HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1879-10-16, Page 7�)CTiJ:oilm 10, 1570 ��� tWExArC!ssaxvl,ClmtrxalN►n!fkS ' UAT AI`t:1S JUJ?ITtilt. ' -- Om.; of the most eeniii.rkltble spots Ilia' ewer appeared on the streaked disk <}!' Juj)ito4' can how bo often witti tele. F)e<il)('s of moderate V S01. It i$ it) shape tt very teteentrie eelii^ 1a, biting i 411;.; . or (i ;ht ((0x(4 !welt:lac t1F14i1 l,iti r„ i!,tit)tl south of the egnitteittl bolt, aretei(,;f,tt sharp couii'.1,4 N1. 101 t1.) ',Vllito ex d it, '1.'hil $10nt114t,tO il( 11i)pearaitou lluJrith , singe, ,4u,1 I(a l Io1 V 13+ 1fR =b 1r11V 1l„t1U.,it ill 1110 fluff. .. 010,0 inert e,t1 tpi rt veale 8t,1h1L very L•t1U1lt:•li%41)1t' Gl)lds:with:)tlt i'. to agile t.ret 111113) ir,.; color, a Liget iltt4'0tln, (lit'• f. i,; n(IFltii:il,�} fr'• 411 that of 1)hy other part (;1 the di Jc, 11t .nt;14 reit•u1oli)Ig line, t((1) l•Ii t( hue of tbo 1)o(lh' r,l belt. Tells t;t,1'I' Li se proeee .)a•J•.l li: i nut'ftlt- etoly st.tliiI (1 tilt) Eye t't' tme who it ult. 0c0uateu.t, d to the tutu of a t(ieseope. It iii it 14 it r•; but sotto vIett resembles the; ea i l,lw cb..tvuai(t °luta of melted hit tell lion cooling. The t)oviii” of thn- slot is hardly lose r(ltlnst'Itublo time its color. There iso stliltiug differentia in. the tiot ofthe two cq(u(turiel lklts. 1111)0 northern lloiup; a reddish purple, and the south- exu a grey, 0urio)tely cnangh tt'o 8141)4 1(Jjalseed the southern bait -in1.teed '1' the one it const resembles in color, attd. it gives it it etllki1(g appearance ('f leo. 'lotion. It 18 ,1s if a pit'e.1 of the 1Jert11 ern belt Iot.'i been o:)4'rieti IM,r098 it$ gray neighbor, and thrown down upon the white surface far beyond it, under- goiug at the saute tithe a considerable chatege of hue. Tho enoi'inous size of the tttrange spot is auottioc lnt4rvelon4 Cirouinstaueo, especially whou it is re- membered that it mode its appearance quite en(ldel3ty, and as may bo inferred from history of previous great spots '00 .Tupi_er, is liable to dham:e)tr with ®quat swiftness. A. simple 'teaser.). inept shoos th tt this spot probably covers Lot leis than sixty nlillioo 'quare millet, au area far ex;ee(1tt4a th14i c.1' 1111 the continents au(1 islaud;l on our globe combined. Another peculiar feature is the ifeem- ing repulsion between the spot and the great south belt. In the longitude of the spot there is a perceptible not row Mg of the belt and a bending away from the neighborhood of the spot, as if in obedience to some repellent force. '11'the spot were assumed to be the cal. initiating, point of (411 ,extensive elova- 'tion of the phtuet's snrfnce thin appear- -11310e might be accounted for by the Lipping of the 'belt in passing across ...one face of the elevation. What this great spot is, awl precisely What form of physical activity it repro- eents are questions to which astroteo- niers wotttd probably hesitate to give a 'decided answer. wean b(neiilese, if he floes so when hes e.tu1410 he will bo \verse whou "married. WHAT AN OLD MA,N IIA.S NOTICED. I liltvo 410tlet)t1 Wet all are honest when well watched, 1 11sv.1 initiated 14.0111 ))trees will he!1. I)(illLli0rt 14(4 W(441'1.8 1J0U1.U8. 1 ik4Vt) tiutieetl that, 1)i orrtler to be a remuni4ble el'oattll'e, i.t i1 0(0438aa(y at tittles to be duwl)1'igll4 (14 (1. S have 1lotiou(1 that silks, broad clothe and ie,yei, 1.,r3 o1'te:4 bought %tits (niter llct>l)lo's lil')4r(ay, 1 have ,tuti;sed that the prayer of the sottish Miall 1s, "forgive 118 our debts, white 11e makes evelybetly 1111f11 0IYO43 Will pity to Ott ttttn0141 farthing, 1 1i11,vct noticed th tt lie rho thinks every man It rogue 18 eertt!141 toflee one when ii'd shaves himself, 11011 he ought, ill the mercy of 1117 ihei;hbor, , to sur- render the rascal to jl1stlee. 1 have rlotieed tllitt moody is the fool's wieduul, that knavo,s reputation, filo poor (1)11,u's (1438149, the covetous .1111114'(4 tttilbitiolt an(1 the idol of diem ;t11. IHAB]) VS. SOFT WA'T'ER. It may be pleasant to those who live 'in a region of country where nothing but hard water is to be had to be iu- ,rmed by as good authority as Dr. the well known chemist, of the 'result of his observations on time use of hard water for culinary and domestic purposes. 