The Exeter Times, 1879-10-16, Page 66
"WEAN A WORLD TT IS, MY, 1 A.S- hardly ohoioe with regard to fond, but
T1alIS ?" that oennot be placed to hie acetum;
(ooxel van meet LAS'.( \l'7:F.1;).is is his luiefortnne, not his fault, Isis
1L 71C761TCfenee.eleeeG.Rep etiawas. 4 ?W1mFGi!dfr.,o4 Ye r ee .lL"'1tlCt1tCmpear YfYrY[•<ee„..,.:r::ti'7Y•',^.^.SK,,,
leeir, However yon don't look in MN'S 1AN,1)I+,MA'i'I:1`l',
don't know. '.Chat was the funni-
est part of it. 1 tho'oght I know all
yon( patients, but L suppose he isa
neve arrival. Ile is yottug, about twene
family name is Bolen, his title-'
'Norman,' intornpts Bohlen angrily.
'His modesty forbids my dwelling
on his Manly perfect
the least delle 1111.'
batwing does elle gu0d.' 13.11 C�1HaYitetent
.11,'fnt9l d
how very thoughtful of •you to call.' (.euege e f
tariu, utny be, �
there Mailing very remarkable ill cousnit'ilany
Oc':l on1e) 16, 1879
•�,..T.,1.1r:AFS t,.: .'.:�:tt�•.t>a.,-,.
tt, (filar•
that,' attyti Mr. 1?'t1h1111. x()11 know I ur�t tlonrLu
aro always tliiukil)g of yen.' 1110 Punt Ottloe. Ilxeter,ou1.
'Well,' says this' hypetrite blandly, , ,
i0na,' OOUtinlleH V. 'But taking no Motive of his seetilmlutal Jou 'k'` St `*�` .1.
ty•niue, very handsome, aucl doesn't George,. utterly nnebaslhecl, be. remark, 'it is a pity you. lildn't put -"-
look the least bit niacfi." fore leaviug the subJect, Talmo, l off yon( visit, for auother hour. 11Ium., to}ct to wo llcJ 2 11 i )11 rii'i )1 1vle ane
1 1
'I wonder litho it is you mean, nays should tell you my sister is also Qf 111(1 hes gone tO see I,l27,111, and.i How you st)up '.,t. r). +x/cn;)it+d b ° \l1 . Loud re ba
will be futnoi nv'•r io tiV to t1.ttu..d to ell btlsiit&st,
George, thoughtfully. blood royal --she is, ire faot, the well- will Mise her. to the BOOT-,1ta131.HOELino.
Ile called himself the Ting of .the known Queen of-'"11t1S slit really' ?' says 11)1)1111 ; but
'e C. RAU,
Cannibal 1silllds,' explained Hiss Car- 'George 1' exclaims Miss Nome the news dol en"t stent to effect hien
very severly. Ou the contritrp, it is C3rhtlitov,
ry, severly. ' with a decidedly more cheerful air that
'A111 That tioubles me even more. 'Voll, I shall say no more,:' says he puts his hitt away and draws hie
I didn't think 1 had n king iu my es- Norman ; !lathen he and Wildia r ohair a little tearer to Mies Norman's,
mace way to 11111th unseemly ulerri- Theo ensues an auimated converse -
gave way is ' 1 and, as T lueut, and taking )sell other by rile tion, in the caluiae of which Behan 1111- °
'Ile is tall, gentlemanly, arm, march oft to a distant table.
said befare,, exceedingly handsome. 1 '1 hope you will forgive my lv1'etehea
quite liked talking to 11i111. Ooce, 111- mistake, Miss Norman,' says Bohun,
deed, be grew a little eaprdsse, and thee: whop he and Carry 'are atom). 'I'tu
I was frightened, but on the whole he tore I can't think how the absurd idea
behaved woudetfully well. I assure
you 1 rather liked him. Chau otherwise,
and I was so sorry for him, poor fellow.
'I can't think who on ettrtll it ie,' downcast eyes.
I1lx C)t'C?i` % QZ',tit.
FLOUR and OST �p.ll'G1�
1'11111)1 Itr ouo,1 \t orkint, Octet• ph VS every arrow -
O. tilde pos,-al In 111 l:,•l:b(t<(: and fl uring. Plot r
:nod utile food nal t ote l t, trite t e1lug iLt 11•
urder Before nrr,rlu+k at .1, ,ill.t;
0'11X2.:1 L it; t,(!•+, or a+,11,1,1 e,tlna zloty.'
r 1 1 r S • [:tea
wtM qqlpp�;1, 11 �y k ,y,,7 � • n
4tii�A41fl " ,'"t5 l'c•'i, :fir rtt� Cf,
1l+ 11.1' TER R 10 $P.
