HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-23, Page 1Vol. VII. PhOheithrit 11I9'1'. von -SALE---AN EXCELLENT One c o oLoudon • 1`1i131'I of of a hut't�od aura n the roe( forst conchs,ton of flteplion, neer the village of lexe: sr Apply to 1 t1t,13, V, f1LLXO'1'; Bot 41. tor, Exeter, August 13 1629, 9'10 RO ST VUR A TERM' OF THtaita viten wo improvise of %me hundred acres each, a large bank barn and tither buildings ou each vitae. The rent must ye a1 till jzs [advans o or satisfactory security given, 1a'Or hrther dartionlars, apply on the, premises to • t1Z QinN Tft , les 1, con, 5, r,xotor 13. U., FOR 1 _ r a 'at bli v � L.tV,� z • tt. ]Oki S 1LL. � 1 'zine, Stephan, 80 acres, 00 acres clearud,12 auepped, gnorl bock house, geed stable, well *cooed, T,an,l excellent, On lake shore, t of a toile :torr' Port Blake, where boats run three tones, a week, and rt (de nolle front Grand itend, Uaavonienttemetioall'andchurches on good roar. z'rice, :Ain), ttfrtda easy; Sltlll3:.3U 1)116J4Ii, t)I.Nr3, ltrotceter p 11 AR FOR teAOlt .—Lnt 14, CON ce.teinn 10, Stephen, coutlainttik 100 acres. 70 :turas cleared. t>Rud l lg hmtes and frame barn, itc.00. (food young orctut. d,.graftea. fruit, 'Sbo tarn( is well feinted and is a good state of matt - ration, 'There is largo 'quautity of bltwk matt, luso ea never failing well, h'or terms apply to HONEY PHIIL1.It'PM, Creclttun.. June 5 fATtAf FOR S1l.LI±I,—i.�nt 8, oonces L. sinal% t'rsborne. iieventy acres !tore or .!es, sixty acres cleared and in tt good strata ofonl- tiracieu, gotta frame house and frame barb, log stables, geed well of water I.'n•tug crook running across the plaoa,good 0r81 rd, geed fences. .l'or f;n•thor p:tritculars; alttlly on two promises or by t'3tiert dHiv t)Xlith,isirktoll1iU.,Ontario. may 20, 1876. tf. fi A1t:11 FOR ;SALE.--t1Uhl SUB• Cou.141T1 unship of 'Osborne C0unhyrol Heron 520 n.ot•es aloaro t, the remailltle good bah, well fenced, audio agoo.tstate of cultivation• tinder, dradned, good orchard, suEcrlid well of water. tfr.ttne barn 30x00, log staltic, 24x30, tog house, as ul ranveuirot to school and three churches. For ttrCher par tw1nrIaAho iirttat, r.o.,or UR. R. V. )7I.3i10T!, t.ttersev. Exeter P.O. l '�R11I EOR SALE.—The sari -scrib- er offers for w'le the north half of lot 17, o• at. 30, 'Osborne, contain)'(.; 30 acres. 14 aeras tt'ararl, \V%131 1118rlZfl,3lW, 111111 111 a good state elf cultivation. 'Thera aro nn tho'pretnlsea 0 acres of good.bnslt,1th0 rodsboard fence, a good cool - gm -table dwelling 20x110, frame barn 3tx04, good log stable weaseled 27x17.good orchard, good well o f triter ts,Lhttaou. The property is sitnateti sic nnds.half miles front 13x»tor markotand about of :t toile trout t"arquhnr, and conveui'•nt to diuretics ark schools. For further particulars. np1'1y on the urcmtaes ox ito. Pargc1nhar frost ufftee J•013N rUL'i CN - retnall'hatthh NOTICES. S. kV :CODGSON, e&1 J. OKE, CO. n Anntionoere. .fi lies promptly <t trended tn, Dart,: of sales arranged at this n'113ce J. CLA.RT , Agent for the Ug- -oand. ndllibbert JAttnalFire Insurance 'sero, uy, Residence —Patroller, Uxders•..by r^iu 1 prozeirtly attended to. CARLING & J. W. AB1i- e STR(1N0, Licensed Auctioneers for the • Y7(nutty ofliuron,and the'rovttsbipH,uf lloGilIi- rrxyand Did inlyb. Sales conducted with satis- imitten. nod on liberal terms. An orders kdtat tihrlsti"'S Mansion lacus° will receive prompt at. tont ton. • Sept. 4,1-y. Exeter, Ontario,Thursday, October, 23,1 WAS IT A tlIIIRDER I that moat attach to him ui it the offeir ritt. Ne left by t cleared up; and far the sake of hie THE STRANGE TALE 01' A CHILD AT SNOOD• liAM.—llµ PRl7CF.AIDtS Hl8 FATHER A MURDERER. —MB NLIti833013S AFRAIA TO I:1 V33STIC}ATE, TNI S. CA.M.P 3ELL, PROVINCIAL „11_f '. Toted Surveyer, &e., will le at tilt 11 .yal Hotel, l.xetor,ou the first Tuesday in each ,nouth. Orders for wcrir left rite Air, doh'. 