1. hard water is the best 'dietetically, because of the line. 2. It makes better tea, although clot so dark colored, osviug to the fact that soft wa- ter dissolves bitter extractive matters whiob color the tea ; but ruins the aro- ma. $. It relieves thirst which soft water dogs. 4. It doesnot dissolve lead or organic matters, which soft water does rot. 5. it 1,3 generally good colored nod unpleasant. A. soft water, how- ever, is a better detergent, and re. 'quires lass soap, Por 14 rosideutal town a water whieh has over ten de• greets of hardness would be best. For lnaunfacturing towns a soft water would be the most advisable for .com- mercial considerations only. —b vo♦ RULES F0it YOUNG LADI'ES. ..Marry nota profarie men, `because . the depravity n'f his heart will corrupt hie children and embitter your exist - roll ce. 2. Marry not a gambler, a tipper or a hunter'of'taverns, because lie who has no regard for 'himself will never have 'any for •Lis wife. :8. Marry not a man wlio makes pro- mises which he will never perform, be- 'cauae.you .0 an never trust him. 4. Marry not amen whose actions do not correspond with his sonttmenta, be- cause the passions have cletlironed reit- con and he is prepared tc'cummit every crime to whish an evil nature Imre- strained'ean instigate him. The state of that malt who regards not his own ideas of ri,ht or wroug is deplorable, and the less you )levo to do with him l,lie better. •u. Marry ry not the than who is in the habit 'of running after all the girls in the country, because his alfectiout5 are 'continually wavering, and therefore can never be permanent,, '0. Marry not a man who neglects his TOBACCO 5'LAYEtil.. A writer in the Gentleman's Maga. 514(0 who 'ably defends the moderate use Of tobaeoe, relates the following W- eide) t to show what a hold the habit may hate 'upon person: —"A. city man that I know gets half an hour for his luncheon or dinner in the middle of the day ; but he mlIIages to eat a few hisenite during office hours, and ' spends his' half hour Ivallting up and down one of the quays smoking. This ruin walks to tho eily 'every 100111ing 1 from his hotne,tho 'distance beiug three miles; he also winks lheme every ev. ening ; and he suloko4 iucessaul'ly dur ing the walks each way. Ile diues at six o'clock, 141111 then smoke's without ceasing uu'il bed -time. Om Suud(ty he smokes all day, except (luring meals he will never -attend a • place of' worsh- ip, because it would curtail his smok- ing. He will never go into society with his wife, and, iudeed, will not readily talk to her at home, as it dis- turb; ilia smoking. lo all other re- spects this man is a gr'cd husband and father. Another a qua titmice of thine, who is a highly.intetieetual and deeply -read man, •411 tolerate nothing that will 3 osteone his smoke. At din- ner lie is in r1 perpetual drive to got done, so as to begin his pipe ; be wants no pudding, cheese, or dessert ; taking these would involve loss of time, and put off the smoking period a little longer. lie likewise ; •ogtures no tea or supper, :protesting he is not hungry, and does not wish to be dis- turbed in his smoke. Another 019)1 that I know is ill it Government office, and when the usual bubic holidays oc- e•ur, such as the 0:13011 s birthday, his treat is to lie in bed al14ay and smoke. The gentleman is m trriecl and always smul(es. Lis last pipe iri bed." .'rmlj1? chin till they reached his crimson neck- tie and white vest, as he gazed in t110 ait'eotioll of a receding front ft stout, elderly lrtdy. A ieparter appeoaello(1 the yonf,h .erd, inyuii '4\\rtly those liquid.selle, Johnbl•? "l'in Cryi)11r," "t (41(11041 the youth ; lhllt'e what's' the matter (4%ith'100, I'm crying as if my heart would break its, \ire perceiee 08..01110h, ob erveo. the reporter, "bet for what clt.1110 ?", 1'.1 don't kuoiv (IS I Bate to tell." Confltle in 013 freely, gentle youth. We aro a fi4tber and a member of 111e Y. M. 