HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-16, Page 8Nokr gintO, • THURSDAY, 0011,011E11 16, 1879. LOCAL NICWS. e-- 'Otwerats uow i season, ham are still lm the rampage. Tun wheat znarket6 oontiuues Ateass'enel eider are cheap and plentiful, •Bess Hems, se lemma we learn, will shortly comments the erection of new planing mill. . ME. T. Bisenet's driving horse took first prize et the Yarliten lair without any tamable. •' Tun Sons of Temperance are removing from Fausou's Bloat to Sarnwell's. Ma. L. TUORNE has definitely bolded aeon locating in Blyth, %Ye wish him moose. • BO x wanted to leata the drug business. Aie. ply to 'W. B. Begley. Ma. T. Velez% of Valiant, on Thursday test • Flipped 161 head of cattle to Montreal. Wt. Geo. Erste is local agent for the daily end Weekly Altai/. • Dames aro being dug in many parts of the tewn, under the supervision of the Road Com- Missioner. Ms, lfusinoca fs fencing iu his property on Wellington Street, where he iutettas erecting a • couservatcry. Two or three of the break streets would not 'be spy loss actreotive if the causes of the *some stenches which prevail were alsoovered mud removed. Mr. D. Pnien's handsome residence in rear • of the Bresbyterien church is fast approaching tomeletions MR, E. Emetalrelia: is ablate be angina again, though still very weak after the long and se- vere siege be has stoocl attainst the fever. We hear that the "Yorkshire Lass" was sang at a wedding •on the Lake Bead on Tues- day, and "by George,' it was acme in style. To OPEN.-Th0 :Exchange Bank, we learn, ie to re -open its doors on the Bra of November. • No intimation bas been given as to whether they inteua totontitme the Exeter broach. • FUNERAL smarm -The Bev. E. J. Robin - seen will preach (D. V.) a funeral sermon, by request, for brother Hodgson, M. M., and also for Mr. Wm. Hawkins, Jately eleceased, next Sunday morning, in Christ Church, Exeter. Sermon at 11 o'clock. street *as in in a few minutes liwMl with people, and knots, of citizens clustered in. door - 'CMS to afire blankly up aud dowit the etreet and, wonder what was wrong. The mystery was soon solved. finale Sam, who rings the boll and is getting aged, thought live taelook was six, and was solemnly 'eogeged in the per- foruaearee of his duty when he was interrupted and informed of his error. It took cousider- able eloquence to perseado, ottt foompokitors that Uncle Sant was.itatraY WIN time. • Ale ItTENSIVE Exnrerroa.---If there is any 0110 in these parts who stands above his neighs hors in the interest he manifests in agricultur- al shows; and more espectially in the exhibition of horses) thatuma s 'Leotiard Ranter, Esq., Reeve of 'Osborne. His 11011305 taiga valuable • prizes wherever they aro shown, and, by the good example he sets he does a greet deal to encourage the breeding `of superior -animals. At the Vv'estern Fair he showed MOTO horses should be sorry to mins from our streets, sot Ida obaracteristiopeeh 'and energy, He, was gut oompauy with, a young gen Rause from mainly instrumeutal in the formation of the Toronto to explore the utysteriee of Lake Baron Live Stook Assoclatien, which is now au Smith, mut at the sante time shoot a few established inotitution, and was itg That plata. ducks by Way of diversion., When' they felt the dent, a position whiola he held lathe advantage "ortual pangs of Imuger 'gnawing at their of the Society until withila a fest months of inc tale " they set out foe the hospitable) roof wider event wielth ho well knew VMS 1111, which sheltered themselves rtt night. But af- pending. Tae excellence oi the heavy fienn to roaming some time, and not lauding the horses in tide neighborhood, in which coffeeo. landing please, they V/01.0 alarmed to hear the tion Exeter and Perrot/Lolling emetry have whistle on the Grand Truuk, and soon diseine made a good name, is also in a measure attribs coed that they were near the southeru extretn- utable to the praiseworthy and etterprieing ity of the lake instead of the northern. They immediately turned their emit and pro °ceded in the opposite direction to whieh they had been going, exerting their lungs in the most vigorous manner to acquaint any pitsein r'g strangers with the'situation, Web, the boys 'thought full of peril. Finding their lungs un- equal to the emergency, they fired oft their gnus. This had the desired effect, and being heard by Mr. Kimmloy, their hash provider, a deputation was sent to effect their capture in