1 e,,1s1IL1tio AND 13 Uli iD eats,
I3+ty tam lleanit\ille WHITE LENIN and
i float( ldrcuul Plastltf• Purls. x11!1. yen w111 1'c
11(_('nr(d with you.. work. 1'rt sh Lime al,, ayst
NV A r(u1.i c r oCKS, u,t brunt.
tt\ oar 91nul1iuoF.
(+l",!:111F t •tn tett 11F,•.t Y,l 1 ,
lutbrelln tee-tit,l t• t( Itt
("Ie'1` �''
for tato \Watt:,, l sail S'r, tt - i Atf,li,
,7 n' Ing DIta./I1i'•a tetetxl- L,GUKS, an(1'
•t:.rdv If
t%tL1t tet ltt.4tt,+, 1:1I \UI i ',
• stale alina, i I.kolas of
parte a coesi(lereble alnonut of infer., needles and sbutoe-4. t 'n•Sewing i• dolt'
illation. Ilia sou. in had died gnite ��,ii 110\111111, nli,•hm tt+?o,', , Si!lvt talo 7LJ A1• I
sudden in Florence. 1Ie'i8 the next
heir. Ifo lute mime its for the title,
and all tlho money, and that. ilius
got into my heart, but I was positive 1 Norivan is °!}tinned -deli htetl -]the
you were a -a -all' tes 111111 wit-
VLC l all her hear).
'So was I ---of you-' sue 11Ji'1s I- 'It 11.111St 1)0 HO aloe to bo l3srunut,
Norman, rather incoherently, with 1 yl,u lcuosv, an(l-'
Thor] the voices grew lower anti lee •
er, until at bait they outee altogether,
When the couversl tIo11 was hegn.) th(ty
were seated ; new, is they get to this
point they iiu;l that they tete both
standing. Mies Nerme11 is very elo:ti
to a •jniliner end ];(thou is eery close
tu.11isa Norman,
'And I think you love ane It little,too,
Carty -don't ,yon ?' asks the yonng
111)111 anxiously taking ]ler 111111d \\ltll
forgive,' with a Iow,half-nervous laugh, l very becoming diffidence. illiss ;Nor.
and just 011e swift- glance from 1321101
the long darer lashes; I think we have
both sinned equally. When I remena
ber all tbo absurd things I said to ya02,'
putting her hand to her rift, flushed
cheek, '1 feel so angry with myself,
But I don't meatal them. You nitist
understand that.'
'Of course I understand that,' says
says Cxeor�e bewildered bythis flatter- 'I m awfully ashamed of myself,"con-
3 , buttes be, earnestly. 'I really think 1
ing description. )tatter have beau mad wben-wheu I
' by, there -there he is 1' cries Car- thought yc,tt so,'
ry excitedly. gust going out of the 'So must I,' murmurs Mise Not'nean,
room with Mr. 'Wilding. Don't you `vial hal lovely �esi)easttmore do and ado
tee bine ? Look 1' 'I hope' I am forgivuu,' says Bohuu,
'Eh !' stays George, and then ensues anixiouslya
o'ninous pause. George's lips relax --
they widen -quiver -and presently
Miss Norman becomes aware that her
�11t11 !
brothels aaufuaecl with,
!What is it ?' she asks a little &eatere-
1y. No ane likes being laughed at.
'What is amneing you ?'
'You,' says Geore, stall continuing
Lis heartless mirth, 'and your new pa-
lieut.' the young man. royal promise could tot be broken, So
' Well, 1_71'1 he marl ? Impati)intl '. `I wish you would promise 2110 t0' yours ought to be sacred. You will ae-
S forget all about tlhit; dreadful eVeuiU(r. cepa apo Carry ? .ion will marry me ?'
'We are all mad, my dear, no doubt tl shall do my best, but there aro 'I don't want you as a subject,' eaye
en different subjects, but as yet, that somg thiurrs one cannot forget. Yon Carry. 'I Linda a mistake.'
'I hardly think there is anything to
1uat1';Y )alter haute is trifling with the
leaves near her ; she inakee no im-
mediate reply' Her eyes are lowered.