1)pnckman tot l4lrerudite promptattontion tI OkLN ll. M1'YDSIAN, 'ACCOUNTANT, CONVEYANCER, REAL, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. rionov to loan 0)�s1 mortgages, notes and other securities. Rentti2andaccounts collected on rea- sonable terns. Iusnraueo rd'tected in first -aloes tiers ta..los at reasonable rates, 0.1ioo--Itt 1)r, Ii! unman':, Main Wrest, l]xotot. AJeAK , AU3TI0NEE.11 FOR . ' D3 COUNTY 0r HURON, 4, LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY( .Lt. just receival for investment on mortgages at 8 per oapt, • is + DS,WILLS, ETC., DRAWN au reasOneble 30e145, lei R..AI3T3OTTL. firednate ofRoyaliollege of DENTAL L . SURGEONS. Office ovor O'Neil bank, and opposite Satnwell l'takards. a., FARM BELLS 1 ARM BELLS! .E'. RII'BELLS !. .taliVli,. da did, /, .T Iron, • Hardware a'ncj Carriage Goods gerohant, CT'.rT11i"tT`O NT. own reputetien, if the man is innocent, ho should he the most eager of all to made, and should aid its every possible way those who are willing to undertake Daring the last week a strange story each a duty. ,Refusal ou his part to liars been in ciEcttletion in tend around allow a search would only fasten the Woodilaul, a Smell village Inidwa y be. o • o t � vhcl more s tot l on a in Y con n l e t g y h 1n cis tweets Exeter and St, Marys. We of the people' that murder has been sh1d1 not mention tile name of the per• committed. The people of Woodhull eon esonoernetd, iii Vlew of the toot, that should take action, in the natter at it ivould be uufsaiit to give hie name to once, as it is totally ereditabie to Have the pnblio in coIIneetion with a story it said that murder was done near, the which may brave n0 foundation.to Test village without any effort being made upon beyond the talk of a little child. to bring 1.110 orimohd to pnniei1lneut. h'roin what we can learn it appears. that a little boy about seven years of ago, son of a 11280 wile lives about a nolo from Woodham corner, ou the townline between 'Osborne and Blau- r shard, told the other children at school that his father had on tate previous slight 5RR0T A 2LkN IN1 Tin 13 ABNYA318, Donuuton The Deal brothers have been found guilty et' kidnappiug Mr. Jaffray of To onto. The jury reocmmetat'et thew to mercy. Thomas Foster was arrested on Mou- lts./ for playing the three card trick on Dune street,alld swintiliug two brothers uarnod Howitt, from Ttloruhilt, out of $20. alargaret Ellen Brook, wife tf Oscar Brock, died at Ottawa an the 17th ititst., from iujurles received through the es- ptosiou of a coal oil tarnp, after Huger- ing for 14 days. • killihlg hirn, and had taken $14 and a watch from his pocket, after which the mei, and his wife carried the body to the rear of the baru, whore the women refnsed'to take any further part in the hideous affair. A. son then came to the assisteuce oftlis ftIhsr, ant between thein the ghastly burden was carried o the field and buried directly in line with the barn. Tile is the tale se it is said the little boy told it at school. The story was repealed by one to auather until it elan) to be the general talk - Little attention wan at first paid' to the. story, the people believing it to be the silly talk of a little child, and as finch it wa3 treated until it al rn3 to the ears of the mends neer neirllb3rs, who rec- ollected tllzt they had heard a gun slot in the neighborhood indicated abon. eleven o'clock on, the night in .question - This was noetzpteft as pert cenfiemlt'i311 of the bay's story, and intelligence was gentto the different towus around. But notllira could be dano. The na;►gi- stratei were powerless to move in the matter on brach gr • inds. The man wile was supposed to be the victim, one Woclsvey, it is fnnnd, is alive, and is staying with a relative in St. Merys. The people in the neighborhood strong- ly desire, iu the interest of justice and in the interest of their neighbor, whose name must rest under a cloud of sus. pician, that the Matter may be cleared up, and the )clan, if gnil•y, brought to the pnuishraent such n dastardly crime deserves, or to have all doubts removed if no crime has been comtnited. They have been talking several days of or- ganizing a search party, but appear thus far to have been deterred from carrying their plane into a' 0cLltion, by the fact that the suspected man has earned for himself by some means the unenviable reputation of being A I1EC1CLE8$ AND DLrSPSRATE OSARAOTItih, who, we are informed, would as soon shoot ti than as eat his