0. ".D',you sae that woman ahead there?" inquired the young luau, suddenly. . \1,T0 do.' "Well, you may call mea flat -headed Irl; un if that there woman hasn't got a bigger moustache than I have ; and ['111 seventeen years old next first of July, I commenced shaving when I I was fourteen and kept it up twice a day llutili last birtll(lf4v. Aud look at me uow 1 I'll bet a flat that woman Bever shaved ill her life, and she can double discount me with hair on her lip, and give rue seven laps start too." The reporter sympathized with the youth and passed on. GRAY'S SPECIFO itTEDICINI,. RETURNED TO HER LOVE. FIRST Schehario County has produced an- other •ourioue elotaement case. Last March John Casper, a married and well- to-do farmer, eloped frota Oobleskill with the wife of a farmer,named Earls also well off in worldly goods and the father of i'lterestiug children, Casper tool( something like $2,600 In money with him. Nothing was known of the whereabouts .of the runaways, and ' the hatter had ceased to be neighborhood gossip nail last week, when iuterest the affair was re -awakened by the end. den retaurn of the woman itt company with her Ihilsband. It seems that a de- tective traeke'('l the pair into Canada; the woman has growu cold of her sec- ond-hand love, and being ';ylaced in communication With her husband, gave Casper the slip, after pocketing $1,700 of his money and leaving him with $12 she went to Niagara Falls, met Earls, fell on his bosom, and handed hirn Casper's money, and the now reconciled pair returned to their classic shades. of Cobleskill leaving Casper completely itudone.—'•[Z'i'on (,V. Y,) Press. IL HEART -RENDERING 0AS a'. I13 was rattier au undersized youth, The GI aatiingisli TRADE MA 1K. MACE MARI(.Ianpedy,anunfall ;Tel t'n1a fOr Semi - tial SVoaknes', SPeimatorrhea, I epoteuey,and'1411 Diseases that fel- lo 1y at4 11 6e(ltienee of Self, Abuse, as loss of Memory, Universal Lass. - Before Talmo ;tuclo, Pain in too After Taking, l3acl:,Diuuless of vision, Promatllre old ago, and anany other Diseases that lead to insanity or Consumption 61.1 tin. Premature grave. r. 'Tull. parti0alars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send tree by mail to every one. s.. The Specific Medicine is sold by all dmiNirttsat t.t.per package or six packages tor 4,G, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the iumley by addressing TUE GRAY n1PDICIN,1 CO., Tono4'ro, 0\T., CANADA. r s Soldin uaetcrby all clrugt;ints, and even, where in Canada and the'United. Statos')y whole. .talo and retail druggists. 1\,13—The demand of our business have neces- sitated our removing to Toaionto, to which place 'lease address 1411 future comnnulioat ens. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! RE11I0VAL! REMOVAL! REMOVAL! P. FRAYNE has removed to his now shop, lately occuriie$ by Perkins ,Su Co—two doors north of J, Griggs book store , where you will find overyth in g usually kept il: a ttrst-class harness establishment, which for 7uality of material and slylo of workmanship IS NOT EASILY SURPASSED C a' 1 a11(t examine my stook before purchasing elo4Where. PETER FRAYNE. THE HURON LIVE STOCK ABU- C61TdQ 9. Third Annual Sale. TH]3THIRD Annual,_Sale, under the auspices of the limon Livemstock Association, will be held in the TOWN OF CLINTON —0N — 'WEDNESDAY, OCT013ER 15, 1879, Commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, There will be offered for sale a large number of Imported Stallions, Thoroughbred Short -horn Bulls, Cows and Heifers, Thoroughbred Sheep and Swine, also improved and Vitt Stock. This Sale offers Su1,orIor Facilities for both buyer and seller. Some ')f the bast Herds in the Province wilt be represented, mud the sale will b t attended by buyers from the United States and allparts of Canada. Catalougas can bo had on application to the Secretary. 