. Pain to reales of Kidneys. Internal Fever, Bloated feeing abou' Stomach, Lush of Blood to /lend, taste Dr. i'lcrce't Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 7r explanation of thf temediai power of these Purgative fillets over Pr action' aeon°the of (Mentes, imal c roomy I's universal, not a gland or thou* emceeing tbelr,tanative Impress, AM,{ OW not iutpttir the properties al these Pellets They are sugar-eoated and inclosed Inlass lmMtes their virtues being thereby prerlrved unimpaired rot any length of flute, In noy climate, so that they ter( always trash and reliable. Trigs is not the rase Witt hilts put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard bolra For all diseases where a Laxative, Alterative, to lnrA tivc, 35 indtcated, these little i'e11Cts tMll gil l tele rltost nneerf0ct satisdteti0n. 111 tali? by ednutspes, 11. V. P013101. M. D.. Pa0P'n,iWOrld's ispellsarl and Invalids' Hotel, Bullulo, .r. , e CATARR S 1Iil1PTOIIO.-Freqt]uenthecut' eche,dis0harge felling into throat sonletttnes profuse, watery, tildes 3131100318, purulent, offensive, els, In others, a dryness, dry, watery, week, or intlunrol eyes, stopping up, or o strnction, of the nasal pus. cages, rtngbt incurs, 11013(06138, hawking and !Puget.. FUR TRIMMING,' Mg tocleartuiethroat,ulcerations,scabsfromulcera �" or tootaal deprivation of sense of smeirntnii''taste, ddgia t i Lin, enlarged depression, lfiieltttngg of appetite, ` 0 uy 1 few of these symptoms are likely to be present h1 am= i ease at one time. I• DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY 1, , produces radical cures of the worst eases oiCnterrl'h. 60 matter of howV long standing. The limed reined, Stay b0 snuffed or butter applied by the use of Dr • rummies no3(1110. 91139 1s 11le only form of us ow FLOWERS{ / 1' f i '1 (� meet yet Invented with which fluid Iuedic(1t0 oast U; . - 3C J.:I . t L 1 _1L ::1 4,1r--- . harts Of 10 affe tewad d naso l passages, s, IYZ nd tike cheer bets or oaVitic9 commanieaiing therewith, in *Met sores end ulcera erelIOntly exist, 311(1 from hire + the ea(arrhal discharge generally proceeds. its ea( 1 f�1 LITEa, f�j'i 1 is pleasant and easily fulderstoo1 Mom dbrectiete .L �% AL,1 L:l �i J t accnntppanyiu each Inetrumtmt 'Dr. :taro's Ott. arab Rbmd� cures recent,•tttaeks of Cold to fit llcad"by A dew applications. It is mild furl plows Ant to 1,08 containing net elron3 0r 544(4,131,, drugs of p� q���.� �+� � !, ,� -* -It - poisons, .Cata(rh Romer y d Dnu5hnoohtbydr* , .�t,trV .i3 ®.Sti' w7 4bi ad ..I 1 i:moo. u'u rte, s aide( ft, v, fel1nCE,/.71. 'rop'r.\Vorl"5D12, o.u.. and Invalids' lloiw Ile .13o.. t, Y: b berry with eouticieneo,"—Jtrl)nh S. S. k3olc, rri � louden. bis 101sto1110r13. bear high testimony -/�.- to the virtues of Dr. Fowlers, E.etrnet of 1)'o11 htrataberry."---'t'. S'Tevlfls130N, Orlaugevillo. For sale lay' 3311 dealt:Ts, ado adver(i3Pluclut in an. TRIMMED HATS,