supper. It seems very strange that in a civilized community, where the law is all power- ful, iu the light of the nineteenth cen- tury, sand. in this Canada of ours, any man can set at de fiance ail his neigh- bors in a case where a most diabolical crime is supposed to have been con, !witted. If desperation is to reign su preme above law and order and justice, then whose life is safe from any roffan who fray wish to kill flim for plunder or to gratify his passion? If a deeper, ate roan is to Cow a whole Gornulunity, we alight as well be abandoned to the tender care of laws which' have prevail ed in the •wildest Tart of rho United States, where no one but a desperado raid a villain dare show himself, and where all disputes were left to; the de- cision of the rifle and the bowie•knife. If t11ie elan is guilty of the crime laid td him, in justice to the commttnity n:z mums s 33tt tU34I811T►tl if not. guilty, itis egutrlly the duty o the public to free hitm, from the stigma or obild(which he says was handed to hire the west, expressing himself'w3 Thas. . on the street by an unknown wotnat , ed with his short visit, He also visited who then diseappea,red) returned on the principal manufactories at Torouto bis hands. He is now going round. on Friday last. • He intends visiting with the child on ane arta and a bottle Western Ontario next month, when he of milk under the other, looking far the will inspeetthemanufactariesofGuelph, unnatural mother, with good chances bond, a aitd elsewhere. against him. It has leaked out that the mysterious Prittie's last party of emigrants, shootiug of Ed. A. Fillmore, the young which arrived, on Sei.turdtry lest, numb - medical student, of Strathroy, Ont„ in er about 800, of whom 100 were from Montreal, on the 6th, was done by an the United States; 30'i'were from New enraged brother, who, in attempting to York State, 28 were from, Michigan, revenge his sisters wrong, had taigas_ three families from Wilicesbarre, Pa., en Fillmore for the party sought after. two families from Portage City, Wig., The Deal brothers, who essayed to true one from North .Carolina. Mr, go into the kidnapping 1)5lsiness, will Brittle says that out of 8,000 emigrants get off lightly. The verdict findsho brought in by hin this 'season, 2,00'., were from elder virtually guilty of a misdemeanorthe United States ' and with for which he cannot, if this view be few, exceptions were native Amerioau sustained, be sent. to Penitentiary, and citizens. the younger of being accessory after the fact•. Ak a criminal cannot bo ao. oeasory to a misdemeanor, it is probe - Isle lie will get off altogether without t)tuhishtut-nt. Iu Guelph another daring attempt at bnrgl:aty 1(•as =de on the premises of W. H. Outten, barrister. on Sunday olein. The bert;ltlre tsucceeded iu se - coring it gold watch and chain and a smell suni of money. Mr. Cotten, heariort the !wise, jumped oat of bed and vitrslied there, but on rtaohtngthe tending at the dead of the stairs WW1 fired at, the shot pawing between Isis right arm and side, aud they escaped. No clue. William J. Rice. aged three years and nix m0oths, was playing on the banks of the i)on river ou Monday, when ho fell in and wee drowned. The twelfth austuaT convention of the Y. 11i. C. A. of Ontario and Quebec will open in leinggt0n on Thnr3daS . • The Canaoit3n Engine and Machine- ry Cnmpsny of Kingston have receiv- ed an ordta' for locomotives from Prince Edward Island. ;firs. Brewster, the victim of the coal oil explosion which odelirreil at Niagara Falls 00 Saturday, died the following eight front the effects of her injuries. T1104. Brown, tying near the Bull l Frog Hotel, on the Lramosa road,tenet bis death by choking on Sunday morn- ing by tr}iug to swallow a large pieee of mean. The body of a man named MoGinnie, who was drowned some days ago while crossing Bath and Amherst lslaud,from was found Sunday on the beach. In Brantford, ou Monday night, a fire brake nut in an old frame aweiiiug, owned by airs. Taolrson and. Ocanpied by a Mr. Venehatn and Mr. Gribton. .Loss about 600; insured. Snppoeed to have originated from a stove in a back kitchen, While Mr. C. W. • Mellor and wife,. who reside about a utile