'O:i the night when first we met,'
says Bohm), you told me that you
would aeceut me aaeyour subject, I
have not forg /tteu that. Yon were a
Qtleeu then -yea aro always a Queen
to me --and you told ane x130 that a
a a 1C\l TN au, ( 111 T, SEA.
w z)lT(1K1N,1 84004ere ;Sihttooe
1 :t :7 1, it 113 j,,i,• I,. t tilt 1: L it
int in s:3t 1.1.1 t .?:,,,rial.'''''' !:1na .
lt\ t,:tt lt(,, ..r/""' a. 1'Yt•
pa I ,.! 11,11;11 ,"-„tt.:� x 1 i11,1,11`11',0%
1,i11!1,!!!,1,4 n'nflt '-- 111 t o a-
Ingiv!.1 lolly attended to, Pwatpto' , in'ipua'ss
slid ;too dw orkguaCitnt,`Jtl, 2call .tot Let .,e
7r1clwtv tlr frt..dl41641 euuits .
Airk.0 Strawberry
A Speei it Lomctly for all Kunio:or
Complains suet' its Piltrihu'a. Dr-
1,1111try, t!•lutat111 Gho!ty ft, (,hntiott
lb 11114 Cholera I.tirltton', 1)•,til'.
S.o;,tauti, Griping; P,Iiu:, turd fill
tloritn,g l lei's of the tt n tit emot-
e.; by using imprwter feed , ieli 1111
raw v 1;.1(1!1,'3, nuriee or • sults
fruit, bad iui;l 11.1 (11' wider or
chang uC Wtttl t change, of tate
1;;'3:,17:... , t xporure. Ido htr=t)..'1 from
what Cause or 111 wind form you are
snbytot to any of the above com-
plaints, Lit, Eoiv l:u's I _:r:1.AcT ur
WILD Sr11AWnrttt.r \rill rt:iieve you,
and a speedy cure will be l:ffeet•�tl
without injury 10 the :y,tlul 31 is
mluuif t. prod from t1, Wild
Strawberry rt y Plant, 01tH fee from
opium null ot1141' injurious atria:.
For gain by all tl,:rlora. tit IS. 11) 1.
} or :i Bottles for 61,00
young man von have poiuted out to The told me, for instance, that when we 1 'Ott ! Carry !' says the Tong nerte, ri 1 ra11Ti1)llr
were bath free of our asylum, I alight with keen )eern:lclt in 111:1 tone ; so
le loose upon the world.' ll I t for t that l that 111 N i t. 1 • MILB UI N, Di NTLEY 8T PEARSO�l
you .now. a Jere were a 'ew other Liaises ler ace to his, and lets hen] sale
'George, what do you' mean . tLal, call t1p011 yUU Call 110 la 11.011 1L 13s Norman 11110 slit art \
1 Aud i 1) 1 f 1 1 1 1
Miss Nornlau iu a. terrified tone. things I don't want to forget either,' the tears that ere (titnining her pretty
"Who is that young man : Jit 1 but I (tulip svlslt you (could,' eyes. At tliia he i t so f,tr euconrn��t�tl THE EXETER
sn.ys Mies Serum,. 'that is -some of tint he encircles her with his arm, 1
them -the 'other thing=s' 1 1nAnn'- whereupon elle lays tier head very cou-
confnsedly-'indeed, perhaps it would tentedly upon hie eheulder.
'pa better if yon forgot everything.' 'N (omit yon Have a Queen \vPcl bol
'0 !dont day that', says the young subject ?` she aeke ai111 a little flicker-
-nem. ing smile, although the violet eyes are
'A,1d all I said about the Hearts'-- .(tuner clrowueil by this time.
with another glance from the beanlit`ul 'I would,' said 13ohup with cleci
Violet eyes -'you must have tllollnht• sion.
'It would never do,' save Carry.
'Nn,' in a little soft wiener, 'if you in-
sist on marrying 111e, 1011 obeli not be
Inv subject -yon shall, be my king 1'
'I shall be both,' says the young .1[111
very earnestly.
Tee aa.0.4" u lit.