1'lr'i tries o: Stock for Sale will b0 received until the morning of the sale, bat stook now entered will not apps it in the sale cotalbgne, The Secretary will be at Pike's Hotel, Clinton, on the afternoon and evening before the sale to X011111 c'0 11)441(118. Thorn will be ample aceonarncclation at Clinton for both mall and beau,, which will be provided atthe lowest possible rate, TERMS OF SALE : Twelve months' eta(lit will bo given on furnish- ibgsecurity satisfactory to the owner of the stook sold. A discount of 8 per Dent. will bo allowed for cash on all sales, M. t. McLti3 AN, Seaforth, Secretary. y7yA1ktIiS BIGGINS, Clinton, l'resideut, 111 G1IAI(A.0I, Goderioh, Auctioneer. with a throe story collar 'around: his neck, it hat of the latest style on this head.and a faint suspicion of a dawning moustache on his upper lip. He was weeping, and the briny drops beditlurttetl ibis eyes and trickled down his nose and ti AVE YOULO13TTRE,ENSCOlt TAST38 Olt SSi'C;LL 2If so (tau ay bo 3rom rho LD1'nos of the lC h eentury, (A(4A111b71. Tan CON8Tr1TTT101114 Ciu( k ttnY 'Will. roetore soft to 011jey,1b10 health. It not o 111y cures Ca- tarrh, but all other disoa5es at 4110 8(81110 time, Pride 111 per poufs Tot sale by nil (lruggi8ts and ifleclicine dealers Send stamp for 18 page pam- phletcontaintugtreatise on("atarrll andcertift cotes of .the curets to T. 7..13. I AUDI'V 13, Domila- ion Agent,l3rockville, Out. CONSTI'1UTIONAL CATHRPUEBI1I MEDY. Tho only eertain, 8t1fe, 44144 effectual euro fHk Crltrrlh, builds up the sys1001 and cures L10 other diseases at the salve time. Asthma, itoso Cold, Day Fever, Nervous Debility) all leave together when rLtoClirO0oeltletuPc by nSell pCqar 4Lb41olthtleC. enFioordysailbe alldxtiggists enabled lows deahers. 1 £ot 'the Wiz= 01' TIIE • and Sewing . kIP LARGEST AND BEST STOCK 01' Silverware, China, 'a11(1 i)olf over seen in. the West, at Mr, Drew has just received an excellent stool: o Silver Tea Settt ,0uttei C(o0lcrs,l)cnllrleandSiitgle PIckle.Cruets,C,43ut lied ets,Carct lteaeiyc•1h,(7out- aawaiola iiutts, ete.,ofthe Best (padre eleand 'Tilpie mato, an(1.isoffering the sem eat1ricesthat cldu ,MiiTO:iI411 YOU $'Olid CiiEA NESS ! � lie has just opened out a now and complete as- , II I sortnaent of China, Glass and Stenewares. A �iII large stock ofLampiquet. arrived. Call and satisfy � ! , yourself as to quality and cheapness. Could and �'ff' 1 try our instruments, Music Teacher still ou 1 Ij Ihand. Services at lowest figures. 1" Special attention called to the Itaymond Sewing Maclaine, Organs and Pianos unsurpassed for beauty of design, and quality of tong. E. JJRE `JQ! JUST RECEIVED AT TIIE EXETE AND LIQUOR STORE, -A LARGE STOCK 01' GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and 13LLCK TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLE.% CANED FRUIT, S A.RDINE 5, LOBSTERS, SALMON., BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, VINES AND SYRUPS, RYE,'MALT: -'SCOTCH, IRISH AND COM1tODt WEIS1 TR.S, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, ('roceries t Von fectonaryr• smoding Tobacco 26 Cents per lb CHOICE Tf]tACCOS AND t;IGA1tS always instock, SPORTSMEN'S DEPOT. Sohool13oolts, Stationery, Magalines WITH Atli THE LATEST ]news `i.it.-Sowing 14fachit, Noodles oflfvory kind. A. 13 ()YD. 'Wholesale and Retail. CST- A, MACE_ Main Street,Eneter. .73 0 E 08 • ti c3 j EXCHANGE BANK BILLS taken at Par for Goods. NEW FALL GOODS .i20 SELECT FROM AT BOTTOM PRICES AT SAMW .,LL & PICKARD'S. T ' .E NA a NAL POLICY Having triumphed atthe polls, ISAAC CARLING ,dtopared to give all his customers tae benefits tlt'Lt will accrue from its adoption, and has on hand alarge stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Crocker, Etc., At his Store, Main. Street). Exeter, which will be sold a whish svi11 be sold •1tt prices unheard of under Prod Ttado, The farmers of the surrounding country will find it to their ad. vantage to sell their produce without paying market fees, ou the Exeter market,which is second to none in the west, and then call at the store of the subscriber and Setaxilbe 3tnizzciestise Dargelirze here to be had, in, Overcoat ng, Broad-oloth ,Doe shins, Silks, Winceys, Delaines, and everything nodded in the Dry Goods line. The Grocery Department very Complete. An inspection invited No trouble to show goods ISAAC CA.RLING It