theta any other man in the county of -Thum i which arduous: undertaking they suceeecied, and was ' more uniformly successful, Mr. bringing the two lost young men iuto safe Hunter deserves praise for his efforts to pro: (tauten about eleven o'clock, very weary, very mote keen competition at agricultural shows. frightened, and mentally resolving not to at- tempt another owl expedition without a ' Sammie FOR TEE Dren Cue. -a, match for guide more eonmetent to look after them than the possession of this cup took plain' ;in Exeter they themselves. They are now under the on Friday afternoon last in Mr. I. Carling'a care of Welt' parents. field, between Mr, John Heywood, of Vsborne, Tarn Weeenext-"Old Probs," who figures in said. Mr. F, G. Simpson, of Exeter,. „1,0 aaa the (lanes with all the impo. tuners theta gen. the primo of life, a tire at whish, above aU tleman-we suppose he's a gentleman -of bis others, death apeears most terrible .and cells' forth emotions of the most 'melancholy nature. Having been a member of 'Lebanon Forest Lodge A. P. and A. U. until his death, his fa, n'eral was taken charge of by that body, and on Friday aftemovn at three o'clock, tho mem- bers of the lodge proceeded in6 a body to the late residenee of the deceased, whence the solemn procession, accompauied by a large number of sympathizing friends and acepaints names, wended its way to Liman, at which place the members of the Lewin Masonic Lodge turned out and accompanied the remains to the Grand Trunk station to be conveyed to To- routo, where the last rites were performed over the grave of the dead. with Masonic ceremouies, the members ei Xing Solomou's Temple having with true Masonic love, consented to -Mk charge of the funeral aud pay the last honors to a deceased brother. spirit whit:1i prompted hint to bring to thio secs . tion of the:country the best linported horse that money could perch:tie, au example which, became contagions, until uow the South Richly ef Huron stands alone au incomparable in the superiority of its horses. •Hodgson's death was caused by bronclatia, bi•otight on by the constant etriosure in all kinds el weather no eessitated by bis business, end was no doubt decelerated by the viojent, use of hie Mugs which he was required to make as anetioneer, In which, capacity he was in great deneaud, and was said to be tlie hest for many miles around In polities he was a Liberal Coniservative, and exerted considerable influence. i'st the time of his death, Mr. Hodgson bad only attained the age of S4 years and 6 months -just entering three times in suooession beaten an opponent for the possession of the coveted trophy. The shooting of both cortestants was good, but ea this occasion Mr, Heyweet1 proved himself too moll for his opponent. Teu birds were shot at by each, Mr- Simpson killing eight and Mr. Heywood due. According to the preseut rule of the Glut Club, the cup does not become the property of any member until he has come off victorious in six suocessive contests, so that the 111511 who eveutually becomes possessed of it will show himself to be more than au mat nary naarksinan, We understand that Mr. Heywood will bo called upon at an early day to defend his possession of thecup. Annexed is the score of the recent shoot: John Heywood......1 1 1 11 01 1 1 1-9 DIABOLICAL. ---011 S5Ittraftylltht a fine colt belonging to Dr. Cowen, which was pestering the:fair grounds with other horses, was cut on the front legs and stabbed in several places by some villain as yet unknown. The wouads were apparently inflicted with a pitch fork. • Is eon THE Nrorta.-.1. man who was reoog- • nized by some as Jack O'Bien, was put in the Exeter lock-ttp on Saturday night for safe keeping. The noise he made for about two hours after being put in the rail was unmis- takable evidence that his lunge were sound. Jack was released on Sunday morning. • Two of Mr. Senior's children have died of scarlet fever inside of two weeks. • The family leave the sympathy of the community in their a.fflictiou. Tho other members of the family sylio have been ill. are progressingsfavarably ,nfluenceie eutitled to, has Wee moat gracious" 1 iy pleased to permit us to be blessed with a tong spell of real genuine, jam-up summer weather, that must make ;the "mild baues" of the crippled rheumatics deuce for very joy. The fall wheat is prospering amazingly under the kivaly influence of the genial sun, the warm rains and the balmy breezes, The Pas- ture