from Princeton, were at church Bentley evening their dwelling was broken into and a quan- tity of valuable jewelry and silverware; together with all the money in • the house were carried away. Loss. sever- al hundred dollars. Mrs. Mary Beelianan, of 396 Perlia• meat street, Toronto, was awn,koned from eleop Tuesday morning by three burglars, who choked Ler till she open• ed her month, gaged her and robbed the house of valuable jewellery. The blood burst from Mrs. Buchauan'a mouth, nose aud ears, when the rob- bers loosened their hold of her throat, and a revolver was then presented to her head and she fainted with terror. A little boy ten years of ago, son of Mr. F. Corbeatn, of .Penetattguishene, was aoai dentlydrowned yesterday, near Beck'sdock,while accompanying anoth- er boy to obtain some barrels of water. They drove too far into the nay. The teem, a valuable one bol )aging to h1r. Chitties Wright, was also drowned. • In Woodstock e s cons lad, About seven years old, son of }L J: I3i11, grails merchant, while playing in the store- house where his, father was' taking in grain, jumped into a bin of about 1,500 bushels of wheat which they were draw- ing out at the time. His screams drew the attention aids father, who ran to the bin just iu time to see the Bay's bead going under. He ;jumped into the bin and thrust his hand down, caught the boy's head, and, with the a8sistanoe of a plan e'ho happened to be elase by, extricated the boy. A few sotsonde longer, and life Would have been eetiuet, A Toronto amen laded Finnigan, Who was arrested a few days ago for the Reopened 1ricloa►ppiug of a► child and spent the interval between his arrest and trial in jail, was discharged at the Assizoa, the Grand Jury having return- ed no bill, and on his discharge had the In Winnipeg, Man., the Con8ervutive banquet which is to be g,v#u to the Do- miniUn Ministers' Bawell and Aikens, has been fixed for 11I.)ud 1y night next. George Barber, chief )r eobanical esl- gineer of the Guelph fire brigade. was khllod 1'y a Grand 'frank train, while trying to cross under or between the freight care on the 171(1 ittst. Deceas- ed leaves a wife and three children. A. bear wish killed oil the Csi,tte.da Cen- tr{el Itsilwty near Itsulretw Villege on Setul'de.v night by the eversing train, which collided with it. The unmet had been drove out of the woods by the Bush fires. ' ' Clark Browni, 'the 1.Vest 4Vinelheeter parricide, has )Male an,tibor'ehange in the natter of religious faith. He is now epeoulettne in•Protestant doctrin's, having gone ba r on the Roman Catho- lic ministration. . Tronble is bier ng iu the 'lltedienl Schools, the etude s oonipleinulg than the clinicel teaching is very llnsatisfac-' tory, as patients at•e prescribed for the Hospitals without the stndeuts haviav proper opportunities of letaruiug the naw -bones business. A. sou, of Mr Witlintn Heywood, of Port Elope, was leailiog oris of his fa- ther's horses by the halter when the .hank became entangled about hin, the }Horse puiled hint flown, and thea ran across the field jumping several low bars cn the route. Hit Screams at- tracted the attention of bis ftather,tvho, with the help of auothee man, tried to stop the horse. The victims head was badly bruised. He died iu .a oonpte of 110.11 Ts after. George AIoCab° and Dr. Bowers were aequitted,at the Woodst•oek itemizes bast week, of the murder of Mrs. McCabe, wife of one of the prisoners. Justice Wilson recommended the jury to bring In a verdict of acquitaI, as there Was 130 evidence to go to jury,. An alarm of fire was given at 8 o'cinclr, on Monday uight,frcm Singer's [lining mill, St. Thomas, but'tho blaze was put out before any damage was done. Another alarm was struck at ten o'clock. An unoccupied cottage on Centre street, owned by Dr. 'Wilson, was found to be on fire, which was for- tunately also put ont•before ranch dam- age was done. Another alarm was rung at 8 a. m., a lire being discovered in Moore's tannery. which was totally destroyed. Loss $6,000 fully covered by insurance in the Royal, Commercial Uuion and Victoria Mutual. A11 three fires were the work ofinceediarios. Sir Francis Hiucks has been found guilty of malting false return:, in con- nection with the Oonirolidatod Ban((. 