'He is a rising barrister, of good
family and small means, and his name o .1 17
ie. Robert. Bohan,' replies George, in a
voice full of open run scttnont.. •h e ra p••p U a h €;' 4
'O:1, George, do say you are not in v d"- l" t ""
MISS I ., 1-ya
ll T
lett of Fs' roforth ,ho sopen tln.Ytin' r lnrererrnt-
lvoct ul iod i'y ilr..7.1'. Stole , r. , u,o:l ilt,ut• to Lr,
liutdtiuson's r.•bi'ione1, i0,n, n 14t, 1;t..taer, \lith, a
near, large and V: C11 a,,ul•t.'d stool: e'1
Millinery in ell It D;'acciies,
:deo fancy Cootls, La'lirs' \V.Rr 311•(1 Childroec
1•1u(11os. price wry Lav -Ira• t','sh nit:v. 1,1i1.t
Rit1. (.1o\ -e3 and \l ,its Ustlieb plume:. cleaned.. .L
FV 10 lel
very ellealt for cash. While 7 _.t 1. tli;.< t.Ttlr-
poliMat. tool patty at 1711 roan 1 �t•ot, ,u,..e
1'10'12t 4itw4 f'l'ute airs ;1, •r tto1,,tt l tiers
that volt aetoni 11 you.. Carriage hti,kexe, Ball
and see
0)171' 11 t t. e)0af.'.
]rade fl mks dry, tough tn1ier. Clu t.p for
011.3 ENE tC "co, .
Tho Former: anal 1'alll nit.: I::uslwnre.Store,
Exeter, ?+ire,:; to lin ol, l'ilorf(Tux:.
11 F N -vp C 1411 p
0? +'+�
FOi' C A 't H 1
011 et' 0111' pi Ytl(U t
Stock Grocery Stock
exedra 1rtle' iia,
.��++ { fes„ ,"•i �' �A ' S 't2.7„111,,E.
1' .�,,**�7t
ELIO 1 IAi,✓1 21511 0 (..a l til k� i,1L•:tita
R. C�. E. SP IC :R, j �x.at3
L 1?.
Tale lat' t n..w.; (:u reeved at the
New Tor'k I: i 1. 1 11 Store
',rr.s. C. 13. 'WILLIAMS will sell
the Next t'titt- tittyei,iww 1Ynldit,det• 1'i
her B111.1111:1.1' Steen, of
.LL� L.1IIN1I:. fit, at C OST
Also the remit:uutr of I . 1 x l r. tr t t,(,1• i..
ntClrst1i)itFtit 0111,'1 .10 t',?(1.. (,!ntd,•blQC.,.
\u\v i4 the titer. ter I.'ttr t e', lints that '.7i1 2",
-5 till dorm to 1 11, t. i int 1 bi 11,, ,
worth ? ,nr3.11 1'11 tLt ee t 1 h nl Cu 2+.t
311 it t S T'on t 411 1, ' 11 acr•-t. a ell s
ilea, anaa'.,1,}0..,1..+
r1 1+. a�n �h �>
< u•' k y
•-w1 tial raU '•:>a� ±a
}tl,.t t;s- r
T U R .�'� I �'"'•�
_ e-
e.Lrnsst,' entreats ilia deter, a101ost iu
tears. '1 have• said the meet ClroaBfni
tbiugs to him --1 made myself quite li- me so foolish, so oonooited, but I clidu't
diculous--I told him I was the. Queen
of Hearts !'
At this George laughs still more im-
'What shall I do ?' says Hiss Nor-
man. 'Dear George,' coaxingly, 'I
think I should like to go to my room.' e..
'Nonsense, child, come and have a It
is,a glorious day toward the close
glass of champagne instead. After 1111 of the 'London season. Untside,heueeth
P , the. hot rays of the brilliant eat the
mean a word of it. The only heart
have in possession 12 my own.'
'Are you quite sure it is in your
possession ?' asks he, even more earn-
estly than leo himself is aware.
'Quite sure,' replies Miss Norman,
examining her fun with interest.
what clots it si lnify ?' I'll find Bohuu
tend iutroduee bice to you, and both,
of you, eau laugh ov,t it in five min-.
u tes.'
'Iutroduce Lim 1' ind'gnantly. 'I
wonder how you can eveu s11ggest
such a thing. Of course I shall never
be able to look hirn in the face again.