lauds smile as they did in the epring many of the vegetables show their gratitude byreturning a second grew to the thrifty geed, eater ; the feathered songsters titter as they fly ham branch to branch; and lovers rejoice as they stroll in the pleasant twilight and are free front the officious inquisitiveness of pa and ma, who, as setup injuted WIGS do aver, are fiat to drop into the front parlor without a DSO - F. G. Between .1 0 1 0 1 1 1.1 1 1-8 ment's warning at the most inopportune mu - Oen Wooxiuns Mret-We heartily congratu- late the gentlenianly proprietors of the Exeter meni, and exeuse themselves by saying they smolt fire semewitere, aud thought it was in woollen mat, Messrs. Wanless as Blain, on the spirit of industry that pervades their estab- the room, and then trying to make believe they did not know there was any one there. lislament from the ground floor to the rooLand hi which we are happy to bo assuroa on the an- Building operations continue as if we wore the first month of spring instead of the thresh- teority., of the m ie. vastly more agreeable than the etagnation whiell prevailed twelve old of winter. How long this state of the wea- months slime. Daring the tune that has elapsed since the intrude:dim of that great cense, the National Policy, they have put three extra hauls at work, and aro preparing to place in the factory a (larder whioh willrequire an- other man, making in all four extra operatives ie the space of twelve nionths. They areabout to ran night and day, and hate for tome time been 'working over hours to enable theta 10 keep pace with the deinand whichathe 'National Policy has caused to spring up. At different ••••[...•••• XTSbOrne• ----- VZOVIIIRTY °LUNGED Hetios.-Itfr. T. Sttioey has sold his farm, lot 16, con. 12, Ueborne, 'to 'Air. John Ctinson, for titer, when the days are as saltry as the warmi $7,000. Mr. Stacey has purchased Mr. est days in summer and the Welds so hots wil john Henry's 200 Imre Win in Hibbert coutiutte no ono can with acoaracy foretell, lint. township,for $9,500. Mr. John Fulton Mr. Veinier prognosticates mad winter,which 13 afi sold 50 acres, part .of lot 9, in the after all, may not be as healthy as a regular 10tb eon., to Mr. Fleteher, for $3,100. eneezer like Lite last, with mountains of suow and an atm.:tome of nipping frust. A GOOD RESOLED:WK.-OD Sunday evening last Be-. Mr. \Vebber,13. 0. uauiater, of Ese- tor, hi giving out an "announcement" from his pulpit of some event that was to take place times they have beeu regret:hilly compelled. during the week, took occasion to make a few owing to insufficient acconaniodatiou, to refuse pointed remarks that coincide with the opiti- large orders which would have been Very re- ions of all who desire to see the piece that is atunerative. • Last week they Ina to dedicated to the service of God kept free a om wayita eaaaeary,aaa era senior himself, wise decline to take 0110 order for 2,000 pairs of dehlenaent. N't e have frequently been team ee has been suffering from quimeals able to attend blankete for a firm in London, who do au ex- to suggeat to some of bur ministers the pro - to his business. HARD TO Eza.e.-On Monday last Mr. Alfred Ulm gardener, Exeter, left in this office a cab- bage whhat for size eclipses anything we ever remember fo have seen bit this line of vegeta- bles. Its circumference iu the largest part • was fifty-two inches, and it was as hea.va a weight as any person would care to carry. The publie may rest gemmed that is W4S excellent •eating, aud Mr. Allis has grown few:is as a grower of abnormal roots and vegetables. PETREVICTION.-We were rho n. by Mr. Fred Green, Lake Road:the other day a curiosity whieh illustrates the peculiar working of 11s- • tnre. It was part of the root of a tree which was in process of pets erection. The root was still soft enough to be cut with a knife mil could be easily broken, but the fibre -the "fibrous nhysioalframe" to borrow the strik- ingly origival expression of a Huron paper - had departed. The petrefaction was caused no doubt by the root being imbedded in a soft • bandy soil., • Coaeterrum-In the newspaper reports of the Stepheh (Ye Upborne fall show the second prize for a team of agricultural horses was awardedby mistake in numbering to Mr. R. Lang instead of Mr David Mill, of Usborne. We make the correction in justice to Mr. Mill, who had, owing to the error made in the pa- pers, to produce bis ticket „ to convince an American buyer that he had really taken the prize. Mr. Mill has an excellent team, and one would. travel a long distance without fina- lly their equal. Aaremene.