'g'hen the jury retnrnetl with a verdict of t'trtriily" Sir Praneie was present, and received the verdict withrtnt ono - tion. Council for Sir Francis J;Iinoka applied for arrest of judgment, ,which was granted and sentence postponed. Sir Francis utas • llowed to leave with bis Mende on ret ging his bail. The Hon. Mr. Tilley arrived at St. Catllarine'a on Monday, and was met at the station by a nutnbor of the lead-, ing citizens. He visited the different manufactories here anal in this vicinity, andalso the works on thee new canal, 1 -le was the guest.of Mr. Thos. R. Mor - A1; eRwli1STAN. The following details have been re- ceived of the attack on the comp at Ali Kiley' by the Afghans on the 14th: - 4,000 Afghans made a desperate attack upon the British camp, but were re- pulsed at the point of the bayonet, leaving on the field 40 killed 800 wound- ed and two standards. The British Pur- sued thetn two miles. TheBritish loss was two killed, fourteen wounded. The latest illtelligen0e is that the uorabiued frontier tribes are retreating. Ameer Vakoob Khan annonnoed hie determination to abdicate, and stated that Ise intended to abdicate earlier,bet w113 dissuaded. Gen. Roberts advises the Anleer to reconsider the matter, but the Ahileer firmly adheres to his re- solution. Gen. Roberts is, in canse- quenee, making arrangements for main- tainiug orders in Afgihanistan and carrying on th adminstration. The British Deputy Commissioner itt the Naga Bilis was rnurdered by the Nuzema N'atzaa on the 14t11 inst. The assailants were subsequently dispersed by a British detaoitment. An attack cit Koh'unga exported ; troops sent there frrhn G,plaghet and Wokha. • The niegaeiue of Bels. Lissa( has beers blown up. Twenty=seven T3ritislt and many Afghans were killed. Fight- ing has been renewed at Sirkai-Ketal. The position was held by 90 Sepoys a- gainst treaty odds. The energy left 201 dead.' The Rumpa rebellion is entirelly col- lapsed. Gen. Hills, Governor of Cabni, has reported .tee advance of. three Afghan regiments of cavalry and six regiments of infantry from Turllesteu. There is one case of cholera at Cabral. The British troops will probably begnar- tered during the winter in Bala Hisser and Simmer Canton The Chilzeis in the neighborhood of Shutargar'ten are still markedly hostile. Ten miles of telegraph line: hove beeli ant and arrried nway between Peiwar and Stintargarten, stopping communi. oatinn with Roberts. A dispatch from Simla says the ex- plesione in Cele Hisser, at Cabal, cons thine, and the fortress hits been abut - cloned, many 'persons additional being killed since the first espiosion of Mon- day, Owing to the confusion and fright into which 601101188i0718 and ce- snalties threw the occupants of the citadel, no systematic investigation into" the cause of the disasters has been made. The explosions differ in dower, and are not attributable to coy visible • source. It was stated it these dispa- tches 8017241 days since that `Ruseian.eta '. gineers isi disguise had been recognize • ed in and about the citadel for some' time previous to the advance of Gen. Roberts' column, and that Afghan offi- .vers were instrne1ed by them in the art el planting and discharging military mines. Sebsegnent developments have confirmed this, and it is now believe& by the British ofl^ieere in Cabal that they are under obligations to St. Pe• tersbnrg for the destruction of Baia Hisser and the slaughter of so many of the force rvhi,d1 Ives linlding thefortrene. The Athens, flutter the direction of ' Russian .engineers, had all the time ne• cessary to prepare the mines during the slow aprroach of the British troops, in the abseuce of any definite know- ledge of the number and situation of the trines with which the capital /nay be surrounded. Considerable appro. llensian.a, iA felt es to what ina'Y httpp• en next, The sovere,zt penishrment is threatened by Gen. Roberts to any ttttti all parties who why be detected fn cane- bag these ecpiosjooe, or 'who it can rte proved: have any knowledge of the etc- islenco of dangerens 0ltpinsives about Cabin ant have refrained from inform- ing the Canlnander-in.Chief,