My ouly hope is that he and I have
seen eaeh other for the last time 10-
'Well,,eome a,ncl, have yonr chitin- She has some fanciful bit of cxewel
pw;oe, anyhow,' says George ; 2111( work between. her fingers, bar it can
Miss NTorinat, still so di.,tracted, as 10 hardly be. said .o grow beneath her
hands. S'ile is alone, (Lady Norman,
be almost unaware of what she was her mother, hiving gone to sir for au
doing, suffers her brother to lead her to !lour with her eldest daughter wad' the
the supper room, where, to her ever -
heat is almost unsupportable : but
within, whore Miss Norman is pitting
in her pretty drawitl -room with all
the blinds palled down,, and a soft
little breeze sighing ill and out throngb
the half -opened: windows, it is almost
Miss Norman is dressed in a charm.
in morning gown -all pure white -
that clings closely to ber perfect figure,
and suits her a rnter-reide, with a good
.deal of late, and jn3t a suspicion of
black velvet at the throat end \vriat.
now baby), but from the expectant
lasting chagrin, she finds herself face tnauner, in which her eyes seek: the
door every now and; then, and tile' lit-
tle impatient sigh that sometimes
escapes her, it is.erident that sale (.saes
not anticipate being long so..
It is rather more than two months
be holds. They sacro at each. other since that memorrbie evening when
sae and Bolrun first suet. Two months,
sit0ut!y, and beta turn waren crimson. in which endless balls, dinner and gar
To 1'1iss, Norinau thio accession of. den parties. operas, and shall and
earlies, have. done their appoin1ecl work.
Perhaps, indeed, the small and eairlies
have done the most to answer for. At.
all:eventa, Bohun in this short tithe
has lost his heart irretrievably to her,
As for Georgo and; \Vil(ling,,,they are willed' lastly makes her.the rieher,.ehe
begiuing to enjoy themselves thorough- having gi?en away her own-
toeface with the King of the Cauuibal
];,:hands !
Carry comes to a standstill, and lar.
Bohun puts down nutasted the glass
coloring is eminently becoming e to
Mr. Bollltn it is not. He is quite
aware of; both these fiaets,ant1 fuels.. him,
self at a dierolve.nttlg( .
ly, Their eyes are gleaming with an -
holy joy, It is with. difficulty they
seppress their secret gutty. Tho for-
Ino(, corning to the. reseu Y at tide mo-
ment, says with gentle gravity 1
'Garry, permit ine to iutroduce you
to one who for years has been to me,a.
true and va&t1Pd frim t,` althoagh he
cu, boast a royal pedigree, while 1 am
only,a humble eflrmm�1ler. True his,
There is n. knock at the door -a shorl
silence -then a quick step npon the
stairs, hiss. Nerman,, taking up the
neglected work; evidently throws her
seal into its 01Ihnpletiou, aiid sti1chee
away diligently,. Tnen the door opens
and B')hn.0 is announced.
'Yr -nal' l' Hays Garry, tieing with a.
smile and a. glance of well.feigne(i ear -
constantly arriving at W. D. M:lGloghlon's
Mammoth ;1ewollery Store. 1'X3, Dundas street,
Lomion, Ont rte. Whenever you visit the ern -
051 City aou't fail to visit this due est ildishanent,
the 01113' iirst•e1n s st.,m of the kind in the City,
and best arranged. Jewellery stare in the Vend
mon. ale W. it Moi.11,>;hlon Watch stands un-
rivalled. A11 who use them recommend thorn to
their ir.encls. All kinds of W1 teliee in stock
Ciooke of every description, It lett Jewellery of ev-
ery style, Diamonds and Precious Stones ,I',alcy
Goods, Spoctacics, and all '2 eridiuti iliugs,
Watches, Ulocke, and Jowall•wy repaired. and
wtwrantal W 0. DIct,7.d1C))ILON.
ear ie. �;F.1 orko.
Dealer in
1tO lUaI1 NTS,
Cemetery. Work of all Binds neatly
5 Do'e's North of Drew's Hall, Main street
rlraleGa"l.731 bL .ic 11.
'a'ti1v' nal
Done to orcle* , r,,,N21.IHeirnres.ang,Sttmping, :•elvetPaintiug,
S;e, ,ac A ilrst-class droosiunkcsan lie tel.
item ember the place MLS LL':iCI3.
.Apprentices wanted.