-On Saturday morning an mei- dent marred on Main Street which might have resulted more seriously than it did. Messrs. D. and I. Spicer and Wm. Stewart were riding in a top buggy, when the horse be - same frightened at a bundle of tow which had been left on the roadside by some very thoughtlwas person. The frightened animal shied off into the ditch, which is very deep ab that place, causing the buggy to upset. The horse fell on Mr. D. Spicier, injuring him slightly Mr, Stewart's arm was also hurt The buggy top and seat were badly smashed, and the axle bent. The oil and paint cans which were in the buggy were also emptied of their contents. A Goon Gas. -On Monday evening qage a surprise was created iu town. At precieely tensive trade with Manitoba iu artieles which, , prioty, not to say the advisability of adopting nutlet the old tariff, were brought from the United States. They have also the privilege of inaunfacturing exclusively for a eliolesale firm in Toronto. They also inform its that the prices are not in any clime of goods higher thau before the tariff was imposed. We hope Messrs. Wanless ca Blain will long oontintle to enjoy the benefits which the new order of things forces upois them. They are both worthy, enterprising men, .an.d deserve all the good, fortune that has fallen in their way. GONE. -Mr. Wm. Froason, who for many years has carried the harness inaldng and latterly has added the boot and shoe business, bas taken his departure from Exeter for the county of Grey, where he iutondts going Immo- diatoly into business on a large scale, Mr, Penson will be missed in Exeter. It will be hard to find anyone to take his place. He united a rare amount' of shrewdness wait. a wonderfeul amount of pertin.acity in ventare. some speculations. He is possessed of an in- aomitable spirit of enterprise which carries him to a greater extent than prudence Would. dictate. It was this spirit no doubt which brought him iuto difficulties which, not being eble to see his way out of clearly, induced him to make an assignment to his creditors, whom • he desired to protect as far as posible from the consequences which longer confusion would probably have entailed upon them. Bat they, recoguiziug the merit of Mr. F550011, gener- ously rewarded his ticli•lity to thole interests by allowiug him to retain the stook which he had assigned. to them, and making a liberal compro- mise with hitn, which ;placed him finaacia,lly bus safe and tenure position Thus virtue brings its own reward. We ;lash Mr. Faison even more eueoess than his excellent badness habits, social qualifies and sterling moral Worth entitle hint to, and commend him to' the discriminating care of the good people whom he is going to dwell among, with the assurance they will find. in him all the good qualities whieh, go to make a successful operator in these days when brains command a premium • LOST ON LASE SNLITIL-A couple of weeks ago or thereabout a, few !voting ma of Exe- ter left for a week's sojourn at Lake Smith, where they expected to while away the weary hours in :shootings fishing, and suet), other five.reeleck the town bell began to tali. It WAS anrsemanta as were common to that classic. neighborhood, Although they had but ill -sue- t* a fire alarm. It was too sedate for that. People looked as their watehea, and there) no eeee ia 141'5(411V' for whIell they may probably await ,blame the weather, still their visit was no; pommeled 01 these handy appendagee, slush a coarse as Mr. Webber has announced his intention of following from this henceforth, but refrained from doing to, owiug to the op- portunity such a suggesti en would have givuu to have falsely impugned our ?naives as mer- cenary. But newspapers in other parts ef the Province have not beeu so delicate, but spoke out boldly in tiondenmation of a practice which lias grown into a nuisauce, whieli must be as distasteful to the ministers as ic is detestable to the congregations, that of taking five or ten minutes at the close of each service to make an- nomicemente of load ocourrenees, not at all times even !relevant to church affairs, which were to take place before the next Sabbath. Usually a week's programme was 'laid deem and read. out to the nualleucling congregation, who, of course, could not but ,feel the lively el. feets of this