' le'r, I-10. ,7=" ^C1 a. .oz� :I...eter•. Ancil 13 117:1.
mho undersigned won/ di11f03'!) the inhabi-
tants of Exeter and yieiulty that he bats 11 1 S S
',ua Met sent] ofhis 131acksmithsllnpnudhopes Afullline vow in, of
tiled mule liberal patronage t,it}t has been ay
corded to hila in the '
13LA 0Ti911.1'1'it AND WAGON• t ut.iaN 0
llnewiliheo-oto)t1 c: 3(1.11211(1 in his 0025' bitInel' 1212
nosiness, Ilis pleat wagon will call at the resi-
dents of the village three timesenal weekauil
G A. 11 ?_CK'Ss
F.tL}, and WINTER Hatse and Ieonnets,,
all the lar Jet Sty 1 "•F. '
iVc,w Flowers' Feath.Jrs,and Ornaments
Trimmings in gr(Its variety.
FRESH '.I 31) T GIRL'S►IIATee NICELY TI1I1l tilE t),
;111 kinds kept coustautl2 au uaud at his
butcher shop. front 81.00 up. Everything will be sold as cheap
as possible.
Goods, Ilollin 'Wool, Mottoes, etc., a tun
tock always kept, •
Jackets mace or out
op, 79 • gala St., H Peter.
I3lacksmithing and wagnl;,ntakitlgoarrircl ou 1.0,ucy
as in. all its brtll.11.t.t
our drawnki111 a boils anew in full .rmeration:anis Cn
tarn;ug out daily itlarge Qu,tlttlt$ oftwo
. thatforail purposes SIW'ALL PROF.ITS:AND QUICK RETURNS.. 1
cannot Ile surpassed in the Domin.
t'art1estrnrtl 12 1 [stance can 1lWnysbe;,- 'plied
either at t1, .kilns or deliverrl by teams. at low
est rculunei' tiverotes.' Order sfrom 11 rliisl:anca
promptly attendees to.
11 ERY.
just Published, in, ti settled 1C,1veMpe
Prise Fix conte.
�� Alecture 'on the I3mture,Treatment and Huai -
o cal cure of90mined Woman° it,or,Hpor..atnr'•htatt, •
, t
Induced b.Y Self -Abuse. InvoluntarY 1mlR sit is,
const', i tly on hand aiid ma de to order,.
having now (("0 titer , facilities than ever, aro pre-
pared to supply farmers with Iron Beam lrinws,
iMe Mould d earl outdo v ourselves . 1bi11
Ilriso,, althr1ng11 in reality 81' hag been. moive, Kuav for make'. Scotch`Diaulo dHarr°ws Bout,tt;tcler still in a ?Ando envolepo to any ad„
dross, an rano , o s y cents, o c os 1�
I Impotency, Nervous Dobil'ty, ant ttn,tocttpteuts
to manniaee generally; Consumption hlttc.psv,
;ma Lits; tien,u1•aud Physical 1..1tt1ao3E0
BY 11,0B L 1L'P ,T, COL41:1L wWELL, H. D., author. of
the "Croon hook,",tic.
'.Cho woelti renowned 'author in this admirable
.Lecture, clearly' proves from lits Own experience
that,th0 awildcanset ueneos of 51311' -Abuse may be
effectually removed lvithnit,t.medla)x1e, aura Wi'it
out 11010ara119911:'ljtett,l apexatiorts,bnugles,infitrn-
,neats,rings,ercordivls; pgiptnr out a Ixode ot•
'cure oh once certain and oilectu al, by which every
eelrel;1r, no matter what hip condition clay ho
may awe hhnsolf.choaplr,11lvuto1Yttndradiaa11:t1.
'(1• i(hoiasand )
t .:fine Lceture will a boon to thouseni ,.
TXCls'LT1EXT FO.l.Plek.LI � O.
To]3,�CO0, C1GAD$;,SNCJFF,,
wrotbig for this raiment for fully half loultivatio s, Gang flows, 1 , tat f >?'• t , r td p togP A full assortment, of first-class Natal/
an hurl). Carriages end buggies on hand, and made to or- stale(j)s.
der. 10188 shooing attended to on the sharlast i$drt2tl (*1 aeries fn stock, cheap as the cheapest.
(Ye '4, I= was anions to know bow you notico. Horses shod to prevent interforieg, Ting o17nwntx, manrrAL oq.,
goeplo 1ltwi1.fl)m,Q1Itl!ral kr2ICil,,arit1 are ,1 vivoititpokst nj litt'sf)rtigl,t..e. I needu'kt 'i1 Ann et NewXorls
DLoMILI,A,N &; Mpliritlo,Ii;!ng St,, lions I ,O.B a,Ajste, C,epa.•IeFietl, Alain streetaaoter,.