sudden transition of their feelings from that devotional state induced by a good, Christie/1 sermon, supplemented by an earnest Christina prayer, to the consideration of eveuts tutudane and wotlthy in the widest sense of the word. Mr. Webber says.he will stop this practice in the church of which he its pastor, and intends making au effort to get the minis- ters of the other denominations to join him in his attempt to abate the nuisance. There be- ing newspapers and printing offices in town, he considers the church should be left to fill its special mission. If Mr. Webberholds fast to his resolution he will deserve the prayers of all the pious editors in Ontario, as well as a copy of their respective publications printed on ell's attain letters of gold. We'll clo our shrro, and when he takes his departure from amongst us, will contribute to a purse to send him on his way rejoicing. DEATH or MR. Wa.t.11,TON HODOSOL-It is our mournful duty this week to chronicle an event which for some time past it has been evident could not be averted for many months. We mean the death of Mi. V7harton Hodgson, which took place at his residence this town on Thursday evening last, about eight *duck Mr. licrigson came to Exeter front 'Whitby semewhere over six years since !sad was well known and very popular in all the surrounding country. Ho was Reeve of Exeter for ons year, and 1111 1151 cepacity guarded well Imola inter- ests of the town as were committed to his cam Everything he undertook he performea in a wholehearted way. Ile seldom failed to make a omen a whatever enterprise or speculation he took in head, • lie was also at ono time a ha excitemcut, for one ofour Preadult of the Stela= as llsborne Agrieul- by the way, Mr. Thomas leitton galls, lookert (without the sky to aticertatu the time of day. The young ten, whose gentq 40=148n:woe we turas Societyi and exhibited in that position Biddulphe • The last monthly writttn eximina- don of the pupils of S. S., No. 9, Bid - d 1p I) , res it I fed as follows. Only the names of those who took- more than fifty per cent. of the total number of marks are given : 'Third cless-IIUM- ber of marks possible to obtain, 4e0 ; Mery E. Mitchell,. 412 ; Jane Anduson, 2Ga. Second alaes-nuniber of marks obtainable; 850 ; els/nee Hennessy, 309 ; Kilda Heenessy, 302; Laura E. Nell, 296 ; Naomi A. Linger& 277 ; Aleettuder Broctu, 215 ; hne Dvit, einity of S: Mary, as three men were 109, seen•en Mr. Uarrisou'a boggy ehOrtly• 411m- t after it got oat of town. noes) same nion are supposed to be the oilers who. gagged and rubbed young Dawson a fete nighte ago. • The harbor dues reeved at Montre- al this season up to theast inst. amount- ' ed bo $175.000, beiug4i) etteese of $20, 000, over any forraer.tlar in the blistery of Iticitt treat. Thera teas on iiiiirease of 63,000 tons of sliippiug entered Ude port this deaSOLI over lest. The excite- ment in the tea trade 8011 centinuee„ NIA 1,50e ehests changed bends here yesterday and to -day at an &thence of 2e cent e above the advance previously quoted. Ocean freight to Great 11rita are still firmer; to Liverpool mid Glad- gow 714 ep are paid. There was an ia. nesse ot $113,00G in the traffic of the (3raud Trault fer the petit throe mouths, as compared with the same period last year,77 Senator Aikens and Bon. Mackenzie Howell arrived in Winnipeg at two o'clock on Friday meriting. They were acoompauied by six detegatoc or Polish and English teuautfariners. Au Itneci• earl gentleman showed them over the .Dalrymple farm, in Dakota. All of the above, with several Winnipegers, started, after an informal lunch at the. Norkfolk House,. to see the settlements in the western part. of tee Province. They will return next week. There wane) want of eourteey this time. Several E'roviticial Ministers, its well as members of Pediment, the 'United States Cousul, the Mayor, Aldermen and others, met the party at the stat- ion see provided everything necessary to the comfort of the party. 001%1E11 16, 1870 Dominion The e Behan has ordered the •Ms* herelment of 90,000 replier troops, Pitech Batson, Mereleinte of Met- eelfe, inei their store 'mitered 'Saturday night. by burglars and,$69 abstracted feomtheir eash-boi, Donald, A, iti(itati bite bein ounfined in Meeitobe by the Cortrewhile the ape peal was eerried, Another triumph of the N. P.. is to be ereeted in Kington, nanaelyat fitet• ory fee the inanufeeture of watch (wear which will employ 100 hands, • The Town of • feniersen has applied for. ineorporation. Fear hundred and t wen ty iw mig mute from Great Nihai ,. arrived he tie geten Tuesday moruing, en route for Outetio, The Provincial Agricttltnrat Ebfbi iota at Portage Le Prairie is only a pa4 del success, The entregg ies rete eg ' 1,000 The Constitutionality of the Scott Temperance Act is to be tested at the expenee of the Dominion Govel Francie Hinks' trial commences to any. Sir Francis is charged widr freed while President of the Consolidate ed leauk. Mario Lancaster, an employee of the Lenclou branch of the Merchants' Beek, has been arrested an a. eharge of smuggling $1,000 from the Bank. He pleaded guilty and is to be setteenceci to -morrow. The thanks ofileeelejestyle Goverh- men to the 'United States for die assiet- Bile° reudered by the United Seates. men-of-war Mourteacy and Palos to the British ironclad Iron'Dellte, when tho letter was around in Woo Sung river. Benjamin fe. Clerk, lawyer, of Neve York, living at New Hochell, was rotas - ed about 1 a. m. yesterday by hie wife, viiia thought she kneed burglars. tilierk took a revolver, and going to the rear eutrawee, foutel it oeen. aril/ cycle ono pintails the door flout without. Ou RiVing.warning and receiving no reply, Clark fired twice. He then found th •t he had killed his nuele, Joseph D. 13a1c. er, who lived in the house aud bed gone out upon he piazze, in his night gar. menet, The exports from the Dominion for the rnontn of Aug were as follows.-• - Prodnoe of rallies, $125,582; produce of fisheries, $615,708; produce et fereet, $1.847,501; auiniale itud their produeo, $1 '738,278; agricultural products, $2,- 525,487; matinfacturete $292,681; nets- oellatieous articles, $84,408; total,$7,- 179,645; grand tetal, $75,952;224. A. horse aud buggy behenging to Mr. M. Harrison wee stolen from Knox. Church St Mary. about half -past borate on ennday uight. Mr. Hard:ion and Obief Mitchell et onus sterted rifesr the thief, but tailed to get any trace of him,. About 10 o'clock, as two young men were dtivirg home from Stratford, they found the rig about three miles east of St Maryand drove ib home. It is sup- posed thew is a gang of horse thieves and highway robbers werking in the vi - County. A novel but very effective way of threshing peas is gaining way with the farmers in this Comity. The peas aro threshed by being run through a mat- ing hoe, by which the straw is cut very fine, makiug tolerably good feed, wh'le the grain remains whole. The pose bring a better price thau thope thresh- ed otherwise, as they are not broken up SS iu other modes of tbreshiug. The plan was introduced iuto this county by the afeintosti blethers, of Oxford Court- ty, who have purchased Hunt's farm near Blyth, well known as a berry patch, but now being transformed into oue of the best farces in the county. A rifle match took place on Friday an the Seaforil range. • The weather was beautiful, The following are the prise -takers in the afl-comers' match:- lst, N. Robinsou, Clinton; 2nd, Lieu- tenant J. Wilson, Seaforth; ard. Major C. Wilson, Seaford); 4th, N. Monro, Seaford); 5th, P. Hardthorn, Seaford); 6th, A. Wilson, Seaforth; 7th. J.Young, Clinton; and 8th, Captain Sheppard,, Clinton. It: the second match between the members ol tee Heroultifle A.esoci- adore the following membere took prizese-1st, J. Young. Clinton; 2nd, W. S. Hobiuson, Seaford); 3rd, A. Wil- son, Seafortlr 41b, Captain Sheppard, Clinton; 5th, 'W. Young,'Clinton; 6th, W. Murphy, Seaforth; 7th, M. Munroe, Seafortb; Eith, F. Best, Seaforel);' 9th, D. Steward, Seaford); lOtel, A. Camp- bell Senforth, aud 1/th, Major C. Wil- son, Seaford), Several shocks of earthquake teemed recently •in l3outheru Beenem7 and Servia. A Vienna dispatch says Bismarck re- cently expressed a desire to see England join en AustroAerreab • Tho coroneee jury in the nee of the Adrian Fair acoident, • caused by the falling of the grand swat, hive implle- ated the owner, architect,and builder of •the demi. They ItaVe' been arrested for ulauslaughtey. isprisastookitt • biAlthIED. Ilasirox-Sosonone,.- On the 9th hist., by the ltev, G. A, Miteholl, at the residence of • thebrido's father. Mr, Theinas Barton as Margaret, detest daughter of Mr. Samuel Scroggie, all. of Exeter. 10P.I...••••••• DIED. MoLtion.-At Chiselhurst, on Ibe llth Mary McLeod, aged 73 yeats. 8euxon.-In Exeter, on tho 1211181, Charlotte, • daughter of lttr. Chas. $onfor, aged 11 ye ars 2 mouths and 9 days.